Corporate Entrepreneurship

Damascus Johnson

Corporate Entrepreneurship

Question 1

Procter & Gamble is an American international company that was established in 1837. William Procter and James Gamble are credited with establishing the company in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the United States. The business manufactures and sells hygiene and cosmetics items like Gillette razors, Pampers diapers, and Gain fabric softener. Businesses around the world recognize and embrace entrepreneurship for its capacity to spark productivity, ensure sustainability, and secure a competitive edge. The effective distribution of its commodities is one of the many capabilities that Procter and Gamble possesses as an entrepreneurial force. Through the use of distribution centers owned by the company as well as third-party distribution partners, the business makes certain that its goods are available in sufficient quantities on the market (Kuratko, 2017). Additionally, it has been successful in incorporating powerful consumer brands into its portfolio. For the vast majority of customers, the firm's products, such as Pampers and Downy fabric conditioners, are now household names thanks to the effective branding that the company has implemented. As a result, the company has been able to maintain its lead over its rivals. To capitalize on this potential, the company has created new goods that fit current consumer needs. Another entrepreneurship strength of the organization is its deployment of global scale activities, which has resulted in high productivity and effectiveness significant to its global structure.

Question 2

Procter & Gamble has instituted policies to expand both corporate value creation and entrepreneurial endeavors. Being proactive is one of the company's strategies. To identify this component, consider its dedication to acquiring cutting-edge technologies that aid in developing products in response to consumer needs and gaps in the market (Singh, 2016). The corporation has also begun to embrace innovation. Customers are happy because the company values their input and actively works to meet their demands, a goal they have reached through promoting creativity among employees. Using tried-and-true market research methods like customer surveys and focus groups, the company has been able to create innovative goods that are both profitable and popular. For a project to succeed, innovators need to be willing to work together and share their perspectives. Procter & Gamble has worked hard to become a more productive corporation by consistently turning out high-quality goods while keeping costs down. To lower selling prices, it is aiming to increase localisation in the supply chain. By bringing the production of goods and materials closer to where they are consumed, the corporation can save money on transportation costs. It gives the company an advantage over rivals in terms of introducing items that satisfy customer needs first.

Question 3

The production of value consists of satisfying consumers' wants and needs while being competitive in the marketplace. Value is created mostly through commercial interaction. The management of a firm can better pinpoint growth prospects if they have an in-depth familiarity with the industries and markets in which it operates. Procter & Gamble must expand their internet presence in order to create more value for their customers and the company. The company might benefit from a global e-commerce platform, as opposed to the country-specific one it is using at the moment. Due to the internet platform's global reach, the company's products will be able to enter new markets, and as a result, global demand for their items will expand (Hegde, 2015). The strength of their online presence is directly proportional to their ability to compete in the international e-commerce market.


Hegde, D. (2015). Entrepreneurial Opportunities for E-Commerce in the Retail Sector in India. In  Symposium on “Growth and Prospects of Msme Sector in Emerging Scenario”, JANUARY (pp. 08-09).

Kuratko, D. F. (2017). Corporate entrepreneurship & innovation: Today's leadership challenge.  The Wiley handbook of entrepreneurship, 293-311.

 Singh, A. (2016).  The process of social value creation: A multiple-case study on social entrepreneurship in India. Springer.

Annotated Bibliography Rubric

NOTE: This rubric presumes a project that has abundant accessible primary sources. Some projects may require adjustment of expectations based on the relative difficulty of the topic. Please consult with me early if you are having difficulties locating primary sources. I reserve the right to unilaterally adjust this rubric as necessary.

Grade Range

Text Primary Sources (including filmed speeches and interviews)

Image Primary Sources

Scholarly Secondary Sources

Non-Scholarly Secondary Sources

A+ (100-98)

7+ relevant sources, demonstrating research above and beyond expectations

An appropriate level of sources, but not in excess of text sources

0 to 2 of an appropriate quality


A (97-93)

4-6 strong and relevant sources

An appropriate level of sources, but not in excess of text sources

0 to 2 of an appropriate quality


A- (92-90)

2-3 strong and relevant sources

Includes appropriate image based primary sources, but utilizes unequal balance compared to text-based sources

0 to 2 of an appropriate quality


B+ (89-87)

1 relevant source

5+ appropriate sources, but bibliography leans too heavily on this category in comparison to text-based sources

3+ of an appropriate nature


B (83-86)

1 relevant source

A respectable number (3-5) of relevant images, but does not demonstrate exhaustive research

1-2 of an appropriate nature


B- (82-80)


A respectable number (3-5) of relevant images, but does not demonstrate exhaustive research

3+ of an appropriate nature


C+ (79-77)


A disappointing number (1-3) of relevant images, but does not demonstrate exhaustive research

1-3 of an appropriate nature


C (73-76)


Few to none

1-3 of an appropriate nature


Multiple, though maybe not always relevant (e.g. stock photos, images of wrong events, etc.)

0-1 of an appropriate nature


C- (72-70)


1-3 relevant



D+ (69-65)





D- (64-60)







Annotations : Must conform to expectations identified on instructions. Consistent use of short annotations that do not adhere to assignment instructions can result in the deduction of up to one (1) full letter grade from any of the categories above.

Citations: Students are expected to fully and properly cite all sources on the annotated bibliography. While Chicago Manuel of Style is preferred, the student may use any appropriate and recognized citation format. Students should indicate at the beginning of their bibliography which citation style they are using. Consist failure to properly cite sources can result in the deduction of up to one (1) full letter grade from any of the categories above.

