High Renaissance Art: Introduction
I chose High Renaissance art because the artwork in this period shows real distinctive details and emotion.
I want to know why the human body was so inspirational to these artists.
I am interested in learning why this art period is called the rebirth of art .
High Renaissance Art: Introduction
• Renaissance Art was done in Europe from the late 1400’s to1600.
• Separated into three main categories: Early Renaissance, High Renaissance, and Late Renaissance.
• Marked by “logical thought and the new philosophical, literary, and artistic movement called humanism” (Frank, 2014, p. 279).
• Artists studied anatomy and “applied geometry to the logical construction of implied space through linear perspective” (Frank, 2014, p. 281).
• High Renaissance was peak of Italian art from 1490 to 1530 (Frank, 2014).
La Primavera Sandro Botticelli
1482 Tempera on panel
(Botticelli, ca. 1482)
La Primavera Visual Elements: • Lines- Vertical curved lines are used to create motion. • Light- The light is dispersed throughout the artwork, but the figures still look like
they are in shaded woods. • Color- The light colors stand out against a dark background; light colors are used
for the bodies and the shell. • Motion- Outstretched arms and legs indicate motion by the figures. • Shape- Female shapes are elongated to show their beauty. • Texture – The fabrics, some appear see-through, fruit and leaves on trees, and
scattered flowers on the ground all create patterns and texture throughout the work.
• Mass – The light shading creates the illusion of the figures taking up space and mass within the artwork.
• Time – The blue sky, but dark forest make the painting seem like it’s taking place in early or late day.
Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci
1503-1506 Oil on wood
(Da Vinci, ca. 1503)
Mona Lisa Visual elements: • Light- Da Vinci uses light on the subject’s face, but uses a hazy light in the
background. • Lines- There are no lines or edges, because colors and tones are merged
together in the Mona Lisa. • Colors- Colors are blended without borders in the Mona Lisa. Da Vinci uses dull
yellows and red colors with contrasting cool colors in the background. • Shape- Rounded shapes form the body and hands in the foreground. • Mass- The figure in his painting represents the majority of mass. • Texture- Folds in the clothing create texture. • Motion – Pathways in the background create movement for the viewer’s eyes. • Time – Figure’s clothing alludes to Renaissance, but time of day is not specific.
The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci
1495 Paint on plaster
(Da Vinci, ca. 1495)
The Last Supper Visual elements: • Light- Da Vinci uses light on the right side wall, and in the distance to create
space. • Lines- All lines converge at a vanishing point in the center. • Colors- White is used for table and walls with blue and orange clothing for the
figures. • Shape- Doorways, windows, and tabletop are dominating shapes in the artwork. • Mass- The gathering of figures in the foreground creates mass and movement. • Texture- Folds in the clothing create texture. • Motion – The apostles are leaning toward each other as if talking and motioning. • Time – The setting is just before the death of Christ, and appears to be during the
Adam and Eve Albrecht Dürer
1504 Engraving
(Dürer, 1504)
Adam and Eve Visual Elements: • Light- ‘Chiaroscuro' technique provides tone in this art piece. • Lines- The use of line work emphasizes the vertical elements. • Shape- Vertical organic shapes show forms found in nature. • Mass- Figures in this paintings represent three dimensional mass. • Texture- Hatching and cross-hatching create the textured surfaces. • Motion – Figures appear to be reaching toward each other. • Color – The intaglio process uses black ink, and grayscale is seen
throughout the artwork. • Time – The image is bright and clear, making it seem like midday.
Virgin and Child before an Archway Albrecht Dürer
1495 Oil on panel
(Dürer, ca. 1495)
Virgin and Child before an Archway Visual Elements: • Light- Light appears to be coming from our left toward the figures. • Color – Dark, warm colors used for the clothing contrast with the figures
light, pale skin. • Lines- A variety of curved lines outline clothing and figures. • Shape- The body of the Child and Virgin are soft and curving shapes. • Mass- Figures in this paintings take up space and represent three
dimensional mass. • Texture- Folds in clothing and curled hair create various textures. • Motion – Mother appears to be reaching for Child’s hand and looking at
Child. • Time – The interior scene makes it hard to determine time of day; clothing
references the time of Christ.
