New XLS Worksheet

WBS Code Task Name Duration Work Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names May June July August September October November
1 Web Design Services 35 days 280 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 Project Manager, Chief engineer
2 System Engineering 73 days 823 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Tue 24-08-21
2.1 UML Design For Interface 35 days 301 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact 35 days 210 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 1SS System Eng
2.1.2 Assist in System engineering 35 days 70 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 1SS Software Eng
2.1.3 Provide quality checks 7 days 21 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Thu 01-07-21 5FF quality engg
2.2 System /Software design 35 days 301 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
2.2.1 Design approproate software component to display aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification 35 days 210 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 4FS-14 days System Eng
2.2.2 Assist in System engineering 35 days 70 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 8SS Software Eng
2.2.3 provide quality checks 7 days 21 hrs Thu 22-07-21 Fri 30-07-21 9FF quality engg
2.3 Approve Design 22 days 221 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
2.3.1 Derive component level requirement for software engineering to design code, units. 22 days 132 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 10FS-5 days System Eng
2.3.2 assist in System engineering 22 days 44 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 12SS Software Eng
2.3.3 Provide quality checks 7 days 21 hrs Mon 16-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 13FF quality engg
2.3.4 Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 8 days 24 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 14FF System Test Engineer
3 Software Engineering 47 days 712 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Thu 26-08-21
3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 24 days 258 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering 24 days 72 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 1FS-7 days System Eng
3.1.2 Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System Engineering 24 days 114 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 1FS-7 days Software Eng
3.1.3 Provide quality checks 8 days 32 hrs Thu 15-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 19FF quality engg
3.1.4 Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 10 days 40 hrs Tue 13-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 19FF System Test Engineer
3.2 Code and Unit test 38 days 382 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering 38 days 114 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 19FS-15 days System Eng
3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules 38 days 228 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 19FS-15 days Software Eng
3.2.3 Provide quality checks 10 days 40 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 24FF quality engg
3.3 Function test 6 days 72 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering 6 days 18 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 25FF System Eng
3.3.2 Check Functions 6 days 36 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 25FF Software Eng
3.3.3 Provide quality checks 6 days 18 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 25FF quality engg
4 Test Engineering 60 days 1,010 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Thu 04-11-21
4.1 Design Test artifacts 31 days 338 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
4.1.1 Support Others 31 days 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 28FS-10 days System Eng
4.1.2 Support Others 31 days 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 28FS-10 days Software Eng
4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases 31 days 186 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 28FS-10 days System test Engineer
4.1.4 Provide quality checks 7 days 28 hrs Thu 16-09-21 Fri 24-09-21 34FF Quality engg
4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 32 days 264 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
4.2.1 Support Others 32 days 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 35FS-10 days System Eng
4.2.2 Support Others 32 days 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 35FS-10 days Software Eng
4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules 32 days 96 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 35FS-10 days System test Engineer
4.2.4 Provide quality checks 10 days 40 hrs Wed 13-10-21 Tue 26-10-21 39FF Quality engg
4.3 Approve Test Service 30 days 270 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering 30 days 90 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 40FS-23 days System test Engineer
4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate 30 days 180 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 40FS-23 days Quality engg
4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 10 days 90 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering 10 days 30 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 43FS-18 days System test Engineer
4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 10 days 60 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 43FS-18 days Quality engg
4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment 8 days 48 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment 8 days 48 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 46 System test Engineer
5 Design Review 6 days 36 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 48FF System, Software Quality
6 Pre-Ship Review 6 days 36 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 49FF System, Software Quality

Total Budget Cost

WBS Task Name Work Duration Start Date Finish Date May June July August September October November
1 Specific Message Services 56hrs 7days 15/May/21 19/May/21
1.1 Define SOW with assumptions and dependencies. 24hrs 3days 15/May/21 18/May/21 1370 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.2 Scope Sign off 8hrs 1days 19/May/21 19/May/21 764 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 System Engineering 312hrs 39days 20/May/21 1/Jul/21
2.1 UML design artifacts for graphic widgets 168hrs 21days 20/May/21 13/Jun/21
2.1.1 Identification of all 25 use case for different visual aspects. 8hrs 1days 20/May/21 20/May/21 1711 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.2 Identification of UML design artifacts requirements. 24hrs 3days 21/May/21 25/May/21 1750 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.3 Analysis and Design of UML for first 10 use case 24hrs 3days 26/May/21 30/May/21 1750 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.4 Review of UML design for first 10 use case. 16hrs 2days 31/May/21 1/Jun/21 800 366 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.5 Analysis and Design of UML for Second 10 Use case 24hrs 3days 2/Jun/21 6/Jun/21 0 1749.84 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.6 Review of UML design for second 10 use case. 16hrs 2days 7/Jun/21 8/Jun/21 0 1166.56 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.7 Analysis and Design of UML Artifacts for last 5 Use case 16hrs 2days 9/Jun/21 10/Jun/21 0 1166.56 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.8 Review of UML design for last five use case. 8hrs 1days 11/Jun/21 13/Jun/21 0 583.28 0 0 0 0 0
2.2 System /Software design 144hrs 18days 14/Jun/21 1/Jul/21
2.2.1 Identify design Goals 16hrs 2days 14/Jun/21 15/Jun/21 0 1166.56 0 0 0 0 0
2.2.2 Decomposition of system components. 16hrs 2days 16/Jun/21 17/Jun/21 0 1166.56 0 0 0 0 0
2.2.3 Hardware and Database Architecture design. 24hrs 3days 18/Jun/21 22/Jun/21 0 1749.84 0 0 0 0 0
2.2.4 Application architecture design. 24hrs 3days 23/Jun/21 27/Jun/21 0 1749.84 0 0 0 0 0
2.2.5 Customer review of hardware,database and application architecture design. 24hrs 3days 28/Jun/21 30/Jun/21 0 1749.84 0 0 0 0 0
2.2.6 Customer signoff design . 8hrs 1days 1/Jul/21 1/Jul/21 0 0 583.28 0 0 0 0
3 Software Engineering 472hrs 59days 28/Jun/21 2/Sep/21
3.1 Design Documentation 120hrs 15days 28/Jun/21 12/Jul/21
3.1.1 Delivery of HLD design document. 24hrs 3days 28/Jun/21 30/Jun/21 0 1243.68 0 0 0 0 0
3.1.2 Customer review and sign off HDL design document. 16hrs 2days 1/Jul/21 4/Jul/21 0 0 829.12 0 0 0 0
3.1.3 Delivery of LLD design document. 24hrs 3days 5/Jul/21 7/Jul/21 0 0 1243.68 0 0 0 0
3.1.4 Customer review and sign off LLD design document. 16hrs 2days 8/Jul/21 11/Jul/21 0 0 829.12 0 0 0 0
3.1.5 HLD and LLD design document sign off. 8hrs 1days 12/Jul/21 12/Jul/21 0 0 414.56 0 0 0 0
3.2 Build 264hrs 33days 13/Jul/21 19/Aug/21
3.2.1 Settting of Development environment. 24hrs 3days 13/Jul/21 15/Jul/21 0 0 1243.68 0 0 0 0
3.2.2 VMs to be allocated to developers. 8hrs 1days 16/Jul/21 18/Jul/21 0 0 414.56 0 0 0 0
3.2.3 Write the code for the interface. 120hrs 15days 19/Jul/21 8/Aug/21 0 0 4666 1365 0 0 0
3.2.4 Unit Testing 40hrs 5days 9/Aug/21 15/Aug/21 0 0 0 2010 0 0 0
3.2.5 Code Inspection, walkthrough and review 32hrs 4days 16/Aug/21 19/Aug/21 0 0 0 2432 0 0 0
3.3 Functional Testing 88hrs 11days 20/Aug/21 2/Sep/21
3.3.1 Design test cases. 16hrs 2days 20/Aug/21 23/Aug/21 0 0 0 804 0 0 0
3.3.2 Execute test cases 32hrs 4days 24/Aug/21 29/Aug/21 0 0 0 1608 0 0 0
3.3.3 Defect Management 32hrs 4days 30/Aug/21 2/Sep/21 0 0 0 1398 210 0 0
4 Test Engineering 848hrs 106days 3/Sep/21 15/Nov/21
4.1 Design Test artifacts 264hrs 33days 3/Sep/21 18/Oct/21
4.1.1 Design the scope and objective of the test. 16hrs 2days 3/Sep/21 6/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 988.8 0 0
4.1.2 Details of overall approach and test strategy. 8hrs 1days 7/Sep/21 7/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 494.4 0 0
4.1.3 Design the test cases. 32hrs 4days 8/Sep/21 13/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 1977.6 0 0
4.1.4 Design of RTM 32hrs 4days 14/Sep/21 19/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 1977.6 0 0
4.1.5 Design Acceptance Criteria 40hrs 5days 20/Sep/21 26/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 2472 0 0
4.1.6 Customer review of Test Cases 16hrs 2days 27/Sep/21 28/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 988.8 0 0
4.1.7 Customer review of RTM 16hrs 2days 29/Sep/21 30/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 988.8 0 0
4.1.8 Test case and RTM sign-off 8hrs 1days 1/Oct/21 3/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 494.4 0
4.1.9 Setting up of test environment. 24hrs 3days 4/Oct/21 6/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 1483.2 0
4.1.10 Execute RTM. 40hrs 5days 7/Oct/21 13/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 2472 0
4.1.11 Defect Management 24hrs 3days 14/Oct/21 18/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 1483.2 0
4.2 UAT 96hrs 12days 19/Oct/21 3/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 5932.8 0
4.2.1 Setting up of UAT environment. 24hrs 3days 19/Oct/21 21/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 1483.2 0
4.2.2 Support client testers on executing RTM. 40hrs 5days 22/Oct/21 28/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 2472 0
4.2.3 Defect Management. 32hrs 4days 29/Oct/21 3/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 1548 430
4.3 Go Live 64hrs 8days 4/Nov/21 15/Nov/21
4.3.1 Setting up of production environment. 24hrs 3days 4/Nov/21 8/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 0 1243.68
4.3.2 Identify cut-off date. 8hrs 1days 9/Nov/21 9/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 0 414.56
4.3.3 Release Mangement Documentation. 16hrs 2days 10/Nov/21 11/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 0 829.12
4.3.3 Testing on production environment. 8hrs 1days 12/Nov/21 14/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 0 414.56
4.3.4 Go Live 8hrs 1days 15/Nov/21 15/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 0 414.56
Over Head Cost $488.71 $831.51 $613.44 $577.07 $605.88 $1,042.13 $224.79
Total Budgeted Cost $8,145.15 $13,858.56 $10,224.00 $9,617.88 $10,098.00 $17,368.80 $3,746.48
Cumulative Cost $8,145.15 $22,003.71 $32,227.71 $41,845.59 $51,943.59 $69,312.39 $73,058.87

