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Subreddit Name: Animal Crossing

Reddit is a website where users post pictures and stuff, which are then voted by the users, and in the case of the maximum votes, the post gets on the top of the feed. This is how Reddit works. Animal Crossing is an online game for children that offer to make friends online to have fun by creating a world of animal crossing series. It has been observed that people have been spending a lot of time on the internet which has caused depression among the group of people that are engaged in playing the game. However, the current pandemic has changed the overall course of life. This study will be designed in a way to examine the effects of ‘Animal Crossing’ in avoiding the stressful situations that are mainstreamed by typical online games. For that purpose, I have sorted out the following three scholarly articles that I would be used in this research.

Planned Academic Articles

Three scholarly articles that would be used in this study are as follows:

1. Zhu, L. (2020). The psychology behind video games during COVID‐19 pandemic: A case study of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies.

This research will be employed in such a way that it would describe how the users have escaped from a free time during quarantine by playing this game and stopped themselves from getting into the depression. So, the research could help in formulating the suggestions to avoid the addictive behavior of online games to the extent that they may lead them to anxiety and depression.

2. Stetina, B. U., Kothgassner, O. D., Lehenbauer, M., & Kryspin-Exner, I. (2011). Beyond the fascination of online-games: Probing addictive behavior and depression in the world of online gaming. Computers in Human Behavior27(1), 473-479.

This study has explored the problematic behaviors and tendencies of depression among the people who play online games. So this would be employed in a manner to explore the tendencies of the users to go into depression while playing online games.

3. De Jong Gierveld, J., Van Tilburg, T., Dykstra, P. A., Vangelisti, A., & Perlman, D. (2006). Cambridge handbook of personal relationships. Loneliness and Social Isolation, 485-500.

This article reveals how people tend to engage themselves in online videos game by escaping from their social loneliness. It would be employed in this study by highlighting the positive impacts of animal crossing that how it has engaged different sections of the society on this platform.

Proposed Research Questions and Planned Data Collection

· RQ1: How frequently are people active in talking about cute animals online?

On this platform, people tend to share their thoughts in the form of image-based memes. By the end of 2018, it has been observed that there were more than 11 million active users on the game (Keza MacDonald). It implies that people were more engaged on Reddit than on Facebook and Twitter. There is a diverse user base, including 43 percent women population. In animal crossing, there were four different groups’ chats, where participants communicate and share their thoughts. Mostly, people have been seen to positively visiting each other islands upon invitations to share fruits and admire the beauty of islands and beaches. The data will be collected by the online surveys of how many users are accurately actively playing the game. 

· RQ2: What cute creatures are most frequently talked about?

So far, it has been observed that insects and reptiles do not get enough love on Reddit. Mostly the animals such as fishes, sea-animals, cats, and dogs are frequently talked about here. The game is meant to build ones’ own island of inhabiting animals, and then the users may invite each other to come and visit the other’s island. The users have responded that they spend a dozen hours in this game and do not feel exhausted; however, the rest of the time, they have been frustrating as they were bored of repeating the same routine. The data will be collected in the same manner; those online questionnaires will be designed to investigate the kinds of animal creatures that have fascinated the users more.

· RQ3: What tone is usually present in these interactions?

The community is divided into positive and negative posts. The interactions over Reddit are observed to be of a mixed kind because of the anonymous nature of the identities of users. So, the tone of interactions has remained varied; for example, reddits work under pseudonyms, and this is why most of the time, the users tend to rant more openly by exercising the right to freedom of speech. However, regarding the effects of the study of animal crossing, the data would be collected by online surveys, and questionnaires will be designed in an open-ended format to explore more about the interactions.

Data Visualization

I would present my data to the reader in the form of bar charts as it is an effective way to categories the data, and the audience could easily understand and interpret it. The data of different sections mentioned above will be represented in the form of tables also to describe the findings of the surveys more simply, and the reader could easily get to know about it without going to read the analysis part.

Work Cited

Keza MacDonald. "'It's Uniting People': Why 11 Million Are Playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons". The Guardian, 2020, Accessed 3 Dec 2020.

Perlman, D. et al. "Cambridge Handbook Of Personal Relationships". Loneliness And Social Isolation, 2006, pp. 485-500., Accessed 3 Dec 2020.

Stetina, Birgit U. et al. "Beyond The Fascination Of Online-Games: Probing Addictive Behavior And Depression In The World Of Online-Gaming". Computers In Human Behavior, vol 27, no. 1, 2011, pp. 473-479. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2010.09.015. Accessed 3 Dec 2020.

