Early Childhood Education
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Early Childhood Education
The purpose of this particular research paper proposal can be construed to encompass numerous elements. For instance, one of the main purposes of the proposal is to facilitate the appreciation of a play-based learning approach in early childhood education. It is prudent to note that early childhood education plays a critical role in enhancing the education of young children by providing them with a proper foundation pertaining to the gaining of skills and the quest for knowledge. This particular research proposal is also important in the sense that it has focused on laying emphasis on the importance of using a play-centered approach for the purposes of helping young children acquire more appropriate levels of knowledge.
Experts have more often than not laid emphasis on the importance of providing children with an approach that takes into consideration the element of child-initiated play. The rationale behind this is that children usually gain a lot when there are involved in the teaching process. It is therefore important to note that this research proposal serves the purpose of enhancing the importance of granting young children more playing time as well as quality education. Various commentators have also appreciated the importance that play activities normally have on ensuring that young children have the capability of sharpening their skills that have been neglected for a very long time in the education system.
The other purpose of this particular research is to come up with the various play-activities that would eventually play a critical role in facilitating the learning of young children. Not all play-activities would add value to the education of children, therefore, effective play activities need to be identified with the aim of facilitating education and gaining of knowledge. Finally, this research proposal also aims to identify the various roles that children should play in these activities. The rationale behind this is that these activities would play a critical role in shaping their behavior with other children.
Schärer, J. H. (2017). Supporting Young Children’s Learning in a Dramatic Play Environment. Journal of Childhood Studies.
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Children learn social skills through dramatic play
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Children learn social skills through dramatic play
There exists a relationship of misconceptions about play-based learning. There is Criticism that academic work and play must not be mixed. Others suggest that all plays must be structured and goal-directed, not free and open-ended. Research suggests that academic work and play can be melded into a “play-based" learning curriculum.
Moreover, experts advised that the “child-initiated” free play strategy must be used for more effective outcomes. The report would evaluate the relationship between these variables to understand how socio-dramatic play helps in social development in children.
Problem Statement of the research
The impact of play activities on developing social skills has been long neglected in the education system. There has been a lot of Criticism that play should not be mixed with academic work, but research shows that play helps with social skills in children.
Literature Review
In Vygotsky's cultural-historical theory, play plays a significant role in early childhood development and social skills. Vygotsky believed that play promotes social and cognitive development in children. However, Vygotsky's perception that sociodramatic play is the opposite of the prevailing belief that play is just a free activity that must be done in free time. Therefore, Vygotsky's theory differs from other play theories, including constructional play, object-oriented exploration, and games with rules.
According to Vygotsky's real play activities include (a) acting and taking out rules, (b) creating an imaginary situation, and (c) following specific rules while playing a role. According to scholars, socio-dramatic play facilitates children in developing social skills, especially language and problem-solving skills (Schärer, 2017). The literature shows that young children show significant problem-solving knowledge while participating in socio-dramatic play. The literature also shows that children who participate in sociodramatic plate experience a high level of engagement in their brain because it includes language, emotions, cognitive, and sensory-motor actions. Thus, it develops an effective synaptic connection.
Social knowledge is very important to participate in play activities. Children can learn skills and attitudes needed for play by watching their teachers, parents, and other children. Similarly, playing with peers has a crucial role in social development by offering content. Children may adopt several important social skills such as sharing, talking, cooperation, and understanding their Peer's perceptions, thoughts, and emotions (Abraham, 2015).
It can be seen that literature shows plays to be a source of enculturating mechanisms. Children learn norms, societal roles, and values. The author has argued that the context of the play is influenced by the development of sequence and the socio-cultural environment of play. Through socio-dramatic play, children also learn social values such as sharing, love, respect, etc. In addition to this, self-regulations become possible in play because children would need to follow the rules constantly monitored by others (Goldstein, 2017).
Purpose of the Study
The research aims to identify socio-dramatic play's role in developing social skills in children. The research would include a systematic approach to the relationship between socio-dramatic play and social skills in children to achieve this purpose. The study would also discuss the valued shows by children while performing in socio-dramatic play. In addition to this, the literature aims to discuss the relevant literature and theories on the concerned research problem.
