Program analysis using different perspectives
Student's Name
Program Description/ Analysis of a Classical Liberal perspective…………………………
Program Description/ Analysis of a Radical perspective……………………………………
Program Description/ Analysis of a Conservative perspective……………………………..
Program Description/ Analysis of a Mordern Liberal perspective...………………………
Comparisons of four perspectives……………………………………………………………
Assessment and modifications of the perspectives………………………………………….
Program analysis using different perspectives
In a political economy, policies and programs are essential tools that assist in understanding the ongoing struggle for equality and social justice. Although both have an underlying difference, they serve an almost similar purpose. Essentially, understanding the goal of any program or policy can be achieved by analyzing the contending perspectives (Harvey, 2020). This involves the intentional bringing of different perspectives in contrast. They help examine core economic problems or concepts from an orthodox perspective, and others criticize it from a heterodox perspective. The perspectives are essential since both the heterodox and orthodox positions can be examined and reach a consensus.
In the United States, there has been a rise in spending on prescription drugs, which has led to the introduction of a Build Better Program. One proposal is driving down the cost of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate with drugmakers over price; starting in 2025-ten drugs (plus insulin) would be on the table the first year, growing to 20 by 2028 (The White House, 2021). Although members of Congress have accepted the proposal, there is a need to analyze it using the different contending perspectives. This paper explores the proposal using the Classical Liberal, The radical, the Conservative Perspective, and the Modern Liberal Perspective. Individuals have the right to pursue their happiness, and proponents of the different political economy perspectives should work hand-in-hand to promote human development within society.
Analysis by Perspective
The Classical Liberal
The political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism emphasize securing citizens' freedom by limiting government power. Today, the proponents hold various thoughts and Perspectives, one being Neo-Austrian economics (Clark, 2016). Essentially, the program's main aim is to reduce the overall cost of prescription drugs. From the Perspective of Neo-Austrians, humans are self-interested. They can act autonomously by utilizing their capacity to discover an efficient means of satisfying their desires and basic needs (Harvey, 2020). Also, the government is created by the people to protect their natural rights. At the same time, justice requires safeguarding the people's rights established by the constitution, where a heavy punishment follows for those who violate other people's rights.
The ideal program has different elements, which the Classical Liberal proponents would have different views. For instance, allowing the government to negotiate the drug prices with the manufacturers, requiring inflation rebates to limit the increase in drug prices, and capping out-of-pocket spending for the enrollees would be highly supported. People created the government to protect themselves from one another. The elements address the underlying problems and do not require any modification since it tends to cover all the principles of the Perspective (Hao, 2017). Thus, negotiating with the drug manufacturers would be a way of protecting individuals from one another.
The Radical Perspective
From the principles of radicalism, humans have needs and a reasoning capacity, despite their behavior and consciousness being affected by their natural and social environments. Also, society precedes the individuals, and a good one encourages personal development and social relations based on mutual respect (Prasetyo et al., 2020). The government represents citizens' interests and thus permits citizens to do tasks that they cannot necessarily accomplish as individuals (Clark, 2016). For efficiency, social resources have to be used to maximize society's goals, including justice, prosperity, and human development.
The institutional economics theory does not entirely fit in this Perspective. According to institutionalism, there lacks proper balance between the government and the market, although they still emphasize community and equality as the Perspective does (Acs et al., 2018). Also, they go against the neoclassical assumptions of perfect competition and rational consumers- they disguise the inefficiency and power relations of real-world capitalism.
The government is a representation of the citizens. Therefore, the program fits in the Perspective since it proposes the government negotiate the costs of prescription drugs (Valentinov, 2021). The program also seeks to control out-of-pocket spending, proving that individuals come before a society-it ensures a good society and thus encourages human development.