Zhu, Lin. "The Psychology Behind Video Games During COVID ‐19 Pandemic: A Case Study Of Animal Crossing: New Horizons". Human Behavior And Emerging Technologies, 2020. Wiley, doi:10.1002/hbe2.221. Accessed 3 Dec 2020.


You are a security analyst for Ohio University in Athens Ohio. You have been approached by the CIO and the director of infrastructure about a report released by the CDC. They have asked you to fill in the attached DR plan based on this report released by the CDC:

Have fun with the information and don’t fret about specifics. You will be making-up some of the information as you go along. This assignment is a balance of fun and hypothetical.

Not Met




Completed relevant information (20 points)

Did not complete information needed (0)

Completed most of the information with no errors (1-10)

Completed all information with no errors (11-19)

Went above and beyond minimal requirements (20)

Demonstrates knowledge of DR (15 points)

Did not demonstrate knowledge (0)

Demonstrated basic level knowledge of DR procedures (1-7)

Showed a proficient grasp of DR policies and procedures (8-14)

Showed an advanced level of DR policies and procedures (15)

Grammar and structure (15 points)

Student submission is below college level writing expectations (0-5)

Multiple grammar and structure issues (6-11)

Little to no grammar and structure issues (12-15)

Course Outcomes Assessed:

5. Identify and evaluate threats, vulnerabilities, countermeasures, and mitigation recommendations.

8. Create a business continuity and disaster recovery plan.



VOIP/Email Recovery

Application Description

Recovery Priority:

Critical - Communication

Application Name:

VOIP / Email

Application Description:

VOIP phones on campus of Ohio University and Email system

Software Modules/Current Version:

Up-to-date Cisco Unity system / Exchange hosted in Office 365 Cloud

Vendor Name:

Cisco / Microsoft

User Location & Departments:

Athens, Ohio – Office of Information Technology (both hosted by infrastructure team.

Technical Support Information

Vendor Support phone #’s & Web Site


Vendor Account and/or Technical Contact Name & Number:


Server(s) name:

Server type:

Server OS:

Server Location:

IP Address:

Cisco Unity network / Cloud based email hosting

Vendor access method:

Remote Desktop

Modem Numbers:


System Notes

Interface Engine:


Interfaces – Inbound:


Interfaces – Outbound:


Other Comments:


Maintenance and Recovery Procedures


Write a reasonable maintenance schedule for patches and updating

Backup Method/Schedule

Think of a reasonable backup location and methodology

Support Personnel








Systems Administrator:

J Smith



Other Administrator: (PHNS or Customer)

Last Updated:


Recovery Procedures

This section describes the recovery strategies identified for the equipment and services. Include notation for the following: Criticality Priority ; Other System Dependencies; SLA System (Y/N); Estimated Time to Restoration.


These recovery procedures rely on the following critical assumptions. If any of these assumptions are not true at the time of the disaster then the user facility must remain in downtime procedure mode until all such assumptions are true.

· VOIP / Email communications is mission 24/7 mission critical - Why

· Specific Key Staff needs to stay on-site - Why

· These need power and internet or local network for operations - Why

System Architecture

Software & Hardware:

Cisco Unity Gateway is locally hosted on a server rack in the Computer Services building.

Back-Up Schedules:

Insert information concerning backup strategy: Such as backed up by PHNS Operations & Systems staff according to the following schedule. All tapes are stored in a secure vault off site, etc.

System Component





Cisco Unity Gateway


Network Switches




Local Exchange Router


Barracuda SPAM device



Server Recovery Procedures: (include server restoration priorities)


1. Describe Recovery Procedures


2. Describe Recovery Procedures


3. Describe Recovery Procedures


4. Describe Recovery Procedures


5. Describe Recovery Procedures

Staff Needed to Protect Servers (contact tree)

1. Who would be needed to protect servers and those protecting servers (use fake names and numbers)?



Physical/Cyber Security Concerns: (If warranted)

1. How would you protect the servers from invasion?



List supplies needed to protect servers and support staff

1. Supplies



Other Considerations

1. Anything else you want to add? Have fun with this section!



WebVista Recovery Procedures Page 1 of 4

2020/12/8 Final Paper 1/3

Final Paper

Due Dec 15 by 11:59pm Points 20 Submitting a file upload File Types doc, docx, and pdf Available Dec 2 at 12am - Dec 15 at 11:59pm 14 days

Submit Assignment

Incorrect File/Late Assignment Policy

Unfortunately, because of the quick turnaround for grading, we cannot accept late assignments for the final project. Additionally, please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that:

1. You have submitted the file on time 2. You have submitted the correct file 3. The file is functional

You must double check all of these things to make sure that everything is accurate and accounted for before the deadline. This means that you should upload your files ahead of the final deadline.

Don't Forget Part 2!

