Title of Paper

Your Name

Rasmussen College

COURSE#: Course Title

Professor’s Name

Assignment Due Date

Title of Paper


Introduction (a full paragraph with literature support)

Code of Ethics (a full paragraph with literature support)

American Nurses Association Standards of Practice for the licensure (LPN or RN) (a full paragraph with literature support)



Author’s Last Name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title, Volume Number(Issue number), Page numbers.

MSW Advanced Clinical Concentration -Student Learning Agreement

Walden University -- Barbara Solomon School of Social Work

Used with SOCW 6520 and SOCW 6530

Agency Name: Sound Options

Agency Address: «AddressBlock»

Student Information

Instructor/Supervisor Information

Faculty Liaison Information

Agency Info

Name: SummerLove Holcomb

Walden Email: [email protected]

Phone: 253-951-3500

Name: Dr. Wanda Davidson

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 334-202-3204

Name: Jenifer Nazarowski

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 206-940-7381

Description: Provides home care and care management for geriatric clients and helping clients and their families navigate through the aging process and help them get the resources they need to take care of themselves, stay in their homes and help the family as a whole.

Academic Term

Spring 2021

Course Number

SOCW 6520

Population Served:

Geriatric Adults

Proposed Schedule:

Some Wednesdays but mostly Thursdays and Fridays 8 to 2

Describe what your regular tasks will be at the agency:

Importance of the Learning Agreement

Purpose of the Learning Agreement: The learning agreement is designed to ensure students are mindful about the learning expectations in their field placement. It was developed to help students and supervisors/instructors plan a well-rounded experience that will help students meet the learning objectives.

Learning Objectives: The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) requires students gain competency in nine areas of social work practice. These areas of practice are defined as core competencies of the profession. Each core competency requires particular behaviors students should be able to engage and gain competency in. Students should provide examples of activities in the agency they can participate in to help them meet the learning objectives. Some examples of activities are provided. This is not an exhaustive list, so others can be added. Students must have an opportunity to complete tasks in all nine areas of competency.

Connection to the Student Evaluation: Not only is the learning agreement a helpful tool to plan the learning goals for the term, but it connects directly to the evaluation points in the student evaluation. Field Instructors/supervisors will be asked to complete student evaluations. Each student is evaluated on the nine core competencies of social work. Having a solid learning agreement aligns the learning goals with the student’s evaluation, so no areas are missed.


Negotiating the Agreement: The learning agreement should be completed by week 3 at the agency. This is a collaborative process, where the field instructor/supervisor and student meet to establish goals for the term. The student will then submit the agreement to the faculty liaison for feedback and comments. Once everyone is happy with the agreement, all parties sign the agreement. During the evaluation session, toward the end of the quarter, the student and instructor/supervisor should meet to discuss progress and challenges with the plan and develop ways to adjust the learning for the remainder of the placement and the next quarter.

Form Layout:

Each page/grid is devoted to one of the nine Social Work Core Competencies . Students must have experience in all nine competencies.

Section Descriptions:

Expected Behaviors – the expected behaviors are those that are identified based on the concentration area. These behaviors should be demonstrated by students during the term of the field placement/internship.

Agency Activities-These are examples of particular activities that students can do at the agency to demonstrate the expected behaviors. Most of these are general to all settings. However, if they don’t quite match, feel free to add/change these to fit with the context of your agency. Check all activities that apply.

Field Course Assignments-These are a few examples of field course assignments that help reinforce the Social Work Core Competencies. Students will be required to complete all field course assignments.

How to Complete the Form:

a- By week 2, students should complete all student designated sections on the learning agreement and discuss it with their supervisor/instructor.

b- By week 3, students should upload the learning agreement to Blackboard for the faculty liaison to review. (Only upload agreements that have been approved by your supervisor/instructor).

c- After the faculty liaison reviews and signs the agreement, the student and instructor should sign it.

d- After the agreement has been signed, the student will upload it to Meditrek.

Learning Agreement

Social Work Core Competency 1 – Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.

Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.

a- Makes clinically appropriate decisions based on the NASW Code of Ethics, and other local, state, and federal legal statutes and regulations.

b- Identifies and manages personal values to provide clinical service delivery, according to professional values and standards.

c-Incorporates professional behavior when engaging clients, families, colleagues, and other professionals.

d- Evaluate the ethical and appropriate use technology to facilitate delivery of clinical social work services

e-Integrates principles of supervision and consultation to guide professional judgment and behavior.

f-Demonstrates professional development by identifying the specialized skills and knowledge needed to practice clinical social work.

x|_|Adhere to ethical standards outlined by the NASW and other social work organizations

|_|Discuss personal values in supervision when they conflict with the values of the profession and adjust practice as needed.

x|_|Recognize personal triggers that could impede effectiveness with clients. Discuss those triggers with your supervisor.

x|_|Discuss case scenarios with my supervisor and faculty liaison that require ethical reasoning.

Seek guidance when you experience and ethical dilemma.

x|_|Maintain professional boundaries with clients and others and discuss and potential boundary challenges in supervision.

x|_|Use professional communication and interaction with clients, colleagues, and others.

x|_|Recognize your professional responsibility to the client, the profession, and the agency.

x|_|Adhere to agency polices about technology and record keeping. Discuss with your supervisor any potential ethical challenges that may arise because of the use of technology.

