Create a PowerPoint presentation that contains the various heat transfer mechanisms, some applications of ideal gas law, and the kinetic theory.
In your presentation, be sure to include the following:
· Include a title and references slides.
· Research and provide content for the following topics.
. Compare and contrast the three heat transfer methods (conduction, convection, and radiation) with examples.
. Describe the relationship between temperature, pressure, and volume in the ideal gas law with examples.
. Explain the concept of the kinetic theory of gases.
· Include a minimum of 10 slides, not counting the title and references slides.
· Adhere to general best practice to use no more than 5–6 bullet points per slide.
· Use presenter notes to provide the details of your presentation.
· Insert appropriate images, diagrams, and tables to enhance your content.
· Use at least two scholarly references in your presentation. Include APA Style citations and references for each source used.
· Use the CSU Online Library for assistance with the research.
· Utilize the Writing Center for assistance with proper formatting and APA Style, or view this tutorial for additional information PowerPoint Basics tutorial .

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