An observational study of medication administration errors in old-age psychiatric inpatients CAMILLA HAW, JEAN STUBBS AND GEOFF DICKENS

St. Andrew’s Hospital, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5DG, United Kingdom.


Background. Relatively little is known about medication administration errors in mental health settings.

Objective. To investigate the frequency and nature of medication administration errors in old-age psychiatry. To assess the acceptability of the observational technique to nurse participants.

Method. Cross-sectional study technique using (i) direct observation, (ii) medication chart review and (iii) incident reports.

Setting. Two elderly long-stay wards in an independent UK psychiatric hospital.

Participants. Nine nurses administering medication at routine medication rounds.

Main outcome measures. Frequency, type and severity of directly observed medication administration errors compared with errors detected by retrospective chart review and incident reports.

Results. Using direct observation 369 errors in 1423 opportunities for errors (25.9%) were detected vs. chart review detected 148 errors and incident reports none. Most errors were of doubtful or minor severity. The pharmacist intervened on four occasions to prevent an error causing patient harm. The commonest errors observed were unauthorized tablet crushing or capsule opening (111/369, 30.1%), omission without a valid reason (100/369, 27.1%) and failure to record administration (87/369, 23.6%). Among the nurses observed, the error rate varied widely from no errors to one error in every two doses administered. Of the seven nurses who completed the post-observation questionnaire, all said they would be willing to be observed again.

Conclusion. Medication administration errors are common and mostly minor. Direct observation is a useful, sensitive method for detecting medication administration errors in psychiatry and detects many more errors than chart review or inci- dent reports. The technique appeared to be acceptable to most of the nursing staff that were observed.

Keywords: administration, adverse drug events, elderly, medication errors, mental health, observation, psychiatry

Medication errors (prescribing, transcribing, dispensing and administration errors) are an important cause of patient mor- bidity and mortality [1]. Medication administration errors are a common sub-type of medication errors and accounted for 34% of errors in one large USA study conducted in medical and surgical units [2]. Observational studies in general hospi- tals have yielded error rates varying between 3.5 and 27% of doses [3–8]. Direct observation detects medication adminis- tration errors at a much higher rate than chart review or inci- dent report review [9]. The observational method has been demonstrated to be valid and reliable [10]. Less research on medication errors has been conducted

in mental health settings, and little is known about the incidence of medication administration errors in psychiatry

[11]. Medication administration to psychiatric inpatients presents different challenges from that to patients in general hospitals. Psychiatric settings might be expected to pose fewer risks to patients, as parenteral drug adminis- tration is uncommon and mainly limited to depot antipsy- chotics used to treat schizophrenia, intravenous vitamin B for patients with alcohol dependence and intra-muscular antipsychotics and benzodiazepines for rapid tranquilliza- tion. Intravenous fluids and blood products are not admi- nistered. On the other hand, many psychiatric patients are extremely vulnerable. They may lack mental capacity to give informed consent to medication, may be non- compliant and even violent. The elderly mentally ill are particularly vulnerable as they may be confused, resist

Address reprint requests to: Dr. Camilla Haw, St. Andrew’s Hospital, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5DG, United Kingdom. E-mail: [email protected]

International Journal for Quality in Health Care vol. 19 no. 4 # The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of International Society for Quality in Health Care; all rights reserved 210

International Journal for Quality in Health Care;Volume 19, Number 4: pp. 210 – 216 10.1093/intqhc/mzm019 Advance Access Publication: 10 June 2007

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medication administration, be physically frail and require complex medication regimes. Review of the literature (by searching Medline, PsycINFO,

CINAHL, BNID and AMED from 1966 onwards) revealed only a handful of studies on medication administration errors in psychiatry, with most based on retrospective chart review or official incident reports [12–14]. We were unable to identify any reports of observational studies in psychiatry, apart from a very small study conducted in a learning disabil- ity group home [15], a study of tablet crushing in residential homes for the elderly [16] and an observational study of medication administration to psychiatric inpatients but this did not report on the frequency of errors [17]. Concerning studies of older persons conducted in general hospitals, we identified an observational study partly conducted in a geria- tric unit [6] and another conducted in an elderly female ward with acute admissions [4]. The aims of the current study were to use the observa-

tional technique in two long-stay old-age psychiatry wards to determine the frequency and nature of medication adminis- tration errors, to study factors associated with errors and to compare observed errors with those detected by chart review and incident report. We also wanted to assess if the observa- tional technique was acceptable to participating nurses.


Study setting

The study was approved by the Local Research Ethics Committee. It was conducted at St. Andrew’s Hospital, Northampton, a 450-bedded independent charitable hospital providing psychiatric care for patients with a wide range of mental health problems. We studied medication adminis- tration on two long-stay wards for elderly mentally ill patients, a 13-bedded unit for patients with dementia and challenging behaviour (Ward A) and a 21-bedded unit for frail elderly patients with dementia (some patients also had schizophrenia) offering nursing home type care (Ward B). We carried out a semi-structured interview with each patient’s consultant psychiatrist to obtain an ICD-10 clinical diagnosis [18] and details of the patient’s disabilities.

Medication administration

Prescriptions are written on a paper medication chart. It is hospital policy that each time a medication is administered the administering nurse signs the medication chart. If the nurse is not able to administer the medication, they should record an omission code e.g. ‘A’ if the patient is absent, ‘R’ if the patient refuses the medication. Medication administration on Wards A and B is undertaken by one nurse, with the assistance of ‘runners’ who may be nurses or healthcare assistants. The runners take medication to patients who are unable to walk to the medicines trolley. Runners are required to ensure that medication is taken by the patient, i.e. tablets are swallowed.

Details of how participants were recruited

Nursing staff were given information about the aims of the study and invited to participate. Participants were required to give written consent. At the end of the study, participants were invited to complete a questionnaire on how acceptable or otherwise they had found the experience of being observed.

Definition and classification of medication administration errors

We defined a medication administration error as ‘a deviation from a prescriber’s valid prescription or the hospital’s policy in relation to drug administration, including failure to correctly record the administration of a medication’. This definition was derived and adapted from the literature [7, 19, 20] and is one that we have used previously [14]. Omission of a drug for valid clinical reason was not counted as an administration error, provided the nurse recorded an appropriate code on the medication chart indicating that the drug was not given. Administration errors were categorized using the National

Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP) taxonomy [21]. Errors were cate- gorized at consensus meetings attended by all three researchers.

Severity of errors

Error severity was rated on the following five-point scale that two of the researchers had previously used in medication error research [22]: Grade 1—errors or omissions of doubtful or negligible importance.

Grade 2—errors or omissions likely to result in minor adverse effects or worsening condition.

Grade 3—errors or omissions likely to result in serious effects or relapse.

Grade 4—errors or omissions likely to result in fatality. Grade X—unratable (due to lack of clinical and other information).

Error severity was agreed by the three researchers at consen- sus meetings.

Method of observing medication administration

J.S. (Head Pharmacist) observed medication administration of regular and as required (prn) drugs given at each of the four routine daily drug rounds. Administration of ‘prn’ drugs and depot preparations given at other times of the day or night was not observed. Details of medications that were adminis- tered were recorded on a standard pro-forma data collection sheet. It was agreed beforehand that if the observer witnessed a ‘near miss’ incident whereby an error was about to be made that was likely to cause patient harm, then she would intervene prior to the medication being administered. For the purposes of the study, such ‘near miss’ events were counted as errors. After the medication round, J.S. examined each patient’s medi- cation chart to check that the correct medication had been

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given, to see if any medication had been omitted in error and if any clerical errors had been made.

Administration errors detected by chart review

A second pharmacist (see Acknowledgement) blind to the results of the observational study carried out a retrospective chart review of the recording of medication administration for those drug rounds that were included in the observa- tional study. She recorded the number and type of errors that she was able to detect by chart review.

Administration errors reported using the Hospital’s medication error reporting system

The Hospital policy is that all medication errors should be reported on an incident form that is sent to and collated by the responsible senior nurse manager. We requested details of the number of administration errors reported for Wards A and B for the 3 months before and the 3 months after the study as well as for the study period.

Statistical analysis

Data were analysed using SPSS version 14.0 [23]. The x2 test was used to compare differences between variables and whether or not an error had occurred.


Patient details

Medication administration to 32 patients was observed. Of these, 20 (63%) had organic brain disease and 12 (38%) schizophrenia. Nineteen (59%) patients had more than one diagnosis. Twenty-one (66%) were unable to give informed consent with respect to medication. Thirteen (41%) had swallowing difficulties, 13 (41%) sometimes refused or spat out medication and 15 (47%) had a history of aggression towards nursing staff.

Participants and details of medication rounds observed

Nine out of 12 (75%) nurses approached consented to take part in the study. Observations were conducted over a 2-week period in March 2006 on Ward A and in June and July 2006 on the Ward B. On Ward A five medication rounds at 08.00, 12.00, 18.00 and 22.00 h were observed, giving a total of 20 rounds observed, whereas on Ward B, four rounds each at these times were observed, giving a total of 16 rounds.

Details of medication administered

A total of 1423 opportunities for error were studied (1313 doses were administered, 10 doses were not/could not be

administered for valid clinical reasons and there were 100 omission errors). Most doses were oral (1306; 91.8%). The rest were: topical 59 (4.1%), inhaled 47 (3.3%), ophthalmic 9 (0.6%) and subcutaneous 2 (0.1%).

Details of error numbers, types and severity detected by direct observation

A total of 369 errors were made out of 1423 doses (25.9%). For 20 (1.4%) doses, two errors were made. The types of error observed are given in Table 1. The commonest error types encountered were crushing tablets without the author- ization of the prescriber (28.7%), omission without a valid clinical reason (27.1%), failing to sign the medication chart to record that a drug had been administered (23.6%) and wrong quantity (8.7%). Other types of error were compara- tively rare. Concerning the 111 instances where tablets were crushed or capsules opened without authorization, this was specifically contra-indicated by the drugs’ manufacturers in seven instances (esomeprazole three doses, digoxin two doses, aminophylline modified release one dose and lanso- prazole orodispersible one dose).

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Table 1 Types of medication administration error detected by observation (N ¼ 369)

Error type Frequency Percent of total number of errors

Percent of total number of doses

Crushing tablets without authorization

106 28.7 7.4

Omission without valid reason

100 27.1 7.0

Not signing for an administered medication

87 23.6 6.1

Wrong quantity 32 8.7 2.2 Wrong formulation

14 3.8 1.0

Administration of a prescribing error

9 2.4 0.6

Wrong time 7 1.9 0.5 Wrong drug 6 1.6 0.4 Opening capsules without authorization

5 1.4 0.4

Mixing drug with food without authorization

2 0.5 0.1

Unauthorized extra dose

1 0.3 0.1

Total 369 100 25.9

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The severity ratings of the errors detected are given in Table 2. More than two-thirds of errors were of doubtful or negligible significance (Grade 1). Only one error was rated as likely to result in serious effects or relapse. For nearly a quarter of errors, potential severity could not be rated. This was mainly because a nurse had been observed to have cor- rectly administered a dose of medication but had then failed to sign the medication chart. It was therefore possible, but not certain, that another nurse might then have administered a duplicate dose. The pharmacist observer intervened on four occasions to prevent patient harm (two wrong drug

errors, one wrong dose error and one omission error). Analysis of the more severe errors (Grade 2 and 3) showed the commonest error types were omission (N ¼ 13) (e.g. insulin, sodium valproate and carbamazepine), wrong drug (N ¼ 6) (e.g. propranolol given instead of trazodone, que- tiapine given instead of olanzapine) and unauthorized crush- ing (N ¼ 5) (e.g. aminophylline modified-release).

Factors associated with errors

Proportionally fewer errors were made at the 22.00 h medi- cation round than at other rounds (08.00 h 215 errors out of 694 doses, 31.0%; 12.00 h 50/157, 31.8%; 18.00 h 81/345, 23.5%; 22.00 h 23/227, 10.1%, P , 0.0001). A greater proportion of errors involved non-psychotropic

drugs (non-psychotropic errors 258 out of 893 doses (28.9%) vs. psychotropics 111 errors out of 530 doses (20.9%), P ¼ 0.001). A greater proportion of errors involved drugs administered by non-oral routes (non-oral routes, 70 errors in 118 doses (59.3%) vs. oral route, 299 errors in 1305 doses (22.9%), P , 0.0001). Of the 59 doses of topical preparations prescribed, there were 58 errors. In 57 instances, the error involved was omission of a topical preparation without a valid clinical reason. When topical creams and lotions were excluded from the analysis, the difference between errors involving the oral and non-oral routes disappeared. Errors were more often associated with patients with a

diagnosis of organic brain disease than those with functional mental illnesses (253/829, 30.5% vs. 116/594, 19.5%; P , 0.0001) and with those who lacked capacity to consent to medication administration than those with capacity (272/913, 29.8% vs. 97/510, 19.0%; P , 0.0001). Medication errors were also more often associated with patients with swallow- ing difficulties than those without (179/480, 37.3% vs. 190/ 943, 20.1%; P , 0.0001) and with those who were known to regularly spit out or refuse medication than with those who did not (169/540, 31.3% vs. 200/883, 22.7%; P , 0.0001). After excluding those doses of medication where tablets were crushed or capsules opened, errors were still more often associated with patients with swallowing difficulties (110/ 377, 29.2% vs. 117/780, 15%; P , 0.0001) but not with the other patient characteristics. Among the nurses observed, the error ratio (number of

errors made per total doses observed) varied widely from no errors made to one error in every 2.0 doses administered (P , 0.0001). The median error rate was one error in every 6.4 doses administered.

Errors detected by chart review

The independent pharmacist who reviewed the medication charts detected 148 administration errors. The types of errors detected were as follows: 133 omissions, 9 unauthor- ized extra doses, 5 wrong times and 1 administration of a discontinued item. All errors detected by chart review were detected by direct observation but of the 133 omissions detected by chart review, direct observation demonstrated

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Table 2 Severity ratings of medication administration errors (N ¼ 369)

Severity grade of error

Examples Medication administration errors N (%)

Grade 1: Errors or omissions of doubtful or negligible importance

Lactulose 20 ml administered— 30 ml prescribed. Pericyazine 2.5 mg administered at the wrong time.

255 (69.1)

Grade 2: Errors or omissions likely to result in minor adverse effects or worsening of condition

Sinemet 110 administered at the wrong time. Carbamazepine 200 mg administered— 400 mg prescribed

27 (7.3)

Grade 3: Errors or omissions likely to result in serious effects or relapse

Insulin omitted but the nurse recorded administration on the medication chart.

1 (0.3)

Grade 4: Errors or omissions likely to result in fatality

0 (0)

Grade X: Unrateable

Medication was observed to be correctly administered but the nurse failed to record administration on the medication chart.

86 (23.3)

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that 33 of the 133 omissions were in fact clerical errors (the nurse had correctly administered the medication but then failed to record administration on the medication chart).

Errors reported using the Hospital’s medication error reporting system

During the period of the observational study no adminis- tration errors on Wards A or B were reported using the Hospital’s medication error reporting system. No errors were reported in the 3 months before and only one error in the 3 months after the study.

Acceptability of the observational technique reported by participants

Seven (78%) of the nine participants completed the post- observation questionnaire. Five out of seven (71%) thought the observational procedure was well explained prior to com- mencement. None rated the experience of being observed as unpleasant. Two (29%) reported that they felt being observed made it more likely for them to make an error. All seven said they would be willing to be observed while administering medication in the future.


In this observational study of medication administration to elderly long-stay psychiatric inpatients, errors were very common, occurring in one in four doses. Most errors were not serious and no patient suffered observable harm as a result of errors, although the pharmacist intervened on four occasions to prevent patient harm. The commonest types of error were unauthorized crushing of tablets or opening cap- sules, omission of medication and failing to sign for medi- cation. More errors were associated with patients with swallowing difficulties, even after crushed doses of medi- cation were excluded from the analysis. The reason for this association is not clear. The error rate varied widely between the nine nurse participants. The observational study detected two and a half times the number of errors than did retro- spective review of the medication charts, whereas none of the errors detected during the observational study were reported using the hospital’s incident report system. In addition, some errors misclassified as unauthorized omis- sions by chart review were shown by the observational study to be failures to sign for administered doses. The observational technique appeared acceptable to most

of the participating nurses. All who completed the post- observation questionnaire stated they would be willing to be observed administering medication in the future, although two reported they felt that being observed made them more prone to make errors. The pharmacist observer had to stand very close to the administering nurse in order to accurately record medicines administration and some nurses commen- ted that this was intrusive. However, an observational study conducted in a general hospital reported no evidence that

the technique made nurses more or less likely to make errors [10]. The participating nurses were aware of the aims of the study and it is possible that this knowledge may have affected their behaviour. The fact that observation was not disguised could have resulted in greater vigilance. Equally, it could have made some nurses anxious and inattentive and thus more prone to make errors. Compared with observational studies conducted in general

hospital settings, our study detected a similar proportion of errors but fewer potentially serious errors [6, 7]. In psychia- try, few drugs are administered parenterally. However, many of the patients in our study were physically frail requiring medication for physical conditions and all were elderly. Serious and fatal medication administration errors are more common in elderly patients [1]. Medicines administration to our patients was particularly difficult as some were confused and uncooperative, could be aggressive and had swallowing difficulties. On the other hand, the patients in our study were long stay and there was a low turnover of nursing staff. Patients’ medication changed little during the study period and yet despite this errors were very common. It would be expected that the error rate on a psychiatric admission ward would be much higher because of the greater turnover of patients and nursing staff and frequent changes to prescrip- tions. There are a number of possible reasons for the large number of process errors detected in our study. The phar- macist observer noted that medication administration fre- quently occurred at patients’ meal times in noisy and sometimes cramped conditions. Thus, the administering nurse had to contend with many potential distractions as well as being under pressure to complete the medication round as swiftly as possible. The ward atmosphere during the night- time medication round was, by contrast, much quieter and less pressured. At the time the study was conducted, there was no standardized refresher training in safe medication practice for nursing staff. In our study, the commonest error type was the unauthor-

ized crushing of tablets (and a few instances of opening cap- sules). Although beyond the scope of this researcher study, the pharmacist observer found no evidence that unauthor- ized tablet crushing was being used to covertly administer medication to patients. In some instances, the crushed medi- cation was then mixed with food. However, we could not find reports of this type of error in other observational studies, apart from one conducted in two units in France, one of which was a geriatric unit [6] and another conducted in an elderly acute admission ward [4]. Tablet crushing and capsule opening were observed to be common in an Australian study of units for the elderly [16]. In our study, crushing was done for two main reasons: for patients with swallowing difficulties and for uncooperative patients, but there were also instances of tablets being crushed for no obvious reason. Surveys of nursing and care staff have reported that tablet crushing is common in residential and nursing homes [24], as is the practice of concealing drugs in food and beverages [25]. Crushing tablets alters the bioavail- ability of some drugs and may have serious consequences for the patient. It may be appropriate but should be

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authorized by the prescriber. A pharmacist may be able to recommend a more appropriate dosage form. Since this study was conducted, staff on one of the wards concerned have set up a multidisciplinary medication administration group to review all patients’ medication regarding adminis- tration problems such as swallowing difficulties. The team includes a pharmacist and a speech and language therapist and aims to ensure medicines are administered in a safe and effective way. The other common error types we encountered were

omission of a medication without a valid clinical reason and failing to sign the medication chart after a medication had been administered. In our study, most of the prescriptions for topical preparations were not being administered. Omission errors have been reported as the commonest type of administration error in observational studies conducted in general hospitals [3–5]. Six wrong drug errors were detected in our study, all rated

as being of grade 2 severity (likely to results in minor adverse effects or worsening of the condition). None of these errors involved drugs of similar sounding names or similar packa- ging. One wrong dose error concerned confusion between two liquid preparations held in bottles of approximately the same size though with different coloured labels. Thus, given that no clear cause for these wrong drug errors was evident, it was not possible to develop strategies to prevent their re-occurrence. Wrong drug errors are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in general hospitals, and in one large USA study, they were the second most common cause of fatal medication errors [1]. Our study has a number of limitations. It took place on

two wards of an independent sector hospital, and thus the findings may not apply to the National Health Service or community settings. However, the patients studied were not atypical of those found in nursing homes for the elderly mentally ill, although some exhibited particularly challenging behaviour and had been referred from NHS hospitals for this reason. We studied medicines administration by a rela- tively small number of nurses and not all nurses approached agreed to participate. These are important limitations, and because of the small number of nurses observed, we were unable to report on whether errors were associated with par- ticular nurse characteristics. A study conducted in a paedia- tric hospital reported that error rates were higher for student nurses and nurses who did not regularly work on the unit [8]. All the nurses in our study were permanent staff on the wards concerned.


The observational technique can usefully be applied in psy- chiatry, although informed consent must be obtained from nurse participants. Medication administration errors in our study were very common, although fortunately most were not serious. The fact that the error rate varied widely between nurses and also the absence of annual refresher courses in medicines administration at our hospital suggests

some form of regular standardized training might impact on the error rate. We plan to repeat the study at a later date once training has taken place to see if practice has improved. However, a recent systematic review found little research on the efficacy of nursing educational interventions in reducing medication administration errors [26]. In a ran- domized controlled trial, the use of dedicated medication nurses who had undergone brief review training in safe medication use did not result in a reduction in medication administration errors compared with the control group [27]. The reporting of errors using incident reports needs to be encouraged, although several authors have highlighted the many reasons why staff are reluctant to report errors [28, 29].


Our thanks to Caroline Cahill for reporting on medication errors detected by chart review.


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Accepted for publication 13 April 2007

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3/15/20, 1)56 PMThe medication process in a psychiatric hospital: are errors a potential threat to patient safety?

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Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2013; 6: 23–31.

Published online 2013 Sep 9. doi: 10.2147/RMHP.S47723

PMCID: PMC3775703

PMID: 24049464

The medication process in a psychiatric hospital: are errors a potential threat to patient safety? Ann Lykkegaard Soerensen, Marianne Lisby, Lars Peter Nielsen, Birgitte Klindt Poulsen, and Jan Mainz

Faculty of Social Sciences and of Health Sciences, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

Department of Nursing, University College of Northern Denmark, Aalborg, Denmark

Research Centre of Emergency Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark

Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark

Aalborg Psychiatric University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark

Department for Health Services Research, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Correspondence: Ann Lykkegaard Soerensen, Aalborg University, Danish Center for Healthcare Improvements,

Fibigerstraede 11, 9220 Aalborg Oest, Denmark, Tel +45 99 40 27 22, Email [email protected]

Copyright © 2013 Soerensen et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

The full terms of the License are available at Non-commercial uses of

the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Ltd, provided the work is properly




To investigate the frequency, type, and potential severity of errors in several stages of the medication process in an inpatient psychiatric setting.


A cross-sectional study using three methods for detecting errors: (1) direct observation; (2) unannounced control visits in the wards collecting dispensed drugs; and (3) chart reviews. All errors, except errors in discharge summaries, were assessed for potential consequences by two clinical pharmacologists.


Three psychiatric wards with adult patients at Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark, from January 2010–April 2010.

1,2 3 4 4 5,6







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The observational unit

The individual handling of medication (prescribing, dispensing, and administering).


In total, 189 errors were detected in 1,082 opportunities for error (17%) of which 84/998 (8%) were assessed as potentially harmful. The frequency of errors was: prescribing, 10/189 (5%); dispensing, 18/189 (10%); administration, 142/189 (75%); and discharge summaries, 19/189 (10%). The most common errors were omission of pro re nata dosing regime in computerized physician order entry, omission of dose, lack of identity control, and omission of drug.


Errors throughout the medication process are common in psychiatric wards to an extent which resembles error rates in somatic care. Despite a substantial proportion of errors with potential to harm patients, very few errors were considered potentially fatal. Medical staff needs greater awareness of medication safety and guidelines related to the medication process. Many errors in this study might potentially be prevented by nursing staff when handling medication and observing patients for effect and side effects of medication. The nurses’ role in psychiatric medication safety should be further explored as nurses appear to be in the unique position to intercept errors before they reach the patient.

Keywords: medication safety, mental health disorders, medication errors, psychiatry


Adverse drug events (ADEs) and medication errors (MEs) are recognized as an important quality and patient safety problem in modern hospital settings, causing harm as well as avoidable morbidity and mortality.1–5

There is limited evidence about these issues in psychiatric settings. Only a few studies on ADEs and MEs in psychiatric hospital settings exist. Four of these studies addressed prescribing errors and two studies addressed administration errors.6–11

Results from three of the studies investigating prescribing errors displayed a rate of decision-making errors which ranged from 12.5%–23.7% and a rate of documentation (clerical) errors, which ranged from 76.3%–84.5%.7–9 The fourth study, aimed at describing errors in the prescribing phase, was based on reports about pharmacists’ interventions.6 In the two studies which focused on administration errors, one study was based on self-reporting by nurses and did not report any rate of error. The other study was an observational study of administration errors in elderly psychiatric inpatients where administration errors were detected in 25.9% of all opportunities for error.10,11 Some studies have investigated several stages in the medication process, but these studies were primarily based on data collected from self-reporting of medication errors and chart reviews.12–15 These studies measured their outcomes using different methods and denominators which makes it difficult to conduct comparisons. However, it is recognized that direct observation is the most valid method when

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collecting data in the dispensing stage and the administration stage.16 It is highly important to apply reliable methods when investigating frequency and character of errors in the medication process to produce valid and precise information.16,17

To our knowledge, there are no studies in psychiatric hospital settings which focus on errors in more stages of the medication process, including discharge summaries, by applying the most sensitive methods of detection. A precise estimate of frequency, type, and potential severity of errors is needed to choose relevant interventions to reduce errors in the medication process. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the frequency, type, and potential severity of errors in several stages of the medication process in an inpatient psychiatric setting.

Materials and methods

The medication process can be divided into prescribing, dispensing, administering, and monitoring.18

Furthermore, the prescription stage of the medication process can be divided into a decision-making process and a clerical process. The decision-making process concerns the physician’s choice of drug, dose, and form of administration.18 The stage of monitoring the patient for effects and side effects was not included in the study.

An error was defined as “a planned action which failed to achieve the desired consequences.”19 This means that all deviations from guidelines were considered errors; subsequently, two clinical pharmacologists evaluated all errors for potential severity, thereby separating harmless errors from errors with the potential to harm patients.

Describing proportions of errors requires a defined denominator.20

“Opportunities for error”, defined as opportunities for active errors (omissions, mistakes, and/or conscious or unconscious rule violations), was the denominator used to calculate the proportion of errors in this study. The denominator is established by multiplying the number of handled medications with the number of requirements in the guidelines to be followed. The proportion of errors was the sum of actual errors divided by the total number of opportunities for errors.


The study was designed as a descriptive, cross-sectional study of errors in the medication process and potential harm. Data was collected using three methods: direct observation; unannounced visits to the wards to collect dispensed drugs for identification; and chart review. The study population included in- hospital patients aged 18 or above (n = 67), nurses and nurses’ assistants dispensing and administering drugs, and physicians prescribing drugs, but the observational unit was the individual handling of medication (prescribing, dispensing, and administering). It is common in Denmark that each ward has its own stock ward system where nurses dispense drugs. The term “dispensing” refers to nurses identifying the drugs prescribed and dispensing it to medication cups. Subsequently, the nurses will administer the medications to patients. The hospital pharmacy staff undertakes monitoring the use, needs, and reordering of drugs as well as giving advice for the individual wards. In this study, regular and pro re nata (PRN) prescriptions were included, apart from discharge summaries in which PRN prescriptions were excluded. The choice of excluding PRN prescriptions in discharge summaries was

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made because physicians often forget or are not aware that a PRN drug deliberately not prescribed in the discharge summary must be discontinued in the computerized physician order entry (CPOE). Including this as an error type would give a distorted impression of the prevalence of errors in discharge summaries. PRN prescriptions are prescriptions not scheduled to be administered at predetermined times of the day but to be used “when needed.” Errors in discharge summaries were not evaluated for potential severity, due to practical reasons. Included drug forms were tablets, capsules, mixture, suppositories, and injections.

Study site

This study was conducted in three psychiatric wards at Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark, from January 2010 to April 2010. Physicians were responsible for prescribing drugs and nurses or nurses’ assistants were responsible for dispensing and administering medication. There was no administration of drugs scheduled in the night shift. Drug prescriptions were documented in a CPOE system.

Methods for collecting data

All comparisons of observations to the CPOE were conducted by one of the authors (ALS).

Observational method

Data were collected on the wards using direct observation. The observer spent two day shifts (8 hours) and one evening shift (8 hours) on each ward, observing the nurse or nursing assistant responsible for dispensing and administering drugs. The observations covered six rounds of dispensing and administering drugs in each of the three wards. The caregiver responsible for the entire medication administration in the ward was aware of the study purpose but had no knowledge about which actions were observed and registered. The observations of dispensed and administered drugs were registered on a structured paper form and subsequently compared with prescriptions in the CPOE. Due to the tradition and rules of observing the patients’ consumption of medication in psychiatric nursing, it was possible to register all administered medication. Any discrepancies between the observed and the prescribed medication in the CPOE were classified as errors, according to the criteria outlined in Table S1.

Unannounced visit to the ward

The unannounced visit to the ward was conducted approximately 3 weeks after the observational study. The dispensed medication was collected from the medication storage room before administration. The medicine collected from the medication storage room was subsequently compared to the CPOE. Any discrepancies between the identified drugs and the prescriptions in the CPOE were classified as errors, according to the criteria outlined in Table S1.

Chart review

The CPOE and discharge summaries were retrospectively screened for errors. It was assessed whether drug prescriptions were in accordance with the criteria outlined in Table S1. If a patient was sampled more than once, only new or altered prescriptions were screened for errors. Discharge summaries were

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also screened to identify errors, ie, discrepancies between eligible prescriptions in the CPOE and the discharge summaries, according to the criteria outlined in Table S1.

Potential clinical consequences

All registered errors in the observational study, screening of the CPOE (errors in discharge summaries excluded), and the unannounced visits to the wards to collect dispensed drugs were assessed for potential clinical consequences. The assessment was conducted independently by two senior clinical pharmacologists using a four-scale system: potentially fatal; potentially serious; potentially significant; and potentially nonsignificant.5 The four-scale classification system can be found in Table S2.


All data were analyzed using Stata/IC 10.0 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA). Frequencies were described as percentages. The kappa test was used to evaluate the interrater variation in the clinical pharmacologists’ assessment of potential clinical consequences where appropriate. The statistical significance level was set at 0.05.


Approval of the study was obtained from the Danish Data Protection Agency. The investigator was ethically obliged to intervene in the case of observing an error. If the investigator had to intervene, it was registered as an error.



The study included 67 eligible patients (24 men [36%] and 43 women [64%]) with a mean age of 46 years (20–79 years). The most common reason for admission was schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders (22/67;33%), followed by bipolar disorders (11/67;16%).

Frequency of errors

A total of 189 errors were detected in 1,082 (17%) opportunities for errors. The frequency of errors in the different stages of the medication process is shown in Table 1. The majority of errors were detected in the administration stage with errors in 142/340 (42%) opportunities for error. This was followed by discharge summaries with errors in 19/84 (23%) opportunities for error. Nine (47%) errors in discharge summaries were due to eligible prescriptions in the CPOE, which were not prescribed in the discharge summary.

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Table 1

Frequency of errors in the different stages of the medication process

Prescribing, CPOE n/N (%)

Dispensing, observational study n/N (%)

Dispensing, unannounced visit n/N (%)

Administration n/N (%)

Discharge summaries n/N (%)

10/267 (4) 9/324 (3) 9/67 (13) 142/340 (42) 19/84 (23)

Notes: N , the total number of opportunities of errors in each stage (prescription and doses); n, the total number of detected errors in each stage of the medication process. The difference in number of dispensed medications and number of administered medications in the observational study was due to incidents where staff had administered medicine without the investigators’ presence.

Abbreviation: CPOE, computerized physician order entry.

The intention behind investigating the dispensing stage using two methods was to examine the validity of the results obtained in the observational study. There were errors in 9/324 (3%) opportunities for error of the dispensed drugs in the observational study and in (9/67) 13% of the dispensed drugs in the unannounced control visit of which the majority was associated with one nurse assistant. Fewest errors were detected in the prescribing stage.

Frequency of error types

The identified errors were distributed by error types which are shown in Table 2. The most frequent error types were lack of identity control (135/142; 95%) and concordance with drug prescription (10/142; 7%). The error type lack of identity control occurs when the patients’ identity is not established before administering drugs. The clinical guideline states that the person administering the drugs must identify the patient by having the patient say his full name and Social Security number, or by using the obligatory wristband to identify the patient. The error type concordance with drug prescription occurs if already-dispensed drugs are delegated to another staff member; this person must compare the drugs to be administered with the prescriptions in the CPOE. Error types in the administration stage could be mutually dependent. This occurred with the following error types: “lack of identity control;” “wrong time;” and “lack of correct labeling.” The dependency arises because each of the aforementioned error types affects all doses which were delivered to the patient in that particular incidence. Analysis of these error types showed that “lack of identity control” occurred in 49 of 137 (36%) deliveries. “Wrong time” occurred in four of 137 (3%) deliveries. Finally, “Lack of correct labeling” occurred in three of 137 (3%) deliveries.

total total total

total total


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Table 2

Frequency of error types in the different stages of the medication process

Stage in medication process

Total number of doses or prescriptions affected with at least one error in each stage of the medication process (N)

Total number of error types in each stage (n/N)

Prescribing, CPOE

N = 10

 Drug name 0

  Drug prescription


  Omission of PRN dosing in CPOE


Dispensing, observational study

N = 9

 Drug prescription


 Omission of dose


 Wrong dose 1/9

 Unordered dose 0

 Contamination 1/9

 Lack of correct labeling


Dispensing, unannounced control visit

N = 9

 Drug prescription


 Omission of dose


 Wrong dose 2/9

 Unordered dose 1/9

Administration N = 142

 Omission of dose





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One dose or prescription affected by an error could be associated with more than one error type; drug prescription: means one or more errors (including omissions) in strength per unit, route of

administration, form of administration, dose, frequency of administration, signature, date, duration of treatment (only antibiotics was included in this study); omission of PRN dosing regime in CPOE: means one or more errors (including omissions) in strength per

unit, route of administration, form of administration, dose, frequency of administration, signature, date, duration of treatment; lack of correct labeling: means that all drugs administered to patients must be marked with the patient’s full

identity; wrong time: means the drugs were administered ±60 minutes off the scheduled time; lack of identity control: means that the patient’s identity has not been established by having the patient state

full name and Social Security number or using the obligatory wristband; concordance with drug prescription: means that when dispensed drugs are delegated to another staff member,

this person must compare the drugs to be administered with the prescriptions in the CPOE.

Abbreviations: CPOE, computerized physician order entry; PRN, pro re nata.

Assessment of potential clinical consequences

The assessment of the potential clinical consequences was carried out in a worse-case scenario, meaning that whenever the clinical pharmacologists disagreed on the severity of an error, the most severe assessment was included in the analysis. Results from the assessment are displayed in Table 3; definitions are outlined in Table S2. The inter-rater agreement (measured by the test statistic kappa) for errors in prescribing, dispensing, and administration varied from good to perfect (0.54; 0.75; 0.82; and 1.0, respectively).21








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Table 3

Categories of potential clinical consequences of errors in the medication process

Nonsignificant n (%)

Significant n (%)

Serious n (%)

Fatal n (%)

Interrater variation

Prescribing, CPOE 0 4 (40) 4 (40) 2 (20) κ = 1,0

Dispensing, observational study, n (%)

0 6 (66) 3 (33) 0 κ = 0.82

Dispensing, unannounced visit, n (%)

4 (44) 5 (56) 0 0 κ = 0.75

Administration, n (%) 29 (20) 38 (27) 73 (51) 2 (1) κ = 0.54


Kappa test for interrater agreement; the highlighted areas represent errors with the potential to harm patients.

Abbreviation: CPOE, computerized physician order entry.

The pharmacologists assessed 84/998 (8%) errors as potentially serious or potentially fatal. The number of opportunities for error in this part of the study was reduced to 998 because assessment of potential clinical consequences did not include errors in discharge summaries. The four potentially fatal errors were related to the error types: “omission of PRN dosing regime” (n = 2) and “lack of identity control” (n = 2). There were errors in 142/340 (42%) of all opportunities for errors in the administration stage, and it was assessed that 75/142 (53%) of these errors had the potential to harm patients.

Drug categories and errors

Errors with the potential to harm patients were most often associated with drugs related to the patients’ psychiatric condition (Table 4). The drug category most often associated with these errors was psycholeptics. The type of drug most often involved in potential harmful errors was atypical antipsychotics, followed by anxiolytic-sedative drugs and mood stabilizers. The errors assessed to be potentially fatal were related to prescribing and administration of medication and were associated with analgesics (opioids) (n = 2) and psycholeptics (atypical antipsychotics) (n = 2). Nonpsychiatric drugs associated with potential harmful errors constituted 7/77 (9%). The majority of these errors were anti- inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).






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Table 4

Categories of drugs involved in errors with potential to harm patients

Drug category Prescribing Dispensing (observational and unannounced control visit)


N Nervous system

 N02 Analgesics 2 0 0

 N03 Antiepileptics 0 0 9

 N05 Psycholeptics

  – Atypical antipsychotics 3 3 20

  – Typical antipsychotics 0 1 9

  – Anxiolytic-sedative 1 0 17

  – Other 0 0 3

 N06 Psychoanaleptics

  – Mood stabilizers 0 0 9

 N07 Other nervous system drug 0 1

M Musculoskeletal system

 M01 Anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic products


H Systemic hormonal preparations, excluding sex hormones and insulins

 H03 Thyroid therapy 1

Notes: Drugs are categorized according to the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System (World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Drugs Statistics Methodology [WHOCC]).

In this table, the observational and unannounced control visit in the dispensing stage have been collapsed.


There were errors in almost one-fifth of all handlings of medication of which the vast majority occurred in the administration stage. The main type of errors was lack of identity control. The prevalence of potentially harmful errors was 8%, of which 0.3% errors were considered potentially fatal. The potentially fatal errors involved drugs from the categories of analgesics and psycholeptics. A few other studies in psychiatry have examined administration errors and identified the error types mismatching between medication and patient and wrong patient. One study found mismatching



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between medication and patient to occur with the second highest frequency; whereas, the second study found wrong patient to constitute 4/108 (3.7%) of all administration errors.10,14 These results emphasize the importance of systematically identifying patients to secure the right medication for the right patient. We found that administration errors constituted 142/340 (42%) of all errors, which is in contrast to a USA study of several stages in the medication process, which demonstrated that 10% of all medication errors were identified in the administration stage.15 This disparity is most likely due to variation in error types. In an observational study of administration errors in elderly psychiatric patients, errors were identified in 369/1423 (25.9%) of opportunities for error. However, this result is not entirely comparable, because the aforementioned study did not include the error type lack of identity control or any of the related error types, such as wrong patient or mismatching between medication and patient.

The severity of administration errors in psychiatric settings has been assessed less severe when compared to administration errors in somatic hospital settings.11,15 However, this study assessed more than one-half of all administration errors to be potentially serious. Many hospitals have introduced wristbands as a means to control patients’ identity, including the psychiatric hospital where our study was carried out. In a study of how and whether nurses identify patients in a psychiatric hospital setting, it was found that the use of wristbands was erratic and influenced by a psychiatric nursing culture rooted in the belief that (good) nurses know who the patients are.22 The inconsistency in using the patient’s wristband for identification has also been addressed in somatic settings, and it has been shown in simulation tests that as many as 61% of nurses do not discover an unexpected identity error.23,24 This raises a question about how and when nursing culture plays a role in patient safety and whether this brings advantages or barriers. Nurses are involved in many errors, but nurses also prevent many errors from happening.25 It needs to be considered that nurses are the professionals spending most time with the patients and, therefore, function as gatekeepers, where they can prevent errors and harm from reaching the patient. Nurses are coordinating several aspects of care to patients, including the care delivered by other health care professionals, and this is a major contribution to patient safety.26

Errors in discharge summaries constituted 10% (19/189) of all errors detected in the study. It is not possible to compare these results directly to other studies due to definitions and categorizations; however, earlier studies of errors in discharge summaries in general hospital settings have found discrepancies in 2%–76% of the prescribed drugs.5,27,28

It has been asserted that surgery and psychiatry are associated with the highest rate of dispensing errors and, therefore, it appears reasonable to consider psychiatry a high-risk specialty, in regards to dispensing errors.29 We investigated dispensing errors using observation and unannounced control visit, which showed a difference in results. When using observation and unannounced control visit to identify dispensing errors the rate of errors was 9/324 (3%) and 9/67 (13%), respectively. The difference in identified errors is caused by dependency in data, which arises due to the few nurses and nurses’ assistants involved in dispensing and administering medication. When pooling the results from the dispensing stage, the error rate was 18/391 (5%). This result is supported by other studies not depending on unit dose systems which found error rates <1% and up to 5%.5,29,30 The most common error type in the dispensing stage was omitted dose, which is in accordance with a previous study using similar methods of error detecting but in a general hospital setting.5

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In this present study, the clinical pharmacologists assessed three errors in the dispensing stage to be potentially serious, and no errors were assessed as potentially fatal. To our knowledge, there are no other studies in psychiatry where observed dispensing errors have been assessed for severity.

There were few prescription errors, but the prescription stage represented one-half of the potential fatal errors. Most of the prescribing errors were of the type “lack of PRN regime,” which is a type of prescription error that nurses are capable of intercepting. On the other hand, it also places nurses in a situation where they possibly make independent decisions as to whether a PRN medication is appropriate. The use of PRN medication is often solely the nurses’ decision and, perhaps, due to a lack of research into the use of PRN medication as an intervention in mental health care, the practice varies considerably.31

Strengths and weaknesses in the study

The majority of studies on medication errors and psychopharmacotherapy have been conducted in general hospital settings, and very few studies include a psychiatric population. Thus, this study is an important contribution to the current knowledge, as it focuses on errors in several stages of the medication process by applying the most sensitive method to each stage in a psychiatric hospital setting. There were 67 patients included in the study, which is a relatively small sample and a potential weakness in the study. Observation as a method of detecting errors is considered a valid and well-tested method; in this study, we sought to substantiate the validity of observing for errors with the unannounced control visit.17,32 The difference in errors identified by observation and the unannounced control visit is solely due to the dependency in data caused by the few nurses and nurses’ assistants participating in the study. In this study, dispensing of drugs was done by nurses and nurses’ assistants, which might complicate comparisons with other hospitals and settings where hospital pharmacies undertake the dispensing of drugs. It appears the study has a good internal validity, but the study was carried out in a single university hospital, thus producing a limited external validity. However, it is evident that psychiatric university hospitals – in comparison with somatic hospitals – are equally challenged in improving the quality of the medication process.


Errors were found in almost one-fifth of all handlings of medication, and a proportion of these errors had the potential to harm patients. In this study, the majority of errors involved psycholeptics, but potential fatal errors also involved analgesics. Most errors were found in the administration stage, and studies suggest that both nursing culture as well as an irregular practice regarding the patient’s identity wristband could be a risk factor for not checking the patient’s identity. This could lead to the error type “wrong patient.” It might be beneficial to address nursing culture as well as awareness of existing clinical guidelines. Further studies are needed to investigate how and whether nurses influence medication safety for in-hospital psychiatric patients and how nurses can improve the quality of medication and medication safety for psychiatric patients.

Supplementary tables

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Table S1

Criteria and definitions for error types

Stage in medication process

Definition Error types

Prescribing Unambiguous prescription

Omission of drug name, drug formulation, route, dose, dosing regime, date, signature, length of treatment time where required

Dispensing Dispensed medication is concordant with prescribed drug in electronic medication chart

Wrong drug, unordered dose, omission of dose, wrong dose, wrong drug formulation, contamination (ie, touching tablets without gloves), control of prescription (ie, controlling that only prescribed drugs are dispensed), ambiguous labeling of medication

Administering The right medication to the right patient in the right way and at the right time

Wrong: dose, administration technique, route, time (±60 minutes), unordered drug, unordered dose, omission of dose, lack of identity control, wrong patient (one or more medications administered to the wrong patient), contamination, concordance with drug prescription

Discharge summaries

Eligible prescriptions in medical record are identical to prescriptions in discharge summaries

Discrepancy in: drug name, drug formulation, route, dose, regime, omission of drug, unordered drug

Note: Adapted with permission from Lisby M, Nielsen LP, Mainz J. Errors in the medication process: frequency, type, and potential clinical consequences. Int J Qual Health Care. 2005.