Add other activities here:

SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignments:

Self-Assessment Assignment (Week1)

Blog post on confidentiality (Week 2)

Blog Post safety in field (Week 3)

Blog Post on Supervision (Week 4)

Blog on Ethics (Week 5)

Use of Self Blog (Week 8)

For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these expectations and activities will help you increase competence in ethical and professional behavior. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?

It is very important to demonstrate professional behavior with clients, colleagues, professors, mentors within the school and within the agency. I will conduct myself in a professional manor and adhere to agency policies. I am also able to articulate the importance of maintaining professional behavior.

For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop as a professional social worker (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development). 1)Since COVID I will need to focus on how to keep meeting confidential and follow the tela-communication guidelines. 2)Incorporate what I have learned in class to the field experience

For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

Will most of my internship be virtual meetings and if so since we can not use our own devices will something be issued to me for my internship?

Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation).

Social Work Core Competency 2 – Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.

Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.

a-Demonstrates cultural awareness by recognizing and integrating diverse populations’ varying values, culture, norms, and beliefs throughout the therapeutic process.

b-Demonstrates cultural humility by managing personal biases when partnering with clients.

c- Communicates in a culturally responsive way recognizing various community structures, norms, and values.

x|_|Practice with those who are different from you based on age, SES, color, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

|_|Discuss in supervision and in class the strengths of engaging diversity and the challenges you have when engaging difference.

x|_|Engage in self-refection about personal biases related to client population and discuss with supervisor and be able to demonstrate that you can have a personal view and a professional view in practice.

|_|Develop a diversity/cultural competency plan that allows you to learn about the cultural needs of client groups and be culturally responsive when communicating with clients.

Add other activities here:

SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignments:

Agency Assignment – describe the population (Week 4)

Diversity Blog (Week 7)

For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage diversity and difference in practice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)? One of my strengths are that I have been in the field of geriatric care for a very long time so I am familiar with this population. Away to improve and develop diversity/cultural competency will be attend seminars or attend any meetings with in my internship on this subject.

For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to engage diversity and difference in practice (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).

1) Make sure I am self-aware so I can eliminate personal biases

2) Be away of cultural structures that may be oppressive

For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during the evaluation).

Social Work Core Competency 3- Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.

Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.

a-Examines the effects of oppression, discrimination, structural social inequality, and historical trauma on clients/constituents and their systems to guide intervention planning.

b- Chooses social work clinical practices that promote human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.

x|_|Identify barriers clients face when accessing services at my agency or at other agencies and discuss during supervision.

|_|Develop a plan to learn about the effects of oppression, discrimination, inequality, and trauma on clients.

x|_|Use evidence-based practices that consider the unique challenges clients have when faced with oppression, discrimination, social inequality, and historical trauma.

x|_|Discuss with supervisor about how social, economic, and environmental factors affect client outcomes.

x|_|Work with instructor/supervisor to engage advocacy for needs and services for clients.

|_|Collaborate with a local or national organization that advocates for your population.

Add other activities here:

For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?

It is very important for me as an intern to review the NASW standards of care on this topic it is also important that I discuss with the agency ways that clients maybe oppressed and discriminated against. Then learn the ways that this agency has dealt with this issue and what are they doing at this time. I hope to be able to help if this issue comes up by putting what we have learned in class on how to make a difference on this subject.

For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you advance human rights and justice (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development). Incorporate information of the expertise and effects of oppression, social process, discrimination, or historical trauma in treatment designing and interventions. Demonstrate associate understanding of the depth and span of social and economic injustice, and integrate into treatment plans support efforts geared toward eliminating health, mental health, or financial gain disparities.

For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during the evaluation)

Social Work Core Competency 4 – Engage in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed Practice

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.

Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.

a-. Critically evaluates evidence based and “best practice” treatment interventions

b- Develops clinical intervention plans based on the best available research and “best practices”.

x|_|Research the evidence-based treatment interventions associated with the context of your agency.

x|_|Use critical thinking to evaluate the benefits and challenges of the evidence-based interventions used with clients. Discuss your ideas with your supervisor.

x|_|Develop treatment plans for clients that are evidence-based.

Add other activities here:

SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignment:

Intervention Treatment Plan Assignment

SOCW6530 (Field IV) Assignment:

Intervention Treatment Plan Assignment part II

For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)? It is important to develop treatment plans that are evidence based and meet the needs of the clients and their families it is also important to evaluate these treatment plans to make sure they are benefiting the clients and to pinpoint any challenges and make necessary changes. I have the book knowledge on this topic so I plan on implementing what I learned in class.

For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you improve use research in your practice justice (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).

1) I have not done treatment plans yet, so my goal is to learn how to assess a client for a treatment plan

2) Then learn how to implement the plan

For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation).

Social Work Core Competency- 5- Engage in Policy Practice

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.

Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.

a- Critically evaluates and creates awareness about agency and/or government policies and regulations that impact the well-being of clients.

b- Applies critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that support the needs of clients who present for clinical services

x|_|Consider policies that affect the lives of your clients and discuss those challenges with your supervisor.

x|_|Use critical thinking to examine the negative impact of policies on clients and advocate when needed.

|_|Explore how social problems are connected to social policy.

x|_|Explore how agency funding is connected to policy.

