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projects / 19 Survey.md

aa7401 feature 3 now includes the old feature 4 … History

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Survey Tool A tool that can be used to carry out surveys. All questions use the same scale that is used by the University Module Surveys. All surveys and results should be stored in a database. For the purposes of this project there should be at least 5 sensible questions.

1. Strongly Disagree (1 point) 2. Disagree (2 points) 3. Neither agree nor disagree (3 points) 4. Agree (4 points) 5. Strongly agree (5 points)


You are required to create the following accounts to allow the system to be tested. All accounts should have the password p455w0rd :

116 lines (68 sloc) 5.39 KB

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1. student1 2. student2 3. student3 4. student4 5. admin (this is only needed if you attempted the stage 3 functionality).

Students 1-3 should have completed the survey(s) but user 4 should have not attempted any of them.

Feature 1

The home screen should be visible without needing to log in. If logged in the user should see a New survey link or button that takes them to the New Survey screen. Here they can create a new survey by completing the form and supplying the following data:

1. The survey name. 2. A multiline description of the survey.

Although not part of the form, the following data should be inserted into the database:

1. The username of the currently logged-in user. 2. The date and time the survey was created.

To demonstrate this feature and to prove that the form works correctly you will need to show that the data is being persisted correctly, either by running a database query or an API call depending on the platform and technology you are using.

Feature 2

Logged in users should see a My surveys link or button. This takes them to the My Surveys screen which lists all the surveys they have created. This should display for each survey:

1. The name of the survey. 2. The date it was created (but not the time). 3. The number of questions in the survey (see below).

Next to each there should be an Edit link or button. This takes them to a screen where they can add and remove survey questions.

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On this screen there should be an Add question link or button that allows for a new question to be added. This will prompt for the following data:

1. The question title. 2. A multiline description of the question that accepts markdown formatting.

Although not part of the form, the following data should be inserted into the database:

1. The id of the survey the question should be added to. 2. The date and time the question was created.

As each question is added, its title should be displayed on the screen together with a Remove link or button. Clicking on this should remove the question from the screen.

Feature 3

The home page should display a list of all the active surveys. If the user is logged in they should see a Take survey link or button but this should not be displayed of the user is not logged in or they have already taken the survey.

Clicking this should take the user to the Survey page. This is a single page that displays each question in the survey one after the other.

At the top of the page the user should see the name of the survey and the description. If the description contains any markdown formatting this should be rendered as HTML.

For each question it displays:

1. The question name. 2. The question description with any markdown replaced with html. 3. Radio buttons for the 5 standard responses (see top of this page).

At the bottom of the page there is a Submit survey button or link. This processes and saves the survey data and returns the user to the Homepage.

If the user has completed a surveym the Take survey button should not be shown. Instead this should show the average score the user awarded during the survey (see top of this page for values).

Feature 4

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When a user is logged in and viewing the My surveys page they should see a Responses link or button next to each survey. Clicking on this takes them to responses screen.

At the top of the screen they should see the title and description as well as the number of people who have takn the survey.

Under this, each question should be listed showing title, description and average score (see top of this page) as well as how many people chose each of the responses.


In some assignment briefs you are given marks for the appropriate use of media and using sensors built into the user's device.


In some assignment briefs you are given marks for the appropriate use of sensors and sensor data. You should be implementing:

1. When a person completes a survey it should capture their geo-location and store it with the responses.

2. The person organising the survey should be able to see a map showing the locations of those who completed it:

i. Clicking on a pin should show a callout with the person's name and photo. ii. Clicking the callout should take the quiz organiser to a page displaying that

person's responses.


In the requirements listed above you need to provide the user with the ability to upload photos. For the extra media marks you will need to expand this by:

1. Providing the user with the choice of uploading photos, video clips or audio clips. 2. Giving users the option to directly capture images, audio and video clips using the

built-in camera and/or microphone if available.


There are lots of online RESTful APIs you can make use of when developing this system. You should consider:

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1. LocationIQ

3/15/22, 8:38 PM feature 3 now includes the old feature 4 · agile/projects@f264d8c · GitHub

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agile / projects

Code Issues 1 Pull requests Projects 1 Security Insights

feature 3 now includes the old feature 4 New feature 4 task is to display stats.


aa7401 committed on Dec 18, 20211 parent 4545e22 commit f264d8c92b6d97e1c58d7eb531cdd1eb537b1c99

Showing 1 changed file with 17 additions and 5 deletions.

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19 Survey.md

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The home screen should be visible without needing to log in. If logged in the user should

see a **New survey** link or button that takes them to the _New Survey_ screen. Here they

can create a new survey by completing the form and supplying the following data:

1. The survey name.

- 2. A multiline description of the survey that accepts _markdown_ formatting.

+ 2. A multiline description of the survey.

Although not part of the form, the following data should be inserted into the database:

2. The date it was created (but not the time).

3. The number of questions in the survey (see below).

- Next to each there should be an **Add question** link or button. This takes them to a

screen where they can add a new question. Each question includes the following data:

+ Next to each there should be an **Edit** link or button. This takes them to a screen

where they can add and remove survey questions.


