32264 – LI: Responsible Business: Theory and Practice Coursework, 100%, 4,000 word equivalent, e.g.
1. 2,000 words essay (500 words are reflection, including an excel sheet of their sources) (individual) 50%
2. 2,500 words group report 25% 3. 5min video (individual on group report) 25%
Learning outcomes
- Assessment (1) o (1) Demonstrate a theoretically informed analysis of the reasons why businesses may
choose to act irresponsibly. o (3) Evaluate different business processes and practices from a responsible business
perspective. o (4) Diagnose problems in a range of business cases and design effective solutions. o (5) Understand the importance of effective communication and collaboration in
responsible business transformation. - Assessment (2a)
o (1) Demonstrate a theoretically informed analysis of the reasons why businesses may choose to act irresponsibly.
o (2) Identify and justify a range of responsible business solutions. o (3) Evaluate different business processes and practices from a responsible business
perspective. o (4) Diagnose problems in a range of business cases and design effective solutions. o (6) Articulate the risks and opportunities associated with responsible and
irresponsible businesses. Assessment 1: 2,000 individual essay (50%) Task: Analyse the ‘conflict around neonicotinoid based pesticides’ from the perspective of an agrochemical company – possible choices BASF, Bayer, Syngenta. Your work needs to include the following three parts:
- 1,500 words academics essay - 500 words reflection of on your research process, how you use what lecture materials to
inform your research process, what hurdles you face and how you overcome those. - An excel sheet that shows your research process, i.e. sources that you find and work through,
no matter if you do or do not use them in the end. This will be more extensive than your bibliography and needs to reflect your whole research process.
(More information on pages 2 - 4). Assessment 2: 2,500 words report (25%) and 5mins individual video (25%) Task: Analyse, compare and contrast two business models within the fashion industry. As part of your work analyse the SDG materiality of both business models. What risks and opportunities are present in those business model? Your work needs to include the following two parts:
- Your group report should include recommendations for both businesses. - Your individual video should explain how you arrived at those recommendation and why you
think they have not yet been implemented by the businesses. (More information on pages 5 - 7).
Responsible Business: Theory and Practice – Individual Essay (50%) Note: This assessment is subject to confirmation by the external examiner. Therefore, details may still change until final approval has been obtained. Task
Using the arena model analyse the ‘conflict around neonicotinoid based pesticides’ from the perspective of a agrochemical company – possible choices BASF, Bayer, Syngenta.
Your work needs to include the following three parts:
- 1,500 words academics essay - 500 words reflection of on your research process, how you used what lecture materials to
inform your research process, what hurdles you face and how you overcome those. - An excel sheet that shows your research process, i.e. sources that you found and worked
through, no matter if you did or did not use them in the end. This will be more extensive than your bibliography and needs to reflect your whole research process.
Coursework Specification Guidance
1. Familiarise yourself with the materials around ‘The Business of Bees’ and the arena model. The focus should be on the critical analysis, i.e. make sure you understand why the arena model was used in the paper for stakeholder conflicts, what the model is designed to achieve and how it can address the stakeholder conflict around pesticides and bee decline. You should look for material published by the different stakeholders that make up the arena.
2. Identify the arena(s) in which the conflict takes place. This includes identifying the stakeholders and their motivations and interests. You should look for academic, industry or NGO sources that discuss the conflicts as well as the interests and motivations.
3. Identify a company in the agrochemical industry that is involved in the conflict. In the process you should analyse company materials, as well as additional materials targeted at the company written by other stakeholders, e.g. NGOs or investors. You should look for academic, industry or NGO sources that discuss the role of the agrochemical company of your choosing.
4. Based on the previous steps you should now create conflict arenas from the perspective of your chosen company, that will enable the company to manage its stakeholder conflicts. For your analysis pick two arenas that you determine as most relevant to the company. You should look into the two papers on your reading list for week 3 – regarding the Ash vs. BAT conflict and the Salmon farming conflict. The arena approach is applied to stakeholder management in these two papers. Use this as the basis for your modelling.
5. Presentation of your case study. You should present your case study in a clear and coherent way. Your case should include an explanation of the issue at hand, a justification of why the company chosen is relevant, an analysis of the company’s stakeholder conflict arenas – focus on the two arenas that you picked in (4).
Normal school policies on late submission and plagiarism will apply to this coursework.
Marking Criteria Total
Marks Very Bad fail Bad fail Third class
performance 2.2 performance 2.1 performance First class performance
Identification and critical discussion of relevance (company)
15 Not completed or inappropriate,
unjustified company.
