Using Measurement Tools and Gauging Employee Satisfaction
Christine Ledford
University of Phoenix
November 2, 2020
Professor D. Athanassaides
Using Measurement Tools and Gauging Employee Satisfaction
All people love to bring up a routine and maintain it. Knowing what to expect each day makes one get comfortable. It is hard to move from our routine and develop new routines. Change cannot be evaded, and in most cases, it is needed to enhance growth; mostly in regard to business. Organizations may be required to change their way of living due to several reasons. For instance, technological change and new policies.
Change Adoption Strengths
Effective change management aids in enabling the organization remain competitive. If the organization can gradually and peacefully take up change, it will not experience many difficulties. Impacted competitors, impacted by similar situation that do not already have a change management technique to fall back on, will be left struggling. The organization on the other hand will have gone through major planning. Whenever required, the organization will only be required to get the plan and get working. The organization will already have knowledge on the form of support that the workers require, so as to remain motivated in the process. Change adoption aids in enhancing the growth of the organization; where the organization gets a chance to learn new things each time something changes. It as well maximizes opportunities for the individuals willing to embrace them. It aids in creating new positions, divisions, and opportunity to create a new job vacancy (Mdletye & Ukpere, 2014).
Change Adoption Challenges
One major disadvantage of change adoption is that one cannot tell about the future. It is essential to ensure that the organization has change adoption techniques ready to go. However, at times, situations may take a different or multiple twists. Change management can take up improper procedure. In addition, if the amount of resistance from the employees is not treated in an effective manner, it can destroy the task. Furthermore, if the clients are not informed about change adoption, they may tend to resist the changes. This may make employees move to other alternative organizations.
Issues Relevant to Leadership Managing Change
Some of the issues related to leadership managing change include employee resistance. There are employees that like change and organization should evolve in order to remain relevant. Resistance to change can begin anywhere in the organization. The management may not be willing to spend money or change daily routines. Departments may not identify wider organization requirements so long as their system is functioning. This leads to stakeholders not seeing the way the changes may improve the organization in a great way. In addition, the workers may be worried on how this change may affect their jobs. The employees may resist even after the change if they feel that the change may make the employee’s role harder.
Change Leadership Development
Leaders may as well face a hard trying to reverse an ineffective change. The planning, preparation roles as well as impact evaluations do not guarantee an effective initiative. Therefore, whenever a project becomes problematic, it becomes hard to reverse it to the normal form. Thus, a contingency plan aids in keeping on prepared for the unseen occurrences. This can take place especially with new systems. In cooperation with managing changes, a solution that includes roll back functionality aid in efficiently plan, and assess a roll back plan in any context in order to return to your former state. Insufficient consensus as well impacts leadership management (Coetzee et al., 2012). Failure to include each person on board with changes may result to difficulties during the process.
Integrating DISC Assessment into Change Leadership
A DISC assessment is a personal assessment tool that is implemented by many organizations each year. It can be used to understand more about an employee. DISC is an acronym of four behavioral techniques of dominance, influence, steadiness and conscientiousness. The DISC assessment tool assumes that an individual has the four basic behavioral styles in different ways. This technique can be applied in change leadership to enhance self-awareness. Effective change management majors on self-knowledge. DISC profiles provides ways to address an individual effectively. For example, factors that motivate, factors that cause stress, and to how to solve issues. Therefore, the DISC profile is used to identify where the employee fall in regard to change (DISC, 2018). The DISC assessment can be used to identify if each employee is aligned to the change. Therefore, through it, we can foretell when a change project will be successful or fail.
Change is an essential aspect that can aid in ensuring that the organization remains competitive and relevant. However, change is affected is impacted by a number of factors in the organization. At times, change may face resistance. Additionally, changes may become problematic and difficult to reverse, thus causing major changes to the organization. However, the DISC assessment can be used to identify the success or failure of the proposed project. This would assist the organization in avoiding failure.
Coetzee, R., Visagie, J. & Ukpere, W. (2012). Leadership challenges in change intervention and navigation. African Journal of Business Management, 6(51). DOI: 10.5897/AJBM12.1447
DISC. (2018). What is DISC? https://www.discgb.co.uk/whatisdisc
Mdletye, M & Ukpere, C. (2014). The strengths and weaknesses of the transformational change management process in the south African department of correctional services. Critical Analysis. Journal of Governance and Regulation. https://doi.org/10.22495/JGR_V3_I4_C2_P10
Appendix 1
Organizational Readiness Survey
The answer are based on 1 through 3 scale (Response scale: 1 = Disagree | 2 = Neutral | 3 = Agree).
