//import Scanner class import java.util.*; public class Assignment5 { public static void main (String[] args) { Scanner console = new Scanner (System.in); String choice; char command; // call the method to print the menu printMenu();//print the menu, a static method //instantiate an object of type Geek Geek myGeek = new Geek("Eisenstein"); do { // ask a user to choose a command System.out.println("\nPlease enter a command or type ?"); choice = console.next().toLowerCase(); command = choice.charAt(0); switch (command) { case 'a'://print the name System.out.println(myGeek.getName()); break; case 'b': //print number of questions asked so far System.out.println(myGeek.getNumberOfQuestions()); break; case 'c': //find if the sum of numbers is even or odd System.out.print("Enter two numbers: "); int num1 = console.nextInt(); int num2 = console.nextInt(); if (myGeek.isEven(num1, num2)) System.out.println("Sum is even"); else System.out.println("Sum is not even"); break; case 'd'://find if all are the same numbers System.out.print("Enter 3 integers: "); num1 = console.nextInt(); num2 = console.nextInt(); int num3 = console.nextInt(); if (myGeek.allTheSame(num1, num2, num3)) System.out.println("All the same!"); else System.out.println("All are NOT the same"); break; case 'e': //sum the numbers between two numbers entered by user System.out.print("Enter the first number: "); num1 = console.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter the second number: "); num2 = console.nextInt(); int total = myGeek.sum(num1, num2); System.out.println("The sum between "+ num1 + " and " +num2 + " is " + total); break; case 'f': //repeat the input string System.out.print("Enter a string: "); String text = console.next(); System.out.print("How many times to repeat: "); int count = console.nextInt(); System.out.println(myGeek.repeat(text, count)); break; case 'g': //number of digits System.out.print("Enter a number: "); num1 = console.nextInt(); System.out.println("The number " + num1 + " has " + myGeek.digits(num1)+ " digits"); break; case 'h'://find out the middle in the input string System.out.print("Enter a string: "); String input = console.next(); System.out.println("The middle of string \"" + input + "\" is " + myGeek.middle(input)); break; case '?'://print the menu printMenu(); break; case 'q'://quit break; default://invalid choice System.out.println("Invalid input"); } } while (command != 'q'); } //end of the main method public static void printMenu() { System.out.print("\nCommand Options\n" + "-----------------------------------\n" + "a: Get name\n" + "b: Num of questions asked\n" + "c: Is it Even\n" + "d: All the same\n" + "e: Sum between two integers\n" + "f: Repeat\n" + "g: Number of Digits\n" + "h: Middle of String\n" + "?: Display\n" + "q: Quit\n\n"); } // end of the printMenu method
Key Terms: the parity thesis, the difference thesis, moral impasse, public dilemma, public domain, private domain, resolution by declaration, resolution by accommodation
A. Arguer: Jeff Jordan: “Is it Wrong to Discriminate on the Basis of Homosexuality?”
a. Asserts “the difference thesis” (thus denies “the parity thesis”), and uses AFCC to support this assertion.
b. Jordan (306): “What [the AFCC] show[s] is that some discrimination against homosexuals, in this case refusal to sanction same-sex marriage, is not only legally permissible but also morally permissible. The discrimination is a way of resolving a public policy dilemma that accommodates, to an extent, each side of the impasse and, further, protects the religious and moral integrity of a good number of people. In short, the arguments show us that there are occasions in which it is morally permissible to discriminate on the basis of homosexuality.”
B. Abbreviations:
a. Same-sex marriage = SSM
b. Religion-based morality = RBM
Jordan Argument #1: The Argument from Conflicting Claims (AFCC) [Instructor’s Reconstruction]
1) The State should undertake to resolve the public dilemmas about X (= same-sex marriage).
a. [Moral impasse => public dilemma => threat to social order => need for State res.]
2) The State can resolve a public dilemma about X in either of two (mutually exclusive) ways—a “resolution by declaration” OR a “resolution by accommodation.”
3) There is no “overriding reason” for the state to resolve by declaration. That is, the State appears to have good reasons for not taking this option.
4) Therefore: the state should opt for a resolution by accommodation if it is possible.
5) A resolution by accommodation is possible.
a. If the State sides with SSM, then it allows the expression of homosexual love in BOTH the private and public domains. If the State sides with RBM, then it forbids SSM.
b. So, the resolution of the public dilemma about X (= same sex marriage) by accommodation would be possible if: The State would legally allow private expression of homosexual acts but legally disallow the public expression of homosexuality (i.e., same-sex marriage).
