import java.util.Scanner; /* Henry Cutler ID 1234 7/20/2015 Assignment #5, 3 features in 1 program Solution for Assignment#5 COP2800 Pseudocode: Program has three features, all in a single program that are user selectable. Prompt with options and get user choice inside a while statement ( true ) If 1 is entered: Using a while and for loop, print out the ASCII table from ! to ~. If 2 is entered: Prompt the user for number of times to flip for head or tails using the random method. Count number of each and when the request times are done, print out the results. If 3 is entered: Prompt the user for a strings and print back the count of vowels and letters Any other input entered program will exit using a break statement, otherwise loops back to prompt user for feature selection. */ public class Module5 { public static void main(String[] args) { // prompt the user System.out.println("Welcome to Henry\'s 3 in 1 Programming Assignment for Module 5\n"); // create Scanner Object Scanner input = new Scanner(; // loop until break while(true){ // new lines for readability System.out.print("\n"); // Prompt user for choices System.out.print("Enter 1 for ASCII Table \nEnter 2 for Heads or Tails\nEnter 3 for Count Vowels & Letters\nAny other input will exit"); int choice = input.nextInt(); // Consume newline left-over input.nextLine(); // first feature if(choice == 1){ // start value is ! int value = (int) '!'; // newline for formating System.out.println("You Selected ASCII Table!\n"); // start at ~ which is 33 decimal while( value <= '~') { // print out 20 in a line for( int count = 0; count < 20; count ++ ){ if( value <= '~'){ // print single value System.out.print( (char) value++ ); } else { // break when we are at last char to print break; } } // New line every 10 System.out.print("\n"); } // New line at exit System.out.print("\n"); } else if(choice == 2){ // Prompt user System.out.println("You Selected Head or Tails!"); System.out.println("\nHow many flips would you like to try?"); // get value int count = input.nextInt(); // clear input.nextLine(); int headCount = 0; int tailCount = 0; // run for a count provided by user for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // get random number if (Math.random() > 0.5){ // increment heads headCount++; } else { // increment tails tailCount++; } } System.out.println("Head count: " + headCount + " tail count: " + tailCount); } else if(choice == 3){ // Prompt user System.out.println("You Selected Count Vowels & Letters !"); System.out.println("\nEnter a string: "); String s = input.nextLine(); // Initialize variables int countVowels = 0; int countConsonants = 0; // loop using length of string for count for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { // ingnore case of letter char temp = Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(i)); // test if its a vowel if (temp == 'A' || temp == 'E' || temp == 'I' || temp == 'O' || temp == 'U'){ // if it is a vowel increment count countVowels++; } else if (Character.isLetter(temp)){ // if it is a letter and not a vowel countConsonants++; } } // print out results System.out.println("The number of vowels is " + countVowels); System.out.println("The number of consonants is " + countConsonants); } else{ // not 1 , 2 or 3 System.out.println("User didn't select 1,2 or 3. Exiting Program\n"); // release object input.close(); // exit while with break statement break; } } // end of while } // end main } // end method

Readings: 1. Review the Assignment 5 solution 2. Read Chapter 6 of your textbook 3. Watch the lecture video Chapter 6 Lecture 4. Watch the exercise videos 1-3


1. Take the Module 6 Quiz, I recommend you do this AFTER you complete the programming assignment!

2. Submit via the module 6 Assignment link your source code solution (.java file ) to the following: Program description: Starting with your Assignment 5 solution, or if you had issues completing, you can start with the posted module 5 solution, you are going to make modifications to the three features so that they are methods. The program from the user view is unchanged! This program will function exactly as Assignment 5 did, only that instead of features code in the if/else block, there will be methods called to run the features, with modifications to be followed below. The code for feature 1 is to be moved into a newly created method called feature1, feature1 is to be a void method which has no arg value and does not return a value. Literally cut and paste the code within the if block matching to ‘1’ and that code in to be inserted into the new feature1 method, put the feature1 method at the end of the file, outside of the main method block. The code for feature 2 is to be moved into a newly created method called feature2, feature2 is to be a void method ( no return value ) which has one arg value of type int, called count. The code from the feature 2 that prompts the user for the flip value is the passed to the new feature2 method, the remaining code is cut and inserted into the new feature2 method put the feature2 method at the end of the file, outside of the main method block.

The code for feature 3 is to be moved into a newly created method called feature3, feature3 is to be a String method ( returns a String ) which has one arg value of type String, called s. The code from the feature 3 that prompts the user for string message is passed to the new feature3 method, the remaining code is cut and inserted into the new feature3 method all but the print statements. The print statement(s) are replaced with a return, and the value for the return is contents of the original print statements which is everything between the parentheses of BOTH print statements. Note you will have to concatenate ( use + ) and add a \n to match the original vowel and constant messages. The else if prints out the returned message by calling feature 3 as shown below:

// call the method of feature 3 providing the message s from the user, return // value is the Letters message which is printed to user for the consonants count


Put the feature3 method at the end of the file, outside of the main method block. Your program is to look exactly like the output shown below, only the name would be different. Notice that an apostrophe is used in the prompt, your program must do the same. The example shows all four possibilities for the program, option 1,2,3 and any other input by the user which would exit the program. Highlight in yellow is user provided input. Tip: You should do this is steps, start with the easiest, which is feature 1 change, when that is completed successfully, the do feature do likewise feature 2 and feature 3. Your textbook as has many example that will show you exactly the required syntax needed to complete this assignment.

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