Resource Wise Budget

SL No WBS Task Name Work Duration Start Finish May June July August September October November
1 1 Web Design Services 106.4 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
2 Project Manager 53.2 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,669.87 $3,061.43 $139.16
3 Chief Engineer 53.2 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,375.48 $2,521.71 $114.62
4 2 System Engineering 863 hrs 73 days Sat 15-05-21 Tue 24-08-21
5 2.1 UML Design For Interface 301 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
6 2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact 210 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
7 System Engineer I 105 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,494.00 $2,739.00 $124.50
8 System Engineer II 105 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,705.32 $3,126.42 $142.11
9 2.1.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
10 Software Engineer I 70 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,017.12 $1,864.72 $84.76
11 2.1.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Wed 23-06-21 Thu 01-07-21
12 Quality Engineer I 21 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Thu 01-07-21 $726.84 $121.14
13 2.2 System /Software design 301 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
14 2.2.1 Design approproate software component to display aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification 210 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
15 System Engineer III 140 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 $2,660.84 $4,502.96
16 Lead System Engineer 70 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 $1,479.66 $2,504.04
17 2.2.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
18 Software Engineer I 70 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 $1,101.88 $1,864.72
19 2.2.3 provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Thu 22-07-21 Fri 30-07-21
20 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs Thu 22-07-21 Fri 30-07-21 $998.55
21 2.3 Approve Design 261 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
22 2.3.1 Derive component level requirement for software engineering to design code, units. 132 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
23 System Engineer II 88 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 $947.40 $3,221.16
24 Lead System Engineer 44 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 $569.10 $1,934.94
25 2.3.2 Assist in System engineering 44 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
26 Software Engineer II 44 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 $476.20 $1,619.08
27 2.3.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Mon 16-08-21 Tue 24-08-21
28 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs Mon 16-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 $998.55
29 2.3.4 Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 64 hrs 8 days Fri 13-08-21 Tue 24-08-21
30 System Test Engineer II 64 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 $2,791.68
31 3 Software Engineering 724.23 hrs 47 days Wed 23-06-21 Thu 26-08-21
32 3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 258 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
33 3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering 72 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
34 System Engineer I 72 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 $747.00 $2,241.00
35 3.1.2 Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System Engineering 114 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
36 Software Engineer II 114 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 $1,357.17 $4,071.51
37 3.1.3 Provide quality checks 32 hrs 8 days Thu 15-07-21 Mon 26-07-21
38 Quality Engineer III 32 hrs Thu 15-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 $1,664.32
39 3.1.4 Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 40 hrs 10 days Tue 13-07-21 Mon 26-07-21
40 System Test Engineer III 40 hrs Tue 13-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 $1,970.00
41 3.2 Code and Unit test 382 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
42 3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering 114 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
43 System Engineer I 114 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,365.50 $2,365.50
44 3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules 228 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
45 Software Engineer III 152 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 $3,876.76 $3,876.76
46 Lead Software Engineer 76 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,235.54 $2,235.54
47 3.2.3 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days Fri 13-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
48 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,080.40
49 3.3 Function test 84.23 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
50 3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering 18.23 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
51 System Engineer I 18.23 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $756.96
52 3.3.2 Check Functions 48 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
53 Software Engineer I 48 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,034.24
54 3.3.3 Provide quality checks 18 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
55 Quality Engineer II 18 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $855.90
56 4 Test Engineering 1,010 hrs 60 days Fri 13-08-21 Thu 04-11-21
57 4.1 Design Test artifacts 338 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
58 4.1.1 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
59 System Engineer II 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,231.62 $1,705.32
60 4.1.2 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
61 Software Engineer III 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,326.26 $1,836.36
62 4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases 186 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
63 System Test Engineer I 93 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,629.42 $2,256.12
64 System Test Engineer III 93 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,920.75 $2,659.50
65 4.1.4 Provide quality checks 28 hrs 7 days Thu 16-09-21 Fri 24-09-21
66 Quality Engineer III 28 hrs Thu 16-09-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,456.28
67 4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 264 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
68 4.2.1 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
69 System Engineer III 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 $1,432.76 $1,842.12
70 4.2.2 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
71 Software Engineer I 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 $1,186.64 $1,525.68
72 4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules 96 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
73 System Test Engineer III 96 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 $2,068.50 $2,659.50
74 4.2.4 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days Wed 13-10-21 Tue 26-10-21
75 Quality Engineer II 40 hrs Wed 13-10-21 Tue 26-10-21 $1,902.00
76 4.3 Approve Test Service 270 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
77 4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering 90 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
78 System Engineer II 90 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 $710.55 $2,984.31 $568.44
79 4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate 180 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
80 Quality Engineer I 120 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 $807.60 $3,391.92 $646.08
81 Lead Quality Engineer 60 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 $598.30 $2,512.86 $478.64
82 4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 90 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
83 4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering 30 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
84 System Test Engineer III 30 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 $1,477.50
85 4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 60 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
86 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 $2,080.40
87 Lead Quality Engineer 20 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 $1,196.60
88 4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment 48 hrs 8 days Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
89 4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment 48 hrs 8 days Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
90 System Test Engineer III 32 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $788.00 $788.00
91 Lead System Test Engineer 16 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $442.00 $442.00
92 5 Design Review 36 hrs 6 days Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
93 Lead System Engineer 18 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $341.46 $682.92
94 Lead Software Engineer 18 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $352.98 $705.96
95 6 Pre-Ship Review 38.4 hrs 6 days Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
96 Lead System Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $182.11 $364.22
97 Lead Software Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $188.26 $376.51
98 Lead System Test Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $176.80 $353.60
99 Lead Quality Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $191.46 $382.91

Monthly Budget Curve

May June July August September October November 8145.15 22003.71 32227.71 41845.589999999997 51943.59 69312.39 73058.87