Abbreviation: CPOE, computerized physician order entry.

Table S2

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Definition of potential clinical consequences

Category Definition Definition of keywords

Potentially fatal

Errors judged to imply a potential clinical risk for causing the death of the patient

Fatal refers to errors that could lead to the death of the patient

Potentially serious

Errors judged to imply a potential clinical risk of injuring the patient

Injury includes errors that would require active treatment to restore the health of the patient. A potentially serious error would lead to either permanent or temporary disability

Potentially significant

Errors judged to imply a potential clinical risk of being “inconvenient” for the patient – without causing any harm or injury

“Inconvenient” refers to unpleasant consequences of wrong dose/drug omission of dose/drug that could lead to pain, dizziness. It also refers to any monitoring of the patient, such as extra blood test, measurement of blood pressure

Potentially nonsignificant

Errors judged to be without any potential clinical risk for the patient

Without clinical risk refers to errors that did not lead to any injury or inconvenience for the patient

Notes: The highlighted areas represent errors with the potential to harm patients. Adapted with permission from Lisby M, Nielsen LP, Mainz J. Errors in the medication process: frequency, type, and potential clinical consequences. Int J Qual Health Care. 2005.


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Footnotes Disclosure

The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.


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3/15/20, 1)56 PMThe medication process in a psychiatric hospital: are errors a potential threat to patient safety?

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...تاثیر آموزش خانواده محور بر میسان تبعیت

Preventive Care in Nursing & Midwifery Journal 2018; 8(2): 1-8

Factors associated with medication errors in the psychiatric ward of Razi Hospital in Tabriz: Perspectives of nurses

Abdi M1 , Piri Sh2 , Mohammadian R2 , Asadi Aghajeri M2 , khademi E3 *

1Department of Intensive Care, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran

2MSc. Department of Nursing, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran 3MSc. Dept. Nursing, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran

*Corresponding Author: Dept. Nursing, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran

Email: [email protected]

Received: 7 Jan 2019 Accepted: 11 Aug 2019


Background: Medication errors are considered to be the most significant safety threatening factors for the patients in hospital, to which many factors contribute. Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the role of associated factors in the incidence of medication errors in the psychiatric ward of Razi Hospital in Tabriz from the perspectives of nurses in 2017. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, we selected 150 nurses working in the psychiatric ward of Razi Hospital in Tabriz through random sampling method. The data collection instrument included a demographic and researcher-made questionnaire to assess the effective factors in the incidence of medication errors according to the perspectives of nurses. The data were imported into SPSS version 20 and analyzed via ANOVA and Chi-square tests. Results: In this study, 95(63.3%) women and 55(36.7%) men with the mean age of 34.4±0.66 participated. The highest mean score for the causes of medication errors was related to the professional errors made by nurses (33.93±2.61) and the structure of the psychiatric ward (27.96±5.8). The change in Kardex during the transfer of the patient to other wards was the most significant cause of errors with a mean of 4.35±5.53. The mean score of medication errors was significantly different with that of the level of education, age, work experience, and employment types. However, it was not significantly different with that of gender, marital status, nurse job position, and shift work rotation. Conclusion: Considering the incidence of the most common medication errors in the field of nursing careers and structure of psychiatric ward, we recommend that nurse managers increase the skills of medication administration through holding training courses and improve the physical conditions of the ward. Keywords: medication errors, nurses, psychiatric ward Introduction Providing patient safety is one of the most important tasks of healthcare -medical complexes. Today, patient safety in the delivery service system is a key concept and is regarded as one of the important indicators of control quality of health services [1]. Factors such as wrong injection, falls, burns, and errors in invasive procedures threaten patients’ safety, among which

medication errors are the most important factors [2]. Medication errors are defined as deviations from the proper conduct of the treatment process, which may occur in administration, preparation, delivery, use, or distribution of drugs. Administering drugs to patients is one of the main tasks of nurses and the most important part of care processes. Proper administration of drugs to patients requires high level of knowledge and

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Preventive Care in Nursing & Midwifery Journal (PCNM) 2018; 8(2)

accuracy on the part of nurses [3]. Today, various types of medicine are used in the field of health and treatment of patients, all of which may have harmful effects on the health of individuals despite their beneficial effects. Thus, nurses should be aware of the importance of correctly recognizing and administering drugs to prevent possible complications due to medication errors [4]. According to a survey conducted in England in 2018, more than 2 million people are injured each year due to medication errors, and of which about 100,000 die in hospitals [5]. According to previous studies, the cost of medication side effects was estimated to be nearly $ 300 million in 2018 [6]. However, it is difficult to estimate accurate statistics in the third world and developing countries due to the lack of proper registration and reports [7]. Watanabe et al. showed that 30% of the injured patients due to medication errors are impaired for more than 6 months or even lose their lives [8]. In this regard, psychiatric drugs are very sensitive, and if administered incorrectly, they poison the patient very early. A majority of medicines for patients with psychological problems are taken orally, and due to drug similarities, the risk of wrong administration is high [10]. The structure of the psychiatric ward, the lack of co-operation of mental patients in treatments, the poisoning dose close with the therapeutic dose in mood- stabilizing, antipsychotic, and depression drugs necessitate nurses' attention when administering the drug [11,12]. Ferrera et al. mentioned that more than half of the medication errors could be prevented, and observing the precise principles of drugs medication could reduce the incidence of errors [13]. The reason for the incidence of medication errors is not limited to one aspect and must be controlled in all aspects [14]. There are several factors involved in the incidence of medication errors; however, in previous studies, the cause of medication errors has been differently reported. For instance, Jones et al. have reported that the most common cause of medication errors made by nurses is the lack of compliance with the five rights of medication administration (the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time) [15]. However, Sarvadikar et al. (2010) stated that most of the

errors occurred in the process of administering drugs to the patients [16]. A study by Cottney et al in 2014 suggested that medication errors of the psychiatric ward is more likely to occur due to insufficient knowledge and skills of nurses in terms of the right dose, time, and medication [12]. Yakubi et al. and Mashhala et al. reported factors such as the burden on nurses, the lack of readability of drug orders in patient's file or medication card, doctors’ bad handwriting, the similarity in the form and packages of drugs, fatigue due to overwork, anxiety and stress resulted from work, noise of the ward settings, and nurses’ dissatisfaction with the amount of salary and benefits as the most important causes of medication errors [17,18]. In summary, the main causes of the incidence of nurses’ medication errors are workplaces, drug companies, and nurse management. Each study has presented a cause for the error in a different way, and the number of studies that comprehensively examine these factors is small. It seems that there has not been a study in Iran to examine the medication errors of the psychiatric ward. In the present study, considering the complications of drugs for patients, heavy economic costs for individuals and society due to medication errors, the role of each member in the drug supply chain in the incidence of medication errors, and the sensitivity of drugs in the psychiatric ward, we aim to determine the associated factors in the incidence of medication errors in the psychiatric ward of Razi Hospital in Tabriz from the perspective of nurses. We hope that the results of this study can help identify the causes of the incidence of medication errors and provide a solution to reduce their incidence and complications in patients and decrease the cost of treatment and the duration of hospitalization. Methods This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out using random sampling method based on a random table of numbers in the first half of 2017. One hundred fifty nurses working in the psychiatric ward of Razi psychiatric hospital participated in the present study. The main population of the study included 280 nurses. To estimate the minimum sample size at 95% confidence level, with a 90% test power and the

Abdi M, Piri Sh, Mohammadian R, Asadi Aghajeri M, khademi E…… 3

Preventive Care in Nursing & Midwifery Journal (PCNM) 2018; 8(2)

mean incidence of medication errors as at least =0.18 using the formula

(d=1/96), the final sample size included 141 participants. To prevent sample loss, 165 people were invited to participate in the study. During the research, 15 people refused to continue, and the study was done using 150 people. The data was collected in morning, noon, and night shifts. The inclusion criteria in this study were having more than one year of work experience in hospital, undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and lack of mental and physical illness. Nurses who had less than one year of work experience or were reluctant to participate in the study were excluded. In order to ensure the confidentiality of information, it was announced to the participants that writing name and surname is optional. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Maragheh University of Medical Sciences with number 5/13/15/12378 and Iranian code of IR.MARAGHEHPHC.REC.1396.26. After obtaining informed consent from the patients, compliance with the ethical issues according to the Helsinki Treaty, and compliance with the conditions of inclusion criteria, the questionnaires were completed. A demographic and researcher-made questionnaire was used to assess the factors affecting the incidence of medication errors according to the perspective of nurses, which were designed after studying different texts [19,20]. The questionnaire consists of 31 questions and five areas in which questions 1 to 10 are related to nursing

professional errors, 11 to 18 to the conditions of the ward and the attendance of patients, 19 to 22 to doctors’ errors, 23 to 24 to the errors of drug companies, and 25 to 31 to the management process errors. The scoring procedure of the questionnaire was considered as a 5-point Likert spectrum that included very low, low, moderate, high, and very high with the scores of 1 to 5. The least acquired score is 31, and the maximum is 155. Higher scores in one area indicate the importance of that area. The face and content validity of this questionnaire was verified by ten faculty members and nursing experts. To determine the reliability, split-half method and the correlation coefficient calculation were used in two parts of the questionnaire, for which correlation coefficient was found to be 81%. The data were imported into SPSS version 21 software, and then the data normalization was determined using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. To analyze the data, descriptive statistical indices were employed. Besides, to compare the socio- demographic characteristics with the probability of medication errors, statistical analysis of variance and Chi-square were used. Results In this study, 95 (63.3%) women and 55 (36.7%) male participated. The mean age of the participants was 34.4±0.69 years. The mean total score of medication errors was 106.25±9.28. The highest mean score for nurses' professional errors was 33.93±2.61, and factors associated with the ward was 27.96 ± 5.8 (Table 1).

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Preventive Care in Nursing & Midwifery Journal (PCNM) 2018; 8(2)

Table 1: The frequency of effective factors in the incidence of medication errors from the

perspective of nurses in the psychiatric ward of Razi Hospital in Tabriz

P Value M± SD N (%) Demographic Factors

586/0p=* 81/106 ± 97/7 55 (7/36) Female

Gender 69/105 ± 01/10 (3/63)95 Male

001/ 0p<* 75/109 ± 53/9 (3/83)125 Bachelor of Science

Education Level 92/88 ± 52/7 (7/16)25 Master of Science

209/0p=* 94/106 ± 68/8 (7/46)70 Single

Marital Status 60/105 ± 81/9 (3/53)80 Married

837/0p=* 27/106 ± 45/9 (7/96)145 Nurse

Job Position 01/105 ± 45/9 (3/3)5 Head Nurse

284/0p=* 60/105 ± 03/5 (30)45 Fixed Shift

Work Shift 38/106 ± 58/10 (70)105 Rotational

04/0p=** 12/106 ± 34/10 (3/63)95 25-35

Age 101± 18/7 (30)45 35-45 98± 16/3 (7/6)10 45-50

01/0p=** 40/106 ± 84/9 (7/76)115 10>

Work Experience 60/98 ± 31/6 (7/16)25 10-20 99± 16/3 (7/6)10 20<


75/107 ± 85/18 (3/13)20 Draft

Recruitment Status

33/106 ± 77/6 (10)15 Hiring 76/104 ± 27/7 (50)75 Contractual 42/96 ± 4/6 (3/13)20 Official Trial

50/92 ± 66/2 (3/13)20 Official *Chi-square ** one way ANOVA

The most important cause of nursing professional errors was related to non-compliance with the eight rights of medication errors with a mean of 3.70±0.97. In the factors related to the ward, the most important reason was the change of Kardex when the patient was transferred to other wards with a mean of 4.53±5.58. Regarding the factors related to nursing management, the most leading cause was inappropriate work shift layout of nurses with the mean of 3/53+1/02. The

association between the mean score of medication errors and other socio-demographics of participants is shown in Table 2. There was a significant difference between the mean score of medication errors and that of the level of education, age, increase in work experience, and type of employment (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between medication errors and sex, marital status, and nurses’ job position and work shift rotation (p<0.05).

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Table 2: Comparison of the mean score of medication errors with individual-social factors

N um


Field Questions Very

Low Low Moderate High Very High M± SD N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)

1 N ursing professional errors

Lack of sufficient knowledge about medicine 0(0) 50(3/33) 45 (30) 35 (3/23) 20 (3/13) 03/1±16/3 2 Indifference of nurses to their profession 0(0) 25(7/16) 60 (40) 50 (3/33) 15 (10) 87/0±36/3 3 Low salary and economic problem 0(0) 25(7/16) 55 (7/36) 70 (7/46) 0(0) 73/0±30/3 4 Nurses’ family challenges 0(0) 30(20) 45 (30) 50 (3/33) (7/16) 25 99/0±46/3 5 Nurses’ psychological challenges 0(0) 20 (313) 65 (3/43) 35 (3/23) 30(20) 96/0±50/3 6 Much workload 0(0) 15 (10) 45 (30) 75 (50) 15(10) 80/0±60/3 7 Failure to comply with 8 rights of medication administration 0(0) 25 (7/16) 25 (7/16) 70 (7/46) 30(20) 97/0±70/3 8 Error in the rate of drug infusion 5 (3/3) 35 (3/23) 50 (3/33) 50 (3/33) 10 (7/6) 97/0±16/3 9 Forgetting medication administration in due time 10 (7/6) 15 (10) 55 (7/36) 60 (40) 10 (7/6) 97/0±30/3

10 Failure to properly transfer physician’s orders to Kardex 0(0) 30 (20) 45 (30) 65 (3/43) 10 (7/6) 87/0±36/3

61/2±93/33 11 Conditions of the w

ard and the attendance of patients

Lack of appropriate drug information (DI) resources in the wards 0(0) 40 (7/26) 45 (30) 50 (3/33) 15 (10) 96/0±26/3

12 The physical conditions of the ward in terms of light, ventilation, temperature,... 0(0) 20 (3/13) 70 (7/46) 50 (3/33) 10 (7/6) 79/0±33/3

13 Noise and crowded setting of the ward 0(0) 20 (3/13) 60 (40) 55 (7/36) 15 (10) 84/0±43/3 14 Placement of the drugs on the shelves 0(0) 25 (7/16) 50 (3/33) 50 (3/33) 25 (7/16) 96/0±50/3 15 The large variety of drugs in the ward 0(0) 10 (7/6) 80 (3/53) 45 (30) 15 (10) 76/0±43/3 16 Attendance of patient’s companions in the ward 0(0) 40 (7/26) 60 (40) 35 (3/23) 15 (10) 93/0±16/3 17 Patients and companions, inappropriate behavior 0(0) 20 (3/13) 70 (7/46) 55 (7/36) 5 (3/3) 73/0±30/3

18 Change of Kardex when transferring the patient to other wards 0(0) 35 (3/23) 30 (20) 60 (40) 25 (7/16) 58/5±53/4

8/5±96/27 19

D octors’ errors

Giving instructions on the phone by doctors 0(0) 15 (10) 65 (3/43) 60 (40) 10 (7/6) 76/0±43/3 20 Illegibility of doctor’s handwriting 0(0) 25 (7/16) 65 (3/43) 45 (30) 15 (10) 87/0±33/3 21 Error in prescribing drugs 0(0) 35 (3/23) 35 (3/23) 60 (40) 20 (3/13) 99/0±43/3 22

Failure to comply with the appropriate time for prescribing the drugs by doctor

0(0) 35 (1/24) 45 (31) 45 (31) 20 (8/13) 99/0±34/3 7/1±54/13

23 Error s of drug com

p anies

Inappropriate forms and naming of drugs 0(0) 25 (7/16) 55 (7/36) 50 (3/33) 20 (3/13) 92/0±43/3

24 Pharmaceutical similarities in terms of form, name and ... 5 (3/3) 20 (3/13) 50 (3/33) 55 (7/36) 20 (3/13) 99/0±43/3

15/1±86/6 25

M anagem

ent process errors

Inappropriate relationship of nurses with ward authorities 0(0) 30 (20) 50 (3/33) 65 (3/43) 5 (3/3) 82/0±30/3 26 The existence of occupational discrimination 0(0) 10 (7/6) 70 (7/46) 65 (3/43) 5 (3/3) 66/0±43/3 27 Lack of recording and error reporting systems 0(0) 25 (7/16) 65 (3/43) 50 (3/33) 10 (7/6) 82/0±30/3 28 The inappropriate layout of nurses’ work shift 0(0) 25 (7/16) 55 (7/36) 35 (3/23) 35 (3/23) 02/1±53/3 29 Shortage of nurses in proportion to the number of patients 0(0) 20 (3/13) 65 (3/43) 45 (30) 20 (3/13) 88/0±43/3 30 Lack of supervising care processes by ward authorities 5 (3/3) 10 (7/6) 55 (7/36) 65 (3/43) 15 (10) 88/0±50/3

31 The presence of a large number of serious patients in the ward 0(0) 20 (3/13) 55 (7/36) 60 (40) 15 (10) 84/0±46/3

64/2±96/23 Mean total score of medication errors 28/9±25/106

Discussion In this study, the role of effective factors in the incidence of nurses' medication errors was examined. We found that the most medication errors were related to Kardex change when the patient was transferred to other wards as well as non –compliance with the 8 rights of medication administration which is related to nursing field and disorder of the ward. Katney et al., in a prospective observational study entitled “survey of medical errors in urban psychiatric hospital”, reported that the most common medication errors were amnesia in giving correct amount of drug (37%), incorrect method (18%), incorrect form (12%) and incorrect times (9%) in British hospitals [12]. In fact, this study points to nurses'

failure to properly check drug and non- compliance with the 8 rights of medication administration, which are consistent with the results of the present study. The strength of this study was its observational survey of 4177 Pharmaceutical cares by nurses and the report of 139 errors. Although the observational study can be very objective to examine the care, it may unconsciously remind the caregiver of the observer, increase the quality of his/her work, and cause a bias in the research. Therefore, elimination of these confounding factors must be carefully done, while Katney et al. did not point out how to remove this bias. Sorensen et al. (2013), in a cross-sectional observational study entitled” medication errors in

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the psychiatric ward” and after observing 1082 cases drug administration, reported 189 errors. The most common medication errors were nurses' professional skills in administrating medication (75%), wrong prescription (10%), error in prescribing discharge (10%), and illegibility and incomprehensibility of physicians’ prescription (5%). The most common medication errors in this study are related to nurses' skills, which is consistent with the present study. This study has not paid attention to the various aspects of nursing care during medication such as conditions of the ward, mental status of nurses, and other individual and social factors. The volume of care review is lower than that of other observational studies. Due to the use of different instruments in checking medication errors, the mean score of medication errors was not comparable in various studies. Julaei et al. (2016), in a cross-sectional study, using a population of 300 nurses working in hospitals affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences, reported that the most common types of medication errors were drug administration later or earlier than the due time, failure to take necessary measures before administering drugs, which agrees with findings of the present study [22]. The strength of this study was using a high volume of samples and studying the conditions of work environment via an independent questionnaire. The difference between this study and the presentt study was in the use of the type of medication errors-checking instruments. Julia et al. used a researcher-made questionnaire to examine the medication errors related to nurses' professional performance, and other areas of errors were not addressed. For example, in the present study, one of the biggest medication errors happened due to the physical conditions of the ward, while but Julaei et al. reported that the conditions of the nurses' work environment were favorable for pharmaceutical care [22]. Besides, Julaei et al. did not address the physical conditions of the ward, the placement of medicines in the pharmacist, the presence of companions in the ward, and noises, which could be the reason for the differences between the two studies. Jones et al., in a cross-sectional study, reported that the most common cause of the incidence of medication errors from the perspective of the nurses was non-compliance with five rights of

medication administration (the right patient, the right medication, the right dose, the right method, and the right time), which is consistent with the present study [24]. The similarity between the study of Jones et al. and the present study was in the sample size and error analysis from the perspective of nurses. This study has used five rights of medication administration to examine errors, while, in the present study, eight rights of medication administration (the right patient, the right medication, the right dose, the right route, the right time, the right administration, the right recording and the right patient response to medication) were used, which is a newer form of this law. Mi-Ae You et al., (2015) in a cross- sectional study of 312 nurses in three South Korean hospitals, noted that most of the incidences of medication errors were due to the shortage of nurses in a work shift. Mi-Ae You used a 29-item questionnaire focused more on drug similarities, and little attention was paid to nursing management, medical errors, and conditions of the ward. Moreover, there was no proper distinction among the causes of medication errors. However, the present study analyzed the role of other factors in nursing errors via dividing the nurses' medication errors into five areas. In the present study, there was a significant difference between the mean score of medication errors and the increase in education level, age, work experience, and type of employment, while no significant difference was found between the mean score of medication errors and that of sex, marital status, nursing job position, and work shift rotation. Shouhani et al, using a sample of 120 nurses, found that the mean score of medication errors was not associated with an increase in educational level, work-related experience , gender, marital status, and age, all of are consistent with the present study except for age factor [23]. However, Yaghoubi et al, using 127 nurses of Zahedan hospital, showed that the probability of making errors by nurses with work shift rotation is more than the one in others, which is in contrast with the present study [17]. In their study, the minimum working experience was three months, and this could be the reason for the difference in the results the two studies. Nursing Professional errors and physical conditions of the ward play a major role in nursing staff's medication errors. Considering the

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incidence of medication errors in cases such as Kardex change when transferring patients to other wards, failure to comply with eight rights of medication administration, overwork, psychological challenges of nurses, job discriminations, and lack of supervision on care processes by ward authorities, we suggest that job training, in the form of continuous educational courses, should be offered to nurses to increase their knowledge and performance and to nurse managers for more effective planning. Due to the existence of errors such as the placement of drugs on the shelves and the noise and crowded environment of the ward, hospital administrators are recommended to improve the physical conditions of the workplace. Based on the possibility of an error due to similarities of form and verbal of drugs, it would be more effective to design a system to check the similarity of drugs before issuing a license in food and drug administration. Finally, hospital administrators need to oversee doctors’ handwriting and the way of writing a prescription. One of the limitations of this study was its use of only one hospital for sampling due to the lack of other psychiatric hospitals in Tabriz. Another limitation was the lack of comparisons between psychiatric wards and special, surgery, and emergency wards due to the specificity of the psychiatric hospital. Some of the medication errors were due to the delayed response of medications due to the carelessness of pharmaceutical companies in manufacturing medicines, and there were not enough facilities and opportunities to study these issues in the research. Another limitation was the use of self- reports as the data collection tool. Acknowledgments The authors appreciate the staff of the psychiatric wards of Razi Hospital in Tabriz, who participated in this study despite their heavy work loads. We also express our special thanks to the authorities of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Maragheh Medical Sciences, and Maragheh Islamic Azad University, who provided the basis of this study.

Conflict of interest The authors of this article declare that there is no conflict of interest in writing this article.

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Machine learning & artificial intelligence in the quantum domain

Vedran Dunjko

Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck 6020, Austria Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching 85748, Germany Email: [email protected]

Hans J. Briegel

Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck Innsbruck 6020, Austria Department of Philosophy, University of Konstanz, Konstanz 78457, Germany Email: [email protected]

Abstract. Quantum information technologies, on the one side, and intelligent learning systems, on the other, are both emergent technologies that will likely have a transforming impact on our society in the future. The respective underlying fields of basic research – quantum information (QI) versus machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) – have their own specific questions and challenges, which have hitherto been investigated largely independently. However, in a growing body of recent work, researchers have been prob- ing the question to what extent these fields can indeed learn and benefit from each other. QML explores the interaction between quantum computing and machine learning, inves- tigating how results and techniques from one field can be used to solve the problems of the other. In recent time, we have witnessed significant breakthroughs in both directions of influence. For instance, quantum computing is finding a vital application in providing speed-ups for machine learning problems, critical in our “big data” world. Conversely, machine learning already permeates many cutting-edge technologies, and may become instrumental in advanced quantum technologies. Aside from quantum speed-up in data analysis, or classical machine learning optimization used in quantum experiments, quan- tum enhancements have also been (theoretically) demonstrated for interactive learning tasks, highlighting the potential of quantum-enhanced learning agents. Finally, works exploring the use of artificial intelligence for the very design of quantum experiments, and for performing parts of genuine research autonomously, have reported their first successes. Beyond the topics of mutual enhancement – exploring what ML/AI can do for quantum physics, and vice versa – researchers have also broached the fundamental issue of quantum generalizations of learning and AI concepts. This deals with questions of the very meaning of learning and intelligence in a world that is fully described by quantum mechanics. In this review, we describe the main ideas, recent developments, and progress in a broad spectrum of research investigating machine learning and artificial intelligence in the quantum domain.


I. Introduction 3 A. Quantum mechanics, computation and information processing 4 B. Artificial intelligence and machine learning 7

1. Learning from data: machine learning 9 2. Learning from interaction: reinforcement learning 11 3. Intermediary learning settings 12 4. Putting it all together: the agent-environment paradigm 12

C. Miscellanea 15

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II. Classical background 15 A. Methods of machine learning 16

1. Artificial neural networks and deep learning 17 2. Support Vector Machines 19 3. Other models 22

B. Mathematical theories of supervised and inductive learning 24 1. Computational learning theory 25 2. VC theory 27

C. Basic methods and theory of reinforcement learning 30

III. Quantum mechanics, learning, and AI 34

IV. Machine learning applied to (quantum) physics 35 A. Hamiltonian estimation and metrology 37

1. Hamiltonian estimation 37 2. Phase estimation settings 38 3. Generalized Hamiltonian estimation settings 39

B. Design of target evolutions 40 1. Off-line design 41 2. On-line design 41

C. Controlling quantum experiments, and machine-assisted research 42 1. Controlling complex processes 43 2. Learning how to experiment 44

D. Machine learning in condensed-matter and many-body physics 45

V. Quantum generalizations of machine learning concepts 47 A. Quantum generalizations: machine learning of quantum data 47

1. State discrimination, state classification, and machine learning of quantum data 48 2. Computational learning perspectives: quantum states as concepts 52

B. (Quantum) learning and quantum processes 53

VI. Quantum enhancements for machine learning 55 A. Learning efficiency improvements: sample complexity 56

1. Quantum PAC learning 57 2. Learning from membership queries 58

B. Improvements in learning capacity 60 1. Capacity from amplitude encoding 60 2. Capacity via quantized Hopfield networks 61

C. Run-time improvements: computational complexity 63 1. Speed-up via adiabatic optimization 64 2. Speed-ups in circuit architectures 68

VII. Quantum learning agents, and elements of quantum AI 76 A. Quantum learning via interaction 77 B. Quantum agent-environment paradigm for reinforcement learning 83

1. AE-based classification of quantum ML 86 C. Towards quantum artificial intelligence 87

VIII. Outlook 88

Acknowledgements 91

References 91



Quantum theory has influenced most branches of physical sciences. This influence ranges from minor corrections, to profound overhauls, particularly in fields dealing with sufficiently small scales. In the second half of the last century, it became apparent that genuine quantum effects can also be exploited in engineering-type tasks, where such effects enable features which are superior to those achievable using purely classical systems. The first wave of such engineering gave us, for example, the laser, transistors, and nuclear magnetic resonance devices. The second wave, which gained momentum in the ’80s, constitutes a broad-scale, albeit not fully systematic, investigation of the potential of utilizing quantum effects for various types of tasks which, at the base of it, deal with the processing of information. This includes the research areas of cryptography, computing, sensing and metrology, all of which now share the common language of quantum information science. Often, the research into such interdisciplinary programs was exceptionally fruitful. For instance, quantum computation, communication, cryptography and metrology are now mature, well-established and impactful research fields which have, arguably, revolutionized the way we think about information and its processing. In recent years, it has become apparent that the exchange of ideas between quantum information processing and the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning has its own genuine questions and promises. Although such lines of research are only now receiving a broader recognition, the very first ideas were present already at the early days of QC, and we have made an effort to fairly acknowledge such visionary works.

In this review we aim to capture research at the interplay between machine learning, artificial intelligence and quantum mechanics in its broad scope, with a reader with a physics background in mind. To this end, we dedicate comparatively large amount of space to classical machine learning and artificial intelligence topics, which are often sacrificed in physics-oriented literature, while keeping the quantum information aspects concise.

The structure of the paper is as follows. In the remainder of this introductory section I, we give quick overviews of the relevant basic concepts of the fields quantum information processing, and of machine learning and artificial intelligence. We finish off the introduction with a glossary of useful terms, list of abbreviations, and comments on notation. Subsequently, in section II we delve deeper into chosen methods, technical details, and the theoretical background of the classical theories. The selection of topics here is not necessarily balanced, from a classical perspective. We place emphasis on elements which either appear in subsequent quantum proposals, which can sometimes be somewhat exotic, or on aspects which can help put the relevance of the quantum results into proper context. Section III briefly summarizes the topics covered in the quantum part of the review. Sections IV - VII cover the four main topics we survey, and constitute the central body of the paper. We finish with a an outlook section VIII.

Remark: The overall objective of this survey is to give a broad, “birds-eye” account of the topics which contribute to the development of various aspects of the interplay between quantum information sciences, and machine learning and artificial intelligence. Consequently, this survey does not necessarily present all the developments in a fully balanced fashion. Certain topics, which are in their very early stages of investigation, yet important for the nascent research area, were given perhaps a disproportional level of attention, compared to more developed themes. This is, for instance, particularly evident in section VII, which aims to address the topics of quantum artificial intelligence, beyond mainstream data analysis applications of machine learning. This topic is relevant for a broad perspective on the emerging field, however it has only been broached by very few authors, works, including the authors of this review and collaborators. The more extensively explored topics


of, e.g., quantum algorithms for machine learning and data mining, quantum computational learning theory, or quantum neural networks, have been addressed in more focused recent reviews (Wittek, 2014a; Schuld et al., 2014a; Biamonte et al., 2016; Arunachalam and de Wolf, 2017; Ciliberto et al., 2017).

A. Quantum mechanics, computation and information processing

Executive summary: Quantum theory leads to many counterintuitive and fascinating phe- nomena, including the results of the field of quantum information processing, and in par- ticular, quantum computation. This field studies the intricacies of quantum information, its communication, processing and use. Quantum information admits a plethora of phenomena which do not occur in classical physics. For instance, quantum information cannot be cloned – this restricts the types of processing that is possible for general quantum information. Other aspects lead to advantages, as has been shown for various communication and com- putation tasks: for solving algebraic problems, reduction of sample complexity in black-box settings, sampling problems and optimization. Even restricted models of quantum computing, amenable for near-term implementations, can solve interesting tasks. Machine learning and artificial intelligence tasks can, as components, rely on the solving of such problems, leading to an advantage.

Quantum mechanics, as commonly presented in quantum information, is based on few simple postulates: 1) the pure state of a quantum system is given by a unit vector |ψ〉 in a complex Hilbert space, 2) closed system pure state evolution is generated by a Hamiltonian H, specified by the linear Schrödinger equation H |ψ〉 = i~ ∂

∂t |ψ〉, 3) the structure of composite systems is given by the tensor

product, and 4) projective measurements (observables) are specified by, ideally, non-degenerate Hermitian operators, and the measurement process changes the description of the observed system from state |ψ〉 to an eigenstate |φ〉, with probability given by the Born rule p(φ) = |〈ψ |φ〉 |2 (Nielsen and Chuang, 2011). While the full theory still requires the handling of subsystems and classical ignorance1, already the few mathematical axioms of pure state closed system theory give rise to many quintessentially quantum phenomena, like superpositions, no-cloning, entanglement, and others, most of which stem from just the linearity of the theory. Many of these properties re-define how researchers in quantum information perceive what information is, but also have a critical functional role in say quantum enhanced cryptography, communication, sensing and other applications. One of the most fascinating consequences of quantum theory are, arguably, captured by the field of quantum information processing (QIP), and in particular quantum computing (QC), which is most relevant for our purposes. QC has revolutionized the theories and implementations of computation. This field originated from the observations by Manin (Manin, 1980) and Feynman (Feynman, 1982) that the calculation of certain properties of quantum systems, as they evolve in time, may be intractable, while the quantum systems themselves, in a manner of speaking, do perform that hard computation by merely evolving. Since these early ideas, QC has proliferated, and indeed the existence of quantum advantages which

1 This requires more general and richer formalism of density operators, and leads to generalized measurements, completely positive evolutions, etc.


are offered by scalable universal quantum computers have been demonstrated in many settings. Perhaps most famously, quantum computers have been shown to have the capacity to efficiently solve algebraic computational problems, which are believed to be intractable for classical computers. This includes the famous problems of factoring large integers computing the discrete logarithms (Shor, 1997), but also many others such as Pell equation solving, some non-Abelian hidden subgroup problems, and others, see e.g. (Childs and van Dam, 2010; Montanaro, 2016) for a review. Related to this, nowadays we also have access to a growing collection of quantum algorithms2 for various linear algebra tasks, as given in e.g. (Harrow et al., 2009; Childs et al., 2015; Rebentrost et al., 2016a), which may offer speed-ups.


Processing block 1

Processing block 2

Processing block 3

Processing block k




… input






oracl e

quer y

oracl e

quer y

oracl e

quer y

FIG. 1 Oracular computation and query complexity: a (quantum) al- gorithm solves a problem by inter- mittently calling a black-box sub- routine, defined only via its input- output relations. Query complexity of an algorithm is the number of calls to the oracle, the algorithm will perform.

Quantum computers can also offer improvements in many optimiza- tion and simulation tasks, for instance, computing certain properties of partition functions (Poulin and Wocjan, 2009), simulated an- nealing (Crosson and Harrow, 2016), solving semidefinite programs (Brandao and Svore, 2016), performing approximate optimization (Farhi et al., 2014), and, naturally, in the tasks of simulating quan- tum systems (Georgescu et al., 2014). Advantages can also be achieved in terms of the efficient use of sub-routines and databases. This is studied using oracular models of computation, where the quantity of interest is the number of calls to an oracle, a black-box object with a well-defined set of input- output relations which, abstractly, stands in for a database, sub- routine, or any other information processing resource. The canonical example of a quantum advantage in this setting is the Grover’s search (Grover, 1996) algorithm which achieves the, provably optimal, quadratic improvement in unordered search (where the oracle is the database). Similar results have been achieved in a plethora of other scenarios, such as spatial search (Childs and Goldstone, 2004), search over structures (including various quantum walk-based algorithms (Kempe, 2003; Childs et al., 2003; Reitzner et al., 2012)), NAND (Childs et al., 2009) and more general boolean tree evaluation

problems (Zhan et al., 2012), as well as more recent “cheat sheet” technique results (Aaronson et al., 2016) leading to better-than-quadratic improvements. Taken a bit more broadly, oracular models of computation can also be used to model communication tasks, where the goal is to reduce communication complexity (i.e. the number of communication rounds) for some information exchange protocols (de Wolf, 2002). Quantum computers can also be used for solving sampling problems. In sampling problems the task is to produce a sample according to an (implicitly) defined distribution, and they are important for both optimization and (certain instances of) algebraic tasks3. For instance, Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, arguably the most prolific set of computational methods in natural sciences, are designed to solve sampling tasks, which in turn, can be often

2 In this review it makes sense to point out that the term “quantum algorithm” is a bit of a misnomer, as what we really mean is “an algorithm for a quantum computer”. An algorithm – an abstraction – cannot per se be “quantum”, and the term quantum algorithm could also have meant e.g.“algorithm for describing or simulating quantum processes”. Nonetheless, this term, in the sense of “algorithm for a quantum computer” is commonplace in QIP, and we use it in this sense as well. The concept of “quantum machine learning” is, however, still ambiguous in this sense, and depending on the authors, can easily mean “quantum algorithm for ML“, or “ML applied to QIP”.

3 Optimization and computation tasks can be trivially regarded as special cases of sampling tasks, where the target distribution is (sufficiently) localized at the solution.


used to solve other types of problems. For instance, in statistical physics, the capacity to sample from Gibbs distributions is often the key tool to compute properties of the partition function. A broad class of quantum approaches to sampling problems focuses on quantum enhancements of such Markov Chain methods (Temme et al., 2011; Yung and Aspuru-Guzik, 2012). Sampling tasks have been receiving an ever increasing amount of attention in the QIP community, as we will comment on shortly. Quantum computers are typically formalized in one of a few standard models of computation, many of which are, computationally speaking, equally powerful4. Even if the models are computationally equivalent, they are conceptually different. Consequently, some are better suited, or more natural, for a given class of applications. Historically, the first formal model, the quantum Turing machine (Deutsch, 1985), was preferred for theoretical and computability-related considerations. The quantum circuit model (Nielsen and Chuang, 2011) is standard for algebraic problems. The measurement-based quantum computing (MBQC) model (Raussendorf and Briegel, 2001; Briegel et al., 2009) is, arguably, best-suited for graph-related problems (Zhao et al., 2016), multi-party tasks and distributed computation (Kashefi and Pappa, 2016) and blind quantum computation (Broadbent et al., 2009). Topological quantum computation (Freedman et al., 2002) was an inspiration for certain knot-theoretic algorithms (Aharonov et al., 2006), and is closely related to algorithms for topological error-correction and fault tolerance. The adiabatic quantum computation model (Farhi et al., 2000) is constructed with the task of ground-state preparation in mind, and is thus well-suited for optimization problems (Heim et al., 2017).

List of models applications (BQP-complete) (not exlusive)

QTM theory QCircuits algorithms MBQC distributed computing Topological knot-theoretic problems Adiabatic optimization problems

List of models applications (restricted)

DQC1 computing trace of unitary Linear Optics sampling Shallow Random Q. Circuits sampling Commuting Q. Circuits sampling RestrictedAdiabatic optimization tasks

FIG. 2 Computational models

Research into QIP also produced examples of interesting restricted models of computation: models which are in all likelihood not univer- sal for efficient QC, however can still solve tasks which seem hard for classical machines. Recently, there has been an increasing in- terest in such models, specifically the linear optics model, the so-called low-depth random circuits model and the commuting quantum circuits model5. In (Aaronson and Arkhipov, 2011) it was shown that the linear optics model can efficiently produce samples from a distribution specified by the permanents of certain matrices, and it was proven (barring certain plausible mathematical conjectures) that classical computers cannot reproduce the samples from the same distribution in polynomial time. Similar claims have been made for low-depth random circuits (Boixo et al., 2016; Bravyi et al., 2017) and commuting quantum circuits, which comprise only commuting gates (Shepherd and Bremner, 2009; Bremner et al., 2017). Critically, these restricted models can be

4 Various notions of “equally powerful” are usually expressed in terms of algorithmic reductions. In QIP, typically, the computational model B is said to be at least as powerful as the computational model A, if any algorithm of complexity O(f(n)) (where f(n) is some scaling function, e.g. “polynomial” or “exponential”), defined for model A, can be efficiently (usually this means in polynomial time) translated to an algorithm for B, which solves the same problem, and whose computational complexity is O(poly(f(n))). Two models are then equivalent if A is as powerful as B and B is as powerful as A. Which specific reduction complexity we care about (polynomial, linear, etc.) depends on the setting: e.g. for factoring polynomial reductions suffice, since there seems to be an exponential separation between classical and quantum computation. In contrast, for search, the reductions need to be sub-quadratic to maintain a quantum speed-up, since only a quadratic improvement is achievable.

5 Other restricted models exist, such as the one clean qubit model (DQC1) where the input comprises only one qubit in a pure state, and others are maximally mixed. This model can be used to compute a function – the normalized trace of a unitary specified by a quantum circuit – which seems to be hard for classical devices.


realized to sufficient size, as to allow for a demonstration of computations which the most powerful classical computers that are currently available cannot achieve, with near-term technologies. This milestone, referred to as quantum supremacy (Preskill, 2012; Lund et al., 2017), and has been getting a significant amount of attention in recent times. Another highly active field in QIP concentrates on (analogue) quantum simulations, with applications in quantum optics, condensed matter systems, and quantum many-body physics (Georgescu et al., 2014). Many, if not most of the above mentioned aspects of quantum computation are finding a role in quantum machine learning applications. Next, we briefly review basic concepts from the classical theories of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

B. Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Executive summary: The field of artificial intelligence incorporates various methods, which are predominantly focused on solving problems which are hard for computers, yet seem- ingly easy for humans. Perhaps the most important class of such tasks pertain to learning problems. Various algorithmic aspects of learning problems are tackled by the field of machine learning, which evolved from the study of pattern recognition in the context of AI. Modern machine learning addresses a variety of learning scenarios, dealing with learning from data, e.g. supervised (data classification), and unsupervised (data clustering) learning, or from interaction, e.g. reinforcement learning. Modern AI states, as its ultimate goal, the design of an intelligent agent which learns and thrives in unknown environments. Artificial agents that are intelligent in a general, human sense must have the capacity to tackle all the individual problems addressed by machine learning and other more specialized branches of AI. They will consequently require a complex combination of techniques.

In its broadest scope, the modern field of artificial intelligence (AI) encompasses a wide variety of sub-fields. Most of these sub-fields deal with the understanding and abstracting of aspects of various human capacities which we would describe as intelligent, and attempt to realize the same capacities in machines. The term “AI” was coined at Dartmouth College conferences in the 1956 (Russell and Norvig, 2009), which were organized to develop ideas about machines that can think, and the conferences are often cited as the birthplace of the field. The conferences were aimed to “find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves” 6. The history of the field has been turbulent, with strong opinions on how AI should be achieved. For instance, over the course of its first 30 years, the field has crystalized into two main competing and opposite viewpoints (Eliasmith and Bechtel, 2006) on how AI may be realized: computationalism – holding that that the mind functions by performing purely formal operations on symbols, in the manner of a Turing machine, see e.g. (Newell and Simon, 1976)), and connectionism – which models mental and behavioral phenomena as the emergent processes of interconnected networks of simple units, mimicking the biological brain, see e.g. (Medler, 1998)). Aspects of these two viewpoints still influence approaches to AI. Irrespective of the underlying philosophy, for the larger part of the history of AI, the realization of “genuine AI” was, purportedly perpetually “a few years away” – a feature often attributed also to

6 Paraphrased from (McCarthy et al., 1955).


quantum computers by critics of the field. In the case of AI, such runaway optimism had a severe calamitous effect on the field, in multiple instances, especially in the context of funding (leading to periods now dubbed “winters of AI”). By the late 90s, the reputation of the field was low, and, even in hindsight, there was no consensus on the reasons why AI failed to produce human-level intelligence. Such factors played a vital role in the fragmentation of the field into various sub-fields which focused on specialized tasks, often appearing under different names. A particularly influential perspective of AI, often called nouvelle or embodied AI, was advocated by Brooks, which posited that intelligence emerges from (simple) embodied systems which learn through interaction with their environments (Brooks, 1990). In contrast to standard approaches of the time, Nouvelle AI insists on learning, rather than having properties pre-programmed, and on the embodiment of AI entities, as opposed to abstract entities like chess playing programs. To a physicist, this perspective that intelligence is embodied is reminiscent to the viewpoint that information is physical, which had been “the rallying cry of quantum information theory”(Steane, 1998). Such embodied approaches are particularly relevant in robotics where the key issues involve perception (the capacity of the machine to interpret the external world using its sensors, which includes computer vision, machine hearing and touch), motion and navigation (critical in e.g. automated cars). Related to human-computer interfaces, AI also incorporates the field of natural language processing which includes language understanding – the capacity of the machine to derive meaning from natural language, and language generation – the ability of the machine to convey information in a natural language.

FIG. 3 TSP example: finding the shortest route visiting the largest cities in Germany.

