Healthcare Inequalities as an Ethical Concern Emanating from Current Technology
Healthcare Inequalities as an Ethical Concern Emanating from Current Technology
Advancements in technology have played a vital role in improving the standards of care provided in healthcare organizations. The innovations, which include new sophisticated tools, help diagnose, treat and monitor patients' progress. However, studies have shown that the technological tools have caused a significant disparity in the extent to which different groups of individuals can access healthcare services (Smith & Magnani, 2019). This essay investigates healthcare inequalities as an ethical concern emanating from current technology. It explains why this issue is crucial, outlines the research questions that the problem precipitates, and explores literature that discusses it.
Topic Justification
The reason for selecting the topic is that healthcare is a significant aspect of humanity's lives. Therefore, all individuals must access healthcare services that meet their dynamic needs. However, the presence of healthcare technology is increasingly causing a disparity between different populations that is worthy of exploration. Firstly, various technological tools have been invented to improve patients' quality of care, such as wearable devices that monitor significant patient data to deduce any drastic changes that require medical attention (Yao, 2022). However, the cost of accessing these sophisticated tools is significantly high, resulting in some populations, such as low-income earners, failing to afford them. Similarly, technological tools can be used to perform advanced medical procedures to treat different ailments (Leonardsen et al., 2020). Despite the significance of healthcare technology, many individuals in the populace, such as those from minority communities, cannot afford them. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate these ethical concerns to determine how they impact healthcare delivery systems.
Research Questions
Question One
How has the decision to use technological devices in healthcare dissemination affected access to care among people from the minority community?
Justification of The Question
All human beings have entitled to adequate healthcare services that meet their diverse needs. Therefore, it is morally wrong for technological tools to benefit some individuals more than others (Yao et al., 2022). Such an eventuality would imply that the life of some individuals in society is considered more valuable than that of others, which is unjust and ethically wrong.
Research Findings
Yao et al. (2022) carried out an investigative study aiming to determine the unequal access to care triggered by the use of technological tools. The authors study the factors that precipitated the trend and the measures that can be taken to overcome it and promote access to care among the disadvantaged groups. According to the conclusions drawn from the investigation, allowing some populations to lack access to technology-based care is unjust and morally wrong (Yao et al., 2022). Therefore, it is necessary to instigate measures that increase the accessibility of technological tools to underserved populations, such as those economically disadvantaged, to minimize inequality.
Question Two
What are the benefits of using technological devices that people from poor socio-economic backgrounds miss out on due to health disparities?
Justification for The Question
This research aims to prove that the use of technology has caused an ethical issue: disparities in healthcare among different groups in society. Therefore, it is significant to examine the benefits that those who can afford healthcare technology enjoy that those who fail to use them miss out on, which indicates that the trend is unethical.
Research Findings
Leonardsen et al. (2020) investigated the benefits of using technology-enabled care in care provision, including telecare and digital devices. The investigation indicated that electronic patient monitoring systems are essential because they promote increased interactions between patients and healthcare providers. As a result, the patients made fewer visits to the emergency rooms, an aspect that reduced the cost of healthcare. It also ensured that drastic changes in patients' health were identified promptly, and the necessary care plan was initiated on time, hence reducing patient mortality rates (Leonardsen et al., 2020). Further, it helped in reducing crowding in the emergency rooms because of a lesser need for patient-provider consultations.
Question Three
What are the consequences of the health disparity that the disadvantaged groups face due to lack of access to technology?
Justifications for The Question
This question aims to unravel the drastic ramifications that the socio-economically disadvantaged face because they cannot access healthcare technology to prove that the trend is ethically wrong. It unmasks the consequences of healthcare disparities and the need to promote equal access to healthcare.
Research Findings
Smith and Magnani (2019) investigated the health disparities that the continued advancement of health technologies imparted to the patient population, especially the underserved communities. The findings of the study indicated that those who failed to use the technological tools such as wearable devices and noninvasive surgical procedures grappled with higher treatment costs and constant need for medical consultations (Smith & Magnani, 2019). Also, due to their low economic status, most patients from minority communities and poor socio-economic backgrounds failed to seek treatment for their conditions leading to higher mortality rates from chronic ailments.
One of the reasons for the introduction of technology into the healthcare systems is to improve the quality of care that patients receive. However, studies have shown that it has caused immense injustice by favoring some populations over others in the community. While those from affluent backgrounds are experiencing numerous benefits such as better health and satisfaction and reduced healthcare costs, high mortality rates due to increased healthcare costs are the norm among the poor who lack the finances needed to experience the same privileges. Therefore, this highlights that the use of technology in healthcare is unethical because of the healthcare disparities it precipitates. It contradicts the ethical principle of justice and equity, which indicates that all individuals in society should have equal opportunities.
