Psychological Theory and Social Media
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Psychological Theory and Social Media
With the introduction of social media platforms such as Facebook in 2004 and the subsequent Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, among others, social media has been the most significant upheaval to how people interact and engage with each, accommodating fundamental psychological theory. According to the authors, social and psychosocial concepts and ideas posit notable impacts on the underpinned influence of social media and individuals’ interaction and identity with aspects of groups (Kende et al., 2015). Noteworthy, social media accommodates fundamental articulation at intra-, interpersonal, social, societal, and cultural levels of interaction that require in-depth discussion on the related psychological and psychological theories for practical understanding of the impacts of social media use and underpinning impacts on interactions and relationships. Social media is a critical tool for cultural globalization influenced by cultural differences and a sophisticated connection between local and global cultures, operating with the social media technological possibilities. Therefore, social media offers users a myriad of psychological experiences, resonating with prior psychological theories and significant opportunities for new concepts, knowledge, and ideas; hence the discussion provides an in-depth articulation and debate on social media via the lenses of script theory, cultivation theory, agenda-setting theory, social learning theory and ratifications theory relating to my subject in my notable social media accounts.
Psychological Theories Script Theory
Script Theory accommodates the entire presentation of experience, knowledge, and concepts acquired in real-life situations on the media platform. Notably, the theory rests under the backdrop of patterns of human behavior and written script. For example, when one visits a library, the first experience that people keep quiet in the library is developing a schema template for keeping calm. Similarly, in my social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, among others, in positing a topic concerning cultural differences and position on health and political matters, there is a notable schema of cultural awareness and competency that guides my post and provide a neutral platform without offending any individual, groups and cultural affiliated position. For example, when posting on drug abuse and cultural implications, I accommodate script theory, experience, and knowledge to acknowledge cultural identity and respect that within a culture, individual differences and uniqueness cannot tarnish the entire cultural group. For example, believing that drug abuse is an individual-based and notable environmental influence in my posts resonates with the developed schema in cultural respect. According to the authors, schema theory influences cross-cultural communication, whereby Chinese and American communication demonstrates notable similarities and differences (Meng, 2008). Therefore, the script theory applies to m cross-cultural communication within the social media platform; accommodate moral and ethical considerations before and after posting on my Social Media accounts.
Cultivation Theory
Investigating the lasting effects of media, including social media and television, among other digital media platforms, is underpinning. Notably, the Cultivation theory is a sociological and communication doctrine that pays special attention to media's lasting impacts on individuals, families, groups, and cultures (Mosharafa, 2015). Noteworthy, the cultivation theory submits that media viewing influences the values and beliefs of individuals. Fundamentally, the theory holds that long-term exposure to social media platforms influences affects media users perceive the world, and significant conduct within itself resonates with my social media's long-term influence and impacts. For example, I believe that the type of life exposed on social media platforms by individuals and celebrities, such as leaving fancy lifestyles in real-world situations. Similarly, my position on how cultural difference is harmonized the social media, accommodating local and global cultures as the perceived world as a community with the same values as presented by social media technological possibilities. However, my real-world situation interaction has accommodated significant culture shock as there is a notable and existing cultural difference. Therefore, the cultivation theory regulates and influences my values and beliefs in using social media and perceiving the world.
Agenda-setting theory
Another significant psychological theory that resonates with my social media post is the agenda-setting theory. According to the theory, there is an aspect of mass communication, particularly news, that is worth attention to at a particular time. Fundamentally, the position of the theory is that it sets agenda of what people should care about through the concept of accessibility, providing relevant information for thought and consumption at a particular time. . Similarly, the theory has accommodated significant presence on social media posts and communication, exploring how the views and opinions of the public alter what I Hear and see in a social media. For example, my Facebook post resonates with the current and tending topics and provides relevant comments based on the position of the public on the issue. Similarly, my social media post on cultural differences and topics such as "Black Lives Matter "provides an adequate opinion based on public, ethical, and justice considerations. Specifically, the public created a global culture of justice and ethical concerns regarding the topic, providing the most relevant information concerning the issues without considering political, cultural, or racial divides. Therefore, the agenda-setting theory effectively influences establishing agenda on what people talk about and resonates in a particular manner, acknowledging relevant public attention.
