12/7/2019 Assignment #2 - Documentary Showing

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Assignment #2 - Documentary Showing

Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 50 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload File Types doc, docx, txt, rtf, pdf, jpg, gif, and png Available until Dec 13 at 11:59pm

Submit Assignment


The main thrust of this course is to learn about the basics of all aspects of the natural world. This includes the interplay of species with each other and with their physical environment. Lest we forget, we too are members of the biosphere, however our impact upon the biosphere is unlike that of any species ever to exist on Earth. You are currently living in an exciting time of awakening, where the creative talents of artists, designers and storytellers is being put to use to spread an understanding that is continually being revealed by science. Below is a list of documentaries that have been released over the past decade or less. Each highlights one aspect of our biosphere, and your assignment requires that you get to know one of these films intimately. Choose ONE of the following documentaries below.

The Assignment

(1) Pick a documentary that interest you. If you have seen any of these movies, then please try to pick one that you haven’t seen. The links below will take you to information about the movie, but you will NOT be able to view the movies from the links. You will have to acquire the movie on your own (which is why you have been given lots of time to complete the assignment). You may stream the movie on Netflix or Amazon (or other service), you can rent the movie, check it out from the public library, see if it exists at our SAC library, or buy it online or in a store - how you acquire and show the movie is entirely up to you.

(2) Watch the movie once or twice and come up with a series of five SHORT questions based on the documentary that you can pose to members of an audience. Your questions should be thoughtful. If your audience can give you just a "yes" or "no" response, then your question is not thoughtful enough. Get your audience to provide you with a sentence response - this is what you will document.

(3) Come up with an audience consisting of a minimum of three friends, family, neighbors, or acquaintances. Set a date and invite your audience over for some popcorn and snacks (or whatever).

(4) Before you show your movie, pose your five questions to your audience and record the responses from each of your audience members to each of your questions. This will help you gauge their prior level of knowledge of the topic covered in the documentary. Press your audience to give you MORE than just a one-word response. After the film is over, pose the same five questions (or some new variation of them). Based on their follow-up answers, have their opinions changed as a result of watching the documentary. Record any interesting discussion from your group.

(5) Collate all of this on your word processor (for example Microsoft Word). Click on the assignment link above (the title of the assignment), and then COPY and PASTE the text from your document directly into the "SUBMISSION" box. BEFORE you submit the assignment, please make sure you also upload one digital picture showing your audience watching the movie. You will do this by clicking the button "Attach File" and browse your computer or flashdrive to find the digital picture you wish to upload. You will only receive full credit if you include a digital picture. If you have the means to reduce the file size of the picture, please do so - smaller photos where I can clearly see your audience and the movie is preferred. If your photograph is HUGE, it will take a long time to upload it. After you have successfully attached a picture, then click the Submit button at the bottom.

12/7/2019 Assignment #2 - Documentary Showing

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In addition to portraying human ecological challenges, some documentaries may try to propose solutions. Note that they don’t always propose all possible solutions. There is lots of good information here, but don’ t be afraid to be critical too… and be ready to challenge your audience!

Here is what you MUST hand in on time for full credit (50 points):

1. (5 points) Title of your movie and your audience members (first names are fine, or just mom, dad, sister, etc.) - your audience can be made up of friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, etc. You must have a minimum of THREE (3) audience members.

2. (5 points) Five questions you developed from your initial viewing of the documentary. 3. (10 points) Responses BEFORE watching the movie from your audience members. 4. (10 points) Responses AFTER watching the movie from the same audience members. 5. (15 points) Summary paragraph describing how your audience responded to the documentary, how the experience of this

assignment impacted you, and any other noteworthy things you would like to add. 6. (5 points) A digital photograph of your audience watching the movie. Note: the digital picture you upload must show your

audience and the movie they are watching (a picture of three random people standing on the sidewalk is NOT acceptable).

Your written information must be pasted into the "submission" field, and your photograph must be uploaded - again, please try to limit the file size of your picture if you can. If you choose to upload a document instead of just copying and pasting your text, please ONLY upload Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or text (.txt or .rtf) documents. I do not have the ability to open .wps files. If you upload a .wps file, I will ask you to convert it - if you upload your converted file after the deadline, it will be considered late. You've been warned.


