To answer the following questions, read the NewTestament Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Pay amenrion to the ministry of Jesus.
Review Coveyt eight characteristics of a principle centered leader. For each characteristic, provide a specific example of when Jesus exhibited that characteristic. Are there any characteristics which he did not exhibit? Provide suppoft by citing specific verses.
Review how Jesus chose his disciples. Relate what you read regarding his choice of disciples with the concepts of Collins' Good to Great and Coveys Principle Centered Leadership. Compare and contrast these two theories in light of Jesus' calling of his disciples. How are these two theories similar? How are these two theories different?
Did David use all styles of decision making? Provide specific examples when his decision making was autocratic, democratic or laissez-faire. \X/hy did he choose to make specific decisions using those styles?
Did David exhibit each of the six traits (drive, desire to lead, ...) that are often associated with successful leaders? Provide specific examples.
Review the Good to Great concepts of leadership.'When did David exhibit each of the concepts? At any time during his reign did he fail to exhibit any of the concepts? If so, what was the outcome and why is it important for us to consider? Provide support with specific Bible verses.
The abiliry to influence others is inregral to leadership. Read John 21: 1-3 and Matthew 74: 13-14. Along with other verses you have studied, discuss the leadership traits Jesus and Peter exhibited that caused people to follow them.
Read II Samuel and I Kings l-2:1r and focus on the leadership of King David. Analyze the passages as they relate ro the following questions:
\(/hat was Davidb vision and mission? \7ere these different in his personal life than in his leadership role?
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Find an example of when David exhibited each of the five rypes of power listed in the chapter. \X/hich of these examples was for personal gain and which of these examples was for those he led? \Vhy is the difference important?
Analyze the events described in Exodus 32:l-6 in light of the leadership theories in Chapter 4. \7hat happened and why? What should the leaders have done ro prevent what happened?
Not all leaders are successful. Carefully study the leadership style of Saul (I Samuel 13-31). Apply specific leadership theories to the different phrases of Sault leadership. \7hat traits was Saul missing as a leader? lWhat leadership traits did Saul exhibit? \[hat could Saul have done as a leader to change his outcome as a leader?
A transformational leader must deal with change. Read Ezekiel 36J6-28 and Proverbs 27:77 and discuss the change process in relation to Lewint and Kottert change processes.
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Eth i ca I Deci si o n Mo ki n g
The basis of ethical beliefs is found in the Bible and there are many examples of where
ethical decisions had to be made and the quality of those decisions were dependent upon
the basis of the decision.
Read Psalm 119:89, Proverbs 6:6-19, Micah 6:8 and Acts 5:29 and discuss the meaning of these verses in a business context.
God gives man ethical requirements. Read Exodus 20: l- 17, Deuteronomy 6:5 and 10:12. \X/hy are the actions required of man in those verses important? How do these requirements manifest themselves in the business environment? How do they provide a Foundation ofsuccess?
There are also ethical requirements that man has to other men. Read Mathew 7:72 and 25:34-35. \Vhy are the actions of man in those verses important? How do these requirements manifest themselves in the business environment? How do they provide a foundation ofsuccess?
The Christian Perspective
The Bible has many examples of men and women in leadership roles, some of which
we should strive to emulate and others that we should use as examples of how not to lead.
These questions will have you research both individuals to study their leadership styles and
passages to study specific leadership traits.
The effects of groups on individual behavior is well documented. Read Mathew 27,
Mark 16, Luke23,andJohn 18:40. \(hatwas the effect of the leaders on the group? Using
leadership theory, explain what happened in each of these passages.
\(hat is rhe source of success for a leader? (Consider Proverbs 23:7; Psalm 1; 11 Chronicles 26: 5,31.20 - 21 and I Corinthians 4:2)

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