12/11/2019 Rubric Evaluation Results - HIS-20023-XK102 Historical Inquiry 19DA10 - Southern New Hampshire University
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/lms/competencies/rubric/rubrics_assessment_results.d2l?ou=304873&evalObjectId=685907&evalObjectType=1&userId=17… 1/2
Rubric Criteria
Column Proposal: Explains how company’s perspective can affect the study of this historical
Not Yet / 1
Mastered 1 point
Column Proposal: Outlines a research process using historical methods for future bloggers to
Mastered / 1
Not Yet 0 points
Criterion Feedback
12/10/19 I appreciate your efforts here, but the response does not address
the question. Please outline the steps in the historical research process and
include information on selecting source materials and how to develop a
research question. I STRONGLY recommend this brief but excellent Learning
Resource: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, Selected
Section (especially the 4 steps outlined in Stages in Historical Research
Design). Don’t forget to include a citation and reference list entry as needed.
Sample Article: Develops an appropriately sized research question
Mastered / 1
Not Yet 0 points
Criterion Feedback
12/10/19 Your research question is very ambitious! However, it is a little too
broad since there is no question that the impacts on industry and society
were/are tremendous. Can you narrow it down a little bit? Try limiting it by
degree, time, or type. For example, you might narrow the focus on the
highlighting some of the most significant impacts of mass production, or limit
to particular segments of society or at a particular time in history as befits the
information available in your resources
Sample Article: Synthesizes perspectives from multiple authoritative sources, both primary and
secondary, to form a cohesive historical narrative
Not Yet / 1
Mastered 1 point
12/11/2019 Rubric Evaluation Results - HIS-20023-XK102 Historical Inquiry 19DA10 - Southern New Hampshire University
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/lms/competencies/rubric/rubrics_assessment_results.d2l?ou=304873&evalObjectId=685907&evalObjectType=1&userId=17… 2/2
Sample Article: Effectively communicates historical narrative that is supported by evidence from
Not Yet / 1
Mastered 1 point
Written answers are clear; use correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling; and show an
understanding of audience and purpose
Not Yet / 1
Mastered 1 point
Lists sources where applicable using citation methods with no major errors
Not Yet / 1
Mastered 1 point
Total / 7
Overall Score
Associated Learning Objectives
Assessment Method: Score on Criteria - Column Proposal: Explains how company’s perspective can affect the study of this historical topic
Required Performance: Mastered
Level Achieved: Mastered
Assessment Method: Score on Criteria - Column Proposal: Outlines a research process using historical methods for future bloggers to follow
Required Performance: Mastered
Level Achieved: Not Yet
Assessment Method: Score on Criteria - Sample Article: Develops an appropriately sized research question
Required Performance: Mastered
Level Achieved: Not Yet
Assessment Method: Score on Criteria - Sample Article: Synthesizes perspectives from multiple authoritative sources, both primary and secondary,
Required Performance: Mastered
Level Achieved: Mastered
Student has achieved Mastered on all rubric criteria.
Not Yet
Student has not achieved Mastered on all rubric criteria.
Ged 140 Assessment 3
Deadline: 12th December 2019 at 6pm
Individual Report
Must contain the 2 x GET2TEST results and the Information sheet completed and submitted to the tutor and on Moodle. – USE THE COVER PAGE ON MOODLE
Individual Elevator Pitch (Video recorded)
How entrepreneurship and innovation could play a role in you personal and career paths.
The innovative and entrepreneurial process (design thinking)
Applicable to your life
Applicable to create a company.
The goal of the assignment:
Help you identify where you would like to be
and how you plan to get there.
Step1: Vision & Opportunity
What are your goals (career and/or educational) after you leave your university?
What is your vision, your values and your mission?
Vision: the long-term destiny of the [Individual].
Mission: a formal summary of the aims and values of an [Individual].
a description of the course of action to implement the vision.
List the 3 questions that guide your choices.
Essential questions to direct your life and work.
Example: How can I have impact? What do I love? What do I fear? What engages my passions? How do I want to be remembered?
The answers to these questions may well change over time, but when the questions are fundamental they tend to last a lifetime
Step 2: Marketing and Implementation Strategy
Create your market positioning statement (about YOURSELF). This may be directed at a hypothetical employer, industry, organization, or the world at large.
What compelling value will you offer to your employers and society?
How will you differentiate from other UAE students? How about from the broader population?
