Rare Rewards Amplify Dopamine Learning Responses
Kathryn M. Rothenhoefer, Tao Hong, Aydin Alikaya, William R. Stauffer*.
Center for Neuroscience, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Systems Neuroscience
Institute, The Brain Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 5
*Correspondence to: [emailΒ protected]
Dopamine neurons drive learning by coding reward prediction errors (RPEs), which are formalized
as subtractions of predicted values from reward values. Subtractions accommodate point estimate 10
predictions of value, such as the average value. However, point estimate predictions fail to capture
many features of choice and learning behaviors. For instance, reaction times and learning rates
consistently reflect higher moments of probability distributions. Here, we demonstrate that
dopamine RPE responses code probability distributions. We presented monkeys with rewards that
were drawn from the tails of normal and uniform reward size distributions to generate rare and 15
common RPEs, respectively. Behavioral choices and pupil diameter measurements indicated that
monkeys learned faster and registered greater arousal from rare RPEs, compared to common RPEs
of identical magnitudes. Dopamine neuron recordings indicated that rare rewards amplified RPE
responses. These results demonstrate that dopamine responses reflect probability distributions and
suggest a neural mechanism for the amplified learning and enhanced arousal associated with rare 20
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Main Text:
Making accurate predictions is evolutionarily adaptive. Accurate predictions enable
individuals to be in the right place at the right time, choose the best options, and efficiently scale
the vigor of responses. Dopamine neurons are crucial for building accurate reward predictions.
Phasic dopamine responses code for reward prediction errors: the differences between the values 5
of received and predicted rewards (1-8). These signals cause predictions to be modified through
associative and extinction learning (9, 10). Likewise, phasic dopamine neuron stimulation during
reward delivery increase both the dopamine responses to reward predicting cues and the choices
for those same cues (11). Although it is well understood how predicted reward values affect
dopamine responses, these predictions are simply point estimates β normally the average value β 10
of probability distributions. It is unknown how the form of probability distributions affects
dopamine learning signals.
Probability distributions affect behavioral measures of learning and decision making.
Learning the expected value takes longer when rewards are sampled from broader distributions,
compared to when they are drawn from narrower distributions (12). Likewise, even with well 15
learned values, decision makers take a longer time to choose between options when the value
difference between rewards is smaller, compared to when the difference is larger (13, 14). These
behavioral measures of learning and decision making demonstrate that the probability distributions
over reward values, and not simply the point estimates of values, influence learning and decision
making. Prior electrophysiological recordings have demonstrated that dopamine signals adapt to 20
the range between two outcomes (15), but it is not known whether these same dopamine signals
reflect probability distributions over reward values.
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Here, we asked whether the shapes of probability distributions were reflected in dopamine
reward prediction error responses. We created two discrete reward size distributions that reflected,
roughly, the shapes of normal and uniform distributions. We trained monkeys to predict rewards
drawn from these distributions. Crucially, the normal distribution resulted in rare prediction errors
following rewards drawn from the tails of that distribution, whereas the same rewards, with 5
identical prediction errors, were drawn with greater frequency from the uniform distribution. We
found that monkeys learned to choose the better option within fewer trials when rewards were
drawn from normal distributions, compared to when rewards were drawn from uniform
distributions. Moreover, we found that pupil diameter was correlated with rare prediction errors,
but uncorrelated with common prediction errors of the same magnitude, suggesting greater 10
vigilance to rare outcomes. Using single neuron recording, we show that dopamine responses
reflect the shape of predicted reward distribution. Specifically, rare prediction errors evoked
significantly larger responses than common prediction errors with identical magnitudes. Together,
these results demonstrate a complementary but distinct mechanism from TD-like reward prediction
error responses for learning based on probability distributions. 15
Reward size distributions
We used non-informative images (fractal pictures) to predict rewards drawn from
differently shaped distributions. Distribution shapes were defined according to relative reward 20
frequency. One fractal image predicted an equal probability of receiving a small, medium, or large
volume of juice reward. We define this as the uniform reward size distribution (Fig. 1A left). A
second fractal image predicted that the small and the large reward would be given 2 out of 15
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times, and the medium sized reward would be given the remaining 11 out of 15 times (normal
reward size distribution, Fig. 1A right). Importantly, both reward size distributions were
symmetrical and were comprised of the same three reward magnitudes. Therefore, the uniform and
normal distributions had identical Pascalian expected values. However, rewards drawn from the
tails of the normal distribution were rare, compared to the frequency of identical rewards drawn 5
from the tails of the uniform distribution. Anticipatory licking reflected the expected value of both
the distributions, as well as the expected value of safe cues (Figure 1B, p = 0.019, Linear
Regression). Thus, the animals learned that the cues predicted rewards.
