CBT Actual Applications
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CBT Actual Applications
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a fundamental theoretical basis that offers effective articulation, concepts, ideas, and framework that provides a fundamental platform for case management. Particularly, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy describes a psychotherapeutic treatment method, enabling an individual to learn to identify and change maladaptive behavior, replacing them with positive ones as a short-term treatment method. Accordingly, providing a detailed presentation on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a theoretical basis and how it resonates with human behavior and development, accommodating Joe’s situation in the film is underpinning. Similarly, the film, Joe the King, particularly on Joe the Characters required fundamental presentation on techniques such as identifying negative thoughts, practicing new skills, goal-setting, problem-solving, and self-monitoring to provide an effective platform for comprehensive anti-social behavior management for the client that the Cognitive Behavioral Theory provided be effective in identifying fundamental mental illness, Impulsive expulsive disorder for the characters’ assessment, intervention, and evaluation. In this discussion on the CBT, the paper will provide fundamental attention to the actual application of the CBT, accommodating CBT in assessment, intervention, and evaluation guidance, practical application of the theory in social work practice, and comparing the CBT with other psychotherapeutic treatment theories for individuals with mental illness issues in the society.
Assessment, intervention, and evaluation guidance
In the practical application for assessment, intervention, and evaluation, the CBT theory is a fundamental one, accommodating real-world situations’ applications in social work practices. . Fundamentally, the CBT is e4ssnetl in assessments of the using techniques such as cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, multimodal therapy, and rational emotive behavioral therapy, all accommodating different approaches to manage underlying thoughts and feeling patterns contribution to psychological conditions (King and Boswell, 2019). In an assessment and interventions, the CBT offers a framework for vital psychological, social, biological among other environmental factors influencing asocial behavior and subsequent mental disorders. In this case, the CBT offers a practical framework for mental illness assessment, accommodating the myriad of factors for decision-making in managing mental disorders within social work practices and interventions.
Noteworthy, the CBT provides an assessment framework to recognize destructive thoughts, feeling, and emotions while dialectical behavior therapy is an approach that accommodates a platform to address thought and behavior through emotional regulation and mindfulness regulating patient maladaptive behaviors. Furthermore, the CBT accommodate multimodal strategy constituting of seven independent but interconnected modalities including behavior, impact, sensation, imagery, cognition, interpersonal drivers, drugs, and biological factors, giving a practical framework for assessment, evaluation, and intervention of mental illness and maladaptive behavior, embracing integrative factors for a comprehensive assessment of the patient using the CBT theory (Lincoln et al. 2017). Admittedly, the CBT offers a practical framework for assessment, evaluation, and intervention, enabling a patient to learn to recognize maladaptive behaviors, replacing such with positive actions and behaviors as crucial intervention and treatment methods. Thus, the CBT will provide an effective guiding platform for psychotherapeutic treatment methods, enabling an individual to learn to identify and change maladaptive behavior, replacing them with positive ones as a short-term treatment method for patients with mental illness issues.
Practical application of the theory in social work practice
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy describes a psychotherapeutic treatment method, enabling an individual to learn to identify and change maladaptive behavior, replacing them with positive ones as a short-term treatment method, accommodating negative thought patterns and feeling that posit negative influence on behavior and emotions (Ruggiero et al. 2018). Notably, the CBT involves therapeutic approaches including cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, multimodal therapy, and rational emotive behavioral therapy, all accommodating different approaches to manage underlying thoughts and feeling patterns contribution to psychological conditions (King and Boswell, 2019). Similarly, social work practices and applications appreciate fundamental CBT concepts including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and human relationships, CBT and the worth and dignity of human beings, social justice, cultural competencies, and social environment to effectively manage mental issues in societal settings. According to the authors, the CBT ensures cultural diversity in the theory applications via grouping and contextual sensitivity, supporting the CBT on cultural completely and applications (Hinton and Patel, 2017). Thus, social workers appreciate such fundamental CBT concepts that resonate with social work practice in managing vital mental issues in society.
Comparing CBT with other Theories
The CBT embraces and identifies individual negative thoughts and replacing such feelings and thoughts with positive ones offers an effective platform for controlling how interpreting feelings and thoughts give a supportive environment (Ruggiero et al. 2018). Similarly, the CBT treatment method offers a platform for healthy thinking through identifying negative thoughts and feelings accommodates a range of applications in managing maladaptive behaviors, and is comparatively affordable than other therapy types, embracing virtual and physical sessions (Kumar et al. 2017). Psychoanalysis theory only identifies behaviors, feelings, and through from unconscious meanings and motivations while, CBT accommodates vital techniques in evaluating, assessing, and intervening. Significantly, the behavioral approach focus on the role of learning in developing asocial and prosocial behavior, while the CBT provides cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, multimodal therapy, and rational emotive behavioral therapy for more dimensional applications that Behavioral theories. Thus, the CBT fits a significant theory for social work practical application in managing mental illnesses.
