Year 7 Geography

My Latitude or Longitude

You will be allocated a latitude or longitude line. You will follow this line and hopefully become an expert about what the world is like along the path. Yes, you can find some of the obscure and interesting facts about some of the places you might like to visit.

You must follow your line of latitude or longitude all the way around the world or from pole to pole.

You have to come up with 15-20 points of interest. Each point should be no more than 4 sentences.

At least 5 of your points should be a display. A display can be in the form of a picture, some currency, some stamps or maybe some music or a souvenir from someone’s overseas trip. Check out what is at home. You will definitely need to ask and you will have to be resourceful.

Points of interest can be anything, which can be found reasonably close to your latitude or longitude. For example, mountains, language, population, depth of oceans. Life in the seas, native plants and animals, strange customs, music and dance, sports, styles of dress, religions, types of farming, famous buildings or landmarks, just to name a few (this list is very open).

Please note you are not allowed to do more than 4 points for any one country or ocean.

If it is a large country, like Australia, then you need to be careful that you know approximately where your feature is located. For example, if you are looking at something along the southern latitude, then you could not do the Great Barrier Reef, because it is too far north. If you are in Western Australia then you could not do the Twelve Apostles in Victoria, because it is too far east. If you are totally unsure ask someone if they consider that your point of interest is close enough to your line of Latitude or Longitude.

You can present your assignment in any way you wish. Be Creative! Mobiles, board games, computer presentations, models… the list is endless. NOTE: The work should be a portable size (ie, not too large to easily move/store).

The first thing that you will need to do is plan your points of interest with the use of your atlas or internet. You must show me your plan for what you are going to do before you start collating your information.

You will need to do some work at home, so that you can organise your resources. For example, computer information, National Geographic Magazine, reference books. Ag ain, be

Please show this assignment sheet to your parents/guardians and let them read what you will need to be doing. Please have them sign this sheet so that they know what will be happening during the next couple of weeks this term.

The assignment is due on the ___________________. My line of latitude/longitude is: ________90 °W

Signature: ____________________________________

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