Dopamine neurons code prediction errors in the subjective values of rewards (16),
according to the following equation: 10
πππππππ‘πππ πππππ = πππ€πππ π π’πππππ‘ππ£π π£πππ’π β πππππππ‘ππ π π’πππππ‘ππ£π π£πππ’π. Eq.1
To investigate whether dopamine responses were sensitive to probability distributions, we sought
to compare dopamine responses when the conventional prediction errors, defined according to Eq. 15
1, were identical. Therefore, we created reward distributions with the same expected values and
then measured the distribution of the subjective values. We measured the subjective values of six
reward distributions β three normal reward distributions with center locations of 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5
ml and three uniform distributions with center locations of 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 ml. Monkeys made
choices between cues that predicted a distribution and safe values (Fig. 1C, Methods). We plotted 20
the probability of choosing the safe option as a function of the safe option volume and generated
psychometric functions (Figure 1D). We used the certainty equivalents (CEs) β defined as the safe
volume at the point of subjective equivalence between the two options (Fig. 1D, vertical dashed.
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Line) β as a measure of the distribution subjective value. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the
CEs for the normal and uniform distribution cues indicated a significant effect of EV on CE (F =
71.81, p < 0.001, ANOVA). Crucially, we found no significant effect of the distribution type on
the CEs (F = 3.57, p = 0.07, ANOVA). To increase our power to detect small differences in
subjective value, we combined the CE data from all three EVs, yet still found no significant 5
difference between the subjective values of the normal and uniform distributions (p = 0.20, two-
sample t-test). Therefore, within the limited range of reward sizes we used, the data indicate that
the normal and uniform reward size distributions had similar subjective values. These results
indicated that the prediction errors generated from the distributions could be readily compared and
ensured that disparities between prediction error responses were not driven by differences in the 10
predicted subjective values.
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Figure 1. Reward size distributions. A. Fractal images
predicted that one of three juice reward sizes would be drawn
from a uniform (left) or normal (right) reward size distribution.
The uniform distribution predicted that each size would be
drawn with equal relative frequency (R.F.) (1/3 for small, 5
medium, and large sized rewards). The normal distribution
predicted that the small and large reward volumes would be
drawn 2/15 times, and the medium reward volume would be
drawn the remaining 11/15 times. B. Anticipatory licking
indicated that the monkeys learned the predicted reward 10
values. Black dots indicate the normalized licking duration
data for predicted reward volume, and the grey dotted line
indicates the linear fit to the data. Error bars indicate SEM
across session. C. The choice task used to measure subjective value. Animals made saccade-
directed choices between a distribution predicting cue and a safe alternative option. The safe 15
alternative option was a value bar with a minimum and maximum of 0 and 0.8 ml at the bottom
and top, respectively. The intersection between the horizontal bar and the scale indicated the
volume of juice that would be received if monkeys selected the safe cue. D. Probability of choosing
the safe cue as a function of the value of the safe option, when the distribution predicting cue had
an expected value (EV) of 0.4ml. Dots show average choice probability for 9 safe value options 20
for monkey B (left), and Monkey S (right). Solid lines are a logistic fit to the data. Red indicates
data from normal distribution blocks, grey indicates data from uniform distribution blocks. The
dashed horizontal lines indicate subjective equivalence, and the CE for each distribution type is
indicated with the dashed vertical lines.
