New XLS Worksheet

WBS Code Task Name Duration Work Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names May June July August September October November
1 Web Design Services 35 days 280 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 Project Manager, Chief engineer
2 System Engineering 73 days 823 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Tue 24-08-21
2.1 UML Design For Interface 35 days 301 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact 35 days 210 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 1SS System Eng
2.1.2 Assist in System engineering 35 days 70 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 1SS Software Eng
2.1.3 Provide quality checks 7 days 21 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Thu 01-07-21 5FF quality engg
2.2 System /Software design 35 days 301 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
2.2.1 Design approproate software component to display aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification 35 days 210 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 4FS-14 days System Eng
2.2.2 Assist in System engineering 35 days 70 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 8SS Software Eng
2.2.3 provide quality checks 7 days 21 hrs Thu 22-07-21 Fri 30-07-21 9FF quality engg
2.3 Approve Design 22 days 221 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
2.3.1 Derive component level requirement for software engineering to design code, units. 22 days 132 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 10FS-5 days System Eng
2.3.2 assist in System engineering 22 days 44 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 12SS Software Eng
2.3.3 Provide quality checks 7 days 21 hrs Mon 16-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 13FF quality engg
2.3.4 Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 8 days 24 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 14FF System Test Engineer
3 Software Engineering 47 days 712 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Thu 26-08-21
3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 24 days 258 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering 24 days 72 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 1FS-7 days System Eng
3.1.2 Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System Engineering 24 days 114 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 1FS-7 days Software Eng
3.1.3 Provide quality checks 8 days 32 hrs Thu 15-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 19FF quality engg
3.1.4 Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 10 days 40 hrs Tue 13-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 19FF System Test Engineer
3.2 Code and Unit test 38 days 382 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering 38 days 114 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 19FS-15 days System Eng
3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules 38 days 228 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 19FS-15 days Software Eng
3.2.3 Provide quality checks 10 days 40 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 24FF quality engg
3.3 Function test 6 days 72 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering 6 days 18 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 25FF System Eng
3.3.2 Check Functions 6 days 36 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 25FF Software Eng
3.3.3 Provide quality checks 6 days 18 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 25FF quality engg
4 Test Engineering 60 days 1,010 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Thu 04-11-21
4.1 Design Test artifacts 31 days 338 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
4.1.1 Support Others 31 days 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 28FS-10 days System Eng
4.1.2 Support Others 31 days 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 28FS-10 days Software Eng
4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases 31 days 186 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 28FS-10 days System test Engineer
4.1.4 Provide quality checks 7 days 28 hrs Thu 16-09-21 Fri 24-09-21 34FF Quality engg
4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 32 days 264 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
4.2.1 Support Others 32 days 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 35FS-10 days System Eng
4.2.2 Support Others 32 days 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 35FS-10 days Software Eng
4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules 32 days 96 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 35FS-10 days System test Engineer
4.2.4 Provide quality checks 10 days 40 hrs Wed 13-10-21 Tue 26-10-21 39FF Quality engg
4.3 Approve Test Service 30 days 270 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering 30 days 90 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 40FS-23 days System test Engineer
4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate 30 days 180 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 40FS-23 days Quality engg
4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 10 days 90 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering 10 days 30 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 43FS-18 days System test Engineer
4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 10 days 60 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 43FS-18 days Quality engg
4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment 8 days 48 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment 8 days 48 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 46 System test Engineer
5 Design Review 6 days 36 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 48FF System, Software Quality
6 Pre-Ship Review 6 days 36 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 49FF System, Software Quality