Add other activities here:

SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignment:

Week 10 focuses on Organizational Policy

Social Problem/Policy Assignment

SOCW6530 (Field IV) Assignment:

Agency Funding and Policy Implication Assignment

For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage in policy practice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)? It is important to evaluate policies and make sure that they are meeting the needs of our clients because some time policies are put in place for a certain need but over time the needs may change so it is important to work with colleagues, administrators and legislators to influence policy change.

For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to engage in policy practice (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).

1) Ask if there are any committees formed that are looking into a policy at this time that needs to be revised

2) See if there is a need for an assessment to be done to see what this populations biggest needs are and are, they being met

For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

Is this something we can look at together or do you already have something in the works

Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation)

Social Work Core Competency 6- Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors – Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.

Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.


Uses empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to engage diverse clients in the therapeutic process.


Uses empathy, reflection, interpersonal skills, and knowledge of human behavior and the social environment and family systems to engage with families.


a-Uses empathy, reflection, interpersonal skills, and knowledge of group dynamics to engage group members in the group process.

b- Engages with inter-professional teams and stakeholders associated with clients' care.


Engages with organizations that provide services, support, advocacy, and resources to support to clients.


Identifies and actively participates in opportunities to communicate with community leaders and members about community service gaps for clients.

x|_|Show care, empathy, and genuineness with clients to initiate therapeutic relationships.

x|_|Use a strengths-based approach when engaging with individuals, groups, and families.

x|_|Use active listening and other engagement skills.

x|_|Consult with organizations to assist with client needs.

☒Engage in professional communication in interprofessional team meetings from the social work perspective.

x|_|Connect and work with community organizations that provide services related to the clients you serve.

Add other engagement activities:

SOCW 6520 (Field III) –First 11 weeks

Process Recording (Week 5)

Process Recording (Week 7)

Week 9 focuses on Individual, Family, and Group contexts

SOCW6530 (Field IV)- Second 11 weeks

Week 1 & Week 2 Focus on Engagement

Blog on Engagement (Week 2)

Process Recording (Week 3)

For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will engage with the following target systems in the context of your agency:

Individuals: first I will review any prior records so I am prepared. Active listening to find out what their goals are and their understanding of the issues, what their needs are and doing a thorough assessment ( if they are able to tell us).Use empathy, understanding and take my time

Families: Just like with individuals but taking the entire family into consideration and try to find happy mediums


Communities: identify ways we are aware of and competent in client cultures and diversity

Organizations: I will learn what organizations we coordinate with and what resources are available in our area and will be professional and have an open line of communication with these organizations and I may now of some resources from my last internship networking is very important

For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop your engagement skills (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development). 1) Learn how to combine the needs of the elderly client and needs of the family members so that the client can stay home if that is the goal and learn how to get everyone on the same page. 2) learn how to have difficult conversations

For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during the evaluation)

Social Work Core Competency 7-Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.

Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.


a-Conducts clinical assessments that provide information about the biopsychosocial-spiritual needs of clients.

b- Uses critical thinking to apply the strengths perspective and theories of human behavior and the social environment when analyzing and interpreting assessment information in a clinical setting.

c- Develops mutually agreed-upon evidence-based therapeutic interventions that consider culture, values, and safety.


a- Conducts family assessments to understand family roles, functioning, relationships, resources, and support needs.

b- Uses critical thinking to apply theories of family systems when analyzing and interpreting family functioning, support, and dynamics.


a-Identifies the professional social work role in inter-professional and supervision group meetings and assesses how that role contributes to the group's purpose.

b- Assesses the functioning and needs of professional and/or patient focused groups, and considers the best intervention strategies, based on professional knowledge and ethics.


a-Assesses how the agency’s mission, structure, vision, connect to client outcomes.

b- Uses critical thinking to consider the strengths and limitations of therapeutic services provided to clients.


a-Develops knowledge about community resources, resources, governance, political climate, and initiatives to support mental health

b- Uses critical thinking to consider the strengths and limitations of the community and how those impact the functioning of clients

x|_|Utilize agency appropriate forms, tools, and processes to complete clinical assessments.

x|_|Utilize developmentally, and strengths-based approaches to assessment.

x|_|Assist clients in developing mutually agreed upon goals and interventions to enhance well-being.

x|_|Assess family functioning, relationships and support needs in the context of the agency’s practice.

|_|Work with groups to assess needs and to inform group intervention goals and treatment strategies.

|_|Assess ways you can participate in inter-professional and supervision meetings from the social work perspective.

x|_|Assess how other organizations assist with client needs and where there may be gaps in services.

|_|Assess the role the community plays in providing services for your clients (financial, legislative, representative, etc.) Discuss your findings with your supervisor.

Add other assessment activities:

SOCW6520 (Field III) – First 11 weeks

Process Recording (Week 5)

Week 9 Focus on Individuals, Families, and Groups

SOCW 6510 (Field II)- Second 11 weeks

SOCW 6530 (Field IV)- Second 11 weeks

Week 3 and 4 devoted to the assessment process, with assignments of blogs and process recordings.

For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will assess the following target systems in the context of your agency:






For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop your assessment skills (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).

