Qualitative Research Methods Matrix
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Modified from Patton, M.Q. (2014). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods: Integrating Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications
Private Sector Homeland Security
American Military University
29 Nov 20
Research Question
How can the United States leverage U.S based and owned Private Sectors to enhance and improve Homeland Security?
An analysis of the Department OF Homeland Security with continuing partnership with private sector companies in ensuring protection of the National Security and interests.
Homeland security is not extensive limited to the United States government alone, there are clear signs that the issue is not a sole responsibility thus there’s a need to create stronger partnerships that involve potential stakeholders. An increase in crimes and terrorist attacks can have devastating effects on American citizens on their surroundings, it is proven that the Department of Homeland Security in partnership with the private sector stakeholders leads to better federal efforts in the mitigation of critical assets and national infrastructure. Therefore this paper will show that partnerships with private sectors will not only provide the DHS with access in mitigation of cybersecurity threats but also physical security threats.
Homeland security has been and it’s still an ongoing problem that faces different nations globally, there’s a need to collaborate with the private sectors and enforce the law to enhance management and protection of domestic incidents with a unified approach. The Department of Homeland Security with the help of both public and private sectors and the stakeholders such as the communications sector and energy sectors to reduce cases of national insecurities. One of the threats to national security is increased crime rates activities at federal, local, and state levels, terrorism, acts of violence, cybersecurity threats, and critical national infrastructure among others (Givens et al., 2018).
Private sector Homeland Security has positive results in enhancing our homeland security, first, it will enhance the response efficacy and time to the public, there will also be reduced recovery time after each disaster this will be beneficial to the Department of National Security, besides that the integration of private sectors in Homeland Security will also help improve the evacuation period during attacks or whenever there’s earthquakes or any other national disaster (Ational et al., 2019), there will also be improved transportation from one place to another in case of attacks and also the deliverance of food services in the event of emergencies.it will also provide an opportunity to bring together the intelligence community which will explore possible perspectives and ideas in real-time. Besides new recommendations and knowledge will be obtained on how to improve the priorities of the intelligence community and also further the national security goals; there will also be improved intelligence, information, and data sharing in the DHS.
Current Initiatives
Various initiatives have been deployed to improve homeland security, the private sector has enhanced communication technology which can be used by the DHS to have better access to communities, they can also collaborate and coordinate with legislators and policymakers to facilitate laws that can easily help the homeland security, moreover, this private sector can provide guidelines and research which are related to emerging issues in the security homeland department, the DHS will also help private sectors to sustain and build capabilities needed for mitigation, protection, recovery and response and prevention of potential and significant threats. With these initiatives, they'll be able to handle outside threats and Homeland security will improve since private sectors have the best resources to handle such cases and the DHS needs to be in a position to craft responses that are innovative by applying and adapting these intelligence capabilities and coming up with new security landscapes (Givens et al., 2018).
The Real Debate
No researcher can put a price on homeland security; the partnership of private and public sectors can lead to enhanced innovative and creative problem-solving tactics by coordinating by sharing information and resources to achieve mutual goals.
Answering the Question
Collaborating with the private sectors in improving national security will be a big help in protecting our national interests and security since this is a collective responsibility there’s a need to create stronger partnerships with potential stakeholders.
According to (Givens et al., 2018) this is just a brief overview of private sector homeland security, the results of coordinating with them are endless a positive, given the vast impacts of their collaboration with continued research, it will be evident that private sector homeland security tactics can be effectively applied to enhance the performance of DHS and to improve the homeland security of our nation.
Ational, O., Center, A., Kennedy, M., Metz, D., Dezenski, E., Birenbaum, J., & Kenney, C. (2019). HS AC HOMELAND SECURITY Assessing the Cost of Disaster Recovery and Identifying Funding Sources in the HSOAC Puerto Rico Economic and Disaster Recovery Plan Project. Retrieved November 30, 2020, from https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR2800/RR2861/RAND_RR2861.pdf
Givens, A. D., Busch, N. E., & Bersin, A. D. (2018). Going Global: The International Dimensions of U.S. Homeland Security Policy. Journal of Strategic Security, 11(3), 1–34. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26538515
Research Question & Thesis Statement Assignment
Research Question & Thesis Statement Assignment
Private Sector Homeland Security
American Military University
15 Nov 20
Research Question: How can the United States leverage U.S. based and owned Private Sectors to enhance and improve Homeland Security?
The protection of critical infrastructure is a collective responsibility and partnership between the private and public sectors is vital. The private sector operates 85% of the national critical infrastructure and there is need to integrate them in enhancing protection and management of domestic incidents through a unified approach, (Cellucci, 2018). The law enforcement and private sector partnerships play a pivotal role in enhancing the effectiveness of Homeland Security and security of critical national infrastructure as well as terrorism. The United States can leverage private sectors to enhance “Department of Homeland Security” (DHS) through collaboration strategies. The public and private sectors can coordinate to share resources and information to attain mutual goals. The partnerships would lead to improve creative and innovative problem solving tactics. The law enforcement can synchronize efforts to defend the critical infrastructure of the nation and gain unrestricted training services from the U.S based and owned private sectors, (Morabito & Greenberg, 2015).