Social learning
Social learning theory describes how people observe and model behavior, attitude, and emotions in a social context. Similarly, in social media, social learning and social media are intertwined. I am learning via social media focus, setting, and observation influence the users' behavior, attitude, and emotion in a particular social context. For example, on my social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, my posts models myself based on my experience and friends on such social networking sisters. For example, I post concerning a friend's birthday and other celebrations because I learned from other friends posting on the same. Similarly, I post a particular duet video on my Instagram because I have learned it from other social media users and friends on such social media platforms. Therefore, Social Learning as a psychological theory in social media resonates with my observation of social media context, shaping my behavior, attitude, and emotions.
Social Media Gratification Theory
According to Hudimova et al. (2021), the social gratification theory is divided into two main dimensions: bridging and bonding. According to this theory, bridging is the process by which people from different countries and communities connect through social media platforms. This dimension helps broaden the borders and allows people to access more resources and information. On the other hand, bonding refers to situations in which people connect through social media and establish emotional support and bonds (Doğan, 2016). Social capital and social gratification theory can help unravel the mystery surrounding social media usage. Nowadays, most smartphones also support various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp. As Ostic et al. (2021) state, these sites have created a heterogeneous network that has expanded our inner circles and improved our social relations. According to the social capital theory, social media have increased connectedness among people. However, this is because sometimes, people feel lonely when at home or places of work. Hence, it makes people form interactions through social media platforms. These connections promote people’s psychological well-being and make them overcome mental challenges such as stress, anxiety, and depression (Hudimova et al., 2021). Moreover, the social gratification theory also brings the concept of bridging and bonding. The majority of people always suffer from social isolation. Social isolation is a state in which people feel isolated by others. This mainly occurs when an individual lacks enough engagement with others in real life. Therefore, Schivinski et al. (2020) state that social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp are crucial in helping people decrease or overcome social media isolation.
In conclusion, social media platforms form the most significant upheaval to how people interact and engage with each, accommodating fundamental psychological theories. Fundamentally, my social media usage has impacted and resonated with a myriad of psychological experiences, resonating with prior psychological theories and significant opportunities for new concepts, knowledge, and ideas; hence the discussion provides an in-depth articulation and debate on social media via the lenses of script theory, cultivation theory, agenda-setting theory, social learning theory and ratifications theory relating to my subject in my notable social media accounts.
Kende, A., Ujhelyi, A., Joinson. A., & Greitemeyer, A. (2015). Putting the social (psychology) into social media. European Journal of Social Psychology45, 277–278
Meng, H. (2008). Social Script Theory and Cross-Cultural Communication. Intercultural Communication Studies XVII: pp. 1, 132-138
Mosharafa, E. (2015). All you need to Know About: The Cultivation Theory . Global Journal of Human-Social Science, (15)8, 23-40
Deliverable 2 - Social Media Theory and Schema
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Evaluate psychological theories and their insights into the widely varying opinions and attitudes that are expressed through social media.
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We have been looking at different psychological theories and the way we can use them to better examine social media. For this assignment, you should choose yourself or another person (such as a celebrity or a politician). Spend some time looking through your/their social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Then write your analysis, being sure to cover these points:
· A good introduction including who your subject is and a good overview of them and their social media use
· Examples and discussion of schema/script theory in your subject
· Examples and discussion of cultivation theory in your subject
· Examples and discussion of agenda-setting theory in your subject
· Examples and discussion of social learning in your subject
· Examples and discussion of uses and gratifications theory in your subject
· Conclusions
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