Hinton, D., and Patel, A. (2017). Cultural Adaptations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The Psychiatric clinics of North America. DOI: 10.1016/j.psc.2017.08.006
King, R., and Boswell, F. (2019). Therapeutic Strategies and Techniques in Early Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Psychotherapy, 9, (56)1: 35-40
Kumar V, Sattar Y, Bseiso A, Khan S, Rutkofsky IH. (2017).The effectiveness of internet-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Cureus, 9(8):e1626.
Lincoln, T.M., Riehle, M., Pillny, M, et al. (2017). Using Functional Analysis as a framework to guide individualized treatment for negative.Front Psychol. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02108
Ruggiero, G., Spada, G., Caselli, G., and Sassaroli, S. (2018). A Historical and Theoretical Review of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies: From Structural SelfKnowledge to Functional Processes. J Rat-Emo Cognitive-Behav Ther (36):378–403 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10942-018-0292-8
Cognitive Behavioral Theory
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Cognitive Behavioral Theory
Critical comprehension of theoretical basis in understanding human Behaviour and actions is vital in decision-making to sleet and apply the appropriate theoretical approach for a client on a case-by-case basis. Notably, embracing an appropriate theoretical framework to manage clients' social Behaviour gives a client-centric approach that increases effectiveness and overall outcome in managing clients’ cases. In an attempt to identify Joe as a character in the film, Joe the King, there fundamental asocial Behaviour and scenarios witnessed in Joe as the major character’s behavior such as stealing and shoplifting to compensate for life frustrations due to lacking parental guidance, constant humiliation causing anti-social Behaviour such as pretty theft, tardiness at school, and difficulty in developing a constructive relationship with others underpins a case for consideration. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a fundamental theoretical basis that offers effective articulation, concepts, ideas, and framework that provides a fundamental platform for case management. Particularly, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy describes a psychotherapeutic treatment method, enabling an individual to learn to identify and change maladaptive behavior, replacing them with positive ones as a short-term treatment method. Accordingly, providing a detailed presentation on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a theoretical basis and how it resonates with human behavior and development, accommodating Joe’s situation in the film is underpinning.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Overview
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy describes a psychotherapeutic treatment method, enabling an individual to learn to identify and change maladaptive Behaviour, replacing them with positive ones as a short-term treatment method, accommodating negative thought patterns and feeling that posit negative influence on behavior and emotions (Ruggiero et al. 2018). In this case, the Cognitive-behavioral Theory (CBT) focuses on identifying and changing automatic negative thoughts and feelings that are destructive and posit negative influence on human behavior and emotions. Noteworthy, the CBT accommodates three fundamental articulations in managing anti-social behavior as a short-term treatment method including identifying, changing, replacing destructive thought and feeling patterns with realistic, objective, and positive feelings and thoughts. According to the authors, CBT emerged in the 1960s from Aron Beck's concept of automated negative thoughts and feelings, developing cognitive therapy (Ruggiero et al. 2018). Admittedly, the CBT theoretical basis accommodates individual thoughts and feelings that are negative and destructive, promoting asocial behavior by replacing such destructive thoughts with realistic and objective ones. Thus, the CBT is a fundamental theory to identify Joe’s negative thoughts and feelings causing stealing and shoplifting behavior with positive ones in the society.
CBT Approaches
As a short-term psychotherapeutic treatment, CBT encompasses a range of techniques and approaches for comprehensive applications in managing clients’ asocial behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. Notably, the CBT involves therapeutic approaches including cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, multimodal therapy, and rational emotive behavioral therapy, all accommodating different approaches to manage underlying thoughts and feeling patterns contribution to psychological conditions (King and Boswell, 2019). A cognitive therapy strategy is an approach that indulges in identifying and changing destructive thoughts, feeling, and behavior emotional responses with positive thought patterns. Consequently, dialectical behavior therapy is an approach that accommodates a platform to address thought and behavior through emotional regulation and mindfulness. Additionally, multimodal therapy is a fundamental approach in the CBT that incorporates seven independent but interconnected modalities including behavior, impact, sensation, imagery, cognition, interpersonal drivers, drugs, and biological considerations in highlighting psychological issues that promote negative and destructive behaviors, feelings, and emotions (King and Boswell, 2019. Finally, Rational Emotive behavior therapy constitutes the identification of irrational behavior, beliefs, and learning to embrace a change in destructive thoughts. Similarly, the CBT approaches including cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, multimodal therapy, and rational emotive behavioral therapy are effective in handling Joe’s situation in the film, Joe the King.