Other general aspects of AI pertain to a few well-studied ca- pacities of intelligent entities (Russell and Norvig, 2009). For instance, automated planning is related to decision theory7

and, broadly speaking, addresses the task of identifying strate- gies (i.e. sequences of actions) which need to be performed in order to achieve a goal, while minimizing (a specified) cost. Already the simple class of so-called off-line planning tasks, where the task, cost function, and the set of possible actions are known beforehand, contains genuinely hard problems, e.g. it include, as a special case, the NP-complete8 travelling salesman problem (TSP); for illustration see Fig. 3 9 . In modern times, TSP itself would no longer be considered a genuine AI problem, but it is serves to illustrate how already very specialized, simple sub-sub-tasks of AI may be hard. More general planning problems also include on-line variants, where not everything is known beforehand (e.g. TSP but where the “map” may fail to include all the available roads, and one simply has to actually travel to find good strategies). On-line planning overlaps with reinforcement learning, discussed later in this section. Closely related to planning is the capacity of intelligent entities for problem solving. In technical literature, problems

7 Not to be confused with decision problems, studied in algorithmic complexity. 8 Roughly speaking, NP is the class of decision (yes, no) problems whose solutions can be efficiently verified by a

classical computer in polynomial time. NP-complete problems are the hardest problems in NP in the sense that any other NP problem can be reduced to an NP complete problem via polynomial-time reductions. Note that the exact solutions to NP-compete problems are believed to be intractable even for quantum computers.

9 Figure 3 has been modified from


solving is distinguished from planning by a lack of additional structure in the problem, usually assumed in planning – in other words, problem solving is more general and typically more broadly defined than planning. The lack of structure in general problem solving establishes a clear connection to (also unstructured) searching and optimization: in the setting of no additional information or structure, problem solving is the search for the solution to a precisely specified problem. While general problem solving can be, theoretically, achieved by a general search algorithm (which can still be subdivided into classes such as depth-first, breath-first, depth-limited search etc.), more often there is structure to the problem, in which case an informed search strategies – often called heuristic search strategies – will be more efficient (Russell and Norvig, 2009). Human intelligence, to no small extent, relies on our knowledge. We can accumulate knowledge, reason over it, and use it to come to the best decisions, for instance in the context of problem solving and planning. An aspect of AI tries to formalize such logical reasoning, knowledge accumulation and knowledge representation, often relying on formal logic, most often first order logic.

A particularly important class of problems central to AI, and related to knowledge acquisition, involve the capacity of the machine to learn through experience. This feature was emphasized already in the early days of AI, and the derived field of machine learning (ML) now stands as arguably the most successful aspect (or spin-off) of AI, which we will address in more detail.

1. Learning from data: machine learning

Label 0 Label 1

Linear classifier Unknown

Supervised learning Unsupervised learning

FIG. 4 Supervised (in this case, best linear classifier) and un- supervised learning (here clustering into two most likely groups and outliers) illustrated.

Stemming from the traditions of pat- tern recognition, such as recognizing handwritten text, and statistical learn- ing theory (which places ML ideas in a rigorous mathematical frame- work), ML, broadly speaking, ex- plores the construction of algorithms that can learn from, and make pre- dictions about data. Traditionally, ML deals with two main learning set- tings: supervised and unsupervised learning, which are closely related to data analysis and data mining-type tasks (Shalev-Shwartz and Ben-David, 2014). A broader perspective (Alpay- din, 2010) on the field also includes reinforcement learning (Sutton and Barto, 1998), which is closely related to learning as is realized by biological intelligent entities. We shall discuss reinforcement learning separately.

In broad terms, supervised learning deals with learning-by-example: given a certain number of labeled points (so-called training set ) {(xi,yi)}i where xi denote data points, e.g. N−dimensional vectors, and yi denote labels (e.g. binary variables, or real values), the task is to infer a “labeling rule” xi 7→ yi which allows us to guess the labels of previously unseen data, that is, beyond the training set. Formally speaking, we deal with the task of inferring the conditional probability distribution P(Y = y|X = x) (more specifically, generating a labeling function which, perhaps probabilistically, assigns labels to points) based on a certain number of samples from the joint


distribution P (X,Y ). For example, we could be inferring whether a particular DNA sequence belongs to an individual who is likely to develop diabetes. Such an inference can be based on the datasets of patients whose DNA sequences had been recorded, along with the information on whether they actually developed diabetes. In this example, the variable Y (diabetes status) is binary, and the assignment of labels is not deterministic, as diabetes also depends on environmental factors. Another example could include two real variables, where x is the height from which an object is dropped, and y the duration of the fall. In this example, both variables are real-valued, and (in vacuum) the labeling relation will be essentially deterministic. In unsupervised learning, the algorithm is provided just with the data points without labels. Broadly speaking, the goal here is to identify the underlying distribution, or structure, and other informative features in the dataset. In other words, the task is to infer properties of the distribution P(X = x), based on a certain number of samples, relative to a user-specified guideline or rule. Standard examples of unsupervised learning are clustering tasks, where data-points are supposed be grouped in a manner which minimizes within-group mean-distance, while maximizing the distance between the groups. Note that the group membership can be thought of as a label, thus this also corresponds to a labeling task, but lacks “supervision”: examples of correct labelings. In basic examples of such tasks, the number of expected clusters is given by the user, but this too can be automatically optimized.

Other types of unsupervised problems include feature extraction and dimensionality reduction, critical in combatting the so-called curse of dimensionality. The curse of dimensionality refers to problems which stem from the fact that the raw representations of real-life data often occupy very high dimensional spaces. For instance, a standard resolution one-second video-clip at standard refresh frequency, capturing events which are extended in time maps to a vector in ∼ 108 dimensional space10, even though the relevant information it carries (say a licence-plate number of a speeding car filmed) may be significantly smaller. More generally, intuitively it is clear that, since geometric volume scales exponentially with the dimension of the space it is in, the number of points needed to capture (or learn) general features of an n−dimensional object will also scale exponentially. In other words, learning in high dimensional spaces is exponentially difficult. Hence, a means of dimensionality reduction, from raw representation space (e.g. moving car clips), to the relevant feature space (e.g. licence-plate numbers) is a necessity in any real-life scenario.

These approaches the data-points to a space of significantly reduced dimension, while attempting to maintain the main features – the relevant information – of the structure of the data. A typical example of a dimensionality example technique is e.g. principal component analysis. In practice, such algorithms also constitute an important step in data pre-processing for other types of learning and analysis. Furthermore, this setting also includes generative models (related to density estimation), where new samples from an unknown distribution are generated, based on few exact samples. As humanity is amassing data at an exponential rate (insideBIGDATA, 2017) it becomes ever more relevant to extract genuinely useful information in an automated fashion. In modern world ubiquitous big data analysis and data mining are the central applications of supervised and unsupervised learning.

10 Each frame is cca. 106 dimensional, as each pixel constitutes one dimension, multiplied with 30 frames required for the one-second clip.


2. Learning from interaction: reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) (Russell and Norvig, 2009; Sutton and Barto, 1998) is, traditionally, the third canonical category of ML. Partially caused by the relatively recent prevalence of (un)supervised methods in the contexts of the pervasive data mining and big data analysis topics, many modern textbooks on ML focus on these methods. RL strategies have mostly remained reserved for robotics and AI communities. Lately, however, the surge of interest in adaptive and autonomous devices, robotics, and AI have increased the prominence of RL methods. One recent celebrated result which relies on the extensive use of standard ML and RL techniques in conjunction is that of AlphaGo (Silver et al., 2016), a learning system which mastered the game of Go, and achieved, arguably, superhuman performance, easily defeating the best human players. This result is notable for multiple reasons, including the fact that it illustrates the po- tential of learning machines over special-purpose solvers in the context of AI problems: while specialized devices which relied on programming over learning (such as Deep Blue) could sur- pass human performance in chess, they failed to do the same for the more complicated game of Go, which has a notably larger space of strategies. The learning system AlphaGo achieved this many years ahead of typical predictions. The distinction between RL and other data-learning ML methods is particularly relevant from a quantum information perspective, which will be ad- dressed in more detail in section VII.B. RL constitutes a broad learning setting, formulated within the general agent-environment paradigm (AE paradigm) of AI (Russell and Norvig, 2009). Here, we do not deal with a static database, but rather an interactive task environment. The learning agent (or, a learning algorithm) learns through the interaction with the task environment.



Agent Environment

Learning model

s a

2 p=0.9

FIG. 5 An agent interacts with an environ- ment by exchanging percepts and actions. In RL rewards can be issued. Basic environments are formalized by Markov Decision Processes (inset in Environment). Environments are rem- iniscent to oracles, see 1, in that the agent only has access to the input-output relations. Fur- ther, figures of merit for learning often count the number of interaction steps, which is anal- ogous to the concept of query complexity.

As an illustration, one can imagine a robot, acting on its environment, and perceiving it via its sensors – the percepts being, say, snapshots made by its visual sys- tem, and actions being, say, movements of the robot – as depicted in Fig. 5 . The AE formalism is, however, more general and abstract. It is also unrestrictive as it can also express supervised and unsupervised settings. In RL, it is typically assumed that the goal of the pro- cess is manifest in a reward function, which, roughly speaking, rewards the agent, whenever the agents be- havior was correct (in which case we are dealing with positive reinforcement, but other variants of operant conditioning are also used11). This model of learning seems to cover pretty well how most biological agents (i.e. animals) learn: one can illustrate this through the process of training a dog to do a trick by giving it treats whenever it performs well. As mentioned earlier, RL is all about learning how to perform the “correct” sequence of actions, given the received percepts, which is an aspect of planning, in a setting which is fully on-line: the only way to learn about the environment is by interacting with it.

11 More generally, we can distinguish four modes of such operant conditioning: positive reinforcement (reward when correct), negative reinforcement (removal of negative reward when correct), positive punishment (negative reward when incorrect) and negative punishment (removal of reward when incorrect).


3. Intermediary learning settings

While supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning constitute the three broad categories of learning, there are many variations and intermediary settings. For instance, semi-supervised learning interpolates between unsupervised and supervised settings, where the number of labeled instances is very small compared to the total available training set. Nonetheless, even a small number of labeled examples have been shown to improve the bare unsupervised performance (Chapelle et al., 2010), or, from an opposite perspective, unlabeled data can help with classification when facing a small quantity of labeled examples. In active supervised learning, the learning algorithm can further query the human user, or supervisor, for the labels of particular points which would improve the algorithm’s performance. This setting can only be realized when it is operatively possible for the user to correctly label all the points, and may yield advantages when this exact labeling process is expensive. Further, in supervised settings, one can consider so-called inductive learning algorithms which output a classifier function, based on the training data, which can be used to label all possible points. A classifier is simply a function which assigns labels to the points in the domain of the data. In contrast, in transductive learning (Chapelle et al., 2010) settings, the points that need to be labeled later are known beforehand – in other words, the classifier function is only required to be defined on a-priori known points. Next, a supervised algorithm can perform lazy learning, meaning that the whole labeled dataset is kept in memory in order to label unknown points (which can then be added), or eager learning, in which case, the (total) classifier function is output (and the training set is no longer explicitly required) (Alpaydin, 2010). Typical examples of eager learning are linear classifiers, such as basic support vector machines, described in the next section, whereas lazy learning is exemplified by e.g. nearest-neighbour methods12 . Our last example, online learning (Alpaydin, 2010), can be understood as either an extension of eager supervised learning, or a special case of RL. Online learning generalizes standard supervised learning, in the sense that the training data is provided sequentially to the learner, and used to, incrementally, update the classifying function. In some variants, the algorithm is asked to classify each point, and is given the correct response afterward, and the performance is based on the guesses. The match/mismatch of the guess and the actual label can also be understood as a reward, in which case online learning becomes a restricted case of RL.

4. Putting it all together: the agent-environment paradigm

The aforementioned specialized learning scenarios can be phrased in a unifying language, which also enables us to discuss how specialized tasks fit in the objective of realizing true AI. In modern take on AI (Russell and Norvig, 2009), the central concept of the theory is that of an agent. An agent is an entity which is defined relative to its environment, and which has the capacity to act, that is, do something. In computer science terminology the requirements for something to be an agent (or for something to act ) are minimal, and essentially everything can be considered an agent – for instance, all non-trivial computer programs are also agents.

12 For example, in k−nearest neighbour classification, the training set is split into disjoint subsets specified by the shared labels. Given a new point which is to be classified, the algorithm identifies k nearest neighbour points from the data set to the new point. The label of the new point is decided by the majority label of these neighbours. The labeling process thus needs to refer to the entire training set.


AI concerns itself with agents which do more – for instance they also perceive their environment, interact with it, and learn from experience. AI is nowadays defined13 as the field which is aimed at designing intelligent agents (Russell and Norvig, 2009), which are autonomous, perceive their world using sensors, act on it using actuators, and choose their activities as to achieve certain goals – a property which is also called rationality in literature.

Agent Environment

sensory input

action output

FIG. 6 Basic agent-environment paradigm.

Agents only exist relative to an environment (more specifically a task environment), with which they interact, constituting the overall AE paradigm, illustrated in Fig. 6. While it is convenient to picture robots when thinking about agents, they can also be more abstract and virtual, as is the case with computer programs “living” in the internet14. In this sense, any learning algorithm for any of the more specialized learning settings can also be viewed as a restricted learning agent, operating in a special type of an environment, e.g. a supervised learning environment may be defined by a training phase, where the environment produces examples for the learning agent, followed by a testing phase, where the environment evaluates the

agent, and finally the application phase, where the trained and verified model is actually used. The same also obviously holds for more interactive learning scenarios such as the reinforcement-driven mode of learning – RL – we briefly illustrated in section I.B.2, is natively phrased in the AE paradigm. In other words, all machine learning models and settings can be phrased within the broad AE paradigm. Although the field of AI is fragmented into research branches with focus on isolated, specific goals, the ultimate motivation of the field remains the same: the design of true, general AI, sometimes referred to as artificial general intelligence (AGI)15, that is, the design of a “truly intelligent” agent (Russell and Norvig, 2009). The topic of what ingredients are needed to build AGI is difficult, and without a consensus. One perspective focuses on the behavioral aspects of agents. In literature, many features of intelligent behavior are captured by characterizing more specific types of agents: simple reflex agents, model- based reflex agents, goal-based agents, utility-based agents, etc. Each type captures an aspect of intelligent behavior, much like the fragments of the field of ML, understood as a subfield of AI, capture specific types of problems intelligent agents should handle. For our purposes, the most important, overarching aspect of intelligent agents is the capacity to learn16, and we will emphasize learning agents in particular. The AE paradigm is particularly well suited for such an operational perspective, as it abstracts from the internal structure of agents, and focuses on behavior and input-output relations. More precisely, the perspective on AI presented in this review is relatively simple. a) AI pertains to agents which behave intelligently in their environments, and, b) the central aspect of intelligent behaviour is that of learning.

13 Over the course of its history, AI had many definitions, many of which invoke the notion of an agent, while some older, definitions talk about machines, or programs which “think”, “have minds” and so on (Russell and Norvig, 2009).

As clarified, the field of AI has fragmented, and many of the sub-fields deal with specific computational problems, and the development of computational methodologies useful in AI related problems, for instance ML (i.e. its supervised and unsupervised variants). In such sub-fields with a more pragmatic computational perspective, the notion of agents is not used as often.

14 The subtle topics of such virtual, yet embodied agents is touched again later in section VII.A. 15 The field of AGI, under this label, emerged in mid 2000s, and the term is used to distinguish the objective of

realizing intelligent agents from the research focusing more specialized tasks, which are nowadays all labeled AI. AGI is also referred to as strong AI, or, sometimes full AI.

16 A similar viewpoint, that essentially all AI problems/features map to a learning scenario, is also advocated in (Hutter, 2005).


While we, unsurprisingly, do not more precisely specify what intelligent behaviour entails, already this simple perspective on AI has non-trivial consequences. The first is that intelligence can be ascertained from the interaction history between the agent and its environment alone. Such a viewpoint on AI is also closely related to behavior-based AI and the ideas behind the Turing test (Turing, 1950); it is in line with an embodied viewpoint on AI (see embodied AI in section I.B) and it has influenced certain approaches towards quantum AI, touched in section VII.C. The second is that the development of better ML and other types of relevant algorithms does constitute genuine progress towards AI, conditioned only on the fact that such algorithms can be coherently combined into a whole agent. It is however important to note that to actually achieve this integration may be far from trivial. In contrast to such strictly behavioral and operational points of view, an alternative approach towards whole agents (or complete intelligent agents) focuses on agent architectures and cognitive architectures (Russell and Norvig, 2009). In this approach to AI the emphasis is equally placed not only on intelligent behaviour, but also on forming a theory about the structure of the (human) mind. One of the main goals of a cognitive architecture is to design a comprehensive computational model which encapsulates various results stemming from research in cognitive psychology. The aspects which are predominantly focused on understanding human cognition are, however, not central for our take on AI. We discuss this further in section VII.C.


C. Miscellanea

a. Abbreviations and acronyms

Acronym Meaning First occurrence

AE paradigm agent-environment paradigm I.B.2 AGI artificial general intelligence I.B.4 AI artificial intelligence I.B ANN artificial neural network II.A.1 BED Bayesian experimental design IV.A.3 BM Boltzmann machine II.A.1 BQP bounded-error quantum polynomial time VII.A CAM content-addressable memory II.A.1 CLT computational learning theory II.B DME density matrix exponentiation VI.C.2 DQC1 one clean qubit model I.A HN Hopfield network II.A.1 MBQC measurement-based quantum computation I.A MDP Markov decision process II.C ML machine learning I.B NN neural network II.A.1 NP non-deterministic polynomial time I.B PAC learning probably approximately correct learning II.B.1 PCA principal component analysis VI.C.2 POMDP partially observable Markov decision process II.C PS projective simulation II.C QC quantum computation I.A QIP quantum information processing I.A QUBO quadratic unconstrained binary optimization VI.C.1 RL reinforcement learning I.B.2 rPS reflective PS VII.A SVM support vector machine II.A.2

b. Notation Throughout this review paper, we have strived to use the notation specified in the reviewed works. To avoid a notational chaos, we, however keep the notation consistent within subsections – this means that, within one subsection, we adhere to the notation used in the majority of works if inconsistencies arise.


The main purpose of this section is to provide the background regarding classical ML and AI techniques and concepts which are either addressed in quantum proposals we discuss in the following sections or important for the proper positioning of the quantum proposal in the broader learning


context. The concepts and models of this section include common models found in classical literature, but also certain more exotic models, which have been addressed in modern quantum ML literature. While this section contains most of the classical background needed to understand the basic ideas of the quantum ML literature, to tame the length of this section, certain very specialized classical ML ideas are presented on-the-fly during the upcoming reviews.

We first provide the basics concepts related to common ML models, emphasizing neural networks in II.A.1 and support vector machines in II.A.2. Following this, in II.A.3, we also briefly describe a larger collection of algorithmic methods, and ideas arising in the context of ML, including regression models, k−means/medians, decision trees, but also more general optimization and linear algebra methods which are now commonplace in ML. Beyond the more pragmatic aspects of model design for learning problems, in subsection II.B we provide the main ideas of the mathematical foundations of computational learning theory, which discuss learnability – i.e. the conditions under which learning is possible at all – computational learning theory and the theory of Vapnik and Chervonenkis – which rigorously investigate the bounds on learning efficiency for various supervised settings. Subsection II.C covers the basic concepts and methods of RL.

A. Methods of machine learning

Executive summary: Two particularly famous models in machine learning are artificial neural networks – inspired by biological brains, and support vector machines – arguably the best understood supervised learning model. Neural networks come in many flavours, all of which model parallel information processing of a network of simple computational units, neurons. Feed-forward networks (without loops) are typically used for supervised learning. Most of the popular deep learning approaches fit in this paradigm. Recurrent networks have loops – this allows e.g. feeding information from outputs of a (sub)-network back to its own input . Examples include Hopfield networks, which can be used as content-addressable memories, and Boltzmann machines, typically used for unsupervised learning. These networks are related Ising-type models, at zero, or finite temperatures, respectively – this sets the grounds for some of the proposals for quantization. Support vector machines classify data in an Euclidean space, by identifying best separating hyperplanes, which allows for a comparatively simple theory. The linearity of this model is a feature making it amenable to quantum processing. The power of hyperplane classification can be improved by using kernels which, intuitively, map the data to higher dimensional spaces, in a non-linear way. ML naturally goes beyond these two models, and includes regression (data fitting) methods and many other specialized algorithms.

Since the early days of the fields of AI and ML, there have been many proposals on how to achieve the flavours of learning we described above. In what follows we will describe two popular models for ML, specifically artificial neural networks, and support vector machines. We highlight that many other models exist, and indeed, in many fields other learning methods (e.g. regression methods), are more commonly used. A selection of such other models is briefly mentioned thereafter, along with examples of techiques which overlap with ML topics in a broader sense, such as matrix decomposition techniques, and which can be used for e.g. unsupervised learning.

Our choice of emphasis is, in part, again motivated by later quantum approaches, and by features of the models which are particularly well-suited for cross-overs with quantum computing.


1. Artificial neural networks and deep learning

Artificial neural networks (artificial NNs, or just NNs) are a biologically inspired approach to tackling learning problems. Originating in 1943 (McCulloch and Pitts, 1943), the basic component of NNs is the artificial neuron (AN), which is, abstractly speaking, a real-valued function AN : Rk → R parametrized by a vector of real, non-negative weights (wi)i = w ∈ Rk, and the activation function φ : R → R, given with

AN(x) = φ

( ∑



) , with x = (xi)i ∈ Rk. (1)

For the particular choice when the activation function is the threshold function φθ(x) = 1 if x > θ ∈ R+ and φθ(x) = 0 otherwise, the AN is called a perceptron (Rosenblatt, 1957), and has been studied extensively. Already such simple perceptrons performing classification into subspaces specified by the hyperplane with the normal vector w, and off-set θ (c.f. support vector machines later in this section). Note, in ML terminology, a distinction should be made between artificial neurons (ANs) and perceptrons – perceptrons are special cases of ANs, with the fixed activation function – the step function –, and a specified update or training rule. ANs in modern times use various activation functions (often the differentiable sigmoid functions), and can use different learning rules. For our purposes, this distinction will not matter.The training of such a classifier/AN for supervised learning purposes consists in optimizing the parameters w and θ as to correctly label the training set – there are various figures of merit particular approaches care about, and various algorithms that perform such an optimization, which are not relevant at this point. By combining ANs in a network we obtain NNs (if ANs are perceptrons, we usually talk about multi-layered perceptrons). While single perceptrons, or single-layered perceptrons can realize only linear classification, already a three-layered network suffices to approximate any continuous real-valued function (precision depending on the number of neurons in the inner, so-called hidden, layer). Cybenko (Cybenko, 1989) was the first to prove this for sigmoid activation functions, whereas Hornik generalized this to show that the same holds for all non-constant, monotonically increasing and bounded activation functions (Hornik, 1991) soon thereafter. This shows that if sufficiently many neurons are available, a three-layered ANN can be trained to learn any dataset, in principle17. Although this result seems very positive, it comes with the price of a large model complexity, which we discuss in section II.B.218. In recent times, it has become apparent that using multiple, sequential, hidden feed-forward layers (instead of one large), i.e. deep neural networks (deep NNs), may have additional benefits. First, they may reduce the number of parameters (Poggio et al., 2017). Second, the sequential nature of processing of information from layer to layer can be understood as a feature abstraction mechanism (each layer processes the input a bit, highlighting relevant features which are processed further). This increases the interpretability of the model (intuitively, the capacity for high level explanations of the model’s performance) (Lipton, 2016), which is perhaps best illustrated in so-called convolutional (deep) NNs, whose structure is inspired by the visual cortex. One of the main practical disadvantages of such deep networks is the computational cost and computational instabilities in training (c.f..

17 More specifically, there exists a set of weights doing the job, even though standard training algorithms may fail to converge to that point.

18 Roughly speaking, models with high model complexity are more likely to “overfit”, and it is more difficult to provide guarantees they will generalize well, i.e., perform well beyond the training set.


the vanishing gradient problem (Hochreiter et al., 2001)), and also the size of the dataset which has to be large (Larochelle et al., 2009). With modern technology and datasets, both obstacles are becoming less prohibitive, which has lead to a minor revolution in the field of ML. Not all ANNs are feed-forward: recurrent neural networks (recurrent NNs) allow for the backpropagation of signals. Particular examples of such networks are so called Hopfield networks (HNs), and Boltzmann machines (BMs), which are often used for different purposes than feed- forward networks. In HNs, we deal with one layer, where the outputs of all the neurons serve as inputs to the same layer. The network is initialized by assigning binary values (traditionally, −1 and 1 are used, for reasons of convenience) to the neurons (more precisely, some neurons are set to fire, and some not), which are then processed by the network, leading to a new configuration. This update can be synchronous (the output values are ”frozen” and all the second-round values are computed simultaneously) or asynchronous (the update is done one neuron at a time in a random order). The connections in the network are represented by a matrix of weights (wij)ij, specifying the connection strength between the ith and the jth neuron. The neurons are perceptrons, with a threshold activation function, given with the local threshold vector (θi)i. Such a dynamical system, under a few mild assumptions (Hopfield, 1982), converges to a configuration (i.e. bit-string) which (locally) minimizes the energy functional

E(s) = −1 2


wijsisj + ∑


θisi, (2)

with s = (si)i, si ∈{−1, 1}, that is, the Ising model. In general, this model has many local minima, which depend on the weights wij, and the thresholds, which are often set to zero. Hopfield provided a simple algorithm (called Hebbian learning, after D. Hebb for historic reasons (Hopfield, 1982)), which enables one to “program” the minima – in other words, given a set of bitstrings S (more precisely, strings of signs +1/−1), one can find the matrix wij such that exactly those strings S are local minima of the resulting functional E. Such programmed minima are then called stored patterns. Furthermore, Hopfield’s algorithm achieved this in a manner which is local (the weights wij depend only on the ith and jth bits of the targeted strings, allowing parallelizability), incremental (one can modify the matrix wij to add a new string without having to keep the old strings in memory), and immediate. Immediateness means that the computation of the weight matrix is not a limiting, but finite process. Violating e.g. incrementality would lead to a lazy algorithm (see section I.B.3), which can be sub-optimal in terms of memory requirements, but often also computational complexity19. It was shown that the minima of such a trained network are also attractive fixed-points, with a finite basin of attraction. This means that if a trained network is fed a new string, and let run, it will (eventually) converge to a pattern which is closest to it (the distance measure that is used depends on the learning rule, but typically it is the Hamming distance, i.e. number of entries where the strings disagree). Such a system then forms an associative memory, also called a content-addressable memory (CAM). CAMs can be used for supervised learning (the “labels” are the stored patterns), and conversely, supervised learning machinery can be used for CAM20. An important feature of HNs is their capacity: how many distinct patterns it can store21. For the Hebbian update rule this

19 The lazy algorithm may have to process all the patterns/data-points the number of which may be large and/or growing.

20 For this, one simply needs to add a look-up table connecting labels to fixed patterns. 21 Reliable storage entails that previously stored patterns will be also recovered without change (i.e they are energetic

local minima of Eq. (2), but also that there is a basin of attraction – a ball around the stored patterns with respect to a distance measure (most commonly the Hamming distance) for which the dynamical process of the network converges to the stored pattern. An issue with capacities is the occurrence of spurious patterns: local minima with a non-trivial basin of attraction which were not stored.


number scales as O(n/ log(n)), where n is the number of neurons, which Storkey (Storkey, 1997) improved to O(n/

√ log(n)). In the meantime, more efficient learning algorithms have been invented

(Hillar and Tran, 2014). Aside from applications as CAMs, due to the representation in terms of the energy functional in Eq. (2), and the fact that the running of HNs minimize it, they have also been considered for the tasks of optimization early on (Hopfield and Tank, 1985). The operative isomorphism between Hopfield networks and the Ising model, technically, holds only in the case of a zero-temperature system. Boltzmann machines generalize this. Here, the value of the ith neuron is set to −1 or 1 (called “off” and “on” in literature, respectively) with probability

p(i = −1) = (1 + exp (−β∆Ei))−1 , with ∆Ei = ∑


wij sj + θi, (3)

where ∆Ei is the energy difference of the configuration with i th neuron being on or off, assuming

the connections w are symmetric, and β is the inverse temperature of the system. In the limit of infinite running time, the network’s configuration is given by the (input-state invariant) Boltzmann distribution over the configurations, which depends on the weights w, local thresholds (weights) θ and the temperature. BMs are typically used in a generative fashions, to model, and sample from, (conditional) probability distributions. In the simplest variant, the training of the network attempts to ensure that the limiting distribution of the network matches the observed frequencies in the dataset. This is achieved by the tuning of the parameters w and θ. The structure of the network dictates how complicated a distribution can be represented. To capture more complicated distributions, over say k dimensional data, the BMs have N > k neurons. k of them will be denoted as visible units, and the remainder are called hidden units, and they capture latent, not directly observable, variables of the system which generated the dataset, and which we are in fact modelling. Training such networks consists in a gradient ascent of the log-likelihood of observing the training data, in the parameter space. While this seems conceptually simple, it is computationally intractable, in part as it requires accurate estimates of probabilities of equilibrium distributions, which are hard to obtain. In practice, this is somewhat mitigated by using restricted BMs, where the hidden and visible units form the partition of a bi-partite graph (so only connections between hidden and visible units exist). (Restricted) BMs have a large spectrum of uses, including providing generative models – producing new samples from the estimated distribution, as classifiers – via conditioned generation, as feature extractors – a form of unsupervised clustering, and as building blocks of deep architectures (Larochelle et al., 2009). However, their utility is mostly limited by the cost of training – for instance, the cost of obtaining equilibrium Gibbs distributions, or by the errors stemming from heuristic training methods such as contrastive divergence (Larochelle et al., 2009; Bengio and Delalleau, 2009; Wiebe et al., 2014a).

2. Support Vector Machines

Support Vector Machines (SVMs) form a family of perhaps best understood approaches for solving classification problems. The basic idea behind SVMs is that a natural way to classify points based on a dataset {xi,yi}i, for binary labels yi ∈ {−1, 1}, is to generate a hyperplane separating the negative instances from the positive ones. Such observations are not new, and indeed, perceptrons, briefly discussed in the previous section, perform the same function. Such a hyperplane can then be used to classify all points. Naturally, not all sets of points allow this (those that do are called linearly separable), but SVMs are further generalized to deal with


sets which are not linearly separable using so-called kernels. Kernels, effectively, realize non-linear mappings of the original dataset to higher dimensions where they may become separable, depending on a few technical conditions 22), and by allowing a certain degree of misclassification, which leads to so-called “soft-margin” SVMs.

Label -1 Label 1

Basic SVM

Maximum margin

Maximum margin hyperplane

FIG. 7 Basic example of an SVM, trained on a linearly separable data- set.

Even in the case the dataset is linearly separable, there will still be many hyperplanes doing the job. This leads to various variants of SVMs, but the basic variant identifies a hyperplane which: a) correctly splits the training points, and b) maximizes the so-called margin: the distance of the hyperplane to the nearest point (see Fig. 7). The distance of choice is most often the geometric Euclidean distance, which leads to so-called maximum margin classifiers. In high-dimensional spaces, in general the maximization of the margin ends in a situation where there are multiple +1 and −1 instances of training data points which are equally far from the hyperplane. These points are called support vectors. The finding of a maximum margin classifier corresponds to finding a normal vector w and offset b of the separating hyperplane, which

corresponds to the optimization problem

w∗ = argminw,b 1

2 ‖w‖2 (4)

such that yi(w.xi + b) ≥ 1. (5)

The formulation above is actually derived from the basic problem by noting that we may arbitrarily and simultaneously scale the pair (w,b) without changing the hyperplane. Therefore, we may always choose a scaling such that the realized margin is 1, in which case, the margin corresponds to ‖w‖−1, which simply maps a maximization problem to a minimization problem as above. The square ensures the problem is stated as a standard quadratic programming problem. This problem is often expressed in its Lagrange dual form, which reduces to

(α∗1, . . .α ∗ N ) = argminα1...αN

  ∑


αi − 1




  (6)

such that αi ≥ 0 and ∑


αiyi = 0, (7)

where the solution of the original problem is given by

w∗ = ∑


yiαixi. (8)

In other words, we have expressed w∗ in the basis of the data-vectors, and the data-vectors xi for which the corresponding coefficient αi is non-zero are precisely the support vectors. The offset b

∗ is

22 Indeed, this can be supported by hard theory, see Cover’s Theorem (Cover, 1965).


easily computed having access to one support vector of, say, an instance +1, denoted x+, by solving w∗.x+ + b∗ = 1. The class of a new point z can also be computed directly using the support vectors via the following expression

z 7→ sign ( ∑


yiαixi.z + b ∗ ) . (9)

The dual representation of the optimization problem is convenient when dealing with kernels. As mentioned, a way of dealing with data which is not linearly separable, is to first map all the points into a higher-dimensional space via a non-linear function φ : Rm → Rn, where m < n is the dimensionality of the datapoints. As we can see, in the dual formulation, the data-points only appear in terms of inner products xi.xj. This leads to the notion of the kernel function k which, intuitively, measures the similarity of the points in the larger space, typically defined with k(xi, xj) = φ(xi)

τφ(xj). In other words, to train the SVM according to a non-trivial kernel k, induced by the non-linear mapping φ, the

optimization line Eq. (6) will be replaced with argminα1...αN

(∑ i αi − 12

∑ i,j αiαjyiyjk(xi, xj)

) .

The offset is computed analogously, using just one application of φ. The evaluation of a new point is given in the same way with z 7→ sign (

∑ i yiαik(xi, z) + b

∗) . In other words, the data-points need not be explicitly mapped via φ, as long as the map-inducing inner product k(·, ·) can be computed more effectively. The choice of the kernel is critical in the performance of the classifier, and the finding of good kernels is non-trivial and often solved by trial-and-error. While increasing the dimension of the extended space (co-domain of φ) may make data-points more linearly separable (i.e. fewer mismatches for the optimal classifier), in practice they will not be fully separable (and furthermore, increasing the kernel dimension comes with a cost which we elaborate on later). To resolve this, SVMs allow for misclassification, with various options for measuring the “amount” of misclassification, inducing a penalty function. A typical approach to this is to introduce so-called “slack variables” ξi ≥ 0 to the original optimization task, so:

w∗ = argminw,b

( 1

2 ‖w‖2 + C



) (10)

such that yi(w.xi + b) ≥ 1 − ξi. (11) If the value ξi of the optimal solution is between 0 and 1, the point i is correctly classified, but is within the margin, and ξi > 1 denotes a misclassification. The (hyper)parameter C controls the relative importance we place on minimizing the margin norm, versus the importance we place on misclassification. Interestingly, the dual formulation of the above problem is near-identical to the hard-margin setting discussed thus far, with the small difference that the parameters αi are now additionally constrained with αi ≤ C in Eq. (7). SVMs, as described above, have been extensively studied from the perspective of computational learning theory, and have been connected to other learning models. In particular, their generalization performance, which, roughly speaking, characterizes how well a trained model23 will perform beyond the training set can be analyzed. This is the most important feature of a classifying algorithm. We will briefly discuss generalization

23 In ML, the term model is often overloaded. Most often it refers to a classification system which has been trained on a dataset, and in that sense it “models” the actual labeling function. Often, however, it will also refer to a class of learning algorithms (e.g. the SVM learning model).


performance in section II.B.2. We end this short review of SVMs by considering a non-standard variant, which is interesting for our purposes as it has been beneficially quantized. SVMs as described are trained by finding the maximal margin hyperplane. Another model, called least-squares SVM (LS-SVM) takes a regression (i.e. data-fitting) approach to the problem, and finds a hyperplane which, essentially, minimizes the least square distance of the vector of labels, and the vector of distances from the hyperplane, where the ith entry of the vector is given with (w.xi + b). This is effected by a small modification of the soft-margin formulation:

w∗LS = argminw,b 1

2 ‖w‖2 + C


ξ2i (12)

such that yi(w.xi + b) = 1 − ξi, (13)

where the only two differences are that the constraints are now equalities, and the slack variables are squared in the optimization expression. This seemingly innocuous change causes differences in performance, but also in the training. The dual formulation of the latter optimization problem reduces to a linear system of equations:

[ 0 1T

1N Ω + γ −1I

][ b α

] =

[ 0 Y

] , (14)

where 1 is an “all ones” vector, Y is the vector of labels yi, b is the offset, γ is a parameter depending on C. α is the vector of the Lagrange multipliers yielding the solution. This vector again stems from the dual problem which we omitted due to space constraints, and which can be found in (Suykens and Vandewalle, 1999). Finally, Ω is the matrix collecting the (mapped) “inner products” of the training vectors so Ωi,j = k(xi, xj), where k is a kernel function, in the simplest case, just the inner product. The training of LS-SVMs is thus simpler (and particularly convenient from a quantum algorithms perspective), but the theoretical understanding of the model, and its relationship to the well-understood SVMs, is still a matter of study, with few known results (see e.g. (Ye and Xiong, 2007)).

3. Other models

While NNs and SVMs constitute two popular approaches for ML tasks (in particular, supervised learning), many other models exist, suitable for a variety of ML problems. Here we very briefly list and describe some of such models which have also appeared in the context of quantum ML. While classification typically assigns discrete labels to points, in the case when the labeling function has a continuous domain (say the segment [0, 1]) we are dealing with function approximation tasks, often dealt with by using regression techniques. Typical examples here include linear regression, which approximate the relationship of points and labels with a linear function, most often minimizing the least-squares error. More broadly, such techniques are closely related to data-fitting, that is, fitting the parameters of a parametrized function such as to best fit observed (training) data. The k-nearest neighbour algorithm is an intuitive classification algorithm which given a new point considers the k nearest training points (with respect to a metric of choice), and assigns the label by the majority vote (if used for classification), or by averaging (in the case of regression, i.e. continuous label values). The mutually related k-means and k-medians algorithms are typically used for clustering: the k specifies the number of clusters, and the algorithm defines them in a manner which minimizes the within-cluster distance to the mean (or median) point.


Another method for classification and regression optimizes decision trees, where each dimension, or entry (or more generally a feature24) of the new data point influences a move on a decision tree. The depth of the tree is the length of the vector (or number of features), and the degree of each node depends on the possible number of distinct features/levels per entry25. The vertices of the tree specify an arbitrary feature of interest, which can influence the classification result, but most often they consider the overlaps with geometrical regions of the data-point space. Decision trees are in principle maximally expressive (can represent any labeling function), but very difficult to train without constraints. More generally, classification tasks can be treated as the problem of finding a hypothesis h : Data → Labels (in ML, the term hypothesis is essentially synonymous to the term classifier, also called a learner) which is from some family H, which minimizes error (or loss ) under some loss function. For instance, the hypotheses realized by SVMs are given by the hyperplanes (in the kernel space), and in neural nets they are parametrized by the parameters of the nets: geometry, thresholds, activation functions, etc. Additional to loss terms, the minimization of which is called empirical risk minimization, ML applications benefit from adding an additional component to the objective function: the regularization term, the purpose of which is to penalize complex functions, which could otherwise lead to poor generalization performance, see section II.B.2. The choices of loss functions, regularization terms, and classes of hypotheses lead to different particular models, and training corresponds to optimization problems given by the choice of the loss function and the hypothesis (function) family. Furthermore, it has been shown that essentially any learning algorithm which requires only convex optimization for training leads to poor performance under noise. Thus non-convex optimization is necessary for optimal learning (see e.g. (Long and Servedio, 2010; Manwani and Sastry, 2011)). An important class of meta-algorithms for classification problems are boosting algorithms. The basic idea behind boosting algorithms is the highly non-trivial observation, first proven via the seminal AdaBoost algorithm (Freund and Schapire, 1997), that multiple weak classifiers, which perform better than random on distinct parts of the input space, can be combined into an overall better classifier. More precisely, given a set of (weak) hypotheses/classifiers {hj},hj : Rn →{−1, 1}, under certain technical conditions, there exists a set of weights {wi},wi ∈ R, such that the composite classifier of the form hcw(x) = sign(

∑ i wihi(x)) performs better. Interestingly, a single (weak)

learning model can be used to generate the weak hypotheses needed for the construction of a better composite classifier – one which, in principle, can achieve arbitrary high success probabilities, i.e. a strong learner. The first step of this process is achieved by altering the frequencies at which the training labeled data-points appear, one can effectively alter the distributions over the data (in a black-box setting, these can be obtained by e.g. rejection sampling methods). The training of one and the same model on such differentially distributed datasets can generate distinct weak learners, which emphasize distinct parts of the input space. Once such distinct hypotheses are generated, optimization of the weight wi of the composite model is performed. In other words, weak learning models can be boosted26.

24 Features, however, have a more generic meaning in the context of ML. A data vector is a vector of features, where what a feature is depends on the context. For instance, features can be simply values at particular positions, or more global properties: e.g. a feature of data vectors depicting an image may be “contains a circle”, and all vectors corresponding to pictures with circles have it. Even more generically, features pertain to observable properties of the objects the data-points represent (“observable” here simply means that the property can be manifested in the data vector).

25 For instance, we can classify humans, parrots, bats and turtles, by binary features can fly and is mamal. E.g. choosing the root can fly leads to the branch can fly = no with two leaves decided by is mamal = yes pinpointing the human, whereas is mamal = no would specify the turtle. Parrots and bats would be distinguished by the same feature in the can fly = yes subtree.

26 It should be mentioned that the above description only serves to illustrate the intuition behind boosting ideas. In practice, various boosting methods have distinct steps, e.g. they may perform the required optimizations in differing orders, using training phases in parallel etc. which is beyond the needs of this review.


Aside from the broad classes of approaches to solve various ML tasks, ML is also often conflated with specific computational tools which are used to solve them. A prominent example of this is the development of algorithms for optimization problems, especially those arising in the training of standard learning models. This includes e.g. particle swarm optimization, genetic and evolutionary algorithms, and even variants of stochastic gradient descent. ML also relies on other methods includ- ing linear algebra tools, e.g. matrix decomposition methods, such as singular value decomposition, QR-, LU- and other decompositions, derived methods such as principal component analysis , and various techniques from the field of signal analysis (Fourier, Wavelet, Cosine, and other transforms). The latter set of techniques serves to reduce the effective dimension of the data set, and helps combat the curse of dimensionality. The optimization, linear algebra, and signal processing techniques, and their interplay with quantum information is an independent body of research with enough material to deserve a separate review, and we will only reflect on these methods when needed.

B. Mathematical theories of supervised and inductive learning

Executive summary: Aside from proposing learning models, such as NNs or SVMs, learning theory also provides formal tools to identify the limits of learnability. No free lunch theorems provide sobering arguments that näıve notions of “optimal” learning models cannot be obtained, and that all learning must rely on some prior assumptions. Computational learning theory relies on ideas from computational complexity theory, to formalize many settings of supervised learning, such as the task of approximating or identifying an unknown (boolean) function – a concept –which is just the binary labeling function. The main question of the theory is the quantification of the number of invocations of the black-box – i.e. of the function (or of the oracle providing examples of the function’s values on selected inputs) – needed to reliably approximate the (partially) unknown concept to desired accuracy. In other words, computational learning theory considers the sample complexity bounds for various learning settings, specifying the concept families and type of access. The theory of Vapnik and Chervonenkis, or simply VC theory, stems from the tradition of statistical learning. One of the key goals of the theory is to provide theoretical guarantees on generalization performance. This is what is asked for in the following question: given a learning machine trained on a dataset of size N, stemming from some process, with a measured empirical risk (error on the training set) of some value R, what can be said about its future performance on other data-points which may stem from the same process? One of the key results of VC theory is that this can be answered, with the help of a third parameter – the model complexity of the learning machine. Model complexity, intuitively, captures how complicated functions the learner can learn: the more complicated the model, the higher chance of “overfitting”, and consequently, the weaker the guarantees on performance beyond the training set. Good learning models can control their model complexity, leading to a learning principle of structural risk minimization. The art of ML is a juggling act, balancing sample complexity, model complexity, and the computational complexity of the learning algorithm27.

27 While the dichotomies between sample complexity and computational complexity are often considered in literature, the authors have first heard the trichotomic setting, including model complexity from (Wittek, 2014b). Examples of such balancing, and its failures can be observed in sections V.A.2, and VI.A.1.