Distribution shape affects learning
We next investigated how probability distributions affected learning (Fig. 2A). Each
learning block consisted of 15-25 trials and used two, never-before-seen cues (Supplementary
Methods). Both cues predicted either normal or uniform distributions and had two different
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expected values (EVs). The animals had to learn the relative EVs to maximize reward. We
analyzed behavioral choice data from two animals across 16 sessions, each of which included a
mixture of normal and uniform blocks (Supplementary Methods). As expected, the probability of
choosing the higher value option on the first trial of each block was not significantly different from
chance (Fig. 2B, left). Comparison between the first and fifteenth trial of each block revealed that 5
the animals learned to choose the higher value option on 87% and 85% of trials, in the normal and
uniform blocks, respectively (Fig. 2B, p < 0.001, paired t-test for both distributions). There was
no significant difference in the average performance between the fifteenth trials of normal and
uniform blocks (Fig. 2B, right, p = 0.7, t-test). Together, these results demonstrate that the animals
learned which option had a higher EV. 10
We hypothesized that the animals would learn faster from reward sizes sampled from the
normal distribution compared to the uniform distribution. We used a reinforcement learning (RL)
model to quantify the learned values (Supplementary Methods). Our model, fit to the behavioral
choices, performed well at predicting the true values of the two choice options (Fig 2C). To
differentiate active learning from stable, asymptotic-like behavior, we fit a logarithmic function to 15
the estimated prediction errors (Fig. 2D). When the change in the log-fitted values went below a
robust threshold, we considered the values to be learned (Supplementary Methods). Using this
approach, we determined the block-wise number of trials needed to learn. We found that, on
average, animals needed 4 additional trials to learn in the uniform blocks, compared to the normal
blocks (Fig. 2E, p < 0.001, Mann-Whitney U test). These data demonstrate that the monkeys 20
learned faster from normal reward distributions, compared to uniform reward distribution. Thus,
rare prediction errors have greater behavioral relevance than common prediction errors of the same
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Figure 2. Faster learning from normal reward
distributions. A. Animals made choices between two never-
before-seen fractal images with different expected values
(EVs), but the same distribution type (normal or uniform). B.
Box and whisker plots show the probability of choosing the 5
higher-valued option on trials 1 and 15, separated by normal
(red) and uniform (grey) blocks. Triangles represent the
averages. n.s. = not significantly different. C. Actual (blue) and
estimated (orange) value differences for two choice options.
The primary y-axis shows the EV differences between the two 10
choice options, and the x-axis shows trial number. The block-
wise changes in the true value difference are reflected by the
model. The black tick marks correspond to correct and
incorrect choices, defined by the relative expected values, and indicated by the secondary y-axis.
D. Fitted prediction errors as a function of trial within normal (red) and uniform (grey) blocks. 15
Dashed line indicated the threshold for designating that block values have been learned. Dots
indicate the transition from the learning to the stable phase. E. Box and whisker plot showing the
number of trials in the learning phase for normal and uniform distributions. The plot follows the
same format as panel B.
To investigate autonomic responses to prediction errors, we analyzed the pupil responses
during the choice task (Fig 3A). We used deconvolution to separate the effects of distinct trial
events on pupil responses (Supplementary Methods). The deconvolution analysis indicated that
the correlation between pupil responses and RPE was higher during the learning phase of normal
blocks, compared to the learning phase of uniform blocks (Fig. 3B. p = 0.014, Wilcoxon rank-sum 25
test). There were no significant differences in the correlation during the stable phases of normal
and uniform blocks (Fig. 3B, p = 0.78, Wilcoxon rank-sum test). Thus, pupil responses indicated
greater arousal to rare prediction errors during learning.
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Figure 3. Pupil diameter was correlated with reward
prediction error during learning normal distributions. A.