• Botticelli, S. (ca. 1482). Birth of Venus [Tempera on canvas]. Retrieved from http://www.uffizi.org/artworks/the-birth-of- venus-by-sandro-botticelli/
• Botticelli, S. (ca. 1482). Primavera [Tempera on panel]. Retrieved from http://www.uffizi.org/artworks/la-primavera- allegory-of-spring-by-sandro-botticelli/
• Da Vinci, L. (ca. 1495). The Last Supper [Oil on canvas]. Retrieved from http://www.abcgallery.com/L/leonardo/leonardo4.html#note
• Da Vinci, L. (ca. 1503). Mona Lisa [Oil on wood]. Retrieved from http://www.louvre.fr/en/oeuvre-notices/mona-lisa- portrait-lisa-gherardini-wife-francesco-del-giocondo
• Dürer, A. (ca. 1495). Virgin and Child before an Archway [Oil on panel]. Retrieved from http://www.wga.hu/html_m/d/durer/1/01/07virgin.html
• Dürer, A. (1504). Adam and Eve [Engraving]. Retrieved from https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/19.73.1
• Frank, P. (2014). Prebles' Artforms: An introduction to the visual arts (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Art Gallery: Visual Elements
I chose the High Renaissance Art as these artworks are associated with distinctive details, have bright colors and emotions
I want to know the inspiration of these artworks
I want to describe the different kinds of visual elements in these artworks
This showcases my interest in learning why this period was referred to as the rebirth of art.
Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci 1503-1506
The kinds of line in this artwork is curly. Notably, the lines provide a detailed information on the background of the art by highlighting on the inscriptions. Besides there are circular shapes in the clouds. The lighting of the artwork is natural that highlights on the beauty of Mona Lisa. Notably, bright colors of different shades have been used. The paint texture of this art is impasto as the paint has been laid in different areas with thick layers. The background light of the artwork give the impression that it is day time. There is no motion depicted in the art.
La Primavera Sandro Botticelli 1482
The line in the art is horizontal to signify the same position stood by the people. A rectangular shape is evident. The lighting is natural that highlight on the trees at the back and its fruits. The colors used in the art are red, yellow and grey both of which are bright with different shades. The paint texture is impasto as the paint has been laid in different areas with thick layers. The artwork is heavier at the back, top and ground level. The lighting gives the sense of daytime whereby motion is depicted as people are walking.
Adam and Eve Albrecht Dürer 1504
The line in the art is vertical that highlights on the standing people. Considerably, the shape is rectangular with natural light coming presumably form the moon highlighting n the standing figures. Both grey and black colors with different shades have been used. There is a pattern on some area of the artwork as the background is darker and heavier. The lighting give the sense that it is at night with no motion depicted as both people are not moving.
The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci 1495
The lines are vertical to emphasize that they are in a building. The artwork has a rectangular shape of the building. The light is natural coming from the sun and highlighting on the last supper table. The notable colors are blue, grey, green and maroon that are bright with one hue. The texture is impasto as the paint has been laid in one area with thick layers making it heavier on different sides. The natural light gives the sense its daytime and the motion depicted is people moving across the table.
Virgin and Child before an Archway Albrecht Dürer 1495
The art has a curvy line leading one to note the background. The shape in the artwork is circular. The light is coming from the imaging whereby it is highlighting of the components of the artwork. The colors used are brown, white, maroon and red all of which are bright with different shades. The paint texture of this art is impasto as the paint has been laid in different areas with thick layers. The artwork is heavier on the background. The nature of its lighting gives the sense that it is at nighttime. Considerably, there is no motion depicted on the artwork.
Frank, P. (2014). Prebles' Artforms: An Introduction To The Visual Arts (11th Ed.). Boston, Ma: Pearson Education.

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