You are required to make 
two hundred (200 words)
 weekly contributions to your Discussion Forum in Blackboard (available under the tool folder) during the course of the Trimester, 
which will start in week 6 and finish in week 12
 The nature of each contribution can be found on the weekly discussion forum in Blackboard. As a guide, the contributions need to be based on thoughts that arise after completing the week’s reading, video materials, etc. The thoughts may be based on personal experiences in (a not to be named) organisation (past or current), or perhaps from a web-site, journal article or mass media item that is relevant to the week’s module topic. The thoughts that are posted to the forums should be considered and reflect logic and rationale discourse. The intention with this task is to generate discussion about topics in modules to make material in the text come alive. Students who make comments, observations or remarks, about other students’ contributions (in an appropriately supportive way) will further enhance their marks in this task.
At the end of Week 12 of Trimester
,students should bundle what they consider to be their three (3) best contributions together and send them off to their Instructor via Safe Asign. Students are strongly advised to make contributions from the very first week rather than leaving it to the last minute to make their minimum contribution. The workload at the end of the Trimester is heavy enough without adding the extra demand of having to make all five, two hundred word contributions in these last few weeks.
The limit of 1500 words overall (500 words for each forum)
, plus or minus 10% is to be strictly observed for the choice of "
three (3) best contributions
" submitted for assessment. Print the word count on the second line of your submission, and your surname, given name and student number on the first line. Your other weekly contributions that are not going to be submitted for assessment may vary from the 500- word limit. Should your combined eight forum contributions exceed the 2000 word limit, and then edit to cut it back, please! Over length pieces are NOT viewed positively. Exercise restraint, demonstrate your editing skills.
Your Instructor will view contributions on a regular basis, provide selective feedback on these weekly contributions and then assess the eight best you have submitted for further consideration and grading.
Assessment Criteria
Demonstrated familiarity with (at least) the set reading ( 3 marks)
Evidence of evaluation, judgement & critical reflection ( 6 marks)
Evidence of the ability to apply knowledge to a practical situation ( 3 marks)
Evidence of ongoing participation on online discussion ( 3 marks)

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