Leonardsen, A. C. L., Hardeland, C., Helgesen, A. K., & Grøndahl, V. A. (2020). Patient experiences with technology enabled care across healthcare settings-a systematic review. BMC health services research, 20(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-05633-4
Smith, B., & Magnani, J. W. (2019). New technologies, new disparities: the intersection of electronic health and digital health literacy. International journal of cardiology, 292, 280-282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2019.05.066
Yao, R., Zhang, W., Evans, R., Cao, G., Rui, T., & Shen, L. (2022). Inequities in health care services caused by the adoption of digital health technologies: scoping review. Journal of medical Internet research, 24(3), e34144. https://doi.org/10.2196/34144
- Please cite your work in your responses
- Please use APA (7th edition) formatting
- All questions and each part of the question should be answered in detail (Go into depth)
- Response to questions must demonstrate understanding and application of concepts covered in class,
- Use in-text citations and at LEAST 2 resources per discussion from the school materials that I provided to support all answers.
- The use of course materials to support ideas is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
- Responses MUST be organized (Should be logical and easy to follow)
- Include at least 3 course resources
This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of course outcomes:
1. apply knowledge of the levels, components, and development of culture to inform decision making about organizational practices
2. analyze and describe the impact of organizational culture on performance
You will be asked to analyze an organizational culture. This could be the organization you work with, or it could be some other organization to which you have access. Remember that clubs, associations, and churches can be considered organizations.
Research (data gathering) should include (but does not need to be limited to) mainly primary sources.
Primary data is the data collected by the researcher themselves, i.e.
1. interview
2. observation
3. action research
4. case studies
5. life histories
6. questionnaires
7. ethnographic research
Secondary sources are data that already exists
1. Previous research
2. Official statistics
3. Mass media products
4. Diaries
5. Letters
6. Government reports
7. Web information
8. Historical data and information
Collect your data and analyze it. Describe how you collected the data (observation, interviews, surveys).
Then, analyze the organizational culture along three dimensions: artifacts, values, and underlying assumptions. Give examples of behavior, speech, or symbols that illustrate your findings. This paper should be 6 pages in length. Any data used (interviews, surveys, websites, etc.) should be attached as appendices. You should use at least 3 course resources.
Grading Rubrics
Criteria |
Cultural Elements
Description, evaluation, and analysis should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the core cultural elements of artifacts, values, and assumptions. Student should clearly understand each level and can provide examples of each.
Understanding of the culture
Research skills demonstrated. Student should gain understanding of culture through primary sources. Evidence of original data collection. Paper should clearly explain how the culture impacts the objectives/behavior of the organization. |
Illustrate the culture of the organization
Three to four relevant examples should be provided that illustrate the culture of the organization; examples are taken from author's original data gathering which is attached in the appendix.
Format |
Paper should demonstrate excellent communication; should adhere to APA style; Should have no more than 2–3 mistakes in grammar and mechanics; it should show use of appropriate outside resources and includes at least 3 references to class materials.
this assignment is a continuation of the previous individual assignment (Paper C) on researching an existing or emerging technology and its related ethical issues. You will have to work with your assigned groups for this assignment . Note: Each group will have to convey the name of the team-designated Group Leader to the Instructor, to provide a focal point for communications. To satisfy this assignment, each assigned group will have to gain consensus on the topic and subsequent research they want to use for the presentation. The Group will draw from a pool of paper Cs, created by each member’s contribution. The group will select a topic and subsequent research that will then be used as the single topic for the group presentation . As a result, group members must review each Paper C submitted. The group will select by consensus a candidate topic from this pool, which will be used as the topic and subsequent research for the group presentation. The ability to work as a group, gain consensus (an old definition is “can you live with the selection made”), and collaborate together is vital to the success of this assignment!
The group presentation will be developed using MS PowerPoint and will include:
· 1 Title slide including school, course, date of presentation, and names of all team members
· 1-2 Introductory slides providing an overview of the topic selected and rationale for selection
· 5-8 slides providing research results on emerging technologies and its related ethical issues
· 2 slides on summary/conclusion
· 1 - Reference slide
The Notes portion of MS PowerPoint should be utilized to elaborate, provide speaker notes, or explain key points as needed. If used properly, the Notes portion should reduce the amount of text on the slide (bullets preferred). Make sure that your slides are not text-heavy and use a font size that may be readily seen by an audience . Remember to cite sources using proper APA formatting and provide clickable URL links. Ensure that your sources are reputable and credible. Do NOT submit research taken from Wikipedia sources, blogs, or sources with no date and/or author .
Submission of the completed, group approved presentations should be by the Group Leader’s to their Assignments slot. It is the group leader’s submitted presentation that will be evaluated. Only one presentation is required, as each participating group member will receive the same score, if they provided adequate participation in putting the Presentation D together . To ensure crediting of the same score that is awarded for the presentation, group members are expected to submit the required documents (i.e., Paper Cs), assist in creation of the presentation, help to review and edit the presentation, and communicate!
Please post your presentation both in your individual assignment area and have one person post it in the Week 8 discussion. Putting it into your individual assignment area allows the professor to use a rubric to grade this assignment.
You must use the group discussion area at the bottom of the Discussions area, for all communications with your group. This allows the professor to monitor communications and assess your contributions.
Once all presentations are posted in the appropriate Assignment slots, there will be a follow-on conference (during week 8,) where students can remark on each team’s presentation. These presentations that are the highlight of Discussion Topic 8 will be posted by the Group Leader for each team. Comments made to Discussion Topic 8 regarding these presentations will be done in a respectful manner and are meant to provide students with positive and constructive feedback, as well as have the class benefit from other teams’ different research topics and conclusions.

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