6) Therefore: the State ought to resolve by accommodation the public dilemma about same-sex marriage (as defined in 5b).
7) Therefore: there are (in fact) some cases where the State is permitted to discriminate against people on such basis as their sexual orientation.
8) Therefore, “the difference thesis” is true and “the parity thesis” is false.
Boonin’s Objection to the Premise 5 (AFCC): Charge of Equivocation
What the religion-based moralist (RBM) finds objectionable is NOT merely the public expression of homosexuality (e.g., same-sex marriage), but rather the act of homosexual sex. They object to same-sex sexual relations—period—whether private or public.
Diagram A: Jordan’s State Accommodation Private Public
Respects RBM
Same-sex sex = SSS Respects Gays SSS SSM
Same-sex marriage = SSM okay not-okay
The arrangement above is supposed to respect the views of gays and RBMs. But Boonin says this is mistaken. For when we note that the term ‘same-sex marriage’ can be used to refer to same-sex marriage or the act of same-sex sex, we get a different result.
Boonin (308): “If we conflate the two distinct questions about private acts and public benefits into one issue, and think of it as “the” dispute over homosexuality, then this [Jordan’s accommodation] seems plausible enough. Each side gets some of what it wants, and neither side gets all of what it wants. But if the conflict is over the permissibility of same-sex marriage in particular, as opposed to about the complex cluster of issues relating to homosexuality taken as a whole, then this is no accommodation at all.”
Diagram B: Boonin’s Criticism
Party Same-Sex Sex
Gays Yes Y/N
Party Same-Sex Marriage
Gays Yes Y/N
What this shows is that there is no arrangement in any sphere where the parties don’t conflict; there is no arrangement where we get a Y/Y. Each party takes opposing positions on both issues. Thus there appears, contra Jordan, to be no middle ground.
So, that being the case, if the State to adopt the policy (in Diagram A), it would in effect be taking the side of homosexuals. For by allowing homosexual acts in private, the State falls short of condemning such acts morally and therefore sides with gays.
Framing Boonin’s Criticism of the AFCC
1) If ‘the parity thesis’ has been proved false, then ‘the difference thesis’ must have been proven true.
2) ‘The difference thesis’ has not been proven true. [Boonin’s attack on P5 above]
3) Therefore: it has not been shown there are (in fact) cases where the State is morally justified in discriminating on the basis of homosexuality.
4) Therefore: ‘the parity thesis’ has not been proven false.
Re-Evaluation of the AFCC in light of Boonin’s Objection
1. Note that Boonin has not shown that “the parity thesis” is true.
2. There is a difference on the one hand between proving a thesis to be false and on the other showing that the basis for inferring its truth is in some way insufficient.
a. Let p = a proposition and not-p its logical opposite. Both can’t be true together. Now to state the current point in more formal terms, we would say this—that undercutting the inference to the truth of p does NOT entail the truth of not-p.
3. By itself, Boonin’s criticism of the AFCC (at most) accomplishes the second. What he’s done is to undercut the inference to the truth of “the difference thesis.”
4. So, if Boonin’s criticism holds, then he has shown that we aren’t justified in concluding that the difference thesis is true; in which case we aren’t justified in concluding that the parity thesis is false.
5. The take-home: the state-of-play (as we leave our study of this debate) appears to be non-conclusive. Jordan would need to answer Boonin’s criticisms of the AFCC and/or he would need to provide new independent argument in favor the difference thesis. And Boonin would need to provide more positive argument for the parity thesis, not just provide criticism his opponent’s arguments for the difference thesis.
Jordan Argument #2: The “No-Exit” Argument
1. No just government can justifiably coerce its citizens to violate a deeply held religious belief. [Principle of Justice]
2. If the State were to sanction same-sex marriage, then citizens would have no “exit right” concerning the practice of same-sex marriage. [What is an exit right?]
3. So, if the State were to sanction same-sex marriage, then it would be coercing its citizens to violate their deeply held religious beliefs.
4. So, the State would not be justified in sanctioning same-sex marriage.
The 4 Steps:
1) Read the Jordan and the Boonin papers (ideally, more than once).
2) Obtain correct and sufficiently detailed answers to all the questions on this Study Guide.
3) Be sure to know all key terms, since these refer to important concepts.
4) Be able to reconstruct a line of reasoning in support of the parity thesis and the difference thesis.
