Question Attached - Rules Below
· perform certain calculations discussed in the assigned reading in order to derive an answer for each problem.
· use Microsoft Excel to complete each problem and submit a single Excel spreadsheet that contains a separate worksheet (i.e., separate tab) for each problem.
· have each worksheet be clearly labeled to identify the associated problem.
· to show all calculations or other work performed to derive your answer(s) for each problem.
· have your spreadsheet be fully functional (i.e., configured to allow the reader to not only see all numerical values, but also be able to see the underlying formula associated with each calculated value).
· to label your work in each worksheet to clearly identify the nature of each piece of data or calculated value.
No credit will be granted for problems that are not completed using Excel, for which your Excel worksheet is not fully functional, or for which you have not shown all of the calculations or other work performed to derive your answer(s). You may refer to the course textbooks, supplemental reading materials, online information, and your own notes in conjunction with completing the homework assignments. Once you have completed the necessary calculations to solve each problem and answer the associated questions, select the hyperlink provided to submit your Excel spreadsheet for grading.
13) Sid Davidson was able to determine the activity times for the leadership training program. He would like to determine the total project completion time and the critical path. The activity times appear in the following table (see Problem 12):
A 2
B 5
C 1
D 10
E 3
F 6
G 8/35
17) After consulting with Butch Radner, George Monohan was able to determine the activity times for constructing the week-harvesting machine to be used on narrow rivers. George would like to determine ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack for each activity. The total project completion time and the critical path should also be determined. (See Problem 16 for details). The activity times are shown in the following table:
A 6
B 5
C 3
D 2
E 4
F 6
G 10
H 7
16) Monohan Machinery specializes in developing weed-harvestnig equipment that is used to clear small lakes of weeds. George Monohan, president of Monohan Machinery, is convinced that harvesting weeds is far better than using chemicals to kill weeds. Chemicals cause pollution, and the weeds seem to grow faster after the chemicals have been used. George is contemplation the construction of a machine that would harvest weeds on narrow rivers and waterways. The activities that are necessary to build one of these experimental weed-harvesting machines are listed in the following table. Construct a network for these activities.
A -
B -
G C, E
Name _________________________________
Choose only one most correct answer for the multiple choice, true/false and either/or questions:
Light is the physical foundation of all creation and solar energy drives life processes in the biosphere through a.) biodiversity b.) nitrogen fixation c.) plant succession d.) photosynthesis. The solar energy is “fixed” by green plants
Food chains give us a glimpse of the interconnectedness and the exact order in the world where everybody and everything has its place, role and purpose. The “producers” are a.) aquatic creatures/fish b.) predatory animals c.) herbivores (plant eating animals) d.) plants
Animals and people are known as a.) producers b.) consumers c.) autotrophs d.) flora
Autotrophs are known as a.) “self-feeders” surviving by inorganic matter b.) heterotrophs c.) herbivores d.) carnivores
Consumers are known as a.) “self-feeders” surviving by inorganic matter b.) heterotrophs c.) autotrophs d.) producers
Decomposers have the job of a.) returning nutrients to the soil by feeding on physically dead consumers b.) photosynthesis c.) polluting the environment d.) depleting the soil of necessary nutrients
Plants, animals and the surrounding environment and their interactions are known as a.) hydrologic cycle b.) autotrophic system c.) ecosystem d.) flora system
Fauna best represents a.) animals b.) plants c.) producers d.) vertical zonation of elevation
The greatest biodiversity is found in the following biome: a.) desert b.) tropical rainforest c.) Mediterranean d.) tundra
True or False – Deserts have no plants and almost no animals.
True or False – (Coastal) California is considered a Mediterranean biome.
True or False – Latitude, Altitude, Land-Water, Ocean Currents, Mountain Barriers are strongly connected to the climate of a particular region.
The different species of plants found at various mountainous elevations are a product of a.) terrestrial fauna b.) food chains c.) vertical zonation d.) introduction of exotic species in Florida
The view that the earth has never had any significant changes in the past and that only current observations yield valid methods for studying the geologic past is known as (choose one): uniformitarianism or catastrophism.
Because of the (choose one) uniformitarianism or catastrophism assumption many textbooks and scientists claim that the earth is billions of year old.
The discovery of continental drift, giant meteorite impact and catastrophic world-wide flooding support (choose one) uniformitarianism or catastrophism.