Make a Positioning statement
Positioning statement
For (target customer)
Who (statement of need or opportunity)
(product name) is a (product category)
That (statement of benefit)
Unlike (primary competitive alternative)
Our product (statement of primary differentiation)
Make a position map (to modify to apply to yourself and your future)
A product positioning map shows the product characteristics in relation to its competitors.
Draw an axis with 2 characteristics (then low and high)
Step 3: Risk and Mitigation
What are the key milestones and checkpoints in your plan?
Your plan: What are your goals (career and/or educational) after you leave your university?
Milestone: a significant stage or event in the development of something.
How will you measure/determine if you have successfully attained these milestones? How do you define success?
What external factors might affect (positively or negatively) your attaining success?
Management process for developing a strategy (to modify to apply to yourself and your future)
Describe the [Individual]’s core competencies.
Describe the industry and context for the [Individual] and its competitors.
Determine the [Individual]’s strengths and weaknesses in the context of the industry and environment.
Describe the opportunities and threats for the [Individual]
Identify the key factors for success.
Formulate strategic options and select the appropriate strategy.
Share one failure experience from your past.
Tell me what you have learned from it.
How will it help you in the future?
Step 4: Entrepreneurial Ethics, Personal “Board of Directors” and 6-Words Summary
How do you plan to practice ethical principles in your daily actions?
If you could assemble any 3 people to advise and mentor you, who would they be?
They may be alive or dead, family or world leaders, friends or strangers.
Why would you choose each?
Is it their wisdom, their accomplishments, their words, their creativity, their character, their heroic deeds…?
Summarize your project in 6 words (e.g., humanist, engineer, global citizen, caring teacher”).
Elevator Pitch: Video
A short (2 minute) version of the new venture story.
Be as creative as you want/can for your storytelling!
Goal: Get approval to proceed to the next step, where the entrepreneur can tell the longer version of the story and secure new colleagues, allies, and investors.
Vision & mission (about YOU)
What would be my benefits if I invest in you?
Description of Opportunity
Potential benefits of the venture
Fundamentals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Date of First GET2SCORE ___________________________
Student Name ____________________________________________________
Student ID ___________________________________________________
Major ____________________________________________________
Current Year of study ________________________________________________
Age ____________
Gender (circle one of the following options) Female Male
Country of Birth _____________________________________________
Nationality (if dual nationality, list both) _________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have entrepreneur parent(s)? (Circle one of the following options) Yes No
Do you own a business? (Circle one of the following options) Yes No
Do you intend on starting a business? _________________________________________________
If Yes, what type of business do you intend on starting? __________________________________
Have you studied an entrepreneurship program or attended any entrepreneurship training/workshop before, if so, please mention the names of the program and where you have undertaken these?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why did you enroll on GED 140? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
% |
% |
% |
% |
Section 1
· What are your goals (career and/or educational) after you leave your university?
· What is your vision, your values and your mission?
· Vision: the long-term destiny of the [Individual].
· Mission: a formal summary of the aims and values of an [Individual].
· a description of the course of action to implement the vision.
· List the 3 questions that guide your choices.
· Essential questions to direct your life and work.
· Example: How can I have impact? What do I love? What do I fear? What engages my passions? How do I want to be remembered?
· The answers to these questions may well change over time, but when the questions are fundamental they tend to last a lifetime
Section 2: Marketing and Implementation Strategy
· Create your market positioning statement (about YOURSELF). This may be directed at a hypothetical employer, industry, organization, or the world at large.
· What compelling value will you offer to your employers and society?
· How will you differentiate from other UAE students? How about from the broader population?
· Positioning statement
· For (target customer)
· Who (statement of need or opportunity)
· (product name) is a (product category)
· That (statement of benefit)
· Differentiation
· Unlike (primary competitive alternative)
· Our product (statement of primary differentiation)
Positioning Map
You may choose adapt these categories.
Entrepreneurial Aspirations
Low Enterprising High Enterprising
Job Aspirations
Step 3
· What are the key milestones and checkpoints in your plan?
· Your plan: What are your goals (career and/or educational) after you leave your university?
· Milestone: a significant stage or event in the development of something.
· How will you measure/determine if you have successfully attained these milestones? How do you define success?
· What external factors might affect (positively or negatively) your attaining success?
Management process for developing a strategy (to modify to apply to yourself and your future)
1. Describe the [Individual]’s core competencies.
2. Describe the industry and context for the [Individual] and its competitors.
3. Determine the [Individual]’s strengths and weaknesses in the context of the industry and environment.
4. Describe the opportunities and threats for the [Individual]
5. Identify the key factors for success.
6. Formulate strategic options and select the appropriate strategy.
· Share one failure experience from your past
· Tell me what you have learned from it.