WBS Task Name Work Duration Project Manager Chief Engineer System ENGINEER I SYSTEM ENGINEER II System ENGINEER III Lead System ENGINEER Software Engineer I Software Engineer II Software Engineer III Lead Software ENGINEER System Test Engineer I System Test Engineer II System Test Engineer III Lead System Test Engineer Quality Engineer I Quality Engineer II Quality Engineer III Lead Quality Engineer
1 Specific Message Services 56hrs 7days
1.1 Define SOW with assumptions and dependencies. 24hrs 3days S S S P P P
1.2 Scope Sign off 8hrs 1days P
2 System Engineering 312hrs 39days
2.1 UML design artifacts for graphic widgets 168hrs 21days S S S S S P
2.1.1 Identification of all 25 use case for different visual aspects. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
2.1.2 Identification of UML design artifacts requirements. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.1.3 Analysis and Design of UML for first 10 use case 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.1.4 Review of UML design for first 10 use case. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
2.1.5 Analysis and Design of UML for Second 10 Use case 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.1.6 Review of UML design for second 10 use case. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
2.1.7 Analysis and Design of UML Artifacts for last 5 Use case 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
2.1.8 Review of UML design for last five use case. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
2.2 System /Software design 144hrs 18days
2.2.1 Identify design Goals 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
2.2.2 Decomposition of system components. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
2.2.3 Hardware and Database Architecture design. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.2.4 Application architecture design. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.2.5 Customer review of hardware,database and application architecture design. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.2.6 Customer signoff design . 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
3 Software Engineering 472hrs 59days
3.1 Design Documentation 120hrs 15days
3.1.1 Delivery of HLD design document. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
3.1.2 Customer review and sign off HDL design document. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
3.1.3 Delivery of LLD design document. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
3.1.4 Customer review and sign off LLD design document. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
3.1.5 HLD and LLD design document sign off. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
3.2 Build 264hrs 33days
3.2.1 Settting of Development environment. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
3.2.2 VMs to be allocated to developers. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
3.2.3 Write the code for the interface. 120hrs 15days S S S S S P
3.2.4 Unit Testing 40hrs 5days S S S S S P
3.2.5 Code Inspection, walkthrough and review 32hrs 4days P P P
3.3 Functional Testing 88hrs 11days
3.3.1 Design test cases. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
3.3.2 Execute test cases 32hrs 4days S S S S S P
3.3.3 Defect Management 32hrs 4days S S S S S P
4 Test Engineering 848hrs 106days
4.1 Design Test artifacts 264hrs 33days
4.1.1 Design the scope and objective of the test. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
4.1.2 Details of overall approach and test strategy. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
4.1.3 Design the test cases. 32hrs 4days S S S S S P
4.1.4 Design of RTM 32hrs 4days S S S S S P
4.1.5 Design Acceptance Criteria 40hrs 5days S S S S S P
4.1.6 Customer review of Test Cases 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
4.1.7 Customer review of RTM 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
4.1.8 Test case and RTM sign-off 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
4.1.9 Setting up of test environment. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
4.1.10 Execute RTM. 40hrs 5days S S S S S P
4.1.11 Defect Management 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
4.2 UAT 96hrs 12days
4.2.1 Setting up of UAT environment. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
4.2.2 Support client testers on executing RTM. 40hrs 5days S S S S S P
4.2.3 Defect Management. 32hrs 4days S S S S S P
4.3 Go Live 64hrs 8days
4.3.1 Setting up of production environment. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
4.3.2 Identify cut-off date. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
4.3.3 Release Mangement Documentation. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
4.3.3 Testing on production environment. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
4.3.4 Go Live 8hrs 1days S S S S S P


SL No WBS Task Name Work Duration Software Engineer I Software Engineer II Software Engineer III Lead Software Engineer System Engineer I System Engineer II System Engineer III Lead System Engineer System Test Engineer I System Test Engineer II System Test Engineer III Lead System Test Engineer Quality Engineer I Quality Engineer II Quality Engineer III Lead Quality Engineer Project Manager Chief Engineer
1 1 Web Design Services 106.4 hrs 35 days P P
4 2 System Engineering 863 hrs 73 days S P P P S P S S S
5 2.1 UML Design For Interface 301 hrs 35 days S P P S
6 2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact 210 hrs 35 days
7 System Engineer I 105 hrs
8 System Engineer II 105 hrs
9 2.1.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days
10 Software Engineer I 70 hrs
11 2.1.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days
12 Quality Engineer I 21 hrs
13 2.2 System /Software design 301 hrs 35 days S P S S
14 2.2.1 Design approproate software component to display aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification 210 hrs 35 days
15 System Engineer III 140 hrs
16 Lead System Engineer 70 hrs
17 2.2.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days
18 Software Engineer I 70 hrs
19 2.2.3 provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days
20 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs
21 2.3 Approve Design 261 hrs 22 days S P S P S
22 2.3.1 Derive component level requirement for software engineering to design code, units. 132 hrs 22 days
23 System Engineer II 88 hrs
24 Lead System Engineer 44 hrs
25 2.3.2 Assist in System engineering 44 hrs 22 days
26 Software Engineer II 44 hrs
27 2.3.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days
28 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs
29 2.3.4 Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 64 hrs 8 days
30 System Test Engineer II 64 hrs
31 3 Software Engineering 724.23 hrs 47 days P P P S S P S
32 3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 258 hrs 24 days P S S S
33 3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering 72 hrs 24 days
34 System Engineer I 72 hrs
35 3.1.2 Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System Engineering 114 hrs 24 days
36 Software Engineer II 114 hrs
37 3.1.3 Provide quality checks 32 hrs 8 days
38 Quality Engineer III 32 hrs
39 3.1.4 Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 40 hrs 10 days
40 System Test Engineer III 40 hrs
41 3.2 Code and Unit test 382 hrs 38 days P S S S
42 3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering 114 hrs 38 days
43 System Engineer I 114 hrs
44 3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules 228 hrs 38 days
45 Software Engineer III 152 hrs
46 Lead Software Engineer 76 hrs
47 3.2.3 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days
48 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs
49 3.3 Function test 84.23 hrs 6 days P S P
50 3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering 18.23 hrs 6 days
51 System Engineer I 18.23 hrs
52 3.3.2 Check Functions 48 hrs 6 days
53 Software Engineer I 48 hrs
54 3.3.3 Provide quality checks 18 hrs 6 days
55 Quality Engineer II 18 hrs
56 4 Test Engineering 1,010 hrs 60 days S S S S P P P P P P P
57 4.1 Design Test artifacts 338 hrs 31 days S S P P S
58 4.1.1 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days
59 System Engineer II 62 hrs
60 4.1.2 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days
61 Software Engineer III 62 hrs
62 4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases 186 hrs 31 days
63 System Test Engineer I 93 hrs
64 System Test Engineer III 93 hrs
65 4.1.4 Provide quality checks 28 hrs 7 days
66 Quality Engineer III 28 hrs
67 4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 264 hrs 32 days S S P P
68 4.2.1 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days
69 System Engineer III 64 hrs
70 4.2.2 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days
71 Software Engineer I 64 hrs
72 4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules 96 hrs 32 days
73 System Test Engineer III 96 hrs
74 4.2.4 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days
75 Quality Engineer II 40 hrs
76 4.3 Approve Test Service 270 hrs 30 days S P S
77 4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering 90 hrs 30 days
78 System Engineer II 90 hrs
79 4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate 180 hrs 30 days
80 Quality Engineer I 120 hrs
81 Lead Quality Engineer 60 hrs
82 4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 90 hrs 10 days S P P
83 4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering 30 hrs 10 days
84 System Test Engineer III 30 hrs
85 4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 60 hrs 10 days
86 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs
87 Lead Quality Engineer 20 hrs
88 4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment 48 hrs 8 days
89 4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment 48 hrs 8 days
90 System Test Engineer III 32 hrs
91 Lead System Test Engineer 16 hrs
92 5 Design Review 36 hrs 6 days P P
93 Lead System Engineer 18 hrs
94 Lead Software Engineer 18 hrs
95 6 Pre-Ship Review 38.4 hrs 6 days P P P P S S
96 Lead System Engineer 9.6 hrs
97 Lead Software Engineer 9.6 hrs
98 Lead System Test Engineer 9.6 hrs
99 Lead Quality Engineer 9.6 hrs

Module 8 Discussion Forum

Dance Evaluation


See assessment rubric attached.


Use the Module 8 Required Readings, your own independent research, and the Module 8 Dance Elements and Vocabulary for writing this discussion post. In addition, you will need to review the Swan Lake and Night Journey video clips.


In this 3-part discussion, you will (1) compose a 3-paragraph original post, (2) compose ONE response post to a classmate, then (3) write a reflection to your own original post about this aesthetic experience. 

1. Carefully view the excerpts of the Swan Lake and Night Journey dance selections (in Required Online Exploration).

2. Find at least one research source (BEYOND your textbook - try Google scholar or the SPC Library) concerning the two selections and be prepared to integrate it in your essay. Be sure to cite this research source as well as your textbook.

3. Write a new thread using the following instructions:

In the FIRST paragraph (at least 200 words):

· Using three terms from the Dance Elements & Vocabulary Guide, identify the dance elements in the Swan Lake excerpt and explain specifically how they are shown in the video (please put your three dance terms in bold).

· Identify Swan Lake as either Classical Ballet or Modern Dance.

· Then, using at least three terms from the Dance Elements & Vocabulary Guide, evaluate the choreography. Is this a good example of this type of art? Is it well presented? What are its points of value?

In the SECOND paragraph (at least 200 words):

· Using at least three terms from the Dance Elements & Vocabulary Guide, identify the dance elements in the Night Journey excerpt and explain specifically how they are shown in the video (please put your three dance terms in bold).