For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during supervision)

Social Work Core Competency 8-Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Communities, and Organizations

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.

Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.


a-Implements therapeutic interventions based on the strengths perspective, biopsychosocial needs, and current theories appropriate for the setting and client needs.

b- Utilizes appropriate resources and services for clients.

c- Promotes effective transitions and endings that incorporate mutually agreed-upon goals.


a-Implements family interventions based on the strengths perspective, family culture, family systems theory, and evidence-based practice.

b- Utilizes appropriate resources, services, and interventions for families.


Uses professional ethics, knowledge, and evidence-based interventions in groups.


Participates in opportunities to improve agency/organization service delivery that will support the needs of clients.


Explores and actively participates in opportunities to advocate for community services and support mental health services.

x|_|Use agency-appropriate and developmentally- appropriate intervention strategies and techniques.

x|_|Use relevant prevention strategies with individuals, families, and groups.

|_|Explore various evidence-based interventions and discuss those with your supervisor.

|_| Intervene with families using appropriate family theories.

|_|Explore and utilizes resources to provide holistic care.

|_|Talk with supervisor about planning for termination or transitions with clients.

|_|Consults with supervisor about ways to be involved in service delivery improvement at the agency.

☐Consults with supervisor about opportunities to be involved in advocacy.

Add other activities here:

SOCW 6520 (Field III) First 11 weeks

Week 9 focuses on Individuals, Families, and Groups

Discuss with supervisor evidence-based practices used in agency setting

SOCW 6530 (Field IV) Second 11 weeks

Weeks 5 and 6 focus on intervention with assignments of blogs and process recordings.

Week 9 focuses on Termination with clients

For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will intervene with all of the following target systems in the context of your agency:






For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you apply appropriate intervention strategies (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).

For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation)

Social Work Core Competency 9- Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Expected Behaviors – You will be evaluated on these at the end of the quarter

Agency Activities to help you achieve the expected behaviors- Check ALL that apply AND add other activities specific to your agency.

Field Course Assignments – Complete these in the course when assigned.


Evaluates the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention strategies for with individuals

Utilizes evaluation data to inform new intervention strategies.


Evaluates the effectiveness of intervention strategies used to improve family functioning and support.

Utilizes evaluation data to inform new intervention strategies and resources.


Evaluates the effectiveness of group related processes.

Utilizes evaluation data to inform future group processes.


Evaluates the effectiveness of social services and intervention strategies provided by agencies to support clients.

Utilizes evaluation data to inform advocacy initiatives to improve services.


Evaluates the effectiveness of community services and resources for clients and their families.

Utilizes evaluation data to inform advocacy initiatives

|_|Considers the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and makes changes to treatment plans as needed.

|_|Consults with supervisor about treatment plan outcomes to consider potential alternatives.

|_|Evaluate the effectiveness of social services provided organizations and communities and advocate where needed.

|_|Meet with clients to assess the progress of their goals and make changes in treatment plans as necessary.

|_|Participate in data collection, needs assessments, and other research efforts to inform advocacy or awareness initiatives.

Add other activities here:

SOCW 6520 (Field III) First 11 weeks 

 Week 9 focuses on Individuals, Families, and Groups


SOCW 6530 (Field IV) Second 11 weeks 

Weeks 7 and 8 focus on evaluation of client success with assignments of blog posts and process recordings.  


For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will evaluate with all of the following target systems in the context of your agency:






For Students: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you understand how to evaluate clients and other systems (these goals should address areas of growth and professional development).

For Students: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation)

Signature Page

The Field Office accepts e-signatures, so feel free to type in your full name and email as your official signature.


Field Instructor's Signature


Student's Signature


Printed Name




Faculty Liaison's Signature

SOCW 6520 Field instructor Jenifer’s evaluation of me

Please summarize the student's primary responsibilities:

Assisting with identifying, accessing, and implementing appropriate resources for clients

Please rate the student on each of the following competencies using the following scale:


Demonstrates a high level of competency


Clearly demonstrates competency


Demonstrates minimal level of competency


Demonstrates inadequate level of competency


Fails to demonstrate even minimal competency


Have not had an opportunity to observe (Only use this choice if the student has not had the opportunity to demonstrate the skill. Do not use if the student has had an opportunity but did not demonstrate the skill—this would be rated as “1”.)

Competency 1 - Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior

5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed




 1. Makes ethical decisions based on the NASW Code of Ethics within healthcare contexts which follow state and federal statutes and regulations, and HIPPA compliance.


 2. Identifies and manages professional values in order to address patients’ healthcare needs, rights, and choices.


 3. Incorporates professional behavior when engaging with patients, families, colleagues, and other professionals.


 4. Evaluates the ethical and appropriate use of technology to facilitate delivery of social work services.


 5. Integrates principles of supervision and consultation to guide professional judgement and behavior.


 6. Demonstrates professional development by identifying the specialized skills and knowledge need to practice social work in a healthcare setting.

Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:

Student is professional in her interactions with clients and staff.

Competency 2 - Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed




 7. Demonstrates cultural awareness by recognizing and integrating diverse populations’ values related to healthcare interventions and medical systems.


 8. Demonstrates cultural humility by managing personal biases when partnering with patients.


 9. Communicates in a culturally responsive way recognizing various cultural norms and values about healthcare.

Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:

Student is kind, professional, and aware in her interactions.