Although modern increase of interests in ML and AI are mostly due to applications, aspects of ML and AI do have strong theoretical backgrounds. Here we focus on such foundational results which clarify what learning is, and which investigate the questions of what learning limits are. We will very briefly sketch some of the basic ideas. The first collection of results, called No Free Lunch theorems place seemingly pessimistic bounds on the conditions under which learning is at all possible (Wolpert, 1996). No Free Lunch theorems are, essentially, a mathematical formalization of Hume’s famous problem of induction (Hume, 1739; Vickers, 2016), which deals with the justification of inductive reasoning. One example of inductive reasoning occurs during generalization. Hume points out that, without a-priori assumptions, concluding any property concerning a class of objects based on any number of observations28 is not justified. In a similar vein, learning based on experience cannot be justified without further assumptions: expecting that a sequence of events leads to the same outcome as it did in the past, is only justified if we assume a uniformity of nature. The problems of generalization and of uniformity can be formulated in the context of supervised learning and RL, with (not uncontroversial) consequences (c.f. (NFL)). For instance, one of the implications is that the expected performance of any two learning algorithms beyond the training set must be equal, if one uniformly averages over all possible labeling functions, and analogous statements hold for RL settings – in other words, without assumptions on environments/datasets, the expected performance of any two learning models will be essentially the same, and two learning models cannot be meaningfully compared in terms of performance without making statements about the task environments in question. In practice, we, however, always have some assumptions on the dataset and environment: for instance the principle of parsimony (i.e. Occam’s razor), asserting that simpler explanations tend to be correct, prevalent in science, suffices to break the symmetries required for NFLs to hold in their strongest form (Lattimore and Hutter, 2011; Hutter, 2010; Ben-David et al., 2011). No review of theoretical foundations of learning theory should circumvent the works of Valiant, and the general computational learning theory (CLT), which stems from a computer science tradition, initiated by Valiant (Valiant, 1984), and the related VC theory of Vapnik and Chervonenkis, developed from a statistical viewpoint (Vapnik, 1995). We present the basic ideas of these theories in no particular order.

1. Computational learning theory

CLT can be understood as a rigorous formalization of supervised learning, and which stems from a computational complexity theory tradition. The most famous model in CLT is that of probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. We will explain the basic notions of PAC learning on a simple example: optical character recognition. Consider the task of training an algorithm to decide whether a given image (given as a black and white bitmap) of a letter corresponds to the letter “A”, by supplying a set of examples and counterexamples: a collection of images. Each image x can be encoded as a binary vector in {0, 1}n (where n =height×width of the image). Assuming that there exists an univocally correct assignment of label 0 (not “A”) and 1 to each image implies there exists a characteristic function f : {0, 1}n →{0, 1} which discerns letters A from other

28 An exception to this would be the uninteresting case when the class was finite and all instances had been observed.


images. Such an underlying characteristic function (or, equivalently, the subset of bitstrings for which it attains value ”1”) is, in computational learning theory, called a concept. Any (supervised) learning algorithm will first be supplied with a collection of N examples (xi,f((xi))i. In some variants of PAC learning, it is assumed that the data-points (x) are drawn from some distribution D attaining values in {0, 1}n. Intuitively, this distribution can model the fact that in practice, the examples that are given to the learner stem from its interaction with the world, which specifies what kinds of “A”s we are more likely to see29. PAC learning typically assumes inductive settings, meaning that the learning algorithm, given a sample set SN (comprising N identically independently distributed samples from D) outputs a hypothesis h : {0, 1}n → {0, 1} which is, intuitively, the algorithms “best guess” for the actual concept f. The quality of the guess is measured by the total error (also known as loss, or regret),

errD(hSN ) = ∑


P(D = x)|hSN (x) −f(x)|, (15)

averaged according to the same (training) distribution D, where hSN is the hypothesis the (deter- ministic) learning algorithm outputs given the training set SN . Intuitively, the larger the training set is (N), the smaller the error will be, but this also depends on the actual examples (and thus SN and D). PAC theory concerns itself with probably (δ), approximately (�) correct learning, i.e. with the following expression:

PSN∼DN [errD(hSN ) ≤ �] ≥ 1 −δ, (16) where S ∼ D means S was drawn according to the distribution D. The above expression is a statement certifying that the learning algorithm, having been trained on the dataset sampled from D, will, except with probability δ, have a total error below �. We say a concept f is (�,δ)-learnable, under distribution D, if there exists a learning algorithm, and an N, such that Eq. (16) holds, and simply learnable, if it is (�,δ)-learnable for all (�,δ) choices. The functional dependence of N on (�,δ) (and on the concept and distribution D) is called the sample complexity. In PAC learning, we are predominantly concerned with identifying tractable problems, so a concept/distribution pair f,D is PAC-learnable if there exists an algorithm for which the sample complexity is polynomial in �−1 and δ−1. These basic ideas are generalized in many ways. First, in the case the algorithm cannot output all possible hypotheses, but only a restricted set H (e.g. the hypothesis space is smaller than the total concept space), we can look for the best case solution by substituting the actual concept f with the optimal choice h∗ ∈ H which minimizes the error in (15), in all the expressions above. Second, we are typically not interested in just distinguishing the letter “A” from all other letters, but rather recognizing all letters. In this sense, we typically deal with a concept class (e.g. “letters”), which is a set of concepts, and it is (PAC) learnable if there exists an algorithm for which each of the concepts in the class are (PAC) learnable. If, furthermore, the same algorithm also learns for all distributions D, then the class is said to be (distribution-free) learnable. CLT contains other models, generalizing PAC. For instance, concepts may be noisy or stochastic. In the agnostic learning model, the labeled examples (x,y) are sampled from a distribution D over {0, 1}n×{0, 1}, which also models probabilitstic concepts30. Further, in agnostic learning, we define

29 For instance, in modern devices, the devices are (mostly) trained for the handwriting of the owner, which will most of the time be distinct from other persons handwritings, although the device should in principle handle any (reasonable) handwriting.

30 Note that we recover the standard PAC setting once the conditional probability distribution of PD(y|x) where the values of the first n bits (data-points) are fixed, is Kronecker-delta – i.e. the label is deterministic.


a set of concepts C ⊆{c|c : {0, 1}n →{0, 1}}, and given D, we can identify the best deterministic approximation of D in the set C, given with optC = minc∈CerrD(c). The goal of learning is to produce a hypothesis h ∈ C which performs not much worse than the best approximation optC, in the PAC sense – the algorithm is a (�,δ)−agnostic learner for D and C, if given access to samples from D it outputs a hypothesis h ∈ C such that errD(c) ≤ � + optC, except with probability δ. Another common model in CLT is, the exact learning from membership queries model (Angluin, 1988), which is, intuitively, related to active supervised learning (see section I.B.3). Here, we have access to an oracle, a black-box, which outputs the concept value f(x) when queried with an example x. The basic setting is exact, meaning we are required to output a hypothesis which makes no errors whatsoever, however with a bounded probability (say 3/4). In other words, this is PAC learning where � = 0, but we get to choose which examples we are given, adaptively, and δ is bounded away from 1/2. The figure of merit usually considered in this setting is query complexity, which denotes the number of calls to the oracle the learning algorithm uses, and is for most intents and purposes synonymous to sample complexity31. This, in spirit, corresponds to an active supervised learning setting. Much of PAC learning deals with identifying examples of interesting concept classes which are learnable (or proving that relevant classes are not), but other more general results exist connecting this learning framework. For instance, we can ask whether we can achieve a finite-sampling universal learning algorithm: that is, an algorithm that can learn any concept, under any distribution using some fixed number of samples N. The No Free Lunch theorems we mentioned previously imply that this is not possible: for each learning algorithm (and �,δ), and any N there is a setting (concept/distribution) which requires more than N samples to achieve (�,δ)-learning. Typically, the criterion for a problem to be learnable assumes that there exists a classifier whose performance is essentially arbitrarily good – that is, it assumes the classifier is strong. The boosting result in ML, already touched upon in section II.A.3, shows that settling on weak classifiers, which perform only slightly better than random classification, does not generate a different concept of learnability (Schapire, 1990). Classical CLT theory has also been generalized to deal with concepts with continuous ranges. In particular, so called p-concepts have range in [0, 1] (Kearns and Schapire, 1994). The generalization of the entire CLT to deal with such continuous-valued concepts is not without problems, but nonetheless, some of the central results, for instance quantities which are analogs of the VC-dimension, and analogous theorems relating this to generalization performance, can still be provided (see (Aaronson, 2007) for an overview given in the context of the learning of quantum states discussed in section V.A.1). Computational learning theory is closely related to the statistical learning theory of Vapnik and Chervonenkis (VC theory) which we discuss next.

2. VC theory

The statistical learning formalism of Vapnik and Chervonenkis was developed over the course of more than 30 years, and in this review we are forced to present just a chosen aspect of the total

31 When the oracle allows non-trivial inputs, one typically talks about query complexity. Sample complexity deals with the question of “how many samples” which suggest the setting where the oracle only produces outputs, without taking inputs. The distinction is not relevant for our purposes and is more often a matter of convention of the research line.


theory, which deals with generalization performance guarantees. In the previous paragraph on PAC learning, we have introduced the concept of total error, which we will refer to as (total) risk. It is defined as the average over all the data points, which is, for a hypothesis h, given with R(h) = error(h) =

∑ x P(D = x)|h(x) −f(x)| (we are switching notation to maintain consistency

with literature of differing communities). However, this quantity cannot be evaluated in practice, as in practice we only have access to the training data. This leads us to the notion of the empirical risk given with

R̂(h) = 1


x∈SN |h(x) −f(x)|, (17)

where SN is the training set drawn independently from the underlying distribution D. The quantity R̂(h) is intuitive and directly measurable. However, the problem of finding learning models which optimize empirical risk alone is not in it self interesting as it is trivially resolved with a look-up table. From a learning perspective, the more interesting and relevant quantity is the performance beyond the training set, which is contained in the unmeasurable R(h), and indeed the task of inductive supervised learning is identifying h which minimizes R(h), given only the finite training set SN . Intuitively, the hypothesis h which minimizes the empirical risk should also be our best bet for the hypothesis which minimizes R(h), but this can only make sense if our hypothesis family is somehow constrained, at least to a family of total functions: again, a look-up table has zero empirical risk, yet says nothing about what to do beyond. One of the key contributions of VC theory is to establish a rigorous relationship between the observable quantity R̂(h) – the empirical risk, the quantity we actually wish to bound R(h) – the total risk, and the family of hypotheses our learning algorithm can realize. Intuitively, if the function family is too flexible (as is the case with just look-up tables) a perfect fit on the examples says little. In contrast, having a very restrictive set of hypotheses, say just one (which is independent from the dataset/concept and the generating distribution), suggest that the empirical risk is a fair estimate of the total risk (however bad it may be), as nothing has been tailored for the training set. This brings us to the notion of the model complexity of the learning model, which has a few formalizations, and here we focus on the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of the model (VC dimension)32. The VC-dimension is an integer number assigned to a set of hypotheses H ⊆ {h|h : S → {0, 1}}, (e.g. the possible classification functions our learning algorithm can even in principle be trained to realize), where S can be, for instance, the set of bitstrings {0, 1}n, or, more generally, say real vectors in Rn. In the context of basic SVMs, the set of hypotheses are “all hyperplanes”33. Consider now a subset Ck of k points in R

n in a general position34. These points can attain binary labels in 2k different ways. The hypothesis family H is said to shatter the set C, if for any labeling ` of the set Ck, there exists a hypothesis h ∈ H which correctly labels the set Ck according to `. In other words, using functions from H we can learn any labeling function on the set Ck of k points in a general position perfectly. The VC dimension of H is then the largest kmax such that there exists the set Ckmax of points in general position which is shattered (perfectly “labelable” for any labeling) by H. For instance, for n = 2, “rays” shatter three points but not 4 (imagine vertices of a square where diagonally opposite vertices share the same label), and in n = N, “hyperplanes”

32 Another popular measure of model complexity is e.g. Rademacher complexity (Bartlett and Mendelson, 2003). 33 Naturally, a non-trivial kernel function enriches the set of hypotheses realized by SVMs. 34 General position implies that no sub-set of points is co-planar beyond what is necessary, i.e. points in SRn are in

general position if no hyperplane in Rn contains more than n points in S.


shatter N + 1 points. While it is beguiling to think that the VC dimension corresponds to the number of free parameters specifying the hypothesis family, this is not the case35. The VC theorem (in one of its variants) (Devroye et al., 1996) then states that the empirical risk matches total risk, up to a deviation which decays in the number of samples, but grows in the VC-dimension of the model, more formally:

P ( R̂(hSN ) −R(hSN ) ≤ �

) = 1 − δ (18)

� =

√ d (log(2N/d) + 1)

N − log(δ/4)

N , (19)

where d is the VC-dimension of the model, N number of samples, and hSN is the hypothesis output by the model, given the training set SN, which is sampled from the underlying distribution D. The underlying distribution D implicitly appears also in the total risk R. Note that the chosen acceptable probability of incorrectly bounding the true error, that is, probability δ, contributes only logarithmically to the misestimation bound �, whereas the VC dimension and the number of samples contribute (mutually inversely) linearly to the square of �.

The VC theorem suggests that the ideal learning algorithm would have a low VC dimension (allowing a good estimate of the relationship of the empirical and total risk), while at the same time, performing well on the training set. This leads to a learning principle called structural risk minimization. Consider a parametrized learning model (say parametrized by an integer l ∈ l) such that each l induces a hypothesis family Hl, each more expressive then the previous, so Hl ⊆ Hl+1. Structural risk minimization (contrasted to empirical risk minimization which just minimizes empirical risk) takes into account that in order to have (a guarantee on) good generalization performance we need to have both good observed performance (i.e. low empirical risk) and low model complexity. High model complexity induces the risk stemming from the structure of the problem, manifested in common issues such as data overfitting. In practice, this is achieved by considering (meta-)parametrized models, like {Hl},where we minimize a combination of l (influencing the VC-dimension) and the empirical risk associated to Hl. In practice, this is realized by adding a regularization term to the training optimization, so generically the (unregularized) learning process resulting in argminh∈HR̂(h)

is updated to argminhl∈Hl ( R̂(h) + reg(l)

) , where reg(·) penalizes the complexity of the hypothesis

family, or just the given hypothesis.

VC dimension is also a vital concept in PAC learning, connecting the two frameworks. Note first that a concept class C, which is a set of concepts is also a legitimate set of hypotheses, and thus has a well-defined VC dimension dC. Then, the sample complexity of (�,δ)−(PAC)-learning of C is given with O

( (dC + ln 1/δ)�

−1) . Many of the above results can also be applied in the contexts of unsupervised learning, however the theory of unsupervised (or structure learning), is mostly concerned with the understanding of particular methodologies, the topic of which is beyond this review paper.

35 The canonical counterexample is the family specified by the partition of the real plane, halved by the graph of the two-parametric function hα,β(x) = α sin(βx), which can be proven to shatter any finite number of points in n = 2. The fact that the number of parameters of a function does not fully capture the complexity of the function should not be surprising as any (continuous) function over k + n variables (parameters + dimension) can be encoded as a function over 1 + n variables.


C. Basic methods and theory of reinforcement learning

Executive summary: While RL, in all generality, studies learning in and from interactive task environments, perhaps the best understood models consider more restricted settings. Environ- ments can often be characterized by Markov Decision Processes, i.e. they states, which can be observed by the agent. The agent can cause transitions from states to states, by its actions, but the rules of transitions are not known beforehand. Some of the transitions are rewarded. The agent learns which actions to perform, given that the environment is in some state, such that it receives the highest value of rewards (expected return), either in a fixed time frame (finite-horizon) or over (asymptotically) long time periods, where future rewards are geometrically depreciated (infinite-horizon). Such models can be solved by estimating action-value functions, which assign expected return to actions given states, for which the agent must explore the space of strategies, but other methods exist. In more general models, the state of the environment need not be fully observable, and such settings are significantly harder to solve. RL settings can also be tackled by models from the so-called Projective Simulation framework for the design of learning agents, inspired by physical stochastic processes. While comparatively new, this model is of particular interest as it had been designed with the possibilities of beneficial quantization in mind. Interactive learning methods include models beyond textbook RL, including partially observable settings, which require generalization and more. Such extensions, e.g. generalization, typically require techniques from non-interactive learning scenarios, but also lead to agents with an ever increasing level of autonomy. In this sense, RL forms a bridge between ML and general AI models.

Broadly speaking, RL deals with the problem of learning how to optimally behave in unknown environments. In the basic textbook formalism, we deal with a task environment, which is specified by a Markov decision process (MDP). MDPs are labeled, directed graphs with additional structures, comprising a discrete and finite sets of states S = {si} and actions A = {ai}, which denote the possible states of the environment, and the actions the learning agent can perform on it, respectively.

2 p=0.9

FIG. 8 A three state, two-action MDP.

The choice of the actions of the agent change the state of the environment, in a manner which is specific to the environment (MDP), and which may be probabilistic. This is captured by a transition rule P(s|s′,a), denoting the probability of the environment ending up in the state s, if the action a had been performed in the state s′. Technically, this can be viewed as a collection of action- specific Markov transition matrices {Pa}a∈A that the learner can apply on the environment by performing an action.

These describe the dynamics of the environment condi- tioned on the actions of the agent. The final compo- nent specifying the environment is a reward function R : S ×A×S → Λ, where Λ is a set of rewards, often binary. In other words, the environment rewards certain


transitions36. At each time instance, the action of the learner is specified by a policy: a conditional probability distribution π(a|s), specifying the proba- bility of the agent outputting the action a provided it is in the state s. Given an MDP, intuitively the goal is finding good policies, i.e. those which yield high rewards. This can be formalized in many non-equivalent ways. Given a policy π and some initial state s we can e.g. define finite-horizon expected total reward after N interaction steps with RsN (π) =

∑N i=1 ri, where ri is the expected reward under policy π at

time-step i, in the given environment, and assuming we started from the state s. If the environment is finite and strongly connected37, the finite-horizon rewards diverge as the horizon N grows. However, by adding a geometrically depreciating factor (rate γ) we obtain an always bounded expression Rγ(π) =

∑∞ i=1 γ

iri, called the infinite horizon expected reward (parametrized by γ), which is more commonly studied in literature. The expected rewards in finite or infinite horizons form the typical figures of merit in solving MDP problems, which come in two flavors. First, in decision theory, or planning (in the context of AI), the typical goal is finding the policy πopt which optimizes the (in)finite horizon reward in a given MDP, formally: given the (full or partial) specification of the MDP M, solve πopt = argmaxπRN/γ(π), where R is the expected reward in finite (for N steps) or infinite horizon (for a given depreciation γ) settings, respectively. Such problems can be solved by dynamic and linear programming. In RL (Sutton and Barto, 1998), the specification of the environment (the MDP), in contrast, is not given, but rather can be explored by interacting with it dynamically. The agent can perform an action, and receive the subsequent state (and perhaps a reward). The ultimate goal here comes in two related (but conceptually different) flavours. One is to design an agent which will over time learn the optimal policy πopt, meaning the policy can be read out from the memory of the agent/program. Slightly differently, we wish an agent which will, over time gradually alter its behaviour (policy ) as to act according to the optimal policy. While in theory these two are closely related, e.g. in robotics these are quite different as the reward rate before convergence (perfect learning) also matters 38. First of all, we point out that RL problems as given above can be solved reliably whenever the MDP is finite and strongly connected: a trivial solution is to stick to a random policy until a reliable tomography of the environment can be done, after which the problem is resolved via dynamic programming 39. Often, environments actually have additional structure, so-called initial and terminal states: if the agent reaches the terminal state, it is “teleported” to the fixed initial state. Such structure is called episodic, and can be used as a means of ensuring the strong connectivity of the MDP. One way of obtaining solutions is by tracking so-called value functions Vπ(s) : S → R which assign expected reward under policy π assuming we start from state s; this is done recursively: the value of the current state is the current reward plus the averaged value of the subsequent state (averaged under the stochastic transition rule of the environment P(s|a,s′)). Optimal policies optimize these functions, and this too is achieved sequentially by modifying the policy as to maximize the value functions. This, however, assumes the knowledge of the transition rule P(s|a,s′). In further

36 Rewards can also be probabilistic. This can be modelled by explicitly allowing stochastic reward functions, or by extending the state space, to include rewarding and non-rewarding instances of states (note, the reward depends on current state, action and the reached state) in which case the probability of the reward is encoded in the transition probabilities.

37 In this context this means that the underlying MDP has finite return times for all states, that is, there is a finite probability of going back to the initial state from any state for some sequence of actions.

38 These two flavours are closely related to the notions of on-policy and off-policy learning. These labels typically pertain to how the estimates of the optimal policy are internally updated, which may be in accordance to the actual current policy and actions of the agent, or independently from the executed action, respectively. For more details see e.g. (Sutton and Barto, 1998).

39 If the environment is not strongly connected, this is not possible: for instance the first move of the learner may lead to “good” or “bad” regions from which there is no way out, in which case optimal behaviour cannot be obtained with certainty.


development of the theory, it was shown that tracking action-value functions Qπ(s,a), given by

Qπ(s,a) = ∑


P(s′|a,s)(Λ(s,a,s′) + γVπ(s′)) (20)

assigning the value not only to the state, but the subsequent action as well can be modified into an online learning algorithm40. In particular, the Q-values can be continuously estimated by weighted averaging the current reward (at timestep t) for an action-value, and the estimate of the highest possible Q-value of the subsequent action-value:

Qt+1(st,at) = Q t(st,at)︸ ︷︷ ︸

old value

+ αt︸︷︷︸ learning rate


 

learned value︷ ︸︸ ︷ rt+1︸︷︷︸ reward

+ γ︸︷︷︸ discount

·max a

Qt(st+1,a) ︸ ︷︷ ︸ estimate of optimal

future value

−Qt(st,at)︸ ︷︷ ︸ old value

  . (21)

Note that having access to the optimal Q-values suffices to find the optimal policy: given a state, simply pick an action with the highest Q-value, but the algorithm above says nothing about which policy the agent should employ while learning. In (Watkins and Dayan, 1992) it was shown that the algorithm, specified by the update rule of Eq. 21, called Q-learning indeed converges to optimal Q values as long as the agent employs any fixed policy which has non-zero probabilities for all actions given any state (the parameter αt, which is a function of time, has to satisfy certain conditions, and γ should be the γ of the targeted figure of merit Rγ)

41. In essence, this result suffices for solving the first flavour of RL, where the optimal policy is “learned” by the agent in the limit, but, in principle, never actually used. The convergence of the Q-learning update to the optimal Q-values, and consequently to the optimal behaviour, has been proven for all learning agents using Greedy-in-the-limit, infinite exploration (GLIE) policies. As the name suggests, such policies, in the asymptotic limit perform actions with the highest value estimated42. At the same time, infinite exploration means that, in the limit all state/action combinations will be tried out infinitely many times ensuring true optimal action values are found, and that the local minima are avoided. In general, the optimal trade off between these two competing properties, the exploration of the learning space, and the exploitation of obtained knowledge is quintessential for RL. There are many other RL algorithms which are based on state value, or action-value optimizations, such as SARSA43, various value iteration methods, temporal difference methods etc. (Sutton and Barto, 1998). In more recent times, progress has been achieved by using parametrized approximations of state-action-value-functions – a cross-breed between function approximation and reinforcement learning – which reduces the search space of available Q-functions. Here, the results

40 This rule is inspired by the the Bellman optimality equation, Q∗(s,a) := E[R(s,a)] + γE[maxa′Q∗ (s′,a′)], where the expected values are taken over the randomness MDP transition rule and the reward function, which has as the solution – the fixed point – the optimal Q−value function. This equation can be used when the specification of the environment is fully known. Note that the optimal Q-values can be found without actually explicitly identifying an optimal policy.

41 Q-learning is an example of an off-policy algorithm as the estimate of the future value in Eq. 21 is not evaluated relative to the actual policy of the agent (indeed, it is not necessarily even defined), but rather relative to the so-called “greedy-policy”, which takes the action with the maximal value estimate (note the estimate appears with a maximization term).

42 To avoid any confusion, we have introduced the concept policy to refer to the conditional probability distributions specifying what the agent will do given a state. However, the same term is often overloaded to also refer to the specification of the effective policy an agent will use given some state/time-step. For instance, “�−greedy policies” refer to behaviour in which, given a state, the the agent outputs the action with the highest corresponding Q−value – i.e. acts greedily – with probability 1 − �, and produces a random action otherwise. Clearly, this rule specifies a policy at any given time step, given the current Q-value table of the agent. One can also think of time-dependent policies, which mean that the policy also explicitly depends on the time-step. An example of a such a time-dependant and a (slowly converging) GLIE policy is an �−greedy policy, where � = �(t) = 1/t is a function of the time-step, converging to zero.

43 SARSA is the acronym for state-action-reward-state-action.


which combine deep learning for value function approximation with RL have been particularly successful (Mnih et al., 2015) and the same approach also underpins the AlphaGo (Silver et al., 2016) system. This brings us to a different class of methods which do not optimize state, or action-value functions, but rather learn complete policies, often by performing an estimate of gradient descent, or other means of direct optimization in policy space. This is feasible whenever the policies are specified indirectly, by a comparably small number of parameters, and can in some cases be faster (Peshkin, 2001). The methods we discussed thus far consider special cases of environments, where the environment is Markovian, or, related to this, fully observable. The most common generalization of this are so-called partially observable MDPs (POMDP), where the underlying MDP structure is extended to include a set of observations O and a stochastic function defined with the conditional probability distribution PPOMDP (o ∈ O|s ∈ S,a ∈ A). The set of states of the environment are no longer directly accessible to the agent, but rather the agent perceives the observations from the set O, which indirectly and, in general, stochastically depend on the actual unobservable environmental state, as given by the distribution PPOMDP , and the action the agent took last. POMDPs are expressive enough to capture many real world problems, and are thus a common world model in AI, but are significantly more difficult to deal with compared to MDPs 44.

FIG. 9 Illustration of the structure of the episodic and compositional memory in PS, comprising clips (episodes) and probabilis- tic transitions. The actuator of the agent performs the action. Adapted from (Briegel and De las Cuevas, 2012).

As mentioned, the setting of POMDPs moves us one step closer to arbitrary environment settings, which is the domain of artificial (general) intelligence45. The context of AGI is often closely related to modern view on robotics, where the structure of what can be observed, and what actions are possible stems not only from the nature of the environment, but also (bodily) constraints of the agent: e.g. a robot is equipped with sensors, specifying and limiting what the robot can observe or perceive, and actuators, constraining the possible actions. In such an agent-centric viewpoint, we typically talk about the set of percepts – signals that the agent can perceive – which may correspond to full states, or partial observations,

depending on the agent-environment setting – and the set of actions46. This latter viewpoint, that the percept/action structure stems from the physical constitution of the agent and the environment, which we will refer to as an embodied perspective, was one of the starting points of the development of the projective simulation (PS) model for AI. PS is a physics-inspired model for AI which can be used for solving RL tasks. The centerpiece of the model is the so-called Episodic and Compositional Memory (ECM), which is a stochastic network of clips, see Fig. 9.

44 For instance, the problem of finding optimal infinite-horizon policies, which was solvable via dynamical programming in the fully observable (MDP) case becomes, in general, uncomputable.

45 To comment a bit on how RL methods and tasks may be generalized towards general AI, one can consider learning scenarios where one has to combine standard data-learning ML to handle the realistic percept space (which is effectively infinite) with RL techniques. An example of this as was done e.g. in the famous AlphaGo system (Silver et al., 2016). Further, one could also consider more general types of interaction, beyond the strict turn-based metronomic model. For instance in active reinforcement learning, the interaction occurs relative to an external clock, which intertwines computational complexity and learning efficiency of the agent (see section VII.A). Further, the interaction may occur in fully continuous time. This setting is also not typically studied in the basic theory of AI, but occurs in the closely related problem of control theory (Wiseman and Milburn, 2010), which may be more familiar to physicists. Such generalizations are at the cutting edge of research, also in the classical realm, and also beyond the scope of this paper.

46 In this sense, a particular agent/robot, may perceive the full state of the environment in some environments (making the percepts identical to states), whereas in other environments, the sensors fail to observe everything, in which case the percepts correspond to observations.


Clips are representations of short autobiographical episodes, i.e. memories of the agent. Using the compositional aspects of the memory, which allows for a rudimentary notion of creativity, the agent can also combine actual memories to generate fictitious, conceivable clips which need not have actually occurred. More formally, clips can be defined recursively as either memorized percepts or actions, or otherwise structures (e.g. sequences) of clips. Given a current percept, the PS agent calls its ECM network to perform a stochastic random walk over its clip space (the structure of which depends on the history of the agent) projecting itself into conceivable situations, before committing to an action. Aspects of this model have been beneficially quantized, and also used both in quantum experiments and in robotics and we will focus more on this model in section VII.A.

a. Learning efficiency and learnability for RL As mentioned in the introduction to this section, No Free Lunch theorems also apply to RL, and any statement about learning requires us to restrict the space of possible environments. For instance, “finite-space, time-independent MDPs” is a restriction which allows perfect learning relative to some of the standard figures of merit, as was first proven by the Q-learning algorithm. Beyond learnability, in more recent times, notions of sample complexity for RL tasks have also been explored, addressing the problem from different perspectives. The theory of sample complexity for RL settings is significantly more involved than for supervised learning, although the very basic desiderata remain the same: how many interaction steps are needed before the agent learns. Learning can naturally mean many things, but most often what is meant is that the agent learns the optimal policy. Unlike supervised learning, RL has the additional temporal dimension in the definitions of optimality (e.g. finite or infinite horizons), leading to an even broader space of options one can explore. Further details on this important field of research are beyond the scope of this review, and we refer the interested reader to e.g. the thesis of Kakade (Kakade, 2003) which also does a good job of reviewing some of the early works, and finds sample complexity bounds for RL for many basic settings, or e.g. (Lattimore et al., 2013; Dann and Brunskill, 2015) for some of the newer results.


Quantum mechanics has already had profound effect on the fields of computation and information processing. However, its impact on AI and learning has, up until very recently, been modest. Although the fields of ML and AI have a strong connection to theory of computation, these fields are still different, and not all progress in (quantum) computation implies qualitative progress in AI. For instance, although it has been more than 20 years, still the arguably most celebrated result in QC is that of Shor’s factoring algorithm (Shor, 1997), which, on the face of it, has no impact on AI47. Nonetheless, other, less famous results may have application to various aspects of AI and learning. The field of QIP has thus, from its early stages had a careful and tentative interplay with various aspects of AI, although it is only recently that this line of research has received a broader attention. Roughly speaking, we can identify four main directions covering the interplay between ML/AI summarized in in Fig. 10.

47 In fact, this is not entirely true – certain proofs of separation between PAC learnability in the quantum and classical model assume hardness of factoring of certain integers (see section VI.A.2).


Applications of ML in quantum physics

(1) Estimation and metrology

(2) Quantum control and gate design

(3) Controlling quantum experiments, and machine-assisted research

(4) Condensed matter and many body physics

Quantum enhancements for ML

(1) Quantum perceptrons and neural networks

(2) Quantum computational learning theory

(3) Quantum enhancement of learning capacity

(4) Quantum computational algorithmic speed- ups for learning

Quantum generalizations of ML-type tasks

(1) Quantum generalizations: machine learning of quantum data

(2) (Quantum) learning of quantum pro- cesses

Quantum learning agents and elements of quan- tum AI

(1) Quantum-enhanced learning through interaction

(2) Quantum agent-environment paradigm

(3) Towards quantum AI

FIG. 10 Table of topics investigating the overlaps between quantum physics, machine learning, and AI.

Historically speaking, the first contacts between aspects of QIP and learning theory occurred in terms of the direct application of statistics and statistical learning in light of the quantum theory, which forms the first line: classical machine learning applied in quantum theory and experiment reviewed in section IV. In this first topic, ML techniques are applied to data stemming from quantum experiments. The second topic, in contrast, machine learning over genuinely quantum data: quantum generalization of machine learning-type tasks, discussed in section V. This brings us to the topic which has been receiving substantial interest in recent times: can quantum computers genuinely help in machine learning problems, addressed in section VI. The final topic we will investigate considers aspects of QIP which extend beyond machine learning (taken in a narrow sense), such as generalizations of RL, and which can be understood as stepping-stones towards quantum AI. This is reflected upon in section VII.C

It is worthwhile to note that there are many possible natural classifications of the comprehensive field we discuss in this review. Our chosen classification is motivated by two subtly differing perspectives on the classification of quantum ML, discussed further in section VII.B.1.


In this section we review works and ideas where ML methods have been either directly utilized, or have otherwise been instrumental for QIP results. To do so, we are however, facing the ungrateful task of specifying the boundaries of what is considered a ML method. In recent times, partially due to its successes, ML has become a desirable key word, and consequently an umbrella term for a broad spectrum of techniques. This includes algorithms for solving genuine learning problems, but also methods and techniques designed for indirectly related problems. From such an all-encompassing viewpoint, ML also includes aspects of (parametric) statistical learning, the solving of black-box (or derivative-free) optimization problems, but also the solving of hard optimization problems in


general48. As we do not presume to establish hard boundaries, we adopt a more inclusive perspective. The collection of all works which utilize such methods, which could conceivably fit in broad-scope ML, for QIP applications cannot be covered in one review. Consequently, we place emphasis on pioneering works, and works where the authors themselves advertise the ML flavour of used methodologies, thereby emphasizing the potential of such ML/QIP interdisciplinary endeavors. The use of ML in the context of QIP, understood as above, has been considerable, with an effective explosion of related works in the last few years. ML has been shown to be effective in a great variety of QIP related problems: in quantum signal processing, quantum metrology, Hamiltonian estimation, and in problems of quantum control. In recent times, the scope of applications has been significantly extended, ML and involved techniques have also been applied to combatting noise in the process of performing quantum computations, problems in condensed-matter and many-body physics, and in the design of novel quantum optical experiments. Such results suggest that advanced ML/AI techniques will play an integral role in quantum labs of the future, and in particular, in the construction of advanced quantum devices and, eventually, quantum computers. In a complementary direction, QIP applications have also engaged many of the methods of ML, showing that QIP may also become a promising proving ground for cutting edge ML research. Contacts between statistical learning theory (as a part of the theoretical foundations of ML) and quantum theory come naturally due to the statistical foundations of quantum theory. Already the very early theories of quantum signal processing (Helstrom, 1969), probabilistic aspects of quantum theory and quantum state estimation (Holevo, 1982), and early works (Braunstein and Caves, 1994) which would lead to modern quantum metrology (Giovannetti et al., 2011) included statistical analyses which establish tentative grounds for more advanced ML/QIP interplay. Related early works further emphasize the applicability of statistical methods, in particular maximum likelihood estimation, to quantum tomographic scenarios, such as the tasks of state estimation (Hradil, 1997), the estimation of quantum processes (Fiurášek and Hradil, 2001) and measurements (Fiurášek, 2001) and the reconstruction of quantum processes from incomplete tomographic data (Ziman et al., 2005)49. The works of this type generically focus on physical scenarios where clean analytic theory can be applied. However, in particular in experimental, or noisy (thus, realistic) settings, many of the assumptions, which are crucial for the pure analytic treatment, fail. This leads to the first category of ML applications to QIP we consider.

48 Certain optimization problems, such as online optimization problems where information is revealed incrementally, and decisions are made before all information is available, are more clearly related to “quintessential” ML problems such as supervised, unsupervised, or reinforcement learning.

49 Interestingly, such techniques allow for the identification of optimal approximations of unphysical processes which can be used to shed light on the properties of quantum operations.


A. Hamiltonian estimation and metrology

Executive summary: Metrological scenarios can involve complex measurement strategies, where, e.g., the measurements which need to be performed may depend on previous outcomes. Further, the physical system under analysis may be controlled with the help of additional parameters – so-called controls – which can be sequentially modified, leading to a more complicated space of possibilities. ML techniques can help us find optima in such a complex space of strategies, under various constraints, which are often pragmatically and experimentally motivated constraints.

The identifying of properties of physical systems, be it dynamic properties of evolutions (e.g. process tomography), or properties of the states of given systems (e.g. state tomography), is a fundamental task. Such tasks are resolved by various (classical) metrological theories and methods, which can identify optimal strategies, characterize error bounds, and which have also been quite generally exported to the quantum realm. For instance, quantum metrology studies the estimation of the parameters of quantum systems, and, generally, identifies optimal measurement strategies, for their estimation. Further, quantum metrology places particular emphasis on scenarios where genuine quantum phenomena – a category of phenomena associated to and sometimes even defined by the need for complex, and difficult-to-implement quantum devices for their realization – yield an advantage over simpler, classical strategies. The specification of optimal strategies, in general, constitute the problem of planning50, for which various ML techniques can be employed. The first examples of ML applications for finding measurement strategies originate from the problem of phase estimation, a special case of Hamiltonian estimation. Interestingly, already this simple case, provides a fruitful playground for ML techniques: analytically optimal measurement strategies are relatively easy to find, but are experimentally unfeasible. In turn, if we limit ourselves to a set of “simple measurements”, near-optimal results are possible, but they require difficult-to-optimize adaptive strategies – the type of problem ML is good for. Hamiltonian estimation problems have also been tackled in more general settings, invoking more complex machinery. We first briefly describe basic Hamiltonian estimation settings and metrological concepts. Then we will delve deeper in these results combining ML with metrology problems.

1. Hamiltonian estimation

The generic scenarios of Hamiltonian estimation, a common instance of metrology in the quantum domain, consider a quantum system governed by a (partially unknown) Hamiltonian within a specified family H(θ), where θ = (θ1, . . . ,θn), is a set of parameters θ. Roughly speaking, Hamiltonian estimation deals with the task of identifying the optimal methods (and the performance thereof) for estimating the Hamiltonian parameters. This amounts to optimizing the choice of initial states (probe states ), which will evolve under the Hamiltonian, and the choice of the subsequent measurements, which uncover the effect the Hamiltonian had, and thus, indirectly, the parameter values51. This prolific research area considers

50 More specifically, most metrology settings problems constitute instances of off-line planning, and thus not RL, as the “environment specification” is fully specified – in other words, there is no need to actually run an experiment, and the optimal strategies can be found off-line. See section I.B for more detail.

51 Technically, the estimation also involves the use of a suitable estimator function, but these details will not matter.


many restrictions, variations and generalizations of this task. For instance, one may assume settings in which we either have control over the Hamiltonian evolution time t, or it is fixed so that t = t0, which are typically referred to as frequency, and phase estimation, respectively. Further, the efficiency of the process can be measured in multiple ways. In a frequentist approach, one is predominantly interested in estimation strategies which, roughly speaking, allow for the best scaling of precision of the estimate, as a function of the number of measurements. The quantity of interest is the so-called quantum Fisher information, which bounds and quantifies the scaling. Intuitively, in this setting, also called the local regime, many repetitions of measurements are typically assumed. Alternatively, in the Bayesian, or single-shot, regime the prior information, which is given as a distribution over the parameter to be estimated, and its update to the posterior distribution given a measurement strategy and outcome, are central objects (Jarzyna and Demkowicz-Dobrzański, 2015). The objective here is the identification of preparation/measurement strategies which optimally reduce the average variance of the posterior distribution, which is computed via Bayes’ theorem. One of the key interests in this problem is that the utilization of, arguably, genuine quantum features, such as entanglement, squeezing etc. in the structure of the probe states and measurements may lead to provably more efficient estimation than is possible by so-called classical strategies for many natural estimation problems. Such quantum-enhancements are potentially of immense practical relevance (Giovannetti et al., 2011). The identification of optimal scenarios has been achieved in certain “clean” theoretical scenarios, which are, however, often unrealistic or impractical. It is in this context that ML-flavoured optimization, and other ML approaches can help.

2. Phase estimation settings

Interesting estimation problems, from a ML perspective, can already be found in the simple examples of a phase shift in an optical interferometer, where one of the arms of an otherwise balanced interferometer contains a phase shift of θ. Early on, it was shown that given an optimal probe state, with mean photon number N, and an optimal (so-called canonical ) measurement, the asymptotic phase uncertainty can decay as N−1(Sanders and Milburn, 1995)52 , known as the Heisenberg limit. In contrast, the restriction to “simple measurement strategies” (as characterized by the authors) , involving only photon number measurements in the two output arms, achieve a

quadratically weaker scaling of √ N−1, referred to as the standard quantum limit. This was proven

in more general terms: the optimal measurements cannot be achieved by the classical post-processing of photon number measurements of the output arms, but constitute an involved, experimentally unfeasible POVM (Berry and Wiseman, 2000). However in (Berry and Wiseman, 2000) it was shown how this can be circumvented by using “simple measurements”, provided they can be altered in run-time. Each measurement consists of a photon number measurement of the output arms, and is parametrized by an additional, controllable phase shift of φ in the free arm – equivalently, the unknown phase can be tweaked by a chosen φ. The optimal measurement process is an adaptive strategy : an entangled N-photon state is prepared (see e.g. (Berry et al., 2001)), the photons are sequentially injected into the interferometer, and photon numbers are measured. At each step, the measurement performed is modified by choosing a differing phase shift φ, which depends on previous measurement outcomes. In (Berry and Wiseman, 2000; Berry et al., 2001), an explicit strategy was

52 This is often also expressed in terms of the variance (∆θ)2, so as N−2, rather than the standard deviation.


given, which achieves the Heisenberg scaling of the optimal order O(1/N). However, for N > 4 it was shown this strategy is not strictly optimal. This type of planning is hard as it reduces to the solving of non-convex optimization problems53. The field of ML deals with such planning problems as well, and thus many optimization techniques have been developed for this purpose. The applications of such ML techniques, specifically particle swarm optimization were first suggested in pioneering works (Hentschel and Sanders, 2010, 2011), and later in (Sergeevich and Bartlett, 2012). In subsequent work, perhaps more well-known methods of differential evolution have been demonstrated to be superior and more computationally efficient (Lovett et al., 2013).

3. Generalized Hamiltonian estimation settings

ML techniques can also be employed in significantly more general settings of quantum process estimation. More general Hamiltonian estimation settings consider a partially controlled evolution given by HC(θ), where C is a collection of control parameters of the system. This is a reasonable setting in e.g. the production of quantum devices, which have controls (C), but whose actual performance (dependant on θ) needs to be confirmed. Further, since production devices are seldom identical, it is beneficial to even further generalize this setting, by allowing the unknown parameters θ to be only probabilistically characterized. More precisely, they are probabilistically dependent on another set of hyperparameters ζ = (ζ1, . . . ,ζk), such that the parameters θ are distributed according to a known conditional probability distribution P (θ|ζ). This generalized task of estimating the hyperparameters ζ thus allows the treatment of systems with inherent stochastic noise, when the influence of noise is understood (given by P(θ|ζ)). Such very general scenarios are addressed in (Granade et al., 2012), relying on classical learning techniques of Bayesian experimental design (BED)(Loredo, 2004), combined with Monte Carlo methods. The details of this method are beyond the scope of this review, but, roughly speaking, BED assumes a Bayesian perspective on the experiments of the type described above. The estimation methods of the general problem (ignoring the hyperparameters and noise, for simplicity, although the same techniques apply) realize a conditional probability distribution P(d|θ; C) where d corresponds to experimental data, i.e. measurement outcomes collected in the experiment. Assuming some prior distribution over hidden parameters (P(θ)), the posterior distribution, given experimental outcomes, is given via Bayes theorem by

P(θ|d; C) = P(d|θ; C)P(θ) P(d|C) . (22)

The evaluation of above is already non trivial, predominantly as the normalization factor P(d|C) includes an integration over the parameter space. Further, of particular interest are scenarios where an experiment is iterated many times. In this case, analogously to the adaptive setting for metrology discussed above, it is beneficial to tune the control parameters C dependent on the outcomes. BED (Loredo, 2004), tackles such adaptive settings, by selecting the subsequent control parameters C as to maximize a utility function54, for each update step. The Bayes updates consist of the

53 The non-convexity stems from the fact that the effective input state at each stage depends on previous measurements performed. As the entire interferometer set-up can be viewed as a one-subsystem measurement, the conditional states also depend on unknown parameters, and these are used in the subsequent stages of the protocol (Hentschel and Sanders, 2010).

