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SafeAssign Originality Report Spring 2020 - InfoTech Import in Strat Plan (ITS-831-52) (ITS-831-53) - … • Week 10 Research Paper: Develop a Computer/Internet Security Policy • Submitted on Mon, Mar 16, 2020, 11:33 PM
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Attachment 1 Week10_Research_Paper_Bhan…
Information and Communication Technology Policies
BhanuKrishna Mokka
University of the Cumberlands
Dr. Hollis
Everyone between employees, departments, and the institution themselves are responsible when it
comes to ensuring the security and confidentiality of organization information. Thus, an organization needs to have a document detailing constraints or practices that the individuals should agree to for them to access the corporate internet and network. Therefore, acceptable use policies are essential for a business, and the use of IT equipment, information and security, particularly when it comes to using emails, internet, and computer equipment. The policies are therefore designed to help and facilitate employees and other authorized individuals while they perform their work. The acceptable internet policies play a crucial role in determining the strategies employed in communication using the World Wide Web. Proper directions are given to the members of an organization concerning its use. The reason for this policy is to obtain proper use and behavior for TIK_IT ltd IT systems and to protect the rights and privacy of all employees and the reputation and integrity of TIK_IT LTD. The goals will be achieved through proper training of users and putting in place control measures.
Information and Communication Technology Policies
TIK_IT ltd recognizes the use of email and internet is essential in the workplace, and individuals are
advised to use email and internet systems responsibly as inappropriate usage can place TIK_IT ltd at a threat. Therefore, the policy given must be followed and will be governing essential workplace conduct and behavior (Cram, W. A., Proudfoot, J. G., & D’Arcy, J, 2017). An employee who violates the organizations
given access to email and internet policies may get denied access and may also get subjected to disciplinary actions, which may include termination. Policy. TIK_IT ltd has established the following strategies for personnel use of the organizations' communications networks and technology. Technology, at the mention, include emails, computers, and the internet. Monitoring and confidentiality
All technology provided by TIK_IT, both computers and communication networks or any data stored electronically, is the property of TIK_IT ltd. Therefore, the use of the organizations’ technological systems should be work-related and not personal. TIK_IT ltd reserves the right to monitor, examine, and
regulate email and internet communications, files and all other connected or transmitted by or stored in its systems, whether offsite or onsite. External and internal voice mail, email, and text messages get considered as the company's' records and may get subjected to discover in the event of need. Thus,
individuals must be aware of this when communicating electronically both in and outside the organization. Computer Policies
Access to TIK_IT ltd systems gets controlled by the use of tokens, and passwords and users id. The user’s id and passwords are to get given for every individual, and thus, each person is accountable for all actions performed in TIK_IT ltd IT system. Hence, each person must never allow others to use their user’s id and passwords on any TIKIT ltd systems. Additionally, each individual should always ensure their accounts get logged out in an unlocked or unattended computer. Furthermore, each individual should never use other users_id and passwords to access TIK_IT ltd systems (Da Veiga, 2016). Besides that, one should never try to access the information they are not authorized to or leave their password unprotected. Email and
internet policy of use
The use of TIK_IT ltd net and emails is designed for work only. Personal use is only allowed where the individual does not interfere with company performance. Hence, all individuals are accountable for any activities that may happen on the internet or their companies’ emails. Besides that, no person is around to use emails or the internet to abuse or harass others. Additionally, individuals must not download, access, send or receive any data, both text video and images that TIK_IT ltd sees’ as offensive in any way. This data includes libelous material, discriminatory, or abusive. Furthermore, TIK_IT ltd internet and email must not get used for personnel use or personal business gain. The internet and email should also not get used to
3/20/2020 Originality Report
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gambling. The internet policy provides the policies that each individual should go by to access a particular network. It is through the phenomenon that the users are given a user id crucial for security purposes.
Moreover, the email system should not get used in a manner that can affect its effectiveness, and this
includes disseminating spam or chain letters. Besides that, individuals should not download copyrighted material, eg, video files music media without appropriate approval. Lastly, individuals cannot download any software from the net without the consent of the ICT authorized personnel.
Cram, W. A., Proudfoot, J. G., & D’Arcy, J. (2017). Organizational information security policies: a
review and research framework. European Journal of Information Systems, 26(6), 605-641. Da Veiga, A. (2016). Comparing the information security culture of employees who had read the information
security policy and those who had not. Information & Computer Security. Safa, N. S., Von Solms, R., &
Furnell, S. (2016). Information security policy compliance model in organizations. computers &
security, 56, 70-82.