Competency 3 - Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed




 10. Examines and take steps toward eliminating barriers to healthcare access caused by the effects of oppression, discrimination, structural social inequality.


 11. Chooses social work practices that promote human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice within a complex healthcare system that presents competing demands.

Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:

Is a great advocate for clients

Competency 4 - Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice

5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed




 12. Critically evaluates research related to social work practice in healthcare settings.


 13. Develops care plans and interventions based on the best available research and “best practices”.

Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:

Summerlove is using her knowledge and experience to create holistic and meaningful plans for clients

Competency 5 - Engage in Policy Practice

5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed




 14. Critically evaluates and creates awareness about policies and regulations in medical systems and/or government institutions that impact the well-being of patients.


 15. Applies critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that support access to healthcare and culturally responsive care.

Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:

Shares her knowledge and feedback openly

Competency 6 - Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed





 16. Uses empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to engage patients, recognizing the unique protocols and regulations in medical setting.



 17. Uses empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to engage with families, recognizing the various roles families play in supportive care, and their needs during emergency, loss, and grief situations.



 18. Uses empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills to facilitate conversations in patient and/or family groups.


 19. Uses interpersonal skills to engage with inter-professional teams in hospital/medical settings.



 20. Engages with medical providers and other stakeholders who provide advocacy, resources, and services to ensure the continuity of care.



 21. Identifies and actively participates in opportunities to communicate with community leaders and members to support healthy communities and resources.

Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:

Demonstrates a high level of compassion and desire to assist

Competency 7 - Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed





 22. Conducts assessments that provide information about the biopsychosocial-spiritual needs of patients.


 23. Uses critical thinking to apply the strengths perspective, theories of human behavior and the social environment, and theories human development when analyzing and interpreting assessment information within a healthcare context.


 24. Develops mutually agreed-on goals and interventions that consider the patients’ rights and safety.



 25. Conducts family assessments to understand family roles/structure (legal appointees and next of kin), family cohesion, resources, and support needs.


 26. Uses critical thinking to apply theories of family systems when analyzing and interpreting family functioning, support, and dynamics.



 27. Identifies the professional role of the social worker in an inter-professional group context and assesses how that role contributes to the group’s purpose.


 28. Assesses the functioning and needs of professional and/or patient focused groups, and considers the best intervention strategies, based on professional knowledge and ethics.



 29. Assesses how the agency’s mission, structure, vision, connect to client outcomes.


 30. Uses critical thinking to consider the strengths and limitations of health providers’ services, considering their ability to provide healthcare access to diverse groups, including under-served populations.



 31. Develops knowledge about community resources, governance, political climate, and overall support for healthcare access.


 32. Uses critical thinking to consider the strengths and limitations of the community resources and how those impact healthcare services for those in the community.

Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:

Learning and improving on assessments COVID has added a challenge to allowing many in-person visits

Competency 8 - Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed





 33. Implements interventions consistent with a strengths perspective and with the biopsychosocial-spiritual needs of patients in in-patient and out-patient settings.


 34. Utilizes appropriate resources and services for patients.


 35. Collaborates with inter-professional teams to ensure coordination and continuity of care.



 36. Implements interventions that support family functioning, considering the medical context where families often face loss, role changes, and life disruptions.


 37. Utilizes appropriate resources and benefits for family interventions.



 38. Provides social work perspective that assists with the purpose and function of inter-professional healthcare teams.



 39. Participates in opportunities to assist with improving agency systems, collaborating with advocacy groups, and/or any other organizational activities that may improve healthcare services.



 40. Explores and actively participates in opportunities to advocate for community services that support health and well-being.

Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:

Well skilled in accessing appropriate resources

Competency 9 – Evaluates with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

5 = highly competent, 4 = clearly competent, 3 = minimally competent, 2 = inadequately competent, 1 = fail, NA = not observed





 41. Evaluates the effectiveness of intervention strategies and medical social services provided.


 42. Utilizes evaluation data to inform individual treatment strategies.



 43. Evaluates the effectiveness of intervention strategies used to improve family functioning and support.


 44. Utilizes evaluation data to inform family treatment strategies and resources.



 45. Evaluates the effectiveness of group related processes such as communication, brief-therapeutic interventions, task accomplishment, support goals, etc.


 46. Utilizes evaluation data to inform future group processes.



 47. Evaluates the effectiveness of social services and intervention strategies provided by agencies and healthcare providers.


 48. Utilizes evaluation data to inform advocacy initiatives to improve healthcare delivery.



 49. Evaluates the effectiveness of community services and healthcare access.


 50. Utilizes evaluation data to inform advocacy initiatives.

Please provide over-all feedback on this competency:

Continuing to improve on competency in evaluations and implementation of skills

Monday, May 10, 2021

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 I have reviewed this evaluation


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The Art of Not Knowing Elizabeth C. Pomeroy and Angela M. Nonaka

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know



S ince the beginning of the new millennium, the world has been experiencing profound change and uncertainty. The international

order is convulsing socioeconomically and realign- ing geopolitically. This upheaval can lead to a sense of disequilibrium in which widespread concern, anxiety, discomfort, and disillusionment reach viral proportions. All, from local communities to large governments, are being required to work harder with fewer resources.This paradigmatic shift pressures us to alter or abandon established notions of practice and to develop innovative and effective strategies for responding to these changes on micro, mezzo and macro levels. Holistic, nuanced, social scientifi- cally informed approaches to and analyses of these changes and Stressors are vital to successful responses to these social challenges.