Make sure to remember to also submit your PowerPoint Slides!


Remember to use 1-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri font. Aside from your name/information at the top of the page, your extra credit codebook, and block quotes (if you use them), the paper should be double spaced. Please refer to the Final Paper.docx example.

Ethics and User Privacy

Although the data you are working with is publicly available, my personal preference is still to provide some privacy to the people are you studying. If you are including a quote from the subreddit in your paper, try to reword it slightly (this is still paraphrasing, but it is being done for a different reason than the paraphrasing you are doing with your literature review). If you need to refer to a specific user, give them a pseudonym (even though they are already using one).

Editing Your Paper

As you edit, make sure to refer to "An Important Note on Paraphrasing" and "Notes on Literature Review and Research" while you work on your literature review section. Another helpful page is Multiple Articles, Multiple Authors, and the "et al." Rule.

In terms of some writing conventions:

Numbers one through ten are written out with letters, while 11 and up use numerals Paragraphs should be indented and should be 4-8 sentences long (and nowhere near a full page)

2020/12/8 Final Paper 2/3

You should include the following sections (with headings):

Introduction (1/2 to 1 page) Cite any information that is not your own original thought!

Literature Review (1/4 to 1/2 page) Use 3-5 peer-reviewed academic articles ( Make sure to cite! Please use any citation format you would like.

Methods (1/4 to 1/2 page) How you collected the data/from where Why you made the decisions you made What programs you used for what analyses (this can include word processing documents)

Findings and Analysis (3 pages - one per theme) Subsections for themes, which are the patterns you have identified in the data (try to divide space as evenly as possible)

Conclusion (1/2 to 1 page) Discuss the broad important points the reader should walk away knowing, but add information on:

Limitations Future research

References Please use any citation format you would like.

OPTIONAL: Extra Credit Code Book As illustrated in the example, this is just showing how you identified and applied specific themes)

As a reminder of your citation guides:

APA Guide ( MLA Guide ( Chicago Guide (

ASA Guide (

Try to vary your language in your writing to avoid being too repetitive (usually you can pick up on this while editing - and you should edit!)

Here's a little joke since you are going to be writing a version of an academic-style paper.

2020/12/8 Final Paper 3/3

2020/12/8 How to recognize peer-reviewed journals 1/2

Library Guides How to recognize peer-reviewed (refereed) journals In many cases professors will require that students utilize articles from “peer-reviewed” journals. Sometimes the phrases “refereed journals” or “scholarly journals” are used to describe the same type of journals. But what are peer-reviewed (or refereed or scholarly) journal articles, and why do faculty require their use?

Three categories of information resources:

Newspapers and magazines containing news - Articles are written by reporters who may or may not be experts in the �eld of the article. Consequently, articles may contain incorrect information. Journals containing articles written by academics and/or professionals — Although the articles are written by “experts,” any particular “expert” may have some ideas that are really “out there!” Peer-reviewed (refereed or scholarly) journals - Articles are written by experts and are reviewed by several other experts in the �eld before the article is published in the journal in order to ensure the article’s quality. (The article is more likely to be scienti�cally valid, reach reasonable conclusions, etc.) In most cases the reviewers do not know who the author of the article is, so that the article succeeds or fails on its own merit, not the reputation of the expert.

Helpful hint!

Not all information in a peer-reviewed journal is actually refereed, or reviewed. For example, editorials, letters to the editor, book reviews, and other types of information don’t count as articles, and may not be accepted by your professor.

How do you determine whether an article quali�es as being a peer-reviewed journal article?

First, you need to be able to identify which journals are peer-reviewed. There are generally four methods for doing this

1. Limiting a database search to peer-reviewed journals only. Some databases allow you to limit searches for articles to peer reviewed journals only. For example, Academic Search Complete has this feature on the initial search screen - click on the pertinent box to limit the search. In some databases you may have to go to an “advanced” or “expert” search screen to do this. Remember, many databases do not allow you to limit your search in this way.

2. Checking in the database to determine if the journal is indicated as being peer-reviewed. If you cannot limit your initial search to peer-reviewed journals, you will need to check to see if the source of an article is a peer-reviewed journal. This can be done by searching the database Go to the alphabetical listing of databases and click on the “U”. Select It helps to type in the exact title of the source journal including any initial A, AN, or THE in the title. If you don’t �nd the journal you are interested in, you may want to utilize Method 3 below. If your journal title IS displayed, check to see if the journal is indicated as being refereed by having the symbol next to the title.