Averaged normalized pupil diameter response (light grey) to
different epochs during behavior. B. Box and whisker plots 5
showing the correlation between pupil diameter and RPE, in
the learning and stable phases of normal (red) and uniform (grey) blocks. The plot follows the
same format as Figure 2B.
Dopamine responses to rare rewards 10
After showing that probability distributions were reflected in learning behavior and
autonomic responses, we investigated the neural correlates of probability distributions. To do so,
we recorded extracellular dopamine neuron action potentials in a passive viewing task wherein
monkeys viewed distribution-predicting cues and received rewards (Supplementary Methods).
Dopamine neurons were similarly activated by both distribution predicting cues, as would be 15
expected from responses to cues that had similar values (Fig. 4A). At the time of reward delivery,
dopamine neurons are activated or suppressed by rewards that are better or worse than predicted,
respectively. Therefore, we expected dopamine neurons to be activated by delivery of 0.6 ml and
suppressed by delivery of 0.2 ml. Surprisingly, dopamine activations to delivery of 0.6 ml were
larger in normal distribution trials, compared to dopamine activations following delivery of the 20
same volume reward in uniform distribution trials (Fig 4B, solid lines). Similarly, dopamine
responses were more strongly suppressed by delivery of 0.2 ml reward during normal distribution
trials, compared to response suppressions to the same reward during uniform distribution trials
(Fig. 4B, dashed lines). As the reward predicting cues had the same subjective values, this response
amplification occurred despite the fact that the conventional reward prediction errors were 25
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identical (Eq. 1). Moreover, because the amplification was bi-directional β both activations and
suppressions were amplified in single neurons β this effect could not be attributed to differences
in predicted subjective values. Thus, the effects we observed were robust to errors in the
measurement of subjective value.
We sought to quantify the response amplification (Fig. 4B) across neurons. The dynamic 5
ranges of dopamine responses are larger in the positive domain, compared to the negative domain.
Therefore, we transformed the responses across the positive and negative domains onto a linear
scale (Supplementary Methods). We then used linear regression to measure the response slopes of
each neuron to positive and negative RPEs generated during normal and uniform distribution trials.
We plotted the response slopes for each neuron in both conditions (Fig. 4C). A majority of neurons 10
had a steeper slope for rare RPEs generated during normal distribution trials, compared to common
RPEs generated during uniform distribution trials (Fig. 4C inset, p = 0.001, n = 60 neurons, one-
sample t-test). To ensure that the amplification effect was bi-directional and not driven solely by
positive responses, we separately analyzed the positive and negative prediction error responses for
the 39 neurons above the unity line in Figure 4C. Across this subpopulation, both activations and 15
suppressions were significantly amplified (Fig. 4D, negative and positive prediction error
responses p < 0.01 and 0.001, respectively, Wilcoxon rank-sum test). There were no significant
differences in the positive or negative responses in the subpopulation below the unity line (p >
0.05, n = 21, Wilcoxon rank-sum test). Population peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs) for the
amplified subpopulation show differences in both the positive and negative response domains (Fig. 20
5E). Thus, phasic dopamine responses are amplified by rare RPEs. These data demonstrate that
RPE responses are sensitive to predicted probability distributions.