54 The utility function is an object stemming from decision theory and, in the case of BED it measures how well the experiment improves our inferences. It is typically defined by the prior-posterior gain of information as measured by the Shannon entropy, although there are other possibilities.


computing of P(θ|d1, . . . ,dl−1dk) ∝ P(dk|θ)P(θ|d1, . . . ,dl−1) at each step. The evaluation of the normalization factor P(d|C) is, however, also non-trivial, as it includes an integration over the parameter space. In (Granade et al., 2012) this integration is tackled via numerical integration techniques, namely sequential Monte Carlo, yielding a novel technique for robust Hamiltonian estimation. The robust Hamiltonian estimation method was subsequently expanded to use access to trusted quantum simulators, which forms a more powerful and efficient estimation scheme (Wiebe et al., 2014b)55, which was also shown to be robust to moderate noise and imperfections in the trusted simulators (Wiebe et al., 2014c). A restricted version of the method of estimation with simulators was experimentally realized in (Wang et al., 2017). More recently, connected to the methods of robust Hamiltonian estimation, Bayesian and sequential Monte Carlo based estimation have further been combined with particle swarm optimization techniques (Stenberg et al., 2016). There the goal was to achieve reliable coupling strength and frequency estimation in simple decohering systems, corresponding to realistic physical models. More specifically, the studied problem is the estimation of field-atom coupling terms, and the mode frequency term, in the Jaynes-Cummings model. The controlled parameters are the local qubit field strength, measurements are done via swap spectroscopy. Aside from using ML to perform partial process tomography of controlled quantum systems, ML can also help in the genuine problems of quantum control, specifically, the design of target quantum gates. This forms the subsequent topic.

B. Design of target evolutions

Executive summary: One of the main tasks quantum information is the design of target quantum evolutions, including quantum gate design. This task can be tackled by quantum control which studies controlled physical systems where certain parameters can be adjusted during system evolution, or by using extended systems, and unmodulated dynamics. Here, the underlying problem is an optimization problem, that is, the problem of finding optimal control functions or extended system parameters, of a system which is otherwise fully specified. Under realistic constraints these optimization tasks are often non-convex, thus hard for conventional optimizers, yet amenable to advanced ML technologies. Target evolution design problems can also be tackled by using feed-back from the actual experimental system, leading to the use of on-line optimization methods and RL.

From a QIP perspective, one of the most important tasks is the design of elementary quantum gates, needed for quantum computation. The paradigmatic approach to this is via quantum control, which aims to identify how control fields of physical systems need to be adapted in time, to achieve desired evolutions. The designing of target evolutions can also be achieved in other settings, e.g. by using larger systems, and unmodulated dynamics. In both cases, ML optimization techniques can be used to design optimal strategies, off line. However, target evolutions can also be achieved in run-time, by interacting with a tunable physical system, and without the need for the complete description of

55 This addition partially circumvents the computation of the likelihood function P(d|θ; C) which requires the simulation of the quantum system, and is in fact, in general intractable.


the system. We first consider off-line settings, and briefly comment on the latter on-line settings thereafter.

1. Off-line design

The paradigmatic setting in quantum control considers a Hamiltonian with a controllable (c) and a drift part (dr), e.g. H(C(t)) = Hdr + C(t)Hc. The free part is modulated via a (real-valued)

control field C(t). The resulting time-integrated operator U = U[C(t)] ∝ exp ( −i ∫T 0 dtH(C(t))

) ,

over some finite time T , is a function of the chosen field function C(t). The typical goal is to specify the control field C(t) which maximizes the transition probability from some initial state |0〉 to a final state |φ〉 , thus find argmaxC| 〈φ|U[C(t)] |0〉 | 56. Generically, the mappings C(t) 7→ U[C(t)] are highly involved, but nonetheless, empirically it was shown that greedy optimization approaches provide optimal solutions (which is the reason why greedy approaches dominate in practice). This empirical observation was later elucidated theoretically (Rabitz et al., 2004), suggesting that in generic systems local minima do not exist, which leads to easy optimization (see also (Russell and Rabitz, 2017) for a more up-to-date account). This is good news for experiments, but also suggests that quantum control has no need for advanced ML techniques. However, as is often the case with claims of such generality, the underlying subtle assumptions are fragile which can often be broken. In particular, greedy algorithms for optimizing the control problem as above can fail, even in the low dimensional case, if we simply place rather reasonable constraints on the control function and parameters. Already for 3-level and 2-qubit systems with constraints on the allowed evolution time t, and the precision of the linearization of the time-dependent control parameters57, it is possible to construct examples where greedy approaches fail, yet global (derivative-free) approaches, in particular differential evolution, succeed (Zahedinejad et al., 2014). Another example of hard off-line control concerns the design of high fidelity single-shot three-qubit gates58, which is in (Zahedinejad et al., 2015, 2016) addressed using a specialized novel optimization algorithm the authors called subspace-selective self-adaptive differential evolution (SuSSADE) . An interesting alternative approach to gate design is by utilizing larger systems. Specifically designed larger systems can naturally implement desired evolutions on a subsystem, without the need of time-dependent control (c.f. QC with always-on interaction (Benjamin and Bose, 2003)). In other words, local gates are realized despite the fact that the global dynamics is unmodulated. The non-trivial task of constructing such global dynamics, for the Toffoli gate, is in (Banchi et al., 2016) tackled by a method which relies stochastic gradient descent, and draws from supervised learning techniques.

2. On-line design

Complementary to off-line methods, here we assume access to an actual quantum experiment, and the identification of optimal strategies relies on on-line feedback. In these cases, the quantum experiment

56 An example of such additional fields would be controlled laser fields in ion trap experiments, and the field function C specifies how the laser field strengths are modulated over time.

57 It is assumed that the field function C(t) describing parameter values as functions of time is step-wise constant, split in K segments. The larger the value K is, the better is the approximation of a smooth function which would arguably be better suited for greedy approaches.

58 This includes the Toffoli (and Fredkin) gate which is of particular interest as it forms a universal gate set together with the simple single-qubit Hadamard transform (Shi, 2002) (if ancillas qubits are used).


need not be fully specified beforehand. Further, the required methodologies lean towards on-line planning and RL, rather than optimization. In the case optimization is required, the parameters of optimization are different due to experimental constraints, see (Shir et al., 2012) for an extensive treatment of the topic.

The connections between on-line methods which use feedback from experiments to “steer” systems to desired evolutions, have been connected to ML in early works (Bang et al., 2008; Gammelmark and lmer, 2009). These exploratory works deal with generic control problems via experimental feedback, and have, especially at the time, remained mostly unnoticed by the community. In more recent times, feedback-based learning and optimization has received more attention. For instance in (Chen et al., 2014) the authors have explored the applicability of a modified Q-learning algorithm for RL (see section II.C) on canonical control problems. Further, the potential of RL methods had been discussed in the context of optimal parameter estimation, but also typical optimal control scenarios in (Palittapongarnpim et al., 2016). In the latter work, the authors also provide a concise yet extensive overview of related topics, and outline a perspective which unifies various aspects of ML and RL in an approach to resolve hard quantum measurement and control problems. In (Clausen and Briegel, 2016), RL based on PS updates was analyzed in the context of general control-and-feedback problems. Finally, ideas of unified computational platforms for quantum control, albeit without explicit emphasis on ML techniques had been previously provided in (Machnes et al., 2011).

In the next section, we further coarse-grain our perspective, and consider scenarios where ML techniques control various gates, and more complex processes, and even help us learn how to do interesting experiments.

C. Controlling quantum experiments, and machine-assisted research

Executive summary: ML and RL techniques can help us control complex quantum sys- tems, devices, and even quantum laboratories. Furthermore, almost as a by-product, they may also help us to learn more about the physical systems and processes studied in an experiment. Examples include adaptive control systems (agents) which learn how to control quantum devices, e.g. how to preserve the memory of a quantum computer, combat noise processes, generate entangled quantum states, and target evolutions of interest. In the process of learning such optimal behaviours even simple artificial agents also learn, in an implicit, embodied embodied, sense, about the underlying physics, which can be used by us to obtain novel insights. In other words artificial learning agents can genuinely help us do research.

The prospects of utilizing ML and AI in quantum experiments have been investigated also for “higher-level” experimental design problems. Here one considers automated machines that control complex processes which e.g. specify the execution of longer sequences of simple gates, or the execution of quantum computations. Moreover, it has been suggested that learning machines can be used for, and integrated into, the very design of quantum experiments, thereby helping us in conducting genuine research. We first present two results where ML and RL methods have been utilized to control more complex processes (e.g. generate sequences of quantum gates to preserve memory), and consider the perspectives of machines genuinely helping in research thereafter.


1. Controlling complex processes

The simplest example of involved ML machinery used to generate control of slightly more complex systems was done in the context of is the problem of dynamical decoupling for quantum memories. In this scenario, a quantum memory is modelled as a system coupled to a bath (with a local Hamiltonian for the system (HS) and the bath HB), and decoherence is realized by a coupling term HSB; the local unitary errors are captured by HS. The evolution of the total Hamiltonian Hnoise = HS + HB + HSB would destroy the contents of the memory, but this can be mitigated by adding a controllable local term HC acting on the system alone

59. Certain optimal choices of the control Hamiltonian HC are known. For instance, we can consider the scenario where HC is modulated such that it implements instantaneous60 Pauli-X and Pauli-Y unitary operations, sequentially, at intervals ∆t. As this interval, which is also the time of the decoherence-causing free evolution, approaches zero, so ∆t → 0, this process is known to ensure perfect memory. However, the moment the setting is made more realistic, allowing finite ∆t times, the space of optimal sequences becomes complicated. In particular, optimal sequences start depending on ∆t, the form of the noise Hamiltonian, and total evolution time.

Probe play

Measurement angles φ

PS Learning agent

Adapted measurements φ’ performed

FIG. 11 The learning agent learns how to correctly perform MBQC measurements in an unknown field.

To identify optimal sequences, in (August and Ni, 2017), the authors employ recurrent NNs, which are trained as a generative model – meaning they are trained to generate sequences which minimize final noise. The entire sequences of pulses (Pauli gates) which the networks generated were shown to outperform well-known sequences. In a substantially different setting, where interaction nec- essarily arises, the authors studied how AI/ML techniques can be used to make quantum protocols themselves adap- tive. Specifically, the authors applied RL methods based on PS (Briegel and De las Cuevas, 2012) (see section VII.A) to the task of protecting quantum computation from local stray fields (Tiersch et al., 2015). In MBQC (Raussendorf and Briegel, 2001; Briegel et al., 2009), the computation is driven by performing adaptive single-qubit projective measurements on a large entangled resource

state, such as the cluster state (Raussendorf and Briegel, 2001). In a scenario where the resource state is exposed to a stray field, each qubit undergoes a local rotation. To mitigate this, in (Tiersch et al., 2015), the authors introduce learning agent, which “plays” with a local probe qubit, initialized in say the +1 eigenstate of σx, denoted |+〉, learning how to compensate for the unknown field. In essence, given a measurement, the agent chooses a different measurement, obtaining a reward whenever a +1 outcome is observed. The agent is thus trained to compensate for the unknown field, and serves as an “interpreter” between desired measurements and the measurements which should be performed in the given setting (i.e. in the given field with given frequency of measurements (∆t)), see Fig. 11. The problem of mitigating such fixed stray fields could naturally be solved

59 For the sake of intuition, a frequent application of X gates, referred to as bang-bang control, on a system which is freely evolving with respect to σz effectively flips the direction of rotation of the system Hamiltonian, effectively undoing its action.

60 By instantaneous we mean that it is assumed that the implementation requires no evolution time, e.g. by using infinite field strengths.


with non-adaptive methods where we use the knowledge about the system to solve our problem, by e.g. measuring the field and adapting accordingly, or by using fault-tolerant constructions. From a learning perspective, such direct methods have a few shortcomings which may be worth presenting for didactic purposes. Fault tolerant methods are clearly wasteful, as they fail to gain utilize any knowledge about the noise processes. In contrast, field estimation methods learn too much, and assume a model of the world. To clarify the latter, to compensate the measured field, we need to use quantum mechanics, specifically the Born rule. In contrast, RL approach is model-free: the Born rule plays no part, and “correct behavior” is learned, and established exclusively based on experience. This is conceptually different, but also operatively critical, as model-free approaches allow for more autonomy and flexibility (i.e. the same machinery can be used in more settings without intervention)61. Regarding learning too much, one of the basic principles of statistical learning posits that “when solving a problem of interest, one should not solve a more general problem as an intermediate step” (Vapnik, 1995), which is intuitive. The problem of the presented setting is “how to adapt the measurement settings,” and not “characterize the stray fields”. While in the present context, the information-theoretic content of the two questions may be the same, it should easy to imagine that if more complex fields are considered, full process characterization contains a lot more information than needed to optimally adapt the local measurements. The approaches of (Tiersch et al., 2015) can further be generalized to utilize information from stabilizer measurements (Orsucci et al., 2016), or similarly outcomes of syndrome measurements when codes are utilized (Combes et al., 2014), (instead of probe states) to similar ends. Addressing somewhat related problems, but using supervised learning methods, the authors in (Mavadia et al., 2017) have shown how to compensate for qubit decoherence (stochastic evolution) also in experiments .

2. Learning how to experiment

One of the first examples of applications of RL in QIP appears in the context of experimental photonics, where one of the current challenges lies in the generation of highly entangled, high dimensional, multi-party states. Such states are generated on optical tables, the configuration of which, to generate complex quantum states, can be counter-intuitive and unsystematic. The searching for configurations which are interesting can be mapped to a RL problem, where a learning agent is rewarded whenever it generates an interesting state (in a simulation). In a precursor work (Krenn et al., 2016), the authors used a feedback-assisted search algorithm to identify previously unknown configurations which generate novel highly entangled states. This demonstrated that the design of novel quantum experiments can also be automatized, which can significantly aid in research. This idea given in the context of optical tables, has subsequently been combined with earlier proposals to employ AI agents in quantum information protocols and as ”lab robots” in future quantum laboratories (Briegel, 2013). This led to the application of more advanced RL techniques, based on the PS framework, for the tasks of understanding the Hilbert space accessible with optical tables, and the autonomous machine-discovery of useful optical gadgets (Melnikov et al., 2017). Related to the topic of learning new insight from experimenting machines, in (Bukov et al., 2017) the authors consider the problem of preparing target states by means of chosen pulses

61 Indeed, the authors also show that correct behavior can be established when additional unknown parameters are introduced, like time-and-space dependent fields (see (Tiersch et al., 2015) for results), where hand-crafted methods would fail.


implementing (a restricted set) of rotations. This is a standard control task, and authors show that RL achieves respectable and sometimes near-optimal results. However, for our purposes, the most relevant aspects of this work pertain to the fact that the authors also illustrate how of ML/RL techniques can be used to obtain new insights in quantum experiments, and non-equilibrium physics, by circumventing human intuition which can be flawed. Interestingly, the authors also demonstrate the reverse, i.e. how physics insights can help elucidate learning problems62.

D. Machine learning in condensed-matter and many-body physics

Executive summary: One of the quintessential problems of many-body physics is the iden- tification of phases of matter. A popular overlap between ML and this branch of physics demonstrates that supervised and unsupervised systems can be trained to classify different phases. More interestingly, unsupervised learning can be used to detect phases, and even discover order parameters – possibly genuinely leading to novel physical insights. Another important overlap considers the representational power of (generalized) neural networks, to char- acterize interesting families of quantum systems. Both suggest a deeper link between certain learning models, on the one side, and physical systems, on the other side, the scope of which is currently an important research topic.

ML techniques have, over the course of last 20 years, become an indispensable toolset of many natural sciences which deal with highly complex systems. These include biology (specifically genetics, genomics, proteomics, and the general field of computational biology) (Libbrecht and Noble, 2015), medicine (e.g. in epidemiology, disease development, etc.) (Cleophas and Zwinderman, 2015), chemistry (Cartwright, 2007), high energy and particle physics (Castelvecchi, 2015). Unsurprisingly, they have also permeated various aspects of condensed matter and many-body physics. Early examples of this were proposed in the context of quantum chemistry and density functional theory (Curtarolo et al., 2003; Snyder et al., 2012; Rupp et al., 2012; Li et al., 2015a), or for the approximation of the Green’s function of the single-site Anderson impurity model (Arsenault et al., 2014). The interest in connections between NNs and many-body and condensed matter physics has undergone immense growth since. Some of the results which we cover next deviate from the primary topic of this review, those concerning the overlaps of QIP and ML. However, since QIP, condensed matter, and many-body physics share significant overlaps we feel it is important to at least briefly flesh out the basic ideas. One of the basic lines of research in this area deals with the learning of phases of matter, and the detection of phase transitions in physical systems. A canonical example is the discrimination of samples of configurations stemming from different phases of matter, e.g. Ising model configurations of thermal states below, or above the critical temperature. This problem has been tackled using principal component analysis and nearest neighbour unsupervised learning techniques (Wang, 2016) (see also (Hu et al., 2017)). Such methods also have the potential to, beyond just detecting phases, actually identify order parameters (Wang, 2016) – in the above case, magnetization. More complicated discrimination problems, e.g. discriminating Coulomb phases, have been resolved

62 For instance, the authors investigate the strategies explored by the learning agent, and identify spin-glass like phase transition in the space of protocols as a function of the protocol duration. This highlights the difficulty of the learning problem.


using basic feed-forward networks, and convolutional NNs were trained to detect topological phases, (Carrasquilla and Melko, 2017), but also phases in fermionic systems on cubic lattices (Ch’ng et al., 2016). Neural networks have also been combined with quantum Monte Carlo methods (Broecker et al., 2016), and with unsupervised methods (van Nieuwenburg et al., 2017) (applied also in (Wang, 2016)), in both cases to improve classification performance in various systems. It is notable that all these methods prove quite successful in “learning” phases, without any information of the system Hamiltonian. While the focus in this field had mostly been on neural network architectures, other supervised methods, specifically kernel methods (e.g. SVMs) had been used for the same purpose (Ponte and Melko, 2017). Kernel methods may be in some cases advantageous as they can have a higher interpretability: it is often easier to understand the reason behind the optimal model in the cases of kernel methods, rather than NNs, which also means that learning about the underlying physics may be easier in the cases of kernel methods. Note that this will most likely be challenged by deep NN approaches in years to come. A partial explanation behind the success of neuronal approaches for classifying phases of matter may lie in their form. Specifically, they may have the capacity to encode important properties of physical systems both in the classical in quantum case. This motivates the second line of research we mention in this context. BMs, even in their restricted variant, are known to have the capacity to encode complicated distributions. In the same sense, restricted BMs, extended to accept complex weights (i.e. the weights wij in Eqs. (2) and (3)) encode quantum states, and the hidden layer captures correlations, both classical and quantum (entanglement). In (Carleo and Troyer, 2017) it was shown that this approach describes equilibrium and dynamical properties of many prototypical systems accurately: that is, restricted BMs form a useful ansatz for interesting quantum states (called neural-network quantum states (NQS)), where the number of neurons in the hidden layer controls the size of the representable subset of the Hilbert space. This is analogous to how, for instance, the bond dimension controls the scope of the matrix product state ansatz (Verstraete et al., 2008). This property can also be exploited in order to achieve efficient quantum state tomography63(Torlai et al., 2017). In subsequent works, the authors have also analyzed the structure of entanglement of NQS states (Deng et al., 2017), and have provided analytic proofs of the representation power of deep restricted BMs, proving they can e.g. represent ground states of any k-local Hamiltonians with polynomial-size gaps (Gao and Duan, 2017). It is worthwhile to note that representational powers of standard variational representations (e.g. that of the variational renormalization group) had previously been contrasted to those of deep NNs (Mehta and Schwab, 2014), with the goal of elucidating the success of deep networks. Related to this, the Tensor Network (Östlund and Rommer, 1995; Verstraete and Cirac, 2004) formalism has been used for the efficient description of deep convolutional arithmetic circuits, establishing also a formal connection between quantum many-body states and deep learning (Levine et al., 2017). Very recently, the intersection between ML and many-body quantum physics have also inspired research into ML-motivated entanglement witnesses and classifiers (Ma and Yung, 2017; Lu et al., 2017), and also into furthering the connections between ML and many-body physics, specifically, entanglement theory. These recent results have positioned NNs as one of the most exciting new techniques to be applied in the context of both condensed-matter and many-body physics. Additionally, they also show the potential of the converse direction of influence – the application of mathematical formalism of many-body physics for the deepening of our understanding of complex learning models.

63 This method can be thought of as effectively by assigning a prior stating that the analyzed state is well approximated by a NQS.



The onset of quantum theory necessitated a change in how we describe physical systems, but also a change in our understanding of what information is64. Quantum information is a more general concept, and QIP exploits the genuine quantum features for more efficient processing (using quantum computers) and more efficient communication. Such quintessential quantum properties, such as the fact that even pure states cannot be perfectly copied (Wootters and Zurek, 1982), are often argued to be at the heart of many quantum applications, such as cryptography. Similarly, quintessential information processing operations are more general in the quantum world: closed quantum systems can undergo arbitrary unitary evolutions, whereas the corresponding classical closed-system evolutions correspond to the (finite) group of permutations65. The majority of ML literature deals with learning from, and about data – that is, classical information. This section examines the question of what ML looks like, when the data (and perhaps its processing) is fundamentally quantum. We will first explore quantum generalizations of supervised learning, where the “data-points” are now genuine quantum states. This generates a plethora of scenarios which are indistinguishable in the classical case (e.g. having one or two copies of the same example is not the same!). Next, we will consider another quantum generalization of learning, where quantum states are used to represent the generalizations of unknown concepts in CLT – thus we talk about the learning of quantum states. Following this we will present some results on quantum generalizations of POMDP’s which could lead to quantum-generalized reinforcement learning (although this actually just generalizes the mathematical structure).

A. Quantum generalizations: machine learning of quantum data

Executive summary: A significant fraction of the field of ML deals with data analysis, classi- fication, clustering, etc. QIP generalizes standard notions of data, to include quantum states. The processing of quantum information comes with restrictions (e.g. no-cloning or no-deleting), but also new processing options. This section addresses the question of how conventional ML concepts can be extended to the quantum domain, mostly focusing on aspects of supervised learning and learnability of quantum systems, but also concepts underlying RL.

One of the basic problems of ML is that of supervised learning, where a training set D = {(xi,yi)}i is used to infer a labeling rule mapping data points to labels xi

rule→ yi (see section I.B for more details). More generally, supervised learning deals with classification of classical data. In the tradition of QIP, data can also be quantum – that is, all quantum states carry, or rather represent, (quantum) information. What can be done with datasets of the type {(ρi,yi)}i, where ρi is a quantum state? Colloquially it is often said that one of the critical distinction between classical and quantum data is that quantum data cannot be copied. In other words, having one instance of an example, by notation abuse denoted (ρi ⊗yi), is not generally as useful as having two copies (ρi ⊗yi)⊗2. In contrast in the case of classification with functional labeling rules, this is the same. The closest classical analog

64 Arguably, in the light of the physicalistic viewpoint on the nature of information, which posits that “Information is [ultimately] physical”.

65 Classical evolutions are guaranteed to transform computational basis states (the “classical states”) to computational basis states, and closed-system implies the dynamics must be reversible, leaving only permutations.


of dealing with quantum data is the case where labelings are not deterministic, or equivalently, where the conditional distribution P(label|datapoint) is not extremal (Dirac). This is the case of classification (or learning) of random variables, or probabilistic concepts, where the task is to produce the best guess label, specifying the random process which “most likely” produced the datapoint66. In this case, having access to two examples in the training phase which are independently sampled from the same distribution is not the same as having two copies of one and the same individual sample–these are perfectly correlated and carry no new information67. To obtain full information about a distribution, or random variable, one in principle needs infinitely many samples. Similarly, in the quantum case, having infinitely many copies of the same quantum state ρ is operatively equivalent to having a classical description of the given state. Despite similarities, quantum information is still different from mere stochastic data. The precursors of ML-type classification tasks can be identified in the theories of quantum state discrimination, which we briefly comment on first. Next, we review some early works dealing with “quantum pattern matching” which spans various generalizations of supervised settings, and first works which explicitly propose the study of quantum-generalized machine learning. Next, we discuss more general results, which characterize inductive learning in quantum settings. Finally, we present a CLT perspective on learning with quantum data, which addresses the learnability of quantum states.

1. State discrimination, state classification, and machine learning of quantum data

a. State discrimination The entry point to this topic can again be traced to seminal works of Helstrom and Holevo (Helstrom, 1969; Holevo, 1982) as the problems of state discrimination can be rephrased as variants of supervised learning problems. In typical state discrimination settings, the task is the identifying of a given quantum state (given as an instance of a quantum system prepared in that state), under the promise that it belongs to a (typically finite) set {ρi}i, where the set is fully classically specified. Recall, state estimation, in contrast, typically assumes continuous parametrized families, and the task is the estimation of the parameter. In this sense, discrimination is a discretized estimation problem68, and the problems of identifying optimal measurements (under various figures of merit), and success bounds have been considered extensively and continuously throughout the history of QIP (Helstrom, 1969; Croke et al., 2008; Slussarenko et al., 2017). Remark: Traditional quantum state discrimination can be rephrased as degenerate supervised learning setting for quantum states. Here, the space of “data-points” is restricted to a finite (or parametrized) family {ρi}i, and the training set contains an effective infinite number of examples D = {(ρi, i)⊗∞}; naturally, this notation is just a short-hand for having the complete classical description of the quantum states 69. In what follows we will sometimes write ρ⊗∞ to denote a quantum system containing the classical description of the density matrix ρ.

66 Note that in this setting we do not have the descriptions of the stochastic processes given a-priory – they are to be inferred from the training examples.

67 In this sense, no-cloning theorem also applies to classical information: an unknown random variable cannot be cloned. In QIP language this simply means that no-cloning theorem applies to diagonal density matrices, i.e. ρ 6→ ρ⊗ρ, even when ρ is promised to be diagonal.

68 Intuitively, estimation is to discrimination, what regression is to classification in the ML world. 69 From an operative, and information content perspective, having infinitely many copies is equivalent to having a

full classical description: infinite copies are sufficient and necessary for perfect tomography – yielding the exact classical description – whereas having an exact classical description is sufficient and necessary for generating an unbounded copy number.


b. Quantum template matching – classical templates A variant of discrimination, or class assignment task, which is one of the first instances of works which establish explicit connections with ML and discrimination-type problems, is “template matching” (Sasaki et al., 2001). In this pioneering work, the authors consider discrimination problems where the input states ψ may not correspond to the (known) template states {ρi}i, and the correct matching label is determined by the largest the Uhlmann fidelity. More precisely, the task is defined as follows: given a classically specified family of template states {ρi}i, given M copies of a quantum input ψ⊗M , output the label icorr defined with icorr = argmaxiTr

[√√ ψρi √ ψ ]2 . In this original work, the authors focused on two-class cases,

with pure state inputs, and identify fully quantum, and semi-classical strategies for this problem. “Fully quantum strategies” identify the optimal POVM. Semi-classical strategies impose a restriction of measurement strategies to separable measurements, or perform state estimation on the input, a type of “quantum feature extraction”.

c. Quantum template matching – quantum templates. In a generalization of the work in (Sasaki et al., 2001), the authors in (Sasaki and Carlini, 2002) consider the case where instead of having access to the classical descriptions of the template states {ρi}i, we are given access to a certain number K of copies. In other words, we are given access to a quantum system in the state

⊗ i ρ ⊗K i .. Setting

K → ∞, recovers the case with classical templates. This generalized setting introduces many complications, which do not exist in the “more classical” case with classical templates. For instance, classifying measurements now must “use up” copies of template states, as they too cannot be cloned. The authors identify various flavors of semi-classical strategies for this problem. For instance, if the template states are first estimated, we are facing the scenario of classical templates (albeit with error). The classical template setting itself allows semiclassical strategies, where all systems are first estimated, and it allows coherent strategies. The authors find optimal solutions for K = 1, and show that there exists a fully quantum procedure that is strictly superior to straightforward semiclassical extensions. Remark: Quantum template matching problems can be understood as quantum-generalized su- pervised learning, where the training set is of the form {(ρ⊗Ki , i)i}, data beyond the training set comes from the family

{ ψ⊗M

} (number of copies is known), and the classes are defined via minimal

distance, as measured by the Uhlmann fidelity. The case K → ∞ approaches the special case of classical templates. Restricting the states ψ to the set of template states (restricted template matching), and setting M = 1 recovers standard state discrimination.

d. Other known optimality results for (restricted) template matching For the restricted matching case, where the input is promised to be from the template set, the optimal solutions for the two-class setting, minimum error figure of merit, and uniform priors of inputs, have been found in (Bergou and Hillery, 2005; Hayashi et al., 2005) for the qubit case. In (Hayashi et al., 2006) the authors found optimal solutions for the unambiguous discrimination case70. An asymptotically optimal strategy restricted matching with finite templates K < ∞, for arbitrary priors, and mixed qubit states was later found in (Guţă and Kot lowski, 2010). This work also provides a solid introduction

70 In unambiguous discrimination, the device is allowed to output an ambiguous “I do not know” outcome, but is not allowed to err in the case it does output an outcome. The goal is to minimize the probability of the ambiguous outcome.


to the topic, a review of quantum analogies for statistical learning, and emphasizes connections to ML methodologies and concepts. Later, in (Sent́ıs et al., 2012) the authors introduced and compared all three strategies: classical estimate-and-discriminate, classical optimal, and quantum strategy, for the restricted template matching case with finite templates. Recall, the adjective “classical” here denotes that the training states are fully measured out as the first step – the quantum set is converted to classical information, meaning that no quantum memory is further required, and that the learning can be truly inductive. A surprising result is that the intuitive estimate-and-discriminate strategy, which reduces supervised classification to optimal estimation coupled with a (standard) quantum state discrimination problem, is not optimal for learning. Another measurement provides not only better performance, but matches the optimal quantum strategy exactly (as opposed to asymptotically). Interestingly, the results of (Guţă and Kot lowski, 2010) and (Sent́ıs et al., 2012) opposite claims for essentially the same setting: no separation, vs. separation between coherent (fully quantum) and semi-classical strategies, respectively. This discrepancy is caused by differences in the chosen figures of merit, and a different definition of asymptotic optimality (Sent́ıs, 2017), and serves as an effective reminder of the subtle nature of quantum learning. Optimal strategies had been subsequently explored in other settings as well, e.g. when the data-set comprises coherent states (Sent́ıs et al., 2015), and or in the cases where an error margin is in an otherwise unambiguous setting (Sent́ıs et al., 2013).

e. Quantum generalizations of (un)supervised learning The works of the previous paragraph consider particular families of generalizations of supervised learning problems. The first attempts to classify and characterize what ML could look like in a quantum world from a more general perspective was, however, first explicitly done in (Äımeur et al., 2006). There, the basic object introduced is the database of labeled quantum or classical objects, i.e. DKn = {(|ψi〉

⊗i ,yi)}ni=171, which may come in copies. Such a database can, in general then be processed to solve various types of tasks, using classical or quantum processing. The authors propose to characterize quantum learning scenarios in terms of classes, denoted Lcontextgoal . Here context may denote we are dealing with classical or quantum data and whether the learning algorithm is relying on quantum capabilities or not. The goal specifies the learning task or goal (perhaps in very broad terms). Examples include Lcc, which corresponds to standard classical ML, and Lqc, which could mean we use a quantum computer to analyze classical data. The example of template matching classical templates (K = ∞) (Sasaki et al., 2001) considered earlier in this section would be denoted Lcq, and the generalization with finite

template numbers K < ∞ would fit in L⊗Kq . While the formalism above suggests focus on supervised settings, the authors also suggest that datasets could be inputs for (unsupervised) clustering. The authors further study quantum algorithms for determining closeness of quantum states72, which could be the basic building block of quantum clustering algorithms, and also compute certain error bounds for special cases of classification (state discrimination) using well known results of Helstrom (Helstrom, 1969). Similar ideas were used in (Lu and Braunstein, 2014) for the purpose of definition of a quantum decision tree algorithm for data classification in the quantum regime. The strong connection between quantum-generalized learning theory sketched out in (Äımeur et al., 2006) and the classical73 theory of Helstrom (Helstrom, 1969) was more deeply explored in (Gambs,

71 Such a dataset can be stored in, or instantiated by, a 2-n partite quantum system, prepared in the state⊗n i=1 |ψi〉

⊗Ki |yi〉. 72 These are based on the SWAP-test (see section VI.C.2), in terms of Uhlmann fidelity 73 Here we mean classical in the sense of “being a classic”, rather than pertaining to classical systems.


2008). There, the author computed the lower bounds of sample complexity – in this case the minimal number of copies K – needed to solve a few types of classification problems. For this purpose the author introduced a few techniques which reduce ML-type classification problems to the settings where theory (Helstrom, 1969) of could be directly applied. These types of results contribute to the establishing of a deeper connection between problems of ML and techniques of QIP.

f. Quantum inductive learning Recall that inductive, eager learning, produces a best guess classifier which can be applied to the entire domain of data-points, based on the training set. But, already the results of (Sasaki and Carlini, 2002) discussed in paragraph on template matching with quantum templates, point to problems with this concept in the quantum realm – the optimal classifier may require a copy of the quantum data-points to perform classification, which seemingly prohibits unlimited use. The perspectives of such quantum generalizations of supervised learning in its inductive form, were recently addressed from a broad perspective (Monràs et al., 2017). Recall that inductive learning algorithms, intuitively, use only the training set to specify a hypothesis (the estimation of the true labeling function). In contrast, in transductive learning, the learner is also given the data points the labels of which are unknown. These unlabeled points may correspond to the cross-validation test set, or the actual target data. Even though the labels are unknown, they carry additional information of the complete dataset which can be helpful in identifying the correct labeling rule 74. Another distinction is that transductive algorithms need only label the given points, whereas inductive algorithms need to specify a classifier, i.e., a labeling function, defined on the entire space of possible points. In (Monràs et al., 2017), the authors notice that the property of an algorithm being inductive corresponds to a non-signaling property75, using which they can prove that “being inductive” (i.e. being “no signalling”) is equivalent to having an algorithm which outputs a classifier h based on the training set alone, which is then applied to every training instance. A third equivalent characterization of inductive learning is that the training and testing cleanly separate as phases. While these observations are quite intuitive in the classical case, they are in fact problematic in the quantum world. Specifically, if the training examples are quantum objects, quantum no-cloning, in general, prohibits the applying of a hypothesis function (candidate labeling function) h arbitrarily many times. This is easy to see since each instance of h must depend on the quantum data in some non-trivial way, if we are dealing with a learning algorithm. Multiple copies of h would then require multiple copies of (at least parts of) the quantum data. A possible implication of this would be that, in the quantum realm, inductive learning cannot be cleanly separated into training and testing. Nonetheless, the authors show that the no-signalling criterion, for certain symmetric measures of performance, implies that a separation is, asymptotically, possible. Specifically, the authors show that for any quantum inductive no-signalling algorithm A there exists another, perhaps different algorithm A′ which does separate in a training and testing phase and which, asymptotically, attains the same performance (Monràs et al., 2017). Such a protocol A′, essentially, utilizes a semi-classical strategy. In other words, for inductive settings, classical intuition survives, despite no-cloning theorems.

74 For instance, a transductive algorithm may use unsupervised clustering techniques to assign labels, as the whole set is given in advance.

75 The outcome of the entire learning and evaluation process can be viewed as a probability distribution P(y) = P(y1 . . .yk|x1 . . .xk; A), where A is the training set, x1, . . .xk are the points of the test state and y1 . . .yk the respective labels the algorithm assigns with the probability P (y). No signaling implies that the marginal distribution for the kth test element P(yk) only depends on xk and the training set, but not on other test points {xl}l 6=k.


2. Computational learning perspectives: quantum states as concepts

The previous subsections addressed the topics of classification of quantum states, based on quantum database examples. The overall theory, however, relies on the assumption that there exists a labeling rule, which generates such examples, and what is learned is the labeling rule. This rule is also known as concept, in CLT (e.g. PAC learning, see section II.B.1 for details). A reasonable sufficient criterion is, if one can predict the probabilities of outcomes of any two-outcome measurements on this state, as this already suffices for a full tomographic reconstruction. What would “the learning of quantum states” mean, from this perspective? What does it mean to “know a quantum state”? A natural criterion is that one “knows” a quantum state, if one can predict the measurement outcome probabilities of any given measurement. In (Aaronson, 2007), the author addressed the question of the learnability of quantum states in the sense above, where the role of a concept is played by a given quantum state, and “knowing” the concept then equates to the possibility of predicting the outcome probability of a given measurement and its outcome. One immediate distinction from conventional CLT, discussed in II.B.1, is that the concept range is no longer binary. However, as as we clarified, classical CLT theory has generalizations with continuous ranges. In particular, so called p-concepts have range in [0, 1] (Kearns and Schapire, 1994), and quantities which are analogs of the VC-dimension, and analogous theorems relating this to generalization performance, exist for the p-concept case as well (see (Aaronson, 2007)). Explicitly, the basic elements of such the generalized theory are: domain of concepts X, a sample x ∈ X and the p-concept f : X → [0, 1]. These abstract objects are mapped to central objects of quantum information theory (Aaronson, 2007) as follows: the domain of concepts is the set of two-outcome quantum measurement, and a sample is a POVM element Π76 (in short: x ↔ Π); the p-concept to be learned is a quantum state ψ and the evaluation of the concept/hypothesis on the sample corresponds to the probability Tr[Πψ] ∈ [0, 1] of observing the measurement outcome associated with Π when the state ψ is measured. To connect the data classification-based perspectives of supervised learning to the CLT perspective above, note that in the given quantum state CLT this framework, the quantum concept – quantum state – “classifies” quantum POVM elements (the effects ) according to the probability of observing that effect. The training set elements for this model are of the form (Π, Tr(ρΠ)), with 0 ≤ Π ≤ 1. In the spirit of CLT, the concept class “quantum states”, is said to be learnable under some distribution D over two-outcome generalized measurement elements (Π), if for every concept – quantum state ρ – there exists an algorithm with access to examples of the form (Π, Tr(ρΠ)), where Π is drawn according to D, which outputs a hypothesis h which (approximately) correctly predicts the label Tr(ρΠ′) with high probability, when Π′ is drawn from D. Note that the role of a hypothesis here can simply be played by a “best guess” classical description of the quantum state ρ. The key result of (Aaronson, 2007) is that quantum states are learnable with sample complexity scaling only linearly in the number of qubits77, that is logarithmically in the dimension of the density matrix. In operative terms, if Alice wishes to send an n qubit quantum state to Bob who will perform on it a two-outcome measurement (and Alice does not know which), she can achieve near-ideal performance by sending (O(n)) classical bits78, which has clear practical but also theoretical importance. In some sense, these results can also be thought of as a generalized variant of Holevo bound theorems (Holevo,

76 More precisely Π is a positive-semidefinite operator such that 1− Π is positive-semidefinite as well. 77 The dependencies on the allowed inverse error and inverse allowed failure probability are polynomial and polyloga-

rithmic, respectively. 78 Here we assume Alice can locally generate her states at will. A classical strategy (using classical channels) is thus

always possible, by having Alice send the outcomes of full state tomography (or equiv. the classical description of the state), but this requires the using of O(2n) bits already for pure states.


1982), limiting how much information can be stored and retrieved in the case of quantum systems. This latter result has thus far been more influential in the contexts of tomography than quantum machine learning, despite being quite a fundamental result in quantum learning theory. However, for fully practical purposes. The results above come with a caveat. The learning of quantum state is efficient in sample complexity (e.g. number of measurements one needs to perform), however, the computational complexity of the reconstruction of the hypothesis is, in fact, likely exponential in the qubit number. Very recently, the efficiency of also the reconstruction algorithms for the learning of stabilizer states was shown in (Rocchetto, 2017).

B. (Quantum) learning and quantum processes

Executive summary: The notion of quantum learning has been used in literature to refer to the studying of various aspects of “learning about” quantum systems. Beyond the learning of quantum states, one can also consider the learning of quantum evolutions. Here “knowing” is operatively defined as having the capacity to implement the given unitary at a later point – this is similar to how “knowning” in computational learning theory implies we can apply the concept function at a later point. Finally, as learning can pertain to learning in interactive environments – RL – one can consider the quantum generalizations of such settings. One of the first results in this direction formulates a quantum generalization of POMDPs. Note as POMDPs form the mathematical basis of RL, the quantum-generalized mathematical object – quantum POMDP, may form a basis of quantum-generalized RL.

a. Learning of quantum processes The concept of learning is quite diffuse and “quantum learning” has been used in literature quite often, and not every instance corresponds to generalizations of “classical learning” in a machine or statistical learning sense. Nonetheless, some such works further illustrate the distinctions between the approaches one can employ with access to classical (quantum) tools, while learning about classical or quantum objects.

Learning unitaries For instance “quantum learning of unitary operations” has been used to refer to the task of optimal storing and retrieval of unknown unitary operations, which is a two stage process. In the storing phase, one is given access to a few uses of some unitary U. In the retrieval phase, one is asked to approximate the state U |ψ〉 , given one or few instances of a (previously fully unknown) state |ψ〉. Like in the case of quantum template states (see section V.A.1), we can distinguish semi-classical prepare-and-measure strategies (where U is estimated and represented as classical information), and quantum strategies, where the unitaries are applied on some resource state, which is used together with the input state |ψ〉 in the retrieval stage. There is no simple universal answer to the question of optimal strategies. In (Bisio et al., 2010), the authors have shown that, under reasonable assumptions, the surprising result that optimal strategies are semi-classical. In contrast, in (Bisio et al., 2011) the same question was asked for generalized measurements, and the opposite was shown: optimal strategies require quantum memory. See e.g. (Sedlák et al., 2017) for some recent results on probabilistic unitary storage and retrieval, which can be understood as


genuinely quantum learning 79 of quantum operations.

Learning measurements The problem of identifying which measurement apparatus one is facing has first been in comparatively fewer works, see e.g. (Sedlák and Ziman, 2014) for a more recent example. Related to this, we encounter a more learning-theoretical perspective on the topic of learning measurements. In the comprehensive paper (Cheng et al., 2016) (which can serve as a review of parts of quantum ML in its own right), the authors explore the question of the learnability of quantum measurements. This can be thought of as the dual of the task of learning quantum states discussed previously in this section. Here, the examples are of the form (ρ,Tr(ρE)), and it is the measurement that is fixed. In this work, the authors compute a number of complexity measures, which are closely related to the VC dimension (see section II.B.1), for which sample complexity bounds are known. From such complexity bounds one can, for instance, rigorously answer various relevant operative questions, such as, how many random quantum probe states we need to prepare on average, to accurately estimate a quantum measurement. Complementing the standard estimation problems, here we do not compute the optimal strategy, but effectively gauge the information gain of a randomized strategy. These measures are computed for the family of hypotheses/concepts which can be obtained by either fixing the POVM element (thus learning the quantum measurement), or by fixing the state (which is the setting of (Aaronson, 2007)), and clearly illustrate the power of ML theory when applied in QIP context.

b. Foundations of quantum-generalized RL The majority of quantum generalizations of machine learning concepts fit neatly in the domain of supervised learning, however, with few notable exceptions. In particular, in (Barry et al., 2014), the authors introduce a quantum generalization of partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP), discussed in section II.C. For convenience of the reader we give a brief recap of these objects. A fully observable MDP is a formalization of task environments: the environment can be in any number of states S the agent can observe. An action a ∈A of the agent triggers a transition of the state of the environment – the transition can be stochastic, and is specified by a Markov transition matrix Pa.80 Additionally, beyond the dynamics, each MDP comes with a reward function R : S×A×S → Λ, which rewards certain state-action-state transitions. In POMDP, the agent does not see the actual state of the environment, but rather just observations o ∈ O, which are (stochastic) functions of the environmental state81. Although the exact environmental state of the environment is not directly accessible to the agent, given the full specification of the system, the agent can still assign a probability distribution over the state space given an interaction history. This is called a belief state, and, can be represented as a mixed state (mixing the “classical” actual environmental states), which is diagonal in the POMDP state basis. The quantum generalization promotes the environment belief state to any quantum state defined on the Hilbert space spanned by the orthonormal basis {|s〉 |s ∈S}. The dynamic of the quantum POMDP are defined by actions which correspond to quantum instruments (superoperators) the agent can apply: to each action a, we associate the set of Krauss operators {Kao}o∈O, which satisfy∑ o K

a† oK

a o = 1. If the agent performs the action a, and observes the observation o, the state of

the environment is mapped as ρ → KaoρKao†/Tr[KaoρKao†], where Tr[KaoρKao†] is the probability

79 Quantum in that that which is learned is encoded in a quantum state. 80 In other words, for any environment state s, producing an action a causes a transition to some state s′ with

probability ~s′ τ Pa~s, where states are represented as canonical vectors.

