Project Specification
The proprietors of BigM have approached you and asked if you could design a database to help them manage their business. The management has commissioned you (in your capacity as a Database Management System consultant) to analyse, design and develop an appropriate conceptual data model and relational database schema, based on the following information gathered about the current business activities.  
BigM operates stores in many cities in Australia. Stores are referenced by store number. BigM also keeps store name, phone, fax, email for each store.  Each store has a postal address containing street address, city, state and postcode. 
Each store has a number of departments, for example, finance, accounts, sales, customer service etc. For each department, there is a department ID, department name, phone and e-mail address.
Each department has a number of employees. For each employee, BigM keeps a record of their employee ID, first name, last name, phone, date of birth, start date of his/her work and tax file number. 
BigM also stores postal and residential addresses of their employees. For each address they need to store street address, city, state and postcode.
An employee can be employed as casual or fulltime basis. For a casual staff, his or her job type (for example, accountant, sales, customer service etc.), and hourly rate is recorded. For a fulltime staff, his or her job type and annual salary is recorded.
Each store is managed by an employee as a store manager and each department is supervised by an employee. The department supervisor is also the supervisor for all the staffs within that department.
Each store may be assigned a supervising store where all training, payroll, server application and help desk are located.
Each supervising store generates pay slips for all staffs (in this store and other stores being supervised) on a fortnightly basis. For each pay slip, the store records a pay ID, supervising store ID, employee ID, pay date, number of hours and the gross payment.
BigM sales different products like CDs, cloths, computers etc. For each CD it keeps a record of CD number, title, length, number of tracks, release date, category description, price and reorder level. 
BigM would like to maintain information for each artist in the CD. They would like to include first name, last name and date of birth and website address, if they have one. If possible, BigM also wants to store number of tracks where a particular artist appears in a given CD. 
For cloths and other products it stores product number, product description, brand, product size and price.
An inventory of the number of each particular product in each store is kept. BigM keeps track of
the quantity of each product that is on order, as well as the number currently available in each store.
Customer may place orders in the store. Customer details are always taken at each order.  A customer is referenced by a customer number, customer first & last names, phone number and postal address, if available. For each address they need to store street address, city, state and postcode. 
A customer may order more than one product at a time, and they may order multiple copies of the same product. BigM also records the date a product arrives and the date when it is picked up by the customer. Note that these dates may be different for each product.
BigM understands that they may not have provided you with sufficient information.  If you need to make assumptions about their organisation please ensure that you record them.
Assignment Submission
You should produce a single pdf file, created using Word, containing all of the requirements as specified within this document.   Your lecturer will provide details of how the file is to be submitted within lectures.
The design document should contain:
A completed copy of the SITE Assignment
An appropriate
title page
that includes an acknowledgement of all students you have spoken to about the assignment.
A table of contents
and automatically generated page numbers.
entity relation (E-R) diagram
that models the problem which includes:
all entities, relationships (including names) and attributes;
(underlined) and
(italic) keys identified;
cardinality and participation (optional / mandatory) symbols; and
assumptions you have made, e.g. how you arrived at the cardinality/participation for those not mentioned or clear in the business description, etc.
The E-R should be completed using the standards of this course (crow’s feet).
Normalisation of relations which identifies:
dependency diagram for each relation
achieved for each relation;
for any relation that is maintained
in 3NF.
Relational data structures that translate your E-R diagram which includes:
(table) names, 
(column ) names and
field types
(as required by WAMP),
keys identified; 
The data structures should be shown using the standards of this course.
A bibliography, in APA format, containing all resources used to complete the assignment.   If no resources have been used please indicate this appropriately.
Assessment Criteria
How clear and well-presented your submission is.
E-R diagram: adherence to our standard, assumptions made, inclusion of correct primary
and foreign keys, appropriate entities, relationships, and attributes.
Normalisation: appropriate interpretation of each normal form, arguments for leaving the schema in the normal form you consider optimal.
Conversion of E-R diagram to relational schema: schema is a correct translation of the E-R submitted with appropriate tables, columns, and primary keys.
Assignment 1 – Marking Overview
ER Diagram
/ 50
Relational Structure
Relational Schema

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