1/26/2017 PlayPosit

Name: Date:

Mary Jackson

Career and Technology Education - Accounting I

1. This video shows a high school Career and Technology teacher teaching a lesson in an Accounting I class. The students are juniors and seniors. The lesson is on 'making adjustments' to an accounting balance sheet. Listen to the first part of the lesson when she states the objective and listen for how she 'hooks' students into the lesson.

2. Did you hear the teacher state the objective? What did the teacher do to get the students 'hooked' into the lesson objective and to understand what is meant by 'making adjustments? Reflect.

3. The teacher used examples from real life to help students connect to the objective - making adjustments to a balance sheet. She continued to give more real life examples as she transitioned to the direct instruction portion of the lesson.

Now continue to watch the lesson. Reflect on these questions as you watch for the next several minutes:

1. Does the teacher relate to prior knowledge?

2. What form of instruction is used?

3. Is there a tone of respect on the part of the teacher to her students? And students to teacher?

4. Did you hear the teacher relate to prior knowledge and previously taught concepts and terms? Did you hear her relate to her students in a very respectful manner? And so far in the lesson she is using direct instruction to review previously learned concepts and terms and begin to move on to the objective of the day.

Now continue to watch as the teacher moves to the next phase of the lesson. Does she intentionally do more to engage students in the lesson? If so, what does she do?



1/26/2017 PlayPosit

5. Did you see how the teacher used a matching activity to get students more engaged in the lesson? She also began to call on students randomly to check for understanding.

Now watch how the teacher transitions to the next activity and look for what she asks students to do. Watch and listen to the students during the activity.

6. Effective teachers always reflect on the lesson, and lesson outcomes. Listen as the teacher reflects on this lesson, and compare it to the responses you have written on the observation worksheet. Use both the teacher’s reflections and your own observation when writing your overall observational reflection.

7. (44:47) What did the teacher ask of the students? Would you consider this part of the lesson guided practice? Did you notice that some students were having difficulty with the activity - specifically using an Excel spreadsheet?

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