The Conservative Perspective
Proponents of the conservative Perspective believe that human beings are driven by strong passions directed toward good or evil. Thus, some people have more extraordinary powers than others. Also, they believe that society is an organic structure with its own quality, which determines the behaviors and interests of the individuals (Harvey, 2020). The government's role is to maintain the order of the society and have a role of nurturing institutions such as hospitals, churches, neighborhoods to ensure a social context for individuals' development.
Moreover, authority is legal when it resides with people who play essential roles in knowledge and are wise of virtue and truth. Under this Perspective, the social conservatism theory fits in. For instance, it points towards greater decentralization, equality, power accountability, and human development priority over profit (Harnish et al., 2018). Recent studies show a close link between ideological attitudes such as moral foundations, social dominance, and religious dominance and various conservatism such as economic, social, and foreign policy conservatism. Since society encourages personal development, parenthood assists in influencing the motivation, morals, and social conservatism of an individual (Kerry et al., 2018). Similarly, social conservatism tends to be strong when linked with intuitive thinking, especially in weird societies. This fit that the society precedes the individuals.
The proponents of the Perspective would agree with some elements of the program. Since the main aim of the program is to ensure a reduction in the cost of the prescription drugs, they would agree that the government, through Medicare, should have a conversation with the drug manufacturers to ensure reduced cost since they serve as a representation of the citizens- it is their duty to negotiate the price reduction since individual citizens would not necessarily do on their own (Yilmaz et al., 2019). Although they would agree that the program serves the right purpose, there are some elements that they would consider unfit. For instance, eliminating cot sharing would undermine human development since it would increase net costs to Medicare. This would later lead to an increase in government expenditures to cover out-of-pocket costs. Also, it would lead to additional costs due to a rise in vaccine uptake. Therefore, attempts to eliminate cost-sharing would lead to a reduction in efficiency caused by heavy use of health services, encouraging cost-effective or cheaper cost of care services (The White House, 2021). For the program to fit in the principles of the liberal Perspective, ensuring cost-sharing would be the best strategy-it would assist in eliminating any discrimination in the society, thereby enhancing equity and efficiency.
The Modern Liberal Perspective
The proponents of this Perspective believe that the overall national prosperity requires the government to manage the macroeconomic to lower the level of unemployment and inflation and keep growth high (Clark, 2016). Also, the government's role is to remove all obstacles that may lead to blockage of individuals' freedom. According to the proponents, humans have rational choices, although the social environment shapes their goals. Also, the society is individuals' aggregation, who have collective and private interests (Harvey, 2020). People hold subjective and relative values, while authority only exists when power is exercised in the interests of the public members. Similarly, equality under the law and equality of opportunity are essential components of ensuring social equality. However, both equality is constantly jeopardized by income and wealth inequality.
The behavioral economics theory fits with the Perspective. For instance, individuals do not carefully calculate the benefits and costs associated with making a given decision. This may make some of them have conflicting desires or lack self-control, and make unconnected choices with long-term goals (Grayot, 2020). As a result, it proves that human beings hold rational decisions that are determined by the environmental shape.
The proponents would support the program since it would solve the problem of inflation. One of the elements of the program is requiring inflation rebates to limit the increase in drug prices per year in both private and Medicare insurance, which they would highly support (Leeson, 2019). Also, negotiating the prices of the highly-sold drugs would assist in ensuring equality and improving the standard of living in society. Moreover, the negotiation to lower prices would be a way of exercising authority in the public interests.
Comparison of Perspectives
Proponents of the various perspectives hold different beliefs related to the market economy. From each perspective's analysis on how they would treat the proposed program, there are multiple instances where some proponents match. However, there are instances where there lies a significant difference for the four categories regarding views on the program. Essentially, perspectives are roadmaps and cannot be termed specific directions (Harvey, 2020). In most cases, people in the same Perspective do not always agree, since the same belief may be applied in different ways, resulting in different positions or answers. Similarly, people from different perspectives do not disagree all the time. It is possible to have different assumptions that lead to the same policy or answer, despite having various reasons.