CBT Techniques
In psychotherapeutic treatment, CBT uses various strategies involving clients and therapists in identifying negative thoughts and a fundamental range of techniques to change such negative behavior, feelings, and emotions. Fundamentally, the CBT accommodates final intervention including identifying negative thoughts, practicing new skills, goal-setting, problem-solving, and self-monitoring (Tsitsas and Paschali, 2014). Identifying negative thoughts involves feelings, situations, and thoughts that contribute to maladaptive behavior (Lincoln et al. 2017). Similarly, in the film, asocial Behaviour, and scenarios witnessed in Joe as the major character's behavior such as stealing and shoplifting to compensate for life frustrations due to lacking parental guidance, constant humiliation causing anti-social Behaviour such as pretty theft, tardiness at school, and difficulty in developing a constructive relationship with others underpins identification of situations and events causing maladaptive behaviors. Practicing new skills is a fundamental strategy that the CBT accommodates for effective case management, accommodating real-world situations. For example, Joe's case of stealing and shoplifting need the practice of new positive skills such as positive relationship with society rehearsing. Goal-setting is another vital facet of the CBT technique that is vital in mental illness recovery and improving the health and life of clients. For instance, a therapist can assist a client in setting goals, acknowledging SMART goals, and short-term and long-term goals for the process and outcome.
Additionally, problem-solving is a crucial technique incorporated in the CBT theoretical basis for human behavior assessment, evaluation, and improvement involving the identification of factors causing maladaptive behaviors among clients. In the CBT, problem-solving accommodates a significant stepwise phase including problem identification, listing all possible solutions, strengths, and weakens evaluation of the options, selecting a solution for implementation, and implementing the solution (Sburlati et al. 2015). Finally, developing a self-monitoring technique in the CBT when dealing with maladaptive behaviors acknowledge tracking behavior, symptoms, and experiences and sharing such with a therapist to improve treatment method in the CBT. Similarly, the film, Joe the King, particularly on Joe the Characters required fundamental presentation on techniques such as identifying negative thoughts, practicing new skills, goal-setting, problem-solving, and self-monitoring to provide an effective platform for comprehensive anti-social behavior management for the client.
Strengths of the CBT
The CBT operates under the praxis that individual thoughts and feeling influences behavior, emotions, and actions. According to the authors, embracing and identifying individual negative thoughts and replacing such feelings and thoughts with positive ones offers an effective platform for controlling how interpreting feelings and thoughts give a supportive environment (Ruggiero et al. 2018). According to the research-based findings, the CBT treatment method gives a platform for healthy thinking through identifying negative thoughts and feelings (Stefan et al. 2019). Additionally, CBT is one fundamental and effective short-term treatment method and improvements are seeable in 5 to 20 sessions. Additionally, CBT has accommodated a fundamental range of applications in managing maladaptive behaviors and is comparatively affordable than other therapy types. According to the researchers, CBT is an effective treatment method in virtual and physical applications and replaces psychotropic medications (Kumar et al. 2017). Thus, fundamental research-based evidence offers effective strengths and effectiveness of the CBT and applications in managing maladaptive behavior among clients.
The CBT Weakness
Despite fundamental strengths in the CBT applications in the treatment of maladaptive behaviors, some fundamental weaknesses and challenges require consideration for effective outcomes. Notably, difficulties in changes, structured CBT, lacking the willingness to change among the clients, and gradual process, interfere with the CBT applications effectiveness. Change can be difficult, especially among clients who perceive that identifying irrational and destructive thoughts and feelings have no significance in impacting positive feelings and though for pro-social behavior. Similarly, the CBT is a structured therapeutic approach unlike psychoanalytic psychotherapy that recognizes fundamental articulation on unconsciousness drivers in maladaptive behavior; hence the effectiveness of the CBT depends on the clients’ comfortability on structured and focused psychotherapy strategy. Additionally, the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy depends on the client’s willingness to change which presents an effective weakness when a client is not willing to change destructive thoughts and feelings to realistic and objective feelings and thoughts for positive human behavior and development. Finally, the CBT treatment method is a gradual process that requires case-by-case analysis in managing maladaptive behavior and failure to accommodate a step may cause negative outcomes. Therefore, a comprehensive application of the CBT for assessment, evaluation, and intervention to locate negative human behavior and development requires effective considerations of the CBT weakness, incorporating strengths for a positive therapeutic outcome among clients with maladaptive behaviors.