81 In general, the observations output can also depend on the previous action of the agent.


of observing that outcome. Finally, rewards are defined via the expected values of action-specific positive operators Ra, so Tr[Raρ], given the state ρ. In (Barry et al., 2014), the authors have studied this model from the computational perspective of the hardness of identifying the best strategies for the agent, contrasting this setting to classical settings, and proving separations. In particular, the complexity of deciding policy existence for finite horizons82, are the same for the quantum and classical cases83. However, a separation can be found with respect to the goal reachability problem, which asks whether there exists a policy (of any length) which, with probability 1, reaches some target state. This separation is maximal – this problem is decidable in the classical case, yet undecidable in the quantum case. While this particular separation may not have immediate consequences for quantum learning, it suggests that there may be other (dramatic) separations, with more immediate relevance.


One of the most advertised aspects of quantum ML deals with the question of whether quantum effects can help us solve classical learning tasks more efficiently, ideally mirroring the successes of quantum computation. The very first attempts to apply quantum information techniques to ML problems were made even before the seminal works of Shor and Grover (Shor, 1997; Grover, 1996). Notable examples include the pioneering research into quantum neural networks and quantum perceptrons (Lewenstein, 1994; Kak, 1995), and also in the potential of quantum computational learning theory (Bshouty and Jackson, 1998). The topic of quantum neural networks (quantum NNs) has had sustained growth and development since these early days, exploring various types of questions regarding the interplay of quantum mechanics and neural networks. Most of the research in this area is not directly targeted at algorithmic improvements, hence will be only briefly mentioned here. A fraction of the research into quantum NNs, which was disproportionately more active in the early days, considered the speculative topics of the function of quantum effects in neural networks, both artificial and biological (Kak, 1995; Penrose, 1989). Parts of this research line has focused concrete models, such as the effect of transverse fields in HNs (Nishimori and Nonomura, 1996), and decoherence in models of biological nets (Tegmark, 2000), which, it is argued, would destroy any potential quantum effect. A second topic which permeates the research in quantum NNs is concerned with the fundamental question of a meaningful quantization of standard feed-forward neural networks. The key question here is finding the best way to reconcile the linear nature of quantum theory, and the necessity for non-linearities in the activation function of a neural network (see section II.A.1), and identifying suitable physical systems to implement such a scheme. Early ideas here included giving up on non-linearities per se, and considering networks of unitaries which substitute layers of neurons (Lewenstein, 1994). Another approach exploits non-linearities which stem from measurements and post-selection (arguably first suggested in (Kak, 1995)). The same issue is addressed by Behrman et al. (Behrman et al., 1996) by using a continuous mechanical system where the non-linearity is achieved by coupling the system with an environment 84, in the model system of quantum dots. The purely foundational research into implementations of such networks, and analysis of their quantum mechanical features, has been and is continuing to be an

82 That is, given a full specification of the setting, decide whether there exist a policy for the agent which achieves a cumulative reward above some value, in a certain number of states.

83 This decision problem is undecidable in the infinite horizon case, already for the classical problem, and thus trivially undecidable in the quantum case as well.

84 Similar ideas were also discussed by Peruš in (Peruš, 2000).


active field of research (see e.g. (Altaisky et al., 2017)). For more information on this topic we refer the reader to more specialized reviews (Schuld et al., 2014b; Garman, 2011).

Unlike the research into quantum NNs, which has a foundational flavor, majority of works studying quantum effects for classical ML problems are specifically focused on identifying improvements.. First examples of quantum advantages in this context were provided in the context of quantum computational learning theory, which is the topic of the first subsection below. In the second subsection we will survey research suggesting the possibilities of improvement of the capacity of associative memories. The last subsection deals with proposals which address computational run-time improvements of classical learning algorithms, the first of which came out already in the early 2000s. Here we will differentiate approaches which focus on quantum improvements in the training phase of a classifier by means of quantum optimization (mostly focused on exploiting near-term technologies, and restricted devices), and approaches which build algorithms based on, roughly speaking, quantum parallelism and “quantum linear algebra” – which typically assume universal quantum computers, and often “pre-filled” database. It should be noted that the majority of research in quantum ML is focused precisely on this last aspect, and the results here are already quite numerous. We can thus afford to present only a chosen selection of results.

A. Learning efficiency improvements: sample complexity

Executive summary: The first results showing the separation between quantum and classical computers were obtained in the context of oracles, and for sample complexity – even the famous Grover’s search algorithm constitutes such a result. Similarly, CLT deals with the learning, i.e., the identification or the approximation of concepts, which are also nothing but oracles. Thus, quantum oracular computation settings and learning theory share the same underlying framework, which is investigated and exploited in this formal topic. To talk about quantum CLT, and improvements, or bounds, on sample complexity, the classical concept oracles are thus upgraded to quantum concept oracles, which output quantum states, and/or allow access in superposition.

As elaborated in section II.B.1, CLT deals with the problem of learning concepts, typically abstracted as boolean functions of bit-strings of length n so c : {0, 1}n →{0, 1}, from input-output relations alone. For intuitive purposes it is helpful to think of the task of optical character recognition (OCR), where we are given a bitmap image (black-and-white scan) of some size n = N ×M, and a concept may be say “everything which represents the letter A”, more precisely, the concept, specifying which bitmaps correspond to the bitmaps of the letter “A”. Further, we are most often interesting in a learning performance for a set of concepts: a concept class C = {c|c : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}} – in the context of the running example of OCR, we care about algorithms which are capable of recognising all letters, and not just “A”.

The three typical settings studied in literature are the PAC model, exact learning from membership queries, and the agnostic model, see section II.B.1. These models differ in the type of access to the concept oracle which is allowed. In the PAC model, the oracle outputs labeled examples according to some specified distribution, analogous to basic supervised learning. In the membership queries model, the learner gets to choose the examples, and this is similar to active supervised learning. In the agnostic model, the concept is “noisy”, i.e. forms a stochastic function, which is natural in supervised settings (the joint datapoint-label distribution P(x,y) need not be functional), for


details we refer the reader to section II.B.1. All three models have been treated from a quantum perspective, and whether or not quantum advantages are obtainable greatly depends on the details of the settings. Here we give a very succinct overview of the main results, partially following the structure of the recent survey on the topic by Arunachalam and de Wolf (Arunachalam and de Wolf, 2017).

1. Quantum PAC learning

The first quantum generalization of PAC learning was presented in (Bshouty and Jackson, 1998), where the quantum example oracle was defined to output coherent superpositions


√ pD(x) |x,c(x)〉 , (23)

for a given distribution D over the data points x, for a concept c. Recall, classical PAC oracles output a sample pair (x,c(x)), where x is drawn from D, which can be understood as copies of the mixed state

∑ x pD(x) |x,c(x)〉〈x,c(x)|, with pD(x) = P(D = x). The quantum oracle

reduces to the standard oracle if the quantum example is measured in the standard (computational) basis. This first pioneering work showed that quantum algorithms, with access to such a quantum- generalized oracle can provide more efficient learning of certain concept classes. The authors have considered the concept class of DNF formulas, under the uniform distribution: here the concepts are s-term formulae in disjunctive normal form. In other words, each concept c is of the form c(x) =

∨ I

∧ j(xI)

′ j, where xI is a substring of x associated to I, which is a subset of the indices of

cardinality at most s, and (xI) ′ j is a variable or its negation (a literal). An example of a DNF is of

the form (x1 ∧x3 ∧¬x6) ∨ (x4 ∧¬x8 ∧x1) · · · , where parentheses (terms) only contain variables or their negations in conjunction (ANDs, ∧), whereas all the parentheses are in disjunction (ORs, ∨). The uniform DNF learning problem (for n variables, and poly(n) terms) is not known to be efficiently PAC learnable, but, in (Bshouty and Jackson, 1998) it was proven to be efficiently quantum PAC learnable. The choice of this learning problem was not accidental: DNF learning is known to be learnable in the membership query model, which is described in detail in the next section. The corresponding classical algorithm which learns DNF in the membership query model directly inspired the quantum variant in the PAC case 85. If the underlying distribution over the concept domain is uniform, other concept classes can be learned with a quantum speed-up as well, specifically, so called k-juntas: n-bit binary functions which depend only on k < n bits. In (Atıcı and Servedio, 2007), Atıcı and Servedio have shown that there exists a quantum algorithm for learning k-juntas using O(k log(k)/�) uniform quantum examples, O(2k) uniform classical examples, and O(n k log(k)/�+ 2klog(1/�)) time. Note the improvement in this case is not in query complexity, but rather in the classical processing, which, for the best known classical algorithm has complexity at least O(n2k/3) (see (Arunachalam and de Wolf, 2017; Atıcı and Servedio, 2007) for further details). Diverging from perfect PAC settings, in (Cross et al., 2015), the authors considered the learning of linear boolean functions86 under the uniform distribution over the examples. The twist in this work is the assumption of noise87 which allows for evidence of a classical quantum learnability separation.

85 To provide the minimal amount of intuition, the best classical algorithm for the membership query model, heavily depends on Fourier transforms (DFT) of certain sets – the authors then use the fact that FT can be efficiently implemented on the amplitudes of the states generated by the quantum oracle using quantum computers. We refer the reader to (Bshouty and Jackson, 1998) for further details.

86 The learning of such functions is in QIP circles also known as the (non-recursive) Bernstein-Vazirani problem defined first in (Bernstein and Vazirani, 1997).

87 However, the meaning of noise is not exactly the same in the classical and quantum case.


a. Distribution-free PAC While the assumption of the uniform distribution D constitutes a convenient theoretical setting, in reality, most often we have few guarantees on the underlying distribution of the examples. For this reason PAC learning often refers to distribution-free learning, meaning, learning under the worst case distribution D. Perhaps surprisingly, it was recently shown that the quantum PAC learning model offers no advantages, in terms of sample complexity, over the classical model. Specifically, in (Arunachalam and de Wolf, 2016) the authors show that if C is a concept class of VC dimension d + 1, then for every (non-negative) δ ≤ 1/2 and � ≤ 1/20, every (�,δ)-quantum PAC learner requires Ω(d/� + log(d−1)/�) samples. The same number of samples, however, is also known to suffice for a classical PAC learner (for any � and δ). A similar result, showing no separation between quantum and classical agnostic learning was also proven in (Arunachalam and de Wolf, 2016)88 .

b. Quantum predictive PAC learning Standard PAC learning settings do not allow exponential separations between classical and quantum sample complexity of learning, and consequently the notion of learnable concepts is the same in the classical and the quantum case. This changes if we consider weaker learning settings, or rather, a weaker meaning of what it means to learn. The PAC learning setting assumes that the learning algorithm outputs a hypothesis h with a low error with high confidence. In the classical case, there is no distinction between expecting that the hypothesis h can be applied once, or any arbitrary number of times. However, in the quantum case, where the examples from the oracle may be quantum states, this changes, and inductive learning in general may not be possible in all settings, see section V. In (Gavinsky, 2012), the author considers a quantum PAC settings where only one (or polynomially few) evaluations of the hypothesis are required, called the Predictive Quantum (PQ) model89. In this setting the author identifies a relational concept class (i.e. each data point may have many correct labels) which is not (polynomially) learnable in the classical case, but is PQ learnable under a standard quantum oracle, under the uniform distribution. The basic idea is to use quantum states, obtained by processing quantum examples, for each of the testing instances – in other words, the “implementation” of the hypothesis contains a quantum state obtained from the oracle. This quantum state cannot be efficiently estimated, but can be efficiently obtained using the PQ oracle. The concept class, and the labeling process are inspired by a distributed computation problem for which an exponential classical-quantum separation had been identified earlier in (Bar-Yossef et al., 2008). This work provides another noteworthy example of the intimate connection between various aspects of QIP – in this case, quantum communication complexity theory – and quantum learning.

2. Learning from membership queries

In the model of exact learning from membership queries, the learner can choose the elements from the concept domain it wishes labeled (similar to active learning), however, the task is to identify the concept exactly (no error), except with probability δ < 1/390 Learning from membership queries

88 The notions of efficiency and sample complexity in the agnostic model are analogous to those in the PAC model, as is the quantum oracle which provides the coherent samples

∑ x,y

√ pD(x,y) |x,y〉. See section II.B.1 for more

details. 89 In a manner of speaking, to learn a concept, in the PAC sense, implies we can apply what we have learned arbitrarily

many times. In PQ it suffices that the learner be capable of applying what it had learned just once once, to be considered successful. It however follows that if the number of examples is polynomial, PQ learnability also implies that the verification of learning can be successfully executed polynomially many times as well.

90 As usual, success probability which is polynomially bounded away from 1/2 would also do.


has, in the quantum domain, usually been called oracle identification. While quantum improvements in this context are possible, in (Servedio and Gortler, 2004), the authors show that they are at most low-degree polynomial improvements in the most general cases. More precisely, if a concept class C over n− bits has classical and quantum membership query complexities D(C) and Q(C), respectively, then D(C) = O(nQ(C)3)91 – in other words, improvements in sample complexity can be at most polynomial. Polynomial relationships have also been established for worst-case exact learning sample complexitites (so-called (N,M)-query complexity), see (Kothari, 2013) and (Arunachalam and de Wolf, 2017). The above result is in spirit similar to earlier results in (Beals et al., 2001), where it was shown quantum query complexity cannot provide a better than polynomial improvement over classical results, unless structural promises on the oracle are imposed.

The results so far considered are standard, comparatively simple generalizations of classical learning settings, leading to somewhat restricted improvements in sample complexity. More dramatic improvements are possible if computational (time) complexity is taken into account, or if slightly non-standard generalizations of the learning model are considered. Note, we are not explicitly bringing computational complexity separations into the picture. Rather, under the assumption that certain computation problems are hard for the learner, we obtain a sample complexity separation.

In particular, already in (Kearns and Valiant, 1994) the authors have constructed several classes of Boolean functions in the distribution-free model whose efficient learning (in the sample complexity sense) implies the capacity of factoring of so-called Blum integers - a task not known to be solvable classically, but solvable on a quantum computer92. Using this observations, Servedio and Gortler have demonstrated classes which are efficiently quantum PAC learnable, and classes which are efficiently learnable in the quantum membership query model, but which not efficiently learnable in the corresponding classical models, unless Blum integers 93 can be efficiently factored on a classical computer (Servedio and Gortler, 2004).


91 This simple formulation of the claim of (Servedio and Gortler, 2004) was presented in (Arunachalam and de Wolf, 2017).

92 These ideas exploit the connections between asymmetric cryptography and learning. In asymmetric cryptography, a message can be decrypted easily using a public key, but the decryption is computationally hard, unless one has a private key. To exemplify public key can be a Blum integer, whereas the private key one of the factors. The data-points are essentially the encryptions of integers k E(k,N), for a public key N. The concept is defined by the least significant bit of k, which, provably, is not easier to obtain with bounded error than the decryption itself – which is computationally hard. A successful efficient learner of such a concept could factor Blum integers.The full proposal has further details we omit for simplicity.

93 The integer n is a Blum integer if it is a product of two distinct prime numbers p and q, which are congruent to 3 mod 4 (i.e. both can be written in the form 4t + 3, for a non-negative integer t.).


B. Improvements in learning capacity

Executive summary: The observation that a complete description of quantum systems typically requires the specification of exponentially many complex-valued amplitudes has lead to the idea that those same amplitudes could be used to store data using only logarithmically few systems. While this idea fails for most applications, it has inspired some of the first proposals to use quantum systems for the dramatic improvement of the capacities of associative, or content-addressable memories. More likely quantum upgrades of CAM memories, however, may come from a substantially different direction – which explores methods of extracting information from HNs – used as CAM memories – and which is inspired by quantum adiabatic computing to realize a recall process which is similar yet different from standard recall methods. The quantum methods may yield advantages by outputting superpositions of data, and it has been suggested they also utilize the memory more efficiently, leading to increased capacities.

The pioneering investigations in the areas between CLT, NNs and QIP, have challenged the classical sample complexity bounds. Soon thereafter (and likely independently), the first proposals suggesting quantum improvements in the context of space complexity emerged – specifically the efficiency of associative memories. Recall, associative, or content-addressable memory (abbreviated CAM) is a storage device which can be loaded with patterns, typically a subset of n-bit bit-strings P = {xi}i, xi ∈{0, 1}n, which are then, unlike in the case of standard RAM-type memories, not recovered by address but by content similarity: given an input string y ∈{0, 1}n, the memory should return y if it is one of the stored patterns (i.e. y ∈ P), or a stored pattern which is “closest” to y, with respect to some distance, typically the Hamming distance. Deterministic perfect storage of any set of patterns clearly requires O(n× 2n) bits (there are in total 2n distinct patterns each requiring n bits), and the interesting aspects of CAMs begin when the requirements are somewhat relaxed. We can identify roughly two basic groups of ideas which were suggested to lead to improved capacities. The first group, sketched next, relies directly on the structure of the Hilbert space, whereas the second group of ideas stems from the quantization of a well-understood architecture for a CAM memory system: the Hopfield network.

1. Capacity from amplitude encoding

In some of the first works (Ventura and Martinez, 2000; Trugenberger, 2001) it was suggested that the proverbial “exponential-sized” Hilbert space describing systems of qubits may allow exponential improvements: intuitively even exponentially numerous pattern sets P can be “stored” in a quantum state of only n qubits: |ψP〉 = |P |−

1 2

∑ x∈P |x〉 . These early works suggested creative ideas on

how such a memory could be used to recover patterns (e.g. via modified amplitude amplification), albeit, often suffering from lack of scalability, and other quite fundamental issues to yield complete proposals94, and thus we will not dig into details. We will, however, point out that these works may be interpreted to propose some of the first examples of “amplitude encoding” of classical data, which

94 For a discussion on some of the shortcomings see e.g. (Brun et al., 2003; Trugenberger, 2003), and we also refer the reader to more recent reviews (Schuld et al., 2014b,c) for further details and analysis of the potential application of such memories to pattern recognition problems.


is heavily used in modern approaches to quantum ML. In particular, the stored memory of a CAM can always be represented as a single bit-string (b(0···0),b(0···1) . . . ,b(1...1)) of length 2

n (each bit in the bit-string is indexed by a pattern, and its value encodes if it is stored or not). This data-vector (in this case binary, but this is not critical) is thus encoded into amplitudes of a quantum state of an exponentially smaller number of qubits: b = (b(0···0),b(0···1) . . . ,b(1...1)) →

∑ x∈{0,1}n bx |x〉 (up

to normalization).

2. Capacity via quantized Hopfield networks

A different approach to increasing the capacities of CAM memories arises from the “quantization” of different aspects of classical HNs, which constitute well-understood classical CAM systems.

a. Hopfield networks as a content-addressable memory Recall, a HN is a recurrent NN characterized by a set of n neurons, whose connectivity is given by a (typically symmetric) real matrix of weights W = (wij)ij and a vector of (real) local thresholds {θi}ni=1. In the context of CAM memories, the matrix W encodes the stored patterns, which are in this setting best represented as sequences of signs, so x ∈{1,−1}n. The retrieval, given an input pattern y ∈{1,−1}n, is realized by setting the kth neuron sk to the k

th value of the input pattern yk, followed by the “running of the network” according to standard perceptron rules: each neuron k computes its subsequent value by checking if its inbound weighted sum is above the local threshold: sk ← sign(

∑ l wklsl − θk) (assuming

sign(0) = +1)95. As discussed previously, under moderate assumptions the described dynamical system converges to local attractive points, which also correspond to the energy minima of the Ising functional

E(s) = −1 2


wijsisj + ∑


θisi. (24)

Such a system still allows significant freedom in the rule specifying the matrix W, given a set of patterns to be stored: intuitively, we need to “program” the minima of E (choosing the appropriate W will suffice, as the local thresholds can be set to zero) to be the target patterns, ideally without storing too many unwanted, so-called spurious, patterns. This, and other properties of a useful storing rule, that is, rule which specifies W given the patterns, are given as follows (Storkey, 1997): a) locality: an update of a particular connection should depend only on the information available to the neurons on either side of the connection96; b) incrementality : the rule should allow the updating of the matrix W to store an additional pattern based only on the new pattern and W itself 97 c) immediateness: the rule should not require a limiting computational process for the evaluation of the weight matrix (rather, it should be a simple computation of few steps). The most critical property of a useful rule is that it d) results in a CAM with a non-trivial capacity: it should be capable of storing and retrieving some number of patters, with controllable error (which includes few spurious patterns, for instance).

95 The updates can be synchronous, meaning all neurons update their values at the same time, or asynchronous, in which case usually a random order is assigned. In most analyses, and here, asynchronous updates are assumed.

96 Locality matters as the lack of it prohibits parallelizable architectures. 97 In particular, it should not be necessary to have external memory storing e.g. all stored patters, which would render

HN-based CAM memories undesirably non-adaptive and inflexible.


The historically first rule, the Hebbian rule, satisfies all the conditions above and is given by a simple recurrence relation: for the set of patterns {xk}k the weight matrix is given with wij =

∑ k x

k i x

k j/M

(where xkj is the j th sign of the kth pattern, and M is the number of patterns). The capacity of

HN’s under standard recall and Hebbian updates has been investigated from various perspectives, and in the context of absolute capacity (the asymptotic ratio of the number of patterns that can be stored without error to the number of neurons, as the network size tends to infinity), it is known to scale as O( n

2ln(n) ). A well known result in the field improves on this to the capacity of O( n√

2ln(n) ),

and is achieved by a different rule introduced by Storkey (Storkey, 1997), while maintaining all the desired properties. Here, we should emphasize that, in broad terms, the capacity is typically (sub)-linear in n. Better results, however, can be achieved in the classical settings if some of the assumptions a) − c) are dropped, but this is undesirable.

b. Quantization of Hopfield-based CAMs In early works (Rigatos and Tzafestas, 2006, 2007), the authors have considered fuzzy and probabilistic learning rules, and have broadly argued that a) such probabilistic rules correspond to a quantum deliberation process and that b) the resulting CAMs can have significantly larger capacities. However, more rigorous (and fully worked out) results were shown more recently, by combining HNs with ideas from adiabatic QC. The first idea, presented in (Neigovzen et al., 2009) connects HNs and quantum annealing. Recall

that the HN can be characterized by the Ising functional E(s) = −1 2

∑ ij wijsisj (see Eq. 2),

where the stored patterns correspond to local minima, and where we have, without the loss of generality, assumed that the local thresholds are zero. The classical recall corresponds to the problem of finding local minima closest to the input pattern y. However, an alternative system, with similar features, is obtained if the input pattern is added in place of the local thresholds:

E(s, y) = −1 2

∑ ij wijsisj − Γ

∑ i yisi. Intuitively, this lowers the energy landscape of the system

specifically around the input pattern configuration. But then, the stored pattern (previous local minimum) which is closest to the input pattern is the most likely candidate for a global minimum. Further, the problem of finding such configurations can now be tackled via quantum annealing: we

define the quantum “memory Hamiltonian” naturally as Hmem = − 1


∑ ij wijσ

z i σ

z j , and the HN

Hamiltonian, given input y with Hp = Hmem + ΓHinp, where the input Hamiltonian is given with Hinp = −

∑ i yiσ

z i . The quantum recall is obtained by the adiabatic evolution via the Hamiltonian

trajectory H(t) = Λ(t)Hinit + Hp, where Λ(0) is large enough that Hinit dominates, and Λ(1) = 0. The system is initialized in the ground state of the (arbitrary and simple) Hamiltonian Hinit, and if the evolution in t is slow enough to satisfy the criteria of the adiabatic theorem, the system ends in the ground state of Hp. This proposal exchanged local optimization (classical retrieval) for global optimization. While this is generally a bad idea98, what is gained is a quantum formulation of the problem which can be run on adiabatic architectures, and also the fact that this system can return quantum superpositions of recalled patterns, if multiple stored patterns are approximately equally close to the input, which can be an advantage (Neigovzen et al., 2009). However, the system above does not behave exactly the same as the classical recall network, which was further investigated

98 Generically, local optimization is easier than global, and in the context of the Ising system, global optimization is known to be NP-hard.


in subsequent work (Seddiqi and Humble, 2014) analysing the sensitivity of the quantum recall under various classical learning rules. Further, in (Santra et al., 2016) the authors have provided an extensive analysis of the capacity of the Hebb-based HN, but under quantum annealing recall as proposed in (Neigovzen et al., 2009) showing, surprisingly, that this model yields exponential storage capacity, under the assumption of random memories. This result stands in apparent stark contrast to standard classical capacities reported in textbooks99. Regarding near-term implementability, in (Santra et al., 2016) the authors have investigated the suitability of the Chimera graph-based architectures of D-Wave programmable quantum annealing device for quantum recall HN tasks, showing potential for demonstrable quantum improvements in near-term devices.

C. Run-time improvements: computational complexity

Executive summary: The theory of quantum algorithms has provided examples of compu- tational speed ups for decision problems, various functional problems, oracular problems, sampling tasks, and optimization problems. This section presents quantum algorithms which provide speed-ups for learning-type problems. The two main classes of approaches differ in the underlying computational architecture – a large class of algorithms relies on quantum annealers, which may not be universal for QC, but may natively solve certain sub-tasks im- portant in the context of ML. These approaches then have an increased likelihood of being realizable with near-term devices. In contrast, the second class of approaches assumes universal quantum computers, and often data prepared and accessible in quantum database, but offers up to exponential improvements. Here we distinguish between quantum amplitude amplification and amplitude encoding approaches, which, with very few exceptions, cover all quantum algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning.

The most prolific research area within quantum ML in the last few years has focused on identifying ML algorithms, or their computationally intensive subroutines, which may be sped up using quantum computers. While there are multiple natural ways to classify the performed research, an appealing first-order delineation follows the types of quantum computational architectures assumed100. Here we can identify research which is focused on using quantum annealing architectures, which are experimentally well justified and even commercially available in recent times (mostly in terms of the D-Wave system set-ups). In most of such research, the annealing architecture will be utilized to perform a classically hard optimization problem usually emerging in the training phases of many classical algorithms. An involved part of such approaches will often be a meaningful rephrasing of such ML optimization to a form which an annealing architecture can (likely) handle. While the overall supervised task comprises multiple computational elements, it is only the optimization that will be treated by a quantum system in these proposals. The second approach to speeding up ML algorithms assumes universal quantum computation capabilities. Here, the obtained algorithms are typically expressed in terms of quantum circuits.

99 At this point it should be mentioned that recently exponential capacities of HNs have been proposed for fully classical systems, by considering different learning rules (Hillar and Tran, 2014; Karbasi et al., 2014), which also tolerate moderate noise. The relationship and potential advantages of the quantum proposals remains to be elucidated.

100 Other classification criteria could be according to tasks, i.e. supervised vs. unsupervised vs. generative models etc., or depending on the underlying quantum algorithms used, e.g. amplitude amplification, or equation solving.


For most proposals in this research line, to guarantee actual speed-ups, there will be additional assumptions. For instance, most proposals can only guarantee improvements if the data, which is to be analyzed, is already present in a type of a quantum oracle or a quantum memory, and, more generally, that certain quantum states, which depend on the data, can be prepared efficiently. The overhead of initializing such a memory in the first place is not counted, but this may not unreasonable as in practice, the same database is most often used for a great number of analyses. Other assumptions may also be placed on the structure of the dataset itself, such as low condition numbers of certain matrices containing the data (Aaronson, 2015).

1. Speed-up via adiabatic optimization

Quantum optimization techniques play an increasingly important role in quantum ML. Here, we can roughly distinguish two flavours of approaches, which differ in what computationally difficult aspect of training of a classical model is tackled by adiabatic methods. In the (historically) first approach, we deal with clear-cut optimization in the context of binary classifiers, and more specifically, boosting (see II.A.3). Since, it has been shown that annealers can also help by generating samples from hard-to-simulate distributions. We will mostly focus on the historically first approaches, and only briefly mention the other more recent results.

a. Optimization for boosing The representative line of research, which also initiated the development of this topic of quantum-enhanced ML based on adiabatic quantum computation, focuses on a particular family of optimization problems called quadratic unconstrained optimization (QUBO) problems of the form

x∗ = (x∗1, . . . ,x ∗ n) = argmin(x1,...,xn)


Jijxixj, xk ∈{0, 1} (25)

specified by a real matrix J. QUBO problems are equivalent to the problem of identifying lowest

energy states of the Ising functional101 E(s) = −1 2

∑ ij Jijsisj +

∑ i θisi, provided we make no

assumptions on the underlying lattice. Modern annealing architectures provide means for tackling the problem of finding such ground states using adiabatic quantum computation. Typically we are dealing with systems which can implement the tunable Hamiltonian of the form

H(t) = −A(t) ∑



︸ ︷︷ ︸ Hinitial

+B(t) ∑


Jijσ z i σ

z j

︸ ︷︷ ︸ Htarget

, (26)

where A,B are smooth positive functions such that A(0) � B(0) and B(1) � A(1), that is, by tuning t sufficiently slowly, we can perform adiabatic preparation of the ground state of the Ising Hamiltonian Htarget, thereby solving the optimization problem. In practice, the parameters Jij cannot be chosen fully freely (e.g. the connectivity is restricted to the so-called Chimera graph

101 More precisely, an efficient algorithm which solves general QUBO problems can also efficiently solve arbitrary Ising ground state problems. One direction is trivial as QUBO optimization is a special case of ground state finding, where the local fields are zero. In the converse, given an Ising ground state problem over n variables, we can construct a QUBO over n + 1 variables, which can be used to encode the local terms.


(Hen et al., 2015) in D-Wave architectures), and also the realized interaction strenght values have a limited precision and accuracy (Neven et al., 2009a; Bian et al., 2010), but we will ignore this for the moment. In general, finding ground states of the Ising model is functional NP-hard102, which is likely beyond the reach of quantum computers. However, annealing architectures still may have many advantages, for instance it is believed they may still provide speed ups in all, or at least average instances, and/or that they may provide good heuristic methods, and hopefully near optimal solutions103. In other words, any aspect of optimization occurring in ML algorithms which has an efficient mapping to (non-trivial) instances of QUBO problems, specifically those which can be realized by experimental set-ups, is a valid candidate for quantum improvements. Such optimization problems have been identified in a number of contexts, mostly dealing with training binary classifiers, thus belong to the class of supervised learning problems. The first setting considers the problem of building optimal classifiers from linear combinations of simple hypothesis functions, which minimize empirical error, while controlling the model complexity through a so-called regularization term. This is the common optimization setting of boosting (see II.A.3), and, with appropriate mathematical gymnastics and few assumptions, it can be reduced to a QUBO problem. The overarching setting of this line of works can be expressed in the context of training a binary classifier by combining weaker hypotheses. For this setting, consider a dataset D = {xi,yi}Mi=1, xi ∈ Rn, yi ∈{−1, 1}, and a set of hypotheses {hj}Kj=1,hj : Rn →{−1, 1}. For a given weight vector w ∈ Rn we define the composite classifier of the form hcw(x) = sign(

∑ k wkhk(x)).

The training of the composite classifier is achieved by the optimization of the vector w as to minimize misclassification on the training set, and as to decrease the risk of overtraining. The misclassification cost is specified via a loss function L, which depends on the dataset, and the hypothesis set in the boosting context. The overtraining risk, which tames the complexity of the model, is controlled by a so-called regularization term R. Formally we are solving

argminw L(w; D) + R(w). (27)

This constitutes the standard boosting frameworks exactly, but is also closely related to the training of certain SVMs, i.e. hyperplane classifiers104. In other words, quantum optimization techniques which work for boosting setting can also help for hyperplane classification. There are a few well-justified choices for L and R, leading to classifiers with different properties. Often, best choices (the definition of which depends on the context) lead to hard optimization(Long and Servedio, 2010), and some of those can be reduced to QUBOs, but not straightforwardly. In the pioneering paper on the topic (Neven et al., 2008), Neven and co-authors consider the boosting setting. The regularization term is chosen to be proportional to the 0-norm, which counts the number of non-zero entries, that is, R(w,λ) = λ‖w‖0. The parameter λ controls the relative importance of regularization in the overall optimization task. A common choice for the loss function would be the 0-1 loss function L0−1, optimal in some settings, given with L0−1(w) =

∑M j=1 Θ (−yj

∑ k wkhk(xj))

(where Θ is the step function), which simply counts the number of misclassifications. This choice

102 Finding ground states is not a decision problem, so, technically it is not correct to state it is NP-hard. The class functional NP (FNP) is the extension of the NP class to functional (relational) problems.

103 Indeed, one of the features of adiabatic models in general is that they provide an elegant means for (generically) providing approximate solutions, by simply performing the annealing process faster than prescribed by the adiabatic theorem.

104 If we allow the hypotheses hj to attain continuous real values, then by setting hj to be the projection on the jth component of the input vector, so hj(x) = xj, then the combined classifier attains attains the inner-product- threshold form hcw(x) = sign(w

τx) which contains hyperplane classifiers – the only component missing is the hyperplane offset b which incorporated into the weight vector by increasing the dimension by 1.


is reasonably well motivated in terms of performance, and is likely to be computationally hard. With appropriate discretization of the weights w, which the authors argue likely does not hurt performance, the above forms a solid candidate for a general adiabatic approach. However, it does not fit the QUBO structure (which has only quadratic terms), and hence cannot be tackled using existing architectures. To achieve the desired QUBO structure the authors impose two modifications: they opt for a quadratic loss function L2(w) =

∑M j=1 |yj −

∑ k wkhk(xj)|2, and restrict the weights

to binary (although this can be circumvented to an extent). Such a system is also tested using numerical experiments. In a follow-up paper (Neven et al., 2009a), the same team has generalized the initial proposal to accommodate another practical issue: problem size. Available architectures allow optimization over a few thousand variables, whereas in practice the number of hypotheses one optimizes over (K) may be significantly larger. To resolve this, the authors show how to break a large optimization problem into more manageable chunks while maintaining (experimentally verified) good performance. These ideas were also tested in an actual physical architecture (Neven et al., 2009b), and combined and refined in a more general, iterative algorithm in (Neven et al., 2012), tested also using actual quantum architectures. While L0−1 loss functions were known to be good choices, they were not the norm in practice as they lead to non-convex optimization – so convex functions were preferred. However, in 2010 it became increasingly clear that convex functions are provably bad choices. For instance, in the seminal paper (Long and Servedio, 2010) Long and Servedio105, showed that boosting with convex optimization completely fails in noisy settings. Motivated by this in (Denchev et al., 2012), the authors re-investigate D-Wave type architectures, and identify a reduction which allows a non-convex optimization. Expressed in the hyperplane classification setting (as explained, this is equivalent to the boosting setting in structure), they identify a reduction which (indirectly) implements a non-convex function lq(x) = min{(1 − q)2, (max(0, 1 − x))2}. This function is called the q-loss function, where q is a real parameter. The implementation of the q-loss function allows for the realization of optimization relative to the total loss of the form Lq(w,b; D) =

∑ j lq(yj(w

τ x + b)). The resulting regularization term is in this case proportional to the 2-norm of w, instead of the 0-norm as in the previous examples, which may be sub-optimal. Nonetheless, the above forms a prime example where quantum architectures lead to ML settings which would not have been explored in the classical case (the loss Lq is unlikely to appear naturally in many settings) yet are well motivated, as a) the function is non-convex and thus has the potential to circumvent all the no-go results for convex functions, and b) the optimization process can be realized in a physical system. The authors perform a number of numerical experiments demonstrating the advantages of this choice of a non-convex loss function when analysing noisy data, which is certainly promising. In later work (Denchev et al., 2015), it was also suggested that combinations of loss-regularization which are realizable in quantum architectures can also be used for so-called totally corrective boosting with cardinality penalization, which is believed to be classically intractable. The details of this go beyond the scope of this review, but we can at least provide a flavour of the problem. In corrective boosting, the algorithm updates the weights w essentially one step at a time. In totally corrective boosting, at the tth step of the boosting algorithm optimization, t entries of w are updated simultaneously. This is known to lead to better regularized solutions, but the optimization is harder. Cardinality penalization pertains to using explicitly the 0-norm for the regularization (discussed earlier), rather than the more common 1-norm. This, too, leads to harder

105 Servedio also, incidentally, provided some of the earliest results in quantum computational learning theory, discussed in previous sections.


optimization which may be treated using an annealing architecture. In (Babbush et al., 2014), the authors significantly generalized the scope of loss functions which can be embedded into quantum architectures, by observing that any polynomial unconstrained binary optimization can, with small overhead, be mapped onto a (slightly larger) QUBO problem. This, in particular, opens up the possibility of implementing odd-degree polynomials which are non-convex and can approximate the 0-1 loss function. This approach introduced new classes of unusual yet promising loss functions.

b. Applications of quantum boosting Building on the “quantum boosting” architecture described above, in (Pudenz and Lidar, 2013), the authors explore the possibility of (aside from boosting) realizing anomaly detection, specifically envisioned in the computationally challenging problem of software verification and validation106. In the proposed learning step the authors use quantum optimization (boosting) to learn the characteristics of the program being tested. In the novel testing step the authors modify the target Hamiltonian as to lower the energy of the states which encode input-outputs where the real and ideal software differ. These can then be prepared in superposition (i.e. they can prepare a state which is a superposition over the inputs where the P will produce an erroneous output) similarly to the previously mentioned proposals in the context of adiabatic recall of superpositions in HN (Neigovzen et al., 2009).

c. Beyond boosting Beyond the problems of boosting, annealers have been shown to be useful for the training of so-called Bayesian Network Structure Learning problems (O’Gorman et al., 2015), as their training can also be reduced to QUBOs. Further, annealing architectures can also be used the training of deep neural networks, relying on sampling, rather than optimization. A notable approach to this is based on the fact that the training of deep networks usually relies on the use of a so-called generative deep belief network, which are, essentially, restricted BMs with multiple layers107. The training of deep belief networks, in turn, is the computational bottleneck, as i requires the sampling of hard-to-generate distributions, which may be more efficiently prepared using annealing architectures, see e.g. (Adachi and Henderson, 2015). Further. novel ideas introducing fully quantum BM-like models have been proposed (Amin et al., 2016). Further, in recent work (Sieberer and Lechner, 2017) which builds on the flexible construction in (Lechner et al., 2015), the authors have shown how to achieve programmable adiabatic architectures, which allows running algorithms where the weights themselves are in superposition. This possibility is also sure to inspire novel QML ideas. Moving on from BMs, in recent work (Wittek and Gogolin, 2017), the authors have also shown how suitable annealing architectures may be useful to speed-up the performing of probabilistic inference in so-called Markov logic networks108. This task involves the estimation of partition functions of arising from statistical models, concretely Markov random fields, which include the Ising model as a special case. Quantum annealing may speed up this sub-task. More generally, general, the ideas that restricted, even simple, quantum systems which may be realizable with current technologies, could implement information processing elements useful for

106 A software is represented as a map P from input to output spaces, here specified as subset of the space of pairs (xinput,xoutput). An implemented map (software) P is differentiated from the ideal software P̂ by the mismatches in the defining pairs.

107 In other words, they are slightly less restricted BMs, with multiple layers and no within-layer connectivity. 108 Markov logic networks (Richardson and Domingos, 2006) combine first-order logic as used for knowledge repre-

sentation and reasoning, and statistical modelling – essentially, the world is described via first-order sentences (a knowledge base), which gives rise to a graphical statistical model (a Markov random field), where correlations stem from the relations in the knowledge base.


supervised learning are beginning to be explored in setting beyond annealers. For instance, in (Schuld et al., 2017), a simple interferometric circuit is used for the efficient evaluation of distances between data-vectors, useful for classification and clustering. A more complete account of these recent ideas is beyond the scope of this review.

2. Speed-ups in circuit architectures

One of the most important applications of ML in recent times has been in the context of data mining, and analyzing so-called big data. The most impressive improvements in this context have been achieved by proposing specialized quantum algorithms which solve particular ML problems. Such algorithms assume the availability of full-blown quantum computers, and have been tentatively probed since early 2000s. In recent times, however, we have witnessed a large influx of ideas. Unlike the situation we have seen in the context of quantum annealing, where an optimization subroutine alone was run on a quantum system, in most of the approaches of this section, the entire algorithm, and even the dataset may be quantized. The ideas for quantum-enhancements for ML can roughly be classified into two groups: a) approaches which rely on Grover’s search and amplitude amplification to obtain up-to-quadratic speed-ups, and, b) approaches which encode relevant information into quantum amplitudes, and which have a potential for even exponential improvements. The second group of approaches forms perhaps the most developed research line in quantum ML, and collects a plethora quantum tools – most notably quantum linear algebra, utilized in quantum ML proposals.

a. Speed-ups by amplitude amplification In (Anguita et al., 2003), it was noticed that the training of support vector machines may be a hard optimization task, with no obviously better approaches than brute-force search. In turn, for such cases of optimization with no structure, QIP offers at least a quadratic relief, in the guise of variants of Grover’s (Grover, 1996) search algorithm or its application to minimum finding (Durr and Hoyer, 1999). This idea predates, and is, in spirit, similar to some of the early adiabatic-based proposals of the previous subsection, but the methodology is substantially different. The potential of quadratic improvements stemming from Grover-like search mechanisms was explored more extensively in (Aı̈meur et al., 2013), in the context of unsupervised learning tasks. There the authors assume access to a black-box oracle which computes a distance measure between any two data-points. Using this, combined with amplitude amplification techniques (e.g. minimum finding in (Durr and Hoyer, 1999)), the authors achieve up to quadratic improvements in key subroutines used in clustering (unsupervised learning) tasks. Specifically, improvements are obtained in algorithms performing minimum spanning tree clustering, divisive clustering and k-medians clustering109. Additionally, the authors also show that quantum effects allow for a better parallelization of clustering tasks, by constructing a distributed version of Grover’s search. This construction may be particularly relevant as large databases can often be distributed. More recently, in (Wiebe et al., 2014a) the author considers the problem of training deep (more than two-layered) BMs. As we mentioned earlier, one of the bottlenecks of exactly training BMs stems

109 In minimum tree clustering, data is represented as a weighted graph (weight being the distance), and a minimum weight spanning tree is found. k clusters are identified by simply removing the k−1- highest weight edges. Divisive clustering is an iterative method which splits sets into two subsets according to a chosen criterion, and this process is iterated. k−median clustering identifies clusters which minimize the cumulative within-cluster distances to the median point of the cluster.


from the fact that it requires the estimation of probabilities of certain equilibrium distributions. Computing this analytically is typically not possible (it is as hard as computing partition functions), and sampling approaches are costly as it requires attaining the equilibrium distribution and many iterations to reliably estimate small values. This is often circumvented by using proxy solutions (e.g. relying on contrastive divergence) to train approximately, but it is known that these methods are inferior to exact training. In (Wiebe et al., 2014a), a quantum algorithm is devised which prepares coherent encodings of the target distributions, relying on quantum amplitude amplification, often attaining quadratic improvements in the number of training points, and even exponential improvements in the number of neurons, in some regimes. Quadratic improvements have also been obtained in pure data mining contexts, specifically in association rules mining (Yu et al., 2016), which, roughly speaking identifies correlations between objects in large databases 110. As our final example in the class of quantum algorithms relying on amplitude amplification we mention the algorithm for the training perceptrons (Wiebe et al., 2016). Here, quantum amplitude amplification was used to quadratically speed up training, but, interestingly, also to quadratically reduce the error probability. Since perceptrons constitute special cases of SVMs, this result is similar in motivation to the much older proposal (Anguita et al., 2003), but relies on more modern and involved techniques.

b. Precursors of amplitude encoding In an early pioneering, and often overlooked, work (Schützhold, 2003), Schützhold proposed an interesting application of QC on pattern recognition problems, which addresses many ideas which have only been investigated, and re-invented, by the community relatively recently. The author considers the problem of identifying “patterns” in images, specified by N ×M black-and-white bitmaps, characterized by a function f : {1, . . . ,N}×{1, . . . ,M}→{0, 1} (which technically coincides with a concept in CLT see II.B.1), specifying the color-value f(x,y) ∈{0, 1} of a pixel at coordinate (x,y). The function f is given as a quantum oracle |x〉 |y〉 |b〉 Uf→|x〉 |y〉 |b⊕f(x,y)〉. The oracle is used in quantum parallel (applied to a superposition of all coordinates), and conditioned on the bit-value function being 1 (this process succeeds with constant probability, whenever the density of points is constant,) leading to the state |ψ〉 = N

∑ x,y s.t.f(x,y)=1 |x〉 |y〉, where N is

a normalization factor. Note, this state is proportional to the vectorized bitmap image itself, when given in the computational basis. Next, the author points out that “patterns” – repeating macroscopic features – can often be detected by applying discrete Fourier transform to the image vector, which has classical complexity O(NM log(NM)). However, the quantum Fourier transform (QFT) can be applied to the state |ψ〉 utilizing exponentially fewer gates. The author proceeds to show that the measurements of the QFT transformed state may yield useful information, such as pattern localization. This work is innovative in a few aspects. First, the author utilized the encoding of data-points (here strings of binary values) into amplitudes by using a quantum memory, in a manner which is related to the applications in the context of content-addressable memories discussed in VI.B.1. It should be pointed out, however, that in the present application of amplitude encoding, non-binary amplitudes have clear meaning (in say grayscale images), although this is not explicitly discussed by the author. Second, in contrast to all previous proposals, the author shows the potential for a quantifiable exponential computational complexity improvement for a family of tasks. However, this is all contingent on having access of the pre-filled database (Uf ) the

110 To exemplify the logic behind association rules mining, in the typical context of shopping, if shopping item (list element) B occurs in nearly every shopping list in which shopping item A occurs as well, one concludes that the person buying A is also likely to buy B. This is captured by the rule denoted B ⇒ A.


loading of which would nullify any advantage. Aside from the fact that this may be considered a one-off overhead, Schützhold discusses physical means of loading data from optical images in a quantum-parallel approach, which may be effectively efficient.

c. Amplitude encoding: linear algebra tools The very basic idea of amplitude encoding is to treat states of N−level quantum systems, as data vectors themselves. More precisely given a data-vector x ∈ Rn, the amplitude encoding would constitute the normalized quantum state |x〉 =

∑ i xi |i〉/||x||,

where it is often also assumed that norm of the vector ‖x‖ can always be accessed. Note that N−dimensional data-points are encoded into amplitudes of n ∈ O(log(N)) qubits. Any polynomial circuit applied to the n-qubit register encoding the data thus constitutes only a polylogarithmic computation relative to the data-vector size, and this is at the basis of all exponential improvements (also in the case of (Schützhold, 2003), discussed in the previous section)111. These ideas have lead to a research area which could be called “quantum linear algebra” (QLA), that is, a collection of algorithms which solve certain linear algebra problems, by directly encoding numerical vectors into state vectors. These quantum sub-routines have then been used to speed up numerous ML algorithms, some of which we describe later in this section. QLA includes algorithms for matrix inversion and principal component analysis (Harrow et al., 2009; Lloyd et al., 2014), and many others. For didactic purposes, we will first give the simplest example which performs the estimation of inner products in logarithmic time.

