3/14/2020 Intercultural Activity Assignment Scoring Guide

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Intercultural Activity Assignment Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Week 9 Percentage of Course Grade: 25%.


Communicate effectively in a presentation format. 20%

Does not communicate in a presentation format.

Communicates in a presentation format but lacks effective delivery or visual supports.

Communicates effectively in a presentation format.

Communicates effectively in a presentation format; delivery and visuals are professional quality.

Describe your engagement with an intercultural activity (or activities) with a culture other than your own. 16%

Does not mention your engagement with an intercultural activity or activities with a culture other than your own.

Mentions but does not describe your engagement with an intercultural activity or activities with a culture other than your own.

Describes your engagement with an intercultural activity or activities with a culture other than your own.

Analyzes your engagement with an intercultural activity or activities with a culture other than your own.

Connect the cross- cultural experiences to course material and other resources. 16%

Does not connect cross-cultural experiences to course material and other resources.

Inadequately connects cross-cultural experiences to course material and other resources.

Connects the cross-cultural experiences to course material and other resources.

Connects the cross- cultural experiences to course material and other resources; provides specific references to cited materials.

Provide personal reflection about the experience. 16%

Does not discuss the experience.

Discusses the experience, but does not provide personal reflection.

Provides personal reflection about the experience.

Provides reflection about the experience that reflects self-awareness and personal growth.

Discuss the potential impact cultural differences have on communication efforts. 16%

Does not discuss the potential impact cultural differences have on communication efforts.

Provides a perfunctory discussion of the potential impact cultural differences have on communication efforts.

Discusses the potential impact cultural differences have on communication efforts.

Provides a methodical discussion of the potential impact cultural differences have on communication efforts.

Analyze how nonverbal communication affects intercultural communication. 16%

Does not analyze how nonverbal communication affects intercultural communication.

Describes or discusses, but does not analyze, how nonverbal communication affects intercultural communication.

Analyzes how nonverbal communication affects intercultural communication.

Analyzes how nonverbal communication affects intercultural communication; identifies criteria used in analysis.

Assignment 1 - Student Introduction Memo


Please turn your assignment in under “Assignments” in D2L as Assignment 1. You will need to upload the file.


NOTE: This assignment is to be no more than one, typed, single-spaced page.

Please include the answers to the following questions/statements in a MEMO to Ava.

All documents/homework in this class are to be single spaced (choose “No Spacing” as the option under “Styles” in Microsoft Word). Please make sure the information can be accessed easily AND the answers are in complete sentences. Do not just list out the answers. There are parts of this assignment that can be set up as a list, but be careful on the layout. Remember, all lists must be introduced. If you use a list, please make sure you have a minimum of 3 paragraphs (a list and the introduction to the list counts as one paragraph). You can provide the information asked for in the assignment in any order. Organize this memo for the reader’s ease in reading the document.


Use the memo format found on page 535 in the text book (Appendix B).


Please look at each part of the memo and include it or don’t include it as necessary. Also, you may use margins of 1” all the way around the page if you need more room to fit your information on one page. Include a picture of yourself on the memo. It can be placed anywhere on the memo – but it must be a picture that easily identifies you. Below is the information you need to include in the memo.


Use the FAQ handout to help you with this assignment.

• Your name

• Your business degree If you aren’t sure, that is fine – just say so.

I am a junior majoring in finance

• What are your goals after graduation?

• Have you ever taken an online class before? If yes, what was your favorite part AND your least favorite part of the online class? If no, what is your biggest concern about completing this online class and why? YES

• What is your current employment (or last job if not currently working). Include volunteer work if you have not held a paid position.

STUDENT – full time

• Briefly explain your work experience that is relevant to this course. Think about this statement and the definition of Business Communication! All jobs have some type of business communication, regardless of the job level or type (including volunteer work). Please don’t restate your resume – tie it in to business communication.

• What do you plan to learn from this class? Please don't restate the syllabus!

• Which of the six course objectives (found on the syllabus) do you think will be the most challenging to you?


• Tell me something interesting about yourself (e.g. hobbies, activities, something you feel strongly about). Is there anything else you want me to know about you? If so, please include it in this memo. Remember, these answers are to be in complete sentences and the assignment is to be formatted as a memo. All memos have at least three paragraphs (intro, body, and close). You will be graded on how you write and present the information to the reader (flow, grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.).

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