Instructor: Adrian Toomey
The Persuasive Speech is worth 100 points, 70 points for the oral presentation, 15 points for the visual aids, and 15 points for the written outline (which must include at least 5 references).
Topic: For this speech you are required to compare two products/brand names and persuade the audience on why one product is "better" than other, more efficient, more cost-effective, etc. You may choose any two related products such as clothing brands, food brands, cars, sports equipment, toys, etc. Make sure you give context to the two products in your speech and give the strengths and weaknesses of BOTH before choosing which is “better”. You may want to include some sort of chart or comparison list within your visual aid to persuade the audience.
Presentation: The presentation should be within the 5-6 minute range and you must bring visual aids that you think will be interesting to the audience. Your goal is to inform the audience about your chosen culture/country and enhance your presentation through visual aids.
Visual aids: Include integrated visual aids such as powerpoint, handouts, food, music clips, youtube clips, clothes, etc. Include more than 1 visual aid for a more effective presentation. Make sure the visual aid is referenced throughout the presentation and not “thrown on” at the end or only during one point of the speech. Be sure to time clips etc to fit within time frame of speech.
Outline: See course syllabus for sample outline. Your outline should be 2-3 pages and include 5 references. Follow the outline format in your syllabus, writing down your key main points and sub-points throughout. Utilize at least 5 references within your outline. You may use scholarly journal articles, books, magazines, etc.
Oral presentation points will be broken down into: effective eye contact, hand gesture use, facial expressions, paralanguage (tone, pitch, volume, rate, inflections, etc), management of time limit (5-7 minutes), note referencing/memorization, body stance (fidgeting, hands in pockets, etc), preparedness (avoiding uhm, like, stuff, mispronouncing words), following intro, 3 main points, conclusion as prepared in outline, interesting presentation as a whole, quotes/stats, fun facts, and other verbal and nonverbal factors.
Visual aid points will be broken down into: Use of more than 1 type of visual aid, integrating aid into presentation, timing of visual aid (should not take more than 1 minute of presentation if film/music clip) if using powerpoint is there too much info/slides, not enough info. Referencing/over referencing of visual aid, is the aid interesting and sparks interest in the audience, and other factors.
Outline points will be broken down into: 2-3 page in length, at least 5 references, follows sample outline format in syllabus, lays out intro, 3 main points, conclusion, has references to oral speech (such as “pause here”, or “this should be my 3 minute mark”, and other factors.
Presentation Days
Friday, November 22nd
Keefer,Michaela Susan |
Kirkley,Alexis Eileen |
Mallett,Tanner Christian |
Manorothkul,Natalie |
Martinez,Solemi |
Pichardo,Janet |
Pivaral,Sigfrid L |
Qian,John |
Ramos,Kayla K |
Reger,Kelsie Midori |
Silva,Geoffrey Robert |
Torres,Shane Alexander |
Verdin,Cristian Manuel |
Yang,Matthew Cheng-Mao |
Albuloushi,Mohammad Hamid |
Almarzooqi,Mohamed Jasim Mohamed Hasan |
Almazrouei,Obaid |
Alrashidi,Bader Nasser |
Bulan,Earvin Christian Eusores |
Casillas,Jessica |
Ceja,Alma Rosa |
Chen,Grace Marie |
Corona,Erick Benjamin |
Corona,Erika Estefania |
Dimas,Ismael |
Edralin,Lianne Kathlene Sabangan |
Hernandez,Briana |
Hernandez,Jazzmin Betsaida |
HCOM 100
Section #/Instructor
Title: Warming Our World and Chilling Our Future
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the causes of the greenhouse effect.
Thesis Statement: Today I want to share what I’ve learned about the greenhouse effect and its major causes.
Attention material: When Mark Twain was in London in 1897, a rumor reached the editor of the New York Journal who immediately wired his London correspondent, “HEARD MARK TWAIN DIED, SEND 1000 WORDS.” The correspondent showed the telegram to Twain, who wired back this message, “REPORT OF MY DEATH GREATLY EXAGGERATED.” This response applies to my speech topic today. Despite the efforts of some to write its obituary, and to erase it from the public agenda, the greenhouse effect is a growing, not declining problem. The reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated.
Thesis Statement: Today I want to share what I’ve learned about the greenhouse effect and its major causes.
