
Student’s name





Summary of the interview with the professional Summary of the interview with the member of the vulnerable population 

I interviewed Mr. Johnson, CEO of the South African Federation for Mental health agency, to know more about mental health among young adults. He illustrated that this is a non-profit organization that works to manage, monitor, and promote services for people with intellectual disabilities, psychosocial disabilities, and mental health issues. He stated that the mission of this organization is to actively cooperate with the community to attain the best possible level of mental health for everyone. The main reason for coming up with this organization was that people with psychosocial and intellectual impairments themselves have not successfully promoted their rights or advocated on public forums for their needs to be met. They are socially isolated and marginalized as long as there is no significant national self-advocacy movement. Human rights breaches' unchecked and overlooked nature leads to uneven distribution of resources and protection. These circumstances directly impact disabled people's material and lived realities.

He stated that he has been passionately working with people suffering from mental health for more than fifteen years in different capacities. He has worked in various mental health institutions in South Africa. He therefore has vast experience in this field. I was surprised to find that young people with mental illness are more likely to have family problems. Stress, melancholy, and anxiety may wreak havoc on relationships, causing misunderstandings and fights. This is simply because the sickness may be understood by some family members, while others may still be unaware. Others who embrace the reality realize that they must defend the sick person from those who do not and criticize and degrade the ill person for inappropriate conduct and lack of accomplishment. This creates friction in the family and the loss of meaningful ties with those who do not support the mentally sick person. He highlighted that even though mental health issues affect a large percentage of young people, research suggests that they seldom seek professional care for these issues. An essential first step in promoting early access to mental health services and enhancing psychological well-being is identifying the obstacles that prevent people from seeking treatment. Young people suffering from mental health issues may find it difficult to get the support they need from loved ones. Young people may be hesitant to seek assistance because of stigma and unfavorable beliefs about mental health and help-seeking. Mental health among young people may be improved by increasing public knowledge of the services and resources available and screening for psychological distress in primary care.

The personal significance of these interviews—How have they affected you as a person?

Interviewing these young people has changed me as a person because I now have a deeper awareness of the difficulties they face due to their struggles with mental illness. I've also learned how crucial it is for this demographic to have assistance and follow-up treatment. Because of this professional's guidance, I've come to see how important it is to treat people with disabilities with decency and respect. This is especially because discrimination is commonly a side effect of mental illness. Particularly young people who already encounter prejudice and discrimination bear the challenges of mental illness twofold. They are subjected to more pressures, expectations, and obstacles than their contemporaries from a generation earlier. Low educational attainment, drug misuse, violent behavior, infertility, and other sexually transmitted diseases are linked to young people's poor mental health (Hadebe, & Ramukumba, 2020).

Professional significance of these interviews—how have they affected you as a nurse?

As a nurse, these interviews have enriched my understanding of the mental health issues faced by young people and the therapeutic options available to them. In addition, they have made me more conscious of the need to support and guide patients as they make their way back to health and well-being. As a nurse, this individual has influenced my practice because he has taught me how better to fulfill the specific requirements of this particular clientele. As a nurse, I learned that students benefit from having someone familiar and available to them who can provide emotional support as and when they need it. It is noteworthy that families (and extended families) have been actively involved (Mulfinger, et al., 2019). Mental health nurses are being considered for this position, which should be available to these young people. I also learned the importance of patient-centered care and involving the family members. Patients with mental health issues should have their families included in psychotherapy to raise awareness, get support from loved ones and build resilience. Mental health programs delivered in the community context may help people integrate into their surroundings and develop a stronger sense of self-sufficiency.

Implications for nursing related to this population group—How can nursing impact this population's physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and/or spiritual health. 

Mental health issues in young people may have a significant impact on nursing. As a result, nurses must be aware of the warning signs and symptoms of mental health issues in young people in order to give the best possible care. People's physical, mental, social, and spiritual health may be affected by the mental health of adolescents and young adults. Physical symptoms such as discomfort, numbness, and other so-called "physical" symptoms might arise due to poor mental health in young people. As a result, young people's mental health might have a detrimental effect on their social and cultural interactions (Mulfinger, et al., 2019). It may cause people to become socially isolated and harm connections within families and communities. Physical, cognitive, and social development may be hampered by poor mental health in young people. Finally, a person's spiritual well-being might be harmed if their mental health deteriorates, questioning their ability to connect with a higher being.