Generic justification for the selection, no critical discussion of
the selected company.
Somewhat generic justification for the selection,
but remarks are made regarding the chosen
The arguments used to justify the selection are company specific.
They are, however, mere statements and not backed up by
reliable sources.
The arguments used to justify the selection are company
specific. They are, backed up by reliable sources, but at times mere statements.
A clear and well researched line of argumentation can be shown that
justifies the selection of the chosen company.
Identification of the conflict arenas surrounding the issue at hand.
15 Not completed or inappropriate,
unjustified selection of arenas.
Analysis of generic conflicts not
tailored to the company.
Analysis of conflicts that is partially relevant to the
company, but not specific to the selected company.
Analysis of conflicts that are specific to the company, but the
arenas are not complete, i.e. ‘players’ are missing.
Identification of arenas that are specific to the selected
company. However, it is not always clear how they link to
Analysis of critical conflicts and the corresponding arenas for the
company. Well justified line of argumentation present.
Design and presentation of case study
20 Not completed or inappropriate
Generic case study that does not
address specified problems and/or poorly presented.
Generic case study that only partially addresses company
specific problems and/or poorly presented.
Tailored case study that analyses some company specific problems
but is poorly presented.
Tailored case study that analyses company specific
problems, but presentation could be improved.
Tailored case study that analyses company specific problems, reflects well on them based on the neonics
issue and is communicated in a highly effective manner
Arena model 20 Does not make any reference to the
arena model.
Only refers superficially to the
arena model.
Refers to the arena model but fails to discuss the reasoning behind the
application of the model to stakeholder management.
Some discussion regarding the reasoning behind the model, but mainly just applying the model
without critical reflection.
Evidence of in-depth understanding of the
underlying reasoning of the arena model. However, at
times limited critical reflection.
Evidence of in-depth understanding of the reasoning behind the arena
model. Critical analysis of the assumption underpinning the arena
model. Discussion of the relevance of the model and applicability to the
chosen conflicts and company. Evidence of original and critical thinking
10 No evidence of critical thinking
Some original and critical thinking but only in part of the
Limited original and critical thinking, but mostly applying
the ideas of others.
Some original and critical thinking in arguments or
approaches but often following given lines of argumentation.
Some original and critical thinking in arguments or approach, but at times following given lines of
Demonstrates excellence in original and critical thinking in arguments or
Research literature 5 No evidence of using literature.
Statements are opinions, which are not supported with
appropriate evidence.
Statements are opinions which are generally not
supported with relevant, high quality evidence.
References drawn mainly from potentially unreliable
Statements are supported using relevant, high quality evidence in some places or the evidence used is not appropriate or drawn from
potentially unreliable sources.
Statements are supported using relevant, high quality
evidence at important points, although evidence used is not always from reliable academic
and professional research.
Statements are consistently supported using relevant, high quality evidence from reliable academic and
professional research
Referencing 5 No referencing Poor referencing. Significant inconsistency or inaccuracy in referencing.
Mostly consistent & accurate referencing.
Consistent and accurate referencing throughout, but
not perfect.
Perfect referencing throughout.
Structure 5 No clear structure of the report
Report lacked a suitable structure.
Used suggested structure, but sections were not used
effectively in communicating to the reader.
Used suggested structure, but sections were of limited
effectiveness in communicating to the reader.
Used suggested structure, but some sections were of limited
effectiveness in communicating to the reader.
Very well structured with all sections integrated allowing a coherent and
logical progression of ideas, evidence, justification and conclusions.
Academic writing 5 English syntax and grammar were such
that the report failed to
communicate content to the
English syntax and grammar were such
that the report poorly
communicates content to the
English syntax and grammar were acceptable but with a narrative style that created
some difficulty in understanding.
English syntax and grammar were of a high level with a narrative
style that communicated clearly for the majority of the report,
but with some avoidable errors.
English syntax and grammar were of a very high level and
had a narrative style that communicated clearly for the
majority of the report.
English syntax and grammar were of an excellent level and had a narrative
style that communicated clearly to the reader throughout the report.
Responsible Business: Theory and Practice Group Report (25%) and Individual Video (25%) Note: This assessment is subject to confirmation by the external examiner. Therefore, details may still change until final approval has been obtained. Task
Analyse, compare and contrast two business models within the fashion industry. As part of your work analyse the SDG materiality of both business models. What risks and opportunities are present in those business model?
