Name ___________________________________ New Theory__________________________ Course_____ Date__________
Category 4 3 2 1 To tal
Facts / Information Overall
exceptional quality of information/facts with
rich detail, examples and analysis.
proficient quality of information / facts
with many details, examples and analysis
adequate quality of information/ facts with
some details and analysis
poor quality of information details,
examples and analysis
Theoretical foundation
Exceptional development
of criminological theory(ies)
good development
criminological of theory(ies)
adequate development
of criminological theory(ies)
poor development
of criminological theory(ies)
Strengths and Weaknesses
States the strengths of the new and foundation theories
in an organized and well developed paragraph. Honestly concedes the
weakness of the new and foundation theories in a
organized and well developed paragraph
States the strengths of either the new theory or the foundation theories in an organized and well developed paragraph. Honestly concedes the weakness of either the
new theory or the foundation theory in a
States the strengths of either the new theory or the foundation theories,
but discussion is not organized or well
developed. Discussion of weaknesses are not organized or well
States the strengths of either the new
theory or the foundation theories, but fails to articulate
it well or fails to discuss any weakness
in theories
Research/ Support
cites several well
documented sources for
theoretical position that are accurately quoted
and listed in a works cited page
cites one or two well
documented sources
for theoretical position that are accurately
quoted and listed in a works cited page
cites sources for
theoretical position,
but quotes lack accuracy or support is
weak, but listed in a works cited page
cites several
sources for
theoretical position, but
quotes lack accuracy or
support is weak
works cited page is inadequate
Application Exceptional application of new criminological theory
Student clearly and fully articulates a formulation
that is supported by the facts. Analysis
demonstrates a
thoughtful and thorough approach to the topic.
good application of new criminological
Student clearly
articulates a formulation, but it is
not completely
developed or supported by the
facts. Analysis demonstrates
consideration of the topic.
adequate application of new criminological
Student substantially
conveys formulation, but it is not completely
developed, analysis is
superficial or conclusions are not
supported by the facts.
poor application of the new
Student’s analysis is superfluous.
Originality exceptional demonstration of
originality remember it all
started at Essex County College, I want an
autographed copy of the book
good demonstration of originality; you may
not make the NY
Times Best Seller list; but you’ve got the
beginnings for Graduate School
adequate display of originality; you clearly
thought about it next
time dare to be daring—still you’ve got
enough to smoke most undergrads
weak demonstration of
originality; really?
you had a chance to have fun with
this assignment
Graphics exceptional graphic depiction of your theory in paper
good graphic depiction
of your theory in paper
adequate graphic
depiction of your theory in paper
No/Poor graphic
depiction of your theory in paper
Created by Karimah Smallwood Teaching Assistant

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