Business Proposal Project Summary

Throughout this course you will be completing an action research project based on a real organizational problem that you identify. The assignments for each week build on one another, so it is important to complete each one. Content from each assignment will be used to complete the final business proposal in Topic 8.

There are several parts to the business proposal, and each part has been explained and briefly outlined below. The descriptions provided should be used as a guide to assist you with constructing each section of the business proposal. Word count guidelines are provided for each section of the business proposal.

It is important to include specific data throughout the business proposal. Include statistics that support the problem statement; can be used to establish and track goals; relate to specifics of implementation, timing, and cost; and illustrate stakeholder benefits. Keep in mind that the proposal is an internal document that will be read by stakeholders within the organization in which the problem exists. Focus on this audience as you write. Within the Word document, include subsection titles to organize the content according to the categories listed below to provide easy reference points for the reader.

1. Executive Summary (250 words) provides a short summary of the entire proposal so key stakeholders can see an overview of the proposal and understand it without reading the entire document.

2. Purpose Statement (100-250 words) provides clear statement of why the business proposal is being made.

3. Problem Statement (revised as needed from Topic 1 assignment feedback) includes specific data (statistics and numbers) related to how the problem affects the business. This part of the proposal should include the graph/chart/data you collected in Part 1 of the Topic 2 assignment.

4. Data and Research Findings (250-500 words) should include a summary of what you learned from conducting research related to what has already been done to address the organizational problem. This part of the proposal should include the graph/chart/data you collected in Part 2 of the Topic 2 assignment.

5. Proposed Solution (250-500 words) should include a summary of the top three problem solutions you considered to address the problem. In addition to including the graph/chart/data you collected in Part 3 of the Topic 2 assignment, this section should provide a succinct discussion of the pros and cons of implementing each of the top three solutions being considered to address the problem.

6. Stakeholder Analysis and Benefits (500 words, revised as needed from Topic 3 assignment feedback) summarize all data and information related to the key stakeholders affected by the proposed problem solution along with a summary of benefits to be gained by stakeholders if the problem solution is implemented.

7. Change Management Plan (250-500 words) clearly articulates specific methods and strategies to be utilized to manage organizational changes associated with the selected solution implementation.

8. Implementation Methods (250-500 words) summarize specific strategies that will be used to implement the problem solution, including time and costs associated with solution implementation.

9. Evaluating Success (250 words) summarizes specific measures you will use to evaluate the success of the problem solution.

10. Conclusion/Call to Action (100 words) provides specific steps you would like key stakeholders/sponsors to take in the implementation of the proposed solution.

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Marneicia Betts


Prof. Michael Strauch

April 18, 2021

Stakeholder Analysis Summary

Company projects require participation, guidance, and approval from a wide range of people across the organization, the stakeholders of the organization. If they don’t understand or agree with the project’s objectives, plans and processes. Any of these company stakeholders can become obstacles in the way of the project’s success. However, if the help and opinions of the stakeholders are enlisted in the beginning, the help and approval of these stakeholders can turn many of these individuals into great supporters of the project initiatives. This is why it is important to conduct a stakeholder analysis before beginning any complex company project, to identify all potential stakeholders and determine how best to earn their support. The following summary will explain information that was derived from our stakeholder analysis and explain the following:

1. Stakeholder attitudes towards the identified problem of hiring and maintaining quality staff.

2. Stakeholder attitudes or previous experience related to past attempts at problem solution.

3. Stakeholder ideas for potential solutions.

4. Identify the key stakeholders that will be sought out to sponsor our implementation of the problem.

5. Identify the stakeholders that will be directly affected by the problem solving.

6. Identify the stakeholders that could pose potential roadblocks to the solving of the problem.

The stakeholders have mixed attitudes towards the identified problem of hiring and maintaining quality. The shareholders are leery of the need to implement change due to the increase in spending it would require. The shareholders feel that in the current financial climate, the increase in spending is unnecessary. Senior level executives would be next on the list of stakeholders. Their feelings toward the change effort are positive. They see the need for change and the positive benefits that the change would bring. However, they must also consider the spending, because their first priority is to keep the shareholders happy. Third on the list of stakeholders is the employees. They also have a positive disposition towards the change. For the most part the anticipated reaction will be positive and welcoming. However, there are always negative issues or reluctant participants when it comes to change. Last on the list of stakeholders would be the residents or the customer. The customer’s attitude is indifferent to the change. Some residents think it is a good idea, but most do not care either way.