· How will it help you in the future?
STEP 4 Entrepreneurial Ethics
· How do you plan to practice ethical principles in your daily actions?
· If you could assemble any 3 people to advise and mentor you, who would they be?
· They may be alive or dead, family or world leaders, friends or strangers.
· Why would you choose each?
· Is it their wisdom, their accomplishments, their words, their creativity, their character, their heroic deeds
· Summarize your project in 6 words (e.g., humanist, engineer, global citizen, caring teacher”).
The following survey must be completed at the END of the program
OVERALL GET 2 SCORE (Second Round) __________%
Please specify what you have enjoyed the most about this course?
Any suggestions?
Column Proposal
Enter Your Name Here:
To: Marie Walsh
From: Gregory Russo
Subject: Blog Proposal [DRAFT]
Congratulations on the upcoming Quantigration blog! I can’t tell you how excited I was to see the announcement, as I know this has been a goal of yours for some time now.
I saw the open request for content suggestions, and I wanted to propose a regular column on the topic of manufacturing throughout history. (Please see the attached sample article.) Adding our perspective to the historical literature will help distinguish the company’s voice from that of our peers.
Note from Gregory: Can you add an explanation of how our company’s perspective can affect the study of this historical topic? In other words, how might historians examine these blog posts in 20 years? 30 years? |
The perspectives of our company can affect the study of this historical topic through evaluation of the importance of production process under research. This is to say that the historians will be keen on looking at effectiveness of the production process in the article as compared with other possible methods in future. The article will be the base for further research for most historians who would wish to traces the history of mechanization. |
This might seem like a difficult task, but given some guidelines I think it will be easy to keep up with regular content.
Note from Gregory: Please outline a research process for future bloggers to follow. This should cover how they will gather their sources and develop a research question. I want to make sure the blog continues to use historical methods and sources so that Quantigration can be considered credible by historians. |
The research process for future bloggers in relation to this study is the modification of automation production in order to maintain employment of human resources. Hence, the question that this research left for further studies is how can mechanization be tuned such that it creates job opportunities for the unemployed? |
Thank you for considering this proposal and the sample article written by one of my employees. And again, congratulations on the blog!
Gregory Russo
Last name 6
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Number
Submission Date
Quantigration Company Scenario
Research Question
How does the development of mass production impact industry and society? This is the research question that will guide the development of this blog article.
Description of sources
The secondary source titled “The Development of Mass Production Has a Dramatic Impact on Industry and Society” authored by Neil Schlager and Josh Lauer discusses the use of manufacturing principles such as interchangeability and the assembly lines. It also discusses the realization of mass production through assembly lines by Henry Ford. The other secondary source authored by Sonia G. Benson and titled “Workers in the Industrial Age” discusses subjection of laborers into long working hours and poor working conditions. This led them to leave in poverty and disgrace conditions.
“Henry Ford Comments on the Assembly Line” authored by Gale U.S is one of the primary sources used in this blog. It discusses the view of the founder of the assembly line (Henry Ford) on mass production. "GIVES $10,000,000 To 26,000 EMPLOYEES: Ford to Run Automobile Plant 24 Hours Daily on ProfitSharing Plan" Is yet another primary source authored by Historical Newspapers discussed giving $10,000,000 to the employees by Ford Company due to the 1914 business profits.
The Quantigration Company is concern about advancement in production. Therefore, there is a need to choose the best production technique from various mechanisms contained in the literature. This paper evaluates the suitability of The Ford Assembly Line production mechanism to the Quantigration Company.
Minimization of Total Cost of Production
The establishment of anything needs money to be spent, and thus the goal of all engineers is to reduce the costs of production. Selling goods is what keeps the economy flowing, but before goods are sold, they need to be produced (Neil and Josh 23). Production involves the engagement of money to be spent on purchasing resources, labor, and production. The impact of the Henry Ford assembly line on these three factors has drastically altered the working of cost minimization. Between 1908 and 1913, Henry Ford and his company establish an idea on how to improve the assembly line to reduce production costs and hence, lower the cost of the product. This allows for the sale of the products at a reasonable price and hence, an increase in the total sales of the organization-increase in the sale of the automobile. People may think that getting access to large amounts of products for a reduced price is easy, but with the absence of an assembly line, that will not be possible.