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Figure 4. Amplified
dopamine reward
prediction error
responses to rare 5
rewards. A. Population
PSTHs of conditioned
stimuli (CS) responses to
the normal and uniform
distribution predicting 10
cues. There was no
significant difference
between the population
responses (p > 0.6 for
both the early and late response components, indicated on the x-axis by the light and dark grey 15
bars, respectively). B. Single neuron reward responses from both monkeys. Top: PSTHs show
impulse rate as a function of time, aligned to the time of reward (black vertical bar). Light grey
bars along with x-axis indicates the response window used for analysis. Bottom: Raster plots,
separated by normal and uniform distributions and by reward sizes 0.2 and 0.6 ml. Every line
represents the time of an action potential, and every row represents a trial. C. Reward response 20
slopes for every neuron in normal and uniform distribution trials. Each dot represents one neuron
(n = 60 neurons), and the two circled neurons are the example neurons in B. Inset shows the data
as a function of the difference from the unity line (diagonal). D. Change in normalized impulse
rate from baseline in normal and uniform distribution trials, for negative RPE responses (left), and
positive RPE responses (right). Error bars are ο± standard error of the mean (SEM) across 39 25
neurons above the unity line. E. Population PSTH for neurons that showed amplified responses to
the same rewards in the normal and uniform distribution trials. In panels A, B, D, and E, red and
grey colors indicate normal and uniform distributions, respectively. In A, B, and E, solid PSTHs
represent positive prediction error responses, and dashed PSTHs represent negative prediction
error responses. 30
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The passive viewing task used to collect the neural data (Fig. 4) offers the greatest level of
control, because during each trial only one reward-predictive cue is shown to the animals and no
choices are required. To validate that the neuronal sensitivity to probability distributions was also
present during complex behaviors, we recorded an additional 8 and 12 neurons from monkey B
and S, respectively, while the animals learned the predicted values and made choices (Fig. 1C). 5
We used the trial-wise RPEβs derived from the model to categorize each response as a positive or
negative prediction error response (Supplementary Methods). We found that positive and negative
RPEs elicited amplified neural responses in normal distribution trials, compared to uniform
distributions trials (Fig. 5A). The amplification effect was significant in the population (Fig. 5B,
negative RPE: p = 0.019; positive RPE: p = 0.001, n = 20 neurons, Wilcoxon rank-sum test). These 10
findings confirm that dopamine responses are sensitive to probability distributions during complex
behaviors and demonstrate that amplified dopamine responses can be used to guide active learning
and decision making.
Figure 5. Amplification in dopamine neurons persistent in
learning conditions. A. Single neuron PSTHs aligned to 15
reward (black vertical line) show amplified responses to
positive and negative RPEs in normal distribution trials,
compared to uniform distribution trials. Solid PSTHs indicate positive prediction error responses,
and dashed PSTHs are negative prediction error responses. The light grey bar along the x-axis
indicates the response window used for analysis. B. Change in normalized impulse rate from 20
baseline in normal and uniform conditions, for negative RPE responses (left), and positive RPE
responses (right). Error bars are ο± SEM across neurons. In both panels, red and grey colors indicate
normal and uniform distributions, respectively.
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Here we show that dopamine-dependent learning behavior and dopamine reward prediction
error responses reflect probability distributions. Rare prediction errors β compared to commonly
occurring prediction errors of the same magnitude β evoke faster learning, increased autonomic
arousal, and amplified neural learning signals. Together, these data reveal a novel computational 5
paradigm for phasic dopamine responses that is distinct from, but complementary to, conventional
reward prediction errors. Rare events are often highly significant (17). Our data show decision
makers exhibit greater vigilance towards rare rewards and learn more from rare reward prediction
errors. Amplified dopamine prediction error responses provide a mechanistic account for these
behavioral effects. 10
More than 20 years ago, single unit recordings demonstrated the importance of
unpredictability for dopamine neuron responses (2). Since then, the successful application of TD
learning theory to dopamine signals has largely subsumed the role of unpredictability, and recast
it within the framework of value-based prediction errors (18, 19). In most experimental paradigms,
reward unpredictability is captured by frequentist probability of rewards and, therefore, 15
unpredictability is factored directly into expected value (5, 7, 20-22). The resulting Pascalian
expected values are learned by TD models (23) and reflected in dopamine responses (5, 20, 22).
Here, we dissociated unpredictability from expected value by pseudorandomly drawing rewards
from symmetric probability distributions with equal values. Monkeys learned faster from the more
unpredictable rewards drawn from the tails of normal distributions. Likewise, dopamine responses 20
were amplified by greater unpredictability, even when the conventional prediction error described
in Eq. 1 was identical. These data reinforce the importance of unpredictability for dopamine
responses and learning.