Research question
The research question is " How does socio-dramatic play help children develop social skills?" The methodology of the research would answer this question.
Following are hypotheses from the research papers.
Ho: There is a direct and positive relationship between children's sociodramatic play and social skills.
H1: Children-directed and free play are more impactful in developing children's problem-solving and language skills (social skills).
Abraham, J. (2015). Socio Dramatic Play: A case study. Conference: Third International Conference on Early Childhood Development.
Goldstein, T. R. (2017). The dramatic pretend play games uniquely improve emotions. Development Science.
Schärer, J. H. (2017). Supporting Young Children’s Learning in a Dramatic Play Environment. Journal of Childhood Studies.
Method for Proposal
Latoria Johnson
February 26, 2022
Method for Proposal
The research question is, is there a difference in change in social lives of children who have participated in the dramatic play. Dramatic play for children plays a crucial role in the development and enhancement of children's social skills. Dramatic plays usually have some story depicting sorrow, happiness, celebration, pity, forgiveness among many other relevant required social skills. A dramatic play where a character is rude, unsocial, or of bad character may affect the child's perception of society and in the end, affect their social skills. In this study, there are various qualitative methods and data analysis approaches that are used in research on the effect of dramatic play on children's social skills.
Research Design
In this study, we are going to take upon a qualitative design method in the study. Interview transcripts, for example, can be used in qualitative analysis (Gaber, 2020). The qualitative analysis relies heavily on the researcher's analytic and inclusive skills and personal awareness of the social context in which the data is collected, whereas quantitative analysis relies on statistics and is largely independent of the researcher. Analyzing phenomena qualitatively does not focus on explaining or predicting but on "making sense of" them. To conduct qualitative analysis effectively, researchers must have a set of analytical strategies in place, as well as a mindset that is both creative and investigative.
In this research am going to utilize the grounded theory in the conducting of qualitative research. The grounded theory encompasses the use of data in making decisions based on comparative analysis. In this case, the application of ground theory can be set out in trying to compare and define the different impacts of drama play on different children. The distinction between these children can be arrived at through checking the children’s previous social behaviors before the dramatic play and after a series of plays. In cases of noticeable changes in social behavior will indicate dramatic plays have an impact on their social engagements. I selected the qualitative method to address the research question as it based the results from textual data than numerical estimates hence easy to determine the change in social behavior and character.
The participants in the qualitative research will be categories of children of different ages and social classes. The criteria for the selection of participants will be based on their willingness to participate in a dramatic play. The participants will be tested before of their cautious and rude behavior before and after the play to determine the change brought about by the play to their social interactions. For the study, the size of the sample for study will be two groups of ten children each. These two groups will each dramatize their play differently from the other to make certain of the social character difference after the plays. Each participant child in the plays will each have their character to dramatize about with different social characteristics. The participants have to have good public speaking and acting skills to participate in the dramatization and play-acting. They also have to be able to understand and read effectively to participate.
A sampling of the participants will be purposefully considering the different roles available in dramatization. The roles of female actors will have to be done by a girl, while those of males to be done by boys. Some characteristics such as leadership, and character difference will also be a b=very essential considerations for qualitative research. The setting by which data will be collected will be through a questionnaire and dramatization of how the children react differently to different social events. These settings will allow note differences in some responses after what they have learned from the dramatization.
Data Collection
During the dramatic play by the participants, one key data collection method would be most essential to get the most data. This data collection method is observation. Through observation, it becomes possible to collect information without interfering with the play. Another data collection method relevant to the study is the interviewing of the children after the play through some social questions to determine whether there was a change or effect of the play. The use of these two methods ensures that I am able to collect both secondary data and primary data on the effect of dramatization on a child’s social engagement.
I chose these two data collection methods because of their effectiveness and reliability in getting information. Observation helps a researcher avoid having to talk to each and every participant. It also removes bias as the research can compare the changes resultant from before the dramatic play and after the play. An interview will allow for the getting and testis of some social etiquette words the children may have learned from the dramatic play. Hence these two types of data collection methods will allow getting a lot and quality information from participants to answer the research question.
