
mortality calcium Test scores
1702 44 100
1309 59 93.9393939394
1259 133 93.9393939394
1427 27 89.3939393939
1724 6 86.3636363636
1175 107 84.0909090909
1486 5 83.3333333333
1456 90 79.5454545455
1696 6 75.7575757576
1236 101 75
1711 13 73.4848484848
1444 14 71.2121212121
1591 49 70.0757575758
1987 8 68.9393939394
1495 14 66.6666666667
1369 68 65.9090909091
1257 50 64.3939393939
1587 75 62.1212121212
1713 71 60.6060606061
1557 13 59.8484848485
1640 57 59.4696969697
1709 71 58.7121212121
1625 20 55.303030303
1527 60 52.6515151515
1627 53 51.1363636364
1486 122 49.2424242424
1485 81 46.5909090909
1378 71 40.1515151515
1519 21 40.1515151515
1581 14 37.5
1625 13 34.8484848485
1247 105 31.0606060606
1668 17 29.1666666667
1466 5 27.2727272727
1800 14 24.2424242424
1609 18 21.9696969697
1558 10 16.2878787879
1807 15
1299 78
1637 10
1359 84
1392 73
1755 12
1307 78
1254 96
1491 20
1555 39
1428 39
1318 122
1260 21
1723 44
1379 94
1742 8
1574 9
1569 91
1096 138
1591 16
1402 37
1772 15
1828 8
1704 26




A) is one of the most extensively investigated archaeological sites in China.

B) was the last capital of the Zhou dynasty.

C) was mentioned in Shang texts, though it was referred to by a different name.

D) was the center of a small empire about 30 miles in diameter.

The Popol Vuh contains the creation myth of the:

A) the Inca civilization.

B) the Aztec civilization.

C) Roman Catholic conquistadores from Spain.

D) the Mayan civilization.

The impact of the Bantu culture can be seen in which of the following regions:

A) Madagascar

B) Egypt

C) the Saharan Desert

D) the Kalahari Desert

During the reign of Cyrus II, the Royal Road of the Persian Empire connected which of the

following cities?

A) Sardis and Susa

B) Byzantium and Persepolis

C) Memphis and Babylon

D) Athens and Kandahar

The Greek city-state:

A) was kept small by wars with the Persian empire.

B) had political powers analogous to that of a state within the United States.

C) typically had populations exceeding 100,000.

D) usually centered on a single city.

Math 119 — Lab 2 Name:

Directions: You are required to turn in a print out of your work (not necessarily a color copy). The due date for this lab is TBD. The data sets for both case studies (below) are in the same GeoGebra (.ggb) file located on the course materials webpage, the slide associated with Lab 2. (direct link) Please use a 20-point font on any graphs you make.

Case Study: In an investigation of environmental causes of disease, data were collected on the annual mortality rate (deaths per 100,000) for males in 61 large towns in England and Wales. In addition, the water hardness was recorded as the calcium concentration (parts per million, ppm) in the drinking water.

1. Graphing. Export and paste your graphs into your text document.

(a) Make a scatter plot of Calcium (x) versus Mortality rate (y). Copy this to your graphics view.

(b) Make sure your axes are square, and that your graph has the axes equally scaled. How to do this:

1. Open your object properties (gear icon) and click on “preferences graphics.”

2. Set both the values of x-min and y-min to −225. 3. Set the values of x-max and y-max to 2200.

4. Then set “xAxis : yAxis” to be a 1 to 1 ratio.

5. Make visible your coordinate grid.

6. Visually check that the axis looks square.

7. Label your axes; then export your graph to a png file.

(c) Make a residual plot of the data. Set your axis square, label your axes, turn the grid on and export your figure.

(d) Calculate the statistics of both variables and include a table in your text document summarizing the statistics. Include the values of r and r2.

2. Analysis. Please use full, coherent sentences to answer the following questions. Please type your answers into your text document.

(a) Describe what you see in this scatterplot, in context.

(b) Which variable should we take as the response variable? As the explanatory variable?

(c) What is the regression equation?

(d) Interpret the slope and y-intercept of the line, in context. Be specific.

(e) What is the value of the largest residual? (Recall that a residual is the difference between the observed and predicted values.) Explain what this means.

(f) The hardness of Derby’s municipal water is about 100 ppm. Use the regression equation to predict the mortality rate in Derby.

(g) Explain the meaning of r2 in this context.

Case Study: A very difficult exam was administered to 37 math, science and engineering students. The exam scores given in the same ggb (geogebra) file as the previous case study.

3. Graphing and Analysis. Export and paste your graphs into your word document. Label your axes in each figure for full credit.

(a) Make a histogram of the test scores with 9 classes (bars) from 10 to 100, using a class width of 10. Note: your axes do not have to be square for this figure.

(b) Make a distribution table of the test scores.

(c) Make a table summarizing the exam statistics.

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