All perspectives support the need to have a good society that supports human development. For instance, they all propose the government's need to negotiate with the responsible bodies to ensure the lowered cost of prescription drugs. With regard to the program, the various perspectives have similarities in terms of the rate of increase of prices and the solution toward solving the problem. For instance, they all seem to support the proposal since it seeks to limit the increase in drug prices per year in private and Medicare insurance by inflation rebating.
Although all proponents seem to support the proposal, modification creates some differences. This follows the idea that not all want a modification, while others perceive equality differently. Also, the various perspectives do not agree on the need to limit the cost-sharing for the insurance and Medicare enrollees-some proponents agree that cost-sharing would be the best. In contrast, others perceive it as a way of widespread health care inequalities and, therefore, the need to eliminate it.
Analysis of Possibility for Consensus
Consensus refers to a creative and dynamic way of reaching an agreement between or among various groups. Instead of voting, a sense of peace would be the best method to finding solutions that every proponent would support and live with. Undoubtedly, reaching a consensus would mean reaching a decision that does not go against the will of some individuals or the minority group involved (Harvey, 2020). From the Perspective of passing the proposal, reaching a consensus would be the best to avoid blocking and preventing it from going ahead. Thus, the overall group of four members has to work hard at finding solutions that address the concern of everyone without overruling or ignoring the opinions of the minority group.
From the analysis, it is possible to have a consensus between the proponents of the various perspectives. Most of them agree on the idea of the government playing its role of making orders in charge of citizens. Therefore, all members would reach a consensus and propose on government, through Medicare, to have a conversation with the drug manufacturers and lower the overall cost of prescription drugs. In efforts to make the proposal perfect and fit in all categories, it would be advisable to modify the element, "the policy seeks to limit insulin cost-sharing for private and Medicare users, eliminating cost-sharing for an adult vaccine." By encouraging cost-sharing, it would perpetuate health inequalities.
There is a need for all proponents to reach a consensus and work together towards voting for proposals and programs that support human development. Contending perspectives in the political economy plays an essential role by assisting a more straightforward analysis of a policy or a program before voting for it. The program under review is the need of the government to negotiate with the prescription drugs manufacturers to lower the costs. From the various perspectives, the classical liberal proponents would agree with the proposal and emphasize the need to secure citizens' freedom by reducing the cost and limiting the government power. Also, it would be a way of protecting individuals from one another. From the Perspective of radicalism, the government is a representation of citizens' interests and should therefore accomplish tasks that individuals cannot do on their own. They would support the policy since it fights for citizens' demands from this perspective. Similarly, the conservative perspective proponents would agree with the proposal's elements since they support the government's The Modern Liberal Perspective proponents would partly support the proposal, but their perspectives would disagree with it. For instance, they oppose cost-sharing since it is challenging to attain equality when people have unequal incomes and wealth. Essentially, members of the various perspectives would easily reach a consensus since they all support the role of the government as acting as citizens' representatives and making orders that favor every person, including the minority group. However, some elements of the program would need modification, such as cost-sharing. The existing inequality cannot favor this element and would require a modification that supports the passing of the proposal while ensuring equality to all members.
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Module 07 Assignment – Sensory Perception Disorder
Care Map
Purpose of the Assignment
1. Identify the importance of client compliance with a treatment regimen to prevent a permanent disability.
2. Describe the purpose of the treatment regimen in preventing complications of the disease process.
Course Competency
· Strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients experiencing sensory and perception disorders.
Ms. Julia Williams, a 68-year old African American woman, has just been diagnosed with primary open-angle glaucoma. Her ophthalmologist has explained the pathophysiology of the disease to her and is trying to select the best treatment option for her. You are the nurse working with the ophthalmologist, and Ms. Jones has asked you about the eye drops the doctor has recommended. Mrs. Jones's physician has recommended Combigan, one drop in the right eye every 12 hours. Your client has never administered eye drops and she does not know anything about the medication her ophthalmologist has prescribed. She is interested in how the medication works, the side effects, how it is administered, and why it is so important in the treatment of her glaucoma.