Key terms: the parity thesis, the difference thesis, morally justifiable vs morally unjustifiable discrimination, moral legalism, moral impasse, public dilemma, moral status, resolution by declaration, resolution by accommodation, overriding reason, private versus public domain, religion-based morality, the argument from conflicting claims
I. The Issue
1. “What is the moral status of homosexuality?” “Is homosexuality a sin?” “Is having sex with members of one’s own gender morally wrong?”—All of these questions are ones that could concern a moral agent who faces sexual choices in his or her private life.
Do these questions precisely capture the issue of ethical concern to Jordan and Boonin? When they ask, “Is homosexuality and heterosexuality ethically on a par with each other?,” what are they really asking? Is there a political aspect to the issue they are concerned with? If so, how would you restate the issue of concern so as to exhibit its essential political aspect?
II. The Positions on the Issue
2. Jordan introduces two theses—“the parity thesis” and “the difference thesis.” How would you state these theses in relation to the issue under consideration? What is the logical relationship between these two theses?
3. What is, in Jordan’s estimation, the strongest argument for the parity thesis? Does this argument succeed? If not, what objections can be raised against it?
III. Moral Impasses, Public Dilemmas, and State Resolution
4. What is a moral impasse? Explain by using an example. Do all moral impasses constitute public dilemmas? Specifically, what three conditions appear to be jointly sufficient to qualify a moral impasse as a public dilemma?
5. What two options are open to the State for resolving public dilemmas? In this context, explain the difference between “resolution by declaration” and a “resolution by accommodation.” What is it about a public dilemma that could necessitate involvement by the State?
IV. The Argument from Conflicting Claims
6. What is the argument from conflicting claims. You should focus on being able to state the argument, so that it is a recognizable line of reasoning leading to its conclusion. For starters, get clear about what the conclusion of this argument is. Then work backwards from this conclusion to a set of premises that the conclusion could be viewed to follow from. To that end, consider these questions below:
7. What do Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all have in common? What type of God-Concept characterizes all these religions? Why might noting the type of God-concept be relevant to the issue of concern? What is Divine Command Ethics? What attitude do theists of these major Western Religions have toward homosexuality, conceived as a type of sexual behavior? How is this at all relevant to the discrimination issue?
8. What makes Jordan think that the difference thesis, not the parity thesis, is true?
What single fact, if it obtains, is sufficient to logically refute the parity thesis?
9. Jordan points out that there is an important “asymmetry” between the State’s taking the side of same-sex marriage versus its taking the side of religion-based morality. What is this asymmetry and why is it important? Why, according to Jordan, should the State not pursue resolution by declaration and instead pursue resolution by accommodation?
10. Jordan anticipates two objections to the Argument from Conflicting Claims at the end of his paper and makes some replies. What are these objections?
11. What is the second argument—the so-called “No Exit” argument—given at the end of Jordan’s paper? For which thesis is this argument given?
V. Boonin Against Jordan
12. What side of the debate does Boonin represent? In other words, which of the two theses does he assert?
13. Concerning Boonin’s attack on Jordan, what objection(s) does Boonin raise against him?
Maximum points : 20 What This Assignment Is About:
• Object Oriented Programming (Chapter 8) - Encapsulation - Implementing classes - Implementing methods - Object construction - Constructors
• Methods (Chapter 5) - Definition and Invocation.
Your programming assignments require individual work and effort to be of any benefit. Every student must work independently on his or her assignments. This means that every student must ensure that neither a soft copy nor a hard copy of their work gets into the hands of another student. Sharing your assignments with others in any way is NOT permitted.
Violations of the University Academic Integrity policy will not be ignored. The university academic integrity policy is found at http://www.asu.edu/studentlife/judicial/integrity.html
Use the following Coding Guidelines:
• Give identifiers semantic meaning and make them easy to read (examples numStudents, grossPay, etc).
• Keep identifiers to a reasonably short length. • User upper case for constants. Use title case (first letter is upper case) for classes. Use lower
case with uppercase word separators for all other identifiers (variables, methods, objects). • Use tabs or spaces to indent code within blocks (code surrounded by braces). This includes
classes, methods, and code associated with ifs, switches and loops. Be consistent with the number of spaces or tabs that you use to indent.
• Use white space to make your program more readable. • Use comments after the ending brace of classes, methods, and blocks to identify to which block it
Assignments Documentation:
At the beginning of each programming assignment you must have a comment block with the following information: /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AUTHOR: your name // FILENAME: title of the source file // SPECIFICATION: description of the program // YOUR Lab Letter and Name of the TA for your Closed lab // FOR: CSE 110- homework #- days and time of your class // TIME SPENT: how long it took you to complete the assignment //----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Part 1: There is no part 1 for this assignment
Part 2: Programming (20 points):
Write a class definition (not a program, there is no main method) named Geek (saved in a file Geek.java) that models a person who is a geek. For our purposes, a geek is someone who delights in answering all sorts of questions, such as “what is the sum of all numbers between two numbers?”, “If a number is even?, and etc. A Geek has a name and also keeps track of how many questions s/he has answered.