· Identify Night Journey as either Classical Ballet or Modern Dance.

· Then, using at least three terms from the Dance Elements & Vocabulary Guide, evaluate the choreography. Is this a good example of this type of art? Is it well presented? What are its points of value?

In the THIRD paragraph (at least 200 words):

· Compare and contrast the styles of Classical ballet and Modern dance. Please use specific examples in your comparison.

· Identify how both these dance compositions (Swan Lake and Night Journey) are “interdisciplinary” (i.e. are related to one or more of the disciplines in humanities we have studied so far). Please provide at least one specific example of this interdisciplinary connection.

Swan Lake

Night Journey

Key Terms Vocabulary

•En pointe •Musical comedy •Musical play •Opera •Operetta

•Pas de deux •Pirouette •Leitmotif •Libretto •Music drama

•Flamenco •Plié •Potlatch •Powwow •Recitative •Singspie































































































































































































































































































Module 8 Discussion Forum

Dance Evaluation


See assessment rubric attached.


Use the Module 8 Required Readings, your own independent research,

and the Module 8 Dance Elements and Vocabulary for writing this

discussion post. In addition, you will need to review the Swan

Lake and Night Journey video clips.


In this 3-part discussion, you will (1) compose a 3-paragraph original

post, (2) compose ONE response post to a classmate, then (3) write a

reflection to your own original post about this aesthetic experience.

1. Carefully view the excerpts of the Swan Lake and Night

Journey dance selections (in Required Online Exploration).

2. Find at least one research source (BEYOND your textbook - try

Google scholar or the SPC Library) concerning the two selections and

be prepared to integrate it in your essay. Be sure to cite this research

source as well as your textbook.

3. Write a new thread using the following instructions:

In the FIRST paragraph (at least 200 words):

 Using three terms from the Dance Elements & Vocabulary

Guide, identify the dance elements in the Swan Lake excerpt and

explain specifically how they are shown in the video (please put

your three dance terms in bold).

 Identify Swan Lake as either Classical Ballet or Modern Dance.

 Then, using at least three terms from the Dance Elements &

Vocabulary Guide, evaluate the choreography. Is this a good

example of this type of art? Is it well presented? What are its

points of value?

In the SECOND paragraph (at least 200 words):

 Using at least three terms from the Dance Elements &

Vocabulary Guide, identify the dance elements in the Night

New XLS Worksheet

WBS Code Task Name Duration Work Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names May June July August September October November
1 Web Design Services 35 days 280 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 Project Manager, Chief engineer
2 System Engineering 73 days 823 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Tue 24-08-21
2.1 UML Design For Interface 35 days 301 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact 35 days 210 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 1SS System Eng
2.1.2 Assist in System engineering 35 days 70 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 1SS Software Eng
2.1.3 Provide quality checks 7 days 21 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Thu 01-07-21 5FF quality engg
2.2 System /Software design 35 days 301 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
2.2.1 Design approproate software component to display aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification 35 days 210 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 4FS-14 days System Eng
2.2.2 Assist in System engineering 35 days 70 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 8SS Software Eng
2.2.3 provide quality checks 7 days 21 hrs Thu 22-07-21 Fri 30-07-21 9FF quality engg
2.3 Approve Design 22 days 221 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
2.3.1 Derive component level requirement for software engineering to design code, units. 22 days 132 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 10FS-5 days System Eng
2.3.2 assist in System engineering 22 days 44 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 12SS Software Eng
2.3.3 Provide quality checks 7 days 21 hrs Mon 16-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 13FF quality engg
2.3.4 Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 8 days 24 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 14FF System Test Engineer
3 Software Engineering 47 days 712 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Thu 26-08-21
3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 24 days 258 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering 24 days 72 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 1FS-7 days System Eng
3.1.2 Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System Engineering 24 days 114 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 1FS-7 days Software Eng
3.1.3 Provide quality checks 8 days 32 hrs Thu 15-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 19FF quality engg
3.1.4 Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 10 days 40 hrs Tue 13-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 19FF System Test Engineer
3.2 Code and Unit test 38 days 382 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering 38 days 114 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 19FS-15 days System Eng
3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules 38 days 228 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 19FS-15 days Software Eng
3.2.3 Provide quality checks 10 days 40 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 24FF quality engg
3.3 Function test 6 days 72 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering 6 days 18 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 25FF System Eng
3.3.2 Check Functions 6 days 36 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 25FF Software Eng
3.3.3 Provide quality checks 6 days 18 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 25FF quality engg
4 Test Engineering 60 days 1,010 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Thu 04-11-21
4.1 Design Test artifacts 31 days 338 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
4.1.1 Support Others 31 days 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 28FS-10 days System Eng
4.1.2 Support Others 31 days 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 28FS-10 days Software Eng
4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases 31 days 186 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 28FS-10 days System test Engineer
4.1.4 Provide quality checks 7 days 28 hrs Thu 16-09-21 Fri 24-09-21 34FF Quality engg
4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 32 days 264 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
4.2.1 Support Others 32 days 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 35FS-10 days System Eng
4.2.2 Support Others 32 days 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 35FS-10 days Software Eng
4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules 32 days 96 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 35FS-10 days System test Engineer
4.2.4 Provide quality checks 10 days 40 hrs Wed 13-10-21 Tue 26-10-21 39FF Quality engg
4.3 Approve Test Service 30 days 270 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering 30 days 90 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 40FS-23 days System test Engineer
4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate 30 days 180 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 40FS-23 days Quality engg
4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 10 days 90 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering 10 days 30 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 43FS-18 days System test Engineer
4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 10 days 60 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 43FS-18 days Quality engg
4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment 8 days 48 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment 8 days 48 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 46 System test Engineer
5 Design Review 6 days 36 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 48FF System, Software Quality
6 Pre-Ship Review 6 days 36 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 49FF System, Software Quality

