ISOL 536 - Week 6 Writing Assignment
Question: 1
In approximately 350 words, answer the question below.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations is required.
If supporting evidence from outside resources is used proper citation is required.
Your submission should largely consist of your own thoughts and ideas but may be supported by citations and references.
Must be 3 References
Describe a situation when it might be ideal to define security requirements to align with a wicked environment.
ISOL 536 - Week 6 Discussion Board
In approximately 250 words, answer the question below.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations is required.
If supporting evidence from outside resources is used proper citation is required.
Your submission should largely consist of your own thoughts and ideas but may be supported by citations and references.
Describe a problem or scenario when a cryptographic system would be an ideal solution.
As a reminder, your first discussion is due Thursday (5/6) by midnight (EST). I have attached the discussion rubric here for easy access. Please note that a perfect discussion will cite your textbook and one additional outside source, all in proper APA format.
Week1) During this module, you are required to read Business and Society, Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
Chapter 1 covers the complex relationship between business corporations and the many individuals and organizations in society.
Chapter 2 covers the many public issues and matters of concern to business organizations and its stakeholders.
Chapter 3 covers the social responsibility challenges that affect businesses' interaction with its stakeholders while pursuing traditional economic goals.
Hint: Use the “Key Terms” listed at the end of each chapter to help guide your reading. You should be able to define, provide examples, and state the significance of each term.
week2) during this module, you are required to read Business and Society, Chapters 5 and 6.
Chapter 5: All people in business encounter and deal with ethical issues. Important business skills include learning how to recognize the different types of ethical problems and determine resolutions to these dilemmas.
Chapter 6: A company’s culture and ethical climate tend to shape the attitudes and actions of all who work there. Professional associations often attempt to provide a standard of conduct as a guide to ethical situations. Corporations not only need to have an ethics program for employees, they need to follow the laws of the nation.
Hint: Use the Key Terms listed at the end of each chapter to help guide your reading. You should be able to define, provide examples, and state the significance of each term
week3) during this module, you are required to read Business and Society, Chapters 4.
Chapter 4: This chapter discusses the changing role of business and government in the global economy, especially as a strategist for national economic growth and social welfare not only in the United States but internationally.
Hint: Use the Key Terms listed at the end of each chapter to help guide your reading. You should be able to define, provide examples, and state the significance of each term.
Week4) During this module, you are required to read Business and Society, Chapters 7 and 8.
Chapter 7: This chapter discusses the rules that business and governments operate under in society. The relationship between business and governments is often tenuous and ranges from cooperative to adversarial. How much power large corporations hold. Knowing how laws and new technology affect the protection of consumers and other businesses.
Chapter 8: Understanding the issues businesses encounter working with politicians and government regulations worldwide are covered.
Hint: Use the Key Terms listed at the end of each chapter to help guide your reading. You should be able to define, provide examples, and state the significance of each term.
week5) During this module, you are required to read Business and Society, Chapters 9 and 10.
Chapter 9: This chapter focuses on the ecological challenges the world community faces and how government and business leaders understand the need of economic growth while protecting the environment and natural resources.
Chapter 10: Governments and business leaders have become increasingly accountable to environmental issues.
Hint: Use the Key Terms listed at the end of each chapter to help guide your reading. You should be able to define, provide examples, and state the significance of each term.
Week 6) During this module chapter 11-12
week7) During this module, you are required to read Business and Society, Chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16.
Chapter 13: Stockholders, both individual and institutional, are the legal owners of business corporations. The job of corporate boards has become more difficult and challenging, as directors seek to balance the interests of shareholders, managers and other stakeholders. As a result of corporate scandals, reforms have been proposed to make boards more responsive to shareholders and more independent of management.
Chapter 14: Consumer protection laws and regulatory agencies attempt to assure that consumers are treated fairly, receive adequate data, are protected against potential hazards, have free choices in the market and have legal recourse when problems develop.
week8) during this module, you are required to read Business and Society, Chapters 18 and 19.
Chapter 18: The community refers to an organization’s area of local influence, as well as to other groups that are affected by its actions. Many companies have adopted a strategic approach to philanthropy, linking their giving to business goals.
Chapter 19: There are many complex and difficult issues to resolve involving business and the media. Through public relations, business is able to use the media to benefit society or people in need. It has also, however, assisted business in relaying mixed messages on the various ethical issues.
Hint: Use the Key Terms listed at the end of each chapter to help guide your reading. You should be able to define, provide examples, and state the significance of each term.
Essay Outline
A. Hook:
1. A documentary tells the story of the fall of the Biogenesis Antiaging Clinic in Miami, where Tony Bosch provided performance-enhancing drugs to dozens of athletes, including the man who was then the highest- paid player in Major League Baseball history: Alex Rodriguez.
2. What are Performance Enhancing Drugs? How PEDs spread throughout the athletes? how they trade them? and how PEDs impact the games?
b. Main question: Should Performance Enhancing Drugs be allowed in sports?
c. Thesis statement: Since banning doping has less effect on protecting fairness and punishing rule-breakers, many people think that we can legalize and regulate performance-enhancing drugs to the benefit of sports and sports fans alike. However, using Performance Enhancing Drugs will violate the spirit of sports and increase the athletes' health risk. It also indirectly encouraging youngsters to do the same. Thus, Performance Enhancing Drugs should not be allowed in sports.
Body One:
Allowing PEDs in sports will threaten athletes' health. All drugs, including PEDs, have extreme, long-term, negative effects on a person's physical and mental states.
a. Steroids can hurt athletes’ body.
1. Using steroids has been associated with liver problems, heart problems, stroke, blood clots and cancer.
2. Some doctors also think players are tearing more tendons and ligaments because their bulked-up muscles have gotten too big for their bodies.
b. Steroid use also has mental side effects.
1. Depression has also been linked to steroid use, and athletes who use performance-enhancing steroids are more likely to attempt suicide than athletes who do not use them.
2. Steroid users may become overly aggressive or combative, a condition commonly referred to as “roid rage.”
Body Two:
Allowing PEDs in sports will only increase the problem.
a. It could potentially force clean athletes to dope, which results in them slowly killing themselves in order to stay at the new competitive level set by the steroid users.
b. It threaten the fundamental integrity of sport.
c. It send the wrong message to our kids. They may go the rest of their lives with crushed hearts, or they may take a cue from that athlete and start using steroids themselves.
Body Three:
Banning PEDs have done less to protect fairness and punish rule-breakers and more to discourage athletes from reaching the highest levels of success.
a. We don’t ban the advantages that modern-day athletes have over their predecessors, such as advanced machines and creatine, and that attitude of progress should apply across the board.
b. Even though PEDs can shows people the top-class performance, but it violates the spirit of sports and is dangerous.
A. Restatement of Thesis Statement:
Although using PEDs can bring users to a higher level, allowing PEDs would ultimately take away from the true purpose of playing and diminishes the core values of sports. It also seriously risk the health and safety of users and sets a deadly example for children. Thus, allowing PEDs is a bad idea.
B. Next Steps:
As for us, we have to make sure we are not encouraging these bad behaviors. It is important to realize the many risks of legalizing PEDs and take whatever actions possible in order to protect athletes and the nature of the sport itself.

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