The social sciences encompass several distinct intellectual and professional disciplines, including social work and anthropology. Methodological and theoretical differences notwithstanding, these diverse fields share an overarching goal: All seek to understand human beings and their lived experi- ences in the world and, thereby, to improve the human condition by investigating how individuals, group, families, and communities shape their lives within rich cultural backgrounds. Sometimes this is primarily an intellectual enterprise—describing, comparing, and contrasting extant societies to il- luminate the unity and diversity of humankind. In other instances, social scientific research and practice has specific, applied aims—influencing public policy or advocating for clients. In either case, the emphasis on understanding people in context underscores why social scientific knowledge and practices are critical for navigating our changing social world.

The quest for creative solutions to contemporary problems can lead down many paths, some familiar

and others unexplored. Innovation usually occurs gradually, with established knowledge or policies and existing tools or techniques being refined and altered incrementally. Discovery, however, can and does happen suddenly. Whether pursued proactively by choice or reactively by necessity, this mode of change involves significant alteration, or even abandonment, of existing theories and favored methods.

"Thinking outside the box" requires letting go, maintaining an open mind, and embracing the unknown .Yet it is often because of fear of the un- known, and the attendant fear of being (deemed) unknowledgeable, that we chng to the status quo in our fields of endeavor. Like knowledge and ig- norance, knowing and not knowing typically are defined antithetically. Understood in this way, not knowing is interpreted as a threat to competency. This relationship, however, can be understood less dualistically. More resonant with certain Eastern phi- losophies is the "art of not knowing," which is a great opportunity for insight, growth, and development. The power of this way of thinking is exemplified in the following examples.

Sign languages have existed since time imme- morial, although for most of human history they were stigmatized as an inferior form of gestural communication.That changed in 1960, when Wil- liam Stokoe, a professor at Gallaudet University, proposed the then radical claim that sign languages were full-fledged languages on a par with spoken ones. Until then, the perceived absence of phonology (the building-block system of sounds in a language) had prevented recognition of sign languages as ac- tual languages. Stokoe, however, observed that sign languages indeed had manually expressed sublexical units analogous to phonemes (the units of sounds from which w ôrds are built).

A prime example of the art of not knowing, Stokoe's insight was significant for several reasons. First, keep in mind that he was not a linguist but a professor of English, an expert on Chaucerian-era literature. Nevertheless, he came to his realization

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because he was teaching deaf students and noticed that the errors in their writing were systematic, not random. Whereas other teachers simply attributed those errors to hearing loss and, by extension, lin- guistic impairment, Stokoe noticed error patterning more consistent with those of nonnative English speakers. This spurred him to scientifically study American Sign Language (ASL).Eventual recogni- tion of ASL as a real language, in turn, opened up an entirely new field of study called "sign language linguistics." This new area of linguistics spread from the United States to other countries, dispelling the myth of sign language universality. Finally, scientific linguistic acknowledgment of sign languages as ac- tual languages allowed for rethinking of the identity of deaf people as linguistic minorities versus simply hearing-impaired people.

Another example of the significance of not know- ing is the story of Nobel laureates Barry Marshall and Robin Warren, two Australian physicians and researchers who revolutionized the treatment of peptic ulcers by demonstrating that the cause of this condition was a bacterial infection. It had long been a tenet of biomedicine that ulcers were caused by stress and indigestion, and all treatments proceeded from that assumption. In asserting their new etiology of peptic ulcers, the two men encountered signifi- cant opposition and resistance to their claims. For several years, their attempts to publish and deliver academic presentations were often stymied. Even after appearing in prestigious, peer-revie\ved medical journals, their work was still viewed skeptically. Not to be dissuaded from their cause, one of the doctors went so far as to use himself as a medical guinea pig to show that peptic ulcers were indeed caused by a particular strain of bacteria. In taking this calculated risk, these physicians proved that ulcers could be effectively treated with antibiotics, thereby revolu- tionizing patient treatment of this illness.

Clearly, in both of these examples, indefatigable professionals, who were experts in their fields, began the process of discovery by embracing the unknown and assuming the position of not know- ing. Building on their respective competencies and expertise, they were confident enough to take the extra step of suspending what they knew, which opened the space for new investigations. Had they based their work solely on existing knowledge and assumptions, both popular and professional, in all likelihood their discoveries never would have been made or the outcomes would have been entirely

different. The keystone of their success was the art of not knowing.

Although these internationally acclaimed ex- amples have changed the lives of millions of people, we have encountered many everyday instances that underscore the importance of exercising the skill of not knowing. As social scientists, we have found that one of the greatest roadblocks to discovery and understanding is a tendency to place answers before questions. For example, in our roles as academic mentors, at times students have come to the table with a research proposal having already decided what the answer and conclusion to the research question will be. One former student wanted to test the effec- tiveness of an intervention that he "knew" had a posi- tive outcome. Although his supervisor pointed out the inherent personal bias in his research question, the student maintained that he could be objective despite his certainty in the outcome of the research project. After long discussions about the possibility of alternative outcomes, the student still adhered to the notion that he knew that the intervention "worked." When the supervisor steadfastly refused to let the student pursue this biased research agenda, the student angrily submitted a different proposal. Had the student been able to remain open-minded and test the intervention with an objective attitude, he could have conducted his original project without prejudice. In this situation, he clearly had not yet learned the art of not knowing.