Total Budget Cost

WBS Task Name Work Duration Start Date Finish Date May June July August September October November
1 Specific Message Services 56hrs 7days 15/May/21 19/May/21
1.1 Define SOW with assumptions and dependencies. 24hrs 3days 15/May/21 18/May/21 1370 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.2 Scope Sign off 8hrs 1days 19/May/21 19/May/21 764 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 System Engineering 312hrs 39days 20/May/21 1/Jul/21
2.1 UML design artifacts for graphic widgets 168hrs 21days 20/May/21 13/Jun/21
2.1.1 Identification of all 25 use case for different visual aspects. 8hrs 1days 20/May/21 20/May/21 1711 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.2 Identification of UML design artifacts requirements. 24hrs 3days 21/May/21 25/May/21 1750 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.3 Analysis and Design of UML for first 10 use case 24hrs 3days 26/May/21 30/May/21 1750 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.4 Review of UML design for first 10 use case. 16hrs 2days 31/May/21 1/Jun/21 800 366 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.5 Analysis and Design of UML for Second 10 Use case 24hrs 3days 2/Jun/21 6/Jun/21 0 1749.84 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.6 Review of UML design for second 10 use case. 16hrs 2days 7/Jun/21 8/Jun/21 0 1166.56 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.7 Analysis and Design of UML Artifacts for last 5 Use case 16hrs 2days 9/Jun/21 10/Jun/21 0 1166.56 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.8 Review of UML design for last five use case. 8hrs 1days 11/Jun/21 13/Jun/21 0 583.28 0 0 0 0 0
2.2 System /Software design 144hrs 18days 14/Jun/21 1/Jul/21
2.2.1 Identify design Goals 16hrs 2days 14/Jun/21 15/Jun/21 0 1166.56 0 0 0 0 0
2.2.2 Decomposition of system components. 16hrs 2days 16/Jun/21 17/Jun/21 0 1166.56 0 0 0 0 0
2.2.3 Hardware and Database Architecture design. 24hrs 3days 18/Jun/21 22/Jun/21 0 1749.84 0 0 0 0 0
2.2.4 Application architecture design. 24hrs 3days 23/Jun/21 27/Jun/21 0 1749.84 0 0 0 0 0
2.2.5 Customer review of hardware,database and application architecture design. 24hrs 3days 28/Jun/21 30/Jun/21 0 1749.84 0 0 0 0 0
2.2.6 Customer signoff design . 8hrs 1days 1/Jul/21 1/Jul/21 0 0 583.28 0 0 0 0
3 Software Engineering 472hrs 59days 28/Jun/21 2/Sep/21
3.1 Design Documentation 120hrs 15days 28/Jun/21 12/Jul/21
3.1.1 Delivery of HLD design document. 24hrs 3days 28/Jun/21 30/Jun/21 0 1243.68 0 0 0 0 0
3.1.2 Customer review and sign off HDL design document. 16hrs 2days 1/Jul/21 4/Jul/21 0 0 829.12 0 0 0 0
3.1.3 Delivery of LLD design document. 24hrs 3days 5/Jul/21 7/Jul/21 0 0 1243.68 0 0 0 0
3.1.4 Customer review and sign off LLD design document. 16hrs 2days 8/Jul/21 11/Jul/21 0 0 829.12 0 0 0 0
3.1.5 HLD and LLD design document sign off. 8hrs 1days 12/Jul/21 12/Jul/21 0 0 414.56 0 0 0 0
3.2 Build 264hrs 33days 13/Jul/21 19/Aug/21
3.2.1 Settting of Development environment. 24hrs 3days 13/Jul/21 15/Jul/21 0 0 1243.68 0 0 0 0
3.2.2 VMs to be allocated to developers. 8hrs 1days 16/Jul/21 18/Jul/21 0 0 414.56 0 0 0 0
3.2.3 Write the code for the interface. 120hrs 15days 19/Jul/21 8/Aug/21 0 0 4666 1365 0 0 0
3.2.4 Unit Testing 40hrs 5days 9/Aug/21 15/Aug/21 0 0 0 2010 0 0 0
3.2.5 Code Inspection, walkthrough and review 32hrs 4days 16/Aug/21 19/Aug/21 0 0 0 2432 0 0 0
3.3 Functional Testing 88hrs 11days 20/Aug/21 2/Sep/21
3.3.1 Design test cases. 16hrs 2days 20/Aug/21 23/Aug/21 0 0 0 804 0 0 0
3.3.2 Execute test cases 32hrs 4days 24/Aug/21 29/Aug/21 0 0 0 1608 0 0 0
3.3.3 Defect Management 32hrs 4days 30/Aug/21 2/Sep/21 0 0 0 1398 210 0 0
4 Test Engineering 848hrs 106days 3/Sep/21 15/Nov/21
4.1 Design Test artifacts 264hrs 33days 3/Sep/21 18/Oct/21
4.1.1 Design the scope and objective of the test. 16hrs 2days 3/Sep/21 6/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 988.8 0 0
4.1.2 Details of overall approach and test strategy. 8hrs 1days 7/Sep/21 7/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 494.4 0 0
4.1.3 Design the test cases. 32hrs 4days 8/Sep/21 13/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 1977.6 0 0
4.1.4 Design of RTM 32hrs 4days 14/Sep/21 19/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 1977.6 0 0
4.1.5 Design Acceptance Criteria 40hrs 5days 20/Sep/21 26/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 2472 0 0
4.1.6 Customer review of Test Cases 16hrs 2days 27/Sep/21 28/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 988.8 0 0
4.1.7 Customer review of RTM 16hrs 2days 29/Sep/21 30/Sep/21 0 0 0 0 988.8 0 0
4.1.8 Test case and RTM sign-off 8hrs 1days 1/Oct/21 3/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 494.4 0
4.1.9 Setting up of test environment. 24hrs 3days 4/Oct/21 6/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 1483.2 0
4.1.10 Execute RTM. 40hrs 5days 7/Oct/21 13/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 2472 0
4.1.11 Defect Management 24hrs 3days 14/Oct/21 18/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 1483.2 0
4.2 UAT 96hrs 12days 19/Oct/21 3/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 5932.8 0
4.2.1 Setting up of UAT environment. 24hrs 3days 19/Oct/21 21/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 1483.2 0
4.2.2 Support client testers on executing RTM. 40hrs 5days 22/Oct/21 28/Oct/21 0 0 0 0 0 2472 0
4.2.3 Defect Management. 32hrs 4days 29/Oct/21 3/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 1548 430
4.3 Go Live 64hrs 8days 4/Nov/21 15/Nov/21
4.3.1 Setting up of production environment. 24hrs 3days 4/Nov/21 8/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 0 1243.68
4.3.2 Identify cut-off date. 8hrs 1days 9/Nov/21 9/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 0 414.56
4.3.3 Release Mangement Documentation. 16hrs 2days 10/Nov/21 11/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 0 829.12
4.3.3 Testing on production environment. 8hrs 1days 12/Nov/21 14/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 0 414.56
4.3.4 Go Live 8hrs 1days 15/Nov/21 15/Nov/21 0 0 0 0 0 0 414.56
Over Head Cost $488.71 $831.51 $613.44 $577.07 $605.88 $1,042.13 $224.79
Total Budgeted Cost $8,145.15 $13,858.56 $10,224.00 $9,617.88 $10,098.00 $17,368.80 $3,746.48
Cumulative Cost $8,145.15 $22,003.71 $32,227.71 $41,845.59 $51,943.59 $69,312.39 $73,058.87

Resource Wise Budget

SL No WBS Task Name Work Duration Start Finish May June July August September October November
1 1 Web Design Services 106.4 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
2 Project Manager 53.2 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,669.87 $3,061.43 $139.16
3 Chief Engineer 53.2 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,375.48 $2,521.71 $114.62
4 2 System Engineering 863 hrs 73 days Sat 15-05-21 Tue 24-08-21
5 2.1 UML Design For Interface 301 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
6 2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact 210 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
7 System Engineer I 105 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,494.00 $2,739.00 $124.50
8 System Engineer II 105 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,705.32 $3,126.42 $142.11
9 2.1.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21
10 Software Engineer I 70 hrs Sat 15-05-21 Thu 01-07-21 $1,017.12 $1,864.72 $84.76
11 2.1.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Wed 23-06-21 Thu 01-07-21
12 Quality Engineer I 21 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Thu 01-07-21 $726.84 $121.14
13 2.2 System /Software design 301 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
14 2.2.1 Design approproate software component to display aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification 210 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
15 System Engineer III 140 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 $2,660.84 $4,502.96
16 Lead System Engineer 70 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 $1,479.66 $2,504.04
17 2.2.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21
18 Software Engineer I 70 hrs Mon 14-06-21 Fri 30-07-21 $1,101.88 $1,864.72
19 2.2.3 provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Thu 22-07-21 Fri 30-07-21
20 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs Thu 22-07-21 Fri 30-07-21 $998.55
21 2.3 Approve Design 261 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
22 2.3.1 Derive component level requirement for software engineering to design code, units. 132 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
23 System Engineer II 88 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 $947.40 $3,221.16
24 Lead System Engineer 44 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 $569.10 $1,934.94
25 2.3.2 Assist in System engineering 44 hrs 22 days Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21
26 Software Engineer II 44 hrs Mon 26-07-21 Tue 24-08-21 $476.20 $1,619.08
27 2.3.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days Mon 16-08-21 Tue 24-08-21
28 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs Mon 16-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 $998.55
29 2.3.4 Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 64 hrs 8 days Fri 13-08-21 Tue 24-08-21
30 System Test Engineer II 64 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Tue 24-08-21 $2,791.68
31 3 Software Engineering 724.23 hrs 47 days Wed 23-06-21 Thu 26-08-21
32 3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 258 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
33 3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering 72 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
34 System Engineer I 72 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 $747.00 $2,241.00
35 3.1.2 Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System Engineering 114 hrs 24 days Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21
36 Software Engineer II 114 hrs Wed 23-06-21 Mon 26-07-21 $1,357.17 $4,071.51
37 3.1.3 Provide quality checks 32 hrs 8 days Thu 15-07-21 Mon 26-07-21
38 Quality Engineer III 32 hrs Thu 15-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 $1,664.32
39 3.1.4 Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 40 hrs 10 days Tue 13-07-21 Mon 26-07-21
40 System Test Engineer III 40 hrs Tue 13-07-21 Mon 26-07-21 $1,970.00
41 3.2 Code and Unit test 382 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
42 3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering 114 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
43 System Engineer I 114 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,365.50 $2,365.50
44 3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules 228 hrs 38 days Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21
45 Software Engineer III 152 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 $3,876.76 $3,876.76
46 Lead Software Engineer 76 hrs Tue 06-07-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,235.54 $2,235.54
47 3.2.3 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days Fri 13-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
48 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,080.40
49 3.3 Function test 84.23 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
50 3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering 18.23 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
51 System Engineer I 18.23 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $756.96
52 3.3.2 Check Functions 48 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
53 Software Engineer I 48 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $2,034.24
54 3.3.3 Provide quality checks 18 hrs 6 days Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21
55 Quality Engineer II 18 hrs Thu 19-08-21 Thu 26-08-21 $855.90
56 4 Test Engineering 1,010 hrs 60 days Fri 13-08-21 Thu 04-11-21
57 4.1 Design Test artifacts 338 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
58 4.1.1 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
59 System Engineer II 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,231.62 $1,705.32
60 4.1.2 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
61 Software Engineer III 62 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,326.26 $1,836.36
62 4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases 186 hrs 31 days Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21
63 System Test Engineer I 93 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,629.42 $2,256.12
64 System Test Engineer III 93 hrs Fri 13-08-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,920.75 $2,659.50
65 4.1.4 Provide quality checks 28 hrs 7 days Thu 16-09-21 Fri 24-09-21
66 Quality Engineer III 28 hrs Thu 16-09-21 Fri 24-09-21 $1,456.28
67 4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 264 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
68 4.2.1 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
69 System Engineer III 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 $1,432.76 $1,842.12
70 4.2.2 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
71 Software Engineer I 64 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 $1,186.64 $1,525.68
72 4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules 96 hrs 32 days Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21
73 System Test Engineer III 96 hrs Mon 13-09-21 Tue 26-10-21 $2,068.50 $2,659.50
74 4.2.4 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days Wed 13-10-21 Tue 26-10-21
75 Quality Engineer II 40 hrs Wed 13-10-21 Tue 26-10-21 $1,902.00
76 4.3 Approve Test Service 270 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
77 4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering 90 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
78 System Engineer II 90 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 $710.55 $2,984.31 $568.44
79 4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate 180 hrs 30 days Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21
80 Quality Engineer I 120 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 $807.60 $3,391.92 $646.08
81 Lead Quality Engineer 60 hrs Fri 24-09-21 Thu 04-11-21 $598.30 $2,512.86 $478.64
82 4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 90 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
83 4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering 30 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
84 System Test Engineer III 30 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 $1,477.50
85 4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 60 hrs 10 days Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21
86 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 $2,080.40
87 Lead Quality Engineer 20 hrs Tue 12-10-21 Mon 25-10-21 $1,196.60
88 4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment 48 hrs 8 days Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
89 4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment 48 hrs 8 days Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
90 System Test Engineer III 32 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $788.00 $788.00
91 Lead System Test Engineer 16 hrs Tue 26-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $442.00 $442.00
92 5 Design Review 36 hrs 6 days Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
93 Lead System Engineer 18 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $341.46 $682.92
94 Lead Software Engineer 18 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $352.98 $705.96
95 6 Pre-Ship Review 38.4 hrs 6 days Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21
96 Lead System Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $182.11 $364.22
97 Lead Software Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $188.26 $376.51
98 Lead System Test Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $176.80 $353.60
99 Lead Quality Engineer 9.6 hrs Thu 28-10-21 Thu 04-11-21 $191.46 $382.91