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The amplified dopamine responses to rare rewards suggest that reinforcement learning
approaches that acquire only the average value of past outcomes are insufficient to describe the
phasic activity of dopamine neurons. In fact, dopamine responses distinguish between predicted
reward distributions, even when the average expected values and average subjective values of
those distributions are identical. Consequently, monkeys and their dopamine neurons appear to 5
learn probability distributions, and this information is used to boost their performance and gain
more reward. Therefore, these data suggest that an updated RL algorithm that learns higher
moments of probability distributions, such as Kalman TD (24), will provide the proper conceptual
framework to explain information processing in dopamine responses.
Distribution learning is critical to Bayesian inference and, indeed, the results that we show 10
here are consistent with a signal that could guide Bayesian inference to optimize choices and
maximize rewards. However, further experimentation is required to understand whether dopamine
signals actually support Bayesian inference. Distribution learning is also emerging as an important
approach in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) (25). Biological learning signals have
inspired deep reinforcement learning algorithms with performance that exceeds expert human 15
performance on Atari games, chess, and Go (26, 27). The distribution-sensitive neural signals that
we observed here could offer further guidance to computational learning; emphasizing the impact
of rare events drawn from tails of reward distribution could restrict the necessary search space.
Dopamine reward prediction error signals participate in Hebbian learning (28, 29), and
these signals are likely responsible for updating action values stored in the striatum (30). The 20
amplified dopamine responses coupled with the faster learning dynamics observed here, suggest
that the magnitude of dopamine release affected cellular learning mechanisms in the striatum.
Moreover, amplified dopamine responses have the ability to modulate dopamine concentrations in
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the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The level of PFC dopamine is tightly linked to neuronal signaling and
working memory performance (31). Therefore, amplification of dopamine could explain the
exaggerated salience of real β and possibly imagined β rare events, and postulates a neural
mechanism to explain aberrant learning observed in mental health disorders, such as
schizophrenia. 5
Dopamine neurons code reward prediction errors (RPEs), which are classically defined as
the differences between received and predicted rewards. However, our data show that predicted
probability distributions, rather than just the predicted average values, affects dopamine responses. 10
Specifically, rare rewards drawn from normal distributions amplified dopamine responses,
compared to the same rewards drawn more frequently from uniform distributions. Crucially, the
classically defined RPEs had identical magnitudes, following rare and common rewards. From a
behavioral perspective, rare prediction errors often signal underlying changes in the environment
and therefore demand greater vigilance. From a theoretical perspective, this result demonstrates 15
that biologically inspired reinforcement learning algorithms should account for full probability
distributions, rather than just point estimates.
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Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Andreea Bostan for thoughtful comments 25
and discussion of the manuscript, and Jacquelyn Breter for her work in animal care and
enrichment for this project. Funding: This research was supported by University of Pittsburgh
Brain Institute (WRS), and NIH DP2MH113095 (WRS). Author contributions: KMR and
WRS conceptualized and designed the experiments. KMR, AA, and WRS collected the data.
KMR, TH, and WRS analyzed the data. All authors discussed the results of the experiment. 30
KMR, TH, and WRS wrote the manuscript. All authors revised the manuscript. Competing
interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Data and materials availability:
Available upon request.
not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. The copyright holder for this preprint (which wasthis version posted November 22, 2019. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/851709doi: bioRxiv preprint
Supplementary Materials:
Materials and Methods
Figures S1-S2
not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. The copyright holder for this preprint (which wasthis version posted November 22, 2019. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/851709doi: bioRxiv preprint
- Rare Rewards Amplify Dopamine Learning Responses
- Abstract:
- Dopamine neurons drive learning by coding reward prediction errors (RPEs), which are formalized as subtractions of predicted values from reward values. Subtractions accommodate point estimate predictions of value, such as the average value. However, p...
- Results
- Reward size distributions
- Dopamine responses to rare rewards
- Discussion
- Supplementary Materials:

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