11t12tN14 Assignment Print Viorv
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Problem 8-9
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Leaming Objective:08-07 Use the techniques presented to evaluate location altematives.
4. 4.00 points
Problem 8-12 A toy manufacturer produces toys in five locaiions throughor.rt the country. Raw materials (primarily banels of powdered plastic) will be shipped from a nelv, centralized warehouse whose location is to be determined. The monthly quantities to be shipped to each location are the same. A coordinate system has been establisH, and the cmrdinates d ech location have been determined as shown. Determine the coordinates of the centr:alized warchq.se. (Round X and I to 1 decima! place and optimal points to the nearest whole number.)
Location (x,y) A 5,7 B 8,4 c 7,6 D 4,1 E 6,6
E- ,Y- :Thus, locationopiimal at(
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Problem 8-12
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objectrve: 08-07 Use the techniques presented to evaluate locaUon alternatives.
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111121?{.14 ' A*sigrnment PrintMaitr b-1. lf expsted sales at A, B, and C are 20,9@ per month, 22,200 per month, and 23,400 per month,
rcspectively, calculate the profit of the each locations? (Omit the "$" sign in your response.)
Location Monthly Profits A$ B$ C$
b-2. Which location would yield the greatest profits?
Location A Location B Location C
Vjeur_Hint il Worksheet
Problem 8-2
Difficulty:1 Easy
Leaming Objective: 08-07 Use the techniques presented to evaluate location alternaiives.
3. 4.00 points
Problem B-9 Location Score
Factor (100 points each) Weight A B C Convenience .15 87 92 U Parking facilities .20 73 83 93 Display area .18 90 89 96 Shopper traffic .27 90 90 93 Operating costs .10 85 Bg 88 Neighborhood .10 95 87 94
a. Using the above factor ratings, calculate the composite score for each location. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your final answetls to 2 decimal places.)
Location Composite Score A B
b. Determine whieh location altemative (A, B, or C) should be chosen on the basis of maximum composite score.
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1 . 4.00 points
Assignment Print View
Om*a !(asas City $r.r $ 1.4 $eg $+s 9,450 10,875
Problem B-1 A newly formed firm must decide on a plant location, There are two altematives under consideration: locate near the major raw materials or locate near the major customers. Locating near the raw materials will result in lower fixed and variable costs than locating near the market, but the owners believe there would be a loss in sales volume because custom€rs tend to favor local suppiers. Revenue per unit will be $186 in either case.
Annualfixed costs ($ millions; Variable cost per unit Expected annual demand (units)
Using the above information, detennine which locatisr wodd prodr.ce the greater profit. (Omit ttle "$" sign in your response.)
Problem 8-1
Difianlty:1 Easy
Leaming Objedive:0&07 Use the techniques prcsenEd b ewluaE location altemalives.
2. 4.00 points
Prablem B-2 The owner of Genuine Subs, lnc., hopes to expand the present operation by adding one new outlet. She has studied three locations. Each would have the same labr and materials costs (food, serving containers, napkins, etc.) of $1.80 cents per sandwich. Sandwiches sell for $2"57 each in all locations. Rent and equipment costs would be $5,020 per month for lrcation A, $5,500 per month for location B, and $5,780 per month for location C.
a. Determine the volume necessary at each location to realize a rnonthly profit of $10,000. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)
Location A B
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Monthly Volume
(Click to select) v would produce the greater gross profit of S

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