3. Examining the publication to see if it is peer-reviewed. If by using the �rst two methods you were unable to identify if a journal (and an article therein) is peer-reviewed, you may then need to examine the journal physically or look at additional pages of the journal online to determine if it is peer-reviewed. This method is not always successful with resources available only online. The following steps are suggested:

Home / Porter Henderson Library / Library Research Tools / How to recognize peer-reviewed journalsI N T H I S S E C T I O N


2020/12/8 How to recognize peer-reviewed journals 2/2

a. Locate the journal in the Library or online, then identify the most current entire year’s issues. b. Locate the masthead of the publication. This oftentimes consists of a box towards either the front or the end of

the periodical, and contains publication information such as the editors of the journal, the publisher, the place of publication, the subscription cost and similar information.

c. Does the journal say that it is peer-reviewed? If so, you’re done! If not, move on to step d. d. Check in and around the masthead to locate the method for submitting articles to the publication.  If you �nd

information similar to “to submit articles, send three copies…”, the journal is probably peer-reviewed. In this case, you are inferring that the publication is then going to send the multiple copies of the article to the journal’s reviewers. This may not always be the case, so relying upon this criterion alone may prove inaccurate.

e. If you do not see this type of statement in the �rst issue of the journal that you look at, examine the remaining journals to see if this information is included. Sometimes publications will include this information in only a single issue a year.

f. Is it scholarly, using technical terminology? Does the article format approximate the following - abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion, and references? Are the articles written by scholarly researchers in the �eld that the periodical pertains to? Is advertising non-existent, or kept to a minimum? Are there references listed in footnotes or bibliographies? If you answered yes to all these questions , the journal may very well be peer- reviewed. This determination would be strengthened by having met the previous criterion of a multiple-copies submission requirement. If you answered these questions no, the journal is probably not peer-reviewed.

4. Find the o�cial web site on the internet, and check to see if it states that the journal is peer-reviewed. Be careful to use the o�cial site (often located at the journal publisher’s web site), and, even then, information could potentially be “inaccurate.”

Helpful hint!

If you have used the previous four methods in trying to determine if an article is from a peer-reviewed journal and are still unsure, speak to your instructor.

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Your Original Title Based on Your Work


There are different ways to format things, as you have seen with some of our examples. Here, you should give some kind of broad background on what it is you are looking at. Perhaps you want to discuss online behavior. Maybe you want to look at the development of group norms or collective identity. Maybe your focus is more on leisure and what it generally does and looks like for people. Perhaps you are getting more specific and want to talk about gaming as a social phenomenon, which would probably involve getting some statistics about use. Make sure to cite your sources! Overall, this paper should be about four to seven (4-7) pages, excluding your images/charts, references, and optional code book (which might seem like a lot, but it is probably going to be frustratingly short).

The introduction should be about one half (1/2) to one (1) page, the literature review about one quarter (1/4) to one half (1/2) page, the methods section one quarter (1/4) to one half (1/2) page, the findings section should be one page per your three themes (3 pages), and the conclusion (including limitations and future research) should be about one half (1/2) to one (1) page. As a reminder, these counts do not include your images! So you may want to add your charts and tables in after you get an accurate count. You can note where you want things to go like this: [Averages Table 1]. That will allow you to easily return later. Please also include a reference section. Also keep in mind that you can use and cite course content if it is relevant! As a general writing note, please make sure paragraphs are between 4-8 sentences. If you have a paragraph that is approaching a page long, please break it up!

This section of your paper is an opportunity to outline not only the scope of a topic, but also why the reader should care. Why is this important? If you are looking at subreddits focused on cute animals, how important are pets in people’s everyday lives? You want to convey to the reader, briefly, why they should care. Your introduction should also include brief information about the project. The following sentences are an example of that. While video games have become increasingly prominent in people’s everyday lives, it is important to consider how they continue to impact players outside of just playing the game. This project uses online forum discussions from Reddit to better understand how people talk about their gaming experiences. You would also want to include a little bit about your major conclusions (very briefly). If you had to boil your findings down to a few words, what did you see happening? You can also use this space to discuss your research questions. Otherwise, you can put your research questions in the literature review or methods sections, but you want to refer to them somewhere before you discuss your findings/analysis. Try incorporating the major findings in a thesis statement toward the end of the introduction, like what follows. Video game players’ lives online are oriented around fan art, social support, and in-depth game analysis.


Because this is a short paper, you do not have a lot of space for this! You will want to just find some major points related to what you are looking at, even if they are tangential (Brown 2020). I have made up some citations here just to show you some formatting. Use a citation style that you are familiar and comfortable with (Gutierrez 2019). I use ASA style for my own work, but you may want to use MLA or APA. The main goal is to find some interesting previous research conducted by academic researchers (so it should be peer-reviewed!) to show us something about: online interaction (Jones 2003), leisure (Richards 2005), or whatever else you might want to discuss that is relevant to your chosen subreddit and research questions in a very short space (Chen 2018). You should be okay with just three to five sources, but you can include more!