The last attempt at change was meet by positivity by all stakeholders. The implementation of resident portal to pay rent, submit payments and submit work request was something that should have been implemented and the pandemic made that very clear and caused the immediate need for change. Stakeholders were happy to see the change.

The shareholders are not certain that the problem is a problem, well not an immediate problem. The senior executives agree that there is a problem and have implemented minor changes as far as assigning virtual trainings and are considering this as a solution. The employees fell that the implementation of a mentorship program would be a viable solution to the problem. The customer has no bearing on the solution process and therefore has no input for solutions for the problem. The main stakeholder that will be sought out to sponsor the implementation of the change effort is the shareholders, being the investors they control the money, and will ultimately determine of the project will move forward.

The employees would be the stakeholder that would be directly affected by the problem solving. By putting more focus and money into hiring and employee development. Employees will experience increase in their skill set and knowledge base, increased job satisfaction increased confidence, and a better work life balance.

The shareholders are the stakeholder that may pose potential roadblocks to the change effort. They are not totally convinced that spending more on hiring and employee development are needed at this time.


Business Proposal Part 1

Business Proposal Part 1

Marneicia Betts

Grand Canyon University


Michael Strauch


Business Proposal Part 1 1

May 2, 2021

Executive Summary

The following business proposal will go into detail identifying the problem that Related Management Company has, of hiring and maintaining quality staff, as well as discuss potential resolutions to the problem. Property management is a competitive business and it is imperative for a property management company to be able to hire and maintain a quality staff to remain successful and to be competitive. Related currently has a high employee turnaround and is currently spending over 75% of what was budgeted on temporary staffing. This is not an effective way to run a successful business and this is a problem that must be solved. By addressing the problem at hand will enable to employees to be more effective and efficient in their positions as well as save the companies thousands in temporary staff expenses. By investing in staff development the organization will become stronger and more effective which will allow for continued growth and success.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this proposal is to identify the problem Related is having within human resources. The company currently is experiencing issues with hiring and maintaining quality staff. We will address how the problem be done feasibly to resolve the pro problem. Related strives to be a leader in the industry and too achieve that we must invest in our on-site employees to ensure that they are living up to their full potential to help the organization reach its full potential as well.

Problem Statement

Many new hires within the company only stay with the company for 6 months to a year before leaving the company. Through data obtained by anonymous survey, it has been determined that many employees are unhappy with the lack of training and poor quality of training that exists. Employees feel that they were thrown into the position with little to no training and the training that was received was subpar. Also, many employees are unsatisfied with the salary and benefits compared to that of other property management companies and, feel that there is no hope or chance of them being promoted so they are choosing to seek better opportunities. The high employee turnover has caused continuous issue with being over budget in the area of hiring, causes property staff to be overworked, and property to suffer due to being under staffed. The below graph reflects the percentages of how much over budget spending is affecting the organization. As you can see the profits that shareholders receive are being greatly impacted by nearly 60%

Data and Research Findings

Based on the research conducted regarding the problem, efforts that have been initiated to address the problem have made little to no positive impact at resolving the problem. The organization is also currently spending nearly three times than what was budgeted for temp coverage in human resources. Based on the research series three of problem resolution was more effective than series two, but both strategies are wanting and additional solutions to the problem are required to set the organization on the path of continued success.

Proposed Solutions

The below graph depicts potential solutions and the likely effectiveness or outcome of success. The top three solutions to the problem of hiring and maintaining quality staff are:

1. The Developing strong and effective ongoing training program for employees.

2. Developing effective new employee mentoring program

3. Increasing staff development and training

The heading above would be used if you want to have your paper divided into sections based on content.