Total Budget Cost

WBS Task Name Work Duration Start Finish May June July August September October November
1 Web Design Services 106.4 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $3,045.35 $5,583.14 $253.78 0 0 0 0
2 System Engineering 863 hrs 73 days Sat 15-05-21 Tue 24-08-21 $4,216.44 $13,699.36 $12,335.48 $10,565.41 0 0 0
2.1 UML Design For Interface 301 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $4,216.44 $8,456.98 $472.51 0 0 0 0
2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact 210 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $3,199.32 $5,865.42 $266.61 0 0 0 0
2.1.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,017.12 $1,864.72 $84.76 0 0 0 0
2.1.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Wed 23-06-21 Thu 01-07-21 0 $726.84 $121.14 0 0 0 0
2.2 System /Software design 301 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 0 $5,242.38 $9,870.27 0 0 0 0
2.2.1 Design approproate software component to display aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification 210 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 0 $4,140.50 $7,007.00 0 0 0 0
2.2.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 0 $1,101.88 $1,864.72 0 0 0 0
2.2.3 provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Thu 22-07-21 Fri 30-07-21 0 0 $998.55 0 0 0 0
2.3 Approve Design 261 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 0 0 $1,992.70 $10,565.41 0 0 0
2.3.1 Derive component level requirement for software engineering to design code, units. 132 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 0 0 $1,516.50 $5,156.10 0 0 0
2.3.2 Assist in System engineering 44 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 0 0 $476.20 $1,619.08 0 0 0
2.3.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Mon 16-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 0 0 $998.55 0 0 0
2.3.4 Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 64 hrs 8 days Fri 13-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 0 0 $2,791.68 0 0 0
3 Software Engineering 724.23 hrs 47 days Wed 23-06-21 Thu 26-08-21 0 $2,104.17 $18,424.63 $14,205.30 0 0 0
3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 258 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 0 $2,104.17 $9,946.83 0 0 0 0
3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering 72 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 0 $747.00 $2,241.00 0 0 0 0
3.1.2 Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System Engineering 114 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 0 $1,357.17 $4,071.51 0 0 0 0
3.1.3 Provide quality checks 32 hrs 8 days Thu 15-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 0 0 $1,664.32 0 0 0 0
3.1.4 Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 40 hrs 10 days Tue 13-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 0 0 $1,970.00 0 0 0 0
3.2 Code and Unit test 382 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 0 0 $8,477.80 $10,558.20 0 0 0
3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering 114 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 0 0 $2,365.50 $2,365.50 0 0 0
3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules 228 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 0 0 $6,112.30 $6,112.30 0 0 0
3.2.3 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days Fri 13-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 0 0 0 $2,080.40 0 0 0
3.3 Function test 84.23 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 0 0 0 $3,647.10 0 0 0
3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering 18.23 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 0 0 0 $756.96 0 0 0
3.3.2 Check Functions 48 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 0 0 0 $2,034.24 0 0 0
3.3.3 Provide quality checks 18 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 0 0 0 $855.90 0 0 0
4 Test Engineering 1,010 hrs 60 days Fri 13-08-21 Thu 04-11-21 0 0 0 $6,108.05 $16,717.93 $22,802.89 $2,923.16
4.1 Design Test artifacts 338 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 0 0 0 $6,108.05 $9,913.58 0 0
4.1.1 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 0 0 0 $1,231.62 $1,705.32 0 0
4.1.2 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 0 0 0 $1,326.26 $1,836.36 0 0
4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases 186 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 0 0 0 $3,550.17 $4,915.62 0 0
4.1.4 Provide quality checks 28 hrs 7 days Thu 16-09-21 Fri 24-09-21 0 0 0 0 $1,456.28 0 0
4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 264 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 0 0 0 0 $4,687.90 $7,929.30 0
4.2.1 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 0 0 0 0 $1,432.76 $1,842.12 0
4.2.2 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 0 0 0 0 $1,186.64 $1,525.68 0
4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules 96 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 0 0 0 0 $2,068.50 $2,659.50 0
4.2.4 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days Wed 13-10-21 Tue 26-10-21 0 0 0 0 0 $1,902.00 0
4.3 Approve Test Service 270 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 0 0 0 0 $2,116.45 $8,889.09 $1,693.16
4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering 90 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 0 0 0 0 $710.55 $2,984.31 $568.44
4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate 180 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 0 0 0 0 $1,405.90 $5,904.78 $1,124.72
4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 90 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 0 0 0 0 0 $4,754.50 0
4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering 30 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 0 0 0 0 0 $1,477.50 0
4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 60 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 0 0 0 0 0 $3,277.00 0
4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment 48 hrs 8 days Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 0 0 0 0 0 $1,230.00 0
4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment 48 hrs 8 days Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 0 0 0 0 0 $1,230.00 $1,230.00
5 Design Review 36 hrs 6 days Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 0 0 0 0 0 $694.44 $1,388.88
6 Pre-Ship Review 38.4 hrs 6 days Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 0 0 0 0 0 $738.62 $1,477.25
Over Head Cost $941.68 $3,179.62 $5,552.05 $5,558.18 $3,009.23 $4,190.50 $624.34
Total Budgeted Cost $16,636.35 $56,173.35 $98,086.16 $98,194.46 $53,163.02 $74,032.23 $11,029.95
Cumulative Cost $16,636.35 $72,809.70 $170,895.86 $269,090.32 $322,253.33 $396,285.57 $407,315.52