In this section, you will discuss what you did and how you did it. You want to detail what kind of methods you used (did you use limited statistical approaches? Is your entire project qualitative? Why did you make the decisions you made?). You will also detail the subreddit here, including things like number of members, typical online users, typical activity in terms of upvotes and comments. This more general information can be presented in paragraph format or in a table, but you will want to explain the table if you choose that. Also, what is the subreddit generally used for? Discuss your coding strategy, what programs you used and why, and what the data looks like. In terms of the data, you want to include how you selected posts, how many posts/comments, and why you made these specific decisions. Because this is practice, it is okay for this not to be perfect, but give the reader a general idea of how you worked with your data. You can also cite course content here! I will provide some citation examples for you.


Here is where you get into what the data actually looks like and what it shows. This will be the longest portion of the paper because this is your contribution. Research is building knowledge so you are making new knowledge here! You will want some examples to illustrate your points, so you will want to include things like:

Block quotes, which are formatted a bit differently than the rest of the paper. You want to keep these to a few sentences, but these are a good way to show what people talked about. We saw examples of this in the example article about Dorian in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

You should have an explanation for each example in terms of how you are interpreting it and how it fits with your broader observations. It can be helpful to organize this into some major themes that you notice or that you analyzed. So, for example, I might have some subsections related directly to specific behaviors I notice. If you can speak to any of the research questions, address them in the analysis! Link your findings to them. Give your reader a very brief outline of the themes that you will discuss (about four sentences) and then talk about them directly under their corresponding headings.

Fan Art

You might not have a section like this and that is okay! Remember, each of your themes will be unique to your project! If there is fan art involved in what you are looking at, you should probably include something about fan art or even fan fiction in your literature review to talk about fan behaviors. This will build a nice link between what you see and what we already know. You can include an example, if relevant, but make sure to size it appropriately. You would want to include a discussion of why this piece of art illustrates something about the community and about the patterns that you notice with fan art. Is it very popular? What kinds of art happen most frequently? Are the art pieces related to narrative? Celebrating characters? If you have a large enough sample, you can even include a bar chart! This is another way that you can show evidence for your observations. Think of this as functionally similar to including quotes.

Areas of Focus

This would be something you would want to show through specific interactions that you saw. In this case, you may link it to literature on online forums, group identity, social support, or prosocial[footnoteRef:1] behaviors online. This would be highly linked to how you code and interpret things, so you would want to make it very clear why you read certain quotes specific ways. [1: You can include definitions of terms as footnotes as well, which you should also cite and place in your references (citation year).]

This would be an excellent time to show direct quotes as evidence in the form of block quotes or screenshots, but depending on how you organized and analyzed your data, other visualizations may also be appropriate. You would want to tie this to why these observations are important in the conclusion, but use this space just to discuss the observations that you have. What did you see in the forum? How did the support manifest? What are examples of that support?

Stress Relief

In the event that you are finding that the subreddit users talk a lot about their activity in ways that make it seem to reduce stress (talking about the calming effect, how it is a good way to relax, or how it makes them happy, for example), you might want to revisit your literature and build on this a bit. It is okay if there are not a lot of direct linked between the literature and you paper, but if you can find that, that is extremely useful for organizing the paper. You might want to include bar charts for numbers of kinds of statements that you coded as dealing with stress relief and/or some quotes to illustrate good examples of how people show that they use this activity to reduce stress.


The conclusion will bring us back to the broader topic at hand. What was it you set out to do with this project again? Also, address whether you were able to answer some or all of the questions. Remind the reader of the major findings/points that you made in the analysis and tie this back to the literature and introduction. What do these findings ultimately mean? What are people doing, experiencing, using forums for, using their activity for?

This is also where you should discuss limitations of the study. This can include things like timeframe (it was not very long to gather data – how does that affect things?), limitations of using Reddit (consider sampling and populations here), and the sample size itself (what are some potential concerns? Why?). Why might you not have been able to adequately answer your research questions?

Finally, whether you were able to answer your questions or not, is this (or something related to it) something that we should study more? How would future work be able to address some of the limitations of this project? If you had the opportunity to do this project again, what would you change about the methods, for example, to produce a better study?


Brown, Steven. 2020. “Using Somewhat Unrelated Work for Your Literature Review.” Annual

Review of Reviews 71(3):231-264.

Chen, Ryan. 2018. “Writing a Literature Review Without Much Room.” Literature Reviews

Weekly 16(3):342-348.


