Before you begin to put together a vendor visitation schedule, your boss, the VP of Procurement, advised you that the CEO expects a comprehensive report, in about a month, covering the following specific topics:

The key characteristics and requirements and the pros and cons of each of the following overarching quality programs should be put into a chart format. The chart should have columns for an overall 1-sentence description of each program, its pros, and its cons.


Juran's Trilogy



Six Sigma

Provide your view on how a formal process improvement program could help at both vendor locations and inside ABC’s own factory.

Specifically, in the areas of vendor quality and delivery performance, what are the benefits of creating a vendor certification program, and what does it involve?

Specifically, in the area of ABC’s own internal workings, what opportunities for continuous improvement exist, and what exactly would you do?

How do you get ABC itself to adopt a more continuous improvement mentality?

Finally, and most importantly, all these operational improvements could create a strategic advantage for ABC because most of its competitors have similar internal and vendor quality challenges, as well as internal operational challenges.



Colorado Technical University

David Christian


Part I


The advertisement features commercial promotion of bush bean targeting a wide array of market segments. The beans target market entail people across the entire demographic composition. Many companies use this strategy of targeting a wide array of consumers in order to gain more sales volumes and minimize risks (Piirto, 1991). The product also targets a wide variety of indoor and outdoor occasions. At home, it targets meals times where it is seasoned with other foods or snacks. Outdoor-targeted functions include backyard grill, barbecue, tailgate parties, weddings, sports, arenas, parking lot parties, concerts, and carnivores (McKinney, 1999). See below a group of people having a tailgate party.

Bush beans comprise a variety of products (flavors) to suit the wide target market and such flavors include vegetarian, home style, country style, bold and spicy, honey, onion, and original. It will be necessary for everyone to know that the bush bean family comprises 42 varieties while others are in development stages to cater for the growing customer needs. The wide variation of pricing ranges guarantees ample coverage of its target market based on their financial capabilities.

A slogan

‘‘Your best company for indoor and outdoor delicacies”


‘‘Are you worried about your health? Try our beans for the best kept nutritional and flavor secrets’’.

Features of bush beans

Bush bean products are packaged in convenient and hygienic tins for purposes of safety to both consumers and the environment. The container material is recyclable and meets requisite regulatory standards

Bush bean products come in a variety of products that are produced to suit the diverse consumer needs. The wide variety of products, tastes, flavors are well labeled, and instructions together with composite ingredients printed on the packet. In addition, all bush bean products are dairy and casein free in order to maintain the authentic composition.

Benefits of Bush Beans

Beans provide a good supply of healthful and nutritious vegetables. Bush's Beans are a genuine and a good supply of protein, rich in fiber and contain low fat and cholesterol. The nutritional values are complemented by an assortment of tastes and flavors to suit a cross section of consumers.

Bush beans are vastly adaptable and can accompany many types of ingredients. It is easy to prepare food/meals for the entire family and for different occasions. The dozens of bush bean varieties to select from makes it easy for anyone to try a new recipe every other time. It is essential to note that bush bean plays a critical role in keeping at bay disease associated with ‘bad’ nutrients and at the same time ensures the dream outdoor meal is accomplished. Actually, the record speaks; there is no limit how far bush beans can accompany you. The condition is just a little imagination and bush beans will be your guest. See below for more

Creative intent

The commercial advertisement is cast in a busy outdoor and indoor setting. The outdoor is set outside a football stadium where there are robust activities of fans enjoying and socializing after the match. The environment also depicts a tailgate party and carnivore mood. The indoor setting depicts a group of fans enjoying the match as they eat their favorite meal. Both settings depict a cross section of target consumers comprising children and adults.

The advertisement stars Jay Bush and Duke (the dog) a mischievous, speaking golden retriever. The use of the dog (Duke) is strategic since the company has been running numerous commercials starring the dog. This is meant to maintain the long-standing association between the products and the commitment made by Duke to deliver their needs (Metz, 2011). The advertisement focuses largely on the secret family recipe. Bush bean products are made from ingredients that are contained in the secret family recipe that comprise specially cured sugar, bacon and a secret mix of spices. The commercial shows that Jay has managed to keep Duke from divulging the secret family recipe that attracted affection of many who will watch the commercial advertisement. The cordial relationship between the two is meant to arouse sympathy and emotions, and the same is expected to be extended to bush bean products. The celebrity status that develops out of the virtues of trust and honesty is a pointer to the consumers that they can trust bush bean products as it has happened between Jay and Duke. The image below shows Jay and Duke in one of the popular advertisement.