Stakeholder Analysis Summary

Company projects require participation, guidance, and approval from a wide range of people across the organization, the stakeholders of the organization. If they don’t understand or agree with the project’s objectives, plans and processes. Any of these company stakeholders can become obstacles in the way of the project’s success. However, if the help and opinions of the stakeholders are enlisted in the beginning, the help and approval of these stakeholders can turn many of these individuals into great supporters of the project initiatives. This is why it is important to conduct a stakeholder analysis before beginning any complex company project, to identify all potential stakeholders and determine how best to earn their support. The following summary will explain information that was derived from our stakeholder analysis and explain the following:

1. Stakeholder attitudes towards the identified problem of hiring and maintaining quality staff.

2. Stakeholder attitudes or previous experience related to past attempts at problem solution.

3. Stakeholder ideas for potential solutions.

4. Identify the key stakeholders that will be sought out to sponsor our implementation of the problem.

5. Identify the stakeholders that will be directly affected by the problem solving.

6. Identify the stakeholders that could pose potential roadblocks to the solving of the problem.

The stakeholders have mixed attitudes towards the identified problem of hiring and maintaining quality. The shareholders are leery of the need to implement change due to the increase in spending it would require. The shareholders feel that in the current financial climate, the increase in spending is unnecessary. Senior level executives would be next on the list of stakeholders. Their feelings toward the change effort are positive. They see the need for change and the positive benefits that the change would bring. However, they must also consider the spending, because their first priority is to keep the shareholders happy. Third on the list of stakeholders is the employees. They also have a positive disposition towards the change. For the most part the anticipated reaction will be positive and welcoming. However, there are always negative issues or reluctant participants when it comes to change. Last on the list of stakeholders would be the residents or the customer. The customer’s attitude is indifferent to the change. Some residents think it is a good idea, but most do not care either way.

Developing and implementing effective ongoing training for employees was found to be the solution to the problem that would produce the best outcome. Currently $1,200 per employee is budgeted for the year. It is projected that the change solution would double the expense per each employee. Even though the cost would double the benefits would outweigh the additional cost by increasing employee morale, strengthening employee skill set, and improve employee job satisfaction in general which would increase productivity. Second on the list of proposed solutions to the problem is developing new employee mentoring program. It is proposed that the implementation of this imitative would be launched in tandem with the ongoing employee training. The only additional cost for this initiative alone would be an estimated $100 per new hire for necessary handbooks and pamphlets needed for training. New hires would be paired with established employees who currently work in the position that the new hire will also work in. and shadow them for two to three weeks. During this time new hires will learn streamlined processes and procedures to allow them to be as effective in their position as possible. The third proposed solution would be increasing staff training and development. This is the most cost effective of the proposed solutions and would not increase spending at all, it would just simply require supervisors to assign more virtual training courses to employees on the employee portal. Even though this is the most cost effective option it is the least likely to produce the desired outcome.

How the Problem is Affecting The Organizaion

The impact on shareholders Financial Cost Associated with the problem Time required to address the problem The cost of the proposals 0.54 0.26 0.27 0.26

The Effort of the Organization to address the problem so far

Cost spent on proposal Time taken to address the problem Extra Human Resources Added The Effectiveness of the Proposal as at now 0 0 3 0.5 Cost spent on proposal Time taken to address the problem Extra Human Resources Added The Effectiveness of the Proposal as at now Cost spent on proposal Time taken to address the problem Extra Human Resources Added The Effectiveness of the Proposal as at now 0.7 0.65 1 0.5

Proposed Solutions

Developing strong and effective ongoing training program for employees. Developing effective new employee mentoring program Increasing staff development and training Creating a competitive benefits package and pay increase incentives Updating processes and procedures utilized in hiring process 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.12 0.08

Writing a Problem Statement Worksheet

Complete each section of the chart below. Refer back to the section guidelines and completed sample worksheet above as needed.

Original problem or focusing question

· Why does Related property management company have a hard time hiring and maintaining quality staff.