This portion is optional and would just be your code book made available for your reader. This is how you defined your terms/abbreviations used in the analysis process.

Quantitative Codes



Lvl 1

Refers to a level one comment. This is the first line of comment responses to the original post.

Qualitative Codes

Term of Analysis




Coded as comments that support the point they are responding to, use words that avoid offense or criticism, or celebrate something.

“I absolutely loved WEWH!”


Coded as a comment that is in opposition to, critical of, or hostile toward the point or topic they are responding to.

“I disagree. Cassandra is trash.”

Content By Post Type in r/TheMandalorianTV

Character Meme Screenshot Personal Text General Text 8 3 3 5 Episode Meme Screenshot Personal Text General Text 5 6 2 8 Prediction Meme Screenshot Personal Text General Text 0 2 1 6 Analysis Meme Screenshot Personal Text General Text 0 0 0 4

Post Type


2020/12/8 An Important Note on Paraphrasing: SOC SCI 3A LEC A: COMP RES IN SOC SCI (70110) 1/3

An Important Note on Paraphrasing Citing and Paraphrasing Here are some tips and reminders for organizing sources for your literature review. Remember that you do need peer-reviewed academic articles ( for your literature review. In case you need to double check on this, please refer back to the Week 2 Navigation ( readings-and-materials-here) .

I wanted to also make sure that everyone knows that there are two things you need to do consistently in your very short literature review: citing ( and paraphrasing ( marizing/paraphrasing.html) .

Some Examples Centering on the Main Point Because you have so little space to work with, you really want to try to get the major points from your articles. There is no time to go into details or summarize. Your job is to boil them down to the most important, most relevant points.

For example, if I wanted to direct people to understanding the hostilities that can be experienced online, I might cite the Gray (2012) article:

The relatively anonymous nature of many online interactions can allow for gendered and racialized forms of hostility to flourish (Gray, 2012).

This is, in my own words, what that article is about and a point that could be relevant to my own work, depending on what I am investigating.

Re-wording from your Source Maybe I need a more specific summary than referring to the broad findings/conclusions of the paper. Perhaps there is a point that really stands out that I could use.

Original: "From what the participants reveal, White women either do not view their experiences in the space as sexist or do not acknowledge it. They accept it as part of gaming in the male universe, very similar to MM" (Gray, 2012).

Rewording: Race can have an important impact on how individuals interpret a space. For example, White women may not perceive the culture in gaming spaces as exclusionary based on gender (Gray, 2012).

2020/12/8 An Important Note on Paraphrasing: SOC SCI 3A LEC A: COMP RES IN SOC SCI (70110) 2/3

Synthesizing your Information It is important to find the links between your sources, which can happen in a variety of ways that may not always be obvious. I am going to show you some made up citations in this example. Keep in mind that these are examples of paraphrased information.

*As a side note, I'm also going to show examples of what you can do if two authors talk about something very similar. So if I have two authors who I can summarize the conclusions of their study to something along the lines of "gendered hostility exists online," I can cite them at the same time. If I wanted to take specific aspects of that unique to one article or the other, I would need to cite them separately.

My Sources Do Not Feel Related

Online interaction can present a wide array of benefits to people in terms of socializing (Chen, 2014). While this is the case, the anonymity in online spaces can allow for many hostile and negative interactions (Rodriguez, 2016; Xie, 2017). On the other hand, there are many things in people's physical world lives that bring them together. For instance, people often bond over their shared enjoyment of nature (Johnson, 2013). Does this tendency to use nature to bond translate to online interaction, despite the possibility for hostility?

**As another side note, we know that there are other factors that can come into this, especially on Reddit. We have subreddit cultures, community policing through up/downvotes, and moderation that can change the tone. You can account for this in limitations and/or future directions (e.g., we might want to understand spaces with less potential community policing).

My Sources Are Very Related

In this case (and realistically others, but it is probably easiest to do here), you want to go from the big idea to more specific examples. You are probably going to have a lot of overlap when you have highly related sources, so it is good to see where you interpretation is coming from multiple sources. Here, I am showing real information, but attributed to fake sources. The main focus is just on piecing everything together.

Video games have become increasingly popular across the globe (Ayoade, 2013; Garrett, 2014). In the United States, in fact, the majority of households have a gaming system (Ayoade, 2013). Contrary to popular stereotypes, however, this is not just because households have teenage boys (Chen, 2015). In fact, the average age of video game players is about 33 years old (Association of Online Entertainment [AOE], 2019). With the importance of video games as a source of entertainment, how do people discuss their hobby in online forums?