There are several methods by which nurses may improve the health of those who struggle with mental health issues. The first and the most important one is offering education to the families about how they can handle these people and showing them the importance of social support. A lack of social support may have a negative impact on a person's physical and mental well-being, and this has been widely documented. Maintaining excellent physical and mental health requires a strong social network. Neurobiological systems associated with mental instability have also been linked to hazards to social connectivity such as rejection and loneliness (Adams, et al., 2020). Resilient individuals' friends and family also showed tolerance, compassion, understanding, and empathy.

Psychiatric nurses should engage the family of their patients in psychotherapy in order to raise awareness, get support from loved ones, and strengthen their own personal resilience. Those in need of mental healthcare should be helped to integrate into their local communities and develop resiliency with the help of community-based programs for mental health. Further study is needed to examine the possibility of adding skills that promote adaptation, social support, and networking amongst mental healthcare consumers to enhance resilience. They may also aid those struggling with mental health issues by providing support and services—advocate for policy reforms to lessen the detrimental effect of mental problems on society.


Adams, M., Sionean, C., Broz, D., Lewis, R., & Wejnert, C. (2020). Serious mental illness among young people who inject drugs: an assessment of injection risks and healthcare use. The Journal of Infectious Diseases222(Supplement_5), S401-S409.

Hadebe, N. K. F., & Ramukumba, T. S. (2020). Resilience and social support of young adults living with mental illness in the city of Tshwane, Gauteng province, South Africa. curationis43(1), 1-7.

Mulfinger, N., Rüsch, N., Bayha, P., Müller, S., Böge, I., Sakar, V., & Krumm, S. (2019). Secrecy versus disclosure of mental illness among adolescents: II. The perspective of relevant stakeholders. Journal of Mental Health28(3), 304-311.



Grade Book
Course: BUS 101 Intro to Business Professor: Dr. Elizabeth Croghan
Section: 101 Passing Score: 70
Name Test 1 Test 2 Final Exam Attendance Record Final Average Letter Grade Trend
Acosta 90 84 88 95 87.3 B
Bartley 84 88 90 85 87.3 B
Basquez 78 70 72 85 73.3 C
Chipman 84 88 80 80 84.0 B
Ethington 60 64 62 60 62.0 D
Isham 82 74 82 90 79.3 C
Leung 86 90 80 80 85.3 B
McDonald 70 66 62 60 66.0 D
Mellor 74 76 80 80 76.7 C
Musmeaux 86 90 84 80 86.7 B
Noakes 74 78 84 85 78.7 C
Nuvek 82 78 74 100 78.0 C
O'Hair 56 52 60 50 56.0 F
Padilla 74 85 88 90 82.3 B
Pryciaszek 78 84 74 90 78.7 C
Quinn 92 90 94 90 92.0 A
Rodarte 82 76 86 80 81.3 B
Sager 50 64 68 75 60.7 D
Smith 54 50 48 75 50.7 F
Stanworth 68 62 74 80 68.0 D
Stuberg 98 96 100 95 98.0 A
Takahashi 86 88 94 100 89.3 B
Thomas 78 74 74 90 75.3 C
Uribe 96 100 100 95 98.7 A
Walton 72 76 74 70 74.0 C
Yarnail 64 55 60 65 59.7 D
Grading Scale Final Grade Distribution
Breakpoint Letter Grade # Students
0 F A 3
59.5 D B 8
69.5 C C 8
79.5 B D 5
89.5 A F 2


Grader - Instructions Excel 2019 Project


Project Description:

You are a teaching assistant for Dr. Elizabeth Croghan’s BUS 101 Introduction to Business class. You have maintained her gradebook all semester, entering three test scores for each student and calculating the final average. You created a section called Final Grade Distribution that contains calculations to identify the number of students who earned an A, B, C, D, or F. Dr. Croghan wants you to create a chart that shows the percentage of students who earn each letter grade. Therefore, you decide to create and format a pie chart. You will also create a bar chart to show a sample of the students’ test scores. Furthermore, Dr. Croghan wants to see if a correlation exists between attendance and students’ final grades; therefore, you will create a scatter chart depicting each student’s percentage of attendance with his or her respective final grade average.

