12/18/2020 NURS 225 Nutrition in Health and Disease 202008FAI OL-K
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Final Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition
Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition
Levels of Achievement
Criteria Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Mostly Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Not Meeting Expectations
Part 1: Diet Identi�cation and Analysis of Nutrients
90.00 to 100.00 %
Accurately identi�es all details of three macronutrients in excess/de�cient of CHO, PRO, and fats, and provides detailed examples.
76.00 to 89.00 %
Accurately, identi�es most details of three macronutrients in excess/de�cient of CHO, PRO, and fats, and provides some detailed examples.
60.00 to 75.00 %
Accurately identi�es the details of one to two macronutrients in excess/de�cient of CHO, PRO and fats, but does not provide detailed examples.
0.00 to 59.00 %
Does not identify details of macronutrients in excess/de�cient of CHO, PRO, and fats
Part 1: Diet RDA Approval Analysis
90.00 to 100.00 %
Identi�es details for �ve or more key micronutrients that meet RDA approval and provides detailed explanations for each.
76.00 to 89.00 %
Identi�es details for �ve or more key micronutrients that meet RDA approval and provides one or two explanations. Some explanations may be vague.
60.00 to 75.00 %
Identi�es detail for 1–4 key micronutrients that meet RDA approval. Detailed explanations are not provided
0.00 to 59.00 %
Does not identify or explain any key micronutrients that meet RDA approval.
Rubric Detail
Weight 10.00%
Weight 10.00%
12/18/2020 NURS 225 Nutrition in Health and Disease 202008FAI OL-K
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Levels of Achievement
Criteria Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Mostly Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Not Meeting Expectations
Part #2: Disease Nutrition and Pathophysiology
90.00 to 100.00 %
Accurately details how the diet from Part 1 would a�ect the patient and the disease. Provides three or more speci�c examples. Accurately details and analyzes the ways that nutrition a�ects the pathophysiology of the disease in general. Provides speci�c examples.
76.00 to 89.00 %
Details how the diet from Part 1 would a�ect the patient and the disease but may show some areas of confusion or slight inaccuracy. Provides three examples. Provides some detail and analysis for the ways that nutrition a�ects the pathophysiology of the disease but may show some areas of confusion or inaccuracy. Provides some speci�c examples.
60.00 to 75.00 %
Provides confusing, vague, or inaccurate information on how the diet from Part 1 would a�ect the patient and the disease. Provides fewer than three speci�c examples. Provides a vague or inaccurate analysis for the ways that nutrition a�ects the pathophysiology of the disease.
0.00 to 59.00 %
Does not provide dietary or nutritional analysis.
Part #2: Disease Medical and Nutrient- Related Interventions and Dietary Needs
90.00 to 100.00 %
Accurately describes how medicines interact with key nutrients, and details several nutrient recommendations and restrictions for this patient based on diet and medicines.
76.00 to 89.00 %
Describes how medicines interact with key nutrients, and details several nutrient recommendations and restrictions for this patient based on diet and medicines with only one error.
60.00 to 75.00 %
Describes how medicines interact with key nutrients, and details several nutrient recommendations and restrictions for this patient based on diet and medicines with multiple errors.
0.00 to 59.00 %
Does not describe nutritional interactions.
Weight 20.00%
Weight 20.00%
12/18/2020 NURS 225 Nutrition in Health and Disease 202008FAI OL-K
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Levels of Achievement
Criteria Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Mostly Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Not Meeting Expectations
Part 3: Patient Education/Care Plan Nutrient Calculations
90.00 to 100.00 %
Accurately calculates the �ve required �gures for this patient and identi�es additional calculations as appropriate for the patient’s care plan.
76.00 to 89.00 %
Calculates the �ve required �gures for this patient with only one error, and identi�es additional calculations as appropriate for the patient’s care plan.
60.00 to 75.00 %
Calculates 1–4 of the required �gures for this patient, but there are several errors. Does not identify additional calculations as appropriate for the patient’s care plan.
0.00 to 59.00 %
Does not provide calculations, or all calculations are incorrect.
Part 3: Patient Education/Care Plan SMART Goals and Patient Care Plan
90.00 to 100.00 %
Provides three well-written and clear SMART goals. O�ers 2–3 speci�c nursing strategies and examples for the patient, and considers all aspects of the patient’s lifestyle (i.e., culture, religion, activity level).
76.00 to 89.00 %
Provides three SMART goals, but some may lack clarity. O�ers 2–3 speci�c nursing strategies and examples for the patient, and considers most aspects of the patient’s lifestyle (i.e., culture, religion, activity level).
60.00 to 75.00 %
Provides one to two SMART goals; several may lack clarity. O�ers 1–2 speci�c nursing strategies and examples for the patient; may not show consideration for the patient’s lifestyle (i.e., culture, religion, activity level).
0.00 to 59.00 %
Does not provide SMART goals or nursing strategies.
APA and Mechanics
90.00 to 100.00 %
The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. All sources are cited and referenced correctly.
76.00 to 89.00 %
The assignment consistently follows current APA format with only isolated and inconsistent mistakes and/or has a few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Most sources are cited and referenced correctly.
60.00 to 75.00 %
The assignment does not follow current APA format and/or has many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Many sources are cited and referenced incorrectly, or citations and references are missing where needed.
0.00 to 59.00 %
No attempt to follow APA format is indicated. Sources are not used and/or there is no reference page. Mechanical errors signi�cantly interfere with the readability of the paper.
Weight 10.00%
Weight 20.00%
Weight 10.00%
12/18/2020 NURS 225 Nutrition in Health and Disease 202008FAI OL-K
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