The CBT Cultural Competency
The CBT accommodates fundamental cultural competency for effective and multidimensional applications. Notably, increasing multi-cultural societies creates a significant platform for the CBT to establish multicultural groups for effective applications. Similarly, the culturally informed transdiagnostic model offers an integrative platform to acknowledge cultural articulation on case management. Specifically, the movie, Joe the King, occurs within the 1970s in a multicultural society that managing maladaptive behavior for Joe requires an informed transdiagnostic model for effective applications. Noteworthy, the CBT manages cultural diversity in the theory applications via grouping and contextual sensitivity, supporting the CBT on cultural completely and applications (Hinton and Patel, 2017). Fundamentally, the CBT accommodates cultural competency through accommodating core cultural values and validating the clients’ experience, considering environmental changes. The CBT accommodates individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and societies, reinforcing cultural competency. Similarly, the movie, Joe the King, resonates with the CBT applications in managing maladaptive behavior from the character's behavior, situations, feelings, and thoughts, acknowledging social and person-in-environment for effective cultural competency. Therefore, the CBT acknowledges social environment, person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks in engaging with clients enhancing cultural competencies and awareness.
Assessment, intervention, and evaluation for the CBT in the movie’ case study.
In an attempt to identify Joe as a character in the film, Joe the King, there are fundamental asocial Behaviour and scenarios witnessed in Joe as the major character’s behavior such as stealing and shoplifting to compensate for life frustrations due to lacking parental guidance, constant humiliation causing anti-social Behaviour such as pretty theft, tardiness at school, and difficulty in developing a constructive relationship with others underpins a case for consideration. Specifically, assessing the case can accommodate the CBT approaches such as cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, multimodal therapy, and rational emotive behavioral therapy, all accommodating different approaches to manage underlying thoughts and feeling patterns contribution to psychological conditions (King and Boswell, 2019). Specifically, the strategies give an effective platform to identify Joe's frustration with life from a dysfunctional family and non-welcoming school environment and how the character acquires such occurrences with maladaptive behaviors such as stealing and shoplifting and negative relationship with others.
Cognitive therapy enables a therapist to identify Joe’s destructive thoughts, feeling, and emotions while dialectical behavior therapy is an approach that accommodates a platform to address thought and behavior through emotional regulation and mindfulness regulating Joe’s maladaptive behavior. Similarly, multimodal therapy incorporates seven independent but interconnected modalities including behavior, impact, sensation, imagery, cognition, interpersonal drivers, drugs, and biological considerations that assist in highlighting multi-dimensional factors, influencing Joe’s feelings, thoughts, emotions, and behavior in the movie for practical maladaptive behavior management by the CBT as the theoretical basis for case-by-case management. Thus, the CBT will provide an effective platform for psychotherapeutic treatment methods, enabling an individual to learn to identify and change maladaptive behavior, replacing them with positive ones as a short-term treatment method for Joe in the movie, Joe the King.
In conclusion, the paper has provided effective articulation on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a theoretical basis and how it resonated with human behavior and development, accommodating Joe’s situation in the movie, Joe the King. The CBT acknowledges therapeutic strategies such as cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, multimodal therapy, and rational emotive behavioral therapy, all accommodating different approaches to managing underlying thoughts and feeling patterns contributing to psychological conditions. Similarly, the CBT has prevented evidence-based effectiveness in assessment, intervention, evaluation, and identification of potential factors fueling maladaptive behavior for Joe, accommodating cultural competency Thus, the CBT is an effective theoretical basis for case-by-case analysis to manage maladaptive behaviors and clients.
Hinton, D., and Patel, A. (2017). Cultural Adaptations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The Psychiatric clinics of North America. DOI: 10.1016/j.psc.2017.08.006
King, R., and Boswell, F. (2019). Therapeutic Strategies and Techniques in Early Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Psychotherapy, 9, (56)1: 35-40
Kumar V, Sattar Y, Bseiso A, Khan S, Rutkofsky IH. (2017).The effectiveness of internet-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in the treatment of Psychiatric disorders. Cureus, 9(8):e1626.
Lincoln, T.M., Riehle, M., Pillny, M, et al. (2017). Using Functional Analysis as a framework to guide individualized treatment for negative.Front Psychol. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02108
Ruggiero, G., Spada, G., Caselli, G., and Sassaroli, S. (2018). A Historical and Theoretical Review of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies: From Structural SelfKnowledge to Functional Processes. J Rat-Emo Cognitive-Behav Ther (36):378–403 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10942-018-0292-8
Sburlati, E. S., Lyneham, H. J., Schniering, C. A., et al. (2015). Evidence-Base CBT for anxiety and depression in children and adolescents, competencies-based approach. John Wiley & Sons; 2014. doi:10.1002/9781118500576.ch17
Stefan, S., Cristea, I., Tatar, A., David, D. (2019). Cognitive‐behavioral therapy (CBT) for a generalized anxiety disorder: Contrasting various CBT approaches in a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, (2019),1–15
Tsitsas GD, Paschali, A. (2014). A cognitive-behavior therapy applied to social anxiety disorder and specific phobia, case study. Health Psychol Res, 2(3):1603. doi:10.4081/hpr.2014.1603

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