Resource Wise Budget

SL No WBS Task Name Work Duration Start Finish May June July August September October November
1 1 Web Design Services 106.4 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
2 Project Manager 53.2 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,669.87 $3,061.43 $139.16
3 Chief Engineer 53.2 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,375.48 $2,521.71 $114.62
4 2 System Engineering 863 hrs 73 days Sat 15-05-21 Tue 24-08-21
5 2.1 UML Design For Interface 301 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
6 2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact 210 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
7 System Engineer I 105 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,494.00 $2,739.00 $124.50
8 System Engineer II 105 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,705.32 $3,126.42 $142.11
9 2.1.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
10 Software Engineer I 70 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,017.12 $1,864.72 $84.76
11 2.1.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Wed 23-06-21 Thu 01-07-21
12 Quality Engineer I 21 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Thu 01-07-21 $726.84 $121.14
13 2.2 System /Software design 301 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
14 2.2.1 Design approproate software component to display aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification 210 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
15 System Engineer III 140 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 $2,660.84 $4,502.96
16 Lead System Engineer 70 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 $1,479.66 $2,504.04
17 2.2.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
18 Software Engineer I 70 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 $1,101.88 $1,864.72
19 2.2.3 provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Thu 22-07-21 Fri 30-07-21
20 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs Thu 22-07-21 Fri 30-07-21 $998.55
21 2.3 Approve Design 261 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
22 2.3.1 Derive component level requirement for software engineering to design code, units. 132 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
23 System Engineer II 88 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 $947.40 $3,221.16
24 Lead System Engineer 44 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 $569.10 $1,934.94
25 2.3.2 Assist in System engineering 44 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
26 Software Engineer II 44 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 $476.20 $1,619.08
27 2.3.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Mon 16-08-21 Tue 24-08-21
28 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs Mon 16-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 $998.55
29 2.3.4 Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 64 hrs 8 days Fri 13-08-21 Tue 24-08-21
30 System Test Engineer II 64 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 $2,791.68
31 3 Software Engineering 724.23 hrs 47 days Wed 23-06-21 Thu 26-08-21
32 3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 258 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
33 3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering 72 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
34 System Engineer I 72 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 $747.00 $2,241.00
35 3.1.2 Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System Engineering 114 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
36 Software Engineer II 114 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 $1,357.17 $4,071.51
37 3.1.3 Provide quality checks 32 hrs 8 days Thu 15-07-21 Mon 26-07-21
38 Quality Engineer III 32 hrs Thu 15-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 $1,664.32
39 3.1.4 Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 40 hrs 10 days Tue 13-07-21 Mon 26-07-21
40 System Test Engineer III 40 hrs Tue 13-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 $1,970.00
41 3.2 Code and Unit test 382 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
42 3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering 114 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
43 System Engineer I 114 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,365.50 $2,365.50
44 3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules 228 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
45 Software Engineer III 152 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 $3,876.76 $3,876.76
46 Lead Software Engineer 76 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,235.54 $2,235.54
47 3.2.3 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days Fri 13-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
48 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,080.40
49 3.3 Function test 84.23 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
50 3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering 18.23 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
51 System Engineer I 18.23 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $756.96
52 3.3.2 Check Functions 48 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
53 Software Engineer I 48 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,034.24
54 3.3.3 Provide quality checks 18 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
55 Quality Engineer II 18 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $855.90
56 4 Test Engineering 1,010 hrs 60 days Fri 13-08-21 Thu 04-11-21
57 4.1 Design Test artifacts 338 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
58 4.1.1 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
59 System Engineer II 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,231.62 $1,705.32
60 4.1.2 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
61 Software Engineer III 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,326.26 $1,836.36
62 4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases 186 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
63 System Test Engineer I 93 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,629.42 $2,256.12
64 System Test Engineer III 93 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,920.75 $2,659.50
65 4.1.4 Provide quality checks 28 hrs 7 days Thu 16-09-21 Fri 24-09-21
66 Quality Engineer III 28 hrs Thu 16-09-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,456.28
67 4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 264 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
68 4.2.1 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
69 System Engineer III 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 $1,432.76 $1,842.12
70 4.2.2 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
71 Software Engineer I 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 $1,186.64 $1,525.68
72 4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules 96 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
73 System Test Engineer III 96 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 $2,068.50 $2,659.50
74 4.2.4 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days Wed 13-10-21 Tue 26-10-21
75 Quality Engineer II 40 hrs Wed 13-10-21 Tue 26-10-21 $1,902.00
76 4.3 Approve Test Service 270 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
77 4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering 90 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
78 System Engineer II 90 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 $710.55 $2,984.31 $568.44
79 4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate 180 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
80 Quality Engineer I 120 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 $807.60 $3,391.92 $646.08
81 Lead Quality Engineer 60 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 $598.30 $2,512.86 $478.64
82 4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 90 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
83 4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering 30 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
84 System Test Engineer III 30 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 $1,477.50
85 4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 60 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
86 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 $2,080.40
87 Lead Quality Engineer 20 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 $1,196.60
88 4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment 48 hrs 8 days Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
89 4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment 48 hrs 8 days Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
90 System Test Engineer III 32 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $788.00 $788.00
91 Lead System Test Engineer 16 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $442.00 $442.00
92 5 Design Review 36 hrs 6 days Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
93 Lead System Engineer 18 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $341.46 $682.92
94 Lead Software Engineer 18 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $352.98 $705.96
95 6 Pre-Ship Review 38.4 hrs 6 days Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
96 Lead System Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $182.11 $364.22
97 Lead Software Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $188.26 $376.51
98 Lead System Test Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $176.80 $353.60
99 Lead Quality Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $191.46 $382.91