***As yet another side note, I know in some fields there tends to be a heavy focus on where information came from and who the authors are as people, not just their last names. In social sciences, we don't really do this. We don't refer specifically to the articles or the people who wrote them outside of statements like, "According to Fielding (2008)..." that lead into information about the findings. Everything else relevant is in the reference list.

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Also, in case you actually want to know where to find stats on video game use, check the Entertainment Software Association ( (they also have some international information).

Some Reminders The literature review does not have to be perfect (beyond making sure to edit) and it does not need to link completely with your project. If you have literature just on online forums and interactions, that is okay. If you have literature tangentially related, like if you are looking at posts of cute animals and you have information on how pets make people feel, that is okay. Maybe you could find information on how being in nature is calming and maybe you want to talk about how people seek that out online, but you cannot exactly show that? That works. You can let us know about any shortcomings in the conclusion where you discuss limitations and future directions.

While that is the case, paraphrasing is important. Make sure to paraphrase and cite to ensure that there are no issues with plagiarism.

2020/12/8 Multiple Articles, Multiple Authors, and the "et al." Rule: SOC SCI 3A LEC A: COMP RES IN SOC SCI (70110) 1/3

Multiple Articles, Multiple Authors, and the "et al." Rule This page is meant to give a few notes on citations, just in case. While you can use any citation format that you would like, there are some odd rules that pop up and some things might be confusing. While you will not lose points based on minor details in your citations, it is important that your reader can tell where information came from!

To make sure your citations are clear, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Multiple Articles with Similar Points

If I am in a situation where many articles are talking about essentially the same thing, I can attribute the point of similarity to many different sources. It is probably easiest to do this in a "parenthetical citation." This is a citation that comes at the end of a sentence.

For example, if I have a lot of people all saying that developing skills is important for well-being, I could say something like:

Many studies note that skill development can be important for well-being (Dawson, 2020; Pascal, 2019).

^The above is one summary based on two completely separate articles.

Multiple Authors in the Same Article

If I am in a situation where I have multiple people who worked on the same article, then I list things differently. My reader needs to know that all of this information is from ONE source, which they can find in my reference list.

For example, I might have one article that talks about the importance of humor in managing difficult situations:

Humor can often be also be used as a means of reducing stress (Waititi, Ayoade, & Tudyk, 2007).


According to Waititi, Ayoade, and Tudyk (2007), humor can often be used as a means of reducing stress.

^The above sentences are two ways to do essentially the same thing. The date always stays with my set of authors linked to a specific article. This lets the reader know that it is one source of information and they can find that specific article under "Waititi" in the references.

A Mix of the Above Considerations

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I might also have a situation where some of my sources have multiple authors and some have single authors, but they make similar points. I still want to make sure that it is clear to the reader where things are coming from and whether or not an idea is linked to just one source or multiple and whether or not those sources have single authors or more than one author.

Incidentally, there are a lot of rules about how to order multiple citations in one citation set. We will stick with alphabetical based on first author name. Never re-order your authors. Keep the order listed on the article (or book or chapter).

For example:

Conventions are just one way for people to gather around shared interests (Day, 2007; Smith & Gillan, 2010). According to Tennant and Sheen (2019), there are also many ways that people can share interests online. This can take the form of art, writing, or just general discussion. Online discussion can focus on specific characters and their relationships (Saldana & Pratt, 2014; Tennant & Sheen, 2019) or on assessments of how well characters are written and acted (Abtahi & Esposito, 2019; Dawson, 2020; Sackhoff & Park, 2007).

^In the example above, Day (2007) is a separate article from Smith and Gillan (2010), which is one article with two authors. The semicolon in the citation lets the reader know that these are two separate articles. They do, however, find something very similar in their articles.

Tennant and Sheen (2019) add some extra information that does not line up exactly with the last thought, but complements it. When I introduce a thought like this, I can cover a couple of sentences if necessary. With a citation in parentheses at the end of a sentence, however, I can only cover that one sentence.

Sometimes I might have a few thoughts in one sentence that come from different sources. This gets a bit messy, but it is best to associate the source with that thought specifically. You can see this illustrated with the sentence on "online discussion."

"Et al." and Citations

You may have discovered an "et al." rule as well. This will differ based on the citation method you are using, but essentially, when you have three or more authors on one article, you can limit the list in the citations to the first author, followed by "et al."

In some cases, I must list all authors first and then move to this. In current APA, I go straight to "et al." when I have three or more authors.

For example, if I have two authors, it should still look like:

(Barrymore & Olyphant, 2017)

But if I have three authors, I can list:

(Barrymore et al., 2017)

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I want my citations to be easily found by the reader. I give very little information in the actual literature review (this can vary by field, but in Social Sciences, we stick to authors and year published), so the reader needs an easy way to find this information. That is what the reference list is for!