+ On this screen there should be an **Add question** link or button that allows for a new

question to be added. This will prompt for the following data:

1. The question title.

2. A multiline description of the question that accepts _markdown_ formatting.

1. The id of the survey the question should be added to.

2. The date and time the question was created.

+ As each question is added, its title should be displayed on the screen together with a

3/15/22, 8:38 PM feature 3 now includes the old feature 4 · agile/projects@f264d8c · GitHub

https://github.coventry.ac.uk/agile/projects/commit/f264d8c92b6d97e1c58d7eb531cdd1eb537b1c99 2/2

0 comments on commit f264d8c Please sign in to comment.


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**Remove** link or button. Clicking on this should remove the question from the screen.


## Feature 3

- The _Homepage_ should show the names of all the surveys created in the app. Against each

survey name should be the number of questions in the survey.

+ The home page should display a list of all the active surveys. If the user is logged in

they should see a **Take survey** link or button but this should not be displayed of the

user is not logged in or they have already taken the survey.

- ## Feature 4

+ Clicking this should take the user to the _Survey_ page. This is a single page that

displays each question in the survey one after the other.

- Next to each survey on the _Homepage_ should be a **Take survey** link or button.

Clicking this should take the user to the _Survey_ page. This is a single page that

displays each question in the survey one after the other.

+ At the top of the page the user should see the name of the survey and the description. If

the description contains any markdown formatting this should be rendered as HTML.

For each question it displays:

If the user has completed a surveym the **Take survey** button should not be shown.

Instead this should show the _average_ score the user awarded during the survey (see top

of this page for values).

+ ## Feature 4


+ When a user is logged in and viewing the **My surveys** page they should see a

**Responses** link or button next to each survey. Clicking on this takes them to responses



+ At the top of the screen they should see the title and description as well as the number

of people who have takn the survey.


+ Under this, each question should be listed showing title, description and average score

(see top of this page) as well as how many people chose each of the responses.



## Extras

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1.Critically evaluate different technology design and implementation options for developing mobile apps with rationale and recommendations. 2.Apply the appropriate platform and technologies to produce a mobile app that delivers innovative user experience within specified time constraints and quality requirements, including risk management. 3.Design and implement a mobile app following the process of building native or hybrid apps. 4.Demonstrate an ability to maintain ease of data access and usability across platforms. 5.Evaluate mobile app development resources and apply appropriate tools, apps editors or the Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for developing cross platform apps. Task Overview: You will be assigned a topic for this module and given access to detailed customer requirements. The topic you have been assigned can be found in the Topic List document whilst details of each are in the Assignment Descriptors document (see the Useful Resources section below). There are four required outputs. 1.The first task is to produce a presentation for the management team outlining the different development choices and making a justified recommendation. 2.The next task is to design, build and deploy a secure cloud-based data management API complete with online documentation. The API must be built inside the supplied Codio box, using the Dart language and be deployed to the cloud. The changes must be pushed to GitHub every day you work on the project. 3.The company will be taking on a small team of developers to build and maintain the app. Assuming the chosen platform is Flutter, you will produce a detailed onboarding guide that will be given to all team members. This will describe the different tools that can be used to develop the app, giving pros and cons as well as instructions on how to set up their workstation, navigate and use the preferred IDE as well as how to generate a website and a native app. Everything in this guide including screenshots must be related to your specific topic. 4.The final step is to design and implement a Flutter app to satisfy the customer requirements. You may develop your code on your local computer however this must be committed and pushed to GitHub every day you spend on developing it. Submission: You are required to submit several documents. Each should be of the specified length and in a specific format. Mobile Technology (ILO 1): A presentation consisting of up to six (6 slides). This should be uploaded in PDF format and called TECHNOLOGY.PDF. UI and Functionality (ILO2 and ILO3): A 5 minute screencast in 720P resolution or higher, encoded as MP4. The file should be called APP.MP4. The screencast should demonstrate the functionality as listed in the topic descriptor. API Design (ILO 4): A 5 minute screencast in 720p resolution or higher encoded as MP4. The file should be called API.MP4. The screencast should show the Postman API testing tool being used to demonstrate the routes and methods implemented in your API and should clearly show all request and response headers and body data. Dev Tools (ILO 5): An illustrated A4 guide consisting of up to five (5) pages uploaded as a PDF document called TOOLS.PDF Mobile Technology ILO 1:Critically evaluate different technology design and implementation options for developing mobile apps with rationale and recommendations. UI ILO 2:Apply the appropriate platform and technologies to produce a mobile app that delivers innovative user experience within specified time constraints and quality requirements, including risk management. Functionality ILO 3:Design and implement a mobile app following the process of building native or hybrid apps. API Design ILO 4:Demonstrate an ability to maintain ease of data access and usability across platforms. Dev Tools ILO 5:Evaluate mobile app development resources and apply appropriate tools, apps editors or the Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for developing cross platform apps.

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