Monthly Budget Curve

May June July August September October November 16636.350200000001 72809.703999999998 170895.86060000001 269090.3174 322253.33480000001 396285.5686 407315.51520000002


1 Web Design Services 106.4 hrs 35 days P P
2 System Engineering 863 hrs 73 days P P P S S P S S S
2.1 UML Design For Interface 301 hrs 35 days P P S S
2.2 System /Software design 301 hrs 35 days P S S S
2.3 Approve Design 261 hrs 22 days P S S P S
3 Software Engineering 724 47 days S P P P S P S
3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 258 hrs 24 days S P S S
3.2 Code and Unit test 382 hrs 38 days S P S S
3.3 Function test 84.23 hrs 6 days S P P
4 Test Engineering 1,010 hrs 60 days S S S S P P P P P P P
4.1 Design Test artifacts 338 hrs 31 days S S P P S
4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 264 hrs 32 days S S P P
4.3 Approve Test Service 270 hrs 30 days S P S
4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 90 hrs 10 days S P P
5 Design Review 36 hrs 6 days P P
6 Pre-Ship Review 38.4 hrs 6 days S S P P P P


SL No WBS Task Name Work Duration Software Engineer I Software Engineer II Software Engineer III Lead Software Engineer System Engineer I System Engineer II System Engineer III Lead System Engineer System Test Engineer I System Test Engineer II System Test Engineer III Lead System Test Engineer Quality Engineer I Quality Engineer II Quality Engineer III Lead Quality Engineer Project Manager Chief Engineer
1 1 Web Design Services 106.4 hrs 35 days P P
4 2 System Engineering 863 hrs 73 days S P P P S P S S S
5 2.1 UML Design For Interface 301 hrs 35 days S P P S
6 2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact 210 hrs 35 days
7 System Engineer I 105 hrs
8 System Engineer II 105 hrs
9 2.1.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days
10 Software Engineer I 70 hrs
11 2.1.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days
12 Quality Engineer I 21 hrs
13 2.2 System /Software design 301 hrs 35 days S P S S
14 2.2.1 Design approproate software component to display aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification 210 hrs 35 days
15 System Engineer III 140 hrs
16 Lead System Engineer 70 hrs
17 2.2.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days
18 Software Engineer I 70 hrs
19 2.2.3 provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days
20 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs
21 2.3 Approve Design 261 hrs 22 days S P S P S
22 2.3.1 Derive component level requirement for software engineering to design code, units. 132 hrs 22 days
23 System Engineer II 88 hrs
24 Lead System Engineer 44 hrs
25 2.3.2 Assist in System engineering 44 hrs 22 days
26 Software Engineer II 44 hrs
27 2.3.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days
28 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs
29 2.3.4 Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 64 hrs 8 days
30 System Test Engineer II 64 hrs
31 3 Software Engineering 724.23 hrs 47 days P P P S S P S
32 3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 258 hrs 24 days P S S S
33 3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering 72 hrs 24 days
34 System Engineer I 72 hrs
35 3.1.2 Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System Engineering 114 hrs 24 days
36 Software Engineer II 114 hrs
37 3.1.3 Provide quality checks 32 hrs 8 days
38 Quality Engineer III 32 hrs
39 3.1.4 Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 40 hrs 10 days
40 System Test Engineer III 40 hrs
41 3.2 Code and Unit test 382 hrs 38 days P S S S
42 3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering 114 hrs 38 days
43 System Engineer I 114 hrs
44 3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules 228 hrs 38 days
45 Software Engineer III 152 hrs
46 Lead Software Engineer 76 hrs
47 3.2.3 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days
48 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs
49 3.3 Function test 84.23 hrs 6 days P S P
