import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.UIManager; public class StartHere { static String prompt; String cusName,custstate; static String pizzaType; int Counter2 = 1; static int pizzaNumber;double tCost= 0; int NewCount=0; public String getStringInput() { prompt = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please input your name"); if(prompt == null || prompt.isEmpty() || !prompt.matches("[A-Za-z]*")) { prompt = getStringInput(); } return prompt; } public int GetCustNumber(){ {custstate = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Are you returning customer(Yes/No"); if(custstate == "Yes") { NewCount = Counter2; } if(custstate == "No") { NewCount = Counter2 + 1; } } return NewCount; } public static int getPizzaQuantity(){ pizzaNumber = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("How many Pizzas 1-99 ")); return pizzaNumber; } public static String getPizzaType() {pizzaType = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Regular or Deep Dish Crust ?"); return pizzaType;} public static int getPizzaCost() {int pcost = 9; return pcost;} public static double gettax() {double stx = 0.93; return stx;} public double totalCost(int num, int cost, double salesTaxRate){ double tc=num*cost*salesTaxRate; tCost = tc; return Math.round(tCost); } void ShowStudentDetails() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Welcome:\n\n Name \t:" +getStringInput()+ "\n Your return customer status number is;" + " \t"+ GetCustNumber()+"\n Your Crust selection is:\t "+getPizzaType()+ "\n Your total cost is \t"+totalCost(getPizzaQuantity(),getPizzaCost(),gettax())+ "\n Thank you for visiting Pissa-Rs-Us"+ "\n Your order should be ready in less than 10 Minutes" , "Message:", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);} public static void main(String[] args) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"**\t Welcome to Pizzar-R-Us Online ordering System \t **\n" ); StartHere start = new StartHere(); start.ShowStudentDetails(); } }
Nonprofit |
For Profit |
1. Computer DR $10,000 To, Restricted Fund $10,000 Being Computer purchased from the restricted fund for capital asset purchases. |
1. Computer DR $10,000 To, Cash $10,000 Being Computer purchased for cash. |
2. Cash DR $80,000 To, Contribution Revenue $80,000 Being contribution raised for new marketing expenditure.
Contribution Revenue DR $80,000 To, Marketing Expenditure $80,000 Being fund utilized for new marketing expenditure.
2 Cash DR $80,000 To, Capital $80,000 Being additional equity raised for incurring unanticipated market expenditure.
Marketing Expenditure DR $80,000 To, Cash $80,000 Being cash spent for marketing expenditure. |
3. Contributions Receivables DR $120,000 To, Unrestricted Donations $120,000 Being pledges received from fund raising drive. |
3 Cash DR $120,000 To, Bonds $120,000 Being net 30 day term bonds sold for $120,000 |

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