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Professional development

Darius Washington

Grand Canyon EAD

December 2, 2022


Hello everyone and welcome to today’s presentation. An outline of what is to be covered is as follows;

Learning objective

Agenda for the session

Activities aligned to mission and vision of school

Techniques for incorporating state and district standards

Accountability plan

Gagné’s 9 Events of Instruction



Learning objective

Agenda for the session

Activities aligned to mission and vision of school

Techniques for incorporating state and district standards

Accountability plan

Gagné’s 9 Events of Instruction

Learning objective

Learning objectives

Objective 1: To provide teachers with an opportunity to maximize time spent on quality instruction related to effective classroom engagement.

Objective 2: To provide teachers with an opportunity to discuss how to maximize time spent on quality instruction related to effective classroom engagement that aligns with the school's vision and mission.

Objective 3: To provide teachers with the tools necessary for maximizing time spent on quality instruction related to effective classroom engagement that aligns with the school's vision and mission.


Objective 1

Providing teaches with an opportunity for maximizing time spent on quality instruction for effective classroom engagement

Objective 2

Providing teachers with an opportunity for discussing how they can maximize time spend on quality instruction in relation to effective classroom engagement

Objective 3

Providing teachers with tools necessary for maximizing time spend on quality instruction

Agenda for session

The topics that will form the agenda is as follows;


Objectives of the PD

Purpose of PD sessions




Objectives of the PD

Purpose of PD sessions




The schedule for the items t be discussed is as follows;


8:30 am- 8:40 am

Objectives of the PD

8:40 am- 8:45 am

Purpose of PD sessions

8:45- 8:50 am


8:50- 9:20


9:20 – 9:30



8:30 am- 8:40 am

Objectives of the PD

8:40 am- 8:45 am

Purpose of PD sessions

8:45- 8:50 am


8:50- 9:20


9:20 – 9:30

Activities aligned to mission and vision of school

Through engaging activities that encourage student participation, teachers play a crucial part in determining how students learn. This involves giving students the chance to practice skills and show mastery of subject matter through assessment activities, as well as employing guided discovery to encourage students to explore new ideas or concepts. In establishing standards for student performance on exams and utilizing the results of those exams as data points to judge how well students are progressing toward certain goals and objectives within their subject areas, teachers also play a crucial role. Teachers must be dedicated to establishing successful learning environments in the classroom that promote student learning in order to optimize the time spent on high-quality education.


Exploring new topics and concepts

Provision of opportunities for students to practices their skills

Assessment activities

Creating effective classroom environments (Adams, 2020)


The ARCS Model of Motivational Design Theories—or any motivation theory of choice—will be introduced, and the presenter will utilize it to create suitable professional development opportunities for educators. The speaker will discuss how to arrange professional development sessions using this methodology. The purpose, as the presenter will first state, is to assist instructors in comprehending how to optimize time spent on high-quality education connected to productive classroom participation that is consistent with their institution's vision and mission. The first part of the presentation will show how much time teachers spend on specific tasks during professional development using data from previous sessions (Monaco, 2020).Following that, they will talk about how to make the most of the time spent on those activities to improve the learning environment for their students. After giving examples of how these activities meet the requirements, the presenter will explore why they are crucial to students' learning. The presenter will also give examples of student engagement techniques that have been shown particularly effective for improving students' learning outcomes through data analysis. They consist of exchanging observations and contrasting what occurs in my classroom with that in other classes.


Theory to be introduced by presenter

ARCS Model of Motivational Design Theories

Presenter will outline how he model can be used in planning PDs

Past data will be used to demonstrate time spent on activities (Monaco, 2020)

Techniques for incorporating state and district standards

Some of the techniques that can be used to incorporated both state and district standards include;

Accurate assessment of learners- this can be achieved by leveraging technological tools in creating learner profiles for enhanced accuracy. The key concepts of each standard need to be broken down. In order for the student to achieve the standard, what are the fundamental abilities that they need to possess? After you have determined the main points, the next step is to create lesson plans. Categorizing standards to identify the most essential can also be a helpful strategy.


Accurate assessment of learners

Turning standards into simple objectives

Proficiency mapping

Categorizing standards to identify the most essential (Adams, 2020)

Accountability plan

Accountability plan to ensure that participants make data-driven, student-centered instructional decisions and implement in their classroom what was presented in the session. After the presentation, I will ask the students what they thought about what we discussed and what kind of changes would help improve their learning environment at school .How does this type of learning environment benefit them? What are some things that could be done differently or better? Then we'll break up into groups and each group will choose one specific change they think would.


Accountability plan

Asking questions at the end of the presentation

Gagné’s 9 Events of Instruction

Gagne proposed nine instructional events that could potentially improve student learning, including: gaining attention, informing learners of objectives, stimulating recall of prior learning, presenting stimulus, providing learner guidance, eliciting performance, providing feedback, assessing performance, and improving retention and transfer.



The survey will be administered anonymously and the following questions will be administered;

How would you rate the session?

Did you find the session beneficial?

What areas of the session did you like?

What areas of the session did you not like?

What can be done to improve the session?


Survey questions

How would you rate the session?

Did you find the session beneficial?

What areas of the session did you like?

What areas of the session did you not like?

What can be done to improve the session?

Survey to be administered anonymously


Adams, J. P. (2020). Review of improving instruction through supervision, evaluation, and professional development. Education Review // Reseñas Educativas, 23. doi:10.14507/er.v23.1898

DiPaola, M., & Wagner, C. A. (2020). Maximize Instruction Through Professional Development and sustsinability (2nd ed.). IAP.

Monaco, S. A. (2020). Improving reading instruction through data-driven professional development within the response to intervention model. doi:10.17760/d20002388



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