This geographer/scientist was one of the first to propose the continental drift theory in the scientific community, but because of his being a “creationist” and the theory supporting catastrophism, is not even given a footnote in many modern textbooks: a.) Charles Lyell b.) Charles Darwin c.) Professor B. Willis d.) Antonio Snider-Pellegrini
True or False - Out of the 4 most popular terrestrial dating methods tree ring dating is considered the most accurate method.
True or False – Potassium-argon and uranium-lead aka “rock/fossil-dating” is a highly accurate terrestrial dating method.
True or False – Volcanic rock, known to have formed on the Hawaiian Islands in 1801, had potassium-argon ratios that indicated an age of up to 3 billion years even though in actuality the rock is only hundreds of years old.
The view that the continents have been drifting apart at a constant rate of 5.7 cm per year throughout all of earth’s history is uniformitarianism or catastrophism.
The view that the continents are now drifting apart at 5.7 cm per year but this rate was not constant throughout all of earth’s history and may have been dramatically different at some point earlier is uniformitarianism or catastrophism.
What significant findings have been discovered by excavations in recent years across the Arctic (north pole region) and the Antarctic (south pole region) and why are these discoveries important? What do they reveal about ancient Earth history and how do they support and/or challenge prior assumptions?__________________
List some of the assumptions/limitations of earth-dating theories (2pts for each): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
True or False – fossil records indicate dinosaurs may have died suddenly with an abrupt extinction as suggested by the K-T boundary. This is in complete opposition to the theory of evolution and natural selection.
The oldest known source stating that the continents of the earth used to all be connected in one landmass before their breakup is given by a.) Alfred Wegener (1915) b.) British geologists (1700s) c.) Hollywood (21st Century) d.) Biblical sources (thousands of years ago)
The recent discoveries of ancient tropical forests both in the Arctic and Antarctic regions (areas covered by ice today) suggests Earth was once a.) much warmer with a drastically different climate b.) much colder with a drastically different climate c.) polar d.) characterized by low species diversity
Carbon Dioxide (a “greenhouse gas”) in Earth’s atmosphere a.) has become higher than it has ever been in Earth’s history b.) has not changed significantly during the geologic record c.) was once much higher than today’s observations d.) is the only global warming constituent
What breakthrough discovery was revealed in 2014 that, according to lead researcher Graham Pearson, “changes everything about the way a planet works” a.) more petroleum for fossil fuel availability b.) rising carbon dioxide levels c.) melting and re-freezing ice caps at the north and south poles d.) huge reservoirs (“oceans”) of water 400 miles below Earth’s surface
Recent polar research discovering well-preserved remains of tropical plants and animals in the Arctic and Antarctic coupled with the eventual acceptance of Continental Drift evidence and even more recent findings of asteroid strikes on Earth, KT boundary (clay layer) underground, petrified trees and many other related examples supports a.) the theory of evolution (19th - 21st Century) b.) the average textbook (20-21st Century) c.) uniformitarianism (18th Century) d.) original Biblical sources (several millennia ago) - which states that Earth’s climate was originally vastly different from today, consisting of constant temperate conditions (worldwide) with no seasonal changes and that all landmasses were in fact connected prior to the Flood, landmass breakup and reconfiguration and the introduction of seasonality to the global climate system.
“You go along a core and everything’s the same, the same, the same, and then suddenly you pass this time line and the carbon chemistry is completely different…”(Gerald Dickens, oceanographer/professor Rice University Nature Geoscience) In your own words why might this assessment be considered important? (Think uniformitarianism vs. catastrophism and their repercussions)
What has been the reaction of the scientific community and educational committees to the discoveries of certain scientists regarding historical sources of continental drift, global Flood evidence and related findings and as a result does this information make it to the mainstream of the majority of the world's population? Why or why not? Give specific examples_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What information is presented in the PDF regarding “Dating Earth, Continent Drift, Asteroid Impact and the Flood” and why is it significant? What's the argument within the field of geology and are both perspectives being equally portrayed in the education system? Why or why not? What is uniformitarianism? Give evidence, if any, for the support of this view.
What is catastrophism? Give evidence, if any, for the support of this view.
Can both really be true?
What are the implications of this question and why does it matter?
Has there been any suppression in the public-policy or scientific community regarding any one these views and why might this be so? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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