Stakeholders who are most affected by the problem

· Property onsite staff

· Corporate Staff

· Residents

· Owners

Impact to stakeholders

· Increased work load due to being under staffed

· Increased work load due to increased need for staff support

· Increased mistrust due to continued staff turnover.

· Increase in spending due to continuous hiring and training

Type of problem

· Skills, resources and pay. Without proper training to feel confident in their position employee experience job dissatisfaction and seek other opportunities. Also, by not providing competitive wages and comprehensive benefits employees are also leaving to see better opportunities.

Suspected cause(s) of the problem

· Lack of or inadequate training

· Below average pay

· Lack of promotion from within

· Lack of trust in the company

Goal for improvement and long-term impact

· The company will improve new hire retention, and increase promotion from within the company.

Proposal for addressing the problem

· Create and implement comprehensive training program for all new hires as well as continued training for existing employees.

· Create competitive and comprehensive benefits and compensation package.

· Create promotion pipeline that will fill upper level positions from employees from within

Final problem statement

· Many new hires within the company only stay with the company for 6 months to a year before leaving the company. Through data obtained by anonymous survey, it has been determined that many employees are unhappy with the lack of training and poor quality of training that exists. Employees feel that they were thrown into the position with little to no training and the training that was received was subpar. Also, many employees are unsatisfied with the salary and benefits compared to that of other property management companies and, feel that there is no hope or chance of them being promoted so they are choosing to seek better opportunities. The high employee turnover has caused continuous issue with being over budget in the area of hiring, causes property staff to be overworked, and property to suffer due to being under staffed.


Change Management Plan

Change Management Plan

Marneicia Draper

Grand Canyon University

PSC: 495

Michael Strauch



Change Management Plan


Change Management Plan

The following change management plan will go into detail discussing the chosen resolution to the problem. Addressing the problem at hand will enable employees to be more effective and efficient in their positions as well as save the company thousands in temporary staff expenses. By investing in staff development the organization will become stronger and more effective which will allow for continued growth and success.

Employee Buy In

Utilizing the following five steps, will effectively help me to implement change and ensure a smooth transition with employees who will be on board and will work hard because they want to and are motivated to work hard.

1. Lay out the vision. It is important to state the vision and make it plan, I will let the employees know what is changing and why. I will help them employees to understand where we are today and where we want to be tomorrow. I will explain to the employees how the change will benefit the organization as a whole and benefit them as an individual.

2. Personalize Task- It is important to make sure as much as possible that task that are assigned play to the strength of those they are assigned to. It is important to set employees up for success so that they are more motivated regarding the change. I will explain to all the employees how the role they play is vital to the success of the project and all are important. There are no big or small roles, all the pieces work together and cannot stand alone.

3. Communication- I will conduct continuous follow up to make sure that employees are clear on the process and to monitor how they feel about the change. By keeping open communication and soliciting feedback will ensure that everyone is on the same page and assure employees that their concerns and suggestions are being heard.

4. Address Resistance Early – I will directly address any negativity and not let it fester, small issues can turn into big issues if left unaddressed. Also negative employees can cause those employees who have already bought in to become unmotivated or begin to doubt the change.

5. Be prepared to make adjustments – The change will require employees to be on board, as they are on the frontlines and are the direct vehicles of change. It is important to get feedback from employees regarding what is working well and what is not working and then adjust accordingly.

Resources Need to Implement Solution

In order to implement the solution we will require increased funding, staff development courses, personal development courses, property management training software and the creation of a comprehensive employee mentoring program.

Addressing Resistance to Change

One of the most important methods in addressing resistance to change is to expect resistance, because with change there will be resistance. Also keeping a positive attitude, communicating effectively and often, and creating a leadership team are all effective methods that will be used to address employee resistance.