Moving from research to clinical practice, both experienced and inexperienced practitioners can make the mistake of assuming that they know how to help a chent before fully understanding the client's situation and perspective. For example, one recent graduate obtained a position as a child and family counselor at a mental health center. She interviewed a six-year-old girl who had been referred by the school while the girl's' parents were interviewed by another practitioner. The girl talked nonstop while tossing every toy into the middle of the floor, and she never stopped moving for the entire session. Her concentration was poor and her attention span fleeting. After the session, this novice practitioner quickly concluded that this client had an attention-deficit disorder, but then she talked to the coworker who had interviewed the girl's parents. Her coworker discovered that, two weeks earlier, the girl's aunt had been in a serious car accident in which the aunt and her three-year-old niece had been killed. Furthermore, the three-year-old girl

294 Social Work VOLUME 56, NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 2011

had died in the lap of her sister—the only survivor of the crash. Suddenly, this new practitioner realized that her initial assessment was probably wrong, and her certainty in understanding the problem waned. In addition, she recognized that she had assumed she knew more than she actually did of this young girl's unique circumstances.

In both of these cases, had they practiced the art of not knowing, the student and the practitioner might have come to quite different conclusions. Often, the admission of "not knowing" the answer to a problem is equated with incompetence. In the highly competitive, information-driven society in which we live, being "right"—having the correct answer to the question or the instant solution to the problem—has become synonymous with intel- ligence and status.The flaw in this mode of thinking is that by initially assuming that we already know the answer, we overlook or fail to grasp the deeper, richer, and more accurate picture of the issue at hand. The stance of not knowing may open the door to the development of new and innovative perspectives, solutions, and discoveries that might otherwise remain buried beneath the status quo of existing knowledge.

In this issue, readers will find an interesting and informative assortment of articles in which the authors have exercised the skill of not knowing. From an innovative study on conducting research with people with disabilities to social work practice addressing the spiritual needs of clients in health care settings and the stress of mental health practitioners working with suicidal clients, this impressive array of studies uses culturaUy responsive methods for exam- ining important social work issues. New perspectives on research issues, such as design-based practice and policies regarding juvenile probation, are also examined through new sets of lenses that call social workers to action on behalf of children, clients, and workers. It is our hope that these articles will serve as an inspiration and a reminder to use the wisdom of not knowing in research and practice. SUS

REFERENCE Stokoe,W. C. (1960). Sign language structure:An outline

of the visual communication systems of the American dea/'(Studies in Linguistics: Occasional Paper No. 8). BufFalo: University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Department of Anthropology and Linguistics.

Elizabeth C. Pomeroy, PhD, LCSH^ACSH^isprofessor and codirector of the Institute for Grief, Loss, and Family Survival,

School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin. Angela

M. Nonaka, PhD, is assistant professor, Department of Anthro-

pology, University of Texas at Austin. Address correspondence

to Elizabeth C. Pomeroy, School of Social Work, University of

Texas at Austin, 1 University Station D3500, Austin, TX

78746; e-mail: [email protected].


The NASW Press expects authors to ad-here to ethical standards for scholarship as articulated in the NASW Code of Ethia and Writing for the NASW Press: Information for Authors. These standards include actions such as

• taking responsibility and credit only for work they have actually performed

• honestly acknowledging the work of others

• submitting only original work to journals

• fuUy documenting their own and others' related work.

If possible breaches of ethical standards have been identified at the review or publication process, the NASW Press may notify the au- thor and bring the ethics issue to the attention of the appropriate professional body or other authority. Peer review confidentiality will not apply where there is evidence of plagiarism.

As reviewed and revised by NASW National Committee on Inquiry (NCOI), May 30,1997

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POMEROY AND NONAKA / The Art of Not Knowing 295

Title of Assignment

Professional Identity of the Nurse: Scope of Nursing Practice

Purpose of Assignment:

According to Larson, Brady, Engelmann, Perkins, and Shultz (2013), “the development of professional identity is a continuous process that begins with admission to the nursing program and evolves throughout one’s professional career in a dynamic and fluid process where interacting relationship of education and practice lead to self-reflection, growth, and human flourishing” (p. 138).

Larson, J., Brady, N., Engelmann, L., Perkins, B., & Shultz, C. (2013). The formation of professional identity in nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives.34 (2). p 138.

Course Competency(s):

Describe the foundations of nursing practice.

Explain the roles and scope of practice for members of the intraprofessional team.

Describe principles of effective communication in the healthcare setting.


This course includes a project with three parts. Each part builds off prior knowledge to help you create your nurse professional identity. In the first part, you examine the role of the nurse and scope of practice, which will help you identify the nurses’ role. In the second part, you describe the importance of the code of ethics in nursing, and examine the standards of nursing practice for the role you are obtaining during the nursing program. The final submission requires you to use the first two parts of your assignment to explain your belief of caring in nursing, describe your professional identity, and identify a potential professional organization that you may join to help support your development.


