Business Recovery Plan

Business Function:

Vital Records Storage Area


Water leaking from the ceiling


This plan is for the containment of water seepage through the ceiling of the vital records storage room.

Immediate Action:

1. Call facility maintenance immediately. Tell them there is a water leak in the ceiling of the vital records storage room and request that the water supply to that part of the facility is shut off immediately.

2. In the southwest corner of the room (the far left corner as you enter the room) is a roll of plastic sheeting. Spread this over all of the records directly under the leak.

3. Drape the plastic in such a way that the water does not splatter onto other storage boxes.

4. Notify the primary and secondary support people.

Primary Support:

Karen Smith

Secondary Support:

Jim Jones

Mitigation Actions:

1. Pick up any containers that are sitting directly on the floor. Move wet containers to a dry area.

2. Humidity will encourage the growth of mold on the records. Excess moisture must be removed from the storage area immediately. Therefore, after the plastic is spread, find a mop and bucket – or a wet vacuum system and get up all of the water as quickly as possible.

3. The mop and bucket is found in the closet next to the rest rooms. The wet vacuum must be requested from the facility maintenance staff.

Recovery Actions:

Follow the recovery plan for water damaged vital records.

Sample Business Recovery Plan

MUST use version control software (ex: git, mercurial, subversion, etc) to manage your code. You may use a public repository like GitLabs, GitHub, BitBucket, etc to host your code. Here is a great tutorial from GitHub on how to use git (

Design a file-copying program, in the C programming language, named filecopy using ordinary pipes. This program will be passed two parameters: the name of the file to be copied and the name of the copied file. The program will then create an ordinary pipe and write the contents of the file to be copied to the pipe. The child process will read this file from the pipe and write it to the destination file. For example, if we invoke the program as follows:

filecopy input.txt copy.txt

the file input.txt will be written to the pipe. The child process will read the contents of this file and write it to the destination file copy.txt.

Write this program using UNIX pipes.

Apply appropriate error handling, see the General Notes Section below.

General Notes:

Error handling - Handle errors using appropriate error handling techniques.

· A bad or missing command line argument should cause the program to exit after it prints usage instructions in the same way many Linux command line utilities do. Ex: “usage: myprog arg1 arg2”

· Regular errors should be printed to stderr by means of fprintf(). The choice of when to terminate the program on specific errors is left to you.

· Failed system calls should use the perror() function for reporting error messages.

· MUST use version control software (ex: git, mercurial, subversion, etc) to manage your code. You may use a public repository like GitLabs, GitHub, BitBucket, etc to host your code. Here is a great tutorial from GitHub on how to use git (



1. The programs should be commented where necessary.

2. Submit only source code and other necessary documentation.

3. Please name your files appropriately to make it clear which question you are answering.

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