Monthly Budget Curve

May June July August September October November 8145.15 22003.71 32227.71 41845.589999999997 51943.59 69312.39 73058.87


WBS Task Name Work Duration Project Manager Chief Engineer System ENGINEER I SYSTEM ENGINEER II System ENGINEER III Lead System ENGINEER Software Engineer I Software Engineer II Software Engineer III Lead Software ENGINEER System Test Engineer I System Test Engineer II System Test Engineer III Lead System Test Engineer Quality Engineer I Quality Engineer II Quality Engineer III Lead Quality Engineer
1 Specific Message Services 56hrs 7days
1.1 Define SOW with assumptions and dependencies. 24hrs 3days S S S P P P
1.2 Scope Sign off 8hrs 1days P
2 System Engineering 312hrs 39days
2.1 UML design artifacts for graphic widgets 168hrs 21days S S S S S P
2.1.1 Identification of all 25 use case for different visual aspects. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
2.1.2 Identification of UML design artifacts requirements. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.1.3 Analysis and Design of UML for first 10 use case 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.1.4 Review of UML design for first 10 use case. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
2.1.5 Analysis and Design of UML for Second 10 Use case 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.1.6 Review of UML design for second 10 use case. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
2.1.7 Analysis and Design of UML Artifacts for last 5 Use case 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
2.1.8 Review of UML design for last five use case. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
2.2 System /Software design 144hrs 18days
2.2.1 Identify design Goals 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
2.2.2 Decomposition of system components. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
2.2.3 Hardware and Database Architecture design. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.2.4 Application architecture design. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.2.5 Customer review of hardware,database and application architecture design. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
2.2.6 Customer signoff design . 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
3 Software Engineering 472hrs 59days
3.1 Design Documentation 120hrs 15days
3.1.1 Delivery of HLD design document. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
3.1.2 Customer review and sign off HDL design document. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
3.1.3 Delivery of LLD design document. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
3.1.4 Customer review and sign off LLD design document. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
3.1.5 HLD and LLD design document sign off. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
3.2 Build 264hrs 33days
3.2.1 Settting of Development environment. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
3.2.2 VMs to be allocated to developers. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
3.2.3 Write the code for the interface. 120hrs 15days S S S S S P
3.2.4 Unit Testing 40hrs 5days S S S S S P
3.2.5 Code Inspection, walkthrough and review 32hrs 4days P P P
3.3 Functional Testing 88hrs 11days
3.3.1 Design test cases. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
3.3.2 Execute test cases 32hrs 4days S S S S S P
3.3.3 Defect Management 32hrs 4days S S S S S P
4 Test Engineering 848hrs 106days
4.1 Design Test artifacts 264hrs 33days
4.1.1 Design the scope and objective of the test. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
4.1.2 Details of overall approach and test strategy. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
4.1.3 Design the test cases. 32hrs 4days S S S S S P
4.1.4 Design of RTM 32hrs 4days S S S S S P
4.1.5 Design Acceptance Criteria 40hrs 5days S S S S S P
4.1.6 Customer review of Test Cases 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
4.1.7 Customer review of RTM 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
4.1.8 Test case and RTM sign-off 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
4.1.9 Setting up of test environment. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
4.1.10 Execute RTM. 40hrs 5days S S S S S P
4.1.11 Defect Management 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
4.2 UAT 96hrs 12days
4.2.1 Setting up of UAT environment. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
4.2.2 Support client testers on executing RTM. 40hrs 5days S S S S S P
4.2.3 Defect Management. 32hrs 4days S S S S S P
4.3 Go Live 64hrs 8days
4.3.1 Setting up of production environment. 24hrs 3days S S S S S P
4.3.2 Identify cut-off date. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
4.3.3 Release Mangement Documentation. 16hrs 2days S S S S S P
4.3.3 Testing on production environment. 8hrs 1days S S S S S P
4.3.4 Go Live 8hrs 1days S S S S S P


SL No WBS Task Name Work Duration Software Engineer I Software Engineer II Software Engineer III Lead Software Engineer System Engineer I System Engineer II System Engineer III Lead System Engineer System Test Engineer I System Test Engineer II System Test Engineer III Lead System Test Engineer Quality Engineer I Quality Engineer II Quality Engineer III Lead Quality Engineer Project Manager Chief Engineer
1 1 Web Design Services 106.4 hrs 35 days P P
4 2 System Engineering 863 hrs 73 days S P P P S P S S S
5 2.1 UML Design For Interface 301 hrs 35 days S P P S
6 2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact 210 hrs 35 days
7 System Engineer I 105 hrs
8 System Engineer II 105 hrs
9 2.1.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days
10 Software Engineer I 70 hrs
11 2.1.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days
12 Quality Engineer I 21 hrs
13 2.2 System /Software design 301 hrs 35 days S P S S
14 2.2.1 Design approproate software component to display aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification 210 hrs 35 days
15 System Engineer III 140 hrs
16 Lead System Engineer 70 hrs
17 2.2.2 Assist in System engineering 70 hrs 35 days
18 Software Engineer I 70 hrs
19 2.2.3 provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days
20 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs
21 2.3 Approve Design 261 hrs 22 days S P S P S
22 2.3.1 Derive component level requirement for software engineering to design code, units. 132 hrs 22 days
23 System Engineer II 88 hrs
24 Lead System Engineer 44 hrs
25 2.3.2 Assist in System engineering 44 hrs 22 days
26 Software Engineer II 44 hrs
27 2.3.3 Provide quality checks 21 hrs 7 days
28 Quality Engineer II 21 hrs
29 2.3.4 Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 64 hrs 8 days
30 System Test Engineer II 64 hrs
31 3 Software Engineering 724.23 hrs 47 days P P P S S P S
32 3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design 258 hrs 24 days P S S S
33 3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering 72 hrs 24 days
34 System Engineer I 72 hrs
35 3.1.2 Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System Engineering 114 hrs 24 days
36 Software Engineer II 114 hrs
37 3.1.3 Provide quality checks 32 hrs 8 days
38 Quality Engineer III 32 hrs
39 3.1.4 Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer review and customer Approval 40 hrs 10 days
40 System Test Engineer III 40 hrs
41 3.2 Code and Unit test 382 hrs 38 days P S S S
42 3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering 114 hrs 38 days
43 System Engineer I 114 hrs
44 3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules 228 hrs 38 days
45 Software Engineer III 152 hrs
46 Lead Software Engineer 76 hrs
47 3.2.3 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days
48 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs
49 3.3 Function test 84.23 hrs 6 days P S P
50 3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering 18.23 hrs 6 days
51 System Engineer I 18.23 hrs
52 3.3.2 Check Functions 48 hrs 6 days
53 Software Engineer I 48 hrs
54 3.3.3 Provide quality checks 18 hrs 6 days
55 Quality Engineer II 18 hrs
56 4 Test Engineering 1,010 hrs 60 days S S S S P P P P P P P
57 4.1 Design Test artifacts 338 hrs 31 days S S P P S
58 4.1.1 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days
59 System Engineer II 62 hrs
60 4.1.2 Support Others 62 hrs 31 days
61 Software Engineer III 62 hrs
62 4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases 186 hrs 31 days
63 System Test Engineer I 93 hrs
64 System Test Engineer III 93 hrs
65 4.1.4 Provide quality checks 28 hrs 7 days
66 Quality Engineer III 28 hrs
67 4.2 Perform Environment Level Test 264 hrs 32 days S S P P
68 4.2.1 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days
69 System Engineer III 64 hrs
70 4.2.2 Support Others 64 hrs 32 days
71 Software Engineer I 64 hrs
72 4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules 96 hrs 32 days
73 System Test Engineer III 96 hrs
74 4.2.4 Provide quality checks 40 hrs 10 days
75 Quality Engineer II 40 hrs
76 4.3 Approve Test Service 270 hrs 30 days S P S
77 4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering 90 hrs 30 days
78 System Engineer II 90 hrs
79 4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate 180 hrs 30 days
80 Quality Engineer I 120 hrs
81 Lead Quality Engineer 60 hrs
82 4.4 Run Test on Live Environment 90 hrs 10 days S P P
83 4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering 30 hrs 10 days
84 System Test Engineer III 30 hrs
85 4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 60 hrs 10 days
86 Quality Engineer III 40 hrs
87 Lead Quality Engineer 20 hrs
88 4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment 48 hrs 8 days
89 4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment 48 hrs 8 days
90 System Test Engineer III 32 hrs
91 Lead System Test Engineer 16 hrs
92 5 Design Review 36 hrs 6 days P P
93 Lead System Engineer 18 hrs
94 Lead Software Engineer 18 hrs
95 6 Pre-Ship Review 38.4 hrs 6 days P P P P S S
96 Lead System Engineer 9.6 hrs
97 Lead Software Engineer 9.6 hrs
98 Lead System Test Engineer 9.6 hrs
99 Lead Quality Engineer 9.6 hrs