The football game in America is highly emotional to many fans and is close to the heart of many. This choice of a football setting is deliberate as it attempts to arouse the same feeling concerning bush beans. The American culture value and hold dear the family unit. The casting of the commercial showing and encouraging consumption of bush bean is an attempt to appeal to the family unity that is quite dear to families. Many families pet dogs and are very fond of them. There have close attachment and relationship with dogs. As it is well known, the dog is the animal very close (friendly) to Man. People trust the dog for their security, company with family members and running some specific errands in the home. The use of Duke is intended to arouse that close emotional tie/relationship between Duke and targeted audience and at the same time extend the same to bush beans. The other aspect of the dog concerns the normal interaction between Men and dogs especially the ones kept as pets. In the normal home setting, the dog (pet) is privy to many secrets and developments in the home and yet they do not fail the host as they always keep the secrets. This relationship enhances the bond and emotions between dogs and hosts or owners. In the commercial promotion, the use of dog (Duke) is meant to tell the audience that bush bean should be trusted since it is guaranteed by the long-standing trust and relationship that exist between dogs and humans. Jay Bush has trust of Duke the extent of divulging the secret recipe formula that he trust will not pass it to the competitors.

Largely, Duke is clever and professionally trained dog whom apart from keeping the secret family recipe; Duke is able to portray the smart character, well informed and a companion to everyone. The close social relation with everyone is aimed at pulling the audience close to Duke in an attempt to get the secret recipe formula. Duke will use the close relation with customers to make them an offer and cleverly entice them to consume bush bean products. The image below arouses the feeling of sympathy for Jay who cannot divulge the secret to the demanding consumers since the clever Duke would not heed to any pleas.

Part 2


The ideal sales pitch blends knowledge of the prospect’s needs and preferences, product information and persuasion. To enhance sales of bush beans, the right sales pitch is a prerequisite since it is the one that will make the potential customer want to buy. My target audience is the management of Mabel Inc, a retail chain stores company. Some of the information necessary in my sales pitch includes information about the various products under bush bean brand, information about ingredients, company information such as values, storage requirements, visitor’s center, information about a recent commercial ad, and process of making bush bean products. Additional information will include dealership requirements, certification programs attained, profit margins and customer care services. Search for mobilizers and talkers will form part of my invited audience as the two groups will be critical in closing a deal and gaining audience insight respectively. Readiness with the necessary information makes the presentation exciting as one convince the retail management that they need to stock the products to serve the rising demand of bush beans. The perfect sales pitch combines an understanding of the prospect’s needs, product knowledge and persuasion (Bullock, 2004). My research for information will focus on new and provocative information in addition to the existing one.

Electronic sales pitch

The sales presentation is to be conducted at Mabel Inc board room where and expected to be attended by the senior management from sales and marketing, procurement, finance and strategy divisions among others. Mabel Inc does not stock Bush beans products despite the rising demand for the same. Retail stores including Mabel presents potential distribution points for bush beans since they already have the necessary facilities such as display space, existing customers, and resources. Since the store chain does not stock the products despite the rising demand, it implies that the supermarkets may be lacking vital information regarding bush bean products and this present the best chance for a sales presentation.

Preparation for presentation

It is important to prepare for the presentation. Some of the material needed take time to assemble hence the process should be started on time. Some of the material that requires more time to collect includes competitor information, nutritional statistics and industry statistics. In addition, electronic presentation needs facilities such as projectors, a laptop, charts, microphone, audio equipment, presentation screens, flip charts, laser pointers and marker pens. These are necessary to facilitate the presentation exercise. Samples and information pamphlets may also require slightly more time to collect. More importantly, the presentation will focus on the value to be derived by Mabel such as profits, shopper’s contentment, and competitive advantage through one stop shop concept.

Research for both the retail store and the bush bean

Knowledge or information about the target audience is highly critical in a sales presentation. My research will focus on the current trends in packaged meals, health and nutritional aspects. To support my presentation, I will use recent statistics that show trends regarding consumption of food and nutritional awareness. Bean benefits will revolve around the many nutrients contained in addition to the recent discovery of ‘anti-aging' antioxidants contained in the bean seed coat. This information will be necessary not only for the consumer but also for the retail store that has a moral obligation to enhance a healthy and fit community. Additional attention will be focused on convincing the retail store on a one-stop concept that provides consumers with the convenience of shopping for all their needs in one location. Intelligence information will comprise statistics of current retail stores stocking bush beans. Research and information on profit margin is another key consideration since Mabel will be keen to find potential returns from the products. This information will help in answering questions from the audience since decisions regarding supply contracts usually require vast information. In addition, the information comprises the pertinent issues that dealers or retail stores consider in supply contracts.

