Qualitative Research Proposal First Generation College Students and Resilience at a 4-year university

[add course prefix] 7860 – Survey of Research Methods

[enter learner name]

Assignment Instructions

This assignment requires that you use your accumulated knowledge about the elements of research, that come together to produce a logical and sequential representation of a research outline. This order has been provided for you. Each slide has a major heading that is meant to focus on the given research component. The major headings are accompanied by subheadings that signal the main points to be addressed. This assignment calls for you to address the essential information needed to complete each subheading to develop a complete research outline. This is a powerpoint, you are not asked to provide a narrative, rather a clear, concise, yet complete understanding of what is needed to achieve a qualitative research outline that underscores the research topic provided. Use the literature provided in u02a1 and the course text to support your statements. You may use additional scholarly sources, as needed.


Statement of the Problem

Introduction Continued

Purpose of the Study

Research Question


Philosophical Assumptions or worldview

Qualitative Design

Role of the researcher

Procedures Continued

Data Collection Procedures

Data Analysis Procedures

Strategies for Validating Findings

Procedures Continued

Proposed Narrative Structure of the Study

Anticipated Ethical Issues

Expected Findings

Use the literature provided to complete this assignment. Connect the literature findings to your proposed study. Also, link the significance of your study to the expected findings. [remove these instructions to add your content]


Follow APA guidelines for all in-text citations and this reference list. [remove these instructions to add your content]

9/15/20, 12:06 PMResearch Proposal Outline Scoring Guide

Page 1 of 1https://courseroomc.capella.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/MULTI/MULTI7860/200700_10x/Scoring_Guides/u10a1_scoring_guide.html

Research Proposal Outline Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Week 10 Percentage of Course Grade: 25%.


Apply the components of the research introduction for the given topic. 22%

Does not apply the components of the research introduction for the given topic.

Partially applies the components of the research introduction for the given topic.

Accurately applies the components of the research introduction for the given topic.

Accurately executes the implementation of the research introduction components. It is well justified, logical, and thoroughly connected to the given topic.

Apply the components of the research procedures for the given topic. 22%

Does not apply the components of the research procedures for the given topic.

Partially applies the components of the research procedures for the given topic.

Accurately applies the components of the research procedures for the given topic.

Accurately executes the implementation of the research procedures components. It is well justified, logical, and thoroughly connected to the given topic.

Explain the expected findings for the given topic. 22%

Does not explain the expected findings for the given topic.

Partially explains the expected findings for the given topic.

Accurately explains the expected findings for the given topic.

Accurately explains the expected findings for the given topic. It is well justified, logical, and thoroughly connected to the assigned literature.

Create a complete and appropriate research proposal outline. 22%

Does not create a complete and appropriate research proposal outline.

Partially creates a complete and appropriate research proposal outline.

Accurately creates a complete and appropriate research proposal outline.

Accurately creates a complete and appropriate research proposal outline. It is well justified, logical, and can be used as a guide to draft a research proposal.

Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of an identified field of study, using APA style and formatting. 12%

Fails to communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of an identified field of study, using APA style and formatting.

Communicates in a manner that is partly scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of an identified field of study, but inconsistently employs APA style and formatting.

Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of an identified field of study, using APA style and formatting.

Communicates in a manner that is completely scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of an identified field of study, using APA style and formatting, with few or no errors.

Quantitative Research Proposal First Generation College Students and Resilience at a 4-year university

[add course prefix] 7860 – Survey of Research Methods

[enter learner name]

Assignment Instructions

This assignment requires that you use your accumulated knowledge about the elements of research, that come together to produce a logical and sequential representation of a research outline. This order has been provided for you. Each slide has a major heading that is meant to focus on the given research component. The major headings are accompanied by subheadings that signal the main points to be addressed. This assignment calls for you to address the essential information needed to complete each subheading to develop a complete research outline. This is a powerpoint, you are not asked to provide a narrative, rather a clear, concise, yet complete understanding of what is needed to achieve a quantitative research outline that underscores the research topic provided. Use the literature provided in u02a1 and the course text to support your statements. You may use additional scholarly sources, as needed.


Statement of the Problem

Purpose of the Study

Introduction Continued

Research Question(s) and hypotheses

Theoretical Perspective


Type of Research Design

Population, Sample, and Participants

Data Collection Instruments, Variables, and Materials

Methods Continued

Data Collection Procedures

Data Analysis Procedures

Anticipated Ethical Issues

Expected Findings

Use the literature provided to complete this assignment. Connect the literature findings to your proposed study. Also, link the significance of your study to the expected findings. [remove these instructions to add your content]


Follow APA guidelines for all in-text citations and this reference list. [remove these instructions to add your content]

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