BUSA 428

Fall 2020

Project Management

Management Response Document





















Business Task Associated with the Astin Martin Electronics Project

Deepika Thapa

Texas A&M University

BUSA 428

Instructor: Joe Brodnax

November 30, 2020



1. Provide a project objective associated with the Astin Martin Electronics project. Include a list of assumptions about the project.


The project objective for the Astin Martin Electronics is To provide Schedule, Estimate, and forecast information on BUSA 428 COURSE PROJECT. Total WBS and manpower associated be represented in MS Projects Schedule and MS Excel Extract reports. It will create software to function in appropriate estimated parameters. This software will be designed, tested reviewed and maintained and passed for the customer distribution.

The assumptions are:

1. WBS task durations are referred from Base line Schedule.

2. Daily work requirement of Primary responsible personnel is 6 hours, same has been divided in two or more team member to avoid over allocation and over time.

2. What is a work breakdown structure? What is a responsibility matrix? Using the Astin Martin Astin Martin Electronics project activity list and activity duration schedule, create a WBS and RAM.

Work Breakdown Structure (Should provide hierarchical graph)

Work Breakdown Structure:

work-breakdown structure (WBS) in project management and systems engineering, is a deliverable-oriented breakdown of a project into smaller components. A work breakdown structure is a key project deliverable that organizes the team's work into manageable sections.

Work break down Structure

Diagram  Description automatically generated

WBS Level 1

WBS Level 2

WBS Level 3

Responsibility Assignment Matrix :

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) describes the participation by various organizations, people and roles in completing tasks or deliverables for a project. ... There is typically one role with a participation type of Responsible, although others can be delegated to assist in the work required.

(Major) List all activity costs. From the project activity list and activity duration schedule, estimate the cost of each activity. Then, determine the Total Budgeted Cost (TBC) for the Astin Martin Electronics project. Provide the information in table format by month. Objective evidence of derived costs is required for credit. Use labor and overhead rates as provided in your derived calculations.


The total sum of money allocated for a particular purpose or period of time.

· Finance: 7.6% of total hours

· Planning & Scheduling: 6.2% of total hours

· Management (Contracts/Senior Management): 2.1% of total hours

· Facility: 1.3% of total hours

· HR/Staffing: 0.54% of total hours

Overhead total: (Finance + Planning and Scheduling + Management + Facility + HR/Staffing) x Total Hours = (7.6 + 6.2 + 2.1 + 1.3 + 0.54)% x total hours = 17.74% x total hours

Labor rates:

· System Engineer I: 43.15

· System Engineer II: 48.37

· System Engineer III: 51.17

· Lead System Engineer: 58.91

· Software Engineer I: 41.38

· Software Engineer II: 47.62

· Software Engineer III: 51.01

· Lead Software Engineer: 59.83

· System Test Engineer I: 40.78

· System Test Engineer II: 43.79

· System Test Engineer III: 49.25

· Lead System Test Engineer: 51.25

· Quality Engineer I: 40.38

· Quality Engineer II: 47.55

· Quality Engineer III: 51.01

· Lead Quality Engineer: 59.83

· Project Manager: 91.22 (LOE – Level of Effort)

· Chief Engineer: 72.41 (LOE – Level of Effort)

3. Provide a cumulative budgeted cost curve and monthly budget curve for the Astin Martin Electronics project. Provide in appropriate graph format. This should represent both monthly budget and TBC over the period of performance of the project.

4. Astin Martin Electronics wants to know if you plan to use a management reserve for their project. Explain what the term reserve means and why you will use contingency reserve in the project or not. Be sure and consider the implications of using or not using the reserve. Provide appropriate detail in your response.

Management Reserve:-

Management Reserve (MR) is the amount of the Total Allocated Budget (TAB) withheld for management control purposes, rather than designated for the accomplishment of a specific task or set of tasks. I would definitely use contingency reserve in this project and allocate some funds to the jobs that can come up anytime in the future. The reserves will be used in order to expedite critical tasks so that deadline crash can be avoided.

5. Astin Martin Electronics wants to know how JBB Software plans to employ cost management and earned value (EV) in their project. Explain to Astin Martin Electronics why it is necessary to calculate the earned value of work performed and how you plan to execute this task.

Earned Value Management (EVM)

Earned Value Management (EVM) is a technique that allows you to determine more precisely where your project stands in terms of your baseline schedule and budget. The general idea behind earned value is to compare where you actually are against where you planned to be. EVM allows you to quantify all of the work that has been accomplished so far on the project. It also allows you to quantify all of the work that should have been done on the project so far. Then, you can compare those numbers to determine if you're on schedule, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule.

6. Astin Martin Electronics is concerned about how JBB Software will manage risks. Describe what JBB Software plans to do in order to manage risk on the Astin Martin Electronics project and if a risk assessment matrix will be employed and why. Provide appropriate level of detail in your response.

I believe that Astin Martin will manage the risk by conducting quality control and testing. Some of the risk management plans for JBB software can be as follows:

· Identify risks and their triggers

· Classify and prioritize all risks,

· Planed that links each risk to a mitigation.

· Monitor for risk triggers during the project.

· Implement the mitigating action if any risk materializes

· Communicate risk status throughout project

May June July August September October November 16636.350199999997 72809.703999999998 170895.86059999999 269090.3174 322253.33480000001 396285.5686 407315.51520000002



Task NameWorkDuration


1Web Design Services106.4 hrs35 daysPP

2System Engineering863 hrs73 daysPPPSSPSSS

2.1 UML Design For Interface301 hrs35 daysPPSS

2.2 System /Software design301 hrs35 daysPSSS

2.3 Approve Design261 hrs22 daysPSSPS

3Software Engineering72447 daysSPPPSPS

3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design258 hrs24 daysSPSS

3.2 Code and Unit test382 hrs38 daysSPSS

3.3 Function test84.23 hrs6 daysSPP

4Test Engineering1,010 hrs60 daysSSSSPPPPPPP

4.1 Design Test artifacts338 hrs31 daysSSPPS

4.2 Perform Environment Level Test264 hrs32 daysSSPP

4.3 Approve Test Service270 hrs30 daysSPS

4.4 Run Test on Live Environment90 hrs10 daysSPP

5Design Review 36 hrs6 daysPP

6Pre-Ship Review38.4 hrs6 daysSSPPPP

WBSTask NameWorkDurationStartFinishMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember

1Web Design Services106.4 hrs35 daysSat 15-05-21Thu 01-07-21$3,045.35$5,583.14$253.780000