Are you aware of the new project?
Do you understand the objectives and goals of the new project?
How important is this change to achieving your vision in your role?
Do you think that the management is committed to the success of the project?
Will you have the ability to support the new project management through the change process?
How efficient is the communication from leadership team to the people involved in the implementation?
Do you understand how the new project will affect you?
Personally, how fast do you adapt to change?
Do you thing decision making is effective?
How do you feel about the culture in your organization associated with change?
Appendix 2
Pulse Survey
Are you satisfied with the implementation of the new project? (Response scale: Unsatisfied | Somewhat unsatisfied | Neutral | Somewhat satisfied | Very satisfied)
How happy are you at work? (Response scale: Unsatisfied | Somewhat unsatisfied | Neutral | Somewhat satisfied | Very satisfied)
With the implementation of the new change, do you feel that employees are being overworked more than usual? (Respond with a yes or no response)
EDUC 606
Discussion Assignment Instructions
There are 4 graded Discussions to be completed in this course. For each prompt, you are required to post a thread of at least 400–500 words, supported by at least 1 scholarly resource in current APA format. Additionally, you must integrate 1 biblical principle into your conclusions. Acceptable sources include the textbook, journal articles, the Bible, etc. (Wikipedia is not acceptable as a stand-alone source.) You must also post 2 replies to classmates' threads of at least 150–200 words each.
Project Portfolio Workplace Assessment - The Whole System
Christine Ledford
University of Phoenix
October 29, 2020
Professor D. Athanassiades
Hello, my name is Christine Ledford. Thank you in advance for your time in reviewing my workplace assessment presentation. This presentation focuses on the whole system approach, its relationship to an organizational issue, and needs assessment. I will suggest strategies and methods needed to apply a successful change.
Organizational Issue Overview
Strategies for Performance Improvement related to:
Leadership Style
Organizational culture
Mission, vision, and values alignment
System of management
Decision making
Motivational techniques
Employee morale
Communication and feedback
(Pompilii, 2018)
Whole system discovery is an option that involves the people that are affected by a specific change in the organization join you in process of discovery, recommendation, decision as well as implementation (Walker, 2014). The key elements of the whole system discovery include specialization, in which the system is divided into small components; groupings, it aid aims at avoiding generating complexity due to increase of specialization; coordination; it is essential to manage the interactions among groups; and emergent properties, dividing a system into subsystems requires recognition and comprehension of why the system as a whole is effective that the sum of its part (System Theory, n.d.).
Many organizations can contribute their success to effective communication. Through effective communication, organizations can reap the benefits of reduced employee turnovers, conflicts, absenteeism, and other negative factors. Communication is the organizational issue that will be addressed. The prosperity of an organization begins with how well the staff communicates. Strategies for performance improvement will be accompanied by a needs assessment.
Organizational Issue Overview
Communication | |
Effective | Ineffective |
Leads to efficiency and success | Impeds on operations |
Increases employee motivation | Lack of employee job satisfaction |
Reduces conflict | Conflict |
Thriving staff relationships | Poor staff relationships |
Organizational Issue Overview
Communication plays a significant role in the development of an organization. It ensures a flow of information between and within departments and leads to efficiency and success. It also contributes to employee motivation and drives them to work more efficiently. Effective communication decrease conflict through sharing information efficiently as well. Thriving staff relationships is beneficial to organizational culture and the success of the organization. Ineffective communication is a critical organizational issue that impedes the smooth running of operations and their final output (Kegeyan, 2016). It results in a number of issues such as lack of job satisfaction among employees, conflicts and derails the realization of a better work future for an organization. This issue also leads to poor staff relationships that are likely to negatively impact organizational culture. According to Eads (2017), organizations that lack cross departmental communication have departments working independently and this segregates relationships across the organization.
Leadership Style
Ability to inspire, prioritize, and promote safety
Effective communication skills
(Clark, 2019)
Leadership Style
The effectiveness of leadership is related to the ability of the leader to inspire and prioritize needs that produce a sense of safety. Leadership style is an intentional means through which a leader influences his/her followers in an organization (Gandolfi & Stone, 2018). Although not all leadership styles can lead to a better organizational future, the best styles rely on communication to bring everyone on board in order to realize set organizational objectives. This shows that the choice of a leadership style is a pivotal decision that determines whether communication will be prioritized or not. Communication is therefore an aspect of effective leadership without which it becomes an issue that derails organizational success.