Data analysis
In this research, we are going to utilize descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to find out what has happened in the past (Smith, 2011). It's a common first step for companies before going on to more in-depth ground investigations. Let's take a look at our imagined learning provider from earlier in this chapter as an example. Topnotch Learning may employ descriptive analytics to better understand the completion rates of its students' courses. Businesses, on the other hand, could be interested in knowing how many people have used their products during a certain period of time. Maybe they'll use it to see how sales have changed over the last five years. Despite the fact that the organization may not be able to draw inferences from any of these findings, summarizing and presenting the data will help them decide how to proceed.
Gaber, J. (2020). Qualitative analysis for planning & policy: Beyond the numbers. Routledge.
Smith, J., & Firth, J. (2011). Qualitative data analysis: the framework approach. Nurse researcher, 18(2), 52-62.
Video Presentation Script
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Video Presentation Script
Greetings, in this presentation, I will outline to you the research on the impact of child dramatic play on their social skills. Dramatic play, in its sense, is composed of various attributes that place children in scenarios where they learn different social words, use these social words in real-life representation plays and dramatization. An example of such is a child using etiquette terms in their speech is more likely to employ similar words such as sorry, please, pardon, and thank you, among other terms used in the play. As a result, the anticipated reaction is a child whose social skills have been positively impacted.
To successfully get the impact of child play on their social skills, select the children's roles in the play based on distinguishing factors and individual choice. This may include age, gender, speech, conduct, and personality character to match the play's ability to understand. This will create imagery and allow an easy flow of the ideas in the play. The children have to practice reading the play to get the social skills intended by the play, such as etiquette.
In the next part of the video, the research begins with the children acting out the dramatic play. Here I intend to observe their use of social words, their ability to communicate with each other and interaction to understand their roles in the play. Then go-ahead to collect the impact data on consecutive conduct of their social skills about the impact established through their use of words and communication among them. It may be notified of either change such as acting like the character or no change in social behaviour.
Presentation outline
Types of plays
Socials skills
Role assignment
Script reading
Data collection
Skills learned
Gaber, J. (2020). Qualitative analysis for planning & policy: Beyond the numbers. Routledge.
Research Proposal Template EEC 6678
Each component must be addressed effectively to receive credit. Please refer to the research articles provided for your article review for examples.
Introduction (5-7 pages):
· Introduce your topic in a general sense, situate it within the larger context of education
· Identify the research problem you want to address
· Include relevant research concerning your topic (brief literature review)
· Discuss studies that asked similar questions to you
· Discuss studies that identified a similar research problem/research questions.
· Discuss how these studies indicated a need for your research
· After discussing relevant research and building a case for your study, clearly identify the purpose of your study
· State your research question(s)
· Include a potential hypothesis, if you deem this necessary
· Use subheadings, such as Introduction, Review of Literature, and Research Questions
Method (3-5 pages) use subheadings for each component:
· Research design: qualitative or quantitative. Explain why you selected this design. Within each design indicate your method—such as ethnography or grounded theory for qualitative research or pre-posttest experimental/ quasiexperimental design for quantitative research. Why did you select this method to address your research questions?
· Participants: Who will they be? How many? How did you sample these participants? (ie: purposeful, random etc…) What is the setting in which your data will be collected?
· Data collection: What methods will you use to collect data? Why did you select these methods? How will you try to ensure validity and reliability of the data. Cite Creswell for specific validity strategies.
· Data analysis: How do you plan on analyzing your data? Will you use qualitative methods—such as content analysis or grounded theory coding? Will you use statistical methods, such as t-tests, mean comparison?
· Because you do not have extensive background in data analysis procedures, you may hypothesize your methods and/or ask me for help.
· You must cite any and all research that you will be writing about. If the idea did not come directly from you, then cite. Most of your citations will be in the introduction (ie: citing education legislation to create a need for your research, citing relevant studies that address your research topic). However, you will also need citations in the methods section, concerning your research design, data collection, and data analysis. These citations can come from your Creswell text.
· I cannot stress this enough- when in doubt, add a citation. Educational researchers work hard and deserve to be awarded credit for their ideas. I take plagiarism very seriously. Don’t do it.
APA style writing
· Please observe APA style for your proposal
· Use APA style citations and include APA style references
· Refer to your APA manual (6th edition, second printing) or https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
· Please proofread your proposal for typos and errors. Excessive errors will result in point deduction.

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