The Fish On My Plate (2017) - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/the-fish-on-my-plate/ (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/the-fish-on-my-plate/) Mission Blue (2014) - http://mission-blue.org/ (http://mission-blue.org/) México Pelágico (2014) - http://www.mexicopelagico.org/ (http://www.mexicopelagico.org/) - NOTE: This documentary is mostly in Spanish. Blackfish (2013) - http://blackfishmovie.com/ (http://blackfishmovie.com) (SAC Library: SF408.6.K54.B53 2013) End of the Line (2009) - http://endoftheline.com/ (http://endoftheline.com/) The Cove (2009) - http://www.thecovemovie.com/ (http://www.thecovemovie.com/) (SAC Library: QL737.C68 2009) The Dolphin Dealer (2008) - http://www.qcameraproductions.com/dolphin-dealer/ (http://www.qcameraproductions.com/dolphin-dealer/) Sharkwater (2006) - http://www.sharkwater.com/ (http://www.sharkwater.com/) (SAC Library: QL638.9.S43 2008)


Green Gold (2012) - http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/green-gold/ (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/green-gold/)

The Last Mountain (2011) - http://thelastmountainmovie.com/ (http://thelastmountainmovie.com/)

Consequences of Suburbanization (2010) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPS1y81b1Bw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPS1y81b1Bw)

12/7/2019 Assignment #2 - Documentary Showing

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Minimize Video

Dirt! The Movie (2009) - http://www.dirtthemovie.org/ (http://www.dirtthemovie.org/)

Earth Days (2009) – http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/earthdays/


Manufactured Landscapes (2006) - http://bit.ly/dUpRvD (http://bit.ly/dUpRvD) (SAC Library: TR706.M3584 2007)


Watermark (2013) - http://www.watchwatermarkmovie.com/ (http://www.watchwatermarkmovie.com/)

Last Call At The Oasis (2011) - http://www.lastcallattheoasis.com/ (http://www.lastcallattheoasis.com/)

Blue Gold: World Water Wars (2008) - http://www.bluegold-worldwaterwars.com/ (http://www.bluegold-

worldwaterwars.com/) (SAC Library: HD1691.B58 2010)

Flow (2008) - http://www.flowthefilm.com/ (http://www.flowthefilm.com/)

Salmon: Running the Gauntlet (2011) - http://bit.ly/ozIr7w (http://bit.ly/ozIr7w)

Thirst! (2004) – http://www.thirstthemovie.org/ (http://www.thirstthemovie.org/)

Fire Water (2011) - http://www.firewaterfilm.com/ (http://www.firewaterfilm.com/)

Poisoned Waters (2009) - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/poisonedwaters/


Consumer Impacts

Plastic Paradise (2014) - http://plasticparadisemovie.com/ (http://plasticparadisemovie.com/) Surviving Progress (2011) - http://survivingprogress.com/ (http://survivingprogress.com/) (SAC Library: HM891.S87 2012) Tapped (2009) - http://www.tappedthemovie.com/ (http://www.tappedthemovie.com/) Bag It (2010) - http://www.bagitmovie.com/ (http://www.bagitmovie.com/) (SAC Library: TP1120.B334 2012) Trashed (2012) - http://www.trashedmovie.com/ (http://www.trashedmovie.com/) No Impact Man (2009) - http://www.noimpactdoc.com/ (http://www.noimpactdoc.com/) (SAC Library: GE198.N4.N65 2009)


Fed Up! (2014) – http://fedupmovie.com/ (http://fedupmovie.com/)

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Forks Over Knives (2011) – http://www.forksoverknives.com/ (http://www.forksoverknives.com/) (SAC Library:

RA645.N87.F67 2011)

Farmageddon (2011) – http://farmageddonmovie.com/ (http://farmageddonmovie.com/)

Dive! (2010) – http://divethefilm.com/ (http://divethefilm.com/) (SAC Library: HD4482.D58 2011)

Fresh (2009) – http://www.freshthemovie.com/ (http://www.freshthemovie.com/) (SAC Library: HD9005.F74 2012)

Vanishing of the Bees (2009) – http://www.vanishingbees.com/ (http://www.vanishingbees.com/)

Food Inc (2008) – http://www.foodincmovie.com/ (http://www.foodincmovie.com/) (SAC Library: HD9005.F66 2009)


Chevron vs. the Amazon (2016) - http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/37639-chevron-vs-the-amazon (http://www.truth- out.org/news/item/37639-chevron-vs-the-amazon) Coal Country (2009) - http://www.coalcountrythemovie.com/ (http://www.coalcountrythemovie.com/) Gasland (2010) - http://www.gaslandthemovie.com/ (http://www.gaslandthemovie.com/) Gasland II (2013) - http://www.gaslandthemovie.com/ (http://www.gaslandthemovie.com/) Crude (2009) - http://www.crudethemovie.com/ (http://www.crudethemovie.com/) (SAC Library: QH545.O5.C78 2009) Collapse (2009) - http://www.collapsemovie.com/ (http://www.collapsemovie.com/) Gashole (2010) - http://www.gasholemovie.com/ (http://www.gasholemovie.com/) Energy Crossroads (2007) - http://www.energyxroads.com/ (http://www.energyxroads.com/) Who Killed The Electric Car? (2006) - http://www.whokilledtheelectriccar.com/ (http://www.whokilledtheelectriccar.com/) Revenge of The Electric Car (2011) - http://www.revengeoftheelectriccar.com/ (http://www.revengeoftheelectriccar.com/)


