The Marketing Mix: Distribution Channels (Place)
The questions for the module 03 part of your SLP direct you to consider "place" or distribution of the good and/or service your organization markets and, hopefully, is using to gain a competitive advantage.
Excluding your title page, and prior sections of the SLP, your SLP03 section of the marketing strategy should be approximately three pages long.
SLP03 should begin with the sections you prepared for SLP01 and SLP02 (i.e. sections 1-11, revised as necessary) with those pages placed before you analyze the following sections:
SLP for MOD03
How will your service be distributed (
)? Some relevant issues to consider relate to both
your service will be available to customers. Where will it be located and why? During what hours will customers be able to buy from you? Will an agent be used? How will customers be able to order your service? Are there tangible elements associated with your service? If so how will they be distributed?
What are the
(in distribution)
, if any? Use the customer segmentation analysis developed for MOD01 as a basis for a table to describe any variations in distribution.
Make sure you use section headings for each of the Questions/Issues. At a minimum, use the
words as main headings and
non-capitalized bold
words subheadings.
Write in a succinct, organized, and professional way. DO NOT USE ESSAY FORMAT.
The MOD01 Background Info section contains "Notes for the SLP" which gives guidance for ALL the sections of the entire SLP.
SLP Assignment Expecations
It is expected that you will explain the alternatives you considered and why you decided to make the recommendations you do. Also that you will use information from the background readings as well as any good quality sources you can find to deepen your understanding of the project and that you will cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper.
The following will be assessed in particular:
Your demonstrated understanding of the concepts and frameworks used to conduct analysis for the project. Generally formal definitions are not required as understanding can usually be demonstrated by the way you apply or interpret the concepts.
Your ability to conduct marketing analysis appropriate to the project. The sections above require a combination of description, (e.g. what will be done) and analysis (explaining why it should be done that way). Graders will place more weight on analysis than description alone.
The criteria used for assessment will be those explained on the MOD01 Home page, namely:
Critical thinking, including selection and application of relevant frameworks.
Effective and appropriate communication skills.

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