Your Geek class must have:
• only two instance variables – the Geek’s name and number of questions asked so far
Methods Description of the methods
public Geek (String name) Sets the Geek's name and the number of questions asked
public String getName() takes no parameters and returns the Geek’s name as a String (don’t count this request in the total questions)
public int getNumberOfQuestions() It takes no parameters and returns as an integer how many questions s/he has been asked (don’t count this request in the total)
public boolean isEven (int num1, int num2)
It takes two integers and returns a boolean value indicating if the sum of the numbers is even or not
public boolean allTheSame(int x, int y, int z)
Determines if the three arguments are all equal. returns true if all the same, otherwise false
public int sum (int num1, int num2)
It takes two integers and computes and returns an integer which is the sum of all numbers between the two inclusive (include the numbers in the sum) – for full credit this method should work even if the two numbers are the same (the sum is just one of the numbers) or if the first number is larger than the second. Also, you cannot assume which number will be greater.
public String repeat(String str, int n)
Repeats a given input string. return string repeated n times
public int digits(int n) Determines number of digits in a number. It returns the number of digits
public String middle(String str)
Finds the middle substring of a string, and return a string containing the middle substring. Determine if string length is odd or even if it is even print two characters if it is odd print one character
Save the Geek class in a file called Geek.java and Assignment5.java in the same folder. Assignment5.java is a test driver code for the Geek class.
Assignment5.java will ask a user to enter one of the following commands. Based on the user's choice, the program performs corresponding operation. This will be done by calling (invoking) one of the methods you defined in the
Geek class. The program will terminate when the user enters 'q'. Command Options ----------------------------------- a: Get name b: Num of questions asked c: Is it Even d: All the same e: Sum between two integers f: Repeat g: Number of Digits h: Middle of String ?: Display q: Quit Here is the description for each option: a: asks for the Geek’s name b: returns the number of questions asked so far c: asks for two integers and returns Boolean indicating if the sum is even or odd d: asks for three positive integers and returns true if they are the same, false otherwise e: asks for two integers and returns the sum between two integers f: asks for a string and repeats count number of times g. asks for an integer and counts how many digits it has h: returns the middle character of a string if is odd, 2 characters if it is even ?: displays the menu q: quits
Helpful hints for doing this assignment:
· work on it in steps – write one method, test it with a test driver and make sure it works before going on to the next method
· always make sure your code compiles before you add another method · your methods should be able to be called in any order
Sample Output (user input is in RED):
Command Options ----------------------------------- a: Get name b: Num of questions asked c: Is it Even d: All the same e: Sum between two integers f: Repeat g: Number of Digits h: Middle of String ?: Display q: Quit
Please enter a command or type ? a Eisenstein Please enter a command or type ? b 0 Please enter a command or type ? c Enter two numbers: 4 5 Sum is not even Please enter a command or type ? f Enter a string: hi How many times to repeat: 4 hihihihi Please enter a command or type ? g Enter a number: 5 The number 5 has 1 digits Please enter a command or type ? g Enter a number: 77854 The number 77854 has 5 digits Please enter a command or type ? h Enter a string: java The middle of string "java" is av Please enter a command or type ? h Enter a string: hello The middle of string "hello" is l Please enter a command or type ? b 6 Please enter a command or type ? c Enter two numbers: 4 5 Sum is not even
Please enter a command or type ? d Enter 3 integers: 4 5 6 All are NOT the same Please enter a command or type ? d Enter 3 integers: 4 4 4 All the same! Please enter a command or type ? e Enter the first number: 5 Enter the second number: 10 The sum between 5 and 10 is 45 Please enter a command or type ? e Enter the first number: 10 Enter the second number: 5 The sum between 10 and 5 is 45 Please enter a command or type ? q Press any key to continue . . .
Submit your homework by following the instructions below:
• Go to the course web site (my.asu.edu), and then click on the on-line Submission tab. • Submit your Assignment5.java and Geek.java files on-line. Make sure to choose HW5
from drop-down box.
Important Note: You may resubmit as many times as you like until the deadline, but we will only mark your last submission.
- Maximum points : 20 What This Assignment Is About:
- Use the following Coding Guidelines:

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