Develop a nursing care plan using template directly after these instructions to address Ms. Williams concerns.
For this assignment, include the following: assessment and data collection (including disease process, common labwork/diagnostics, subjective, objective, and health history data), three NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis, one SMART goal for each nursing diagnosis, and two nursing interventions with rationale for each SMART goal for a client with a musculoskeletal disorder.
Use at least two scholarly sources to support your care map. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.
Check out the following link for information about writing SMART goals and to see examples:
You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:
Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:
Assessment and Data Collection |
Three NANDA-I Approved
*Risk: Nursing diagnosis____Related to_____ *Actual: Nursing diagnosis____Related to____ as evidenced by ONE SENTENCE Nursing Diagnosis |
One Smart Goal for EACH Nursing Diagnosis *Specific and measurable with a timeline. Find from the nursing diagnosis book (under client or expected outcomes section) and individualize to your patient-ONE SENTENCE |
Two Nursing Interventions with Rationale for EACH Nursing Diagnosis *From nursing diagnosis book under interventions section. Choose 2 and individualize to patient. Cite these interventions. |
Disease Process:
Common Labwork/Diagnostics:
Assessment Data (consider subjective, objective, and heath history):
Nursing Diagnosis:
Nursing Diagnosis:
Nursing Diagnosis |
SMART Goal: |
Module 07 Assignment – Sensory Perception Disorder Care Map Rubric
Total Assessment Points - 65
Levels of Achievement |
Criteria |
Emerging |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Assessment / Data Collection (10 Pts) |
Lacks basic factors of the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data. Failure to submit Assessment/Data Collection will result in zero points for this criterion. |
Briefly identifies the factors including the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data. |
Clearly identifies the factors including the disease process, common labs, and diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data. |
Thoroughly identifies all factors including the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data with a deep understanding. |
Points - 7 |
Points - 8 |
Points - 9 |
Points - 10 |
Nursing Diagnosis (should fit the data) (10 Pts) |
Nursing diagnoses are insufficient and/or do not fit the data. Failure to submit Nursing Diagnosis will result in zero points for this criterion. |
Writes ONE NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data. |
Writes TWO NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data. |
Writes THREE NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data. |
Points – 7 |
Points – 8 |
Points - 9 |
Points - 10 |
SMART Goal (should reflect the diagnosis and follow guidelines) (15 Pts) |
The goals meet few SMART goal guidelines and/or are not related to the nursing diagnoses. Failure to submit SMART goals will result in zero points for this criterion. |
Writes ONE goal for ONE nursing diagnosis and the goal meets all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnosis. |
Writes ONE goal for TWO nursing diagnoses and the goals meet all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnoses. |
Writes ONE goal for THREE nursing diagnoses and the goals meet all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnoses. |
Points – 11 |
Points - 12 |
Points - 13 |
Points – 15 |
Interventions and Rationale (20 Pts) |
Lacks appropriate interventions and rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem. Failure to submit Interventions and Rationale will result in zero points for this criterion. |
Writes 3 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references. |
Writes 5 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references. |
Writes more than 5 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references. |
Points – 15 |
Points - 16 |
Points – 18 |
Points –20 |
APA Citation (5 Pts) |
APA in-text citations and references are missing. |
Attempted to use APA in-text citations and references. |
APA in-text citations and references are used with few errors. |
APA in-text citations and references are used correctly. |
Points- 2 |
Points- 3 |
Points- 4 |
Points- 5 |
Spelling and Grammar (5 Pts) |
Numerous spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience's ability to comprehend material. |
Some spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience's ability to comprehend material. |
Few spelling and grammar errors. |
Minimal to no spelling and grammar errors. |
Points- 2 |
Points- 3 |
Points- 4 |
Points- 5 |

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