Writing  prompt  for  Research  Paper     Write  a  research  paper  in  which  you  examine  a  significant  observation  or  question   about  the  relationship  of  human  genetics  to  human  behavior.    

1. Select  one  of  the  following  sections  of    “Mean  Genes”  as  the  primary  source   for  your  research  paper.  

a. Constant  Cravings,  pp.  59-­‐128   b. Romance  and  Reproduction,  pp.  131-­‐195   c. Family,  Friends,  and  Foes,  pp.  199-­‐242    

2. Use  the  Lee  College  library  database  to  choose  3  secondary  sources.   3. Include  a  minimum  of  6  in-­‐text,  parenthetical  citations  in  your  paper  –  at  

least  two  from  “Mean  Genes”  and  at  least  one  from  each  of  your  secondary   sources.  

  Other  assignment  requirements:  

• MLA  style   • MLA  format   • MLA  works  cited  page   • Underlined  thesis  statement   • Formal  writing   • Submission  to  Safe  Assign,  with  an  originality  score  of  15%  or  lower  


MAT 206 Quiz # 3 Prof. Krishnamachari

This quiz contains 20 multiple choice questions.

It is due by 10 PM Sunday, December 2, 2012.

1) Evaluate t

e 076.0

300 

when t = 15. Round your answer to two decimal places

a) 95.95

b) 39.31

c) 0.00048

d) -1906.12

e) None of these

2) If 12)( 3 

x xg is a transformation of f(x) =

x 2 the g(x) is

a) Shifted right three units and down one unit

b) Shifted up three units and left one unit

c) Shifted up three units and right one unit

d) Shifted left three units and up one unit

e) None of these

3) Match the graph with the correct function

a) 1

3 x

y 

b) 3 1 x

y  

c) 1

3 x

y 

c) 3 1 x

y 

 

e) None of these

4) The domain of ( ) 1 x

f x e 

  is

a) ( , 0)

b) (0, )

c) ( 1, ) 

d) (1, )

e) None of these

5) $1500 invested at a rate of 8% compounded quarterly. What is the balance at the end of 5


a) $1624.67

b) $2,237.74

c) $2226.04

d) $2,228.92

e) None of these

6) Evaluate 1

ln x

e 

a) 1 x

e 

b) e

c) x - 1

d) ln(1 )x

e) None of these

7) Find the vertical asymptote ( ) ln( 2)f x x 

a) x = 2

b) x = 0

c) y = 2

d) x = - 2

e) None of these

8) Students in an algebra class were given an exam and then tested monthly with an

equivalent exam. The average score for the class was given by the human memory model

10 ( ) 85 16log ( 1), 0 12f t t t     where t is the time in months. What is the average

score for the class after three months?

a) 77

b) 67

c) 63

d) 75

e) None of these

9) Use the change of base formula to identify the expression that is equivalent to

log t u

a) log




b) u log t

c) log




d) logt u

e) None of these

10) Write as a sum, difference, or multiple of logarithms: 2

3log a b


a) 2 log log


a b


b) 1 2 log log

3 log

a b


     

c) 1

(2 log log log ) 3

a b c 

d) 23 2 log log loga b c 

e) None of these

11) Use the one-to-one property to solve the following equation for x:

6 1 1

27 3


   

 

a) 3

b) 1


c) 2


d) 1

2 

e) None of these

12) Find the exact value of 7(log log )x y



log x


     

b) 7

7 log



c) 7(log log )x y

d) 7

log x


e) None of these

13) Find the exact value of 2.50

ln lne e

a) 2.5

b) 1.25

c) 2


e) None of these

14) Simplify the expression 5

log 150

a) the expression cannot be simplified

b) 5

2 log 6

c) 5

30 log 2

d) 6

e) None of these

15) The expression 2

2 log


y is equivalent to

a) 2 2

1 [log log ]

2 x y

b) 2 2

1 log log

2 x y

c) 2 2

1 [log log ]

2 x y

d) 2 2

1 log log

2 x y

e) None of these

16) Evaluate log 24 given that log 2 = 0.4307, log 3 = 0.6826

a) 0.8820

b) 1.9747

c) 0.2940

d) 1.1133

e) None of these

17) Simplify: 34

ln e x

a) 3 1

ln 4 4


b) 3

ln 4 4

x 

c) 3 1

ln 4 4

e x

d) 3

ln 4 4

e x 

e) None of these

18) Solve for x: ln 3x  

a) 1


b) 3

c) 3



d) 3


e) None of these

19) Solve for x: log(3 7) log( 2) 1x x   

a) 8


b) 8

3, 3

c) 2

d) 5

2, 3

e) None of these

20) The spread of a flu virus through a certain population is modeled by 0.7


1 990 t

y e 

 

where y is the total number infected after t days. In how many days will 820 people be

infected with the virus?

a) 11 days

b) 10 days

c) 13 days

d) 12 days

e) None of these

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