As one example (in APA format) based on the above examples:

Waititi, T, Ayoade, R. E., & Tudyk, A. W. (2007). Humor and stress: How to use comedy to

cope. Journal of Voice Acting and Comedy, 9(2), 20-77.

I have attempted to illustrate the hanging indent appropriately here, but the format may not translate well. Remember that citations have the opposite of paragraph indentation. So the first line is aligned with your left margin and following lines are pushed in. I have no idea why this rule exists, but it does.

2020/12/8 Notes on Literature Review and Research: SOC SCI 3A LEC A: COMP RES IN SOC SCI (70110) 1/3

Notes on Literature Review and Research Here are some important notes as we move forward.

The Literature Review

First, it seems like there may be some misunderstandings about the literature review. The assignment is not an exercise in paraphrasing, but paraphrasing is an important step in the process. As outlined and discussed in your lecture video for the assignment, you need to both paraphrase and put pieces of information together.

The goal of a literature review is to discuss what research has been done to understand something. Here’s an example:

Parenting in Immigration

The research on immigrants from Eastern European countries is very limited; therefore we will review studies on parenting in immigration conducted with various immigrant groups. One of the key issues for immigrant parents is guiding children in the new culture of the host country (Kwak, 2003). As immigrant families undergo the process of acculturation and adaptation to the new culture, their behaviors change, altering their parenting practices (Ochocka and Janzen, 2008). The impact of the changes on the family system depends on many factors: family structure, ethnicity, culture, reasons for immigration, socioeconomic status, and English proficiency (Booth, Crouter, and Landale, 1997; Portes and Rumbaut, 2006). Typically, immigrant children acculturate and become Americanized more rapidly than their parents (Berry, 2007; Falicov, 2003; Portes and Rumbaut, 2001). This disparity is often associated with a decrease in parental authority and control, especially if children become translators of the language and the culture to their parents (Bush, Bohon, and Kim, 2010). Communication difficulties and uncertainty of how to handle difficult situations in a new culture constitute common challenges for immigrant parents, even though immigrants with higher education report smaller acculturation gaps with their children (Buki, Ma, Strom, and Strom, 2003; Nesteruk, 2010; Ochocka and Janzen, 2008).

From: Nesteruk, O., & Marks, L. D. (2011). Parenting in immigration: Experiences of mothers and fathers from Eastern Europe raising children in the United States. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 42(6), 809-825.

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Above the discussion is the “theme” of the discussion. This means that everything under the heading is going to discuss that specific thing. Your literature review is very short, so headings for specific themes will not be necessary. What is important to pay attention to, though, is what they are doing. They have taken major points from many different articles (as you can see with the citations) and put them together in a kind of “conversation.” How can we understand, in this instance, parenting in immigration based on work that has already been done in peer reviewed academic research?

Your version of this does not need to be this sophisticated! This is based on years of experience, training, and practice. The goal of the assignment is to have you practice this skill.

The Class Moving Forward

Additionally, I want to discuss your final project. I have received several emails and want to make sure that everyone knows what to expect moving forward. The course is set up in a very gradual way. We start with foundational information and move into application. With that in mind, after our break, we will be working more with direct application of ideas. This includes data collection!

What will I be analyzing?

As outlined earlier in the course, you will be collecting data from reddit. In particular, you may collect: numbers of participants, numbers of upvotes (we will cover this more again later), numbers of comments, content of comments themselves, and content of posts.

That sounds like a lot…

Kind of. That’s why I’m going to limit you to a very small or small sample size. This kind of research can become a lot of work very quickly. Because this is an introductory course, we will be doing a mini research project. This includes a short paper and small samples. It is not enough to give us clear conclusions, but it is enough to practice some skills!

What about hypotheses?

For a mini project like this, it is unlikely to be able to have the rigor necessary to develop clear hypotheses. With that said, it’s okay if you do! Maybe you look at some literature and guess that you might see some behavior based on it. That’s okay! But it is also okay if you do not have hypotheses. Not all research will and often qualitative work does not use hypothesis testing. We will be doing more of a grounded theory approach (though not exactly). This means you can find patterns in the data and let those guide your analysis. Again, we will go over this when we start to practice data collection and analysis.

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What if I don’t have a question about cute animals or something?

That’s also okay. You do not need to have a question that relates directly to the subreddit content because often the site we collect data from is less about that site and more about something broader. For example, I may find literature that talks about the importance of social support. Do we see social support happening online? Can we learn anything about what that looks like online from a subreddit? Looking at r/aww, sure it is (usually) about cute animals, but it is also about how people interact, what they find important, how they approach each other, what norms develop in these spaces.

I know this is a lot, but hopefully it helps.

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