[Last Name] 1

[Your Name]

[Instructor Name]

IDS 4939


Project Design Action Plan: [Subtitle]

Project Overview

In your overview section, ensure that you are clearly stating your project/research plan, delivering a succinct and clear explanation of your topic. Why are you interested in this topic? What do you hope to learn about or complete through this project? You will also need to state your research question(s), topic, or wondering.

Past GEP Connection

In the (General Education Program) GEP connection section, ensure that you are connecting your experiences in and out of the classroom to your research topic. What classes in your GEP program piqued your interest in this topic? What life and academic experiences connect to this topic? How do your “past” experiences tie in with your “present” research in this project?

Short & Long-term Goals

In this section, you will discuss your project’s connection with your future long-term goals after graduation. You will also list your short-term goals to be completed through this project this semester. (e.g. Short-term goal: This semester, I will develop a research-based documentary on the experiences of marginalized women in America from an integrative and multi-disciplinary perspective. Long-term goal: As I continue in my position as a Human Resources director, I will work towards the revision of our company’s existing policies towards inclusionary and ethical hiring and retention policies for all genders.)

Integrative-Learning Plan

In this section, you will develop an integrative-learning plan to meet those short-term goals and discuss what is needed to continue to work towards the long-term goals post-graduation. Ensure that your proposed plan includes what research you will conduct for your project (e.g. To research the impact of Artificial Intelligence in the current semester, I will research the topic from a multi-disciplinary perspective, looking at scholarly resources from computer science, psychology, ethics, and engage with primary sources on the topic through interviews with software engineers at Skynet industries (where I am currently an intern) to garner their perspective on the topic. It is imperative that integrative research on the topic is conducted to ensure that the intersectionality of the topic is studied for the safety of humankind. I plan to use this research in the field as I apply for and am hired at Skynet as a full-time employee post-graduation. This is a pathway towards my long-term goal to participate in adding safeguards to the field of AI programming to ensure ethical business approaches to development of the technology). In this section, be sure to cover what medium(s} you plan to use for this project if not a research paper (e.g. YouTube to distribute a documentary), the length of your proposed written component, etc. All proposed projects must have a scholarly research component in the final submission.

Social Change Connection Plan

This semester’s assignment is a Past-Present-Future assignment where the PAST is the connection to your GEP journey, the PRESENT is your current research project this semester to meet your short-term goals as listed. The FUTURE element is your answer to the question, “what are you going to do with this information now and in the future as you work towards those long-term goals?” Research should be shared with the general public and/or decision makers to positively impact social change – this section is where you start that process of thinking about what that might look like for your project.  At the end of the semester, you can meet with decision-makers in your field and share what you learned, you can implement the best-practices in a service-learning experience, or you can share what you learned through social media (find a relevant hashtag or method to share your findings so those interested will find it online). Share how you plan to share what you learned in your research in this section of your action plan.

Project Management Plan

Attach as another attachment for this submission or include it in this section

After reviewing the instruction on how to create a Gantt chart in this module, please follow the project management steps and break down your project into its critical tasks and complete a Gantt chart or an alternative for submission complete with tasks and dates. Alternatively, you may use another project management tool instead of a Gantt chart such as a flow diagram, the software MS Project, Kaban board, or other tool whereby you can break your project into steps, add dates, and visualize your progress along the way.


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