12/12/23, 8:33 PM Assignment Information

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OL 665 Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric

The journals in this course are private communications between you and the instructor. Approach your journals as an opportunity to re�ect on and apply what you learn each week from the

assigned readings, discussions, and activities. The journals are a chance to share your knowledge and expertise from your past educational and professional experiences. As a successful

professional, you will need good re�ection and writing skills. Journal activities offer you the opportunity to further develop these skills. Each journal assignment is graded individually.


During this module, you will plan an interview with a person from any level of the organization. You will use information from this interview for a journal assignment in Module Four and a short

paper in Module Six. If possible, interview an employee, manager, or key volunteer. You may schedule interviews with more than one person. The person you interview may introduce you to

other members of the organization if you visit an of�ce for an in-person interview.

You must have the interviewee sign the interview consent form to make certain you have their permission to use their responses in your �nal project. Let the person know about the consent

form when you schedule the interview. They may need to get approval to sign the agreement.

Consider using a virtual platform like Zoom, a phone call, or an email exchange if you are unable to schedule a face-to-face interview. Contact your instructor if you have questions about the


Note: Try to schedule the interview with an employee, manager, or key volunteer at the not-for-pro�t you have chosen for your �nal project. You may choose another charity nonpro�t if you

can’t schedule an interview with an employee, manager, or key volunteer at the organization you have chosen for your �nal project. An interview is required, but you have options.


In your journal assignment, address the following critical elements:

Provide the main elements of information about the person or people you will interview, including their names, roles in the organization, and any other information about what they have


Describe the rationale for choosing this person or people to interview and how the information gathered will add to the strategic analysis for the �nal project.

Effectively incorporate research from the organization’s website and other resources like news reports, government, and professional organization websites.

What to Submit

Submit your assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. These journal assignments should be at least 250 words in length.


12/12/23, 8:33 PM Assignment Information

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Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Main Elements Provides all of the main

elements, including the

interviewee’s name, role in the

organization, and any other

information about what the

person has done

Includes most of the main

elements about the interviewee

and their role in the


Includes some of the main

elements about the interviewee

and their role in the


Does not include any of the

main elements about the



Rationale Thoroughly describes the

rationale for choosing this

interviewee and how

information gathered will add

to the �nal project strategic


Describes the rationale for

choosing this interviewee and

how information gathered will

add to the �nal project strategic


Describes the rationale for

choosing this interviewee, but

does not explain how

information gathered will add

to the �nal project strategic


Does not describe the rationale

for choosing this interviewee or

how information gathered will

add to the �nal project strategic



Research Effectively incorporates many

outside resources that re�ect

depth and breadth of research

Effectively incorporates some

outside resources that re�ect

depth and breadth of research

Incorporates very few outside

resources that re�ect depth

and breadth of research

Does not incorporate outside

resources that re�ect depth

and breadth of research


Voice Assignment is written in a style

that is appealing and

appropriate for the intended

audience, and a consistent

voice is evident throughout

Assignment is written in a style

that is generally appropriate for

the intended audience, and an

attempt is made to use a

consistent voice

Assignment is written in a style

that considers the audience,

but the voice is not consistent

and is dif�cult to identify

Assignment does not attempt

to use a style that considers

audience, and there is no

evidence of a voice


Writing Assignment is free of errors in

organization and grammar

Assignment is mostly free of

errors of organization and

grammar; errors are marginal

and rarely interrupt the �ow

Assignment contains errors of

organization and grammar, but

errors are limited enough that

the assignment can be


Assignment contains errors of

organization and grammar that

make the assignment dif�cult

to understand


Total: 100%

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