
Backhouse, R. ( 2011). Algorithmic Problem Solving Professional School Counseling, 3(4). Pp. 231 – 236.

Roland Backhouse is a renowned author when it comes to the field of Computer Science. This is because, he has forty years of experience in teaching algorithms and problem solving. He explains algorithms mathematically by using puzzles and other funny illustrations. This book motivates its readers to think creatively of how to solve programming problems through algorithms. The following factors made me to choose this book as a source among many other books:

Firstly, the book explains the mathematical nature of algorithms using a novel approach. This motivates the readers to read the text in that book.

Secondly, the author uses his forty years of experience to show readers how to solve complex problems using algorithms.

Lastly, the author has used puzzles which are entertaining in nature to teach how algorithms can be used in different aspects to solve problems.

Deitel, J. & Deitel H. (2011) How to Program Social Work With Groups, 17(1-2). Pp. 89 – 104.

The writers are highly experienced in the field of programing as they have written many books about programming in C. In fact, this book is the sixth edition and it mainly explains how to create and run efficient programs made using the C programming Language.

At some point in the book, the writers explain what algorithms are and how they can be used to solve computing problems. Terms such as: flowcharts, pseudocodes and step wise refinement have been defined and explained. This makes the book readable hence it motivates learners to read that book.

Mitchell, W. (1984) Prelude to Programming: Problem Solving and Algorithms. Journal of Financial algorithm 45, 365-390.

He is a renowned writer who has written plenty of books in other fields besides Computer Science. The book can be read by people who have no or little experience in programming and as it is friendly and readable. Algorithms and other techniques used to solve programming problems have been well illustrated and explained by the author hence can be used as a source for this research paper.

Puntambekar, A. (2008) Analysis and Design of Algorithms. McGraw-Hill Humanities Social: Boston

This writer is well experienced in the field of problem solving and has addressed many questions related to algorithms. For instance, algorithms are defined and explained in much detail especially stepwise refinement. The mathematical approach of coming up with algorithms has also been sufficiently explained. Besides that, the book also explains on how to create efficient algorithms. This means that not only should a person be able to create algorithms but also to ensure they serve their purpose by being efficient. Highly experienced experts in programming and Computer Science students would find this book interesting and educative.

Springer, G. ( 2007) Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems. . The American Journal of Bioethics Vol. 3 No. 3

Springer is experienced in the field of algorithms and problem solving. He has written many more books related to Computer Science and technology. He has actually written the first edition of this book.

This second edition addresses techniques for addressing complex problems. The book encourages the use of algorithms as a technique of addressing computing problems. The content of that book is well researched and written in a manner that is friendly to readers reading the text. This motivates readers to seek knowledge through the content of that book.

Outline for the research paper

1. Define the term algorithm according to programming.

2. Define what a programming problem is, with examples.

3. Name the mechanisms that can be used to represent algorithms.

· Flowcharts

· Pseudocodes

· Step-wise refinement

4. Illustrate how algorithms help in solving programming problems.

· List advantages of using algorithms.

· Explain the structured program development cycle.

5. Conclusion of the research paper

· Summarize the content of the research paper

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