50 3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering 18.23 hrs 6 days
51 System Engineer I 18.23 hrs
52 3.3.2 Check Functions 48 hrs 6 days
53 Software Engineer I 48 hrs
54 3.3.3 Provide quality checks 18 hrs 6 days
55 Quality Engineer II 18 hrs
56 4 Test Engineering 1,010 hrs 60 days S S S S P P P P P P P
57 4.1 Design Test artifacts 338 hrs 31 days S S P P S
58 4.1.1 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days
59 System Engineer II 62 hrs
60 4.1.2 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days
61 Software Engineer III 62 hrs
62 4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases 186 hrs 31 days
63 System Test Engineer I 93 hrs
64 System Test Engineer III 93 hrs
65 4.1.4 Provide quality checks 28 hrs 7 days
66 Quality Engineer III 28 hrs
67 4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 264 hrs 32 days S S P P
68 4.2.1 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days
69 System Engineer III 64 hrs
70 4.2.2 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days
71 Software Engineer I 64 hrs
72 4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules 96 hrs 32 days
73 System Test Engineer III 96 hrs
74 4.2.4 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days
75 Quality Engineer II 40 hrs
76 4.3 Approve Test Service 270 hrs 30 days S P S
77 4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering 90 hrs 30 days
78 System Engineer II 90 hrs
79 4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate 180 hrs 30 days
80 Quality Engineer I 120 hrs
81 Lead Quality Engineer 60 hrs
82 4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 90 hrs 10 days S P P
83 4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering 30 hrs 10 days
84 System Test Engineer III 30 hrs
85 4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 60 hrs 10 days
86 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs
87 Lead Quality Engineer 20 hrs
88 4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment 48 hrs 8 days
89 4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment 48 hrs 8 days
90 System Test Engineer III 32 hrs
91 Lead System Test Engineer 16 hrs
92 5 Design Review 36 hrs 6 days P P
93 Lead System Engineer 18 hrs
94 Lead Software Engineer 18 hrs
95 6 Pre-Ship Review 38.4 hrs 6 days P P P P S S
96 Lead System Engineer 9.6 hrs
97 Lead Software Engineer 9.6 hrs
98 Lead System Test Engineer 9.6 hrs
99 Lead Quality Engineer 9.6 hrs


BUSA 428 Spring 2021 Project Management





















BUSA 428 Course Project



Identification of Problems/Tasks:

- Understand the problems presented - Provide appropriate information with associated objective evidence


- Evaluate and provide relevant impact of the problems presented - Provide responses using information from quantitative measures as derived from

software tool results

Solutions and Recommendations:

- Provide solution to task/problems presented along with any associated action plans


Use the project response Word document posted in doc sharing and begin to respond to all


Be sure and address each question/request in detail providing emphasis on project objectives

All graphs/charts/tables are to be produced in the native format (excel, project, etc.) and

then copied into the response area of the Management Word document

Major Submission Requirement: Post BOTH the Management Word document with all

responses/graphs/charts/tables AND the objective evidence (the native documents from where

you copied the charts/graphs/tables)

Project Due Date: 21 April 2021


Cover all points in the response. Use the Word document posted as the template for all

responses and task work. The Word document will be the formal response back to Astin

Martin Electronics. All tables, graphics, and figures created by other tools should be

copied and pasted in the Word document maintaining a professional appearance with


appropriate labeling of all figures, diagrams, tables, artifacts pasted. As this is a

professional document, do not leave template examples in your submission.