Your work needs to include the following two parts:
- Your group report should include recommendations for both businesses. - Your individual video should explain how you arrived at those recommendation and why you
think they have not yet been implemented by the businesses. Coursework Specification Guidance
6. Familiarise yourself with the materials around ‘(Ir)Responsible Business and the Fashion Industry’ and SDG materiality. The focus should be on the critical analysis, i.e. make sure you
understand the business model underpinning (ir)responsible business in the fashion industry
and how it is linked to SDG materiality.
You should start your analysis with the materials provided in the canvas section on ‘(Ir)responsible Business in the Fashion Industry’.
7. Identify two companies in the fashion industry – one that you consider responsible and one that you consider irresponsible. In the process you should analyse company materials, as well
as additional materials targeted at the companies written by other stakeholders, e.g. NGOs
or investors.
You should look for academic, industry or NGO sources that discuss the role of the fashion
company of your choosing.
8. Identify the underlying business models of the two companies of your choosing. Ask yourself the question ‘How do they conduct busines?’, ‘How do they make a profit?’, ‘What is the
design behind the answers to those two questions?’.
You should look for company information as well as industry and NGO sources.
9. Based on the previous steps you should now have identified two contrasting business models. In this step analyse the SDG materiality of both business models.
You should look into the materials in the ‘(Ir)responsible business in the fashion industry’ section on canvas. In terms of SDG materiality think about all four dimensions: Impact of the company on the SDGs, impact of changes happening in order to meet the SDGs on the company – and for both opportunities (positive) and challenges (negative).
10. Presentation of your report. You should present your report in a clear and coherent way. Your report should include an explanation of the issue at hand, a justification of why the
companies chosen are relevant, an analysis of the companies’ business models and the SDG
materiality of those.
Normal school policies on late submission and plagiarism will apply to this coursework.
Marking Criteria – Group Report Total
Marks Very Bad fail Bad fail Third class
performance 2.2 performance 2.1 performance First class performance
Identification and critical discussion of relevance (companies)
15 Not completed or inappropriate,
unjustified companies.
Generic justification for the selection, no critical discussion of
the selected companies.
Somewhat generic justification for the selection,
but remarks are made regarding the chosen
The arguments used to justify the selection are company specific.
They are, however, mere statements and not backed up by
reliable sources.
The arguments used to justify the selection are company
specific. They are, backed up by reliable sources, but at times mere statements.
A clear and well researched line of argumentation can be shown that
justifies the selection of the chosen company.
Business models 20 Does not make any reference to the business models.
Only refers superficially to the business models or only refers to one business model.
Refers to the business models but fails to critically analyse the business models – takes company information
at face value.
Some critical discussion of the business models, but mainly just taking information at face value.
Evidence of in-depth understanding of the business
models. However, at times limited critical reflection.
Evidence of in-depth understanding of the business models. Critical
analysis of the assumption underpinning the business models. Discussion of the relevance of the
models and applicability to the chosen companies.
SDG materiality. 15 Not completed or inappropriate, lack of understanding of
SDG materiality.
Analysis of generic issues around
materiality. Lack of understanding of SDG materiality.
The selected aspects of SDG materiality are not linked to
the chosen companies’ business models.
Analyses of SDG materiality that are specific to the companies,
but aspects are missing, e.g. not all four dimensions are covered.
Identification of SDG materiality criteria that cover all dimensions of materiality.
However, it is not always clear how they link to the chosen
Analysis of SDG materiality dimensions that are linked to the
chosen companies. Well justified line of argumentation present.
Design and presentation of report
20 Not completed or inappropriate
Generic report that does not address
specified problems and/or poorly
Generic report that only partially addresses company
specific problems and/or poorly presented.
Tailored report that analyses some aspects of company
specific SDG materiality but is poorly presented.
Tailored report that analyses company specific SDG
materiality, but presentation could be improved.
Tailored case study that analyses company specific aspects of SDG materiality, reflects well on them
based on the business models and is communicated in a highly effective
manner Evidence of original and critical thinking
10 No evidence of critical thinking
Some original and critical thinking but only in part of the
Limited original and critical thinking, but mostly applying
the ideas of others.
Some original and critical thinking in arguments or
approaches but often following given lines of argumentation.
Some original and critical thinking in arguments or approach, but at times following given lines of
Demonstrates excellence in original and critical thinking in arguments or
Research literature
5 No evidence of using literature.
Statements are opinions, which are not supported with
appropriate evidence.
Statements are opinions which are generally not
supported with relevant, high quality evidence.
References drawn mainly from potentially unreliable
Statements are supported using relevant, high quality evidence in some places or the evidence used is not appropriate or drawn from
potentially unreliable sources.
Statements are supported using relevant, high quality
evidence at important points, although evidence used is not always from reliable academic
and professional research.