1 1
7 8
Word Count: Submitted on: Submission UUID: Attachment UUID: 878 03/16/20 e9f8afe2-6692-cdd4-d093-d83f43db39e4 d5d317cf-9522-58a2-37bd-ce7bae2eb4e0
3/20/2020 Originality Report
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SafeAssign Originality Report Spring 2020 - InfoTech Import in Strat Plan (ITS-831-52) (ITS-831-53) - … • Week 10 Research Paper: Develop a Computer/Internet Security Policy • Submitted on Mon, Mar 16, 2020, 11:33 PM
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Attachment 1 Week10_Research_Paper_Bhan…
Information and Communication Technology Policies
BhanuKrishna Mokka
University of the Cumberlands
Dr. Hollis
Everyone between employees, departments, and the institution themselves are responsible when it
comes to ensuring the security and confidentiality of organization information. Thus, an organization needs to have a document detailing constraints or practices that the individuals should agree to for them to access the corporate internet and network. Therefore, acceptable use policies are essential for a business, and the use of IT equipment, information and security, particularly when it comes to using emails, internet, and computer equipment. The policies are therefore designed to help and facilitate employees and other authorized individuals while they perform their work. The acceptable internet policies play a crucial role in determining the strategies employed in communication using the World Wide Web. Proper directions are given to the members of an organization concerning its use. The reason for this policy is to obtain proper use and behavior for TIK_IT ltd IT systems and to protect the rights and privacy of all employees and the reputation and integrity of TIK_IT LTD. The goals will be achieved through proper training of users and putting in place control measures.
Information and Communication Technology Policies
TIK_IT ltd recognizes the use of email and internet is essential in the workplace, and individuals are
advised to use email and internet systems responsibly as inappropriate usage can place TIK_IT ltd at a threat. Therefore, the policy given must be followed and will be governing essential workplace conduct and behavior (Cram, W. A., Proudfoot, J. G., & D’Arcy, J, 2017). An employee who violates the organizations
given access to email and internet policies may get denied access and may also get subjected to disciplinary actions, which may include termination. Policy. TIK_IT ltd has established the following strategies for personnel use of the organizations' communications networks and technology. Technology, at the mention, include emails, computers, and the internet. Monitoring and confidentiality
All technology provided by TIK_IT, both computers and communication networks or any data stored electronically, is the property of TIK_IT ltd. Therefore, the use of the organizations’ technological systems should be work-related and not personal. TIK_IT ltd reserves the right to monitor, examine, and
regulate email and internet communications, files and all other connected or transmitted by or stored in its systems, whether offsite or onsite. External and internal voice mail, email, and text messages get considered as the company's' records and may get subjected to discover in the event of need. Thus,
individuals must be aware of this when communicating electronically both in and outside the organization. Computer Policies
Access to TIK_IT ltd systems gets controlled by the use of tokens, and passwords and users id. The user’s id and passwords are to get given for every individual, and thus, each person is accountable for all actions performed in TIK_IT ltd IT system. Hence, each person must never allow others to use their user’s id and passwords on any TIKIT ltd systems. Additionally, each individual should always ensure their accounts get logged out in an unlocked or unattended computer. Furthermore, each individual should never use other users_id and passwords to access TIK_IT ltd systems (Da Veiga, 2016). Besides that, one should never try to access the information they are not authorized to or leave their password unprotected. Email and
internet policy of use
The use of TIK_IT ltd net and emails is designed for work only. Personal use is only allowed where the individual does not interfere with company performance. Hence, all individuals are accountable for any activities that may happen on the internet or their companies’ emails. Besides that, no person is around to use emails or the internet to abuse or harass others. Additionally, individuals must not download, access, send or receive any data, both text video and images that TIK_IT ltd sees’ as offensive in any way. This data includes libelous material, discriminatory, or abusive. Furthermore, TIK_IT ltd internet and email must not get used for personnel use or personal business gain. The internet and email should also not get used to
3/20/2020 Originality Report
https://ucumberlands.blackboard.com/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5a31b16bb2c48/originalityReport/ultra?course_id=_114545_1&includeDeleted=true&attem… 2/2
gambling. The internet policy provides the policies that each individual should go by to access a particular network. It is through the phenomenon that the users are given a user id crucial for security purposes.
Moreover, the email system should not get used in a manner that can affect its effectiveness, and this
includes disseminating spam or chain letters. Besides that, individuals should not download copyrighted material, eg, video files music media without appropriate approval. Lastly, individuals cannot download any software from the net without the consent of the ICT authorized personnel.
Cram, W. A., Proudfoot, J. G., & D’Arcy, J. (2017). Organizational information security policies: a
review and research framework. European Journal of Information Systems, 26(6), 605-641. Da Veiga, A. (2016). Comparing the information security culture of employees who had read the information
security policy and those who had not. Information & Computer Security. Safa, N. S., Von Solms, R., &
Furnell, S. (2016). Information security policy compliance model in organizations. computers &
security, 56, 70-82.
1 1
7 8
Word Count: Submitted on: Submission UUID: Attachment UUID: 878 03/16/20 e9f8afe2-6692-cdd4-d093-d83f43db39e4 d5d317cf-9522-58a2-37bd-ce7bae2eb4e0

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