Tool 1: inner product evaluation Given access to boxes which prepare quantum states |ψ〉 and |φ〉 , the overlap |〈φ |ψ〉 |2 can be estimated to precision � using O(1/�) copies, using the so-called the swap-test. The swap test (Buhrman et al., 2001) applies a controlled-SWAP gate onto the state |ψ〉 |φ〉 , where the control qubit is set to the uniform superposition |+〉. The probability of “succeeding”, i.e. observing |+〉 on the control after the circuit is given with (1 +|〈φ |ψ〉 |2)/2, and this can be estimated by iteration (a more efficient option using quantum phase estimation is also possible). If the states |ψ〉 and |φ〉 encode unit-length data vectors, the success value encodes their inner product up to sign. Norms, and phases can also be estimated by minor tweaks to this basic idea – in particular, actual norms of the amplitude-encoded states will be accessible in a separate oracle, and used in algorithms. The sample complexity of this process depends only on precision, whereas the gate complexity is proportional to O(log(N)) as that many qubits need to be control-swapped and measured. The swap test also works as expected if the reduced states are mixed, and the overall state is product. This method of computing inner products, relative to classical vector multiplication, offers an exponential improvement with respect to N (if calls to devices which generate |ψ〉 and |φ〉 take O(1)), at the cost of significantly worse scaling with respect to errors, as classical algorithms have typical error scaling with the logarithm of inverse error, O(log(1/�)). However, in context of ML problems, this is can constitute an excellent compromise.

Tool 2: quantum linear system solving Perhaps the most influential technique for quantum enhanced algorithms for ML is based on one of the quintessential problems of linear algebra: solving systems of

111 In a related work (Wiebe and Granade, 2015), the authors investigate the learning capacity, of “small” quantum systems, and identify certain limitations in the context of Bayesian learning, based on Grover optimality bounds. Here, “small” pertains to systems of logarithmic size, encoding information in amplitudes. This work thus probes the potential of space complexity improvements for quantum-enhanced learning, related to early ideas discussed in VI.B.


equations. In their seminal paper (Harrow et al., 2009), the authors have proposed the first algorithm for “quantum linear system” (QLS) solving, which performs the following. Consider an N × N linear system Ax = b, where κ and d are the condition number112, and sparsity of the Hermitian system matrix A113. Given (quantum) oracles giving positions and values of non-zero elements of A, (that is, given standard oracles for A as encountered in Hamiltonian simulation, cf. (Berry et al., 2015)) and an oracle which prepares the quantum state |b〉 which is the amplitude encoding of b (up to norm), the algorithm in (Harrow et al., 2009) prepares the quantum state |x〉 which is �−close to the amplitude encoding of the solution vector x. The run-time of the first algorithm is Õ(κ2d2 log(N)/�). Note, the complexity scales proportionally to the logarithm of the system size. Note that any classical algorithm must scale at least with N, and this offers room for exponential improvements. The original proposal in (Harrow et al., 2009) relies on Hamiltonian simulation (implementing exp(iAt),) upon which phase estimation is applied. Once phases are estimated, inversely proportional amplitudes – that is, the inverses of the eigenvalues of A – are imprinted via a measurement. It has also been noted that certain standard matrix pre-conditioning techniques can also be applicable in the QLS scheme (Clader et al., 2013). The linear scaling in the error in these proposals stems from the phase estimation subroutine. In more recent work (Childs et al., 2015), the authors also rely on best Hamiltonian simulation techniques, but forego the expensive phase estimation. Roughly speaking, they (probabilistically) implement a linear combination of unitaries of the form

∑ k αkexp(ikAt) upon the input state. This constitutes a polynomial in the unitaries

which can be made to approximate the inverse operator A−1 (in a measurement-accessible subspace) more efficiently. This, combined with other numerous optimizations, yields a final algorithm with complexity Õ(κdpolylog(N/�)), which is essentially optimal. It is important to note that the apparently exponentially more efficient schemes above do not trivially imply provable computational improvements, even if we assume free access to all oracles. For instance, one of the issues is that the quantum algorithm outputs a quantum state, from which classical values can only be accessed by sampling. This process for the reconstruction of the complete output vector would kill any improvements. On the other hand, certain functions of the amplitudes can be computed efficiently, the computation of which may still require O(N) steps classically, yielding the desired exponential improvement. Thus this algorithm will be most useful as a sub-routine, an intermediary step of bigger algorithms, such as those for quantum machine learning.

Tool 3: density matrix exponentiation Density matrix exponentiation (DME) is a remarkably simple idea, with few subtleties, and, arguably, profound consequences. Consider an N-dimensional density matrix ρ. Now, from a mathematics perspective, ρ is nothing but a semidefinite positive matrix, although it is also commonly used to denote the quantum state of a quantum system – and these two are subtly different concepts. In the first reading, where ρ is a matrix (we will denote it [ρ] to avoid confusion), [ρ] is also a valid description of a physical Hamiltonian, with time-integrated unitary evolution exp(−i[ρ]t). Could one approximate exp(−i[ρ]t), having access to quantum systems prepared in the state ρ? Given sufficiently many copies (ρ⊗n), the obvious answer is yes – one could use full state tomography to reconstruct [ρ], to arbitrary precision, and then execute the unitary using say Hamiltonian simulation (efficiency notwithstanding). In (Lloyd et al., 2014), the authors show a significantly simpler method: given any input state σ, and one copy of ρ, the quantum state

σ′ = TrB[exp(−i∆tS)(σA ⊗ρB) exp(i∆tS)], (28)

112 Here, the condition number of the matrix A is given by the quotient of the largest and smallest singular value of A. 113 The assumption that A is Hermitian is non-restrictive, as an oracle for any sparse matrix A can be modified to

yield an oracle for the symmetrized matrix A′ = |0〉〈1|⊗A† + |1〉〈0|⊗A.


where S is the Hermitian operator corresponding to the quantum SWAP gate, approximates the desired time evolution to first order, for small ∆t: σ′ = σ − i∆t[ρ,σ] + O(∆t2). If this process is iterated, by using fresh copies of ρ, we obtain that the target state σρ = exp(−iρt)σ exp(iρt) can be approximated to precision �, by setting ∆t to O(�/t) and using O(t2/�) copies of the state ρ. DME is, in some sense, a generalization of the process of using SWAP-tests between two quantum states, to simulate aspects of a measurement specified by one of the quantum states. One immediate consequence of this result is in the context of Hamiltonian simulation, which can now be efficiently realized (with no dependency on the sparsity of the Hamiltonian), whenever one can prepare quantum systems in a state which is represented by the matrix of the Hamiltonian. In particular, this can be realized using qRAM stored descriptions of the Hamiltonian, whenever the Hamiltonian itself is of low rank. More generally, this also implies, e.g. that QLS algorithms can also be efficiently executed when the system matrix is not sparse, but rather dominated by few principal components, i.e. close to a low rank matrix114.

Remark: Algorithms for QLS, inner product evaluation, quantum PCA, and consequently, almost all quantum algorithms listed in the remainder of this section also assume “pre-loaded databases”, which allow accessing of information in quantum parallel, and/or the accessing or efficient preparation of amplitude encoded states. The problem of parallel access, or even the storing of quantum states has been addressed and mostly resolved using so-called quantum random access memory (qRAM) architectures (Giovannetti et al., 2008) 115. The same qRAM structures can be also used to realize oracles utilized in the approaches based on quantum search. However, having access to quantum databases pre-filled with classical data does a-priori not imply that quantum amplitude encoded states can also be generated efficiently, which is, at least implicilty, assumed in most works below. For a separate discussion on the cost of some of similar assumptions, we refer the reader to (Aaronson, 2015).

d. Amplitude encoding: algorithms With all the quantum tools in place, we can now present a selection of quantum algorithms for various supervised and unsupervised learning tasks, grouped according to the class of problems they solve. The majority of proposals of this section follow a clear paradigm: the authors investigate established ML approaches, and identify those where the computationally intensive parts can be reduced to linear algebra problems, most often, diagonalization and/or equation solving. In this sense, further improvements in quantum linear algebra approaches, are likely to lead to new results in quantum ML. As a final comment, all the algorithms below pertain to discrete-system implementations. Recently, in (Lau et al., 2017), the authors have also considered continuous variable variants of qRAM, QLS and DME, which immediately lead to continuous variables implementations of all the quantum tools and most quantum-enhanced ML algorithms listed below.

Regression algorithms One of the first proposals for quantum enhancements tackled linear regression

114 Since a density operator is normalized, the eigenvalues of data-matrices are rescaled by the dimension of the system. If the eigenvalues are close to uniform, they are rendered exponentially small in the qubit number. This then requires exponential precision in DME, which would off-set any speed-ups. However, if the spectrum is dominated by a constant number of terms, the precision required, and overall complexity, is again independent from the dimension, allowing overall efficient algorithms.

115 qRAM realizes the following mapping: |addr〉|b〉 qRAM −→ |addr〉|b⊕daddr〉 , where daddr represents the data stored

at the address addr (the ⊕ represents modulo addition, as usual), which is the reversible variant of conventional RAM memories. In (Giovannetti et al., 2008), it was shown a qRAM can be constructed such that its internal processing scales logarithmically in the number of memory cells.


problems, specifically, least squares fitting, and relied on QLS. In least squares fitting, we are given N M-dimensional real datapoints paired with real labels, so (xi,yi)

N i=1, xi = (x

j i )j ∈ RM, y = (yi)i ∈

R N. In regression y is called the response variable (also regressant or dependant variable), whereas

the datapoints xi are called predictors (or regressors or explanatory variables), and the goal of least-squares linear regression is to establish the best linear model, that is β = (βj)j ∈ RM given with

argminβ‖Xβ− y‖2, (29) where the data matrix X collects the data-points xi as rows. In other words, linear regression assumes a linear relationship between the predictors and the response variables. It is well-established that the solution to the above least-squares problem is given with β = X+y, where X+ is the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of the data-matrix, which is, in the case that X†X is invertible, given with X+ = (X†X)−1X†. The basic idea in (Wiebe et al., 2012) is to apply X† onto the initial vector |y〉 which amplitude-encodes the response variables, obtaining a state proportional to X† |y〉. This can be done e.g. by modifying the original QLS algorithm (Harrow et al., 2009) to imprint not the inverses of eigenvalues but the eigenvalues themselves. Following this, the task of applying (X†X)−1

(onto the generated state proportional to X† |y〉) is interpreted as an equation-solving problem for the system (X†X)β = X†y. The end result is a quantum state |β〉 proportional to the solution vector β, in time O(κ4d3 log(N)/�), where κ,d and � are the condition number, the sparsity of the “symmetrized” data matrix X†X, and the error, respectively. Again, we have in general few guarantees on the behaviour of κ, and an obvious restriction on the sparsity d of the data-matrix. However, whenever both are O(polylog(N)), we have a potential116 for exponential improvements. This algorithm is not obviously useful for actually finding the solution vector β, as it is encoded in a quantum state. Nonetheless, it is useful for estimating the quality of fit: essentially by applying X onto |β〉 we obtain the resulting prediction of y, which can be compared to the actual response variable vector via a swap test efficiently117. These basic ideas for quantum linear regression have since been extended in a few works. In an extensive, and complementary work (Wang, 2014), the authors rely on the powerful technique of “qubitization” (Low and Chuang, 2016), and optimize the goal of actually producing the best-fit parameters β. By necessity, the complexity of their algorithm is proportional to the number of data-points M, but is logarithmic in the data dimension N, and quite efficient in other relevant parameters. In (Schuld et al., 2016), the authors follow the ideas of (Wiebe et al., 2012) more closely, and achieve the same results as in the original work also when the data matrix is not sparse, but rather low-rank. Further, they improve on the complexities by using other state-of-the-art methods. This latter work critically relies on the technique of DME.

Clustering algorithms In (Lloyd et al., 2013), amplitude encoding and inner product estimation are used to estimate the distance ‖u − v̄‖ between a given data vector u and the average of a collection of data points (centroid) v̄ =

∑ i vi/M for M datapoints {vi}i, in time which is logarithmic in both

116 In this section we often talk about the “potential” for exponential speed-ups because some of the algorithms as given do not solve classical computational problems for which classical lower bounds are known. Consider the conditions which have to be satisfied for the QLS algorithm to offer exponential speed-ups. First, we need to be dealing with problems where the preparation of the initial state and qRAM memory can be done in O(polylog(N)). Next, the problem condition number must be O(polylog(N)) as well. Assuming all this is satisfied, we are still not done: the algorithm generates a quantum state. As classical algorithms do not output quantum states, we cannot talk about quantum speed-ups. The quantum state can be measured, outputting at most O(polylog(N)) (more would kill exponential speed-ups due to printout alone) bits which are functions of the quantum state. However, the hardness of computing these output bits, given all the initial assumptions is clearly not obvious, needs to be proven.

117 In the paper, the authors take care to appropriately symmetrize all the matrices in a manner we discussed in a previous footnote, but for clarity, we ignore this technical step.


the vector length N, and number of points M. Using this as a building block, the authors also show an algorithm for k-means classification/clustering (where the computing of the distances to the centroid is the main cost), achieving an overall complexity O(M log(MN)/�), which may even further be improved in some cases. Here, it is assumed that amplitude-encoded state vectors, and their normalization values, are accessible via an oracle, or that they can be efficiently implemented from a qRAM storing all the values. Similar techniques, combined with coherent quantum phase estimation, and Grover-based optimization, have been also used for the problem of k-nearest neighbour algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning (Wiebe et al., 2015).

Quantum Principal Component Analysis The ideas of DME were in the same paper (Lloyd et al., 2014) immediately applied to a quantum version of principal component analysis (PCA). PCA constitutes one of the most standard unsupervised learning techniques, useful for dimensionality reduction but, naturally, has a large scope of applications beyond ML. In quantum PCA, for a quantum state ρ one applies quantum phase estimation of the unitary exp(−i[ρ]) using DME, applied onto the state ρ itself. In the ideal case of absolute precision, given the spectral decomposition ρ =

∑ i λi |λi〉〈λi| , this process generates the state

∑ i λi |λi〉〈λi|⊗ |λ̃i〉〈λ̃i|, where λ̃i denotes the

numerical estimation of the eigenvalue λi, corresponding to the eigenvector |λi〉 . Sampling from this state recovers both the (larger) eigenvalues, and the corresponding quantum states, which are amplitude-encoding the eigenvectors, which may be used in further quantum algorithms. The recovery of high-value eigenvalues and eigenvectors constitutes the essence of classical PCA as well.

Quantum Support Vector Machines One of the most influential papers in quantum-enhanced ML relies on QLS and DME for for the task of quantizing support vector machine algorithms. For the basic ideas behind SVMs see section II.A.2. We focus our attention to the problem of training SVMs, as given by the optimization task in its dual form, in Eq. (6), repeated here for convenience:

(α∗1, . . .α ∗ N ) = argminα1...αN


αi − 1



αiαjyiyjxi.xj, such that αi ≥ 0 and ∑


αiyi = 0.

The solution of the desired SVM is then easily computed by w∗ = ∑ i yiαixi.

As a warm-up result, in (Rebentrost et al., 2014) the authors point out that using quantum evaluation of inner products, appearing in Eq. (30), already can lead to exponential speed-ups, with respect to the data-vector dimension N. The quantum algorithm complexity is, however, still polynomial in the number of datapoints M, and the error dependence is now linear (as the error of the inner product estimation is linear). The authors proceed to show that full exponential improvements can be possible (with respect to N and M both), however for the special case of least-squares SVMs. Given the background discussions we have already done with respect to DME and QLS, the basic idea is here easy to explain. Recall that the problem of training least-squares SVMs reduces to a linear program, specifically a least-squares minimization. As we have seen previously, such minimization reduces to equation solving, which was given by the system in Eq. (14), which we repeat here:

[ 0 1T

1N Ω + γ −1I

][ b α

] =

[ 0 Y

] . (30)

Here, 1 is an “all ones” vector, Y is the vector of labels yi, α is the vector of the Lagrange multipliers yielding the solution, b is the offset, γ is a parameter depending on the hyperparameter C, and Ω


is the matrix collecting the (mapped) inner products of the training vectors so Ωi,j = xi.xj. The key technical aspects of (Rebentrost et al., 2014) demonstrate how the system above is realized in a manner suitable for QLS. To give a flavour of the approach, we will simply point out that the system sub-matrix Ω is proportional to the reduced density matrix of the quantum state∑ i |xi| |i〉1 |xi〉2 , obtained after tracing out the subsystem 2. This state can, under some constraints,

be efficiently realized with access to qRAM encoding the data-points. Following this, DME enables the application of QLS where the system matrix has a block proportional to Ω, up to technical details we omit for brevity. The overall quantum algorithm generates the quantum state proportional to |ψout〉∝ b |0〉 +

∑M i=1 αi |i〉 , encoding the offset and the multipliers. The multipliers need not be

extracted from this state by sampling. Instead any new point can be classified by (1) generating an amplitude-encoded state of the input, and (2) estimating the inner product between this state and

|ψ′out〉∝ b |0〉 |0〉 + ∑M i=1 αi|xi| |i〉 |xi〉 , which is obtained by calling the quantum data oracle using

|ψout〉. This process has an overall complexity of O(κ3eff�−3 log(MN)), where κeff depends on the eigenstructure of the data matrix. Whenever this term is polylogarithmic in data size, we have a potential for exponential improvements.

Gaussian process regression In (Zhao et al., 2015) the authors demonstrate how QLS can be used to dramatically improve Gaussian process regression (GPR), a powerful supervised learning method. GPR can be thought of as a stochastic generalization of standard regression: given a training set {xi,yi}, it models the latent function (which assigns labels y to data-points), assuming Gaussian noise on the labels f(x) = y + � where � encodes independent and identically distributed More precisely, GPR is a process in which an initial distribution over possible latent functions is refined by taking into account the training set points, using Bayesian inference. Consequently, the output of GPR is, roughly speaking, a distribution over models f which are consistent with the observed data (the training set). While the descriptions of such a distribution may be large, in computational terms, to predict the value of a new point x∗, in GPR, one needs to compute two numbers: a linear predictor (also referred to as the predictive mean, or simply mean), and the variance of the predictor, which are specific to x∗. These numbers characterize the distribution of the predicted value y∗ by the GPR model which is consistent with the training data. Further, it turns out, both values can be computed using modified QLS algorithms. The fact that this final output size is independent from the dataset size, combined with QLS, provides possibilities for exponential speed-ups in terms of data size. This, naturally holds, provided the data is available in qRAM, as is the case in most algorithms of this section. It should be mentioned that the authors take meticulous care of listing out all the “hidden costs”, (and the working out intermediary algorithms) in the final tally of the computational complexity.

Geometric and topological data analysis All the algorithms we presented in this subsection thus far critically depend on having access to “pre-loaded” databases – the loading itself would introduce a linear dependence on the database size, whereas the inner-product, QLS and DME algorithms provide potential for just logarithmic dependence. However, this can be circumvented in the cases where the data-points in the quantum database can be efficiently computed individually. This is reminiscent of the fact that most applications of Grover’s algorithm have a step in which the Grover oracle is efficiently computed. In ML applications, this can occur if the classical algorithm requires, as a computational step, a combinatorial exploration of the (comparatively small) dataset. Then, the quantum algorithm can generate the combinatorially larger space in quantum parallel – thereby efficiently computing the effective quantum database. The first example where this was achieved was presented in (Lloyd et al., 2016), in context of topological and geometric data analysis.


These techniques are very promising in the context of ML, as topological features of data do not depend on the metric of choice, and thus capture the truly robust, features of the data. The notion of topological features (in the ML world of discrete data points) are given by those properties which exist when data is observed at different spatial resolutions. Such persistent features are thus robust and less likely to be artefacts of noise, or choice of parameters, and are mathematically formalized through so-called persistent homology. A particular family of features of interest are the number of connected components, holes, voids (or cavities). These numbers, which are defined for simplicial complexes (roughly, a closed set of simplices), are called Betti numbers. To extract such features from data, one must thus construct nested families of simplical complexes from the data, and compute the corresponding features captured by the Betti numbers. However, there are combinatorially many simplices one should consider, and which should be analyzed, and one can roughly think of each possible simplex as data-points which need further analysis. However, they are efficiently generated from a small set – essentially the collection of the pair-wise distances between datapoints. The authors show how to generate quantum states which encode the simplexes in logarithmically few qubits, and further show that from this representation, the Betti numbers can be efficiently estimated. Iterating this at various resolutions allows the identification of persistent features. As usual, full exponential improvements happen under some assumptions on the data, and here they are manifest in the capacity to efficiently construct the simplical states – in particular, having the total number of simplices in the complex be exponentially large would suffice, although it is not clear when this is the case, see (Aaronson, 2015). This proposal provides evidence that quantum ML methods based on amplitude encoding may, at least in some cases, yield exponential speed-ups even if data is not pre-stored in a qRAM or an analogous system. As mentioned a large component of modern approaches to quantum-enhanced ML, relies on quantum linear algebra techniques, and any progress in this area may lead to new quantum ML algorithms. A promising recent examples of this were given in terms of algorithms for quantum gradient descent (Rebentrost et al., 2016b; Kerenidis and Prakash, 2017), which could e.g. lead to novel quantum methods for training neural networks.


The topics discussed thus far in this review, with few exceptions, deal with the relationship between physics, mostly QIP, and traditional ML techniques which allow us to better understand data, or the process which generates it. In this section, we go one step beyond data analysis and optimization techniques and address the relationship between QIP and more general learning scenarios, or even between QIP and AI. As mentioned, in more general learning or AI discussions, we typically talk about agents, interacting with their environments, which may be, or more often fail to be, intelligent. In our view, by far the most important aspect of any intelligent agent, is its capacity to learn from its interactions with its environment. However, general intelligent agents learn in environments which are complex and changeable. Further, the environments are susceptible to being changed by the agent itself, which is the crux of e.g. learning by experiments. All this delineates general learning frameworks, which begin with RL, from more restricted settings of data-driven ML. In this section, we will consider physics-oriented approaches to learning via interaction, specifically the PS model, and then focus on quantum-enhancements in the context of RL118. Following this, we

118 Although RL is a particularly mathematically clean model for learning by interaction, it is worthwhile to note


will discuss an approach for considering the most general learning scenarios, where the agent, the environment and their interaction, are treated quantum-mechanically: this constitutes a quantum generalization of the broad AE framework, underlying modern AI. We will finish off briefly discussing other results from QIP which may play a role in the future of QAI, which do not directly deal with learning, but which may still play a role in the future of QAI.

A. Quantum learning via interaction

Executive summary: The first proposal which addressed the specification of learning agents, designed with the possibility of quantum processing of episodic memory in mind, was the model of Projective Simulation PS. The results on quantum improvements of agents which learn by interacting with classical environments have mostly been given within this framework. The PS agent deliberates by effectively projecting itself into conceivable situations, using its memory, which organizes its episodic experiences in a stochastic network. Such an agent can solve basic RL problems, meta-learn, and solve problems with aspects of generalization. The deliberation is a stochastic diffusion process, allowing for a few routes for quantization. Using quantum random walks, quadratic speed-ups can be obtained.

The applications of QIP to reinforcement and other interactive learning problems has been com- paratively less studied, when compared to quantum enhancements in supervised and unsupervised problems. One of the first proposals which provides a coherent view on learning agents from a physics perspective was that of Projective Simulation (abbrv. PS) (Briegel and De las Cuevas, 2012). We first provide a detailed description the PS model, and review the few other works related to this topic at the end of the section. PS is a flexible framework for the design of learning agents motivated both from psychology and physics, and influenced by modern views on robotics. One of the principal reasons why we focus on this model is that it provides a natural route to quantization, which will be discussed presently. However already the classical features of the model reveal an underlying physical perspective which may be of interest for the reader, and which we briefly expose first. The PS viewpoint on (quantum) agents is conceived around a few basic principles. First, in the PS view, the agent is a physical, or rather, an embodied entity, existing relative to its environment, rather than a mathematical abstraction119. Note, this does not prohibit computer programs to be agents: while the print-out of the code is not an agent, the executed instantiation of the code, the running program, so to speak, has its own well-defined virtual interfaces, which delineate it from, and allow interaction with other programs in its virtual world – in this sense, that program too is embodied. Second, the interfaces of the agent are given by its sensors, collecting the environmental input, and the actuators, enabling the agent to act on the environment. Third, the learning is learning from experience, and, the interfaces of the agent constrain the elementary experiences of the agent to be collections from the sets of percepts S = {si}i which the agent can perceive and actions A = {ai}i. At this point we remark that the basic model assumes discretized time, and sensory

it is not fully general – for instance learning in real environments always involves supervised and other learning paradigms to control the size of the exploration space, but also various other techniques which occur when we try to model settings in continuous, or otherwise not turn-based fashion.

119 For instance, the Q-learning algorithm (see section II.C) is typically defined without an embodied agent-environment context. Naturally, we can easily promote this particular abstract model to an agent, by defining an agent which internally runs the Q-learning algorithm.


space, which is consistent with actual realizations, although this could be generalized. Fourth, a (good) learning agent’s behaviour – that is, the choice of actions, given certain percepts – is based on its cumulative experience, accumulated in the agent’s memory, which is structured. This brings us to the central concept of the PS framework, which is the memory of the agent: the episodic and compositional memory (ECM). The ECM is a structured network of units of experience which are called clips or episodes. A clip, denoted ci, can represent

120 an individual percept or action, so ci ∈S∪A – and indeed there is no other external type appearing in the PS framework. However, experiences may be more complex (such as an autobiographical episodic memory, similar to short video-clips, where we remember a temporally extended sequence of actions and percepts that we experienced). This brings us to the following recursive definition: a clip is either a percept, an action, or a structure over clips.

a) b)

FIG. 12 a) The agent learns to associate symbols to one of the two movements. b) the internal PS network requires only action and percept clips, arranged in two layers, with connections only from actions to percepts. The “smiling” edges are rewarded. Adapted from (Briegel and De las Cuevas, 2012).

Typical examples of structured clips are percept-action (s1,a1, . . . ,sk,ak) sequences describing what happened, i.e. a k−length history of interac- tion between the agent and environ- ment. Another example are simple sets of percepts (s1 or s2 . . .), which will be later used to generalize knowl- edge. The overall ECM is a network of clips (that is, a labeled directed graph, where the vertices are the clips), where

the edges organize the agent’s previous experiences, and has a functional purpose explained momen- tarily. Fifth, learning agent must act : that is, there has to be a defined deliberation mechanism, which given a current percept, the state of memory, i.e. the current ECM network, the agent, probabilistically decides on (or rather “falls into”) the next action and performs it. Finally, sixth, a learning agent must learn, that is, the ECM network must change under experiences and this occurs in two modes: by (1) changing the weights of the edges, and (2) the topology of the network, through the addition of deletion of clips. The above six principles describe the basic blueprint behind PS agents. The construction of a particular agent will require us to further specify certain components, which we will exemplify using the simplest example: a reinforcement learning PS agent, capable of solving the so-called invasion game. In the invasion game, the agent Fig 12 is facing an attacker, who must be blocked by appropriately moving to the left or right. These two options form the actions of the agent. The attacker presents a symbol, say a left- or right- pointing arrow, to signal what its next move will be. Initially, the percepts have no meaning for the agent, and indeed the attacker can alter the meaning in time. The basic scenario here is, in RL terms a contextual two-armed bandit problem (Langford and Zhang, 2008), where the agent gets rewarded when it correctly couples the two percepts to the two actions. The basic PS agent that can solve this is specified as follows. The action and percept spaces are the two moves, and two signals, so A = {−, +} (left and right move), and S = {←,→}, respectively. The clips set is just the union of the two sets. The connections are directed edges from percepts to actions,

120 Representation means that we, strictly speaking, distinguish actual percepts, from the memorized percepts, and the same for actions. This distinction is however not crucial for the purposes of this exposition.


weighted with real values, called h−values, hij ≥ 1, which form the h−matrix. The deliberation is realized by a random walk in the memory space, governed proportionally to the h−matrix: that is the probability of transition from percept s to action a is given with p(a|s) = hs,a∑

a′ hs,a′ . In other

words, the column-wise normalized h−matrix specifies the stochastic transition matrix of the PS model, in the Markov chain sense. Finally, the learning is manifest in the tuning of the h−values, via an update rule, which is in its most basic form given with:

ht+1(cj,ci) = h t(cj,ci) + δcj,ciλ, (31)

where t,t + 1 denote consecutive time steps, λ denotes the reward received in the last step, and δcj,ci is 1 if and only if the ci to cj transition occurred in the previous step. Simply stated, used edges get rewards. The h−value ht(ci,cj) associated to the edges connecting clips ci,cj, when the time step t is clear from context we will simply denote hij. One can easily see that the above rule constitutes a simple RL mechanism, and that it will indeed over time lead to a winning strategy in the invasion game; since only the correctly paired transitions get rewards, they are taken more and more frequently. However, these h−values in this simple process diverge, which also makes re-learning, in the eventuality the rules of the game change, more difficult with time. To manage this, one typically introduces a decay, or dissipation, parameter γ leading to the rule:

ht+1(cj,ci) = h t(cj,ci) −γ(ht(cj,ci) − 1) + δcj,ciλ. (32)

The dissipation is applied at each time step. Note that since the dissipating term diminishes the values of ht(cj,ci) by an amount proportional to the deviation of these values from 1, where 1 is the initial value. The above rule leads to the unit value h = 1 when there are no rewards, and a limiting upper value of 1 + λ/γ, when every move is rewarded.

FIG. 13 Basic learning curves for PS with non-zero γ in the invasion game with a rules switch at time step 250. Adapted from (Briegel and De las Cuevas, 2012).

This limits maximal efficiency to 1−(2+λ/γ)−1, but, as a trade-off, leads to much faster re- learning. This is illustrated in Fig. 13. The update rules can get a bit more involved, in the setting of delayed rewards. For instance, in a maze, or so called grid-world settings, illustrated in Fig. 14, it is a sequence of actions that leads to a reward. In other words, the final reward must “propagate” to all relevant percept-action edges which were involved in the winning move sequence. In the basic PS model, this is done via a so- called glow mechanism: to each edge in the ECM, a glow value gij is assigned in addition to the hij−value. It is set to 1 whenever the edge is used, and decays with the rate η ∈ [0, 1], that is, gtij = (1 −η)gt−1ij . The h−value update rule is appended to reward all “glowing” edges, pro- portional to the glow value, whenever a reward is issued:


ht+1(cj,ci) = h t(cj,ci) −γ(ht(cj,ci) − 1) + gt(cj,ci)λ. (33)

In other words, all the edges which contributed to the final reward get a fraction, in proportion to how recently they were used. This parallels the intuition that the more recent actions relative to the rewarded move played a larger role in getting rewarded.

The expression in Eq. 33 has functional similarities to the Q-learning action-value update rule in Eq. 21. However, the learning dynamics is different, and the expressions are conceptually different – Q-learning updates estimate bounded Q-values, whereas the PS is not a state-value estimation method, but rather a purely reward-driven system.

The PS framework allows other constructions as well. In (Briegel and De las Cuevas, 2012), the authors also introduced emoticons – edge-specific flags, which capture aspects of intuition. These can be used to speed-up re-learning via a reflection mechanism, where a random walk can be iterated multiple times, until a desired – flagged – set of actions is hit, see (Briegel and De las Cuevas, 2012) for more detail. Further in this direction, the deliberation of the agent can be based not on a hitting process – where the agent performs the first action it hits – but rather on a mixing process. In the latter case, the ECM is a collection Markov chains, and the correct action is sampled from the stationary distribution over the ECM. This model is referred to as the reflective PS (rPS) model, see Fig. 15. Common to all models, however, is that the deliberation process is governed by a stochastic walk, specified by the ECM.

FIG. 14 The environment is essentially a grid, where each site has an individual per- cept, the moves dictate the movements of the agent (say up, down, left, right), and certain sites are blocked off – walls. The agent explores this world looking for the rewarded site. When the exit is found, a reward is given and the agent is reset to the same initial position. Adapted from (Melnikov et al., 2014).

Regarding performance, the basic PS structure, with a two-layered network encoding percepts and actions – which matches standard tabular RL approaches – was extensively analysed and benchmarked against other models (Melnikov et al., 2014; Mautner et al., 2015). However, the questions that are emphasized in PS literature diverge from questions of performance in RL tasks, in two directions. First, the authors are interested in the capacities of the PS model beyond textbook RL.

For instance, in (Mautner et al., 2015) it was shown that the action composition aspects of the ECM allow the agent to perform better in some benchmarking scenar- ios, which had a natural application for example in the context of protecting MBQC from unitary noise (Tiersch et al., 2015), and in the context of finding novel quantum experiments (Melnikov et al., 2017), elaborated on in sec- tion IV.C. Further, by utilizing the capacity of ECM to encode larger and multiple networks, we can also address problems which require generalization (Melnikov et al., 2015) – inferring correct behaviour by percept similarity – but also design agents which autonomously optimize their own meta-parameters, such as γ and η in the PS model. That is, the agents can meta-learn (Makmal et al., 2016). These problems go beyond the basic RL framework, and the PS framework is flexible enough to also allow the incorporation of other learning models – e.g. neural networks could be used to perform dimensionality reduction (which could allow for broader generalization capabilities),


or even to directly optimize the ECM itself. The PS model has been combined with such additional learning machinery in an application to robotics and haptic skill learning (Hangl et al., 2016). However, there is an advantage into keeping the underlying PS dynamics homogenous, that is, essentially solely based on random walks over the PS network, in that if offers a few natural routes to quantization. This is the second direction of foundational research in PS. For instance, in (Briegel and De las Cuevas, 2012) the authors expressed the entire classical PS deliberation dynamics as a incoherent part of a Liouvillean dynamics (master equation for the quantum density operator), which also included some coherent part (Hamiltonian-driven unitary dynamics). This approach may yield advantages both in deliberation time and also expands the space of internal policies the agent can realize. Another perspective on the quantization of the PS model was developed in the framerowk of discrete-time quantum walks. In (Paparo et al., 2014), the authors have exploited the paradigm of Szegedy-style quantum walks, to improve quadratically deliberation times of rPS agents. The Szegedy (Szegedy, 2004) approach to random walks can be used to specify a unitary random walk operator UP , for a given transition matrix P

121, whose spectral properties are intimately related to those of P itself. We refer the reader to the original references for the exact specification of UP , and just point out that UP can be efficiently constructed via a simple circuit depending on P , or given black-box access to entries of P . Assume P corresponds to an irreducible and aperiodic (guaranteeing a unique stationary distribution), and also time-reversible (meaning it satisfies detailed balance conditions) Markov chain. Let π = (πi)i be the unique stationary distribution of P, and δ the spectral gap of P122, and |π〉 =

∑ i

√ πi |i〉

be the coherent encoding of the distribution π. Then we have that a) UP |π〉 = |π〉, and b) the eigenstates {λi} of P and eigenphases θi of UP are related by λi = cos(θi)123. This is important as the spectral properties, specifically the spectral gap δ more-or-less tightly fixes the mixing time – that is the number of applications of P needed to obtain the stationary distribution – to Õ(1/δ), by the famous Aldous bounds (Aldous, 1982). This quantity will later bound the complexity of classical agents. In contrast, for UP , we have that its non-zero eigenphases θ are not smaller than Õ(1/

√ δ). This quadratic difference between the inverse spectral eigenvalue gap

in the classical case, and the eigenphase gap in the quantum case is at the crux of all speed-ups.

a) b) s

FIG. 15 QrPS representation of network, and its steady state over non-action (red) and action (blue) clips.

In (Magniez et al., 2011), it was shown how the above properties of UP can be used to construct a quantum operator R(π) ≈ 1 − 2 |π〉〈π| , which exponentially ef- ficiently approximates the reflection over the encoding of the stationary distribution |π〉. The basic idea in the construction of R(π) is to apply phase estimation onto UP with precision high enough to detect non-zero phases, im- pose a global phase on all states with a non zero detected phase, and undo the process. Due to the quadratic relationship between the inverse spectral gap, and the smallest eigenphase, this can be achieved in time Õ(1/

√ δ). That is, we can reflect over

121 By transition matrix, we mean an entry-wise non-negative matrix, with columns adding to unity. 122 The spectral gap is defined with δ = 1 −|λ2|, where λ2 is, in norm, the second largest eigenvalue. 123 In full detail, these relations hold whenever the MC is lazy (all states transition back to themselves with probability

at least 1/2 ), ensuring that all the eigenvalues are non-negative, which can be ensured by adding the identity transition with probability 1/2. This slows down mixing and hitting processes by an irrelevant factor of 2.


the (coherent encoding of the) stationary distribution, whereas obtaining it by classical mixing takes Õ(1/δ) applications of the classical walk operator. In (Paparo et al., 2014) this was used to obtain quadratically accelerated deliberation times for the rPS agent. In the rPS model, the ECM network has a special structure, enforced by the update rules. In particular, for each percept s we can consider the subnetwork ECMs, which collects all the clips one can reach starting from s. By construction, it contains all the action clips, but also other, intermediary clips. The corresponding Markov chain Ps, governing the dynamics of ECMs, is, by construction, irreducible, aperiodic and time-reversible. In the deliberation process, given percept s, the deliberation process mixes the corresponding Markov chain Ps, and outputs the reached clip, provided it is an action clip, and repeats the process otherwise. Computationally speaking, we are facing the problem of outputting a single sample, clip c, drawn according to the conditional probability distribution p(c) = πc/� if c ∈A and p(c) = 0 otherwise. Here � is the total weight of all action clips in π. The classical computational complexity of this task is given by the product of Õ(1/δ) – which is the mixing cost, and O(1/�) which is the average time needed to actually hit an action clip. Using the Szegedy quantum walk techniques, based on constructing the reflector R(π), followed by an amplitude amplification algorithm to “project” onto the action space, we obtain a quadratically better complexity of Õ(1/

√ δ) ×O(1/

√ �). In full detail,

this is achievable if we can generate one copy of the coherent encoding of the stationary distribution efficiently at each step, and in the context of the rPS this can be done in many cases as was shown in (Paparo et al., 2014), and further generalized in (Dunjko and Briegel, 2015a) and (Dunjko and Briegel, 2015b). The proposal in (Paparo et al., 2014) was the first example of a provable quantum speed-up in the context of RL 124, and was followed up by a proposal for an experimental demonstration (Dunjko et al., 2015a), which identified a possibility of a modular implementation based on coherent controlization – the process of adding control to almost unknown unitaries. It is worth-while to note that further progress in algorithms for quantum walks and quantum Markov chain theory has the potential to lead to quantum improvements of the PS model. This to an extent mirrors the situation in quantum machine learning, where new algorithms for quantum linear algebra may lead to quantum speed-ups of other supervised and unsupervised algorithms. Computational speed-ups of deliberation processes in learning scenarios are certainly important, but in strict RL paradigm, such internal processing does not matter, and the learning efficiency depends only on the number of interaction steps needed to achieve high quality performance. Since the rPS and its quantum analog, the so-called quantum rPS agent are, by definition, behaviorally equivalent (i.e. they perform the same action with the same probability, given identical histories), their learning efficiency is the same. The same, however, holds in the context of all the supervised learning algorithms we discussed in previous sections, where the speed-ups were in the context of computational complexity. In contrast, quantum CLT learning results did demonstrate improvements in sample complexity, as discussed in section VI.A. While formally distinct, computational and sample complexity can become more closely related the moment the learning settings are made more realistic. For instance, if the training of a given SVM requires the solution of a BQP complete problem125, classical machines will most likely be able to

124 We point out that the first ideas suggesting that quantum effects could be useful had been previously suggested in (Dong et al., 2005).

125 BQP stands for bounded-error quantum polynomial, and collects decision problems which can be solved with bounded error using a quantum computer. Complete problems of a given class are, in a sense, the hardest problems in that class, as all other are reducible to the complete instances using weaker reductions. In particular, it is not believed BQP complete problems are solvable on a classical computer, whereas all decision problems solvable by classical computers do belong to the class BQP.


run classification instances which are uselessly small. In contrast, a quantum computer could run such a quantum-enhanced learner. The same observation motivates most of research into quantum annealers for ML, see section VI.C.1.

In (Paparo et al., 2014), similar ideas were more precisely formalized in the context of active reinforcement learning, where the interaction is occurring relative to some external real time. This is critical, for instance, in settings where the environment changes relative to this real time, which is always the case in reality. If the deliberation time is slow relative to this change, the agent perceives a “blurred”, time-averaged environment where one cannot learn. In contrast, a faster agent will have time to learn before the environment changes – and this makes a qualitative difference between the two agents. In the next section we will show how actual learning efficiency, in the rigid metronomic turn-based setting can also be improved, under stronger assumptions.

As mentioned, works which directly apply quantum techniques to RL, or other interactive modes of learning, are comparatively few in numbers, despite the ever growing importance of RL. These results still constitute quite isolated approaches, and we briefly review two recent papers. In (Crawford et al., 2016) the authors design a RL algorithm based on a deep Boltzmann machine, and combine this with quantum annealing methods for training such machines to achieve a possible speed-up.This work combines multiple interesting ideas, and may be particularly relevant in the light of recent advances in quantum annealing architectures. In (Lamata, 2017), the authors demonstrated certain building blocks of larger quantum RL agents in systems of superconducting qubits.