Prepare a two to three page written assignment that includes the following:

· Introduction to the assignment (sections of the assignment)

· Describe the importance of the code of ethics in nursing

· Identify the American Nurses Association Standards of Practice for the licensure you are obtaining (LPN or RN)

· Conclusion (reflect on the criteria of the assignment)

· Use at least two credible resources to support your findings. For example, one of the resources could be the ANA Standards of Practice, and another resource could be the ANA Code of Ethics. These resources must be integrated into the body of your paper using at least two in-text citations. Be sure to use proper APA format and style.


· Two to three page written assignment

· Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)

· Logical, original and insightful

· Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format

· Run your paper through Grammarly and make corrections to identified errors before submission. Note: You must use the following link to create your Grammarly account. You must use your Rasmussen student email address: https://www.grammarly.com/signin?page=edu


Rasmussen College Online Library School of Nursing > Your Career > Jobs and Outlook > Professional Associations Tab

· https://guides.rasmussen.edu/nursing/jobsandoutlook

Writing Help

Rasmussen College offers many different resources to support your academic writing.

· Writing Help: How do I access writing support?

Research Help

School of Nursing Online Guide > Nursing Research https://guides.rasmussen.edu/nursing/research

Before you begin your search, it is important to understand:

· What is a scholarly or peer reviewed article?

· What is the difference between evidence-based articles and scholarly, research articles?

· How do I know if a source is credible?

Use the links below when you are ready to start searching the online library:

· How do I find scholarly/peer-reviewed nursing articles?

· How do I find articles about nursing best practices?

· Discovery database: What is it, and how do I use it?

APA Help

New to APA? Watch this video for a brief introduction:

· APA Quick Start

Want a more in-depth introduction to APA? Watch the 30 minute APA Basics webinar:

· APA in 30 Minutes

The APA Guide contains all of the information you need to create a research paper in the APA style, including:

· APA Sample Paper

· APA Paper Template

· Examples of Reference list citations

· In-text citations

· Formatting an APA paper including the cover page

Integrating resources into your writing is a crucial writing skill. Watch this video on how to paraphrase, summarize, and quote resources.

· Integrate outside resources into your academic writing

Learn more about creating a references list and how NoodleTools can help you by watching the webinar below or view our series of short videos:

· APA Reference List and NoodleTools Software

· NoodleTools Video Series

Grading Rubric:

Total Possible Points = 100

Levels of Achievement







(10 Pts)

Initial introduction does not include explanations of the sections of the paper. Failure to submit introduction will result in zero points for this criteria.

Introduction includes a brief explanation for the sections of the paper.

Introduction includes a clear explanation of the sections of the paper and supporting evidence.

Introduction includes a comprehensive explanation for the sections of the paper with detailed examples and supporting evidence.

Points: 6

Points: 8

Points: 9

Points: 10

Code of Ethics

(35 Pts)

Code of ethics section lacks suggestions and/or supporting evidence. Failure to submit this section will result in zero points for this criteria.

Code of ethics section includes minimal discussion on ethics with limited supporting evidence.

Code of ethics section includes discussion with examples and supporting evidence.

Code of ethics section offers substantial contributions and detailed examples with supporting evidence.

Points: 21

Points: 28

Points: 31

Points: 35

Standards of Practice

(35 Pts)

Standards of Practice lacks presentation and/or supporting evidence.

Failure to submit this section will result in zero points for this criteria.

Standards of Practice includes minimal presentation with limited supporting evidence.

Standards of Practice includes presentation with examples with supporting evidence.

Standards of Practice includes substantial presentation and detailed examples with supporting evidence.

Points: 21

Points: 28

Points: 31

Points: 35


(10 Pts)

Conclusion lacks a summary of the sections of the paper.

Failure to submit this section will result in zero points for this criteria.

Conclusion includes minimal summary of the sections of the paper.

Conclusion includes a summary of the paper with supporting evidence.

Conclusion includes a substantial summary of the paper with detailed examples with supporting evidence.

Points: 6

Points: 8

Points: 9

Points: 10

Spelling and Grammar

(5 Pts)

Spelling and grammar contain substantial errors that make sentences and/or paragraphs incoherent.

Spelling and grammar errors occur but are inconsistent. Paragraphs and sentences are coherent but may exhibit spelling errors, run-on’s or fragments, and/or improper verb tense usage.

Displays proper grammar application, and writing contains minimal to no spelling errors. May contain rare improper uses of words (ex., their vs. there), a misplaced modifier, or a run-on sentence, but does not detract from the overall understanding of the sentence and/or paragraph.

Demonstrates an exemplary application of spelling and grammar.

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

APA Citation

(5 Pts)

Citations do not follow APA Style. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries are not cited, or there is no attempt to cite them using APA style.

Errors in APA citations are noticeable and may detract from the ability to locate the original source (for example, no title provided, year of publication is missing, no punctuation).

Errors in APA citations are less noticeable and do not detract from the ability to locate the original source (for example, a missing or misused comma or period, missing parentheses, author name not properly abbreviated, indentation is misaligned).

APA citations are free of style and formatting errors.

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

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