Where applicable, provide clear documentation, graphics, diagrams, and tables that

help clarify any responses.


Software Project Team (YOU): JBB Software

Customer: Astin Martin Electronics LLC

RFP awarded for specific message services which will be incorporated into an

electronic instrument company (Astin Martin Electronics LLC) interface to electronic

gauges. Topical level requirements for the software were provided. Deliverable products


- Systems Engineering to provide appropriate requirements decomposition - Software Engineering to provide design/development/unit test of software - System Test Engineering to provide component and enterprise level testing - Quality Engineering to provide quality control through the entire development life

cycle - Management functions to include all primary functions (project management,

finance, planning & scheduling, Overhead support (contracts, engineering matrix, etc.)

Award date of May 15 and required completion date (deliverables provided) of

November 15.

Astin Martin Electronics request of planned deliverables, acceptance criteria, quality

plan, and work breakdown structure. These items need to be provided in an acceptable

time for Astin Martin to review and approve.

Astin Martin Electronics further requests other deliverables to include final software

(source and binary) which meets all approved acceptance criteria, associated design

documents (system and development level)

All project questions or request for project scope changes should be directed to the

Astin Martin Electronics designee (course instructor).

There is no requirement relative to project tools used to generate the required data.

Topical requirements include:

- System Engineering: UML design artifacts for graphic widgets to display aeronautical expanse gauges for interface testing within the technical specs guidelines for twenty-five different visual aspects. Include appropriate level of peer review. Design should include graphical mock-up of gauges.


- System Engineering: Derive component level requirements for Software Engineering to design, code, and unit test and System Test can provide System and Enterprise level testing

- Software Engineering: Provide appropriate level design artifacts from System Engineering UML design artifacts. Include appropriate level of peer review.

- Software Engineering: Code and Unit Test software modules that execute the software which meets all topical and derived requirements

- System Test Engineering: Derive sell-off acceptance criteria. Include appropriate peer review (including System Engineering) and customer approval.

- System Test Engineering: Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases. Include appropriate level of peer review.

- System Test Engineering: Execute test cases as software modules become available

- Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks during the processes described for System Engineering, Software Engineering, and System Test Engineering as appropriate

- Include the following customer related reviews: Design Review (after System Engineering completes design artifacts), Pre-Ship Review (provided prior to Astin Martin Electronics acceptance of software), and Final Acceptance Test (software demonstration at customer facility showing software meets all requirements as installed)

Approved labor rates ($/hr.) as follows:

- System Engineer I: 42.15 - System Engineer II: 46.37 - System Engineer III: 50.17 - Lead System Engineer: 55.93 - Software Engineer I: 42.38 - Software Engineer II: 46.61 - Software Engineer III: 52.01 - Lead Software Engineer: 58.76 - System Test Engineer I: 42.76 - System Test Engineer II: 41.62 - System Test Engineer III: 47.25 - Lead System Test Engineer: 53.21 - Quality Engineer I: 41.38 - Quality Engineer II: 46.54 - Quality Engineer III: 53.11 - Lead Quality Engineer: 59.89 - Project Manager: 95.52 (LOE – Level of Effort) - Chief Engineer: 74.41 (LOE – Level of Effort)

Approved overhead rates as follows:

- Finance: 6.4% of total hours - Planning & Scheduling: 5.1% of total hours


- Management (Contracts/Senior Management): 2.2% of total hours - Facility: 1.9% of total hours - HR/Staffing: 0.62% of total hours


2.1 Systems Engineering: UML Design for Interface

System Engineering: Create outline of UML and derived requirements artifacts.

Software Engineering: Assist system engineering.