Steps to Perform:



Points Possible


Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch03_ML2_Grades.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename.



A pie chart is an effective way to visually illustrate the percentage of the class that earned A, B, C, D, and F grades. Use the Insert tab to create a pie chart from the Final Grade Distribution data located below the student data in the range F35:G39 and move the pie chart to its own sheet named Final Grade Distribution.



You should enter a chart title to describe the purpose of the chart. You will customize the pie chart to focus on particular slices. •Apply the Style 12 chart style. •Type BUS 101 Final Grades: Fall 2021 for the chart title. •Explode the A grade slice by 7%. •Change the F grade slice to Dark Red. •Remove the legend.



A best practice is to add Alt Text for accessibility compliance. Add Alt Text: The pie chart shows percentage of students who earned each letter grade. Most students earned B and C grades. (including the period).



You want to add data labels to indicate the category and percentage of the class that earned each letter grade Add centered data labels. Select data label options to display Percentage and Category Name in the Inside End position. Remove the Values data labels.



Apply 20-pt size and apply Black, Text 1 font color to the data labels.



You want to create a bar chart to depict grades for a sample of the students in the class. Create a clustered bar chart using the ranges A5:D5 and A18:D23 in the Grades worksheet. Move the bar chart to its own sheet named Sample Student Scores



Customize the bar chart with these specifications: Style 5 chart style, legend on the right side in 11 pt font size, and Light Gradient - Accent 2 fill color for the plot area.



Type Sample Student Test Scores for the chart title.



Displaying the exact scores would help clarify the data in the chart. Add data labels in the Outside End position for all data series. Format the Final Exam data series with Blue-Gray, Text 2 fill color.



Select the category axis and display the categories in reverse order in the Format Axis task pane so that O’Hair is listed at the top and Sager is listed at the bottom of the bar chart. Add Alt Text: The chart shows test scores for six students in the middle of the list. (including the period).



You want to create a scatter chart to see if the combination of attendance and final averages are related. Display the Grades worksheet. Select the range E5:F31 and create a scatter chart. Cut the chart and paste it in cell A42. Set a height of 5.5" and a width of 5.96".



Add Alt Text: The scatter chart shows the relationship of each student's final grade and his or her attendance record. (including the period).



Titles will help people understand what is being plotted in the horizontal and vertical axes, as well as the overall chart purpose. Make sure the scatter chart is selected. Type Final Average-Attendance Relationship as the chart title, type Percentage of Attendance as the primary horizontal axis title, and type Student Final Averages as the primary vertical axis title.



To distinguish the points better, you can start the plotting at 40 rather than 0. Make sure the scatter chart is selected. Apply these settings to the vertical axis of the scatter chart: 40 minimum bound, 100 maximum bound, 10 major units, and a number format with zero decimal places.



Make sure the scatter chart is selected. Apply these settings to the horizontal axis: 40 minimum bound, 100 maximum bound, automatic units.



Adding a fill to the plot area will add a touch of color to the chart. Make sure the scatter chart is selected. Add the Parchment texture fill to the plot area.



You want to insert a trendline to determine trends. Make sure the scatter chart is selected and insert a linear trendline.



You want to add sparklines to detect trends for each student. Select the range B6:D31 on the Grades sheet, create a column Sparkline, and type H6:H31 in the Location Range box. Display the Low Point. Set the Vertical Axis Minimum and Maximum Values to be the same for all Sparklines.



To make the Sparklines more effective and easier to read, you will increase the row height. Change the row height to 22 for rows 6 through 31.



Insert a footer with Exploring Series on the left, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right on all the sheets. Group the two chart sheets together to insert the footer. Then insert the footer on the Grades sheet. Change to Normal view



Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch03_ML2_Grades.xlsx. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.


Total Points


Created On: 10/13/2020 1 Exp19_Excel_Ch03_ML2 - Grades 1.1


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