Organizational Culture
Has a shared norms, principles, and values
Determines staff relationships and extent.
Establishes appropriate channels of communication
Influences communication
Focus on cultural variables
Organizational centralization
Leadership behaviors
Job autonomy and control
Psychological safety
(Wong, 2020)
Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is a set of shared norms, principles, and values among people in an organization. It determines how people relate with each other and to what extent. For instance, it dictates how subordinates interact with the top management. It also establishes appropriate channels of communication by removing obstacles to communication. Organizational culture therefore influences communication. Organizations that are keen on establishing proper channels of communication and encouraging openness between and among members build professional relationships that promote growth. An organization can focus on certain cultural variables such as organizational centralization, leadership behaviors, job autonomy and control and psychological safety. These variables can negatively or positively affect organizational communication.
Mission, Vision, and Value Alignment
Determines if communication is prioritized
Mission is the purpose of the organization
Vision is the potential.
Value is the degree in which something is held
(Kolowich Cox, 2018)
Mission, Vision, and Value Alignment
The mission, vision, and values of an organization are the basics that determine whether communication is prioritized or not. Mission is the purpose of an organization while the vision is its potential. Value is related to the degree in which a belief is held, like communication being ranked very important to organizational success. Since communication plays a significant role in the success of an organization, it is important to align the mission, vision, and values to the communication needs to maximize potential. It is important to return to the basics when an organization realizes that it faces communication issues in its operations. It should set these to bring everyone on board so that they are more committed. The mission, vision and, core values will align people with the organization.
System of Management
Refers to policies, procedures, and processes (guiding principles)for day to day operations.
Depends on leadership
An effective system of management prioritizes the right initiatives
(Egger, 2018)
System of Management
System of management refers to a set of policies, procedures, and processes that an organization utilizes in its day to day operations. These policies, procedures, and processes are the guiding principles that direct the achievement of set objectives such as product quality and good customer relations. System of management depends on the types of leadership that can leverage high impact practices such as encouraging communication. Effective leaders will also prioritize communication because they understand that it is integral in meeting performance targets, understanding progress obstacles, and coming up with solutions. An effective system of management will also prioritize the right initiatives while undertaking their responsibilities such as planning, monitoring and organizing.
Decision Making
More efficient with technology
Communication is an issue due to less face-to-face contact caused by technology
Productive organizations make collaborative decisions
Enhances comprehension
Increases the effectiveness of problem solving
(Ohio University, 2020)
Decision Making
Although technology has made decision making within organizations more efficient, there are certain unhealthy practices that hinder the process of effective decision making. For instance, less personal contact among employees and a heightened use of smartphones, emails, and other forms of electronic devices. There is limited face to face communication (Eads, 2017). The most productive organizations make collaborative decisions because they tend to work as teams. Communication is therefore important in the process of making decisions because it enhances the comprehension of the complexity of the decisions that should be made. It also increases the effectiveness of solving problems and thus makes it easier for organizations to make decisions.
Motivational Techniques
Enhance employee engagement
Employee satisfaction
Open and effective communication
Organization giving employees a sense of purpose
(Watts, 2016)
Motivational Techniques
Motivational techniques are the strategies that motivate people, especially employees, within an organization. An organization that looks into motivational techniques understands that employees are an integral part of the organization and that they also have needs that need to be met. Motivational techniques therefore enhance employee engagement and result in employee job satisfaction. Some of these techniques can be identified when there is an open and effective communication within the organization. For instance, the management can let the employees know that they are trusted so that they gain confidence to go about work. The organization can also give the employees a sense of purpose so that they better understand its purpose and potential.
Employee Moral
Communication is an important component
Employees will be more engaged
Employee harmonious relationship with the organization
Enhances job satisfaction
(Moran, 2018)
Employee Moral
Employee morale is the general spirit or feeling among employees in an organization. There are several factors that influence employee morale such as layoffs, stressful work environments, and communication. Communication plays an important role in employee morale. For instance, when there is a two-way positive communication in an organization, employees’ morale is piqued and they become more engaged at work. Employees thrive on communication and they feel happier and more fulfilled when expectations and goals are clearly explained. Communication has a way of preventing common workplace conflicts and therefore results in harmonious relationship within the organization. Communication also enhances job satisfaction among employees without which they will feel frustrated and unproductive.