To manufacture a given product for sale, one first requires the raw materials to make the product, which implies a must to pay for the expenses needed to source the raw materials, convert them into usable materials and the labor required to do all that (Sonia et al. 67). Throughout this process, the techniques of cost minimization are required to be implemented, and the methods before the assembly line, the ones used during its improvement, and modern-day methods are all that make companies able to manufacture goods at a reduced cost. Before the mainstreamed idea of assembly line, engineers would need to save money using a various methods some of which could have been using more modern machines including the use of steam engine to power a conveyer belt to pull the products out of a mine instead of it being pulled out by workers and using coal in heading instead of the classic bellow to make the fire greater and this meant using fewer employees.
When Henry Ford implemented the assembly line into the factories in his production, he changed the industry's landscape. Now the assembly line had no difference in reducing the costs to get the material, but in a scenario like converting molten steel into sheets of usable metal, instead of having many highly skilled workers working on the entire process, now people only did one particular job. This means that they are not required to be skilled, and doing this also raised the output rate. This brings an implication that money was saved in employing skilled workers and because more metal is produced, more profit is made. In our current society, the assembly line is utilized in various industries right way from farming to electronic industries. Companies require a large number of row materials to be in a position to produce goods that goes into markets with low prices, and this implies that things like the assembly line are import in ensuring that the demand is met (Ford 105). The methods of cost minimization that are used by engineers to source raw materials convert them into usable materials and manpower that was needed prior the notion of the assembly line, the ones utilized during its perfection and modern-day methods are all that makes the companies manufacture building materials at a much-reduced cost.
The Positive and Negative Aspects of the Work of Henry Ford and Frederick W. Taylor in reshaping the Industry and the Society
Henry Ford and Fredrick Taylor were the renowned revolutionaries who alter the labor field in the United States. Through Ford Motors, Henry Ford established the assembly line, which allowed non-skilled workers to work on particular parts of the entire product. Workers were able to assemble a car in 94 minutes. The system was soon established, “Ford’s Assembly Line.” It dramatically reduced the price of automobiles and established the middle class. Soon the richest individuals were not the only ones that could afford the car. Cars were manufactured efficiently and quickly, giving more room for production and improved quality. The products of Ford turn around, and a good working environment caught the eye of a lot of manufacturers, and the system was quickly distributed into other industries. The negative part was that Ford refused union workers. Taylor, who was less known for his changes to society, established scientific measurement and standardization of labor in various countries. He was a business and educated revolutionary that needed to establish efficiency in all industries and present techniques that allowed the worker to produce the best product in the least amount of time. He was most known for his Shovel Study with Bethlehem Steel. Taylor was able to analyze and report the best techniques workers should use to lower costs, production time, and worker injuries (The New York Times). Taylor applied heavy machinery in many of his studies and consulted companies to implement them in their businesses. These machines were often very dangerous and caused several injuries.
In conclusion, the development of mass production has both negative and positive impacts on industry and society. Mass production has ensured efficient and cost-effective production methods. This goes a long way into ensuring that products enter the market at a low price, proving their affordability to the customers. This implies that much of these products will be bought, and thud increases the company’s sales. Moreover, Ford Assembly Line has led to the improvement in working conditions and allow less-skilled individuals to work in the industries. Despite the fact, mass production could lead to injuries, a lot of advantages are drowned from it. Therefore, the Quantigration Company should implement mass production and automation of its business process.
Work Cited
"The Development of Mass Production Has a Dramatic Impact on Industry and Society." Science and Its Times, edited by Neil Schlager and Josh Lauer, vol. 6, Gale, 2001. U.S. History In Context, link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/CV2643450624/UHIC?u=nhc_main&sid=UHIC&xid=ce16a1b6. Accessed 13 July 2018.
"Workers in the Industrial Age." Development of the Industrial U.S. Reference Library, edited by Sonia G. Benson et al., vol. 1: Almanac, UXL, 2006, pp. 117-132. U.S. History In Context, link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/CX3442000019/UHIC?u=nhc_main&sid=UHIC&xid=da3d2f21. Accessed 12 July 2018.
“GIVES $10,000,000 To 26,000 EMPLOYEES: Ford to Run Automobile Plant 24 Hours Daily on ProfitSharing Plan.” The New York Times, 5 Jan. 1914, Special Edition, p. 1, ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times, ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/97572504?accountid=3783. Accessed 18 July 2018. (From the Shapiro Library)
Ford, Henry. "Henry Ford Comments on the Assembly Line." Gale U.S. History in Context, 2015, link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/DHFOSM987208216/UHIC?u=nhc_main&sid=UHIC&xid=e35ecd10. Accessed 12 July 2018. (From the Shapiro Library)

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