12/3/22, 9:25 AM Writing Exercise 7
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Writing Exercise 7
Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a text entry box
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For the next week, notice the activities that you do that are
1) philanthropic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philanthropy) (charitable, helpful to others)
2) pleasurable (enjoyable to you, not necessarily helpful to others).
Make sure you notice and write about BOTH.
Be on the lookout for opportunities to do each kind. Be sure to take at least one opportunity of each type, and notice what happens as you do it, and afterwards.
Then write three to four paragraphs considering the questions below:
What were the specific differences in each type of activity? What type of emotions did you feel during each type of activity? How long did the generally positive emotions experienced during each type of activity remain with you afterward?
Note: Some students may not feel as though they participate in philanthropic activities. You probably already do without realizing it, but if you need some ideas, here are some:
Helping someone younger with homework Paying someone's toll Holding the door open for someone behind you Letting someone in front of you in line at a restaurant or store Doing chores around the house that are not normally yours or that you weren't asked to do Serving in a soup kitchen or homeless shelter

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