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks

2.2 Systems Engineering: System/Software Design

System Engineering: Design appropriate software components to display aeronautical

expanse gauges within the technical specs guidelines for twenty-five different visual

aspects. Include appropriate level of peer review.

Software Engineering: Assist system engineering.

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.

2.3 Systems Engineering: Approve design

System Engineering: Derive component level requirements for Software Engineering to

design, code, and unit test and System Test can provide System and Enterprise level


Software Engineering: Assist system engineering

System Test Engineering: Derive sell-off acceptance criteria. Include appropriate peer

review (including System Engineering) and customer approval.

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.

3.1 Software Engineering: Approve Content S/W Component Design

System Engineering: Assist software engineering

Software Engineering: Provide appropriate level design artifacts from System

Engineering UML design artifacts. Include appropriate level of peer review.

System Test Engineering: Derive sell-off acceptance criteria. Include appropriate peer

review (including System Engineering) and customer approval.


Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.

3.2 Software Engineering: Code and Unit Test

System Engineering: Assist software engineering

Software Engineering: Code and Unit Test software modules that execute the software

which meets all topical and derived requirements. (* Minimum of 12 tasks)

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.

3.3 Software Engineering: Function Test (with actual gauges)

System Engineering: Assist software engineering

Software Engineering: Check the function

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.

4.1 Test Engineering: Design Test Artifacts

System Engineering: Support with other engineers for opinion

Software Engineering: Support with other engineers for opinion

System Test Engineering: Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases. Include

appropriate level of peer review.

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.

4.2 Test Engineering: Perform Environment Level Tests

System Engineering: Support with other engineers for opinion

Software Engineering: Support with other engineers for opinion

System Test Engineering: Execute test cases as software modules become available

Quality Engineering: Provide quality checks.

4.3 Test Engineering: Approve Test Services (with Customer Acceptance Criteria)

System Test Engineering: Assist Quality Engineering

Quality Engineering: Quality checks during the processes described for System

Engineering, Software Engineering, and System Test Engineering as appropriate


Include the following customer related reviews: Design Review (after System

Engineering completes design artifacts), Pre-Ship Review (provided prior to Astin Martin

Electronics acceptance of software).

4.4 Test Engineering: Run Test on Live Environment (Customer Facility)

System Test Engineering: Assist Quality engineering

Quality Engineering: quality checks, and Final Acceptance Test (software demonstration

at customer facility showing software meets all requirements as installed) installed)

4.5 System Test Engineering: Deploy to Operational Environment (Customer Facility)

System Test Engineering: work with customer facility team for full deployment

Use approved installation instructions to deploy software into operational environment

with support from customer facility team

*** Add more WBS activities as required or you deem necessary ***

Example: May want to add WBS level for Quality Engineering for derived tasks or those

tasks could be incorporated in the WBS items noted above.


Notional Activity estimated Duration

The estimated total elapsed time for how long an activity will take from starts

to finish, including associated waiting time. Also referred to as activity

resource estimated or estimated activity resources.

Example only: Does not reflect tasks of this assignment. Be sure and remove any

examples in your management response document.



1. Provide a project objective associated with the Astin Martin Electronics project. Include a list of assumptions about the project.

2. What is a work breakdown structure? What is a responsibility matrix? Using the Astin Martin Astin Martin Electronics project activity list and activity duration schedule, create a WBS and RAM.

Work Breakdown Structure (Should provide hierarchical graph)


Responsibility Assignment Matrix

??? (Example RAM Template: From different requirements. Be sure and remove any examples in your management response document.)

Task\Date 15-May 25-May 5-Jun 15-Jun 25-Jun 5-Jul 15-Jul 25-Jul 5-Aug 15-Aug 25-Aug 5-Sep 15-Sep 25-Sep 5-Oct 15-Oct 25-Oct 5-Nov 15-Nov

Select Layout

Design Graphics

Approve Design

Write Content

Approve Content

Insert content into page

Set up test web service

Perform tests

Approve web service

Go live

Plan Duration Actual Start % Complete (beyond plan)

Baseline Schedule



3. (Major) List all activity costs. From the project activity list and activity duration schedule, estimate the cost of each activity. Then, determine the Total Budgeted Cost (TBC) for the Astin Martin Electronics project. Provide the information in table format by month. Objective evidence of derived costs is required for credit. Use labor and overhead rates as provided in your derived calculations. (Example Template: Does not reflect tasks associated with this assignment. Be sure and remove any examples in your management response document.)

