
bottle with alka seltzer bottle without alka seltzer
29 23 3 min
29 25 6 min
29.5 25 9 min
29.5 26 12 min
29.5 26 15 min
29.5 27 20 min
30 27 25 min
30 27 30 min
30 28 45 min


open bottle closed bottle
25 23 3 min
26 24 6 min
27 25 9 min
28 26 12 min
28 26.5 15 min
29 27 20 min
29 28 25 min
29 28.5 30 min
29 29 45 min

Environmental Science: Web of Life - Lab 7: Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change


In this lab activity we will investigate how the greenhouse effect leads to a warmer Earth. First, you will simulate the greenhouse effect. Then you will have the opportunity to design an experiment to investigate the influence of other factors on the greenhouse effect.


· Lamp with 100-watt lightbulb

· Two thermometers

· Two clear plastic 2-liter bottles

· Rubber stoppers

· Clear plastic wrap

· Rubber bands

· Timer (watch or phone)

· Measuring cups

· Glass beakers

· source (baking soda and vinegar)

Experiment 1: Simulate the greenhouse effect

1. Fill each of the 2-liter bottles with the same amount of water, filling the bottle with 1000 mL of water. Label each bottle A and B with a marker.

1. Use a black stopper to cover the top of bottle B, pushing the thermometer through the hole in the stopper.

1. DO NOT cover the top of bottle A. Place the thermometer in this bottle, approximately in the same position as for bottle B, using tape and/or rubber bands to secure it in place.

1. Place the lamp on a table, making sure the bulb is exposed (i.e., remove any lampshades). Position each bottle 1 inch from the exposed bulb. The thermometers should be shielded from direct light.

1. Turn on the light and record the temperature for each bottle once every three minute for the first 15 minutes, then once every 5 minutes until 30 minutes has passed, then once at 45 minutes.

Experiment 2: Examine the effects of increasing

Place 4 tablets of Alka-seltzer into the water of one bottle. Use the procedures from the basic greenhouse effect activity as a basis for your experiment.

Experiment 3: Examine the effects of additional factors

Devise and experiment to test some addition factor. For example, you may want to examine how differences in the amount of water effect the rate of temperature change. Or maybe distance from light source. There are many possibilities, so just follow your curiosity. Write a clear hypothesis for your new experiment. Run your experiment as you did the previous two, for as long as you can before class ends.

Lab Report 2 – OPTIONAL DRAFT due Monday, April 3rd

FINAL DRAFT due Monday April 10th

You will write your second complete lab report based on the results of this lab activity.

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