2System Engineering863 hrs73 daysSat 15-05-21Tue 24-08-21$4,216.44$13,699.36$12,335.48$10,565.41000

2.1 UML Design For Interface301 hrs35 daysSat 15-05-21Thu 01-07-21$4,216.44$8,456.98$472.510000

2.1.1 UML Outline & derive Requirement Artifact210 hrs35 daysSat 15-05-21Thu 01-07-21$3,199.32$5,865.42$266.610000

2.1.2 Assist in System engineering70 hrs35 daysSat 15-05-21Thu 01-07-21$1,017.12$1,864.72$84.760000

2.1.3 Provide quality checks21 hrs7 daysWed 23-06-21Thu 01-07-210$726.84$121.140000

2.2 System /Software design301 hrs35 daysMon 14-06-21Fri 30-07-210$5,242.38$9,870.270000


Design approproate software component to display

aironautical expanse gauges within the technical specification210 hrs35 daysMon 14-06-21Fri 30-07-210$4,140.50$7,007.000000

2.2.2 Assist in System engineering70 hrs35 daysMon 14-06-21Fri 30-07-210$1,101.88$1,864.720000

2.2.3 provide quality checks21 hrs7 daysThu 22-07-21Fri 30-07-2100$998.550000

2.3 Approve Design261 hrs22 daysMon 26-07-21Tue 24-08-2100$1,992.70$10,565.41000


Derive component level requirement for software

engineering to design code, units.132 hrs22 daysMon 26-07-21Tue 24-08-2100$1,516.50$5,156.10000

2.3.2 Assist in System engineering44 hrs22 daysMon 26-07-21Tue 24-08-2100$476.20$1,619.08000

2.3.3 Provide quality checks21 hrs7 daysMon 16-08-21Tue 24-08-2100$998.55000


Derive selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer

review and customer Approval64 hrs8 daysFri 13-08-21Tue 24-08-2100$2,791.68000

3Software Engineering724.23 hrs47 daysWed 23-06-21Thu 26-08-210$2,104.17$18,424.63$14,205.30000

3.1 Approve content S/W Component Design258 hrs24 daysWed 23-06-21Mon 26-07-210$2,104.17$9,946.830000

3.1.1 Assist Software Engineering72 hrs24 daysWed 23-06-21Mon 26-07-210$747.00$2,241.000000


Provide appropriate level Design Artifacts from System

Engineering114 hrs24 daysWed 23-06-21Mon 26-07-210$1,357.17$4,071.510000

3.1.3 Provide quality checks32 hrs8 daysThu 15-07-21Mon 26-07-2100$1,664.320000


Derive Selloff acceptance criteria. Include Appropriate peer

review and customer Approval40 hrs10 daysTue 13-07-21Mon 26-07-2100$1,970.000000

3.2 Code and Unit test382 hrs38 daysTue 06-07-21Thu 26-08-2100$8,477.80$10,558.20000

3.2.1 Assist Software Engineering114 hrs38 daysTue 06-07-21Thu 26-08-2100$2,365.50$2,365.50000

3.2.2 Code and Unit Test Software Modules228 hrs38 daysTue 06-07-21Thu 26-08-2100$6,112.30$6,112.30000

3.2.3 Provide quality checks40 hrs10 daysFri 13-08-21Thu 26-08-21000$2,080.40000

3.3 Function test84.23 hrs6 daysThu 19-08-21Thu 26-08-21000$3,647.10000

3.3.1 Assist Software Engineering18.23 hrs6 daysThu 19-08-21Thu 26-08-21000$756.96000

3.3.2 Check Functions48 hrs6 daysThu 19-08-21Thu 26-08-21000$2,034.24000

3.3.3 Provide quality checks18 hrs6 daysThu 19-08-21Thu 26-08-21000$855.90000

4Test Engineering1,010 hrs60 daysFri 13-08-21Thu 04-11-21000$6,108.05$16,717.93$22,802.89$2,923.16

4.1 Design Test artifacts338 hrs31 daysFri 13-08-21Fri 24-09-21000$6,108.05$9,913.5800

4.1.1 Support Others62 hrs31 daysFri 13-08-21Fri 24-09-21000$1,231.62$1,705.3200

4.1.2 Support Others62 hrs31 daysFri 13-08-21Fri 24-09-21000$1,326.26$1,836.3600

4.1.3 Derive System and Enterprise Level Test Cases186 hrs31 daysFri 13-08-21Fri 24-09-21000$3,550.17$4,915.6200

4.1.4 Provide quality checks28 hrs7 daysThu 16-09-21Fri 24-09-210000$1,456.2800

4.2 Perform Environment Level Test264 hrs32 daysMon 13-09-21Tue 26-10-210000$4,687.90$7,929.300

4.2.1 Support Others64 hrs32 daysMon 13-09-21Tue 26-10-210000$1,432.76$1,842.120

4.2.2 Support Others64 hrs32 daysMon 13-09-21Tue 26-10-210000$1,186.64$1,525.680

4.2.3 Execute Test Cases as Software Modules96 hrs32 daysMon 13-09-21Tue 26-10-210000$2,068.50$2,659.500

4.2.4 Provide quality checks40 hrs10 daysWed 13-10-21Tue 26-10-2100000$1,902.000

4.3 Approve Test Service270 hrs30 daysFri 24-09-21Thu 04-11-210000$2,116.45$8,889.09$1,693.16

4.3.1 Assist Quality Engineering90 hrs30 daysFri 24-09-21Thu 04-11-210000$710.55$2,984.31$568.44

4.3.2 Quality Check During The Process as Appropriate180 hrs30 daysFri 24-09-21Thu 04-11-210000$1,405.90$5,904.78$1,124.72

4.4 Run Test on Live Environment90 hrs10 daysTue 12-10-21Mon 25-10-2100000$4,754.500

4.4.1 Assist Quality Engineering30 hrs10 daysTue 12-10-21Mon 25-10-2100000$1,477.500

4.4.2 Quality check and final Acceptance Test 60 hrs10 daysTue 12-10-21Mon 25-10-2100000$3,277.000

4.5 Deploy at Operational Environment48 hrs8 daysTue 26-10-21Thu 04-11-2100000$1,230.000

4.5.1 Work with Client team for full deployment48 hrs8 daysTue 26-10-21Thu 04-11-2100000$1,230.00$1,230.00

5Design Review 36 hrs6 daysThu 28-10-21Thu 04-11-2100000$694.44$1,388.88

6Pre-Ship Review38.4 hrs6 daysThu 28-10-21Thu 04-11-2100000$738.62$1,477.25

Over Head Cost$941.68$3,179.62$5,552.05$5,558.18$3,009.23$4,190.50$624.34

Total Budgeted Cost$16,636.35$56,173.35$98,086.16$98,194.46$53,163.02$74,032.23$11,029.95

Cumulative Cost$16,636.35$72,809.70$170,895.86$269,090.32$322,253.33$396,285.57$407,315.52

BUSA 428

Spring 2021

Project Management

Management Response Document





















BUSA 428 Course Project



1. Provide a project objective associated with the Astin Martin Electronics project. Include a list of assumptions about the project.

2. What is a work breakdown structure? What is a responsibility matrix? Using the Astin Martin Astin Martin Electronics project activity list and activity duration schedule, create a WBS and RAM.

Work Breakdown Structure (Should provide hierarchical graph)


Responsibility Assignment Matrix

??? (Example RAM Template: From different requirements. Be sure and remove this sample before you submit your response to management.)

3. (Major) List all activity costs. From the project activity list and activity duration schedule, estimate the cost of each activity. Then, determine the Total Budgeted Cost (TBC) for the Astin Martin Electronics project. Provide the information in table format by month. Objective evidence of derived costs is required for credit. Use labor and overhead rates as provided in your derived calculations.

(Example Template: Does not reflect tasks associated with this assignment. Be sure and remove this sample before you submit your response to management.)

4. Provide a cumulative budgeted cost curve and monthly budget curve for the Astin Martin Electronics project. Provide in appropriate graph format. This should represent both monthly budget and TBC over the period of performance of the project.

5. Astin Martin Electronics wants to know if you plan to use a management reserve for their project. Explain what the term reserve means and why you will use contingency reserve in the project or not. Be sure and consider the implications of using or not using the reserve. Provide appropriate detail in your response.

6. Astin Martin Electronics wants to know how JBB Software plans to employ cost management and earned value (EV) in their project. Explain to Astin Martin Electronics why it is necessary to calculate the earned value of work performed and how you plan to execute this task.

7. Astin Martin Electronics is concerned about how JBB Software will manage risks. Describe what JBB Software plans to do in order to manage risk on the Astin Martin Electronics project and if a risk assessment matrix will be employed and why. Provide appropriate level of detail in your response.


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