1. Samuel H. Church, “The Paradise of the Ostrich,” North American Review, 1925, http://americainclass.org/sources/becomingmodern/divisions/text4/prohibitionre peal.pdf

The Paradise of The Ostrich was written by Samuel H. Church, president of the Carnegie Institute. It is an essay published in a magazine entitled The North American Review and is about the American people’s mistake in enacting prohibition, saying that the American people are like ostriches with their heads in the sand pretending that everyone is following the prohibition law and that it is helping to improve society. It is an essay arguing against Prohibition and will help me to prove my argument about why the American people wanted Prohibition in the first place. The essay was trying to reach a broad scope of American citizens who read the magazine.

2. Henry Bourne Joy, “Prohibition against Human Nature,” North American Review, 1925, http://americainclass.org/sources/becomingmodern/divisions/text4/prohibitionre peal.pdf

Prohibition Against Human Nature was written by Henry Bourne Joy, president of the Packard Motor Car Company. It is an essay published in the North American Review. It talks about how consuming alcohol is a part of human nature and that it is ridiculous for the government to try and legislate it. I will use it to help my argument that alcohol was and still is today a vital component of American life. The essay was trying to reach a broad scope of American citizens who read the magazine.

3. John Philip Hill, “A State’s Rights Remedy for Volsteadism,” North American Review, 1925, http://americainclass.org/sources/becomingmodern/divisions/text4/prohibitionre peal.pdf

A State’s Rights Remedy for Volsteadism was written by John Philip Hill. It is an essay published in the North American Review Magazine. It discusses how it is a state’s right to decide for itself how to regulate the consumption, production, and sale of alcohol. I will use it in my project to discuss alternative ideas that circulated during that time. The essay was trying to reach a broad scope of American citizens who read the magazine.

4. William H. Stayton, “Have We Prohibition or Only Prohibition Laws,” North American Review, 1925, http://americainclass.org/sources/becomingmodern/divisions/t ext4/prohibitionrepeal.pdf

Have We Prohibition or Only Prohibition Laws? was written by William H Slayton, president of the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment. It is an essay published in the North American Review Magazine. It talks about the blatant disregard for the Prohibition law and how it was pointless because Americans continued to drink anyway. I will use it to provide proof for the blatant disrespect for the law. The essay was trying to reach a broad scope of American citizens who read the magazine.

5. James P. Holland, “The Workingman’s View of Prohibition,” North American Review, 1925, http://americainclass.org/sources/becomingmodern/divisions/text4/prohibitionre p eal.pdf

James P Holland was president of the New York State Federation of Labor and wrote this essay. It is part of an essay series in a magazine that showed all sides of the Prohibition debate. It discusses the working American’s resentment toward the government for taking away alcohol as a patriarchal figure. I will use it to prove Americans’ disdain for the law. The essay was trying to reach a broad scope of American citizens who read the magazine.

6. Oscar Terry Crosby, “The Enforcement of Prohibition,” North American Review, 1925, http://americainclass.org/sources/becomingmodern/divisions/text4/prohibitionre peal.pdf

Oscar Terry Crosby was a former Secretary of the Treasury and a businessman. The essay is part of a series distributed in a magazine series highlighting all sides of the prohibition debate. It talks about how the Prohibition was unnecessary and took alcohol away from responsible drinkers in order to prevent a smaller population from drinking to excess. I will use it in my final project to show that the Prohibition law was unnecessary. The essay was trying to reach a broad scope of American citizens who read the magazine.

7. The Liquor Raid, https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2016834647/

A liquor raid

This photo was taken on April 25, 1923 and captures a liquor raid. The Grape Juice advertised on the outside of the barrels was converted into wine. This will provide photographic evidence of the disregard for the law in this time period. The photographer is unknown.

8. A Dead Body Found in a Chicago Speakeasy, https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/prohibition/photos/#page=1

A dead body found in a Chicago speakeasy

This photo was taken at a Speakeasy in Chicago in the 1920s. It speaks to the violence surrounding gang activity at that time. I will use it to demonstrate one individual’s argument as to why the Prohibition caused more crime and violence than good.

9. Homemade Liquor Still, https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/prohibition/photos/#page=2

Homemade liquor still

This photo was taken in 1920. It depicts a group of men standing next to a homemade liquor still. It speaks to the blatant disregard of the law at that time and shows that Americans were willing to break the law to obtain alcohol. I will use it in my project to help argue one individual’s point that Americans kept drinking in spite of the law.

10. IRS Treasury official with confiscated still, https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/prohibition/photos/#page=2

IRS Treasury official with confiscated still

The picture shows a government official with a still that had been confiscated from an American citizen. It speaks to the government’s preoccupation with enforcing Prohibition laws rather than focusing on other issues. I will use it to prove one individual’s argument Prohibition took up government time and resources to ultimately fail.





Primary Source Annotated Bibliography Instructions

You will provide a brief description of any primary source documents, images, videos, or otherwise that you are planning on using in this assignment. You must use at least two primary source documents throughout the final project (unless you have discussed using less with me and I have given you the go ahead) and you must use at least one image, video, or audio for every five tweets/slides (or the appropriate number for your platform according to the assignment introduction) you have in your final project.

The descriptions should only be about three to five sentences each. You should detail a). who wrote the document; b). medium and the intended audience; c). what the document is about; and d). why you are choosing to use that document.

Chicago Style formatting preferred but not required. 

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