Product of transformational communication
Ineffective communication is a barrier
Has a role in communication mechanisms and behavior
(Mutsvairo, 2016)
Ethics is a product of transformational communication which results from effective leadership in an organization. For example, ineffective communication emerges as a barrier to the ethical foundations of an organization (Laužikas & Miliūtė, 2019). This is because communication is usually the bass of developing the mechanisms of participation and transparency which are the foundations of ethics at the workplace. Ethics has a role in the communication mechanisms and behavior of an organization. It begins with managers embracing honesty and transparency in their communication with the employees, customers, and partners. The others are likely to respond with behaviors that mirror the leadership and thus it becomes a norm in the business operations.
Communication and Feedback
Constructive feedback is the product of effective communication
Allows for learning the strengths and weaknesses of strategies to improve
Allows for the realignment of operations with its mission, vision, and values.
(Sommer, 2018)
Communication and Feedback
Constructive feedback is vital in an organization and it is a product of effective communication between employees and the management. Feedback provides opportunities to address the concerns of employees and in the process device mechanisms to improve their morale. It is also an opportunity to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the strategies that are employed by an organization thus enabling them to improve. Feedback allows an organization to go back to the basics and align its operations with its mission, vision, and core values. This shows that without effective communication, an organization may never realize its need for improvement and it may never adjust to measure up to its competition.
Ineffective communication derails morale and productivity
This needs assessment embraces the investment needed in appropriate leadership style
Prioritizing communication will invest in motivational techniques and ethical leadership that encourages feedback.
Feedback is an important component for addressing organizational needs and using creative problem solving.
(World Manager, 2019)
A needs assessment addresses the needs and gaps between a present condition and the desired condition. From my undisclosed workplace, one of the evident issues is ineffective communication which has derailed employees’ morale and ultimately their output. The assessment shows that there is a need to invest in appropriate leadership styles that embrace communication, and the leadership should go back to the basics and focus on the mission, vision and core values of the organization. It goes without saying that an organization that prioritizes communication will invest in motivational techniques and ethical leadership that encourages feedback. Feedback is also an important recipe for understanding the needs of organization and identifying creative ways to improve.
Clark, D. (2019). Leadership tips for motivating members. https://hrfloridareview.org/magazine/magazine-archives/item/810-leadership-tips-for-motivating-members
Eads, D. (2017). Changing the climate: Staff development activities that address the real issues, communication in the workplace. North Carolina Libraries, 75(1).
Egger, J. (2018). 5 ways to improve your day-to-day operations now. https://www.volusion.com/blog/5-ways-to-improve-your-day-to-day-operations-now/
Gandolfi, F., & Stone, S. (2018). Leadership, leadership styles, and servant leadership. Journal of Management Research, 18(4), 261-269. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Franco_Gandolfi/publication/340940468_Leadership_Leadership_Styles_and_Servant_Leadership/links/5ea6a029a6fdccd79457ffa9/Leadership-Leadership-Styles-and-Servant-Leadership.pdf
Kegeyan, S. E. (2016). Intercultural communication in the workplace and the role of communication in an organization. International Journal of Professional Science, (2). https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/intercultural-communication-in-the-workplace-and-the-role-of-communication-in-an-organization
Kolowich Cox. L. (2018). How to write a great value proposition [infographic]. https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/write-value-proposition
Laužikas, M., & Miliūtė, A. (2019). Transformational communication via evolving ethical and moral norms of lithuanian civil service organizations. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 6(4), 1750-1761.
Moran, A. (2018). The importance of employee moral and how to improve it. https://www.careeraddict.com/employee-morale
Mutsvairo, B. (2016). Why journalistic ‘balance’ is failing the public. https://ethicaljournalismnetwork.org/journalistic-balance-failing-public
Ohio University. (2020). Managerial decision-making with data: The dos and don’ts. https://onlinemasters.ohio.edu/blog/managerial-decision-making-with-data-the-dos-and-donts/
Pompilii, B. (2018). Gear-hands. https://www.lifesciencetraininginstitute.com/building-stronger-community-site-based-research/gears-hands/
Sommer, T. (2018). Giving feedback is hard. Really hard. https://medium.com/redbubble/giving-feedback-is-hard-really-hard-d8f6689b7ebf
System Theory. (n.d.). The systems approach. http://landscapemanagementsystem.org/ecosystem-management/systems.html
Walker, L. (2014). Whole system discovery. https://prezi.com/0jthftzeytsm/whole-system-discovery/
Watts, M. (2016). 5 keys of effective communication in the workplace. https://www.independenceplus.com/5-keys-of-effective-communication-in-the-workplace/
Wong, K. (2020). Organizational culture: Definition, importance, and development. https://www.achievers.com/blog/organizational-culture-definition/

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