Statements are consistently supported using relevant, high quality evidence from reliable academic and
professional research
Referencing 5 No referencing Poor referencing. Significant inconsistency or inaccuracy in referencing.
Mostly consistent & accurate referencing.
Consistent and accurate referencing throughout, but
not perfect.
Perfect referencing throughout.
Structure 5 No clear structure of the report
Report lacked a suitable structure.
Used suggested structure, but sections were not used
effectively in communicating to the reader.
Used suggested structure, but sections were of limited
effectiveness in communicating to the reader.
Used suggested structure, but some sections were of limited
effectiveness in communicating to the reader.
Very well structured with all sections integrated allowing a coherent and
logical progression of ideas, evidence, justification and conclusions.
Academic writing 5 English syntax and grammar were such
that the report failed to
communicate content to the
English syntax and grammar were such
that the report poorly
communicates content to the
English syntax and grammar were acceptable but with a narrative style that created
some difficulty in understanding.
English syntax and grammar were of a high level with a narrative
style that communicated clearly for the majority of the report,
but with some avoidable errors.
English syntax and grammar were of a very high level and
had a narrative style that communicated clearly for the
majority of the report.
English syntax and grammar were of an excellent level and had a narrative
style that communicated clearly to the reader throughout the report.
Marking Criteria – Individual Video Total
Marks Very Bad fail Bad fail Third class
performance 2.2 performance 2.1 performance First class performance
Explanation of recommendation based on the group report
15 Not completed or inappropriate, explanation.
Generic recommendations,
no critical discussion of the selected
Somewhat generic recommendations, but
remarks are made regarding the chosen
The arguments used to justify the recommendations are company
specific. They are, however, mere statements and not build on
structured arguments.
The arguments used to justify the recommendations are
company specific. They are, generally backed up by
arguments, but at times mere statements.
A clear and well-structured line of argumentation can be shown that
justifies the selection of the chosen recommendations.
Analysis of recommendation s based on the group report
15 Does not make any reference to the
business models or SDG materiality.
Only refers superficially to the business models or
SDG materiality.
Refers to the business models or SDG materiality, but fails to critically analyse the business models or SDG
Some critical discussion of the link to the business models and
SDG materiality.
Evidence of in-depth understanding of the link
between the recommendations and the business models and SDG
materiality. However, at times limited critical reflection.
Evidence of in-depth understanding of the link between the
recommendations and the business models and SDG materiality.
Discussion of how the recommendations are based on the
business models and SDG materiality. Critical reflection on why they have not yet been implemented.
30 Not completed or inappropriate, lack of understanding of the fashion industry.
Analysis of generic challenges. Lack of understanding of
the fashion industry.
The selected challenges are not linked to the chosen
Analyses of challenges specific to the recommendations, but depth of analysis is missing in regards to
the fashion industry.
Identification of relevant challenges, specific to the recommendations made.
However, it is not always clear how they link to the chosen
Analysis of the fashion industry, its stakeholders and the resulting
conflicts. Challenges linked to the chosen companies and
recommendations. Well justified line of argumentation present.
Design and presentation of the video
20 Not completed or inappropriate
Generic video that does not address
specified problems and/or poorly
Generic video that only partially addresses company
specific problems and/or poorly presented.
Tailored video that analyses some aspects of the
recommendations and challenges, but is poorly
Tailored video that analyses company specific
recommendations and challenges, but presentation
could be improved.
Tailored video that analyses company specific recommendation and
challenges, reflects well on them based on the specifics of the fashion industry and is communicated in a
highly effective manner Evidence of original and critical thinking
15 No evidence of critical thinking
Some original and critical thinking but only in part of the
Limited original and critical thinking, but mostly applying
the ideas of others.
Some original and critical thinking in arguments or
approaches but often following given lines of argumentation.
Some original and critical thinking in arguments or approach, but at times following given lines of
Demonstrates excellence in original and critical thinking in arguments or
Structure 5 No clear structure of the video
Video lacked a suitable structure.
Used a structure, but sections were not used
effectively in communicating to the viewer.
Used a structure, but sections were of limited effectiveness in communicating to the viewer.
Used a clear structure, but some sections were of limited
effectiveness in communicating to the viewer.
Very well structured with all sections integrated allowing a coherent and
logical progression of ideas, evidence, justification and conclusions.
1. In Bai Xianyong’s “Eternal Snow Beauty,” why does Yin Hsueh-yen never seem to age? 2. In the novel Orphan of Asia, Taiming had a crush on Hisako, but she turned him down. Why?

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