The integration of private sectors in Homeland Security can help improve the evacuation, transportation, and food services in the event of emergencies can improve on the response time and efficacy to the needs of the public. Also, after disasters there will be reduced recovery time which is beneficial to the DHS, (Morabito & Greenberg, 2015). It provides an opportunity to bring together the intelligence community to explore ideas and alternative perspectives in real-time, (McAleenan, 2019). New knowledge and recommendations will be obtained on how to further the national security goals and improve the priorities of the intelligence community, (Department of Homeland Security. (n.d). Data, intelligence and information sharing will be improved in the DHS.
Information sharing means that resources have to be deployed, critical incident response plans have to be put in place, infrastructure protection, liability minimization, and enhanced communication, (Busch & Givens, 2012). The private sector has improved communication technology that can be used by DHS to have access to communities. The surveillance and monitoring efforts will be improved to counter terrorism and acts of targeted violence that are difficult to predict using the DHS’s systems. The partnerships will enhance preparedness and readiness of potential attacks. The technologies will help predict vulnerabilities and gaps as well as understanding the risks that communities are likely to encounter, (McAleenan, 2019). The DHS partnership with the private sector stakeholders leads to better federal efforts in the mitigation of national infrastructure and critical assets.
Crime prevention in the HS will be improved because private sectors can share information about the unusual behaviors and suspicions acquired through the technologies with law enforcement. Private sectors have technical knowledge that the DHS may lack thereby providing resource sharing opportunities to mitigate criminal activities at local, state and federal levels, (Morabito & Greenberg, 2015). The private sectors can use their advanced technologies to predict and identify the changing nature of terrorism and targeted violence on the lands of the U.S. Private sectors can coordinate and collaborate with policy makers and legislators to facilitate laws that can assist the homeland security, (Hemme, 2015).Moreover, the private sector can provide research and guidelines that are related to emerging issues in the homeland security department. DHS will help private sectors to build and sustain capabilities that are required for protection, prevention, mitigation, response and recovery of significant and potential threats, (McAleenan, 2019). The Homeland Security will improve extensively since the private sectors have the best resources to handle outside threats. The DHS needs to adapt the intelligence capabilities and apply them to new security landscapes and be in a position to craft responses that are innovative.
Thesis statement: The Department of Homeland Security must continue to have a robust program in engaging private sector companies and build partnerships that will protect our National Security and interests. DHS stands ready to defend the U.S citizens and the way of life against external threats through a collaborative approach with private entities and U.S public agencies. The partnership program provides the DHS with access to expertise and strengths of the private sector in the mitigation of cybersecurity threats and physical security risks, (Brody, 2020). Homeland security is a collective responsibility, the government cannot address and meet their needs solely; there is a necessity to create a strong partnership that involves potential stakeholders such as the energy sector and communications, (Cellucci, 2018).
Purpose Statement: The purpose of this paper is to provide information on how the United States Department of Homeland Security and other U.S. government entities can enhance and improve the country’s Homeland Security by partnering with Private Sector companies. In this paper, I will also cover how to address emerging technologies and how to combat vulnerabilities. The paper will address the benefits of partnering with private sectors in the U.S to Homeland Security and national security. Information sharing is a common aspect covered in DHS and private sector partnership and the exchange of information offers substantial details to solution designers based on the description of the issue, (Harrell, 2017). Due to the increased access to private sector technologies, the paper will look at the opportunities that partnership facets provide. How the deployment of multi-technologies in the Homeland Security improves functionality and crime prevention will be addressed in this study, (Cellucci, 2018). The study will cover the reduction of redundant programs that were put in place to address the issue of security.
Busch, N. E., & Givens, A. D. (2012). Public-Private Partnerships in Homeland Security: Opportunities and Challenges. Homeland Security Affairs, 8(1). https://www.hsaj.org/articles/233
Brody, M. H. (2020). Enhancing the Organization of the United States Department of Homeland Security to Account for National Risk. Homeland Security Affairs, 16. https://www.hsaj.org/resources/uploads/2020/04/hsaj_V16_Enhancing-Organization_v2.pdf
Cellucci, T. (2018). Perspective: Innovative Public-Private Partnerships Help Secure Critical Infrastructure, published by the National Security today, 27 Nov 2018. https://www.hstoday.us/subject-matter-areas/infrastructure-security/perspective-innovative-public-private-partnerships-accelerate-technology-and-secure-critical-infrastructure/
Department of Homeland Security. (n.d). Private Sector Engagement. DHS. https://www.dhs.gov/private-sector-engagement
Harrell, B. (2017). The private sector is the key to success for the Department of Homeland Security. csooneline. com. https://www.csoonline.com/article/3161793/the-private-sector-is-the-key-to-success-for-the-department-of-homeland-security.html
Hemme, K. (2015). Critical infrastructure protection: Maintenance is national security. Journal of Strategic Security, 8(3), 25-39. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26465242?seq=15#metadata_info_tab_contents
McAleenan, K. (2019). STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR COUNTERING TERRORISM AND TARGETED VIOLENCE. Department of Homeland Security. https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/19_0920_plcy_strategic-framework-countering-terrorism-targeted-violence.pdf
Morabito, A., & Greenberg, S. (2015). Engaging the private sector to promote homeland security: law enforcement-private security partnerships. Washington: US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance. https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/bja/210678.pdf
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