Benchmark-Data Collection

Marneicia Betts

Prof. Michael Strauch


April 11, 2021

Part 1

When conducting research to determine the extent to which the problem is affecting an organization, statistics and numbers reflecting the impact is vital. These numbers are based on the stakeholder’s views, the root causes, the goals for improvement, and proposal on how to address them. Graph 1 below reflects the rate at which the problem will affect the Related Property Management Company. The problem that is affecting the organization is hiring and maintaining quality staff, which attributes to the reliance on old processes to deliver the product (job postings and training) despite change in shifts and preferences of potential applicants.

Graph 1: How The Problem is affecting The Organization

From graph 1, the rate at which the problem is affecting the stakeholders, time required by the organization to address the problem, the financial costs associated with the problem and the cost of proposals to address the problem is presented as percentage of every aspect. For instance, the stakeholders will be impacted by 55% considering various issues such as discomfort, returns, and distress associated with lack of proper staffing and development.

Part 2

To address the problem of lack of proper staffing and employee development consider the cost of proposal, time required to solve the problem completely, the amount of human resource required, in event that additional coverage is needed, and the effectiveness of the proposed strategy as shown in chart 2.

Chart 2: What the Organization has done to address the problem affecting it.

Chart 2 indicates that despite the effort of the organization to address the problem, some aspects such as efficiency of the proposal and time taken to address the problem are not effective to solve the problem completely. However, the three personnel that have been added so far are practical and enough to address the issue of hiring practices which is the root cause of lack of hiring and maintaining quality staff. The organization has spent $1000 for this process which adds up to over 75% of the total anticipated costs.

Part 3

The potential solutions for the problem that this organization is facing include the following:

a. Updating processes and procedures utilized in hiring process

b. Developing effective new employee mentoring program

c. Increasing staff development and training

d. Creating a competitive benefits package and pay increase incentives.

e. Developing strong and effective ongoing training program for employees.

While these strategies are all significant for addressing the problem that Related Management faces, updating processes and procedures utilized in hiring processes appears to be the greatest tool in solving this problem and followed by other solutions as shown in chart 3 below.

Chart 3: Proposed Solutions

These potential solutions have been raked based on the percentages that they are likely to contribute in the process of addressing the challenge.

How the Problem is Affecting The Organizaion

The impact on shareholders Financial Cost Associated with the problem Time required to address the problem The cost of the proposals 0.54 0.26 0.27 0.26

The Effort of the Organization to address the problem so far

Cost spent on proposal Time taken to address the problem Extra Human Resources Added The Effectiveness of the Proposal as at now 0 0 3 0.5 Cost spent on proposal Time taken to address the problem Extra Human Resources Added The Effectiveness of the Proposal as at now Cost spent on proposal Time taken to address the problem Extra Human Resources Added The Effectiveness of the Proposal as at now 0.7 0.65 1 0.5

Proposed Solutions

Updating processes and procedures utilized in hiring process Developing effective new employee mentoring program Increasing staff development and training Creating a competitive benefits package and pay increase incentives. Developing strong and effective ongoing training program for employees. 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.12 0.08


Solution Evaluation Tools

Solution Evaluation Tools

Marneicia Draper

Grand Canyon University

PSC: 495

Michael Strauch



Solution Evaluation Tools


Solution Evaluation Tools

Implementing change organizational is not easy because it is not a one step process which can be done in the shortest time possible. Implementing effective organizational change requires proper communication and bottom up approach to management. This process of implementing change within the organization takes time and so measuring whether the initiative is or is not successful has to be done after some time.

Measuring the effectiveness of our initiative needs the use of both qualitative and quantitative methods. In qualitative methods, the best way is to use in depth interview and participatory methods while quantitative will include the use of questionnaires. In depth surveys of employees will provide great insights into whether the initiative is working or not. Through an in depth survey, employees are able to talk freely and in the process give important feedback. Participatory observation is where a research assistant stays within the organization and makes observation on how employees are trained as well as how employees adjusting to the change. Questionnaires issued at random to employees can be helpful in getting the general view of the employee’s feelings about the new processes and how they perceive the organization in terms of meeting their respective needs.

Conclusively, measuring the success or failure of a problem solution requires a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods for accurate feedback. Through the combination of the methods, it is possible to corroborate the data and get a true perspective.

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