Preview: We need to be concerned, first, about the loss of woodlands, second, about industrial emissions, and third, about overall spectacular increases in world energy consumption.
(Transition: Let’s begin by understanding more about the greenhouse effect)
I. The green house effect is a gradual warming of the earth caused by human activities (Monastersky).
A. It is characterized by a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Anthes)
1. Each year five tons of carbon are pumped into the atmosphere for each person in the United States.
2. In 1987 the level of carbon dioxide soared to a record high level.
3. The nine warmest years in this century have all occurred since 1980 (Atkinson)
B. Carbon pollutants are producing a hole in the ozone layer.
1. The hole in the ozone layer reduces the earth’s ability to protect us from ultraviolet radiation.
C. If this problem is not corrected, we may see disastrous results.
1. There could be a dramatic climate change (Atkinson)
2. There could be serious health problems (Lemonick, “Ozone”)
(Transition: Now that you understand what the greenhouse effect is and why it is important, let’s examine the major causes.)
II. One cause of the greenhouse effect is the loss of woodlands that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.
(Transition: Now let’s turn to the second major cause of the greenhouse effect)
III. Industrial emissions also contribute to the growth of the greenhouse effect (National Issues
Forums Institute 6)
(Transition: The last major cause of the greenhouse effect may be the most important.)
IV. Increased energy consumption magnifies the greenhouse effect (National Issues Forums
Institute 7)
Summary Statement: In short, if you want to know why we have a greenhouse effect, listen for the falling trees, watch the industrial smokestacks darkening the sky, and smell the exhaust fumes we are pumping into the air. The greenhouse effect is a monster we all are creating. And if we don’t stop, we and our children may face drastic climate changes and serious health problems.
Concluding Remarks: Vice-President Al Gore used the following story to illustrate how the greenhouse effect can sneak up on us. In an address to the National Academy of Sciences, he said, “If dropped into a pot of boiling water, a frog will quickly jump out. But if the same frog is put into a pot and the water is slowly heated, the frog will stay put until boiled alive. So it is with pollution. . . if we do not wake up to the slow heating of our environment, we may jump too late” (Gore, “Global”). The more we know about this problem, and the better we understand it, the more likely we are to jump and the less likely we are to be boiled alive.
Anthes, R. A. (1993). Greenhouse effect. The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, CD-ROM. Novato, CA: Software Toolworks.
Atkinson, R. (1995, Apr 2). Disputes heat global warming summit. Memphis Commercial Appeal, A:19.
Gore, A. Jr. (1992). Earth in the balance: Ecology and the human spirit. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Lemonick, M.D. (1995, Mar 20). One big, bad iceberg, Time, p. 65.
Monastersky, R. (1994, Sept. 24). Consensus reached on climate change causes. Science News, p. 198.
National Issues Forums Institute. (1989). The environment at Risk: Responding to growing dangers. Dayton: Kettering Foundation.
May 1, 2013
Mr. Pelle
English 101-84
Fast Food: Not Everything That Tastes Good is Healthy.
Most people these days are aware that fast food is not the healthiest food to eat, but people are still not responding to all the facts that say stop eating fast food. In fact, people generally eat fast food due to main few reasons; as it is convenient, inexpensive, and it usually tastes good. However, if most people knew truly what they are putting into their bodies when they eat fast food, surely the vast majority would rarely consume it again. Therefore, people should realize the hazardous consequences of eating fast food, and they should do whatever it takes to reduce their consumption of fast food.
One of fast food's adverse consequences is that it causes a lot of diseases to human beings. In addition, Erich Schlosser in his book Fast Food Nation indicates that, "Every day in The United States, roughly 200,000 people are sickened by a food borne disease, 900 are hospitalized and fourteen die…" (195). In contrast with Schlosser, a lot of people do not think about the negative results of eating fast food. Moreover, the opponents claim that they do not have sufficient time to cook, and the majority of people eat fast food because it is quick and it does not waste their time waiting (Hitti, 2008). In fact, fast food can be quick and has a good taste, but Schlosser also indicates that, “If you enjoy strawberry milkshakes, you’ll be horrified to know that the version you buy contains nothing that’s been in the vicinity of a strawberry, and in fact the ‘strawberry flavor’ which is just one of the ingredients on the shake’s list, contains over twenty different chemicals in its own” (2002). This means that most of what we eat is artificial and unnatural. Fast food has negative aspects more than its positive ones. As a result, people should think twice before getting this food inside their bodies.