The Ivory Game (2016) - https://theivorygame.com (https://theivorygame.com) Virunga (2014) - http://virungamovie.com/ (http://virungamovie.com/) National Geographic - Gabon: The Last Eden (2007) - Gabon: The Last Eden | National Geographic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWQu279Jcr8)

Minimize Video

(SAC Library: QL82.G33 2007)

Environmental Justice Issues

The End of Poverty (2008) - http://www.theendofpoverty.com/ (http://www.theendofpoverty.com/) The Garden (2008) - http://www.thegardenmovie.com/ (http://www.thegardenmovie.com/)

Gabon: The Last Eden | National GeograpGabon: The Last Eden | National Geograp……

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Milking the Rhino (2009) - http://milkingtherhino.org/ (http://milkingtherhino.org/) Be The Change (2008) - http://www.livinglightly.ca/BTC-trailer/ (http://www.livinglightly.ca/BTC-trailer/) Oil On Ice (2004) - http://www.oilonice.org/ (http://www.oilonice.org/) (SAC Library: HD9567.A4.O385 2005) No Limits Vanguard: The Global Toilet Crisis (2010) - RAS - 29 Nov 12, World's Toilet Crisis, Channel NewsAsia (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwAj3qTPt4E)

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwAj3qTPt4E) Windfall (2010) - http://windfallthemovie.com/ (http://windfallthemovie.com/)

Climate Change

Before the Flood (2016) - https://www.beforetheflood.com (https://www.beforetheflood.com) Chasing Ice (2012) - http://www.chasingice.com/ (http://www.chasingice.com/) How to Boil A Frog (2009) - http://howtoboilafrog.com/ (http://howtoboilafrog.com/) Out of Balance (2010) - http://www.worldoutofbalance.org/ (http://www.worldoutofbalance.org/) Hot Planet (2009) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-D0VEN4ZGo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-D0VEN4ZGo)

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-D0VEN4ZGo) The 11th Hour (2007) - http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/11th-hour/ (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/11th-hour/) (SAC Library: GF75.E44 2008) Carbon Nation (2010) - http://www.carbonnationmovie.com/ (http://www.carbonnationmovie.com/)


Do not include the actual questions along with your answers - just provide the correct question number. Please write your answers in the same order. Your plagiarism index should be under 10% (since you going to remove the questions). And you will not have multiple attempts, so please write in your own words only. No answer should be more than 50 lines or less than 40 lines for the whole question (not for each sub section!).


1. [20] Some people have proposed establishing legal standards and regulations to govern safety-critical computer-based systems. 

a.   Give and explain a few of the best arguments for and against such a proposal (at least two on each side).  Give counter-arguments against the arguments for each side. Note: the "counter-arguments" you are asked to give should oppose or answer the arguments on the other side as directly and convincingly as possible.  They should not be simply unrelated arguments on the opposite side of the issue.

    b.     Describe two provisions that may be included in such regulations.  How effective do you feel each provision would be?


2. [20] For the following scenario, identify at least 3 stakeholders. List at least 2 possible actions. How would each possible action affect each of the 3 stakeholders (give at least one possible consequence for each stakeholder and each possible actions - 6 total)? Which action would you take?  Why? - Use ACM code or SE code (specify the number) where appropriate to justify your answer.


You are the lead programmer on a new software product.  You work for a small, privately owned software company that has had only limited success in the past.  There is nothing else on the market similar to the new software you are developing.  The software is just entering alpha-testing stage, which is estimated to take approximately 3 months and only involves company employees.  After that the product will enter beta-testing stage and will involve potential customers and users of the software.  This stage is estimated to take 7-9 months.  The scheduled release date is 14 months from now.  You and the other developers have been working long hours, 60 hours a week, and earning a relatively low salary.  The entire development team will be sharing in the profits once the new software is launched.  The owner has just returned from an industry tradeshow, and has learned about a consumer tradeshow that would be perfect for launching the new product.  The project manager meets with you and the other developers on the team and tells you that the owner is very excited and determined to release the product at the consumer show, which is only 4 months away.  It will take at least 2 months to prepare the marketing and packaging for the product.  You are told you have 2 months to test and fix any problems.


3. [20] a.   Briefly describe the major factors that contributed to the failure of any one of the following: the Denver Airport baggage system failure, or the Ariane 5 rocket malfunction.

b. Briefly describe how professional techniques for increasing reliability and safety could have prevented these failures.

4. [15] Explain the ethical and social implications of "offshoring". Consider the issue from the perspective of both U.S. employees and foreign employees. Consider the issue from the perspective of companies hiring foreign workers.


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