B. Quantum agent-environment paradigm for reinforcement learning

Executive summary: To characterize the ultimate scope and limits of learning agents in quantum environments, one must first establish a framework for quantum agents, quantum environments and their interaction: a quantum AE paradigm. Such a paradigm should maintain the correct classical limit, and preserve the critical conceptual components – in particular the history of the agent-environment interaction, which is non-trivial in the quantum case. With such a paradigm in place the potential of quantum enhancements of classical agents is explored, and it is shown that quantum effects, under certain assumptions, can help near-generically improve the learning efficiency of agents. A by-product of the quantum AE paradigm is a classification of learning settings, which is different and complementary to the classification stemming from a supervised learning perspective.

The topics of learning agents acting in quantum environments, and the more general questions of the how agent-environment interactions should be defined, have to this day only been broached in few works by the authors of this review and other co-authors. As these topics may form the general principles underlying the upcoming field of quantum AI, we take liberty to present them to substantial detail.

Motivated by the pragmatic question of the potential of quantum enhancements in general learning settings, in (Dunjko et al., 2016) it was suggested that the first step should be the identification of a quantum generalization of the AE paradigm, which underlies both RL and AI. This is comparatively easy to do in finite-sized, discrete space settings.


a. Quantum agent-environment paradigm The (abstract) AE paradigm, roughly illustrated in Fig. 6, can be understood as a two-party communication scenario, the quantum descriptions of which are well-understood in QIP. In particular, the two players – here the agent, and the environment – are modelled as (infinite) sequences of unitary maps {EiA}i, and {EiE}i, respectively. They both have private memory registers RA and RE, with matching Hilbert spaces HA, and HE, and to enable precise specification of how they communicate (and to cleanly delineate the two players), the register of the communication channel, RC, is introduced, and it is the register which is alone accessible to both players – that is, the maps of the agent act on HA ⊗HC and of the environment on HE ⊗HC126. The two players then interact by sequentially applying their respective maps in turn (see Fig. 16). To further tailor this fully general setting for the AE paradigm purposes, the percept and action sets are promoted to sets of orthonormal vectors {|s〉 |s ∈ S} and {|a〉 |a ∈ A}, which are also mutually orthogonal. These are referred to as classical states. The Hilbert space of the channel is spanned by these two sets, so HC = span{|x〉 | x ∈ S ∪ A}. This also captures the notion that the agent/environment only performs one action, or issues one percept, per turn. Without loss of generality, we can also assume that the state-spaces of the agent’s and environment’s registers are also spanned by sequences of percepts and actions. It is without loss of generality assumed that the reward status is encoded in the percept space.



come Hilbert spaces, HA = span{|aii}, HS = span{|sii}, and form orthonormal bases. The percept and action states, and their mixtures, are referred to as classical states. Any figure of merit Rate(·) of the performance of an agent A in E is a function of the history of interaction H 3 h = (a1, s1, . . .), collecting the exchanged percepts and actions. The history of interaction is thus the central concept in learning. The correct quantum generalization of the history is not trivial, and we will deal with this momentarily.

If either A or E are stochastic, the interaction of A and E is described by a distribution over histories (of length t), denoted by A $t E. Most figures of merit are then extended to such distributions by convex-linearity.

To recover, e.g., supervised learning in this paradigm, take E to be characterized by the distribution P (x, y), where the agent is given an n�sized sample of (x, y) pairs as the first n percepts. After this, the agent is to respond with labels as actions to given percepts, now unlabeled data-points x. This setting is native to RL if the percept space also contains the reinforcement signal – the reward. We denote the percept space including the reward status as S̄ (e.g., if rewards are binary then S̄ = S ⇥ {0, 1}).

The agent-environment paradigm is a two-party inter- active setting, and thus convenient for a quantum infor- mation treatment of QML. All the existing results group into four categories: CC, CQ, QC and QQ, depending on whether the agent (first symbol) or the environment (second symbol) are classical (C) or quantum (Q) [30]. The CC scenario covers classical machine learning. The CQ setting asks how classical ML techniques may aid in quantum tasks, such as quantum control [14, 15], quan- tum metrology [16], adaptive quantum computing [17] and the design of quantum experiments [18]. Here we, for example, deal with non-convex/non-linear optimiza- tion problems arising in quantum experiments, tackeled by ML techniques. QC corresponds to quantum vari- ants of learning algorithms [7, 10, 19] facing a classical environment. Figuratively speaking, this studies the po- tential of a learning robot, enhanced with a with a “quan- tum chip”. In QQ settings, the focus of this work, both A and E are quantum systems. Here, the interaction can be fully quantum, and even the question of what it means “to learn” becomes problematic as, for instance, the agent and environment may become entangled.

Framework.– Since learning constitutes a two-player interaction, standard quantum extensions can be applied: the action and percept sets are represented by the afore- mentioned Hilbert spaces HA, HS . The agent and the environment act on a common communication register RC (capable of representing both percepts and actions). Thus, the agent (environment) is described as a sequence of CPTP maps {MtA} ({MtE })– one for each time-step – which acts on the register RC , but also a private register RA (RE ) which constitutes the internal memory of the agent (environment). This is illustrated in Fig. 1 above

the dashed line. The central object characterizing an interaction,

namely its history, is, for the classical case, recovered by performing periodic measurements on RC in the classical (often called computational) basis. The generalization of this process for the quantum case is a tested interaction: we define the tester as a sequence of controlled maps of the form

U Tt � |xiRC ⌦ | iRT

� = |xiRC ⌦ U

x t | iRT

where x 2 S [ A, and {U xt }x are unitary maps acting on the tester register RT , for all steps t. The history, relative to a given tester, is defined to be the state of the register RT . A tested interaction is shown in Fig. 1.

RA / MA1

· · · MAt

· · · RC

ME1 • •

ME2 • · · · •

MEt • · · ·

RE / · · · · · · � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

RT / U T 2 U

T 3 U

T 4

· · · U T2t�1 U T 2t

· · ·

FIG. 1. Tested agent-environment interaction. In general, each map of the tester U Tk acts on a fresh subsystem of the register RT , which is not under the control of the agent of the environment. The crossed wires represent multiple systems.

The restriction that testers are controlled maps relative to the classical basis guarantees that, for any choice of the local maps U xT , the interaction between classical A and E remains unchanged. A classical tester copies the content of RC relative to the classical basis, which has essentially the same e↵ect as measuring RC and copying the outcome. In other words, the interface between A and E is then classical. It can be shown that, in the latter case, for any quantum agent and/or environment there exist classical A and E which generate the same history under any tester [20]. In other words, classical agents can, in QC settings and, equivalently, in classically tested QQ settings, achieve the same performance as quantum agents, in terms of any history-dependent figure of merit. Thus, the only improvements can then be in terms of computational complexity.

Scope and limits of quantum improvements.– What is the ultimate potential of quantum improvements in learning? In the QC and classically tested settings, we are bound to computational complexity improvements, which have been achieved in certain cases. Improvements in learning e�ciency require special type of access to the environments, which is not fully tested. Exactly this is done in [6, 8], for the purpose of improving computa- tional complexity, with great success, as the improve- ment can be exponential. There, the classical source of samples is substituted by a quantum RAM [23] archi- tecture, which allows for the accessing of many samples in superposition. Such a substitution comes naturally in (un)supervised settings, as the basic interaction com- prises only two steps and is memoryless – the agent re- quests M samples, and the environment provides them.


FIG. 16 RL: Tested agent-environment interaction suitable for RL. In general, each map of the tester UTk acts on a fresh subsystem of the register RT , which is not under the control of the agent, nor of the environ- ment. The crossed wires represent multiple systems. DL: The simpler setting of standard quantum machine learning, where the environmental map is without in- ternal memory, presented in the same framework.

It should be mentioned that the quantum AE paradigm also includes all other quantum ML settings as a special case. For instance, most quantum-enhanced ML algorithms assume ac- cess to quantum database, a quantum memory, and this setting is illustrated in Fig. 16, part DL. Since the quantum database is without loss of generality a unitary map, it requires no ad- ditional memory of its own, nor does it change over interaction steps. At this point, the classical AE paradigm can be recovered when the maps of the agent and environment are restricted to “classical maps”, which, roughly speaking do not generate super- positions of classical states, nor entanglement when applied to classical states. Further, we now obtain a natural classification of generalized AE settings: CC, CQ, QC and QQ, depending on whether the agent or the environment are classical (C) or quantum (Q). We will come back to this classification in section VII.B.1. The performance of a learning agent, beyond internal processing time, is a function of the history of interaction, which is a distribution over percept-action sequences (of a given finite length) which can occur between a given agent and environment. Any genuine learning-related figure of merit, for instance, the probability of a reward at a given time-step (efficiency), or number of steps needed before the efficiency is above a threshold (learning speed) is a function of the interaction history. In

126 Other delineations are possible, where the agent and environment have individually defined interfaces – a part of E accesible to A and a part of A accessible to E – leading to a four-partite system, but we will not be considering this here (Dunjko et al., 2015b).


the classical case, the history can simply be read out by a classical-basis measurement of the register HC, as the local state of the communication register is diagonal in this basis, and not entangled to the other systems – meaning the measurement does not perturb, i.e. commutes with the interaction. In the quantum case this is not, in general, the case. To recover a robust notion of a history (needed for gauging of the learning), a more detailed description of measurement is used, which captures weaker measurements as well: an additional system, a tester is added, which interchangeably couples to the HC register, and can copy full or partial information to a separate register. Formally, this is a sequence of controlled maps, relative to the classical basis, controlled by the states on HC and acting on a separate register, as illustrated in Fig. 16. The tester can copy the full information, when the maps are a generalized controlled-NOT gate – in which case it is called a classical tester – or even do nothing, in which case the interaction is untested. The restriction of the tester to maps which are controlled with respect to the classical basis guarantees that a classical interaction will never be perturbed by its presence. With this basic framework in place, the authors show a couple of basic theorems characterizing when any quantum separations in learning-related figures of merit of can be expected at all. The notion of quantum separations here are the same as in the context of oracular computation, or quantum PAC theory: a separation means no classical agent could achieve the same performance. The authors prove basic expected theorems: quantum improvements (separations) require a genuine quantum interaction, and, further, full classical testing prohibits this. Further, they show that for any specification of a classical environment, there exists a “quantum implementation” – a sequence of maps {EiE}i – which is consistent with the classical specification, and prohibits any quantum improvements.

FIG. 17 The interactions for the classical (A) and quantum-enhanced classical agent (Aq). In Steps 1 and 2, Aq uses quantum access to an oracularized environment E

q oracle to obtain a rewarding sequence

hr. Step 3: A q simulates the agent A, and ‘trains’ the

simulation to produce the rewarding sequence. In Step 4, Aq uses the pre-trained agent for the remainder of the now classically tested interaction, with the classical environment E. Adapted from (Dunjko et al., 2016).

b. Provable quantum improvements in RL How- ever, if the above no-go scenarios are relaxed, much can be achieved. The authors pro- vide a structure of task environments (roughly speaking, maze-type problems), specification of quantum-accessible realizations of these envi- ronments, and a sporadic tester (which leaves a part of the interaction untested), for which classical learning agents can often be quantum- enhanced. The idea has a few steps, which we only very briefly sketch out. As a first step, the environments considered are deterministic and strictly episodic – this means the task is reset after some M steps. Since the environments are deterministic, whether or not rewards are given depends only on the sequence of actions, as the interlacing percepts are uniquely spec- ified. Since everything is reset after M steps there are no correlations in the memory of the environment between the blocks, i.e. episodes.

This allows for the specification of a quantum version of the same environment, which can be accessed in superpositions and which takes blocks of actions and returns the same sequence plus


a reward status – moreover, it can be realized such that it is self-inverse127. With access to such an object, a quantum agent can actually Grover-search for an example of a winning sequence. To convert this exploration advantage to a learning advantage, the set of agents and environments is restricted to pairs which are “luck-favoring”, i.e. those where better performance in the past implies improved performance in the future, relative to a desired figure of merit. Under these conditions, any learning agent which is luck-favoring relative to a given environment can be quantum enhanced by first using quantum access to quadratically faster find the first winning instance, which is then used to “pre-train” the agent in question. The overall quantum-enhanced agent, provably outperforms the basic classical agent. The construction is illustrated in Fig. 17. These results can be generalized to a broader class of environments. Although these results form the first examples of quantum improvements in learning figures of merit in RL contexts, the assumptions of having access to “quantized” environments of the type used–in essence, the amount of quantum control the agent is assumed to have– are quite restrictive from a practical perspective. The questions of minimal requirements, and the questions of the scope of improvements possible are still unresolved.

1. AE-based classification of quantum ML

The AE paradigm is typically encountered in the contexts of RL, robotics, and more general AI settings, while it is less common in ML communities. Nonetheless, conventional ML scenarios can naturally be embedded in this paradigm, since it is, ultimately, mostly unrestrictive. For instance, supervised learning can be thought of as an interaction with an environment which is, for a certain number of steps, an effective database (or the underlying process, generating the data), providing training examples. After a certain number of steps, the environment starts providing unlabeled data- points, and the agent responds with the labels. If we further assume the environment additionally responds with the correct label to whatever the agent sent, when the data-point/percept was from the training set, we can straightforwardly read out the empirical risk (training set error) from the history. Since the quantization of the AE paradigm naturally leads to four settings – CC, CQ, QC and QQ – depending on whether the agent, or environment, or both are fully quantum systems, we can classify all of the results in quantum ML into one of the four groups. Such coarse grained division places standard ML in CC, results on using ML to control quantum systems in CQ, quantum speed ups in ML algorithms (without a quantum database, as is the case in annealing approaches) in QC, and quantum ML/RL where the environments, databases or oracles are quantum-accessible are QQ. This classification is closely related to the classification introduced in (Aı̈meur et al., 2006), which uses the Lcontextgoal , notation, where “context” may denote we are dealing with classical or quantum data and/or learner, and “goal” specifies the learning task (see section V.A.1 for more details). The QAE-based separation is not, however, identical to it: for instance classical learning tasks may require quantum or classical access – this distinguishes the examples of quantum speed-ups in internal processing in ML which require a quantum database, and those which do not. In operative terms, this separation makes sense as the database must be pre-filled at some point, and if this is included we obtain a QC setting (which now may fail to be efficient in terms of communication complexity). On the other hand, the Lcontextgoal systematics does a nice job separating classical ML, from quantum generalizations of the same, discussed in section V. This mismatch also illustrates

127 This realization is possible under a couple of technical assumptions, for details see (Dunjko et al., 2015b).


the difficulties one encounters if a sufficiently coarse-grained classification of the quantum ML field is required. The classification criteria of this field, and also aspects of QAI in this review have been inspired by both the AE-induced criteria (perhaps natural from a physics perspective), and the Lcontextgoal classification (which is more objective driven, and natural from a computer science perspective).

C. Towards quantum artificial intelligence

Executive summary: Can quantum computers help us build (quantum) artificial intelligence? The answer to this question cannot be simpler than the answer to the to the deep, and largely open, question of what intelligence is in the first place. Nonetheless, at least for very pragmatic readings of AI, early research directions into what QAI may be in the future can be identified. We have seen that quantum machine learning enhancements and generalizations cover data analysis and pattern matching aspects. Quantum reinforcement learning demonstrates how interactive learning can be quantum-enhanced. General QC can help with various planning, reasoning, and similar symbol manipulation tasks intelligent agents seem to be good at. Finally, the quantum AE paradigm provides a framework for the design and evaluation of whole quantum agents, built also from quantum-enhanced subroutines. These conceptual components form a basis for a behaviour-based theory of quantum-enhanced intelligent agents.

AI is quite a loaded concept, in a manner in which ML is not. The question of how genuine AI can be realized is likely to be as difficult as the more basic question of what intelligence is at all, which has been puzzling philosophers and scientists for centuries. Starting a broad discussion of when quantum AI will be reached, and what will be like, is thus clearly ill-advised. We can nonetheless provide a few less controversial observations. The first observation is the fact that the overall concept of quantum AI might have multiple meanings. First, it may pertain to a generalization of the very notions of intelligence, in the sense section V discusses how classical learning concepts generalize to include genuinely quantum extensions. A second, and a perhaps more pragmatic reading of quantum AI, may ask whether quantum effects can be utilized to generate more intelligent agents, where the notion of intelligence itself is not generalized: quantum-enhanced artificial intelligence. We will focus on this latter reading for the remainder of this review, as quantum generalization of basic learning concepts on its own, just as the notion of intelligence on its own, seem complicated enough. To comment on the question of quantum-enhanced AI, we first remind the reader that the conceptual debates in AI often have two perspectives. The ultimately pragmatic perspective is concerned only with behavior in relevant situations. This is perhaps best captured by Alan Turing, who suggested that it may be irrelevant what intelligence is, if it can be recognized, by virtue of similarity to a “prototype” of intelligence – a human (Turing, 1950) 128. Another perspective tends to try to capture cognitive architectures, such as SOAR developed by John Laird, Allen Newell, and Paul Rosenbloom (Laird, 2012). Cognitive architectures try to identify the components needed to build intelligent agents, capable of many tasks, and thus also care about how the intelligence is implemented. They often also serve as models of human cognition, and are both theories of what cognition is, and how

128 Interestingly, the Turing test assumes that humans are good supervised learners of the concept of “intelligent agents”, all the while being incapable of specifying the classifier – the definition of intelligence – explicitly.


to implement it. A third perspective comes from the practitioners of AI who often believe that AI will be a complicated combination of various methods and techniques including learning and specialized algorithms, but are also sympathetic to the Turing test as the definitional method. A simple reading of this third perspective is particularly appearing, as it allows us to all but equate computation, ML and AI. Consequently all quantum machine learning algorithms, and even broader, even most quantum algorithms already constitute progress in quantum AI. Aspects of such reading can be found in a few works on the topic (Sgarbas, 2007; Wichert, 2014; Moret-Bonillo, 2015)129. The current status of the broad field of quantum ML and related research is showing signs of activity with respect to all of the three aspects mentioned. The substantial activity in the context of ML improvements, in all aspects presented, is certainly filling the toolbox of methods which one day may play a role in the complicated designs of quantum AI practitioners. In this category, a relevant role may also be played by various algorithms which may help in planning, pruning, reasoning via symbol manipulation, and other tasks AI practice and theory encounters. Many possible quantum algorithms which may be relevant come to mind. Examples include the algorithm for performing Bayesian inference (Low et al., 2014), algorithms for quadratic and super-polynomial improvements in NAND- and boolean-tree evaluations, which are important in evaluation of optimal strategies in two-player games 130 (Childs et al., 2009; Zhan et al., 2012; Farhi et al., 2008). Further, even more exotic ideas, such as quantum game theory (Eisert et al., 1999), may be relevant. Regarding approaches to quantum artificial general intelligence, and, related, to quantum cognitive architectures, while no proposals explicitly address this possibility, the framework of PS offers sufficient flexibility and structure that it may be considered a good starting point. Further, this framework is intended to keep a homogenous structure, which may lead to more straightforward global quantization, in comparison to models which are built out of inhomogeneous blocks – already in classical systems, the performance of system combined out of inhomogeneous units may lead to difficult-to-control behaviour, and it stands to reason that quantum devices may have a more difficult time to be synchronized. It should be mentioned that recently there have been works providing a broad framework describing how composite large quantum systems can be precisely treated (Portmann et al., 2017). Finally, from the ultimate pragmatic perspective, the quantum AE paradigm presented can offer a starting point for a quantum-generalized Turing test for QAI, as the Turing test itself fits in the paradigm: the environment is the administrator of the test, and the agent is the machine trying to convince the environment it is intelligent. Although, momentarily, the only suitable referees for such a test are classical devices – humans – it may be conceivable they, too, may find quantum gadgets useful to better ascertain the nature of the candidate 131. However, at this point it is prudent to remind ourselves and the reader, that all the above considerations are still highly speculative, and that the research into genuine AI has barely broken ground.


In this review, we have presented overviews of various lines of research that connect the fields of quantum information and quantum computation, on the one side, and machine learning and artificial

129 It should be mentioned that some of the early discussions on quantum AI also consider the possibilities that human brains utilize some form of quantum processing, which may be at the crux of human intelligence. Such claims are still highly hypothetical, and not reviewed in this work.

130 See for a simple explanation. 131 This is reminiscent to the problem of quantum verification, where quantum Turing test is a term used for the test

which efficiently decides whether the Agent is a genuine quantum device/computer (Kashefi, 2013)


intelligence, on the other side. Most of the work in this new area of research is still largely theoretical and conceptual, and there are, for example, hardly any dedicated experiments demonstrating how quantum mechanics can be exploited for ML and AI. However, there are a number of theoretical proposals (Dunjko et al., 2015a; Lamata, 2017; Friis et al., 2015) and also first experimental works showing how these ideas can be implemented in the laboratory (Neigovzen et al., 2009; Li et al., 2015b; Cai et al., 2015; Ristè et al., 2017)132. At the same time it is clear that certain quantum technologies, which have been developed in the context in QIP and QC, can be readily applied to quantum learning, to the extent that learning agents or algorithms employ elements of quantum information processing in their very design. Similarly, it is clear, and there are by now several examples, how techniques from classical machine learning can be fruitfully employed in data analysis and the design of experiments in quantum many-body physics (see section IV.D). One may ask about the long-term impact of the exchange of concepts and techniques between QM and ML/AI. Which implications will this exchange have on the development of the individual fields, and what is the broader perspective of these individual activities leading towards a new field of research, with its own questions and promises? Indeed, returning the focus back to the topics of this review, we can highlight one overarching question encapsulating the collective effort of the presented research:

⇒ What are the potential, and the limitations of an interaction between quantum physics, and ML and AI?

From a purely theoretical perspective, we can learn from analogies with the fields of communication, computation, or sensing. QIP has shown that to understand the limits of such information processing disciplines, both in pragmatic and conceptual sense, one must consider the full extent of quantum theory. Consequently, we should expect that the limits of learning, and of intelligence can also only be fully answered in this broader context. In this sense, the topics discussed in sections V already point to the rich and complex theory describing what learning may be, when even information itself is a quantum object, and aspects of the section VII.C point to how a general theory of quantum learning may be phrased133. The motivation of phrasing such a general theory may be fundamental, but it also may have more pragmatic consequences. In fact, arguments can be made that the field of quantum machine learning and the future field of quantum AI may constitute one of the most important research fields to emerge in recent times. A part of the reason behind such a bold claim stems from the obvious potential of both directions of influence between the two constituent sides of quantum learning (and quantum AI). For instance, the potential of quantum enhancements for ML is profound. In a society where data is generated at geometric rate134, and where its understanding may help us combat global problems, the potential of faster, better analyses cannot be overestimated. In contrast, ML and AI technologies are becoming indispensable tools in all high technologies, but they are also showing potential to help us do research in a novel, better way. A more subtle reason supporting optimism lies in positive feedback loops between ML, AI and QIP which are becoming apparent, and which is moreover, specific to these two disciplines. To begin with, we can claim that QC, once realized, will play an integral part in future AI systems, on general grounds. This can be deduced from even a cursory overview of the history of AI, which reveals that qualitative improvements in computing and information technologies result in progress in AI tasks,

132 These complement the experimental work based on superconducting quantum annealers (Neven et al., 2009b; Adachi and Henderson, 2015), which is closely related to one of the approaches to QML.

133 The question of whether information may be quantum, and whether we can talk about “quantum knowledge” as an outside observer broaches the completely fundamental questions of interpretations of quantum mechanics: for instance a Quantum Bayesianist would likely reject such a third-person perspective on learning.

134 (accessed July 2017)


which is also intuitive. In simple terms, state-of-the-art in AI will always rely on state-of-the-art in computing. In contrast, ML and AI technologies are becoming indispensable tools in all high technologies.

The perfect match between ML, AI and QIP, however may have deeper foundations. In particular,

→advancements in ML/AI may help with critical steps in the building of quantum computers.

In recent times, it has become ever more apparent that learning methods may make the difference between a given technology being realizable or being effectively impossible – beyond obvious examples, for instance direct computational approaches to build a human-level Go-playing software had failed, whereas AlphaGo (Silver et al., 2016), a fundamentally learning AI technology, achieved this complex goal. QC may in fact end up being such a technology, where exquisite fast, and adaptive control – realized by an autonomous smart laboratory perhaps, helps mitigate the hurdles towards quantum computers. However, cutting edge research discussed in sections IV.C and IV.D suggest that ML and AI techniques could help at an even deeper level, by helping us discover novel physics which may be the missing link for full blown quantum technologies. Thus ML and AI may be what we need to build quantum computers.

Another observation, which is hinted at increasing frequency in the community, and which fully entwines ML, AI and QIP, is that

→ AI/ML applications may be the best reasons to build quantum computers.

Quantum computers have been proven to dramatically outperform their classical counterparts only on a handful of (often obscure) problems. Perhaps the best applications of quantum computers that have enticed investors until recently were quantum simulation and quantum cryptology (i.e. using QC to break encryption), which may have been simply insufficient to stimulate broad-scale public investments. In contrast ML and AI-type tasks may be regarded as the “killer applications” QC has been waiting for. However, not only are ML and AI applications well motivated – in recent times, arguments have been put forward that ML-type applications may be uniquely suited to be tackled by quantum technologies. For instance, ML-type applications deal with massive parallel processing of high dimensional data – quantum computers seem to be good for this. Further, while most simulation and numerics tasks require data stability, which is incompatible with the noise modern days quantum devices undergo, ML applications always work with noisy data. This means that such an analysis makes sense only if it is robust to noise to start with, which is the often unspoken fact of ML: the important features are the robust features. Under such laxer set of constraints on the desired information processing, various current day technologies, such as quantum annealing methods may become a possible solution. The two main flavours, or directions of influence, in quantum ML thus have a natural synergistic effect further motivating that despite their quite fundamental differences, they should be investigated in close collaboration. Naturally, at the moment, each individual sub-field of quantum ML comes with its own set of open problems, key issues which need to be resolved before any credible verdict on the future of quantum ML can be made. Most fit in one of the two quintessential categories of research into quantum-enhanced topic: a) what are the limits/how much of an edge over best classical solutions can be achieved, and b) could the proposals be implemented in practice in any reasonable term. For most of the topics discussed, both questions above remain widely open. For instance, regarding quantum-enhancements using universal


computation, only a few models have been beneficially quantized, and the exact problem they solve, even in theory, is not matching the best established methods used in practice. Regarding the second facet, the most impressive improvements (barring isolated exceptions) can be achieved only under a significant number of assumptions, such as quantum databases, and certain suitable properties the structure of the data-sets135. Beyond particular issues which were occasionally pointed out in various parts of this review, we will forego providing an extensive list of specific open questions for each of the research lines, and refer the interested reader to the more specialized reviews for more detail (Wittek, 2014a; Schuld et al., 2014a; Biamonte et al., 2016; Arunachalam and de Wolf, 2017; Ciliberto et al., 2017).

This leads us to the final topic of speculation of this outlook section: whether QC will truly be instrumental in the construction of genuine artificial (general) intelligence. On one hand, there is no doubt that quantum computers could help in heavily computational problems one typically encounters in, e.g., ML. In so far as AI reduces to sets of ML tasks, quantum computing may help. But AI is more than a sum of such specific-task-solving parts. Moreover, human brains are (usually) taken as a reference for systems capable of generating intelligent behaviour. Yet there is little, and no non-controversial, reason to believe genuine quantum effects play any critical part in their performance (rather, there is ample reasons to dismiss the relevance of quantum effects). In other words, quantum computers may not be necessary for general AI. The extent to which quantum mechanics has something to say about general AI will be subject of research in years to come. Nonetheless, already now, we can set aside any doubt that quantum computers and AI can help each other, to an extent which will not be disregarded.


The authors are grateful to Walter Boyajian, Jens Clausen, Joseph Fitzsimons, Nicolai Friis, Alexey A. Melnikov, Davide Orsucci, Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup, Patrick Rebentrost, Katja Ried, Maria Schuld, Gael Sent́ıs, Omar Shehab, Sebastian Stabinger, Jordi Tura i Brugués, Petter Wittek and Sabine Wölk for helpful comments to various parts of the manuscript.


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  • Machine learning & artificial intelligence in the quantum domain
    • Contents
    • I Introduction
      • A Quantum mechanics, computation and information processing
      • B Artificial intelligence and machine learning
        • 1 Learning from data: machine learning
        • 2 Learning from interaction: reinforcement learning
        • 3 Intermediary learning settings
        • 4 Putting it all together: the agent-environment paradigm
      • C Miscellanea
        • a Abbreviations and acronyms0.3cm
          • b Notation
    • II Classical background
      • A Methods of machine learning
        • 1 Artificial neural networks and deep learning
        • 2 Support Vector Machines
        • 3 Other models
      • B Mathematical theories of supervised and inductive learning
        • 1 Computational learning theory
        • 2 VC theory
      • C Basic methods and theory of reinforcement learning
        • a Learning efficiency and learnability for RL
    • III Quantum mechanics, learning, and AI
    • IV Machine learning applied to (quantum) physics
      • A Hamiltonian estimation and metrology
        • 1 Hamiltonian estimation
        • 2 Phase estimation settings
        • 3 Generalized Hamiltonian estimation settings
      • B Design of target evolutions
        • 1 Off-line design
        • 2 On-line design
      • C Controlling quantum experiments, and machine-assisted research
        • 1 Controlling complex processes
        • 2 Learning how to experiment
      • D Machine learning in condensed-matter and many-body physics
    • V Quantum generalizations of machine learning concepts
      • A Quantum generalizations: machine learning of quantum data
        • 1 State discrimination, state classification, and machine learning of quantum data
          • a State discrimination
          • b Quantum template matching – classical templates
          • c Quantum template matching – quantum templates.
          • d Other known optimality results for (restricted) template matching
          • e Quantum generalizations of (un)supervised learning
          • f Quantum inductive learning
        • 2 Computational learning perspectives: quantum states as concepts
      • B (Quantum) learning and quantum processes
        • a Learning of quantum processes
          • b Foundations of quantum-generalized RL
    • VI Quantum enhancements for machine learning
      • A Learning efficiency improvements: sample complexity
        • 1 Quantum PAC learning
          • a Distribution-free PAC
          • b Quantum predictive PAC learning
        • 2 Learning from membership queries
      • B Improvements in learning capacity
        • 1 Capacity from amplitude encoding
        • 2 Capacity via quantized Hopfield networks
          • a Hopfield networks as a content-addressable memory
          • b Quantization of Hopfield-based CAMs
      • C Run-time improvements: computational complexity
        • 1 Speed-up via adiabatic optimization
          • a Optimization for boosing
          • b Applications of quantum boosting
          • c Beyond boosting
        • 2 Speed-ups in circuit architectures
          • a Speed-ups by amplitude amplification
          • b Precursors of amplitude encoding
          • c Amplitude encoding: linear algebra tools
          • d Amplitude encoding: algorithms
    • VII Quantum learning agents, and elements of quantum AI
      • A Quantum learning via interaction
      • B Quantum agent-environment paradigm for reinforcement learning
        • a Quantum agent-environment paradigm
          • b Provable quantum improvements in RL
        • 1 AE-based classification of quantum ML
      • C Towards quantum artificial intelligence
    • VIII Outlook
    • Acknowledgements
    • References

Realizing E-Prescribing’s Potential to Reduce Outpatient Psychiatric Medication Errors Matthew E. Hirschtritt, M.D., M.P.H., Steven Chan, M.D., M.B.A., Wilson O. Ly, Pharm.D., M.Sc.

Preliminary evidence from observational and cohort studies suggests that replacement of paper- and phone-based med- ication prescriptions with electronic prescribing systems in am- bulatory settings is associated with decreased medication errors. However, problems from traditional prescribing also occur with e-prescribing (such as incorrect medication dose and instructions or wrong patient), as do some new problems (a confusing user interface leading to prescribing the wrong

medication). The authors present four steps for reducing medication errorsin outpatient psychiatric settings: continuing to implement e-prescribing, streamlining user interfaces, im- proving interoperability among various e-prescribing and re- tail pharmacy systems, and using education and advocacy to achieve these goals.

Psychiatric Services 2018; 69:129–132; doi: 10.1176/

Medication errors in outpatient settings are relatively com- mon and may lead to significant clinical harm (1). Studies to quantify medication errors specifically among psychiatric populations have been limited to the inpatient setting (2). However, medication errors in the outpatient psychiatric set- ting are especially pertinent given that, among adults with any mental health condition, care is delivered over seven times more frequently in outpatient settings than in inpatient settings (25.4% versus 3.4%) (3). Furthermore, with prescribers us- ing various medical record systems, outpatient settings pose unique challenges in care coordination and opportunities for medication errors.

Taking the wrong medication or taking the intended medication at the wrong strength or frequency can harm patients—sometimes threatening their lives. Moreover, in the outpatient psychiatric setting, where a solid therapeutic alliance is an essential aspect of the patient-physician relation- ship, even errors that do not lead to physical harm can have lasting, negative impact on subsequent care (1). Specifically, patients may perceive these errors as representative of phy- sician negligence and may thereby be less likely to trust their physician in subsequent treatment decisions. Therefore, it is imperative that outpatient psychiatric prescribers make an ongoing, concerted effort to reduce risk of medication errors.

Among the many potential causes of medication errors— from prescribers (incomplete or inaccurate scripts), retail pharmacies (such as filling of incorrect medication or switch- ing medications between patients), and the patients them- selves (continuing to take a discontinued medication, for example)—one that has received increased attention is the outpatient prescription. Until recently, all outpatient scripts

were handwritten and faxed to the pharmacy by the physi- cian’s office, presented by the patient to the pharmacy, or called in to the pharmacy by the prescriber (or a clinic rep- resentative). Integration of electronic health records (EHRs) with e-prescribing capacity was anticipated to drastically reduce errors attributable to illegible handwriting, lost paper scripts, and incomplete or inaccurate instructions (4).

With the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003, the U.S. government began a series of incentive programs to accelerate imple- mentation of e-prescribing (4). The MMA instituted financial incentives to Medicare prescribers who adopted e-prescribing tools; this program was subsequently reinforced by the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act, or the “eRx incentive,” beginning in 2008 and was succeeded by the Meaningful Use program in 2011. Partially due to these incentive programs, rates of e-prescribing have dramatically increased; in 2015, approximately 1.41 billion e-prescriptions were sent, which represents a 300% increase since 2010 (5). Results from observational and cohort studies suggest that certain types of outpatient medication errors are reduced with e-prescribing; for instance, within three months of im- plementing an e-prescribing system among 20 primary care providers, medication error rates dropped to 6%, markedly lower than average error rates associated with paper-based prescribing (6).

Unfortunately, despite its many advantages, e-prescribing has not eliminated outpatient medication errors. In fact, e-prescribing has reduced some types of errors and created new ones. With e-prescribing, physicians may still omit cru- cial aspects of an order (dose or strength), prescribe the

Psychiatric Services 69:2, February 2018 129


wrong medication, continue medications they no longer in- tend the patient to take, and prescribe the same medication multiple times with different instructions (7). Reasons for such oversight range from the growing complexity of medication regimens to fatigue from an abundance of on-screen auto- mated alerts. Prescriber reliance on e-prescribing reduces opportunities to interact with pharmacy staff, a crucial step in conveying complex instructions. Despite pharmacy-based initiatives to maintain accurate medication profiles by set- ting expiration dates for unused prescriptions, Internet-based refill systems may still contain duplicate medications and outdated instructions.

In addition, whereas communication between inpatient pharmacists and prescribers may have improved in recent years with team-based rounds and live digital chats, outpatient pharmacists continue to have difficulty communicating ef- fectively with prescribers to clarify prescriptions. Community pharmacists still resort to using fax and voice mail messages to achieve clarity on orders, drug interactions, and duplications. Although e-prescribing is helpful in improving the efficiency of health care delivery, medication errors continue to affect patient safety (8).

Medication errors are especially concerning among those seeking psychiatric care, given frequent co-occurring gen- eral medical and psychiatric illnesses, which amplify the potential dangers of medication errors. Here, we propose multiple initiatives that could reduce risk of outpatient medi- cation errors in psychiatric settings in the era of e-prescribing, and we conclude with suggestions for achieving these goals.

Accelerate Implementation of E-Prescribing in Outpatient Psychiatric Settings

Despite the shortcomings of e-prescribing in the ambulatory setting, a growing literature indicates that e-prescribing may reduce the overall rate of medication errors. However, the current structure of outpatient psychiatric practice poses unique challenges to widespread implementation. Most outpatient psychiatry is delivered in non–clinic-affiliated, private practice settings, where an e-prescribing system may be perceived as too expensive, cumbersome, and complex to warrant its use. Furthermore, in a 2012 survey (9) of U.S. outpatient psy- chiatrists, 26% of respondents reported either not using or not feeling comfortable using electronic devices for clinical tasks, including e-prescribing. Therefore, any effort to in- crease the use of e-prescribing systems needs to account for up-front and maintenance costs as well as the technological literacy of the prescriber.

Address Design Flaws in E-Prescribing Systems

In contrast to the sleek, streamlined design of many popular consumer social apps (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), e-prescribing interfaces are often cluttered, text heavy, and redundant. Many systems include complex field-based entry formats, which re- quire careful attention to detail to prevent erroneous entry

or omission of important information. Possible solutions in- clude replacing prompts with clear graphical user interfaces, integrating required drop-down menus (for route of admin- istration and units of strength), and autocompleting a medi- cation’s administered amount (calculated by the frequency and number of days prescribed). Revision of automated error alerts, such as pop-up boxes to guide and confirm potentially harmful medication interactions or abnormally high medica- tion strengths, may also prevent these types of errors. However, these automated alerts need to be balanced against “pop-up fatigue” in which prescribers may habituate to and ignore frequent computer-generated warnings.

Likewise, e-prescribing systems should integrate design features to simplify medication reconciliation (matching what the patient is currently taking against the medical record), such as including the computerized medication list in the “plan” part of the note template. Maintaining accurate, com- puterized medication lists is a prerequisite for facilitating cross-talk between e-prescribing and retail pharmacy systems; a rigorous, collaborative initiative may be required to improve the quality of outpatient medication reconciliation.

A detailed analysis of system- and user-specific medication errors related to the use of e-prescribing has been presented elsewhere (7). Here, the study of human factors—that is, un- derstanding interactions between humans and technology—can improve e-prescribing systems. For instance, a human-factors design approach would systematically assess prescriber and pharmacist current practices, needs, and priorities; e-prescribing system capacities; and the areas of mismatch between the two.

Improve Interoperability Among Proprietary E-Prescribing Systems

Patients often seek care from multiple clinicians who may use e-prescribing systems that fail to communicate with each other. This fragmented system of care increases the risk of medication duplication and coadministration of various med- ications. In this context, Pandolfe et al. (10) proposed to augment health information exchanges (HIEs) to include a “patient-adjudicated” medication list. This list can be man- aged through a centralized, digital medication database that maintains an accurate list of the patient’s medications. Within this digital ecosystem, prescribers, hospitals, phar- macies, and the patients themselves could view and mod- ify the list on an ongoing basis. This HIE functionality, if implemented, would improve transparency between various e-prescribing systems for a given patient and reduce harm- ful drug-drug interactions. Patients who have limited facility with or access to technologies, at the very least, should be encouraged to select one pharmacy instead of having cus- tomer profiles with several retail chains. If possible, patients with specialty care needs, such as comorbid psychiatric and medical conditions, should work closely with community pharmacists specialized in these fields (for example, pharma- cists with HIV-focused practices for patients with comorbid HIV and a psychiatric disorder).

130 Psychiatric Services 69:2, February 2018


Improve Interoperability of E-Prescribing Systems and Retail Pharmacy Electronic Systems

Although prescribers can confirm that an e-script has been transmitted to and even received by an external pharmacy, they currently cannot view the patient’s list of medications or the number of refills remaining. Kaiser Permanente and the Veterans Health Administration system are two integrated health systems that integrate prescriber and pharmacy records; however, these systems are challenging to replicate among independent and often competing entities. Solutions include enabling prescribers to view the most current list of medi- cations for a patient in their retail pharmacy’s system (and vice versa), allowing for real-time chat between prescribers and pharmacists (reducing the need for time-consuming phone calls), and allowing for e-discontinuation (thus ensuring that medications are stopped).

Likewise, most e-prescribing systems do not allow for e-prescription of controlled substances (EPCS), such as psy- chostimulants (schedule II) and benzodiazepines and hyp- notics (schedule IV), which are commonly used in outpatient psychiatric practice. Although the Drug Enforcement Ad- ministration issued a ruling in 2010 that allows for EPCS, stringent security mandates have limited implementation even among those who use e-prescribing tools.

Implementation: Advocacy, Education, and Further Considerations

Implementation of these changes in outpatient psychiatric settings will require targeted incentive and penalty programs, like those initiated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, and tied to insurance payments. Effective advocacy can push the government to enact changes that will pressure the behav- ioral health care industry to adopt bidirectional e-prescriptions and enhanced pharmacy-provider communication. In addition, all stakeholders—patients, payers, prescribers, and pharmacists— will need to advocate for these changes. Once changes are enacted, outcomes can be measured before and after imple- mentation by comparing the number of medication orders, number of communication errors, medication adverse effects, physician and pharmacist call volume, and administrative burden.

Education for providers around technological literacy and e-prescribing implementation can further bolster demand and advocacy. Such educational efforts should start during residency training. However, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education has not established general psychiatry milestones that explicitly address clinical informatics (including e-prescription) or bidirectional pharmacy-to- prescriber communication skills. Inculcating such skills may prevent safety mishaps when transmitting e-prescriptions.

Notwithstanding the potential benefits of e-prescribing in outpatient psychiatric settings, several limitations persist. First and foremost, evidence supporting the benefits of e-prescribing specifically in outpatient psychiatric settings is

limited; outpatient studies have so far been restricted to non- psychiatric settings. Therefore, we advise gradual and careful implementation of e-prescribing systems in outpatient psy- chiatric settings on a case-by-case basis. Second, increased interoperability among e-prescribing systems may reveal too much private information to patients’ psychiatric and non- psychiatric providers. Although these improved lines of communication may reduce medication errors (duplicate medications, harmful drug-drug interactions), some patients may perceive an all-inclusive e-prescription system as an invasion of privacy for exposing their psychiatric care to their nonpsychiatric medical providers. A potential solution consists of adding a layer of security in the record in regard to psychotropic medications, akin to “break-the-glass” digi- tal firewalls embedded in many EHRs. Third, it is unclear whether expansion of state-run prescription drug monitor- ing programs (PDMPs), which currently track only con- trolled substances, would confer similar benefits to those of an interoperable e-prescription system. However, reliance on a PDMP would require cross-referencing an external database, leaving room for yet another source of communi- cation error and increasing pharmacist and prescriber bur- den. Fourth, up-front costs of e-prescribing implementation prevent many practices, especially small groups and solo practitioners, from using these systems. State and federal mandates to use e-prescribing systems should be accompa- nied by financial incentives or assistance to overcome this barrier to entry.

Well-designed, controlled studies comparing e-prescribing with traditional prescription practices in outpatient psy- chiatric settings will provide useful information about the benefits and limits of these emerging technologies. How- ever, preliminary evidence from inpatient and nonpsychiatric outpatient settings already demonstrates that e-prescribing is associated with decreased medication error rates. By grad- ually replacing paper- and phone-based medication prescrip- tions with more robust, better designed e-prescribing systems for psychiatry, we may address medication safety issues, med- ication adverse events, pharmacy-prescriber communication problems, and administrative burdens.


Dr. Hirschtritt is with the Department of Psychiatry and Dr. Ly is with the Department of Medical Education, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco. Dr. Chan is with the Clinical Informatics Fellow- ship Program in the UCSF Division of Hospital Medicine. Dror Ben-Zeev, Ph.D., is editor of this column. Send correspondence to Dr. Hirschtritt (e-mail: [email protected]).

Dr. Chan reports joint funding from the American Psychiatric Association/ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, as well as support from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. This work was supported in part by grant R25-MH060482 from the National Institute of Mental Health to Dr. Hirschtritt.

Dr. Chan reports receipt of compensation by North American Center for Continuing Medical Education, LLC, and Guidewell Innovation. The other authors report no financial relationships with commercial interests.

Psychiatric Services 69:2, February 2018 131


Received June 14, 2017; revision received August 17, 2017; accepted September 28, 2017; published online December 15, 2017.

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132 Psychiatric Services 69:2, February 2018



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Article #4

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