Designing the presentation to fit audience needs

The presentation will entail videos and images of the commercial advertisements such as the ones in the TV and online media. Duke mascot will accompany the presentation material. The mascot will help to make the presentation livelier. Samples of some of the products will be used in the presentation, and this will be supported by detailed information in a brochure to be distributed to the audience. Presentation equipments such as laptops, projectors, screens, laser pointers, microphone and sound devices will be used. A tailored PowerPoint slide presentation will be used for the sales presentation. The slides will largely comprise product images, graphs for market statistics and a tailored production process.

The actual presentation

The presentation will begin with the purpose for the presentation. It will highlight the recent current need for Bush bean to reach all segments and in the process, help the society achieve a healthier and happier status. In addition, the presentation will address reviews by bush bean consumers who have raised the need to have their favorite product in the store chain. The presentation will entail brief background information of the company products and the current market potential. It will also highlight the current trends and development in manufacturer and dealer developments. At this point, the presentation will include statistics about the rising popularity and trends in food and nutrition and the role played by bush bean products. The aim is to hook the audience and attract their attention. The presentation will be brief in order to allow for an interactive session that will allow the audience to ask questions and consult with each other. The presentation will include stating the range of price and quantities available. Other pertinent features will include product features, payment arrangements, and documentation. Experience will come in handy in this session as the audience will want to relate with a practical example. For instance, I will use my past encounter with similar retails stores who after becoming part of the distribution network, they have managed to make considerable returns. Variation of voice tone will be used to create emotion, passion and enthusiasm about the strong bond between bush beans and its consumers.

Selling the product (benefits, features and supplier contract)

This will be the time to persuade the audience that the supply contract will suit their current and future need. The discussion will entail informing the Mabel management the benefits of selling bush bean to their loyal customers and the need to have one stop shopping experience. The discussion will include recorded testimonies of retail stores, families, football fans, party enthusiasts and shoppers who have had an experience with bush beans products. Emphasis is made on the emotional attachment and loyalty exhibited by current consumers. At this stage, it is important to consider expanding investment as the consumer index, consumer confidence and the economy show positive signs of recovery.

A comparison is made between bush beans and competitor products to emphasis the competitiveness in term of market share, varieties and potential sales. This is the point where the margin and profit potential for Mabel is discussed. The rising demand for bush beans products is a key selling aspect at this point. Reiterate the values to accrue such as getting extra and satisfied shoppers, supporting worthy course such as a healthy community, additional profit, and community welfare. Convince the management that the current market trends and statistics indicate that Bush bean is poised to scale greater heights, and it will be an honor to have Mabel on board that success. Additional sales inducement should be introduced for new accounts and inform Mabel that they are entitled to special discounts and delivery arrangements. Details of the discounts will be divulged such as a five percent reduction on the first purchase, and a further one-three percent discount pegged on quantities purchased in the future. It is essential to utilize the skills for pitch psychology at the selling stage (Kahle, 2000). Confidence and attitude are critical attributes at this point. Starting by setting a time constraint help the audience at ease as they know the presentation will not take long. The presentation will avoid an approach that sound begging for a business deal. These approaches will enhance confidence and a strong attitude.

Answer questions

This stage is towards the conclusion of the presentation and focus is on answering the issues to the satisfaction of the audience. The earlier research preparations are useful at this stage. Responses to expected questions such as the business risks involved, delivery costs and logistics, promotional support, storage requirement, expiry issues, stockiest requirements, and handling problems should be addressed. In addition, contacts for further information and clarifications will be provided. Make a commitment to follow through any issues agreed during the presentation.

Close presentation by a word of thanks to the audience and invite them to make contact whenever necessary. This is important as it assures the audience that they can always seek clarification before making any decision. The other aspect at this stage is to allow the audience the space to reflect and make decisions at their own pace and convenience. The bush beans commercial advertisement will be run at this stage. This is important since it will be the last item in the memory of the audience and it will form a strong and lasting impression. The management will be given a few copies of the commercial ad and pamphlets with detailed information about bush beans and dealership requirements.

You can get all this only from bush bens… your trusted companion.


Bullock, A. (2004). The secret sales pitch: An overview of subliminal advertising. San Jose

(Calif.: Norwich Publishers.

Kahle, L. R. (2000). Cross-national consumer psychographics. New York [u.a.: International

Business Press

Metz, Chuck, Jr. (2011). This Community of Companions: A History of Bush Brothers &

Company. Knoxville, TN: Bush Brothers & Company. P. 27.

McKinney, S. M. (1999). Outdoor recreation in American life: a national assessment of demand

and supply trends. Sagamore Publishing.

Piirto, R. (1991). Beyond mind games: The marketing power of psychographics. Ithaca, NY: American Demographics Books.

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