People cannot deny the fact that fast food has become a large percentage of a lot of people’s diets. However, there are many ways that a connection can be made between the obesity rate in America and the fast food industry be made. Fast food is generally more fattening than other foods and has become integrated into American lifestyle. Americans can get fast food cheap and it folds into the fast moving pace of Americans very effectively (Schlosser, 2002). As a result, no wonder that people should now distinguish the link and connection between obesity and fast food. In addition, one of the simplest solutions to this issue is just to stop this type of diet, and this solution does not mean that people have to stop eating fast food at all costs. This solution can have an impact on people, especially on those who suffer from obesity, as it will show them the right way of having a diet without feeling worse than before, so instead of having a Big Mac on the regular home menu, there should be fruit and vegetables to help with the diet. With some wise choices and understanding, this can be a simple solution for fast food and obesity in the whole world.
A lot of people might give convincing reasons to eat fast food. It is considered cheap, which can help people save their money, and that is probably the main reason why college students always tend to buy from fast food restaurants, so it can help them to save money for college tuition. Another reason is that going to a fast food restaurant is convenient to a lot of people. In fact, fast food restaurants can be found everywhere, which makes it easier for the person to go the restaurant that is next to his house. It can also be convenient to people who do not know how to cook, or do not have the time to cook. In a fast food restaurant your meal is always ready, and it tastes good without doing any work.
It is shocking how people think sometimes. They apply some unrealistic thoughts in their heads considering their health. People will buy pills at whatever cost if they think that this pill will make them lose the extra fifty pounds they gained while carelessly eating fast food without thinking about the consequences. They will always try to find an easy way out when it comes to exercising and avoiding eating fast food. The whole point of exercising is to physically move around and never search for shortcuts in order to burn the highest number of calories gained in someone’s daily life. People should exercise every day and should never believe all the advertisements and commercials that makes people believe that ten minutes of a certain workout will help them get the body they dreamed about, or even a specific pill will help people lose all the extra weight they gained and get the perfect body.
Some people claim that it is impossible to avoid eating fast food because it is convenient, cheap, and tastes good. However, in my opinion, nothing is impossible, and all what people need is a strong will and some determination. In fact, for those people who think that they cannot stay away from fast food, there are several helpful advices that can help people and guide them to what to order in a fast food restaurant. A lot of people think that drinking water while eating is considered to be a good way to eat healthy in a fast food restaurant, as drinking Soda drinks is the exact opposite as it increases the number of calories in a person’s meal. Another advice is to always watch the portion size of the meal being ordered and to order a salad with the meal instead of the French fries as they contain a high percentage of calories.
Some of the fast food restaurants acquire their meat from slaughters that treat animal cruelly. Not only are these animals often killed while they are in poor health, but also some of the animals that are slaughtered carry diseases, like mad cow disease that infects the beef fast food restaurants buy. Moreover, animals do not only cause diseases because of how slaughterhouses treat them, but what they feed the animals is completely awful, and it is a violation to the law against nature (Schlosser, 2002). The bad treatment of animals can create diseases to the animals and, therefore, cause diseases to those who consume the meat. In fact, a disease can easily be spread through food because one infected cow can end up in hundred different burgers, so that one cow causes hundred peoples’ sickness (Schlosser, 2002). However, people argue that some of the restaurants do not deal with these slaughterhouses, and they only buy beef from places that do not treat animals cruelly. On the other hand, it is hard to trust what restaurants say because some of the restaurant would lie about where they got their beef.
Although all these facts show that eating fast food is harmful, people still intend to eat it due to its taste without thinking about the consequences. Moreover, people in the future will hopefully see clearly how it is vital to stop eating fast food although trying to stop eating fast food can require some courage, but it is the only way to stop spreading diseases and eliminating them. Fast food can be a main reason for causing obesity, which is considered to be a problem for a lot of societies because it leads to many serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes. As a result, I strongly believe that people should reduce their consumption of fast food, and they should think twice about how fast food can be harmful to both humanity and the environment.
Work Cited
Collins, Tracy B. Fast Food. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Print.
Hitti,M. Top 11 reasons for fast food’s popularity. CBS News, 2008. Retrieved April 22,
2013 from
Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. New York, NY:
Perennial, 2002. Print.

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