4. Provide a cumulative budgeted cost curve and monthly budget curve for the Astin Martin Electronics project. Provide in appropriate graph format. This should represent both monthly budget and TBC over the period of performance of the project.

5. Astin Martin Electronics wants to know if you plan to use a management reserve for their project. Explain what the term reserve means and why you will use contingency reserve in the project or not. Be sure and consider the implications of using or not using the reserve. Provide appropriate detail in your response.

6. Astin Martin Electronics wants to know how JBB Software plans to employ cost management and earned value (EV) in their project. Explain to Astin Martin Electronics why it is necessary to calculate the earned value of work performed and how you plan to execute this task.

7. Astin Martin Electronics is concerned about how JBB Software will manage risks. Describe what JBB Software plans to do in order to manage risk on the Astin Martin Electronics project and if a risk assessment matrix will be employed and why. Provide appropriate level of detail in your response.


Running Head: Replies



To answer question 4: Most critically, what would your team do differently to solve the problem, how would you do it, and why?

Team dynamics are an important component of a successful team. The ability to work together, trust each other, learn from each other, and grow together helps the team function effectively. While reading “The Army Crew Team” by Snook and Polzer (2004), the reader can quickly identify that the Varsity team did not work effectively as a team. LeFasto and Larson discuss in their first chapter of When Teams Work Best that four factors are essential to winning as a team “openness, supportiveness, an action orientation, and a positive personal style” (2001, p. 8). There is a disconnect between the Varsity team members on supporting these four factors, as they struggle to synchronize their actions during competition.

“Successful racing in a crew required a unique combination of individual skills and team coordination” (Snook, p.2). The way a team works is when all the pieces come together to form something greater than the sum of their individual parts. In the case of the Army Crew Team, they had two different mindsets when it came to their Junior Varsity and Varsity teams. The problem in the Varsity team was that they were all Type A personalities who were the teams objectively best rowers. The Varsity team members believed that they were all the best in their own right, which, they were some of the best rowers on the team in terms of individual skill, however, they did not know how to work together as a team and account for others advantages and pitfalls. The Junior Varsity (JV) team was also full of talent, but they realized that the team needed each individual in order to be successful. Additionally, the JV team had “virtually no team disruptors” while the Varsity team had several and there was no one leader (Snook, p. 7).

Coach P realized the importance of the psychological factors of those on a team and turned to the Center for Enhanced Performance (CEP) at West Point in order to seek assistance with the team dynamics and overcome their issues. Coach P, through the guidance of the CEP employed a series of training techniques designed to utilize the “beliefs, attitudes, and thinking habits that help develop the confidence, concentration and motivation needed to achieve one’s full potential (Snook, p. 7). Coach P encouraged the teams to email each other in order to show support and develop each others winning mentality. The JV team fully embraced this concept while the Varsity team did not and thought it was too “touchy-feely” tying into their feelings of superiority (Snook, p. 7).













Question 3 The coach played the part of putting together the best possible crew team. He did this by collecting data of each of the sixteen members that would make up the two boat crews. The data he collected represented the research suggested were the key ingredients to being the best crew member. According to his data he had the best eight crew members in the varsity boat and the remaining eight crew members in the junior varsity boat. As we read through their story, we saw that data is not the only way to measure the best crew. The coach did not provide the team coaching as described by Wageman instead he played more of a data analysis role when building his team and it showed in the crew teams results.

When it comes to sport there is a lot that analytics can uncover and help bring out advantages for a team. The problem that the Army Crew Team faced was that analytics was the only measuring stick used to build the best rowing team. At one point the coach did attempt to solve the problem by looking at who were leaders and who were followers but did not seem to commit to making the adjustment. Instead, he went back to his analytics and ultimately the crew team that had the best numbers.

The coach did not provide the team coaching as described by Wageman. He did attempt to create an environment where the team could communicate openly and freely four days before the final races but by them it seemed to be too late to solve the problems that the team was dealing with. He also attempted to look at the data differently but again he did not commit to making a change with his boat crews. Lastly, it seems he did not attempt to solve the problem until it was to late and by the end of the season when the team was looking forward to the season ending there was nothing that could be done to resolve the issue.

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